Rhiannon's Hat Scarf

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Rhiannon’s hat-scarf

A hat with the scarf attached. Cross the ends over to stuff into a coat or
tie around your face. Totally snugly and warm.

Knitted on two needles only. In any double knitting yarn.

1 pair size 5½mm (UK) – (US size 8)
1 pair size 4mm (UK) - (US size 5)
2 x 200 gram balls any double knitting yarn. (I used Knit and Save DK in
cream, (Mohair or funky fur also looks even better)
Medium size crochet hook

To fit 8-10 year old

5½ stitches and 6 rows to 1 square inch

K or k = knit P or p = purl
st(s) = stitches inc. = increase
rep. = repeat dec. = decrease
tog = together k 3 tog = Insert needle into three
loops from the left
hand needle and
knit together as one.
Side Sections (make 2)
Using size 5½mm needles, cast on 23 sts
1st row: (right side facing) P1, k2, * p2, k2, rep from * to end of row.
2nd row: K1, * p1, k1, rep. from * to end of row.
Rep. these 2 rows until work measures 16 inches from the beginning.
Keeping continuity of pattern dec 1 st. at each end of next and every
following 4th row, until 13 sts remain.
Dec. 1 stitch at each end of every row until 3 sts remain
K3 tog and fasten off.

Back section
Using size 4mm needles cast on 23 sts and work in k1,p1 rib for 1 inch.
Change to 5½mm needles and work in pattern as given for the side
section s for 10 rows.
Dec 1 st. at each end of next and every following 8th row until there are
17 sts.
*Dec 1 st. at each end of next row.
Work one row without shaping.
Dec 1 st. at each end of every row until 3 sts. remain,
K3 tog and fasten off *

Front section
Using size 4mm needles, cast on 35 sts. and work in k1, p1, rib for 1 inch.
Change to size 5½mm needles and work 4 rows in pattern as given for
side sections.
Keeping continuity of pattern, dec 1 st. at each end of next and every
following alternate row until 17 sts. remain.
then, complete as for back section working from * to *.

To make up
Starting at the top sew the sections together.
Cut 2 strands of wool each 4½inches long, fold in half and using crochet
hook pull through the 1st stitch along the lower edge of side section, draw
ends through loop and pull up tightly. Repeat in every alternate stitch all
along the bottom of the scarf.

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