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THEME: Class Observation Table A (pg 51)

TEACHER: Gladys Baya
STUDENT: RECIO, María Lorena
COURSE: 3RD year
DATE: 30th April 2007

Report nº 1

Class: Teens Nº of students: 11 Age of

learners: 13-16
Length of lesson: 1 ½ hours Level: Intermediate II

1. List all materials and equipment used in this lesson

In this lesson, the teacher used the tape recorder, a cassette, the student’s
book, workbook and blackboard.

2. What do you think the aim of the lesson was? Do you think the
teacher’s objectives were achieved? Give reasons
I believe that the aim of the lesson was to introduce how to write a story and
to revise a little bit of all the tenses seen at that moment. I think the
teacher’s objectives were achieved because she could explain how to write
a story and made some activities connected with that. She also gave the
students homework regarding what they had learnt.

3. How much time did the teacher talk compared to the amount of
time learners spoke?
To me, the teacher and the students spoke the same amount of time. I can
even say that the students spoke a little bit more than the teacher. She
fostered speaking by asking them to answer their classmates’ questions and
also by reading.

4. How much time did the teacher use English compared to her native
language? How much time did the learners use English versus their
native language?
The teacher used English the whole lesson; except from one time that she
was explaining to the students that the past perfect is the same as in
Spanish, and she gave some examples.

5. Describe the learners’ participation. How were the learners called

upon? Did any volunteer?
The learners were quite active in their participation. The teacher had
created a very good environment for participation. The students could
speak freely and were engaged on the activities. The teacher called them
by their names and not many volunteer to participate.

6. What was the general behaviour and attitude of the learners during
the lesson? What was the general atmosphere of the class?
The general behaviour and attitude of the learners during the lesson was
really good. They were very quiet and behaved properly. However, the
teacher told me they do not usually behave that way. What is more, there
was one of the learners that was moving almost all the time and disrupted
the working atmosphere.
7. How often did the teacher praise her learners? How were errors
The teacher praised the students all the time.
Mistakes were handled very well. She helped students to correct
themselves and when they could not do it, she asked their classmates to
help him/her. Mistakes were considered as part of the learning process.

8. Draw a sketch of the classroom. Notice what is on the walls and

where any equipment is located. How are the desks arranged?
Where is the teacher most of the time?

On the walls, there were posters of different things. There was a poster on the
alphabet, a map of Great Britain, a welcome poster, and a map of the city of
Buenos Aires.
The teacher was walking most of the time. She went from one side of the room
to the other so that she could speak and integrate every single student.

9. List the different language activities in the order that they

1. Delivering of some writings (8’)
2. Correction of homework. Within the correction, she explained different
areas of vocabulary, e.g. grab, borrow and lend (23’)
3. She made students open their books and try to remember who the boy
was. She asked them some questions that the students had to answer by
looking at a picture. (3’)
4. Listening activity. She asked students to listen and read and explained
the meaning of ‘fed up’ and ‘landlady’ (2’)
5. Working in pairs. Students had to decide whether the statements were
true or false (connected to the listening activity). After that, the whole
class corrected the answers (10’)
6. Read the expressions with intonation. Students had to read the
expressions (introducing and responding to good and bad news) with
different intonations. (5’)
7. Write a dialogue in pairs. Students had to write a dialogue in pairs using
the expressions they had just read. (17’)
8. Sharing the dialogue. Students shared the dialogues with the class. The
teacher wrote down some comments to each of the groups and after
their reading, she commented on them. After that, they had to hand
them in (8’).
9. Teacher showed students how they could make a story interesting. They
worked on the book and made a springboard to complete a story. The
teacher stopped in each blank of the story and made the students
participate to complete it. (10’)
10.Teacher wrote the homework on the board and asked students to tell her
what they had to do for the following class.

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