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The Family Portrait Telechart

By Charles J. Lewis, M. Photog. Cr. Prospect's Name _______________________ Sales Person __________________________ Today's Date __________________________
Ask a couple of questions from step 1, (placing a check mark in the box to the left of each question you ask.) Then ask a couple of questions from step 2. Then select the best Unique Factor from step 3, based on her answers to the questions you have asked her so far. Then select the best close from step 4. If prospect 'waffles' or says 'no' then use one of the questions from the "Handling Objections And Stalls" section, and then go back and ask a couple more questions from step 1, etc. You probably will need to go through this process 4 or five times before the prospect actually agrees to come in and 'chat' with you. Remember, people invest in photography for EMOTIONAL reasons, not logical reasons, so keep the conversation very emotional and enthusiastic! Remember, people buy from people they LIKE, and people LIKE people who are LIKE THEM, so look for ways you are ALIKE as you are asking her the questions! Remember the "Law of Five" which states that it usually takes FIVE "NO'S" before you will get a "yes!" Keep going! Keep asking questions! Don't quit with the first or second "no!"

If The First Question Is About Your Prices, Ask This Question First: I'll be happy to discuss our fees, but may I ask you a few questions, so I have a good idea of what you are looking for? To Find Out Which Telechart To Use, Ask This Question: Who are you thinking of having photographed?

Pointers: 1. Your tone of voice, enthusiasm, and genuine interest in her is as important as the words you say! 2. The more you talk, the less you sell. The more SHE TALKS, the more you sell! 3. The person who asks the questions is the person in control of the conversation. 4. Do NOT answer the questions for her. Let her think, and answer them herself.

STEP 1: RAPPORT BUILDING, QUALIFICATION & DOMINANT BUYING MOTIVE How many people in your family? Tell me a little about them. What are their names and ages? Have you seen any of our photography? YES NO What's most important to you about your family portrait? Do you know anyone whom we have photographed? Will this be for a special occasion? It this going to be a surprise for anyone? When do you need the photographs? What have you seen? What did you like about the portraits you have seen? How did you happen to call us? How long has it been since you had a nice family portrait created? Were you pleased with it? How long do you feel it will be before you have another fine family portrait created?

copyright - Charles J. Lewis - all right reserved. DISTRIBUTION of this document is ILLEGAL. This document may ONLY be used by the Inner-Circle member who downloaded it and their staff.

The Family Portrait Telechart

STEP 2: INTEREST, EMOTION & ENTHUSIASM These questions are designed to help get the prospect excited about working with you, and also to keep her emotional. Pointers: 1. Be excited and interested in her! 2. Your TONE OF VOICE is very important! Be friendly! Smile! Enjoy talking with her! 3. Do NOT answer the questions for her. Let her think, and answer them herself. 4. Respond enthusiastically and sincerely to her answers to your questions! Build trust and rapport by the way you respond to her honestly and sincerely. If you could create these photographs anywhere in the world, where would you like to have them created? Why are you thinking of having these portraits created at this time? Do you see these photographs as being created indoors or outdoors? Do you see these photographs as being dressy or more casual? Do you see these photographs as sharp and clear, or more soft and romantic? How do your husband and your children feel about having these photographs created? Do you have any pets? Would you like them included in the portraits? Have you ever had a family portrait created that you did not like? What did you not like about it? What do you do together, as a family, that we might be able to work into the portrait? Have any of your children had any bad experiences with photography? STEP 3: EDUCATION & UNIQUE FACTORS Based on what she has told you so far, select the Unique Factor here that you feel will be the most meaningful to her. Pointers: 1. Always begin by saying, "One of the Unique things which separates us from all the other photographers in the area is..." 2. Unique Factors are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! Remember, if all things are perceived as equal, then price becomes a major factor. So always talk about your Unique Factors, so the prospect can see what separates you from everyone else. One of the unique things which separates us from all the other photographers in the area is: OUR GUARANTEE. We absolutely guarantee that you will be thrilled (not just satisfied) with your family portraits, our we will give you all your money back. THE TIME WE SPEND WITH YOU BEFOREHAND, to plan and coordinate everything, so your portraits are emotionally meaningful to you. Our desire to help you and everyone in your family LOOK YOUR VERY BEST in your family portrait. Our desire to create for you a PORTRAIT THAT "SPEAKS" TO YOU - that every time you look at it, it says "we love each other and care about each other." We want to create for you a portrait that is more than a photograph - IT'S A PRICELESS EMOTIONAL STATEMENT OF YOUR LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS. Something which brings a tear to your eye or a lump to your throat each time you look at it. We want to create for you a portrait that is even MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN YOU DREAMED IT WOULD BE. It gives you chills because it's a window into your

copyright - Charles J. Lewis - all right reserved. DISTRIBUTION of this document is ILLEGAL. This document may ONLY be used by the Inner-Circle member who downloaded it and their staff.

The Family Portrait Telechart

STEP 3: EDUCATION & UNIQUE FACTORS, CONTINUED life and the life of your family. It truly is priceless, because it says what words really can not say. It has put onto paper something that is almost spiritual, that expresses your feelings toward each other. WE WILL MEET WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY BEFORE WE DO ANY PHOTOGRAPHY. This will help us get to know you and to find out exactly what you are looking for and what you want this portrait to be like. OUR SPECIALTY IS FINE FAMILY PORTRAITURE. That's what we want to do, because most photographers don't like doing family portraits, and aren't very good at it. Family portraits are difficult to do really well. But we love creating them, and specialize in them. We'll take good care of you, and create a truly amazing family portrait for you. WE WILL HELP YOU WITH YOUR CLOTHING DECISIONS. It's really important. The clothing can make up to a 44 pound difference in how you look in your portraits. We really understand that MOST PEOPLE DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE in front of a camera. We are understanding of this, and work carefully with you to help everyone in the portraits feel good, and have a fun time during the photography. We have a very TALENTED ARTIST on staff who makes every one of our clients look wonderful. Every one of your portraits will be beautifully enhanced so everyone looks fantastic. No one will THROW THEIR HEART AND SOUL into creating for you beautiful and emotionally meaningful family portraits for you. We do FEWER SESSIONS than the photographers in the area. We do this so we can take more time and create something really meaningful to you, rather than rushing you through like a factory. Our use and care with the light is amazing. Your portrait will be "painted" with the light, so we are really careful to see to it that the light is absolutely perfect in the creation of your family portraits. We have a full time Creative Director and Portrait Consultant, who is really good at helping you plan everything and prepare for the portrait. That's her specialty. (Photographer's name) is a fantastic photographer! He (she) is in great demand all over the state to create the unique style of photographic portraiture. No one, anywhere in the state has his (her) wonderful style of beautiful, emotional portraiture. You can only get it here! (Photographer's name) is really wonderful to work with. He (she) is really great with families, because he (she) is so good with children, as well as being a great photographer. Our SPECIALTY IS CREATING SENSITIVE, TRULY MEANINGFUL FAMILY PORTRAITS. We work carefully with people every day who feel a little NERVOUS about being in front of a camera. We help them through it all, and help them look fantastic! (Photographer's name) is fantastic with CHILDREN! He (she) is so patient and kind with them! You will love working with him (her.) (Photographer's name) is great with PETS. He (she) is so patient and understanding with them. The Volunteer Statement: Before we go any further, let me give you an indication of what you can plan on investing. Is that okay? Most people in your situation, can plan on investing somewhere between $xxx and $xxx and receive a larger one for themselves, and a few smaller ones for gifts. Does that fit within your budget?

copyright - Charles J. Lewis - all right reserved. DISTRIBUTION of this document is ILLEGAL. This document may ONLY be used by the Inner-Circle member who downloaded it and their staff.

The Family Portrait Telechart

STEP 4: THE CLOSE This is where you ask her to come in and "chat" with you - for no charge or obligation. Remember, it may take 4 or 5 closes before she will agree to set up a time. Pointers: 1. Watch your tone of voice! Do not change it in any way when you speak your close. 2. Do not be disappointed if she "waffles" or says "no" the first few times you close. Simply ask her why she is hesitating, if she didn't give you a reason. 3. If she gives you a reason for hesitating, use the appropriate response from the next column. Rather than set up a time to do the photographs, let's just set up a time to get together and chat. No charge and no obligation. I have next Thursday at 3:00 pm, how's that sound? Let's get together and chat about this! It sounds really exciting! That way, you will be making an educated decision about all of this. How about Thursday at 3:00pm? Could you go through your closets and bring a few ideas you have for what everyone might be wearing? This way, I can really help you decide what to wear so you all will look the very best in the portraits. Do you have any relatively recent portraits or snapshots of your children and your husband? Let's set up a time for you to bring the photos by and you and I can chat about everything. Bringing some photos of everyone will really help, too. One of the benefits of coming in to chat with me first is that I can go over so much information with you. I also have a special packet of information to give you. This way, you can go home and discuss it with your husband, and be able to really make an educated, knowledgeable decision. RESPONSES TO OBJECTIONS AND STALLS
"I'll have to CHECK WITH MY HUSBAND and I'll call you back." RESPONSE: If you don't mind me asking, what do you feel he will say when you check with him? "I'm just SHOPPING AROUND right now. I'll call you back if I'm interested." RESPONSE: I understand. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is it that you are shopping for? Maybe I can help. "I'm JUST CALLING AROUND right now to get some ideas and prices. I'll call you back if I'm interested." RESPONSE: No problem. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is it that you are looking for? "I'LL THINK ABOUT THIS, and call you back." RESPONSE: I understand. May I ask you a question? I'm sure there's a good reason why you're hesitating. Do you mind if I ask what it is? "That's MORE THAN I WANTED TO SPEND. I'll have to think about this." RESPONSES: JUST SUPPOSE we could create a family portrait of all of you together that you truly loved. It was everything you ever dreamed of. If we could, would you be willing to invest ______ for that photograph? I understand exactly how you FEEL. Many people have FELT that way when they first spoke with me. But you know what they FOUND? They found that even though the investment was a little more than they originally had wanted to do, they were so thrilled with the results, that they were more than happy to invest just a little more! I understand. If you don't mind me asking, what have you BUDGETED for your photography? HOW IMPORTANT are these photographs to you? Is the price going to be the MAJOR DETERMINING FACTOR as to who does your family portrait? If you don't mind me asking, HOW MUCH TOO MUCH are we? How LONG WILL IT BE before you do this again? HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN since your last really nice family portrait? If you were my SISTER, I would say what I am about to say to you. Come in and chat with us. There's no charge and no obligation. What you learn will amaze and excite you. Then at least you are making an educated decision. How do you feel about the things we have talked about here?

copyright - Charles J. Lewis - all right reserved. DISTRIBUTION of this document is ILLEGAL. This document may ONLY be used by the Inner-Circle member who downloaded it and their staff.

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