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hakaje[at]blogspot I am not good as you think

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 |3:53:33 PM

x31x00# How to C RAC K Mikrotik 3.20 trough Virtual Machine rw-r--r-root@hakaje 5/21/2012 crack mikrotik| download iso mikrotik| iso crack microtik| microtik| virtualbox

this is truesday date 22/05/2012 iam will show you how to crack microtik version 3.20. thought tool are will need this is iso file mikrotik oprating system, file crack and virtual lab (virtual Machine/vibox) on my linuk. there i used operating linuk backtrack 5 Release 1 ubuntu 10.04. first step are we doing is install your microtik on your virtual box as like picture are shown the below :

if we done install mirkrotik so next we will crack with setting booting are before loading operating mirkcotik we must convolution iso image mikcrotik operating to file iso crak mikrotik. on the virtualbok we just change tool devices -> C D/DVD devices and choose locate file iso crack, so waiting you will present console terminal login as root as like picture are below :

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after you login uses password root now trying show thought command like help so we show list command on the terminal. now we will write command key on the console and often we will wait minute for show serial number.

so now we have done to crack microtik. and we try login to mikrotik with windows operating, there i have network on the virtualbox, and this my scenario network :

and setting network client to vibox with internal network :

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we have login page console to terminal and via winbox to mikrotik now.

and now please your seting microtik with confirmation ip client DHC P, about this please searching to google i thinks hundreds article explain how to seting dhcp on microtik.

no we will import file crack on the microtik.

now we can show software ID mikrotik.

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Oke now you have done crack mirkrotik are limit time 36 hour be lisensi for ever with level 4. need remembering please copy file folder crack to usb or my document your windows to located get import your crack. oke i hope this enough and clear i explaining how crack mikrotik version 3.20 and thanks for your visit my blog. regards note: please Download iso and crack mikrotik version 3.20

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