Leadership and Management TNA+Final+Version

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Leadership & Management Training Needs Analysis

Organisation Name E-mail address Telephone Number

Length of time in post (in months)

Job role Owner/Manager Registered Manager Deputy Manager Team/Shift Leader Senior Carer Reason for seeking development





In order to achieve competence In order to progress

Length of session (in hours)

Preferred method of learning

Attendance at traditional course

(group sessions - external to organisation)

Distance Learning
(internet based / non-facilitated learning)

Reading journals/publications
(continuous updating of knowledge)

One-to-one session in the workplace

(from external facilitator)

Learning on the job

(working alongside work colleague)

Facilitated network events

(specialist facilitators / networking with other managers)

Preferred time of day to attend learning event





A Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a questionnaire that asks you about the tasks you do in your job. For each question, please tick ONE CIRCLE ONLY . How would you rate your level of competence in the following
Fully Competent Would benefit from training Not part of my job Will be part of my next job

MANAGING SELF AND PERSONAL SKILLS Understanding your own Continual Professional Development Understanding the benefits of Reflective Practice The importance of standing back before taking action Effective Communication Making assumptions. The importance of verbal and nonverbal communication
Assertiveness skills Dealing with difficult/upset/worried staff, clients or relatives Giving constructive feedback e.g. in cases of underperformance Motivation skills How to get the best out of people

Influencing & Negotiation Skills Within and outside of your organisation; i.e. inspectors, owners, other health professionals Effective Delegation Understanding how learning styles impact upon effective delegation
Time Management e.g. Your own and that of your team

Team Building Communication; unlocking the potential within your team through empowerment
Organising and running effective team meetings Preparation; verbal and non-verbal communication; creating an open and honest culture

Decision Making Managing risk; gathering and analysing information; informing others Problem Solving e.g. filling gaps in the rota, dealing with staff issues

How would you rate your level of competence in the following

Fully Competent Would benefit from training Not part of my job Will be part of my next job

QUALITY ASSURANCE Managing an effective inspection visit

Quality Assurance AQAA; Inspecting for Better Lives; Report Writing Record Keeping

How would you rate your level of competence in the following

Fully Competent Would benefit from training Not part of my job Will be part of my next job


Presentation Skills e.g. to prospective clients/relatives or at a staff meeting Manage the induction process for new member of staff Managing a shift Rota Planning; dealing with staff, clients, relatives, managers & others Supervision & Appraisal

Coaching Mentoring
Recruitment & Retention Equality & Diversity Disciplinary & Grievance procedures Conflict Management Support and challenge workers on specific aspects of their practice Health & Safety e.g. monitoring & recording health & safety checks, fire drills PoVA and the Mental Capacity Act Medication admin, storage, recording & associated responsibilities Bereavement e.g. able to assess and respond to needs of staff / relatives Counselling e.g. able to give impartial advice and guidance Managing challenging behaviour e.g. from staff, clients and relatives

How would you rate your level of competence in the following

Fully Competent Would benefit from training Not part of my job Will be part of my next job

Understanding benefits for clients Direct payments Understanding benefits for staff Stakeholder pensions; Statutory Sick Pay Understanding and implementing the National Minimum Standards (NMS) Managing Budgets Understanding Funding in Care

Managing Resources Premises; Equipment, utilities etc.

How would you rate your level of competence in the following

Fully Competent Would benefit from training Not part of my job Will be part of my next job


Planning for Care Including : Care Plans; Rotas; Business Plans; resources understanding the true cost of care

Creating an Effective Learning Environment Training Plans; learning styles; recognising the variety of training solutions available; Responsibility of Manager Developing Policies & Procedures Managing risk Reviewing and Revising Policies & Procedures Contributing to Business Planning Understanding your role within the Business Planning process Managing Change Including an understanding of the importance of involving all in the process of change Project Management Risk Management

How would you rate your level of competence in the following

Fully Competent Would benefit from training Not part of my job Will be part of my next job

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Internet; E-mails; Electronic diaries Powerpoint - presentations Microsoft Office - documents Excel - spreadsheets Publisher marketing Any other (please state)



Would like to achieve

Not required for current role

Required for my next role

NVQ Level 3 Care NVQ Level 4 Care NVQ Level 4 Registered Manager (Adults) Award NVQ Level 3 Management NVQ Level 4 Management Any other management qualification (please state below)
NVQ Assessor D32/D33 Award NVQ Assessor A1 Award NVQ Assessor A2 Award (observation only) Minimal Handling Trainer

Activities trainer
First Aid Trainer POVA / Abuse prevention Trainer Food Hygiene Trainer 1 hour

Food Hygiene Trainer 1 day

Challenging Behaviour Trainer Common Induction Standards Trainer Supporting learning in a clinical environment Coaching and Mentoring (RN SLICE/998) Highest Management Qualification held

Please add any comments you wish to record

Signed :

Dated : ..

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