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Q) In your organization, you have met with conflict what you think what was the reason behind it?

1. Poor Communication

If an objective is relayed poorly to a team, they will be unsure about what they are working toward. This can lead to differing opinions, which can often lead to conflict. A simple misunderstanding, if left untreated, can suddenly become the source of much conflict. It is therefore important that all communication is effective, with instructions being clear and each party remembering to listen to the other.

2. Different Values

My organization is made up of a number of different individuals, each with his own beliefs and values, conflict can arise. This may be due to a lack of acceptance of another person's values or an unclear understanding of someone else's values. All employees should be aware that they and their colleagues have the right to their own beliefs and opinions.

3. Different Interests

If an employee is seen as working for his personal gain only and ignoring the aims and goals of the organization, his colleagues may object, causing conflict. The notion that the person is not working as part of a team can cause tension within the workplace.

4. Personality Clashes

Conflict will occur when colleagues with different personalities clash, as objections arise to another person's perspectives or approaches to tasks. A worker may also take offense at the body language or the tone with which another person speaks, and conflict can arise as a result.

5. Poor Performance

If the team as a whole is not performing well, employees can become frustrated, resulting in heightened tensions, which often leads to conflict. This also arises when a worker is identified as not pulling his weight, leading his employees or coworkers to confront him.

6. Office Romances


Obvious displays of romance or affection within the workplace may offend some employees, who will often choose to confront the parties involved, leading to conflict in many cases. If an office romance does arise, the couple should ensure that their relationship within the workplace is purely professional.

Q) Was it functional and Dysfunctional conflict?

Both happen in my organization weather it is functional or dysfunctional. I can sole the conflict through many ways that are as under.
Q) What will you do solve the conflict?

1. Be still and say nothing. Let the storm run its course. Often times the angry person wants to provoke you. Arguing is ineffective because it raises barriers. Consider how I handled the barber situation. 2. He or she will soon grow tired of it. Sometimes thats all they want. To be heard. To

feel important. Everyone wants to feel important. Some people just express it in
ways that are counterproductive. 3. Imagine yourself in his shoes. Never say youre wrong. In fact, try hard to look for areas of agreement and build on them. 4. This shows the other person you hear him/her. Thats all they usually want to be validated. By agreeing with them, you gradually break down the other persons anger. 5. Youre very angry right now and youre saying things you dont mean (give them the benefit of the doubt). Im going to excuse myself. We can talk again after you calm down. Then leave the room or ask them to leave. 6. You could say, Youre absolutely right, it is my fault and here is what Ill do to fix it. Even if youre NOT wrong, at least give them the benefit of the doubt, I may be wrong, lets look at the facts together. Its hard to argue with that! 7. These words have tremendous power. Not only does it validate the other persons viewpoint but it also diffuses the tension. You might be surprised by what happens afterwards. The person could end up defending you. Youd be amazed how an attacker suddenly becomes an ally. 8. If youre dealing with someone you interact with on a daily basis (like a boss or coworker), try to imagine that person as a loving spiritual being. I did this with a boss I

had at a Wall Street bank several years ago. He was an absolute tyrant and gave everyone a hard time. In retrospect, he was clearly unhappy and insecure. 9. One day I started to visualize him as a loving grandfather. When he was in a good mood, he would lovingly talk about his grandchildren. His eyes and face would light up with incredible joy, leading me to realize there was a softhearted man behind the hard facade. Every morning before going to work, I imagined him romping around in the backyard on a warm, breezy day with his grandkids squealing and laughing with delight. 10. Long story short, this man promoted me almost 1 year later, in no small part due to the power of visualization. No one can dispute that this works because Ive lived to tell the story. Ive used it win trips to Mexico and Bermuda (sales contests at Merrill Lynch), to forgive those who have hurt me, to become the worlds first deaf instrument pilot, and to give powerful presentations. 11. Think about how youve dealt with difficult people in the past. Were you tempted to prove them wrong, trying to save face? Were you able to see through the facade and recognize that all they want is to be heard, loved and validated? Have you tried the power of visualization?

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