The Assassin

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The Assassin

Tristain Sturdevant Period 3 10/11/11

The date is September 13th 42,572 and there was a murder in the future Washington D.C. Alexander is 34, 67, has emerald eyes, has dark brown hair, cut short of course, and he was well mannered and smart, it didnt take him long to figure out his cases. Today was supposed to be his day off, Alexander thought to himself, but it was a murder so close to the Emperors holy domain, something had to be done. He had arrived on the scene via vertibird, so whats the cause of death? Decapitation, not the best way to go. This wasnt the first time he had investigated murder so he knew what to look for. What do you think might have been the murder weapon? Some kind of sharp serrated weapon the officer responded. Any signs of a struggle? No, must have caught him by surprise. Have we identified him yet? Yes, through military records this is the body of Colonel Bishop Sterling. This is Col. Sterling? Yes, whats left of him sir. Damn, he was good man he didnt deserve this especially in his own house. Who do think did this sir? Well theres no doubt about foul play, only question is who or what killed him. As he stood up he saw a picture of Lord Achilles, with a huge slash through it. Oh dear god. He whispered. What is it sir? The officer asked. I know who the assassin is after; we have to secure Lord Achilles before it is too late. Do we any suspects yet? Lord Achilles asked the officer. Yes, my lord, two. We have the traitor, Arthur, who made direct threats to you and any military personnel especially higher ranked individuals. We also have captured a Dark Eldar spy, his name is Sekhar. Where is Alexander? In his office. As Alexander was reviewing the evidence he came across something peculiar, the body had trace amounts of chitin were the head was severed. Chitin? He thought to himself but chitin is only found onoh my god, he stood up suddenly, I know who the assassin is, he said, I have to save the lord before it is too late! Meanwhile back at the courtroom, Sekhar, you are charged with assault, murder of an officer, and threating Lord Achilles. What do you plead? Not Guilty. The dark eldar responded. Very well, let the trial begin, after an hour the jury was convinced that Sekhar was the Assassin. We the jury find this Dark Eldar guilty of all the verdicts he was charged with. Very well, said the judge, I hereby sentence Sekhar to death. You have your choice of firing squad, gas chamber,

guillotine, or shot into the sun. Oh boy, Sekhar said sarcastically, a choice! But before Sekhar could choose his fate, Alexander burst into the room, hold it, he shouted, this dark eldar is Innocent! On what grounds? The judge asked. Did you find a murder weapon? Yes we did a dagger. Let me see it. Alexander took the blade and examined it, this is not murder weapon, he said, this blade is not long enough to be to take off a head with one swipe. Also this dark eldar is not strong enough to swing the blade hard enough to decapitate with one swipe, also this blade is serrated tests confirm that the weapon was serrated. Well now, Lord Achilles, said standing up, if this dark eldar is not the assassin then who is? Not a who, but a what, Alexander said. Upon investigating the remains of the body I found trace amounts of chitin, which if some of you dont know is the substance the Tyranids use for Armour and weapons. So the assassin is a tyranid? Yes but not any tyranid, it was the tyranids top assassin the one who single handedly destroyed the command chain on St. Caspelan, this assassin is none other than the Deathleaper. But just as Alexander uttered the name of the assassin, Deathleaper became visible right behind him. As the whole courtroom became silent, Alexander slowly turned around, to stare the beast right in its six malicious eyes. Then the Deathleaper shoved Alexander aside and a quickly as a snakes strike jumped toward Lord Achilles. The monster landed right behind Achilles, and before anyone could react the assassin grabbed the lord and jumped out the window with him. NOOOOOOO ,screamed Alexander, MY LORD! He got up and went over to the window to look out, he saw nothing, except the lords dog tags hanging from the edge of the window. Ive failed my duty, he whispered to himself as he picked up the dog tags.


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