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Guideline for The Economist Blog Dear all, Welcome for joining the MSc in Finance Program from

the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Starting this year, we would require all new students who would like to take the Economic Practice for Finance class (FINA 6282) to write blog regarding the magazine, The Economist. This is a compulsory assignment and here is a few guidelines regarding the blog and the weekly assignments. If you have no interest in taking the course, then you can disregard the following. First, you will have to register for a blog. You can use any blog site that is available. However, your screen name must be your real name plus the last 4 digit of your CUHK ID number. If you don't have your CUHK ID number yet, you can use the last 4 digit of your application number. For example, if my name is Kelvin Lam and my CUHK number is 1255009876 and my application number is 8908777, then I can use the screen name as Kelvinlam9876 OR Kelvinlam8777 Once you have your blog site ready, you should send the web address to Mr. Henry Woo ( You must submit your blog site and the corresponding information to our tutor before 06 Feb, 2012. If you do not want your blog to be seen by people outside of CUHK, you should set your blog private but you will then have to send your password to our tutor and we will distribute your blog and password together to the rest of the class. Second, you should subscribe to the magazine, The Economist ( The magazine has both the hard copy version and the online version. For those who subscribe the hard copy version, you should be able to access the online version too. Third, starting at the week of 13 Feb, 2012 to 24 Jun, 2012, every Monday, our tutor will post a question along with the issue of the magazine and the corresponding pages of the journal on the following blog ( You will response to that question by writing a 1000 2000 word essay in your own blog. You must also put the title of the journal and the question for each submission. The deadline for submission is before 21:00 of the coming Sunday. For example, on 13 Feb, 2012,

the first question will be posted on the blog above and you should submit your own writing on or before 21:00, 19 Feb, 2012. NO LATE ASSIGNMENT. If in any situation you are not able to submit your assignment, the grade for that assignment would be considered as failed. Similarly for the rest of the weeks. If in case of public holiday, the question will be posted on the day after the public holiday. If you have problems reaching the blog site, you can email the tutor. Forth, depending on the nature of the question, students will have to provide a statement, or an argument regarding the question. Imagine you are writing to your boss, who knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about your topic but you will have convince your boss that your argument is correct. Our tutor will grade based on the content, grammar and the validity of your argument. After finish grading, our tutor will provide you a grade and comment on your blog. You should read them carefully and hope that you can improve. Fifth, this assignment contributes NOTHING to your final grade of FINA 6282 but you must achieve a minimum average grade of B- to attend FINA 6282. The top 5 students will receive a scholarship. Should you have any further questions, you can send email to Kelvin Lam ( for more information. Cheers, Kelvin

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