A Finite-Element Modeling Approach To Gravitational Tectonic Stress and Earthquakes.

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A Finite-Element
TectonicStressand Earthquakes
LawrenceJohn Barrows KevinMichaelPaul
Departmentof Geographyand Geology LoomisLaboratory of Physics
l l l i n o i sS t a t eU n i v e r s i t y University of lllinois
N o r m a l .l l l i n o i s6 1 7 9 0 - 4 4 0 0 U r b a n al .l l i n o i6s18 0 1- 3 0 8 0
ABS T RA CT 1976: Nlilici, 1975: Price, 197:l). To the extent that
Finit e- eler nent n ro d e l i n g o f i n c o mp re s s i b l e vi s- broad epi rogeni c upl i fts and dow nw arps are isost at i-
cous materials allorvs quantitative anall'-sis of dy- cal l y compensated, these verti cal di spl acement s also
namic gravitational tectonics. Students who result from gravity (Stacy, 1969). Even global plate
construct sr.rchmodels develop an intirnate appre- tectonics is usually attributed to some form of ther-
ciation of stress, strain. and strain rate in geologic mal convection involving the gravity-driven rise of
p ro ces s es ,and t he re s u l ts c a n b e u s e d to d e m on' hot. l ow -densi ty materi al and compl ementary sink-
strate basic gravitational tectonics in a manner ing of cool, high-density material (Verhoogen, 1980;
that can be easily understood by others. A modei W 1' l l i e, 1976). Jacoby (1973) descri bes a vari at ion of
of a plate tectonic spreading center shows the this process involving the rise of hot material directly
push from the ridge component of the plate tec- within the spreading centers and the sinking of cool
to n i c dr iv ing f or ce a n d h o ri z o n ta l e x te n s ional lithosphere in the subduction zones. Some of these
stress consistent with normal faulting and earth- gravitational tectonic processes are a little difficult to
quakes. A modeled subduction zone shorvs the understand, but in a general sense they can be dem-
pull from the trench component of the driving onstrated and analyzed with finite-element computer
force and stresses consistent with the distribution si mul ati ons.
of earthquake foci within some Benioff zones. In an effort to better understand gravity, stress, and
related phenomena, we have adapted finite-element
Keywords: Education - cornputer assisted; geo- modeling to the anal.vsis of gravity-driven tectonic
physics seismology; geophysics - solid earth; processes.Although the models are simplifred repre-
structural geology. sentations of complex geologic phenomena, they dem-
onstrate basic processes and provide some intriguing
insights into some of the subtleties. In this paper we
IN TRO DUCT I O N review the basic mathematics of stress, strain, and
Concepts of stress, strain, and strain rate have a strai n rate; descri be the fi ni te-el ement mo deling
va ri e ty of applic at i o n s i n th e g e o l o g i c a l s c i ences. technique; and present some of our generic models.
These include the development of metamorphic rock We also review the gravitational push associated
fabric, the flow of glaciers. the forrnation of geologic with a simple model of an oceanic spreading center
structures, the movement of tectonic plates, the ori- and the pull associated with a model of a subduction
gin of earthquakes. the nature of seismic q'aves, and zone. The orientation and magnitude of the modeled
the engineering of earth materials. Because of this gravitational tectonic stress are found to be consis-
wide appiicabiiity, geolory students need to develop tent with earthquakes within these environments.
a sound working familiarity rvith these fundamental
co n ce pt s . BACKGROUND
Geology students should also understand how tec- C oordi nates, Tensors, and C oordi nate
tonic stress originates within the earth. Some, if not Transformati ons
most, of this stress must ultimately come from gravity Stress refers to internal forces acting to deform a
acting on the earth's complex density structures. The material . Elastic strain refers to the recoverable elas-
importance of gravity follows from its ability to ex- tic deformation that results from stress. Strain rate
p l a i n m any t ec t oni c p ro c e s s e s a n d o u r fa i l u re to refers to the rate of development of permanent defor-
identify alternative mechanisms that produce large mati on and here i ncl udes al l of the pl asti c, v iscous,
stre ss es t hat c an a c t th ro u g h l a rg e d i s p l a c e ments. and dislocation processes that change the shape of
For example, tides produce stressesthat can act through geologic materials.
l a rg e d is plac em ent s , b u t th e i r i n te n s i ty i s l i mi ted, Stress, strain, and strain rate are physicai quan-
while thermal expansion can produce large stresses, tities whose effects are independent of the coordinate
but these are relieved by relatively small displace- system being used to describe a particular problem
ments. At a global scale, the basic premise of gravita- but w hose numeri c representati ons do depend on t he
tional tectonics is that all mass displacements in the coordi nate system. P hysi cal quanti ti es w hi ch p ossess
earth must ultimatel-v' result from gravity (DeJong and thi s general characteri sti c are referred to as tensor s.
S c h o l t e n ,1 9 7 3 ,p . i x ) . Stress, strain, and strain rate are most easily handled
Gra v it at ional t ec to n i c s tre s s h a s b e e n u s e d to ex- and understood i n thei r tensor representati on, so a
plain the ernplacement of salt diapirs (Nettleton, basi c understandi ng of tensors i s desi rabl e for t hose
1 9 3 4 ) a nd t he dev elo p m e n t o f th ru s tr' fo l d b e l ts o n the wishing to work with these fields. They can be studied
fl a n ks of m or r nt aino r.rs rrp l i fts (l l e n n i s o n , 1 9 7 6 ; El l i ntt. through their orthogonal principal components or

J o u r n a l o f G e o s c i e n c eE d u c a t i o n v, . 4 6 , 1 9 9 8 ,p . 7
A Finite-Element
ModelingApproachto Gravitational
TectonicStressand Earthquakes
through the Nlohr-circle representationl hou'ever.
th e se appr oac hesa re i n h e re n tl y l i rn i te d . Stu d ents are ftrrce F = F,e',- 4J, * fi: on the matc'r'ial on the nega-
b e tte r s er v ed if t t re y a re i n i ti a l l y i n tro d u c e d to the ti ve si de rvhere .Fr. F:. F3 are the vector com ponent s
mo re' u' er s at ile t ens o r-l rl g e b ra l o rn ra t. f

and €,1. d1,d1 are uni t r-ectorsi n the X ,, X :. X3 coor di-

Tens or algebr a i s a g e r-re ra lc o n c e p t th a t can be ntrte directions.
a p p l i ed t o s c alar f i e l d s th a t re q r.ri rea s i n g l e ' u ' al uefor Stress is defined as the force per unit area. For this
th e i r c om plet e s pe c i fi c a ti o n (s u c h a s p re s s u re). vec- particulirr elemental area, the stress colnponents are:
to r fi elds t hat r equ i re th re e v a l u e s (s u c l -ra s d i spl ace-
ment or velocit-v), and higher-order fields that F,
re q u i r e a m at r ix of v a l u e s (s u c h a s s tre s s , s tra i n, and lllll
. 'r --I1
- l /
rr r
L 1 -

stra i n r at e) . T hes e a re d e s i g n a te d a s z e ro th-order

te n sor s , f ir s t - or de r te n s o rs , a n d s e c o n d -rtrd er ten- ( t . - .F"
= -

so rs. r es pec t iv ely . Th e o rd e r o f a te n s o r i n d i c ates the llln \ r

I I .,' --L11
l t -

n u mber of s ubs c r i p ts th a t a re a p p e n d e d to i ts sym-

b o l i c r epr es ent at io n a n d to th e n u mb e r o f compo-
n e n ts r equir ed f o r i ts c o rn p l e te s p e c i f-rc a t i on.For
.,..= ,' n
e xa m ple:
S i mi l ar expressi ons can be rvri tten for the st r ess
components that are acti ng on el emental ar eas or i-
P(.r,r) fbr a pressuret-reld. ented perpendi cul ar to the X 1 and X 3 co or dinat e
- axes. The total stress tensor i s grven by u 3 by 3
u,(x.1)=.i1.2.3 fbr a r.'ectordisplacernentl'ield,and matri x of val ues
+ [i = 1.2.3
o ',l,( - r .r ) . . ( tbr a stresst-reld. Ior t o t : o r - ;
[,r = t.:.]
o,, = Il o i:o ::o :-t
Geologists colnmonly use rectangular coordinates to Lo r,l o ti o i l
describe a local site, cylindrical coordinates to describe
borehole logs, and spherical coordinates when working rvhere symmetry (o',; = cri) follorvs from the require-
with the whole earth. We need to be able to readiiy ment that internal torques be balanced.
transform tensor fields and relations from one coor- Components of the stress tensor located along the
dinate system into another. The relation that does main diagonal of this matrix descnbe forces that are
this transformation follows from the requirement normal to the elementai areas and parallel to the coor-
that the physical effect of a tensor quantity be invari- dinate axes. These components are tensions if they are
ant in a coordinate transformation. For a second- positive and compressions if they are negative. The
order tensor the coordinate transformation has the off-diagonal components represent forces acting paral-
form iel to the elemental areas and are called "shears."
For a symmetric second-order tensor, it can be
shown that there is a particular coordinate orientation
G, =II ci,c
1,6,, in which the absolute values of the components located

l'=l .r=1

ors is the tensor in the original coordinate system,
o,, is the tensor in the new coordinate system, and
Conis a 3 by 3 square matrix whose elements are the
lengths of the unit vectors in the new coordinate sys-
tem projected onto the coordinate directions of the old
system. These are referred to as "direction ct.lsines."
U s ing t ens or not a ti o n , p h y s i c a l q u a n ti ti e s such as J
stre ss and phy s ic al re l a ti o n s s u c h a s H o o k e ' s l arv of
l i n e a r elas t ic it y c a n b e e x p re s s e d i n g e n e ra l forms
th a t a r e independe n t o f a n y p a rti c u l a r c o o r di nate xl
syste m.

Fi gure 1. C omponentsof a force vector acti ng acr oss an

Th e St r es s T ens or el ementalarea w hi ch i s embedded w i thi n a mater ialand
ori ented perpendi cul arto the X z coordi nate axi s. St r ess
C ons ider a s m all d i s k -s h a p e de l e me n ta l a re a that i s
o4 i s defi ned as the force per uni t area w here t he f ir st
imbedded rvithin a matc.rial and oriented perpendicu-
subscri pt i ndi catesthe ori entati onof the el ement alar ea
l a r to t he X 2 c oor din a te a x i s (F i g u re 1 ). T h e materi al and the second subscri pt i ndi catesthe componentof t he
o n th e pos it iv e s ide u f tl ri .s e l c n rc n t,a i a re a e xerrs a f orce.
J o u r n a l o f G e o s c i e n c eE d u c a t i o n v, . 4 6 , 1 9 g 8 ,p . 8
A F i n i t e - E l e m e nM
t o d e l i n gA p p r o a c ht o G r a v i t a t i o n aTl e c t o n i cS t r e s sa n d E a r t h q u a k e s
along the nrain diagonal of' the nratr-ix have ntil.\r-
rnum or nrinimum magnitudes and the off-diugonal
c o m p o n e n t sa r e a l l z e r o s . I n t h i s p a r t i c u l a r c o o r d i - ii'(i+Airl'\ d,.+ J
n a te s v s t enl, t he s t r e .s ste n s o r c a n b e re p re s e l tt ed b1' :
,/ \'
0 0 o '.'tr.
l r\ y\r;, \
o,, -l 0 0 I
O:: o int
i; \Ar' -Z_
0 G -1,, o ruin
I _>
;) i \
Th e l ar ges t of t hes e d i a g o n a l c o mp o n e n ts i s re f erred
to a s t he r nax im unr p ri n c i p l e s tre s s , th e s m a l l e-sti s
th e mi nim um pr inc i p l e s tre s s , a n d th e o th e r is the
i n te rrn ediat e pr inc ip l e s tre s s .
Pressure refers to that part of the stress tensor that
is uniform in all directions. It is defined as minus the
a\/erage of the three components of the stress tensor
which are located along the main diagonal, or Figure 2. Relative deformation ar- between two points
w i thi n a materi afthat undergoes a conti nuous displace-
P-*J(o't*or' *oi3). ment fi el d speci fi ed by t(/:). The strai n tensor is devel-
oped from the gradi entof the di spl acementfi el d.
Pressure is an example of a tensor inr.ariant whose
numeric value is identical in all coordinate repre- ?u,
sentations. r/i, = -f/i
c -\'l
*9A,.. =i9^,.,
c.r: c.Y3 -r-r,
Stra i n and S t r ain Ra te
This can be rewritten as
Strain refers to deformation rn'ithin a material. In
the geologic sciences, we often restrict our attention to rF / ^\/ - \l
recoverabie elastic deforrnations and permanent vis- I Y'
ilIIca, , ctti | | [ C,u, C ' U ;| |
.r:t - /

l- |

2 [\ . 6 rJ,r
- i - | - i _

e . r i/ 2[i.r,
^ | 1.1/'
cous deformation rates. Elastic deformations include a r:rr /-.1
./=l L
free component that balances both the body force,qand
surface tractions and a locked-in component that exists ,v \ )- r l q . -.o,rp,;
by virtue of the shape of the material. The locked-in -
n -
elastic defonnation (and its associated stress) would be
present even if all body forces and applied tractions
were removed from the body.
Strain rate refers to the rate at rvhich non-recoverable *here:=+[;-ff)
deformation develops. The ph-vsical nature of elastic

strain and non-recoverable strain rate are profoundly
different. However, they both develop in response to
the same stress tensor and, in linear isotropic materials,
they both can be represented by similar mathematical
expressions. The following development initially per-
Tlre terms r11, r.22,EsBare the change in length per
tains to elastic strain but is subsequently transformed
to relate to strain rate. uni t l ength i n X 1, X r, X 3 di recti on-s, respect ively.
Consider a material that undergoes a non-uniform These are extensional strains. The terms rt2, ELB,E2s
deforrnation (Figure 2) specified by the displacement represent shear strains of the materiai rn'here e12is
field one-hal f the change i n the angl e betw een l i nes in t he
nraterial that initiall-v paralleled the X1 and X2 coor-
i ( V , / ) = u Q t * L t . t 0+: . u \ A 7. dinate directions. The terms a)12,o)l-1,(r)23are rigid
bod"vrotations which can be ignored because they do
not represent deformati on of the materi al .
The differential displacementbetrn'een
tn'o locations Noting that the off-diagonal terms are symmetric
that are locatedat 1si: - eli), it can be seen that the deforrnation of the
rnateri al i s compl etei y descri bed by si x i ndependent
iandi+Lrisdl= d € , 6+, d E: 0 : + d i : 0 : components.
[r,, sr: rr_r
For a smoothly varying. continuous displacement -_l^'^'-
U1; = | t, 1. U l. C:.1
fi e l d a nd pr ox ir nal loc a ti o n s , th e X , c o m p o n e n t of the
d i ffe re n t ial dis plac en te n t c a n b e e x p re s s e da s
I t :_. € -i3
Lt i;

J o u r n a lo f G e o s c i e n c eE d u c a t i o r ,v . 4 6 , 1 9 9 8 ,p . g
A F i n i t e - E l e m e nM
t o d e l i n gA p p r o a c h t o G r a v i t a t i o n aTl e c t o n i c S t r e s s a n d E a r t h q u a k e s
Stra in ( c hange in l e n g th p e r u n i t l e n g th ) i s di rnen- oi, + i(DSt + 2u r,, (Equation l)
si o nles s . I t s phy s i c a l e ffe c t i s i n d e p e n d e n t o [ the co-
o rd i nat e s y s t em in w h i c h i t i s e x p re s s e d ;th u s, strai n rvhere:
i s a s ec ond- or dert e n s o r. L i k e th e s tre s s te rl s o r. there oi j i s the stress tensor,
exists one particular coordinate system in u'hich the ). is the first Lame coefllcient.
co mponent s of t h e s tra i n te n s o r l o c a te d a l ong the O i s the di l ati on,
ma i n diagonal ar e m a x i m u m s o r m i n i m u m s and the I t.( - I
is the Kronecker deita,
off-diagonal components are zeros. In this particular 'l{)r=,

coordinate system
!r is the shear modulus (or second Lame
00 coefficient), and
', I frn,"*
I 'U is the strain tensor.
u,;=l 0 t:: 0
lo 0 r:: I
loj',"'fLt'in .J
Y oung' s modul us and P oi sson' s rati o are aiso used
to describe the elastic properties of a material.
Young's rnodulus is defined as the proportionality
These are usually referred to as the principle strains. constant relating axial stress to axial strain in an
The change in volume per unit volume is called unconfined elastic rod. Poisson's ratio is defined as
dilation (or compression if the change is negative). minus the ratio of the radial-to-axial strains in an
D i l a tion c an be exp re s s e d a s O = rtl * Ez z* r s3.Li ke unconfined elastic rod. Stretching the rod should in-
pressure, the numeric value of dilation is the same in crease its volume so the dilation is greater than zero
all coordinate systems (a tensor invariant). For lin- and P oi sson' s rati o i s betw een zero and 0. 5. Rocks
ear elastic materials, pressure is related to dilation typi cal l y have P oi sson' s rati o of about 0.3.
through the bulk modulus B where p = -BO. There are only two truly independent elastic con-
We initially referred to u as a displacement field. stants; thus. the various elastic moduli are interre-
If this represents an elastic displacement field, then l ated. S ome of these rel ati ons are gi ven below.
e;; is the elastic strain tensor. However, in viscous or p(3i+2p;
\bung's !{odulus n
plastic materials, the displacement field can change L
lvith time, and its time derivative represents a spa-
tially continuous deformation rate. A deformation- Bulk N{odulus IJ
rate field would be expressed as 3(l-}i)

Shearlt{odulus 'u
Au Au, ^ Au. ^ Au^ ^ :(l+u)
- = -ct -f -G.t -f -tr-!
0t0t'et-et P o r s s o n 'R
satio t)
The strain-rate tensor is developedin a manner FirstLanleCoeffrcient
analogous to the developmentof the elastic strain (ltuXl-2u)
tensor. One distinction is that the dilation rate.
W e need to devel op consti tuti ve equati ons which
+ OT
must be satisfied by the displacement field every-
where within an elastic material or the displacement
is normally assumed to be equal to zero. The corre- rate fi el d everyw here w i thi n a vi scous mat er ial.
sponding viscous bulk modulus is infinite. These constitutive equations let us formulate the
Aside: The assumption of negligible uiscous dilation analysis of gravity-loaded density structures as
may not be correct. If the uiscous bulk modulus is boundary-value problems which can be solved with
finite-element models. The initial development will
finite, then earth materials can adjust their internal
uolumetric shape in a manner that balances the erist- be for an elastic deformation freld. This will sub-
ing pressure enuironment. Rocks which solidify at sequently be transformed into the constitutive equa-
depth and are su.bsequently exposed at the surface tion for a viscous displacement rate field.
u,ould then contain u locked-in pressure that tends to S tati c equi l i bri um (that i s, a si tuati on u'her e
there is no acceleration) requires that the gradient of
force the material apart causing spalling, exfoliation,
and physical disintegration. Locked-in pressure stress be balanced bv bodv forces. or
tuould olso balance the lithostatic pressttre that acts t ,O ; (6 ;t C ' O'' :'
I r-o. =0,
e cro s s pot ent ial f a u l t s u rfa c e s . F o u l ti n g o t depth C',Y,
( .rt a'-rl
would then not require ttnusual poreLuater pressure

(for example, see Huhbert and Ruby, 1959 ctnd deep- w'here: g, is the body tirrce per unit volume
fo cu s ear t hquak es w o u l d n o t re q u i re u n u s u al faul t Substituting Hooke'slaw for the stress tensor and
zone conditions (for example, see Bolt, 1993). the definitionsfor dilation and stressvields:
Stress,Strain,and the Constitutive
Equations :3
A variety of equationsrelate elasticstrain to \rr
'U ) l l ;/ . At .nL t. ( / " - r ,1 1'i ; l l t^.. r ri . . i g, = 0
stre ss . F or linear (H o o k e a n ) a n d i s o tro p i c m a t eri al s, !_/ .-

L h e nr os t gener al e x p re s s i o n i s : A-l ll=l

J o u r n a l o f G e o s c i e n c eE d u c a t i o h v, . 4 6 , 1 9 9 8 ,p . 1 0
A F i n i t e - E l e m e nMt o d e l i n gA p p r o a c ht o G r a v i t a t i o n aTl e c t o n i cS t r e s s a n d E a r t h q u a k e s
where indices follou'ing a conrrna irnpll' partial differ- /^\
lI irr, (It' I
e n ti a t ion. u i ; -
| | l .
(Equation 3)
Subs t it ut ing f o r th e fi rs t L a rn e c o e ffi c i e nt. the " ]ltl'r' r '-lt 'i ' I
\ .i I
shear rnodulus.and the bulk modulus vields:
rnd the stress tensor follot's from
r r ,
, , f1, , , ^ - i l . l - * . = 0 . (Equation 2) oij = 2!r(r-'HtJ,
+ eii) lEquation 4)
l;i |

where: p is the shear modules. .\ viscous boundary value problem is similar to an

io- elastic problem except Poisson'sratio is 0.5 (incom-
f/,, = - tt the mean pressurerunctlon' pressibleflorv) and tie elastic shear modulus is re-
-g is young's modulus a'd placed by the viscositv. The unknou'n fields in a
, I viscousproblem are the mean pressure function and
; = f to,, - is the nesatiye Dressure. displacementrates and the boundary conditions are
Tur-, either speci.fieddisplacement rates or prescribed
traction. With these substitutions, the strain rate
The displacement field a; and the mean pressure tensor and the stress tensor are as depictedin Equa-
function fi must satisfy this basic constitutive equa- tions 3 and 4 above.
tion everywhere within an elastic solid. Including the For rnany problems ofint€rest, the displacementsor
mean pressure function in the relation provides a displacement rates and the spatial rates of change of
constitutive equation which is valid for both com- the physical paramet€rs are much less in one coordi-
pressible and fully incornpressible elastic materials nate direction than they are in the other two directions.
(Herrmann, 1965). For linear viscous materials, the These problems are analyzed with two-dimensional,
displacement rate field and the mean pressure func- plane strain elastic models or plane strain rate vis-
tion must also satisfy this constitutive equation. In cous models. In two-dimensional problems, the model
the viscous interpretation, p is the viscosity and for is a cross section through the bodl'and the displace-
fully incompressible materials, the viscous Young's ments or displacement rates lie *'ithin the plane of
modulus relating stress to strain rate is 1.5 times the the cross section.
viscosity. An exact solution to a boundary-value problem
Over extendedintervals of geologictime, earth ma- has an infinite number of unknowns because there
terials maintain their approximate volumes but may are an infinite number of locations within a continu-
permanently deform into new configurations. The rate ous material. The frnite-element method replaces the
of deformation increaseswith increasing shear stress. continuously varying fields with continuous modeled
On the shorter time scale of seismic waves, they be- frelds whose values depend on a finite number of
have elastically. The simplest rheologic model which is unknown variables. The simplest modeled field (and
reasonably consistentn'ith this behavior is viscoelastic- the one used in our programs) consists of an assem-
ity with incompressible linear (Newtonian) viscosity blage of triangular elements interconnected at a fi-
and compressible linear (Hookean) elasticity. The nite number ofnodal points (Figure 3). The unknown
density structures that are responsible for gravita- fields are assumed to vary in a linear fashion be-
tional tectonics persist for extended intervals oftime, tween the three nodes of each triangular element.
so our tectonic models are based on long-period in- With this linear interpolation model. t--hefield at any
compressibleviscous flow. In these viscous models, location within a triangle equals the spatially
an elastic deformation is linked to, or follows, the weighted average of the values of the field at the
viscous deformation rate through the common stress three nodes of the triangle. The field is continuous,
tensor. The models then apply to both Newtonian but the gradient of the freld between adjacent trian-
viscous and Hookean elastic materials. gular elements is discontinuous. Once the area of a
plane-strain problem has been subdivided into trian-
Boundary-Value Problems gular elements, the solution to the boundary-value
and the Finite-ElementMethod problem is the values of the unknown fields at the
The solution to a genelal boundary-valueproblem frnite number ofnodal points. It should be recognized
is one or more continuous fields u'hich simultane- that the solution to a frnite-element model approaches
ously satisfy an appropriate constitutive equation the exact solution to the boundary-value problem as
ever1,.wherewithin the material and the boundary the number of nodal points becomes large and the
conditions on the external surfaces of the bodl'. Fr,rr size ofthe elements becomes small. Introductory ref-
an isotropic linear-elasticproblem, Equation 2 is a erence texts on the firnite-elementmethod include
form of the constitutiveequation that must be satis- Zienkiewicz(1971)and Desai and Abel (1972).
fied by the displacementfield ui and mean pressure In addition to equilibrium among the forces,the
function 1/. The boundaryconditionsare either speci- solution to an elastic boundary value problem mini-
fied displacements of the surface or prescribed trac- mizes the stored internal energy and the solution to
tion on the surface of the bodl'. If the continuous a viscousproblem marimizes the rate of energy dis-
displacement field and mean pressure function can sipation.Theserequirements form the ph;'sicalbasis
be found. the strain tensor follows from: for the finite-elementmethod.
Journal of Geoscience Education,v.46, 1998,p. 11
t o d e l i n gA p p r o a c ht o G r a v i t a t i o n aTl e c t o n i cS t r e s s a n d E a r t h q u a k e s
A F i n i t e - E l e m e nM
trl' ,l ,t
/.tL:,rL r I i l re functi ons of the unknow ns.
{ Spccilied Displncemtnls rl' are the unknol vns at those nodes t o
\ \ lfire rertic;tlly.
t e l

8od1 lorces t .,'11

fircd horizontlllv) w hi ch the i ' th node i s connected.
{ l* IJ_

,f and (li are constants.

Displrcement :rnrl iit r.1',r.t!
'1 lI{ r.yz.t)
menn prtl.srrte fields
Theseequati ons (one for each model vari a ble) ar e
Fired Displacentettts arrarlged into a murtnx fbrmat
tAl{L'}= {Qi
lA'l is the model stiffness matrix.
{Ll is the vector of all unknowns for all nodes in the
model, and
{8} is the vector of constants for all nodes in the
Fi nal l y, Gauss el i mi nati on i s used to fi nd t he in-
verse of the model stiffness matrix [K-i] so that
Figure 3. A cross section through an elongatebody which
is subjectedto body forces, surface tractions,and specified
{Ui = t/( 1l{8}
d i sp l a c em ent s . T he s e c o n d fi g u re i s a fi n i te ' el ement w here: { U } i s the desi red answ er.
model of this body. ln the model, distributed body forces
a n d s ur f ac e t r ac t io n s a re re p re s e n te d b y e q u i val ent Once the appropriate programs have been written
forces acting at the nodes. and verifred, the challenging problems are model
wefirstdeverop forthetotar ffiri'J*""1fiuy:J;ijll);,":tli#J,li"l|il|"","rtll::
energy' or rate of energy dissipation, ii"", r"a display. For fully incompressible materials,
Poisson's ratio equals 0.5 and the first Lame coefli-
/ 1 1 r \ 1 cient is infinite. Most publig-domain finite-element
pr-ograms areunstable for fullvincompressible mate-
l'= if f | -l-tI" o.. -in,,,,
lou- i[ Ii l t . "r,,,.1s.
,"'' r i a l s a n d c a n n o tb e u s e d f o r t h e a n a l y s i so f l a r g e .
J J J | ) -u 4 ' ! J)
rihr€ \ ,-r /=r i=l " l)" ' - qate i-t gravity-loaded density structures. Stable programs
require inclusion of some form of the pressure field,
such as Herrmann's (1965) mean pressure function,
in the solution.
€,,rs the strarn or sf,rarnraf,ef,ensor,
6i.is the.stresstens^or, , GENERICMODELS
8'i rs the Dodylorce ltelo. A Fectangular Bidge
z; is the displacement or displacement-rate field, and
d,rr first generic cornputer model is a cross sec-
f, is the surfacetraction tion through a simple rectangular ridge (Figure 4).
In a finite-element model, stress and strain can be The objectives of this model are to demonstrate our
expressed as matrix equations involving the product modeling technique and show the format used to dis-
of arrays of constants and the vector of the nodal play the resulting deformation and stress. The base
point displacements and mean pressure function. of the modeled ridge is constrained vertically br:t is
The body forces and surface tractions are expressed free to move horizontally, whereas the right-hand
as vectors of nodal loads. The general expression for side is constrained horizontally but free to move ver-
the total energy, or rate ofenergy dissipation, is then tically. This boundary condition on the right-hand
a function of only the unknown frelds at the nodes, or side can be regarded as a plane of symmetry running
V = V(Ut, U2,...,Ui, where: U;i = 1,...J are the un- through a ridge which is twice as broad as the com-
known flreldsat the nodal points. puter rnodel, and this interpretation is employed in
Followingthe calculusofvariations, minimization our model displays.The material is fully incompress-
of the total energ'y, or maximization of the rate of ible and has a uniform density of 1.0 gm/cc. Lengths
energy dissipation, with respect to unknown fields are in kilometers and the viscosityequals 0.67 x 10tl
requires that Poise (dynes,'cm2-sec).The model has 48 tnangular
elementswith 32 nodes.
Finite-element analysis of this model solves for
the nodal point displacementrates. These are dis-
di spl acement (Fi gure 5). The l engths of the l ines ar e
i l ) = 4 , ,i = 1 , . . . . . \ '
rvhere: :::f,ffi:.T.'l""JJil:
J o u r n a lo f G e o s c i e n c eE d u c a t i o h v, . 4 6 , 1 9 9 8 ,p . 1 2
A Finite-ElementModeling Approach to Gravitational
Tectonic Stress and Earthquakes
planeof symmet y

initial shape

body force t,l t.
.Y l 4 time steps

,'''a |t
E time steps
20 km

Figure4. Finite-efementmoderof a cross sectionthrough

a gravity-loaded rectangurar
12 time steps
ridge.rne u-oundaiyconoi-
lol llgng the right-handside mik"" iriir ,-p-rJ,ie'or
metrythrougha ridgethatis twiceas broad'istt,emoder.

<_ J> 16 time steps
-r- -l--
{-- 1
tt | | Figure6. Cummufativeviscous dispfacements
due to
4/tl gllvitv foadingof a recta-ngutar,
one vear
ridgei i;;; i;;e step of
of igm,'cc,itre materiii'vis"olity
i/ / | "nd porse.
is 0.67x 1011 ",i:lsity
using the new distortedmodel.In theseviscous
i'/ ,/ | the duration of the time step is orruy"ur.---*
stress is constant within each or tn. triangurar
I elementsof the finite-elementmodel. It
/" 2 is iound by
l- first calculating the strain rate rvithin each
a.ndthen applying the appropriate ,t."..-rirain
tion to the modeledstrain. Stress is displayedrela_
parr of rntersectingperpendicularii"u.- as a
d i s p l a c e m e nrta t e tiuf are the
tyo plincipal
I fength stressesin the prane of the cross sec-
tion. The third intermediatestress is perpendicurar
J zorm
s kml vear
to the plane of the crosssectionand is not'or.pra1,ed.
compressivestresshas simple -qtraightii"".,-u"d
tensionalstress.isindicated'byin.r,r?irg ex-
Figure5. Viscousdispracement ;;lih circles
rates(or instantaneousat the ends of the rines.The iengtnr oi"tr,.-iirru, u""
efasticdispracementsi dueto giavity-rdiaiiig
s oi a visco_ proportionar to. th.e ampritude Jf the .t".., at the
efasticrectangularridge. same scaleas the key below the displa-l
grq-it.i'-loaded Stressis traditionaily divided into i'fiessltre
u recrangular ridge com-
fl9.i:l' and.,of
Iapse spread under its own we-ight.cuirulative
to col_ ponent,rvhich acts to changethe
volum; ;i;" mate-
viscous deformation (Figure 6) ."n 1. fo""J riai. and a sh,earc.otnponenT, which u.t, to"f.nange the
by .se- internal.ang-lss.Another n.a5,.
displacing each nocralpoinr-ti-tn" dis- gra'itational to display s;;;;, is as
p r a c e r n e n tr a t e a n d t h e n r e r u ' n i n g tectonicstressivhich i.'[..u JuG."a
the anarvsis the total stress minus
t h e l i t h o s t a t i c o v e r h u r d".e n
Journal of GeoscienceEducatiof,,v. 46, 1g9g,
p. 13
A Finite-ElementModeling Approach to GravitationalTectonic Stress and Earthquakes
di spl ay than the tradi ti onal di vi si on of to t al st r ess
F\rl i nto pressure and shear stress. Thi s format is used
1 4 - \ ' q h - l
e x c l u s i v e l y i n t h e s u b s e q u e n tm o d e l s .

The lnternal Ridge

The next model i s a 2O-ki l ometer-hi g h densit y
ri dge ernbedded rvi thi n sol i d materi al . The object ive
of thi s model i s to demonstrate how i nterna l densit y
structures, such as the roots of mountai ns, can cr eat e
gravi ty-dri ven di spl acements. The model also dem -
onstrates that gravity-driven displacements are the
re-*ult of lateral (not vertical) density structures.
Figure 8 shows the model and its boundary condi-
tions. The base of the model is fixed, the left-hand
side is supported by a horizontal traction equal to the
lithostatic overburden pressure, and the right-hand
10,000bar stress side is free in the vertical direction but flrxed horizon-
lenEh tally (that is, the right-hand side is a plane of sym-
compression metry). The materiai has a uniform viscosity and is
20 km fully incompressible. By varying the material density
--+ extension configuration, this frnite-element model will be used
to explore a variety of different situations.
Figure 7. Gravitationaltectonic stress within the gravity' For the first situation, the material above the in-
loided rectangular ridge. Gravitationaltectonic stress is terface is assigned a density of 1.0 gnt/cc and the
here defined as the total stress minus the lithostaticover' material below the interface a density of 2.0 gm;'cc.
burden pressure at the point in question. The internal ridge then has a positive density con-
trast. This density configuration contains gteater
pressure. Figure 7 shows that for the rectangular gravitational potential enerry than would be present
ridge, the gravitational tectonic stress is predomi- if the same material were arranged in flat layers
nantly a horizontal ext'ension consistent with spreading with the less dense material on top. Because the con-
of the material. We have found that the gravitational figuration is in a state of elevated gravitational po-
tectonic stress format provides a more informative tenti al energy, gravi tati onal tectoni c str ess and

free surface

lit hos E at ic



fixed surface
0 50 100

modelof an internaldensitystructure.The heavydark linerunningthroughthe middleot the

Figufe8. Finite-element
ligureseparatesmalerialswith ditterentdensilies'
J o u r n a l o f G e o s c i e n c eE d u c a t i o r ,v . 4 6 , 1 9 9 8 ,p . 1 4
A F i n i t e - E l e m e nM
t o d e l i n gA p p r o a c h t o G r a v i t a t i o n aTl e c t o n i cS t r e s s a n d E a r t h q u a k e s

free surface
Pressure 1.0 gm/cc


2.0 gm/cc

Length (km)
0 50 100
Figure 9, Oisplacemenlrates due to gravity loading of a positive densily structure. Gravity lends to flatten the ridge
and lower the net gravitationalpotential energy in the structure.

gravity-driven displacement rates are present. These would occur. Finally, note that if the lateral density
displacement rates are shown in Figure 9. Note that structure could be maintained by some unspecified
if the density structure could be maintained by some process,the displacement rates would be continuous
unspecifred process, the displacement rate would be and a diapir of more dense material can rise up into
continuous and the ridge along with the less dense overlJing less dense material. We will explore sorne
overlying material would continuously sink into a implications of this observation in a lat€r model of a
more dense underlying material. We will explore the plate tectonic spreading center.
implications of this ohservation in a later model of a
plate tectonic subductionzone. Viscous Detormation of a Simple Fold
For the next situation. the relative densities were Our third generic model is a simple fold formed by
reversed, with the upper material set at 2.0 gm/cc horizontal compression of a viscosity-stratified mate-
and the lower material at 1.0 gnicc. This is a density ri al . The model (Fi gure 11) has a 40-meter-t hick,
inversion whose deformation can be regarded as a more-viscous layer sandwiched between two 80-meter-
growing diapir, The gravity-driven displacement thick softer layers. Nlaterials are fully incompress-
rates were exactly identrcal to those rn Figure 9 ex- ible and the viscosity of the stiff layer is 100 times
cept their directions were reversed. that of the softer layers. The modeled stiff layer in-
Th e f inal s it uat ion i s s i mi l a r to th e s e c o n d e xcept itially has a slight bulge near the left side to initiate
that density everywhere increases with depth, and the fold. Without some initial perturbation from ex-
the ridge is represented solely by a lateral density actly plane la,vers, the computer model uniformly
v a ri a ti o n ( F igur e 10 ). T h e re s u l ta n t d i s p l a c e ment compresses the rnateri al rvi thout devel opi ng a f old.
rates were found to be exactly ident,ical to those of Nlaterial densities for this generic model were arbi-
t he se co nd s it uat ion. E q u a l i ty b e tw e e n th e d i s p l ace- trarily set at I gm/cc.
me n t ra t es in t hes e t w o mo d e l s d e mo n s tra te s th a t i n The base of the fol d model i s constrai ned ver t i-
in co mp res s ible v is c ou s ma te ri a l s th e g ra v i ta ti onal cally but is free to move in the horizontal direction,
t e cto n i c s t r es s and t h e re s u l ti n g d i s p i a c e m e n t rat.es rvhereas the ri ght si de i s constrai ned hori zont ally
re su l t fr om lat er al ( n o t v e rti c a l ) d e n s i ty v a ri a ti o ns. but free to move in the vertical direction. The left
Vertical density inversions are ineffective because if si de i s moved 10 rneters to the ri ght duri ng each t im e
t he ma te r ials wer e arra n g e d i n e x a c tl y p l a n e l a ;' ers. step. Fi gure 12 show s the resul tant deformat ion.
t he stres s would ev e ry w h e re e q u a l th e l i th o s tati c S ome observati ons are (1) a l ' i scosi ty contras t be-
overburden pressure and no shear deformation tween the la1'ers is required for frrld formation and

J o u r n a l o f G e o s c i e n c eE d u c a t i o f ,v, . 4 6 , 1 9 9 8 ,p . 1 5
A F i n i t e - E l e m e nM
t o d e l i n gA p p r o a c h t o G r a v i t a t i o n aTl e c t o n i cS t r e s s a n d E a r t h q u a k e s

length (kn)

oso r_00
Figure 10. Finite'elementmodel ot a lateraldensity structur€.The diplacementsare identicallo those
a negativedensity structure, showing that it is th; lateraldensity cdntrasts,not the vertical,ttrit creare
lion. the detorma-

vtg .
F rr2 '(
o'E .r' 'I". ,'l' ''
i |
sa 6a "l.t'

.2 u)
IJr v

I .' I .* -^.--_
I Lengh(meters) A
(100: I viscosifycontrast, I gm/cc)
50 100

Flgure 11. Finile'element

modelof a vjscosity-stratified
modeldemonstratethe development ot the tett side ot the
ol an intarnallold.
(2) because..gravit"vcompressesthe model, the fold plate Tectonic Spreading Center
de"elops within the layered material without sub- -to
Plate tectonici refers the now wideh. accepted
stantial defurrnationof the upper free surface. theory that the earth'i ;;ir; i; subdivided into
Journal of Geoscience Education,v. 46, 1999, p. 16
A Finite-Element
ModelingApproachto Gravitational
TectonicStressand Earthquakes

Spreadl.ng Cerrt.er

Initial Shape Ll c.Lrorptrcra

__ tu

Fi gure 13. C onceptual model of an oceani c sp r eading

center. The tendency for the cooler, more-dense litho-
sphere to slide off the upward pointed wedge of hotter,
less-dense astenosphere constitutes the push from the
ri dge componentof the pl ate tectoni c dri vi ng for ce.
5 Time Steps
past each other. Spreading centers are associated u'ith
bathymetric ridges and subduction zones are usually
associated utth bathlrnetric trenches. Continents are
composed of'less dense material which is rafted along
with the plates but, because of their lighter densities,
do not subduct. Descriptive plate geometry and the
relative motions of the plates have been reasonably
l0 Time Steps rvell determined (for example, see Cox, 1973).
The dynamic driving mechanism behind the plate
motions is less rvell understood but probably involves
some form of thermal convection (for example. see
W1'llie, 1976). One potential mechanism is the gravity-
driven rise of hot. low-density material within the
spreading centers and the complementary sinking of
cool, high-density material in the subduction zones.
In this push from the ridge, pull from the trench
15 Time Steps
mechanism, the shape of the convection cells is de-
termined by the configuration of the plates. The re-
turn flow that completes the convection cycle rvould
occur in the low-r'iscosit;' asthenosphere that under-
lies the lithosphere. Jacoby (19?0) has shou'n that
100 : I viscosify confrast the energetics of this process is physically consistent.
timeter 1.0 gm/ cc
He also notes inconsistencies with alternative models
involving deep-seated convection cells that drag the
Fi g u re 12. P r ogr es s ive d e fo rma ti o n o f a fo l d w i t hi n a plates (Jacoby, 1973). The push from the ridge, pull
viscosity-stratified layered material. from the trench mechanism is the basis for our piate
tectonic models.
about a dozen reiatively rigid lithospheric plates that Our model of a spreading center (Figure 13) has a
move with respect to each other. The contacts be- smoothly thickening layer of lithosphere on an up-
tw e e n plat es inc lud e (1 ) s p re a d i n g c e n te rs , al ong ward pointed rvedge of the asthenosphere. Boundary
wh i ch new oc ean f l o o r i s c re a te d . e ) s u b d ucti on conditions and the finite-element structure are
zones, along which ocean floor returns to the earth's shorvn in Figure 14. The upper surface of this model
interior, and (3) transform faults. where plates slide is free, the base is fixed, and the sides are supported

Pre ss ur e

3.OO gmlcc on 2.92 gm/cc

IOO lClometers (+0.O8 gmlcc contrast)

Figure14.Flnite-element modelol an oceanicspreadlngcenter.The lithosphereis 0.08gm/cc more densethan the

underlyingaslhenosphere.andthe ridge aris is 0.84km tbove the sea floor it the siOesotifri mooll. The sides ot the
model are supporled by a lithostatic overburdenpressure.
Journal ol Geoscience Education, v. 46, 1999,p. 1Z
A Finite-ElementModeling Approach to GravitationafTectonic Stress and Earthquakes


-360 -240 -120 120 240 360

-120 0

Flqure| 5. Displacemenlratesdue to gravityloadingot the spreadingcentermodel.The displacements al the sidesof

thE model shdw the push-trom-the-dge cdmponentof the ilate tectonic driving force, and the displacementsbelow
the ridge show the tendency of gEvity to move materialup into the ridge.
by lateral surface traction equal to the lithostatic over- The assumed density contrast between the litho-
burden. The upper surface, or sea-floor bathymetry, sphere and asthenosphere is 0.08 gm/cc. Recall from
mimics the shape of the lithosphere-to-asthenosphere the previous model of an internal ridge that lateral,
contact. but its relief is too small to show on the scale not vertical, density variations determine the gravi-
of Figure 14. tational tectonic stress and deformation rates. The
Initially the crest of the ridge at the center of the modeled displacement rates do not require a vertical
model was two kilometers above the sea floor at the density inversion, although a vertical inversion of
sides and the increased weight of the ridge bathy- about 0.05 grrlcc probably does exists between oce-
metry was exactly balanced by the wedge of astheno- anic lithosphere and the underlying asthenosphere
sphere. This model was isostatically balanced so the (for exampl e, see P ress, 1969).
total lithostatic overburden across its base was con- Figure 15 shows the pattern of gravity induced
stant. With this configuration there was a tendency deformation rates within the total model and at a
for the ridge to subside vertically, reflecting the fact larger scale for the materiai directly beneath the
th a t e x ac t is os t as y d o e s n o t c o m p e n s a te fo r ongoi ng ridge crest. On the totai model, the outward-directed
viscous deformation. We next adjusted the height of di spl acements of the i i thosphere at the si des of t he
the ridge until the surface defcrrmation rate was pre- model are the push-from-the-ri dge compone nt of t he
d o mi nat ely hor iz on ta l . T h i s re s u l te d i n a ri d g e that pl ate tectoni c dri vi ng force. The di spl aceme nt r at es
wa s 0. 84 k ilom et er h i g h a t th e c re s t a n d w :rs i sostati - di rectl y beneath the ri dge show the tende ncy f or
ca l l y ov er c om pensa te d , deepc'r mirterial to rise up under the frrrce of gravity

J o u r n a l o f G e o s c i e n c eE d u c a t i o f ,v, . 4 6 , 1 9 9 8 ,p . 1 8
A F i n i t e - E l e m e nM
t o d e l i n gA p p r o a c ht o G r a v i t a t i o n aTl e c t o n i c S t r e s s a n d E a r t h q u a k e s

100 bar
* ---- -=-l-'
. tension G-{-_-r
G---i---r+-{- -- C--+.

.- 3.-

*f=- .*-a
.-a-t ets-F-r

t a

Figure 16. Gravitationaltectonic stress beneath the ridge crest. The maxi mum stress i s a hori zontalextensionequal
to 65 bar and a shear stress equal to 30 bar. This stress is consistent with both normal faulting and earthquakesalong
the ridge crest.

into the axis of the ridge. If the bathymetry and den-

sity structure of the ridge result from thermal con-
duction or cooling as suggested by Sclater and
Francheteau (1970), then the density structure is
self-maintained and the spreading process is indefr-
nitely continuous. For a viscosity of 1020 Poise, the
mo d e l e d half s pr ea d i n g ra te i s o n e c m/y e a r . The
spreading rate in the model is inversely proportional
to the assumed viscositv.
Figure 16 shows the gravitational tectonic stress
within the ridge crest. This display uses the same
format as the simple rectangular ridge (Figure 7), Figure 17. Conceptual model of an oceanic subduction
but to avoid confusion, not all of the available data zone. The tendency for the cooler, more dense lithosphere
were plotted. The gravitational tectonic stress shows to sink into the hotter underlying mantle constitutes the
a ma xim um hor iz o n ta l e x te n s i o n a l o n g th e ri dge pull-from-the-trench component of the plate-tectonic
crest of 65 bar. The corresponding shear stress is 30 dri vi ng force.
bar, where shear stress equals one half the difference
between the maximum and minimum principle had a strong tendency for vertical subsidence over
stresses. The central areas of spreading centers typi- the subducted wedge. The configuration of the upper
cally show high-angle normal faulting or rifting con- surface of the model was then adjusted until the sea
sistent with horizontal extensional stress (for example, floor exhibited a predominantly horizontal displace-
se e Isac k s , O liv er , a n d Sy k e s , 1 9 6 8 ). ment rate. These adjustments, dictated by the dynamics
of the model, resulted in a two-kilometer-deep trench
Pl a te Tec t onic S ubd u c ti o n Z o n e at the location indicated on Figure 18. The implica-
Our den-qitymodel for a subduction zone is similar tion is that trench bathymetry is a consequence of
to that of a spreading center in that both involve a the dynamics of gravitational tectonics.
1 O0 -kilom et er - t hic k l i th o s p h e re th a t i s 0 .0 8 gml cc The di spl acement rates i n the modei are plot t ed
l a te ra lly r nor e dens e th a n th e s u rro u n d i n g mantl e. in Figure 19. These shorv the tendency for the more-
Th e su bduc t ed lit ho s p h e re e x te n d s d o w ' n i n to the dense subducted l i thosphere to si nk i nto the u nder ly-
ma n tl e at a 45o ang l e a s a s l o p i n g w e d g e . F i g u re 17 ing material. The inward-directed displacements of the
sh o w s t he c onc ept u a l m o d e l , a n d F i g u re 1 8 show s lithosphere along the Ieft side of the model are the
the arrangement of finite elements and modeled pull-front-the-trench component of the plate-tectonic
b o u n d a r y c ondit ions . driving force. For a model viscosity of 5 x 1022Poise,
As init ially c onf - rg u re d ,th e u p p e r s u rfi rc e of' the the rate of subduction is one cm/year. This rate is in-
model, or sea-floor bathymetry, rvas flat. This model versell' proportional to the selected viscosity.

J o u r n a l o f G e o s c i e n c eE d u c a t i o h ,v . 4 6 , 1 9 9 8 ,p . 1 9
t o d e l i n g A p p r o a c ht o G r a v i t a t i o n aTl e c t o n i cS t r e s sa n d E a r t h q u a k e s
A F i n i t e - E l e m e nM


Pressure ---t



3.00gm/ccon 2.92gm/cc
( +0.08gm/cccontrast)
Fioure 18. Finite element model of an oceanic subduction zone. The lilhosphere is 0.08 gm/cc laterally more dense
th;n the asthenosphere.Adiusting the bathymetry to remove vertical detormationol the sea lloor resulted in a
two-kilometer-deep trench at the indicated localion.




Dirnensionless (viscosity and the time unit are arbitrary)

FiEure19. Displacement ratesdue to gravityloadingof the subductionzonemodel.The displacements al lhe uPPer

lefr side of th; model show the pull.lrom-the-trenchcomponent ot the plate tectonic driving lorce. The down-diP
disolacements show the subduction.

Journal of GeoscienceEducatiof,,v. 46, 1998,p. 20

A F i n i t e - E l e m e nM
t o d e l i n gA p p r o a c ht o G r a v i t a t i o n aTl e c t o n i cS t r e s sa n d E a r t h q u a k e s

/"/ .


/t / ';7'
\' \ll ' | .{
,+ I.

-A--+- \

--' \

Figure 20. Gravitationaltectonic stress within the subduction zone model. The
stress is a vertical compression in the upper part of the subducted plate and a
100 brr X horizontal extension in the lower part.

200brr X
4- tenllon
300 brr Y
n compresslon

f\. u,,
t-1., t..


,d / ( . , , , r . r'.,
i/ \\\,, ':
.. \,-N(o
- , ' ' \ "z, t \ir,:., \
t., -.--'
/ - '----\ '|n
J \'.
,// '-- _.-.

/ ///

Figure21. The magnitudeot the gravitational shearstresswithinthe subductionzonemodel.The stress distribution

comparesfavorablywith the disiribution ot earthquakesin the Benioft zone beneathHonshu,Japan (Figure 221,

The gravitational tectonic stress (Figure 20) stressexceeds100 bar and is contouredin Figure 21.
shows vertica-l compression within the upper side of This shear shess magnitude cor-respondsremarkably
the subducted plate and horizontal extension within rvell with the distribution of earthquake foci s'ithin
the lower side.The magnitude ofthe associatedshezLr some subductionzones.For example,compareFigure

Journal of GeoscienceEducatioh,v. 46. 1998,p. 21

A F i n i t e - E l e m e nM
t o d e l i n gA p p r o a c h t o G r a v i t a t i o n aTl e c t o n i cS t r e s s a n d E a r t h q u a k e s
careful l y i nvesti gated and documented. S ome t ent a-
t.{ ti ve concl u-si onsbased on the i ni ti al resul ts ar e:
n ---
- .{, . fi ni te-el ement model i ng of densi ty struct ur es can
t--- r
be used to i nvesti gate gravi tati onal tecton ic st r ess
rdS- '- it)
and the associ ated deformati ons,
' , ry-o . a useful definition of gravitational tectonic stress
-5- --s i s " total stress mi nus the l i thostati c overb ur den, "
I .t
!-i o gravitational tectonic stress is the result of lateral
; r00f .t(I)
(not vertical) density structures,
- l
. the push-from-the-ridge, pull-from-the-trench
;- $ plate tectonic driving mechanism can be demon-
c strated,
glavitational tectonic stress is consistent with nor-
200 t- mal faulting and earthquakes along plate spread-
lOD km ./
i ng centers,
gravitational tectonic stress is consistent with the
distribution of earthquakes within some Benioff
zones. and
. the magnitude of the calculated gravitational tec-
Figure 22. Distribution of earthquakes within the Benioff tonic stress is comparable w-ith the stress drop
zo n e beneat h Hons h u , J a p a n (H a s e g a w a a n d others, commonly associated with earthquakes in these
1978 form Bolt, 1982).VF is the volcanic front and TA is environments.
the trench axis. The earthquake distribution compares
favorably with the modeled shear stress magnitudes con- In some respects. these tectoni c model s are analo-
toured in Figure 21. gous to the groundwater flow models used in geohydro-
logic investigations. Both are necessarily simplifications
2L with Figure 22, which shows earthquake foci in of much more complex physical systems and both aie
th e B eniof f s eis m i c z o n e b e n e a th H o n s h u , Japan more adept at dismissing unrealistic concepts than
(Hasegawa and others, 1978 from Boit, 1982). they are at establishing unique solutions. The virtue of
Again recall that in our models, gravitational tec- these computer model simulations is that they provide
tonic stress and deformation rates result from lateral insighf into what is possible and suggest measure-
density contrasts. The modeled subduction process ments or analyses which w-ill better define the critical
does not require a vertical density inversion; thus, a parameters.
lithosphere which is less dense at the lorn'er pres- Questions, comments, and criticisms of our work
sures that exist near the surface can sink into a more are eagerly solicited, as are the efforts of others who
dense, higher pressure environment. If the lateral wish to further develop these techniques. Copies of
density structure results largely from the lower tem- our computer programs are available from the lead
peratures within the subducted lithosphere, then the author.
subduction process would be indefrnitely continuous.
The stress drop associated with earthquakes re- A cknow l edgments
fers to the coseismic decrease in the component of The authors thank Dale Norem and Dayid Malone
the shear stress which is acting parallel to the slip on for their heipful reviews and comments. We specifi-
the fault surface. This parameter can be calculated cally acknowledge the Illinois State University Honors
th ro u g h det ailed a n a l y s i s o f s e i s mo g ra ms a nd i s Program for the financial support that made this
commonly found to be in the range of 10 to 100 bar study possi bl e.
(for example, see Kasahara, 1981). The magnitude of
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og.vand the NervGlobalTectonics:Journal of Geophl'si-
cal Res ear c h,v . 7 3 , p . 5 8 5 5 -5 8 9 9 . About the Authors
Jacoby, W.R.. 1970, Instabilitl,' in the upper mantle and Lany Barrows reeeived his PhD degree from
global plate movements:Journal of GeophysicalRe- the Colorado School of Mines in 1978. He worked
s e a r c hv, . 7 5 , p . 5 6 7 1 . as an environmental geophysicist until 1993 when
Jacoby,W.R., 1973,GravitationalInstability and plate tec-
he joined Illinois State University as an assistant
tonics in DeJong and Scholten, editors. Gravit)' and
professor of geolory and coordinator of a geohy-
tectonics:John Wilel'and Sons,NevvYork, p. 17-33.
Kasahara, K., 1981, Earthquake mechanics: Cambridge drolory graduate progrqp:t. He cunently teaches
University Press,Cambridge,248 p. physical geolory, exploration geophysics, environ-
Milici. R.C., 1975,Structural patterns in the southernAp- mental geology, and computer modeling of
palachians - Evidence for a gral"ity slide mechani-qm gfoundwater s;rstems.
fo r A lleghanian d e fo rm a ti o n : G e o l o g i c a l S o ci ety of Kevin Paul was a sophomore physics student
Amer ic a B ullet in ,v . 8 6 , p . 1 3 1 6 -1 3 2 0 . when he took physical geolory and began working
N e t t l e t o n , L . L . , 1 9 3 4 , F l u i d m e c h a n i c so f s a l t d o m e s : on the finite-element-modeling pr{ect as part of
American Associationof PetroleumGeologvBulletin. v. the I.S.U. Honors Program. He received hie BS
18, p. LI75-L204. degree in 1996 and is currently a graduate phys-
Press, Frank. 1969, The SuboceanicMantle: Science.v. ics student at the University of Illinois where his
1 6 5 ,p . 1 7 4 - 1 7 6 . academic focus is special relativity.
Price, R.A., 1973, Large-scalegravitational flow of su-
pracrustalrocks.southernCanadian Rockiesln DeJong

Food for Thought

Forallthetalkaboutthe menagerie of particleslockedinsidethe nucleiof atoms,the universe
we directlyexperience is generatedalmostentirelythroughthe playof electronsand photons,
a dancewhosestepsare laidout in oneof the supremeaccomplishments of twentieth-century
science,a theorycalledquantumelectrodynamics, or QED.The theoryignoresgravityand
stopsshortof the nuclearfrontier,but it is stunninghow muchis stillencompassed withinits
grasp.We are electromagnetic creaturesin an electromagnetic world,existingat the intersec-
tion betweenfightand electricity.. . . In the worldwherewe find ourselves,it is QED that
providesthe rulesof the game.
GeorgeJohnson,1996, Firein the mind- Scr'ence, faith,and the searchfor orden
NewYork,AlfredA. Knopf ,379 p. (fromp. 132-133)

v. 45, 1998,p. 23
Journalof Geoscience

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