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WiMAX - An Introduction

N. Srinath [CS07M035] Department of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Abstract WiMAX is an emerging technology for broadband wireless access. It oers both xed and mobile broadband wireless Internet access. It promises very high data rates, high reliability, good eciency and low cost. WiMAX enjoys strong industry support and standardization. Because of its low cost, WiMAX can be used to provide broadband Internet access to suburban and rural areas and thus bridge the digital divide. This report is intended as an elementary technical introduction to this new and promising technology.

Keywords: WiMAX, IEEE 802.16


WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) standards dene formal specications for deployment of broadband wireless metropolitan area networks (wireless MANs). Wireless MANs as dened in WiMAX standards provide wireless broadband access anywhere, anytime, and on virtually any device. It is an access technology that promises high data rates and wide coverage at low cost. It allows accessing broadband Internet even while moving at vehicular speeds of upto 125 kmph. WiMAX has been dubbed WiFi on Steroids and Great Wireless Hope. [1, 2] WiMAX provides an impressive set of features like coverage radius of upto 50 km, data rates of upto 70 Mbps, ability to work in both licensed and license-exempt spectra and high spectral eciency. In addition to this, WiMAX standards enjoy wide support from the industry, which is very crucial for the success of any technology. To achieve high throughput, high reliability and very good eciency, several mechanisms are built into the physical and MAC layers of WiMAX. Also, quality of service (QoS) concepts and security mechanisms are built into WiMAX standards from the very beginning. All these ensure that WiMAX is technically geared for an impressive performance. This technical report is intended as an elementary introduction to WiMAX technology. The remainder of this report is organized as follows. Section 2 provides the denitions and background necessary for understanding the rest of the report. IEEE 802.16 and WiMAX are introduced in section 3. This section also explains how WiMAX works and what features and advantages that this technology has to oer. Section 4 explains the physical and MAC layers of WiMAX in detail. Section 5 deals with extending WiMAX networks with relay stations to improve coverage and enhance throughput. We conclude this report in section 6.


A channel is a division in a transmission medium so that it can be used to send multiple streams of information. For example, a radio station may broadcast at 91.1 MHz while another radio station may broadcast at 91.9 MHz. In this case, the medium has been divided

into multiple frequencies and each radio station is allocated a separate frequency for its broadcast. This is known as Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM). Alternatively, we can allocate each channel a repeating segment of time to broadcast on. This is known as Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). Both TDM and FDM are used in digital communication. Access network is that portion of the network between the customer premise and the network operators (usually nearest-) point of presence. It is also referred to as the last mile or the local loop. Internet access refers to the means by which users connect to the Internet to access any of the applications that are based on Internet. Common methods of Internet access for residential use are dial-up, DSL and cable modem. Broadband Internet access, often shortened to just broadband, is high-speed Internet access. OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), in its 2006 OECD Broadband Statistics report, denes broadband as download speeds of greater than or equal to 256 kbits/s . US FCC denes broadband as download speeds of greater than 768 kbits/s [3]. When broadband Internet access is through the wireless medium, it is referred to as Broadband Wireless Access (BWA). Communication made possible when the transmitter and receiver(s) are placed on highrise towers so as to avoid all physical obstacles (like trees and buildings) between them, is called line-of-sight (LOS) communication. Where LOS communication is not possible (e.g. when transmitters/receivers are devices inside a home), signals transmitted from the receiver undergo attenuation and multipath distortion (after bouncing o trees and buildings). This type of communication is called non line-of-sight (NLOS) communication. When the communication is between one sender and one receiver, it is called point-to-point (PTP) telecommunications. When the communication is between one sender and multiple receivers, it is called point-to-multipoint (PMP) telecommunications. Broadcast and multicast are examples of PMP communication.


In the mid 1990s, in the United States of America, private operators started oering wireless broadband Internet to their customers based on proprietary technologies. These eorts consolidated into two main technologies, namely Local Multipoint Distribution System (LMDS) and Multi-channel Multipoint Distribution System (MMDS). However, there was no standardization as a result of which two systems (e.g. transmitters and receivers) bought from two dierent vendors were not guaranteed to interoperate. Also, because of lack of standardization, these equipments could not be mass produced. This added to the cost of these systems that eventually the subscribers of these services had to pay [4]. In an eort to standardize the technology, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), in 1998, setup IEEE 802.16, IEEEs working group on Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) standards. IEEE 802.16 standards dene formal specications for deployment of broadband wireless metropolitan area networks (wireless MANs). The wireless MAN as dened in IEEE 802.16 provides wireless broadband access anywhere, anytime, and on virtually any device. It is an access technology that promises high data rates and wide coverage at low cost. It also provides mobile broadband access. To promote compatibility and interoperability between IEEE 802.16-based BWA systems, WiMAX Forum R , an industry-led not-for-prot consortium, dened WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access). WiMAX is a proper subset of IEEE 802.16 standards. WiMAX has been dubbed WiFi on Steroids and Great Wireless Hope. [1, 2]. The terms IEEE 802.16 and WiMAX are used interchangeably in this paper, even though they are not exactly the same as noted above. There are many challenges that need to be overcome for successful deployment of WiMAX networks. WiMAX is considered a disruptive technology as it has the potential to alter the

current telecommunication landscape. Also, WiMAX could face sti competition from 3G technologies such as 3GPP and 3GPP2, and from metropolitan-scale deployments of WiFi networks [2]. In its simplest form, a WiMAX network consists of a WiMAX base station and multiple WiMAX subscriber stations (xed or mobile). Figure 1 (adapted from [5]) illustrates how WiMAX works using one xed subscriber (shown as house) and one mobile subscriber (shown as passenger in a car). WiMAX base station is mounted on a tower. WiMAX subscriber station is a WiMAX customer premise equipment (CPE) that is located inside the house. WiMAX base station on the tower communicates wirelessly with the WiMAX subscriber station located inside the house. WiMAX base station on the tower is physically wired to the Internet service providers (ISP) network through ber optic cables. At the ISP network terminus, data aggregated from all base stations are sent to the Internet backbone through high-speed high-capacity thick ber-optic cables.

Figure 1: Illustration of How WiMAX Works


WiMAX Features

Table 1 lists the more important features of WiMAX from operation point of view. The 70 Mbps data rate that WiMAX provides could be shared among multiple subscribers. Even though IEEE 802.16 standards allow all frequencies between 1 and 66 GHz, WiMAX standards, to promote compatibility and interoperability between devices manufactured by dierent vendors, restrict spectrum usage to the the frequency ranges mentioned in table 1. Fixed and mobile access types are same as the ones depicted in gure 1. In nomadic/portable access, as against xed and mobile access types, a subscriber can move from one place to another (like a nomad) but his/her WiMAX access will be from one location. That is, a subscriber is associated with a particular base station for each Internet access session, but each Internet access session could be from a dierent location. The point-to-multipoint (PMP) operation mode is used for communication between a base station and multiple subscriber stations, point-to-point (PTP) operation mode is used for communication between two base stations (for backhaul purposes). In the mesh mode of operation, subscriber stations connect to each other to form a mesh topology. This is useful 3

when a particular subscriber station is not in the vicinity of a base station (or a relay station) but can reach a base station through another subscriber station. In multihop mode, as against the mesh mode, a subscriber station can reach a base station through multiple hops consisting of only relay stations and base station. Relay stations are used to extend network coverage and improve system throughput.

Range Data Rate Spectrum Access Types Modes of operation Channel Size Spectral Eciency

Table 1: WiMAX Features Value

50 km (LOS), 6-8 km (NLOS) 70 Mbps (shared) 2.3 - 2.7 GHz, 3.4 - 3.6 GHz, 5.8 GHz (unlicensed) Fixed, nomadic/portable, mobile Point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, mesh mode, multihop mode 1.5 MHz to 20 MHz (exible) 3.7 (bit/s)/Hz (for 802.16-2004)


WiMAX Forum

WiMAX Forum R is an industry-led not-for-prot organization formed to certify and promote compatibility and interoperability of broadband wireless products that are based on IEEE 802.16 standards. One of the main goals of WiMAX Forum is to accelerate the introduction of these systems into the marketplace. WiMAX Forum CertiedTM products are fully interoperable and support broadband xed, portable and mobile services. Along these lines, WiMAX Forum works closely with service providers and regulators to ensure that WiMAX Forum Certied systems meet customer and government requirements [6]. 3.2.1 Industry Support for WiMAX

As on November 2008, WiMAX Forum has more than 522 member companies comprising the majority of operators, component and equipment manufacturers in the telecommunications market space. Some of the more prominent members of WiMAX Forum are - Intel, Cisco, Nokia, AT&T, Microsoft, Google, Motorola, Texas Instruments, Siemens, Ericsson, Sony, Nortel, LG Electronics, Sprint, and VeriSign.


Advantages of WiMAX

The following are some of the main benets of using WiMAX technology: 1. WiMAX provides broadband speeds for voice, data, and video applications 2. WiMAX provides wide coverage, high capacity at low cost 3. WiMAX is standards-based. WiMAX products cost less due to economy of scale and interoperable equipments made possible by standards 4. WiMAX enjoys a wide industry support 5. WiMAX being a wireless technology, costs less because there is no need for service providers to purchase rights-of-way, dig trenches and lay cables. 6. WiMAX can be used for backhaul connectivity, xed and mobile broadband Internet access for data and voice using VoIP (Voice-over-IP) technology. 7. Because WiMAX is based on wireless technology, and because it is cost-eective, it is easier to extend broadband Internet access to suburban and rural areas. This helps in bringing wireless broadband to the masses and to bridge the digital divide that exists especially in developing and underdeveloped countries.


In this section we will look at the technical details of the physical and MAC layers in WiMAX. We will also look at the quality of service (QoS) and security aspects of WiMAX. As students 4

of Computer Science, we are more interested in MAC layer mechanisms than physical layer details. Accordingly, we will take a look at the physical layer techniques only after we look at the MAC layer functionalities in more detail.


Scope of WiMAX Specications

WiMAX, being an access technology, denes specications only for the following layers of the network protocol stack: Physical layer Media Access Control (MAC) part of data link layer


MAC Layer in WiMAX

WiMAX denes the concept of a service ow. A service ow is a unidirectional ow of packets with a particular set of quality of service (QoS) parameters. A service ow is identied by a 32-bit service ow identier (SFID). WiMAX is a connection-oriented protocol. Therefore, all services, including connectionless services, are mapped to a connection. This connection-oriented scheme provides a means for handling bandwidth requests and allocation, associating trac and QoS parameters with service ows, etc. A connection is identied by a 16-bit connection identier (CID). WiMAX specication divides the MAC layer into three sub layers [7] (see gure 2). These are: Service Specic Convergence Sublayer (CS) interfaces with higher layers, converts higher layer packets into MAC layer Service Data Units (SDUs) and maps higher-level transmission parameters to MAC level service ow and connection parameters. The standard denes an extendable interface so as to provide one service-specic convergence sublayer for each type of network. Currently, the standard denes two convergence sublayers - ATM convergence sublayer (for ATM networks) and packet convergence sublayer (for TCP/IP-like networks). MAC Common Part Sublayer (MAC CPS) implements common MAC functionalities like link initialization, admission control, controlling channel access, transmission scheduling, quality of service, fragmentation, error control and retransmission. Security Sublayer provides security through authentication, key management and encryption. This layer provides secure key distribution. X.509 standard is used for certicate-based identication of nodes.

Figure 2: WiMAX Physical and MAC Layers


Details of Channel Access

Uplink and Downlink Transmissions Transmission from base station to subscriber stations is called downlink transmission and transmission from subscriber station to base station is called uplink transmission. Uplink uses Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) for arbitrating channel access between competing users. Downlink uses Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). Duplexing Since in a wireless medium two parties communicating cannot talk at the same time, some mechanism is required to arbitrate channel access between base station and subscriber stations. This is done by a technique called duplexing (analogue of multiplexing, with multiplicity equal to two - just the base station and subscriber stations). There are two ways to duplex Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) and Time Division Duplex (TDD). TDD and FDD In Time Division Duplexing (TDD), a frame is divided into an uplink subframe and a downlink subframe as shown in gure 3 [8] . Base station to subscriber station transmission happens in the downlink subframe and subscriber station to base station transmission happens in the uplink subframe. This division of a frame into downlink and uplink sub-frames can be dynamic and can be adapted to transmission load in either direction. In Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD), the uplink and downlink transmissions happen on separate carrier frequencies and the division between uplink and downlink is static [8].

Figure 3: Time Division Duplexing Frame Structure In downlink transmission, base station broadcasts data packets to all subscriber stations and each subscriber station picks up packets destined to it. For uplink transmission, the base station determines the duration that each subscriber station will be allowed to transmit in the uplink subframe. This information is broadcast to all subscriber stations using the uplink map (UL MAP) message at the start of each frame. 4.2.2 Connection Setup

A simplied illustration of the steps involved in setting up a connection between a subscriber station and a base station is shown in gure 4 [9].


Transmission Phases

Transmission between a subscriber station and a base station is divided into three phases [10, 11] : 1. Initial maintenance opportunities this is the period when a subscriber station, on startup, starts to connect to a base station. An example of an operation that happens during this period is ranging which is a process to determine network delay and to request power level changes or downlink burst prole changes.

Figure 4: Steps in setting up a connection between a subscriber station and base station 2. Bandwidth request opportunities subscriber stations request bandwidth in response to polling from base station. 3. Data grant periods subscriber stations transmit data bursts in the intervals granted by base station. 4.2.4 WiMAX Frame Structure

Because of the amount and complexity of details involved and also because of page limit restrictions of this technical report, details of WiMAX frame structure are not presented here. The interested reader is referred to [10, 11] for information on this topic. 4.2.5 QoS Classes

WiMAX standard denes ve quality of service (QoS) classes. Any application that requires quality of service has to choose among these ve QoS classes, depending on the characteristics of typical trac generated by the application. For example, an application whose trac characteristics are xed-size data packets generated at a constant bit rate should choose realtime polling services (rtPS) as its QoS class. Table 2 lists the dierent QoS classes supported in WiMAX along with the trac characteristics of applications for which that particular QoS is most suited and the dierent QoS parameters available to specify ne-grained QoS requirements [8, 10, 11]. While the standard denes these QoS classes, details of scheduling and reservation management are left unstandardized for vendors to dierentiate their product [10, 11]. 4.2.6 Connections for MAC Layer Management

For each direction of communication, three management connections are established between base station and subscriber stations. These connections are Basic connection (for initial registration and for MAC management messages with short-delay requirement), Primary management connection (for exchanging longer and/or delay-tolerant MAC management messages), and Secondary management connections (for delay-tolerant, standards-based (e.g. SNMP) management messages) [8, 10, 11]. Some of the examples of MAC management messages are ranging process message (for determining proximity of subscriber station to the base station, to determine transmission power and burst-prole to use), bandwidth request message (for allowing subscribers stations to request bandwidth allocation from base station), Downlink Channel Descriptor (DCD),

QoS Class Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS) Real-Time Polling Service (rtPS) Non-RealTime Polling Service (nrtPS) Best-Eort service (BE) Extended Real-Time Variable Rate service (ERT-VR)

Table 2: WiMAX QoS Classes Trac Character- Example Ap- QoS Parameters istics plications
xed-size data packets at a constant bit rate (CBR) real-time, variable-size data packets VoIP without silence suppression streaming audio and video maximum sustained trac rate, maximum latency, tolerated jitter and request/transmission policy minimum reserved trac rate, maximum sustained trac rate, maximum latency and request/transmission policy minimum reserved trac rate, maximum sustained trac rate, trac priority and request/transmission policy maximum sustained trac rate

delay-tolerant applications that require variable-size data grants at a minimum guaranteed rate applications that do not require minimum service-level guarantee real-time applications that have variable data rates but require guaranteed data rate and delay


world wide web browsing VoIP with silence suppression

minimum reserved rate, maximum sustained rate, maximum latency tolerance, jitter tolerance and trafc priority

Uplink Channel Description (UCD), Downlink map (DL MAP), and Uplink Map (UL Map). The interested reader is referred to [8, 10, 11] for details of these messages.


WiMAX Phyical Layer

IEEE 802.16 technical specications (and so, WiMAX specications) have evolved through multiple generations. The most important generations are listed below [7]: IEEE 802.16 dened in 2001, operates in microwave frequencies (10-66 GHz), provides high data rates, uses more electrical power and supports PTP and LOS operation modes for xed subscriber stations only. IEEE 802.16-2004 dened in 2004, operates in 2-11 GHz as well as the original 10-66 GHz bands, provides medium data rates and supports PTP and PMP operation modes for xed subscribers only. Both LOS and NLOS communication are supported. IEEE 802.16-2005 dened in 2005, provides low to medium data rates and supports PTP and PMP operation modes for both xed and mobile subscriber stations. An air interface of a mobile wireless standard denes the interoperability protocol between the subscriber terminal and the base station. The physical layer in WiMAX supports the following four air interfaces [7]: 1. WirelessMAN-SC (single carrier) single-carrier modulation, for line-of-sight communication 2. WirelessMAN-SCa (single carrier) single-carrier modulation, for non line-of-sight communication 3. WirelessMAN-OFDM (256 carriers) OFDM modulation using a 256-point fast fourier transform (FFT) with TDMA channel access, for non line-of-sight communication 4. WirelessMAN-OFDMA (2048 carriers) OFDM modulation using a 2048-point FFT, for non line-of-sight communication. Multiple access is provided by allocating a subset of carriers to individual receivers. WirelessMAN-SC uses xed channels of size 20, 25 or 28 MHz, and provides aggregate data rates in the range 36 to 135 Mbps. For WirelessMAN-SCa, WirelessMAN-OFDM and WirelessMAN-OFDMA, channel sizes are not xed and the available bandwidth will vary 8

depending on the frequency band used [7]. These air interfaces provide data rates of upto 70 Mbps. WiMAX uses several techniques at the physical layer to achieve high throughput, high reliability and good eciency. Some of these techniques are Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO), beamforming, spacetime coding, spatial multiplexing, dynamic frequency selection, adaptive antenna systems, Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ), payload header suppression, adaptive modulation and coding, Forward Error Correction (FEC) using Reed-Solomon, Viterbi and LDPC codes. The interested reader is referred to [12, 13, 14, 15] for information on these topics. As noted above, the physical layer in WiMAX includes several modulation and forward error correction (FEC) mechanisms to cope up with variation in radio link quality. All the air interfaces listed above support QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM modulation schemes. WirelessMAN-SC, in addition, supports BPSK and 256-QAM modulation schemes. WiMAX denes the concept of a burst prole. A burst prole indicates the modulation scheme and the forward error correction mechanism used. Each connection is associated with a burst prole. Depending on channel conditions, the burst prole associated with a connection is dynamically changed. For example, during periods of favorable channel conditions, a burst prole consisting of a modulation scheme that provides high data rates (like 256-QAM, 64-QAM, 16-QAM and QPSK) and FEC mechanisms that use low redundancy are used, and during period of less-favorable channel conditions, a burst prole consisting of a modulation scheme that provides low data rates (like BPSK) and FEC mechanisms that use high redundancy are used. These changes are eected dynamically by sensing the channel conditions.


In cities with very large number of high-rise buildings, WiMAX signals from a xed subscriber or a mobile subscriber may not reach the base station due to obstructions caused by these buildings. One naive solution to this problem is to increase the number of base stations so that the probability of a subscriber being obstructed by buildings is very less. However, due to the cost of WiMAX base stations, this could be prohibitively costly. An alternate solution is to use WiMAX relay stations. WiMAX relay stations are low-cost counterparts of WiMAX base stations. They implement minimal functionality necessary for relaying signals between subscriber stations and base station. IEEE has dedicated IEEE 802.16j working group to evolve specications for WiMAX networks with mobile multihop relays. With relay stations, in a situation where signals from a subscriber cannot reach the base station, the xed subscriber station or the mobile subscriber station can connect to a relay station if one is available. Signals from the subscriber station could then take multiple hops to the base station through one ore more relay stations thereby improving the range of network coverage. A simulation study has shown that compared to a no-relay scenario (only base station), in a cell with 1 km radius, 5 relays can be used to extend the cell-radius by 20% but with a mean throughput reduction of 11%, and 7 relays can be used to extend the cell radius by 60% but with a mean throughput reduction of 36% [16]. Another important advantage of relay stations is that they can be used to enhance the throughput of the network. A simulation study has shown that three relay stations can improve the median throughput by upto 25% and mean throughput by upto 15% in a typical 1 km sector [16].


WiMAX has generated a tremendous amount of interest within the networking community in the last few years. To achieve high throughput, high reliability and very good eciency, several mechanisms are built into the physical and MAC layers of WiMAX. QoS specications 9

and security mechanisms are built into the standard from the very beginning. WiMAX enjoys strong industry support, standardization and WiMAX Forums eorts to make WiMAX products interoperable. Even though it could face sti competition from 3G technologies and metropolitan-scale deployments of WiFi networks, WiMAX seems to have the necessary technical capabilities and industry support to be a success. WiMAX has the potential to alter the way we look at communication technologies and broadband wireless technology in particular. Due to its low cost, WiMAX also has the potential to herald a technological revolution that brings broadband Internet to the masses.

[1] N. Gupta and G. Kaur, WiMAX: Applications, ser. The WiMAX Handbook, S. Ahson and M. Ilyas, Eds. CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), 2008, ch. 3: WiMAX Technology for Broadband Wireless Communication, pp. 35 54, ISBN 9781420045474. [2] K. Santhi, G. S. Kumaran, and A. Butare, WiMAX: Applications, ser. The WiMAX Handbook, S. Ahson and M. Ilyas, Eds. CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), 2008, ch. 6: WiMAX Enables Cyber Extension to Rural Communities, pp. 103 132, ISBN 9781420045474. [3] M. Krueger. (2008, July) FCC En Banc Hearing - Broadband and the Digital Future. [Online]. Available: digital future/072108/krueger.pdf [4] L. Nuaymi, WiMAX: Technology for Broadband Wireless Access. John Wiley and Sons, 2007, ISBN 0470028084. [5] How WiMAX Works. [Online]. Available: htm [6] WiMAX Forum Certication Program. [Online]. Available: http://www.wimaxforum. org/certication/certication program [7] J. L. Burbank and W. T. Kasch, WiMAX: Applications, ser. The WiMAX Handbook, S. Ahson and M. Ilyas, Eds. CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), 2008, ch. 1: WiMAX Past, Present, and Future: An Evolutionary Look at the History and Future of Standardized Broadband Wireless Access, pp. 1 14, ISBN 9781420045474. [8] J. T. Yu, WiMAX: Standards and Security, ser. The WiMAX Handbook, S. Ahson and M. Ilyas, Eds. CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group), 2008, ch. 4: Scheduling and Performance Analysis of QoS for IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Network, pp. 57 76, ISBN 9781420045237. [9] F. Ohrtman, WiMAX Handbook - Building 802.16 Wireless Networks. McGraw-Hill Communications, 2005. [10] IEEE. (2004) IEEE 802.16-2004 - IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems. [Online]. Available: [11] . (2005) IEEE 802.16e-2005 - IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems Amendment for Physical and Medium Access Control Layers for Combined Fixed and Mobile Operation in Licensed Bands. [Online]. Available: [12] C. Langton. (2004) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing. [Online]. Available: [13] Introduction to Adaptive Antenna System (AAS). [Online]. Available: http: // [14] Adaptive Modulation and Coding in WiMAX. [Online]. Available: http://www.wimax. com/commentary/wimax weekly/2-3-6-adaptive-modulation-and-coding-in-wimax [15] Wikipedia homepage. [Online]. Available: Page [16] S. Deb, V. Mhatre, and V. Ramaiyan, WiMAX relay networks: opportunistic scheduling to exploit multiuser diversity and frequency selectivity, in MobiCom 08: Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Mobile computing and networking. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2008, pp. 163174.


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