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TheEffectsof Locked-inPressure

on the
Mechanicsof Faulting
Andrews Engineering

Static friction and dynarnic friction between two surfaces are We might do a little thought experiment. Put a Super Ball into
generally proportional to the normal force between the sur- an irnaginary pressure chamber. Increase the environmental
faces.Pressurein the Earth is approximately equal to the litho- gage pressure in the chamber to 3,500 psi. The pressurein the
static overburden. It fbllows that the failure strength of a fault latex is the sum of the locked-in pressureand the pressurein the
and its resistanceto sliding should increase with depth below chamber-or zero psi.i
the surface.Or should it? The locked-in pressureof 3,500 psi is the pressurein which
Stressdescribesinternal forces that act to deform a mate- the liquid latex originally cooled and hardened into solid latex.
rial. It can be separatedinto shear stress,which acts to change If the environmental pressure in the imaginary chamber is less
the shape; and pressure,which acts to change the volurne. It c:rn than the locked-in pressure,each little piece of latex is slightly
also be separatedinto environmenterlstressar-rdlocked-in stress. larger than the volume it occupies when it is constrained by the
The environmental stressresults from fixed displacements,sur- materi:rl of the larger ball. The solid latex exists in a state of elas-
lace tractions, poir-rt loacls, body forces, and thermal expansion tic compression. If the pressurein the chamber is higher than the
or contraction. The locked-in stressremains after all environrnen- locked-ir-rpressure,each piece is slightly smaller than the volume
tal factors have been removed; it is locked into the shape of the it occupies; the latex is in a state of elasticdilatation. The locked-
material. A simple example would be the stressthat results fiom in pressureis the environrnental pressurein which the material
cementing an ellipsoid volume of material into :r sphericalc:rvity. fits passivelylvithin itself rvithout any associatedstress.
Another example is the pressurethat is locked into a solid rnate- Rocks are similarly made of elastically compressible mate-
rial that comes into existenccin a high-pressurccnvironnrent. \7e rial. It seemsreasonableto expect rocks that crystallize or meta-
need to consider the nature and effectso[this locked-in Drcssurc. morphose at depth rvill possessa locked-in pressure approxi-
S i t t i n g o n m y d e s ki s a W h a r n - O S u p e rB a l l .t t ' sa r w o - i n c h - mately equal to the lithost:itic overburden. Conceptually, a
diameter, solid-latex, high-bounce ball developed in 1965 by geometrically perFect, flat-sided cube of rock at depth would
Wham-O Manuf;rcturing (the same cornpany th:rt brought us become a highly srressed,slightly larger, slightly distended cube
the Hula Hoop and the Frisbee).The Wharn-O Super Ball if it were r:riscd to the surface. One observation that supports
made by first formulating a recipe for an extrernely strong latex. this contention is the ter-rder-rcyoilarge slabsof granite to spall
Melt the latex and inject it under 3,500 pour-rdsper squ;rreinch off the exposed surfaces of granitic batholiths. Exfoliation is
(psi) of gagepressureinto a lnold.l Then maintain the pressure attributecl to the pressure relief that accompanies uplift plus
while the latex cools and hardens. \Tithout the pressure in the erosion-removalof the overburden.
manufacturing process,you only get :r normrrl soft rubber ball The existenceof locked-ir-rpressurein solid material seems
with little resiliency or "bounce." More ir-rformation is :rv:rilrrble reasonable-the $Zham-O Super Ball is a simple example. The
at http: / / www.superba[ problem is rve do r-rotusually include locked-in pressurein the
The 3,500 psi of pressurewas locked into the l:rtex rvhen it constitutive equations that describe the behavior of earth mate-
cooled and hardened. In a normal environtner-rtalpressureofone abscnccof locked-in shear stress,this relation is:
atmosphere(I4.5 psi - I bar = l0(' dynes/crnr), the locked-in
pressuretends to push the ball :rpart.The stressin the larex is: Tot:rl stress: environmental stress+ locked-in pressure

6 ,i = 3, 5005 DSI
The environmental stress is the sum of the effects of applied
forces, surface tractions, lithostatic overburden, body forces,
(. therrnal expansion, €tc. In a tensor format the relation can be
ll.t= |
where 6 - { is the Kronecker delta function.r rvritten as
l0,i+ j

t. Gagc pressurcis rcl:rtive to ambient iltmospheric pressure.Abscllute
prcssurcis rclativeto a perfcct vilcuul.n.
3. Thc prcssurcon a hon-rogeneor-rs spheredirectl,vtransfersinto prcssure
2. Locked-in prcssllretenclsto pr-rshthc mirtcrirrlrrpart; tl-risis ;r positivc u'ithin thc nratcriirl.fhis is not generallv true for clbjectsrvith rnore
strain. Thc corrcsponclir-rg strcss,rlsoI'rasrrpositive sigtr. c o r r ro l u t c . l t h , r t r c s .

c aels e a r cLhe t t e r s V o l u m7e9 ,N u m b e4r J u l y / A u g u2s0t 0 8

5 4 4 S e i s m o l o g iR 85/ gssrl.T
doi: 9.4.544
where o1:"')is the total srressin the material, o1i'"' is rhe envi- material, but the viscosity ofu,ater does not increaservith depth
. o n . . n r l l s r r e s s.,n d F i s t h c l o c k e d - i np r . r r u i " . ' belolv the surface of a lake or ocean. This is becausethe pres-
IFche above reasoning is correct, the locked-in pressureu'ill sure acting on a small volume of water at depth is exactly bal-
anced by the presslrrewithin the volurne. Similarly, the lithos-
generally balancethe effectsof the weight oIthe overlying rocks.
An active fault zone can be regarded as a very thin planar vol- tatic overburden acring on the rocks of the Earth is balanced by
ume of mechanicallv weak n-raterial.The lithostatic overburden the locked-in pressurein the rocks. The difference is that liquid
acting on the fault is then balanccd by rl-reiocked-in pressurein pressure ir-rstantly;rcljuststo the local pressure environmenr;
the fault zone. The total normal force acting acrossa fault zone rock pressure is locked into the solid material until it either
at depth can then be zero or even slightly negarive. The f-ailure melts or is metamorphosed.
strength and resistancero slidine of a faulr at depth are then not Stress is a unique second-order tensor. Its representation
expected to be larger than those of a fault near the surface. depends on the tvpe and orientarion of the coordinace sysrem
F u r r h e r i m p l i c a r i o n sa r e : used co describe a particular problem, buc all represenrarions
o \7e don't need high pore-water pressure to explain the describe the same system of internal fbrces. Strain is also a sec-
mecharnics oflow-angle decollementthrust faults.Extensive ond-order tensor, but strain is not unique. Rather it describes
lor,r-anglethrust faults are characteristic of the thrust/fold internirl defbrmation relative to some baseline configuration.
beits that fank some rnountain ranges, such as alor-rgthe Hooke's l;rw sayssrressis proportional to strain, so the correct
western side of the Appalachians. A depth-dependent baseline configuration corresponds with zero stress.There is
frictional resistance implies rhe scrarrashoulcl be crushecl nothing in the continuum mechanics of stressand strain that
imrnediately adjacent to the rnount:rin range rather than requires that the baseline configuration be the configurarion
slide along the fault. Hubbert and Ruby (1959) proposed that rvould exist if the solid rnaterial forrned in a perfect pres-
these faults were weakened by pore-water pressllres that sure-free vacuum (c.q.,outer space).The \Wham-O Super Ball
approached or exceededrhe Iithost:rtic overburc{en. obscrvations sllggest it is the actual phvsical configuration at
o The stress drops associar.tedwitl-r earthquakes ure not the tinre the solid n'raterialcame into existence.After all, the
expected to be dependent on fbcal depth. Stressclrops can only parent material available for the creation of a solid must
be determir-redfronl the spectral analvsisof seismic waves; have already been compresseclby the local pressure environ-
thesedo not shorv a first-order depcnclcncyon clepth (Stein rnent beForethc solid was creared.The solid materi:rlcan be rhe
and \Tysession2003, 269 -27 3). physical matrix of crvstals in an igneous or meramorphic rock
o High pore-water pressures, partial n'relting, or mineral or the representative elernental volumes (REV) that compose

phase change are not necded to expl:rin the mechanics a theoretic-irlel;rstic continuullr. In a developing solid there is
of deep-focus earthquakes. The rnechanics of clccp-focus no net force betu,een the growing cryst,rlsor betu,een adjacent
earthquakeshave been problernatic since their depths were REV. Hooket 111y,5treSSand strain, and locked-in pressureare
f i r s t d e t e n n i n e d ( r . g , K a s a h a r ml 9 8 l , 1 5 1 - 1 5 5 ) . :rll consistentconceptsprovided the baselineconfiguration used
. Thc San Andreas heart-flow paraclox goes a\ver.y. to defir-rethe strain tensor is correctly identified.
The par;i-
dox comes frorn converting the frictional rvork clone ir-rthe I scurnbledinto this problem while writing computer code
fault zone into an irnplied thern-ral anomaly. If the resis- that rvould deal u'ith the arbove-mentionedPoisson effect. My
tance to siiding is proportior-ral to the lithost;rtic overbur- ir-ritial ,rpproach \\r;rsto vastly overcomplicate the rnechanics
den, an observable heat flow anorn,rly shoulcl exisr. Fielci :rncl:rssociatedconstitutivc cquations. The Wham-O Super Ball
rreasurements show the predicted anornaly does not exisr put things into a rnuch simple r perspective. E1
(Brune et al. 7969).
. The Poissoneffectis a subtleproblem inherent ro consrrucr- REFERENCES
ing cornputer models of gravitarional tectonics. Ir predicts
B i r r r o u ' sL, . J . ,a n c lK . M . P a u l ( 1 9 9 8 ) .A f i n i t c - c l c r n e n m
t odclingapproach
unrealistic shear stresscsin gr;rvity-loeided,compressible,
to qrirvitational tectorric strcssrrnd earrhquakes.Journn/ of'Geoscience
elrrsticrnodels.Thescshcarsrrcsscsarc nor prcscnrirr graviry- L,ducdriott46, 1-17.
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viscous rnodels rhar accornnroclare Brunc,J. N., T. L. Hcnyer,,ancl R. F. Roy (1961)).Hcat flow, srrcssand rarc
pressureas a separatevari:rble.The pressureterm is biilanced crf slip alor-rgrhe San Anclrels fauh.-fout'rtrt/ of'Geoplt.ysica/ Researcl.t
by the locked-in pressure(Barrows ar-rdPaul 1998). 74,3,82r-3,827
Hubbcrr, lvl. K., and \\". W. Ruby ( t q;q). Role of lluid prcssurcin mcchan,
Finally, u,e might consider the u.ay liquids :.rccolnrnodarepres-
ics of <>verthmstfrrtrltins. BuIIcrin of't/ta Gco/ogicalSocitt_yqf-Americrt
sure. Viscosity is :rt least p:rrtially due to fiiction rvithin che -0 (2),
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Krsalrrira, K. (1981). Edrthqu,zke Mechnttics. Cambridge: Canbridgc
4. This relation is idcntical rvith thc cflcctive strcssecparior.rthrrt dcscribes Universitl, Prcss,24tl pps.
thc rtrcchanical bcl-raviorof rvatcr-siltrrratedunconsolicl,itcc'lclrrstics Stcin, S.. ar-rcllvl. \\''r'session (2003). An Introduction to Seistnologl,
Lartltquakt.r, dud Enrtlt .Strttt'htrc. Nlaldcn, MA: Blackwell
cxccpt tl-rc"prcssurc" is thar oI the solid nurrcrill ir-rstcacl
of rhe porc
P t r b l i s h i n g+
, 9tt pps.
\vatcr. Prior to thc mech,rnical devclopnrcr.rtof a concinlrotis watcr-
sttl-rportedfriult, tl-reelllctive strcsseqllation should incluclea polosirv
factor. l\{ost civil enuineeringtcxts do not incluclethe porr>sin.frrctor Andreus Engineering
bur it is requircc{i[ che pore \\'rtter clTlcr is ro upprorrchzcro rrs rhc Springfield, illinois 6271I U.S.A.
porclsit,vappmacheszero. lb

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