CIMAP - Talk - May 2012 Issue 5 Ver 4 HE Edit - 080512

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The Chartered Institute for the Management of Assessment Practice (CIMAP)

Advancing industry excellence in assessment practice!

Board Members: Chairperson: D.E Damons MSc; (FCIEA U.K) Vice-Chairperson: Prof. M. Mehl, Prof. W. Goosen, (FCIEA U.K); Mr. T. Tshabalala; Dr. W. Guest-Mouton; Mrs. T. Moeshoeshoe Dr. M. Serfontein, (FCIEA U.K); Mr. P. Mathebula, (MA) Dr. K. Deller; Mrs. R. Pillay (M.Ed.); Dr. L. Meyer, (FCIEA U.K); Mrs. A. Roode B.Com. (Hons) 16 Republic Road, Bordeaux, Randburg, 2125. Tel: (011) 329-9000 extension: 9034 Fax 086 218 4466, Web site:, E-mail

Newsletter: Editor: L. Meyer Sub Editor: H. Edwards

Assessment Talk...
Chartered Institute for the Management of Assessment Practice
Issue 5 May 2012
Extraordinary services for the promotion of quality in assessment practices.

CIMAP Core Values: - Integrity, Credibility & Discipline 2012


Dear Members,
It is hard to imagine that almost 17 years have passed since SAQA came into existence at the dawn of democracy in the country. The SETA concept was promulgated in 1998, making it almost 14 years old. While this is young in educational terms with universities boasting centuries-old existence and formal schooling well into its second century, nevertheless much was expected from these bodies as part of the ambitious transformation agenda South Africa set itself. And if we are fair we will acknowledge that in certain areas there has been progress. A large number of new qualifications now exist on the SAQA database. Workplace learning has started coming more to the fore, especially with the operationalization of the QCTO. Assessment and Moderation are now a part of the educational vocabulary in the country in a way it was never before. It is no accident that among the very first unit standards developed by SAQA were those for accrediting assessors. In addition, of course, the SETAs at establishment vigorously pursued these areas even before they had qualifications to assess! But truth be told, the education scene in South Africa is extremely depressing. I think that all involved in those early days underestimated the difficulty of changing the formal system with all its historical baggage. School and university practice change only very slowly if at all. Unintended consequences of dramatic policy change are very difficult to foresee. If we are honest, we will admit that we have simply not created an education system of unqualified excellence where high standards are not only required but expected of all learners. The original purpose of SAQA an educational system with seamless transition between and across both, levels as well as learning institutions, formal and nonformal has simply not been realized. Therefore, aluta continua. Because Assessors and Moderators ensure quality in a system, the formation of CIMAP is a very welcome step as we continue to drive toward excellence defined by the adherence to high standards. It is time that these central figures in the S.A. Educational landscape enjoy the professional stature they deserve. May it prove to be the home where assessment theory and practice can enjoy the stature it deserves.


Article by Professor M. Mehl - CIMAP Vice Chair
The statistics are dismal. In January 2000, around 1.2 million children enrolled in Grade 1 full of hope of a bright future. 12 years later in 2011, some 50 % of them only write the matriculation examination. Around 50% of those who write do mathematics, not mathematics literacy generally regarded as a deadend subject. Of those who write mathematics, around 30% only achieve more than 40% of the marks while just 12% of them get more than 50% - around 36000 in all. So, of the 1.2 million who started 12 years ago, just 3% of them pass mathematics with more than 50% of the final mark. That this is a disaster is obvious. Its impact plays out further up the line when we compare the number of engineers our universities produce in comparison, per capita to a country like India, or indeed any of the rapidly emerging economies. While we need not lionize mathematics, it is a good gold standard for some measure of quality in education provision. In addition, in truth we seem to constantly be going in the opposite direction. The pass mark at school level is now 30%. Imagine that! A learner can be blissfully incompetent in 70% of a subject and can still be deemed competent enough to Pass. I notice in a recent copy of the QCTO Newsletter that the issue of Fundamental learning mathematics and communication in SAQA qualifications (as minimalist as these were in the first place) has been refined and a part qualification Foundational Learning Competency is now interposed. Why do we always keep lowering the bar instead of raising it and developing the methodologies that enable? The irony of the situation in South Africa is that we are now better equipped than at any time in our history to bring about dramatic improvements in the situation. We have in place a government that spends an inordinate amount of its budget on education. Additionally it has signalled very clearly that education is a major priority of government. From the didactic side is the fact that we now know more about how the brain works and how proficiency and competence develops in any area of human endeavour, than at any time in human history. In the last 20 years, we have learnt 95% of what we today know of the human brain. Recent books on the subject propose a very seductive message: every human is born with unimaginable ability and capacity. We are capable of achieving anything we want if we go about it properly. This does not mean that the opportunity to achieve is the same for everybody obviously it is not but rather that we are all born with stupendous potential. Some titles that illustrate this by drawing on recent research include: The genius in all of us: The Talent Code: Talent is Overrated Outliers The Myth of Ability David Shenk Daniel Coyle Geoff Colvin Malcolm Gladwell John Mighton

We all have the experience of schooling with its inherent intellectual hierarchy that firmly embeds the idea that some (few) have it but many do not. It is surprising how many people carry this measure of relative cleverness with them through their life. Very few people regard themselves as capable of genius in any field. If this process can be initiated in areas in which the individual has always struggled, then the enabling process will have begun. We have a unique opportunity in South Africa to do this on a national scale. The advent of CIMAP is an important contributor to the effort at reconceptualization and renewal of our prevailing system of education. The centrality of dynamic assessment, carried out within a framework of intensive, sustained and knowledgeable endeavour focused on improving not only the capabilities of the individual, but of the nation as a whole, should not be under-estimated. Professor M. C. Mehl

About Prof. Merlyn Claude Mehl Ph.D. (Physics):

CIMAP is extremely grateful to our Vice Chair, Professor Merlyn Mehl for the time and effort he commits to the professionalisation of the ETDP sector. As the previous SAQA NSB chairperson, and board member and Chairperson of W&R SETA in its earlier years, as well as his involvement over many years with local and overseas universities, Prof Mehl is a true stalwart of excellence in educational. Prof Mehl is currently the the Executive Chairman of Triple L Holdings. Prof. Mehl served as Chancellor of Peninsula Technikon and Chief Executive of the Independent Development Trust. He was a senior professor at UWC, and has been awarded extraordinary professor status. Prof Mehl has served as a non-executive director of Capitec Bank since its inception in 2001. He is currently the Lead Independent Director on the Board. Prof Mehl served as the Director of Gold Fields Science & Mathematics Centre between 1983 1987, and has held a number of other prestigious positions in the private and public sectors. Awards University of South Carolina / Visiting Professor University Illinois / Fellowship University of Washington / Senior Africa Research Fellowship University of London/ Visiting Fellow Da Vinci Institute / Research Supervisor Tertiary Education Doctor of Philosophy (UCT) Master of Science Nuclear Physics (UNISA)

Professor Merlyn Mehl

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. - Albert Einstein

to indicate but a few. The challenge, of course, is to translate this research into reality in the lives of every individual. Few people get anywhere near to realizing this potential and, in fact, the majority of people in all likelihood, do not even believe it! How can this be changed? While everybody can read the research, some of the ideas we all hold about talent. Intelligence, genetic endowment and creativity of individuals are so deeply entrenched that mere reading is unlikely to change it.

Please view Professor Merlyn Mehls discussion on common misconceptions about IQ and IQ assessments.

We acknowledge Professor Merlyn Mehl for the time and effort he commits to the professionalisation of the ETDP sector. As the previous SAQA NSB chairperson, and board member and Chairperson of W&R SETA in its earlier years, as well as his involvement over many years with local and overseas universities, Prof Mehl is a true stalwart of excellence in education.

CIMAP Core Values: - Integrity, Credibility & Discipline 2012


Article by Dr L. Meyer - CIMAP Board Member
The Quality Council on Trades and Occupations (QCTO) is one of the three Quality Councils stipulated in the National Qualifications Framework Act (NQF Act No 67 of 2008).The QCTO is accountable for standards setting and quality assurance of occupational qualifications for the Trades and Occupations sub framework. The QCTO recommends qualifications for registration on the South African National Qualifications Framework. The Minister of Higher Education and Training, in consultation with the Minister of Basic Education, has determined government's strategy and priorities for the NQF as required by NQF Act (No. 67 of 2008) for the period up to 31 March 2012. The main purpose of the guidelines is to give direction to the work of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and the three Quality Councils (QCs): the Quality Council on Trades and Occupations (QCTO), Umalusi and the Council on Higher Education (CHE). The NQF guidelines are available by using the following link: The QCTO caused great excitement in its conceptual stage. This was as a direct result of private providers believing that the cumbersome SETA ETQA processes would be standardised and equitable. Things are however about to change. Providers are still faced with cumbersome and frustrating processes from some ETQAs. The exceptions obviously exist, and more often than not getting hold of the right person is often the difference between success and dismal failure. In support of this assertion, the appointment of qualified and competent individuals must drive the process to fruition. Transparency, absent bureaucracy and policy certain is pivotal to streamline learner punitive processes. The SAQA Act, 1995 and the subsequent NQF Act, 2008 has proposed coherency. SAQA has established the NQF forum that is set up to lead this process in collaboration with the QCs. The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Act No 67, 2008 replaced the South African Qualifications Authority Act No 58 of 1995. Guidelines have been prepared in term in terms of the NQF Act (No. 67 of 2008) for the period up to and including 31 March 2012. The NQF Act now been expanded to 10 NQF levels. The three quality councils are Umalusi, Quality Council on Trades and Occupations (QCTO), and the Council on Higher Education (CHE). The QCTO has announced that they will be operational by 20 July 2011. The QCTO is delegating functions to the first generation of 'official' Development Quality Partners. (QCTO; 2012). The QCTO is currently supported by SAQA in their operations. The QCTO Guidelines on Strategy and Priorities for the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), 2011/12 is available on the SAQA web site and makes for interesting reading. Please visit: The QCTO focus on credible quality partners brings particular hope. Without Industry being actively involved in the architecture of skill planning for their sectors, little hope exists that industry will create uptake opportunities for graduates. The current verification / external moderation processes applied by SETAs are diverse in nature.

Some providers that failed to comply with quality standards often create tremendous hysteria around the verifier / external moderator being unfair. The true merit of adhering quality standards then becomes secondary. Similarly, verifiers / external moderators that have no industry experience or qualifications apply arbitrary criterion, which is not based in law, regulation, substance or fact. Professional bodies will logically use qualified and competent practitioners in their industries, and address unacceptable quality standards. The QCTO success is fundamental to redress and transformation opportunities. Strategic Leadership and skilled incumbents are key to the emergence of third tier evolution structure. Quality education will support employment prospects of industry credible graduates. QCTO Curriculum and Assessment Policy may be downloaded using the following link: m.pdf CIMAP fully supports the QCTO, and looks forward to the valuable contribution it will bring to the occupational learning and teaching landscape.

An AQP coordinates and manages external assessment processes. An AQP develops and maintains a national databank of instruments used in the external assessment. An AQP maintains a register of assessors and moderators from which assessors and moderators for the external summative assessment are selected. An AQP recommends to the QCTO the accreditation of skills development providers for the knowledge and or practical skills components. An AQP recommends to the QCTO the certification of learners. What are the rules of combination for occupational qualifications? A minimum of 20% credits are required for each of the three components (Knowledge, practical skills, and work experience). This means that the remainder of 40% of the credits can be added to any component to support the purpose of the qualification. What are the types of occupational qualifications that can be developed? The QCTO has two types of occupational qualifications, these are: National Occupational Qualifications: 120+ Credits National Occupational Awards: 25-119 Credits
Acronyms used in the QCTO environment AQP Assessment Quality Partner CEP Community of Expert Practitioner CESM Classification of Education Subject Matter CHE Council for Higher Education DHET Department of Higher Education & Training DQP Development Quality Partner FLC Foundational Learning Competence GFETQF General and Further Education and Training Qualifications sub-Framework HEQF Higher Education Qualifications sub-Framework ILO International Labour Organisation ISCO International Standard Classification of Occupations MIS Management Information System NAMB National Artisan Moderation Body NOPF National Occupational Pathway Framework NQF National Qualifications Framework OFO Organising Framework for Occupations OFL Occupational Foundational Learning OQF Occupational Qualifications sub-Framework QC Quality Council QCTO Quality Council for Trades and Occupations QDF Qualifications Development Facilitator QMS Quality Management System RPL Recognition of Prior Learning SAQA South African Qualifications Authority SASCO South African Standard Classification of Occupations SDA Skills Development Act SETA Sector Education and Training Authority SLA Service Level Agreement


SAQA Frequently Asked Questions about the QCTO are available using the following link: o/faqs.html What is the QCTO? QCTO stands for Quality Council for Trades and Occupations. The QCTO is one of the three Quality Councils, each responsible for a qualifications sub framework on the National Qualifications Framework. CHE and Umalusi are the other two. The sub framework that the QCTO is responsible for is the Trades and Occupations sub framework. What is an occupational qualification? An occupational qualification is defined in the law as a qualification associated with a trade, occupation or profession resulting from work-based learning and consisting of three components, one for knowledge, one for practical skills and one for work experience. All occupational qualifications require a final test or what is called 'an external, summative assessment' which, when successfully passed, signals to the world that the person is able to fully perform the work of the occupation. What process do I follow to initiate a process of developing an occupational qualification? The process of occupational qualification development begins when a person or an organisation (the applicant) submits a request to the QCTO for an Occupational Qualification to be developed. This can be in a letter, an e-mail or even a phone call. All are welcome to submit a request. The QCTO may be contacted at The QCTO will advise and guide the applicant on the process to be followed. What is the QCTO's responsibility? The QCTO is responsible for standards setting and quality assurance of occupational qualifications on the Trades and Occupations sub framework. QCTO recommends to SAQA, qualifications for registration on the NQF. What is a Development Quality Partner (DQP)? A DQP is an entity appointed by the QCTO and delegated to manage, on behalf of the QCTO, the process of developing an Occupational Qualification. The QCTO has developed processes that will ensure as far as possible that its Quality Partners have the capacity to perform their assigned tasks to the highest quality standards, which include integrity, transparency and fitness for purpose. What is an Assessment Quality Partner (AQP)? An AQP is an entity appointed by the QCTO and delegated to manage, on behalf of the QCTO, the assessment process. An AQP is responsible for developing, maintaining and implementing external assessments.

Please visit the SAQA website for additional information on the QCTO. QCTO contact details: E-mail: Post: Postnet Suite 248, Private Bag X 06, Waterkloof, 0145 Fax: 012 431 5144 SAQA House, Room 513, 5th floor, 1067 Arcadia St, Hatfield, Pretoria. For additional information also visit: THE QCTO INTRODUCES ITS CEO Ms G. Joyce Mashabela began her career in education as an administrator working for Middlesex County College (a 2 year higher education institution) in Edison, New Jersey in the U.S.A. Several years later she moved to the academic side of higher education gaining tenure as an Assistant Professor in the Business Department at Hostos Community College of the City University of New York. Here one of her specialities was curriculum development where she designed and piloted a teaching methodology which promotes the active engagement of students in the learning process. Furthermore, she designed the Business Internship course for students completing a vocational qualification in Information Systems. In 1996 she relocated to South Africa where she has, among other things, served as the Rector of a private Further Education and Training College and as a Deputy Vice Chancellor for Tshwane University of Technology. T: 012 312 5369 F: 012 326 6526 E-Mail: 3

CIMAP Core Values: - Integrity, Credibility & Discipline 2012

Registered DHET FET

Provider Forum
Article by Dr. Wilma Guest Mouton CIMAP Board member & FET Provider Forum Convener
It is interesting to read and hear what is being said about private providers and their greed When I was asked the other day what was our claim to fame as a successful private provider for nearly sixteen years, and heading a private Further Education and Training College (FET), my immediate answer was we have survived the system. What a challenging system to survive, if your primarily objective is to create a competent empowered workforce. Private providers are, to my knowledge and firsthand experience, not funded in anyway. Private providers need to adhere to the quality requirements of all the different Education and Training Quality Assurance Bodies (should they want to offer full qualifications or subject matter unit standards). Year after year when SETAs published their annual reports, figures and numbers of successes are published, but very little has been said about the positive role and impact of the private providers. It is true that some private providers did cash in on the system, but that was, according to me, primarily because of poor management structures and funding windows that were not properly thought through. Examples of this might be short courses that were paid at for per person per day, these funds were made available to non-accredited providers as well and poor quality checks were done. If service delivery of education and training programmes is your sole income and you depend on SETA funding, it is just about impossible to survive. The reasons for that include: The long and difficult process of tendering and allocation; The fact that providers need to carry the cost for recruitment and selection; First tranche payments are often only made to providers 25% into a Learnership (which is very problematic especially because providers need to carry the cost of delivery)-to my knowledge the only system in the country where it is not been paid for education before it starts; The fact that providers receive only payments as long as learners are deemed competent; The average of R 15 000.00 been paid to the provider for competent learners versus the R 25 000.00 tax rebate to business.

I conclude with an argument: I have married a dentist, the Health Professional Council of South Africa does not send a verifier to verify whether he is able to do a filling, he is trained and qualified to do that. On the contrary, I am a Doctor in Adult Education, I have more than twenty years result orientated operational experience, yet, a lot of my time is being taken up by (unnecessary) verifications by often less experienced and less qualified people. The South African government needs to embrace and acknowledge the expert and committed citizens and give credit where credit is deserved, even if it is a private provider. LIST or DHET registered FET & HET Providers s available in the CIMAP web site.

Practitioner Assessor - 1-3 years' experience in educational assessment, and must have achieved a National Diploma (NQF 5) (PCIMAP); Fellow Assessor - Fellowship is available to the most experienced and expert practitioners in educational assessment (at least 5 years) and a NQF 6 level qualification (FCIMAP). Chartered Assessor (CCIMAP). Masters degree and five years of educational assessment experience. Master Assessor (MCIMAP). Doctoral degree and extensive assessment and moderation experience. All members in good standing that seek to register with the Chartered Institute for Educational Assessment (U.K) will be in a position to do so from 01 June 2012 at CIMAP negotiate discounted rates for all membership grades. Please note that CIEA Training will be conducted in South Africa. Certain membership grades will require CDP training at negotiated rates. The training will be conducted in South Africa. Members that seek to attend the training in the U.K will be in a position to do so if sufficient delegates from South Africa are available at normal U.K rates. The South African CPD Activities will be communicated shortly.


How do I join CIMAP?
You will have received the membership application form with your newsletter. Please complete it providing us with as much detail as possible and make sure you initial each page of the Code of Conduct. In addition, please provide the following in support of your application: A certified copy of your ID Certified copies of certificates of your qualifications An abbreviated CV (resume). If you are a constituent assessor proof of registration from the relevant SETA. Please e-mail your application to A pro-forma invoice will be raised and sent to you for payment. Once your application has been processed, you will qualify as an Affiliate Member. Members in good standing may apply for elevated designations on the CIMAP website. Members will receive their membership certificate and you will be added to the mailing list to receive the regular updates and correspondence. The membership application form is also available from our website at or can be sent to you if you e-mail Please contact us if we can be of assistance. SAQA PROFESSIONAL BODIES UPDATE The SAQA Board confirmed its appreciation to professional bodies that formed part of the pilot group. The final policy and criteria will be tabled at the Board meeting in June 2012. CIMAP MEMBERSHIP GRADES Please note that all members in good standing that have received their membership certificates are now able to use the following acronyms behind their names. All affiliate members may indicate their status as follows: Ms. K. Kumalo (ACIMAP). Membership upgrades must be done online and are subject to professional requirements as attached Professional Designation Application: Student Member - Open to anyone with an interest in assessment. Affiliate Assessor (No status awarded); Affiliate Membership - is open to anyone with an interest in assessment, and confirmation of achievement of the national assessor standard and is registered with at least one ETQA - (ACIMAP);


The following are, in summary, some of the major areas of amendment in the LRA Bill. Labour broking The Labour Relations Amendment Bill retains section 198 and it will continue to apply to all employees. Temporary employment is limited to genuine temporary work that does not exceed six months. A temporary employment service is the employer of persons whom it pays to work for a client and the temporary employment service and its client are jointly and severally liable for specified contraventions of employment laws. Regulating contract work An employee may be employed on a fixed term contract for longer than six months only if the work is of limited duration or the employer can demonstrate a justifiable reason for fixing the term of the contract. The provisions relating to fixed term contracts do not apply to an employer who employs less than 10 employees, nor does it apply to an employer who employs less than 50 employees and whose business has been in operation for less than two years.. Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) The bill proposes a range of amendments to the provisions that deal with the operations of the CCMA. The exclusion of high-income earners from bringing unfair dismissal claims to the CCMA is confirmed. Strikes and lockouts The amendments intend to respond to unacceptable levels of unprotected industrial action and unlawful acts in support of industrial action, including violence and intimidation. Organisational rights and collective bargaining A few amendments are introduced to change the circumstances under which a Commissioner of the CCMA may grant organizational rights where trade unions refer disputes relating to these rights. A Commissioner may consider the composition of the workforce, including the extent to which employees are engaged in non-standard working arrangements within 30 days.

If we feel strong about growing the economy and growing our country we need to pay attention to the important role of private providers. It is also important to utilise providers according to qualifications and experience Total Quality Management (TQM) does not mean to be over verified, sometimes by inexperienced, but qualified verifiers, with Educational Qualifications that does not even come close to the ones of the person at the institute being verified.

CIMAP Core Values: - Integrity, Credibility & Discipline 2012

Skills Universe published the following interesting article on the proposed Green Paper

These problems are not unique to our country, but they are considerably more acute here than elsewhere. Although government will, and must, remain the preeminent financier and provider of education as part of its mandate, there is consensus that the education and training system is inadequate in quantity, diversity and in many, but not all instances, quality. Put differently, the system is simply unresponsive to the needs of the economy and society poor learning outcomes, huge inequalities, skills mismatches, lack of accessibility, funding inefficiencies, high repetition and dropout rates and management capacity constraints. These problems are not unique to our country, but they are considerably more acute here than elsewhere. As part of a global trend, many developed and developing countries are exploring different ways to involve the private sector in financing and providing education using voucher schemes, subsidies, joint capital ventures, procuring management, student support, professional development, inspectoral, operational and maintenance services. Demand-side mechanisms such as vouchers and subsidies have the advantage of promoting educational choice, competition and institutional accountability. Making private providers strategic partners in the PSET system can lead to improved service delivery, access, equity and learning outcomes. In short, a productive education and training system. Enhancing the role of private providers admittedly requires a very smart government with the capacity to clearly define the role of private providers, design regulatory frameworks, manage relationships and performance, oversee contractual obligations and provide strong leadership. Balanced public-private partnerships in education lead to substantial private investments, risk sharing, differentiation, innovation and technology upgrading and specialised skills of private providers. It also overcomes the many inherent restrictions bedeviling public education provision. According to UNESCO, global private enrolments have increased much faster than public enrolments in recent years. Regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia are recording the largest growth in the private provision of education. Contrary to popular belief, private providers serve a full range of communities from elites to middle and working classes. Moreover, they reach marginalised communities in rural areas. There are a multitude of examples world-wide to support the case for greater public-private partnerships in education and training provision. For example, India's enrolment figures in higher education remain abysmally low at a mere 11 % compared to that of the US and Canada, where over 60 % of college-age students access higher education. The latter countries are strong advocates of private-public sector partnerships. In the Gulf States, hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent to open branches of top US and European universities, such as Cornell in Qatar and the Sorbonne in Abu Dhabi. Late last year, the new King Abdullah University of Science and Technology opened in Saudi Arabia with a $10 billion endowment fund that exceeds that of all but five American universities. In China, the nine universities known as "The C9" receive supplemental government funding to enhance their competitiveness and become China's "Ivy League". The East Asian region contains the largest concentration of countries with the proportionally largest education private sector. Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines and the Republic of Korea are over 70% private. Malaysia is around 50%.


By Prof. Hoosen Rasool - MANCOSA
The recently released Green Paper for Post-School Education and Training, currently in the public comments stage, signals a radical response to transform the post-school education and training (PSET) system. It is arguably a hyper-ambitious document, issued by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), to reconfigure the PSET architecture, advance knowledge creation and innovation, reduce poverty and unemployment, align provisioning to national policy and programmatic imperatives, and contribute to inclusive growth and development. Its goal of increasing university enrolments from 899 120 (participation rate 16%) to 1 500 000 (participation rate 23%) and FET and other post-school enrolments to 4 000 000 (60% participation rate) by 2030 is by far the most ambitious goals that set intractable fiscal, resource and implementation challenges for the post-apartheid state. Although the paper is somewhat coy as to who will underwrite the costs of restructuring, it can be assumed that it will require substantial public spending skewed sharply in favour of the PSETA sector leading up to 2030. This presents dilemmas because national development priorities also extend to other areas such as basic education, health, infrastructure, social welfare, policing, land reform and housing, to mention a few. With e-tolling, massive infrastructure development, job creation and National Health Insurance taking centre stage on governments priority list, any possibility of increasing taxation for already beleaguered tax-payers is likely to produce a remedy worse than the disease with long-term consequences for the economy. According to National Treasury, university dropout rates are set to remain slightly below 80% over the next three years. This means that in exchange for pouring R26.3 billion into higher learning in 2012/13, only 167 87 will graduate, followed by 179 780 in 2013/14 at a cost of R28.1 billion and 189 770 students in the year after that for R28.1 billion. The figures for public further education and training are even more depressing. In the face of competing social demands and fiscal constraints, the state will be compelled to make hard policy and programmatic choices about PSET financing priorities. If the country is to produce a single, coherent, differentiated and highly-articulated PSET system mentioned in the Green Paper, the discourse needs to shift from traditional to innovative policy approaches of financing and providing education and training. There is a window of opportunity for government to forge closer relationships with private education and training providers in this regard and define more clearly their role within the system. Fleeting references to the role of private education and training contained in the Green Paper is symptomatic of the complexity of policy formulation and the need for better public and private collaboration. The private education sector can add tremendous value in assisting government towards meeting national goals and injecting huge financial investments into the PSET sector without diluting the regulatory oversight of government. We must face the hard facts private sector participation in education at all levels is a global phenomenon in the facing of shrinking national budgets. Africa. Funding inefficiencies, high repetition and dropout rates and management capacity constraints.

Private higher education enrolment rates hover between 20% and 60% in most countries in Latin America, whilst, Eastern and Central Europe have also increased enrolments rates vastly from a zero base in the early 1990s. This trend is set to continue well into the future. The engagement of the public sector with private providers should rather be seen as a continuum instead of a dichotomy. Surprisingly our government is already engaging with private providers, albeit, at a minimalist level through school nutrition schemes, transportation, limited subsidies for not-profit schools, textbooks supply and a host of other services. But government needs to go further by exploring a bigger menu of policy options. The issue is not whether our PSET system should be public or private, but rather to create a responsive system through the optimal mix of institutions and programmes. It is a misnomer to believe that extending the role of private providers will reduce the governments control over a public service, limit choices or increase socio-economic segregation. Handled correctly, private providers increase efficiency and choice, and expand access to education services, particularly for households that tend to be poorly served by traditional delivery methods. Despite considerable efforts to resuscitate our public Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges from irrelevance over the last two decades, there is very little to show for it. The time is now ripe to relook at the FET conundrum through a different set of lenses. The application of smart public-private partnerships in this sector will ensure its relevance to the national project. Private providers are closer to industry, which is where FET Colleges ought to be. Public-private partnerships are no panacea for solving our social and education ills, but they can contribute to the solution substantively. The Green Paper is replete with superlatives to advance innovation, prolific creators of knowledge and high levels of excellence and innovation, but critically this is what is precisely lacking in the discourse. There is a cogent case for involving private providers integrally in the envisaged PSET system because they have much to offer by way of financing and provisioning education and training. Fundamentally, this requires a paradigm shift in policy thinking, new mindsets and broadened perspectives on the part of our policy-makers and stakeholders. This opportunity still prevails.

This article was printed with permission of the author.

CIMAP: Excellence in Assessment Practice

CIMAP Core Values: - Integrity, Credibility & Discipline 2012


Dr Wynand Goosen (DBA; Sc.D.; PhD) Vice President, BHSEA & CIMAP Board Member 1. Functioning on the Meta Level
The ability to advance business thinking to a higher level of awareness is a new concept developed with the idea of facilitating more effective communication in the workplace. The meta consciousness level can enable one to identify your own blind spots and enable you to see what you have not seen before. By increasing your level of awareness, you are able to understand the relationship you have with yourself and the people around you, how you influence YOUR life and how you co- create the reality that we all live in, collectively. Meta Business is about understands the systems thinking of life and building a new vision for yourself, thus enabling you to lead more effectively than ever before. My relationship with you has nothing to do with you. It is about me and how I perceive it. I am responsible for my life. I create my reality. How then do I redirect my reality? Lets consider the following: Have you ever looked at your life and wondered why you are where you are? Have you ever considered the possibility that you are the creator of everything that happens to you? Can you see how this very moment, as you are holding this page, is the sum total of all you said and done, prior to this moment? Meta Business is about developing the skills to see your life in perspective, to become aware of who you are and to discover yourself, in an attempt to create the reality that you want. Meta Cognition is about being aware of how you influence the physical world around you, how you actually create matter, and how you live in the world you create. In Meta Business we show you how you construct your reality and how you then justify the same reality, to confirm your belief. What you accommodate is what you create. As you believe, so shall it be. Ever read books like the secret? What the Bleep? Mayan Prophecies, Journey work? Do you want to develop an abundance mind-set? Do you want to train your thought process to generate the life you want? Life as you know it is not some random event that happened to you. You are no victim of a conspiracy. Your job, your family and your reality are not the result of fruit theft by your forefathers! Even when you are a victim, you are the perpetrator, the creator of your reality!

The 3,5 level is known as the nausea level. Characteristics of this level include the following: Level is tough: I am only a worker My influence on the situation is limited Things happen to me I am a victim of circumstances The manager operating on level 3,5 will struggle with all management tasks. This manager will view his job as implementation rather than leading. Creativity would be low, initiative limited and productivity problematic. Personal development of staff would be hampered. Organisational growth would be a challenge. Market adaptability would present a problem. We could, however advance management consciousness from level 3.5 to level 5. In order to do so, we need to do two things: Become aware of the level we operate on now Make concerted efforts to advance to a higher level Lets consider the levels of consciousness in a bit more detail: Level 0: refers to non-consciousness, deep sleep Level 1: refers to the dream state hypnagogic experiences Level 2: mere awareness, the most basic level of waking consciousness. Level 2 is not focussed on anything, but simply watching the world go by. Level 3: At this level, self-awareness is evident. However, this awareness is dull and heavy often limited to one thing at a time. At level, the world is observed, but meaning is not clear at all. This is the level that Sartre called nausea. Level 4: is the normal consciousness we experience every day. On this level, we can cope with existence, but life is seen as a battle. It is easy to fall back from level 4 to 3 as the pressure mounts, seeing life again, as without meaning. This level of awareness suggests that the locus of control is external. On this level, one tends to believe that the world is a big bad place. The individual is powerless. One is the victim and has no power to change things. In such a reality, it is difficult for the individual to find purpose. Thus, often these people often find it hard to obtain a job that satisfies them happiness eludes them. They may even be good at a certain job, but fail to see what the job does for them on a personal level. Thus, without meaning, productivity will suffer. Victor Frankl, a prisoner of World War II, believed that a person can cope with any how when they have a reason why and thus survived the Nazi concentration camps. Thus, if we are to address productivity, it starts with creating meaning. However, meaning also requires understanding the big picture. Thus, we need to know why we are doing what were doing, and we need to see how it makes sense in the world out there. We need to feel that we matter. If we do not matter we do not affect matter. Only then, do we feel compelled to act. Until then, well why should we? Level 5: spring morning consciousnessChanging from a passive existence to a positive, active existence. Claiming the locus of your life to be in your control. Master of your destiny. Now things no longer happen to you in fact you start happening to things! Now life has prospects. We are happy. We matter, therefore we act.

When we believe we matter, we behave in a fashion that creates new realities. We affect peoples lives and we touch their hearts. Research shows that old people that have pets live longer. This is because they have someone that needs them. They have a responsibility they matter to the pet, and thus have a reason to live. On level 5 the manager is seen to be proactive to take an interest in his team and to inspire people. He leads, he show the way and people do not mind to follow. After all, he is creating a reality a whole world in which others may find meaning! The level 5 manager displays the following behaviour: Passion, drive and energy Compassion, understanding of the views of others Insight into the task, the team and the future Ability to lead without fear Clarity of the task at hand Willingness to learn and create a learning culture No fear of mistakes Continuous improvement Quantum physics explains how human consciousness affects matter directly. It is said that matter and thus reality, forms as a direct result of human consciousness. That, consciousness leads to matter. So, it can be said that consciousness matters. When you have meaning, you do things that matter. Thus, you matter When you feel that you matter, your life finds purpose. Once purpose is discovered, your contextual awareness - understanding how you make a difference to the world, becomes alive. Thus, you now make matter - creating new realities, where peoples lives are affected. Level 6: On this level we develop considerable meaning. Unhappiness becomes strange. Level 7: Presents a sense of freedom. At this level is appears that time itself is mastered. On this level, the human mind enters the mystical. 3. The Business Application The discussion of anything meta-physical is traditionally left to dinner talk and avoided in the boardroom. Not anymore. Increasingly, the role of our spiritual selves are playing an ever increasing role in our work life as we come to terms with who we really are spirits trying to be human, not humans trying to be spiritual. By raising consciousness, the perspective we hold regarding everything changes. In a managerial position, it enables the ability to see situations from multiple angles. A manager with more insight can manage a workforce with so much more insight, thus delivering so much more results! Higher awareness also suggests higher creativity levels. More angles, more dimensions and more options makes for better quality decisions. 4. The Way forward Various ways exist to increase consciousness. Start by writing down the issues that trouble you now. Make a list of not more than 10 items. If you only have one, that is fine too. However, if you have a few, try to identify patterns between the things you identify. Cont.

2. The levels of awareness The levels of awareness or consciousness can be measured, using a system developed by Colin Wilson in 1991. This level of consciousness ultimately determines the way you view the world, and this view, your perception, determines your reality. Thus, your awareness is what determines your success! The levels of awareness are measured on a scale of 1 to 7, according to the Wilson scale. Most people you will meet on a daily basis operate on level 3,5 consciousness.

CIMAP Core Values: - Integrity, Credibility & Discipline 2012

For example, if you have a tough time with your boss, and feel your husband is a problem, whilst you had an argument with your sisterwhat is the trend? Relationship problems, interpersonal issues, conflicts? You decide. Remember, you do not need to try to hide. You will only hide from yourselfso be honest. It is only you and I that will know, and frankly, I am not that bothered you see, what you think does not influence my reality From the trauma, your reality will be defined. This will be done during the contact session. Once you completed this part, you have started to look at your reality from an objective perspective. Step two: Define the reality To define your reality, is to consider all that is in it. This moment is the sum total of all you said and did, prior to this moment. This moment is the result of the recipe that is your life. Take a moment and ponder what is my life? Who am I? What do I think I am like? Write down your thoughts. Does your self-image differ from what people around you think? Did you ask them? In addition, how important is it to you what they think? I am Once you completed this part, you have started to connect your reality with yourself, no creating another perspective. You have now defined your trauma; you looked at yourself; you considered how others see you and you are starting to form a picture. However, you cannot see your true self yet. You are looking back, but now just see a glimpse of the road you walked. So let us stand a bit further and see if we can get a clearer pictureLets walk done the next valley Step 3: It is your fault Have you ever noticed how most people always want to shift the blame of what happened in their lives to someone or something else? Consider this. How many people do you know that can admit when they are wrong? How many people apologised to you in your life? Even worse make a list of your friends who think they are paid well? Most people have an empty list. By the way, do you think you are paid enough for what you do? No, you dont? That is funny. No one seems to think they are be paid what they should be Now lets play a game. Lets think of the entire trauma and the things you are aware of in your life, which is wrong. Make a listtravel down this valley. Next, let us take full responsibility for all that happened. Make a list of how it could be your fault. You do not have to even really think it is, but assume it is. When you assume responsibility, you create a platform from which you can analyse why you created the reality that you did. Sure, you might need a guided meditation to accomplish this... However, you could just quietly ponder and explore the reasons why you created the reality that you did. Only once, you have a clear understanding of why you created the experiences that you did, will you understand the lessons you are meant to learn from it. Step 4: You are in control Yes, you are. You created this entire reality. Own it. Only when you own it, can you change it. Do not shy away from taking responsibility for your life. Responsibility is power, it shows you how you happened to things, as opposed to things happening to you.

Now let us make a list of what you are going to change and how you are going to do it. Let us plan your life. You are in charge 5. Conclusion You would be a better manager and team leader because you have a vision of what you can change. You know you can bring ideas to manifest and you lead from the heart. You know yourself and your weaknesses and are assured of your strengths and talents and how to use them to make your visions come to fruition, both for yourself your team and your company. You will see what others do not. You will truly see what you see


Article by Heidi D Edwards Salutations Practitioners!
This month sees the advent of two new interesting and really useful services at CIMAP Practitioner Counseling and Practitioner Ethics Reporting. The stress and strain of daily living means that more and more people act in a manner contrary to the values inculcated by our Mothers; as Practitioners we are often subjected to the ire and bad temper of Learners. My journey as a Practitioner has been punctuated by tremendous growth a blossoming in the Reflexive quadrant of my competency. How have I managed? I have access to some wonderful people who guide and assist me when I feel that I need guidance. Now CIMAP is making this service available to YOU in the form of Practitioner Counseling. We must stand proud as citizens who understand our responsibilities and as Practitioners who strive to create a business environment that is categorised by its ethical behaviour. According to 2011 Transparency International (TI) report, South Africa is ranked 64th out of 182 countries in terms of being rife with corruption. What do you do if you know of a Practitioner who has indulged in unethical behaviour, e.g. falsified reports OR taken a bribe to assign a Competent result? As per the new Companies Act, CIMAP has an Ethics & Accountability sub-committee. Under the auspices of this committee, CIMAP has made available a facility that allows any CIMAP member to report behaviour that would by common law or moral standard be considered unethical behaviour. It is incumbent upon us as Practitioners to report behaviour that could damage credibility or harm us individually or collectively on a professional basis. Please use the CIMAP Practitioner Ethics Reporting facility when you know that a Learner or a Practitioner has behaved in an unethical manner. Contact CIMAP on or 011 329 9000 to find out how you can avail yourself of Practitioner Counseling and CONFIDENTIAL ANONYMOUS Practitioner Ethics Reporting and how it can help your Continuous Professional Development. Heidi D Edwards ( Independent ETD Practitioner AND CIMAP Affiliate Member


By Henriette van Twisk
The world in which all professionals practise is changing. Global competition has never been more intense. Clients are becoming more knowledgeable and more demanding. Technology continues to affect all aspects of our lives. The knowledge base of the professions, and of the sectors in which they operate, has also increased. With such developments come new opportunities: new clients, new markets, and new areas of practice and new methods of working. These changes demand ever-evolving knowledge, skills and understanding and an increasing demonstration of commitment to lifelong professional learning. All professionals are assumed technically competent and managerially capable. Indeed, in our knowledgeintensive world some have argued that the only real source of sustainable competitive advantage is the ability to recognise and adapt to these changes faster than the competition. The commitment to keeping up to date is growing in significance as an increasing number of people recognise the benefits of adopting a planned and structured approach to post-qualification learning.


CIMAP has established a strategic relationship with The Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors U.K. CIMAP members have access to discounted membership rates to the CIEA, and access to the largest global assessment resource website. CIEA programmes will be run in South Africa as part of our global recognition initiative.

Commitment to CPD is also an acknowledgement that becoming professionally qualified is not an end in itself - it is merely the beginning.
Updating skills and knowledge on a continuing basis is essential to career progression, particularly given the passing of the 'job for life' and rigorously defined career path cultures.

CPD - to ensure currency and credibility in assessment practice.


CIMAP Core Values: - Integrity, Credibility & Discipline 2012


International Conference for African Scholars and Practitioners 5-8 November 2012, Lagos, Nigeria. IPN 2012 Conference, Education, Community and Business Partnerships, Realizing Tomorrow Today, 25-28 September 2012, Durban, SA . African Conference on Health



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Membership forms are available at

SMME Notice Board

Companies have two years to convert their Memorandum and Articles of Association into a Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) and to update any shareholder agreements by 30 April 201. A pre-existing private companys founding documents must be aligned to the new Companies Act. This has an effect on the conversion of a public company to a private company or effect the conversion of a close corporation to a private company. Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies said the gazetted Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Amendment Bill would put in place strict measures to tackle fronting.

2nd IASTED Informatics

3-5 September 2012, Gaborone, Botswana. IEASA, Promoting Internationalisation Higher Education

29 August - 1 September 2012, Cape Town, SA. International Conference on Education Technology and Computer 18-19 August 2012, Cape Town, SA. 2nd International Conference on Teaching and Learning 6-9 August 2012, Abuja, Nigeria. 2nd International Technology, Environment Conference Education and

Please note that the articles referenced below are for members interest, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of CIMAP employees, members or its governing board. The Minister of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Blade Nzimande at the launch of the Centre for Integrated Post-School Education and Training (CIPSET). 27 March 2012. 0&nid=3199&mod=newsdetail&gh=News The National Student Financial Aid Scheme of South Africa (NSFAS) Revised guidelines for the implementation of internal continuous assessment (ICASS) in the NC(V) qualifications at FET Colleges. WZiAE1MP4%3d&tabid=443 The liberals have vulgarised the bill of rights Minister Blade Nzimande. icsweb/en/page71619?oid=287987&sn=Detail&pid= 71619 Our goals for higher education Minister Blade Nzimande icsweb/en/page71654?oid=274797&sn=Detail&pid= 71654 Blade Nzimande: Minister of Committee Meetings icsweb/en/page71639?oid=295802&sn=Detail&pid= 71639 Blade's budget blues: Universities to bear the brunt Two new universities to open by 2014 Students to Push for Free Education

6-9 August 2012, Abuja, Nigeria. 8th Annual International Conference on Computing and ICT Research 5-7 August 2012, Kampala, Uganda. 30th International Congress of Psychology 22-27 July 2012, Cape Town, SA. EELU International Conference on E-Learning in the Arab World 9-11 July 2012, Cairo, Egypt. 10th International Internet Education Conference and Exhibition 6-8 July 2012, Cairo, Egypt. African Education Week, Bridging the skills gap through quality education for all 2-4 July 2012, Johannesburg, SA. E-Learning Africa 23-25 May 2012, Cotonou, Benin.


Your childs mind-set stems from her beliefs and this influence her thoughts. Her thoughts determine her actions. Her actions have a positive or negative result. Beliefs are the assumptions that we make about ourselves, about others in the world and about how we expect things to be. Beliefs are about how we perceive things. Our values stem from our beliefs. Their vision and mission also determine a persons self-esteem and confidence. A vision is a statement of who you are and who you can become. It is the framework for the process of creating your life, based on your beliefs and values. A child who knows and understands her uniqueness and who has a DREAM will be inspired and remain focused. Some parents live their lives through their children because they have not taken responsibility to create their own dreams when they should have done so. This is very selfish and the child will not value care and - respect as a result thereof. Contact us: Amanda - 082 551 0497

Interesting SA facts:
SAs GDP size: 27th largest in the world. South African(s) speak IsiZulu 23.8%, IsiXhosa 17.6%, Afrikaans 13.3%, Sepedi 9.4%, English 8.2%, Setswana 8.2%, Sesotho 7.9%, Xitsonga 4.4%, other 7.2% The current-account deficit jumped to 4.6% of GDP in the third quarter of 2011 owing to a rise in imports and income outflows. South African land covers an area of 1219912 km. 12 million learners in SA, 366 000 teachers and about 28 000 schools - 390 special needs schools and 1 000 registered private schools. ( Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. - Albert Einstein

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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
- Albert Einstein

CIMAP Core Values: - Integrity, Credibility & Discipline 2012

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