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June 12, 2012


Contact: Maura Lamoreaux, Communications Officer at 376-8092

Yonkers Public Schools Surpasses NYC: Leads Big Five in Graduation Rate

The Yonkers Public Schools, once again, has increased its graduation rate, reaching 72.1 percent for 2011. The gain maintains Yonkers status as leading the Big 5 city schools (New York City, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Yonkers), as reflected in todays release by the New York State Education Department. The percentage, which includes August graduates, is based on the 2007 cohort. At 72.1 percent, Yonkers is less than 5 percentage points away from the State average, 76.8 percent.

This achievement is a testament to our outstanding educators, driven staff, supportive families and, most importantly, dedicated students, said Superintendent of Schools Bernard P. Pierorazio. Our goal is to ensure that every child meets the graduation requirement in four years, and these gains demonstrate progress toward reaching that goal. We clearly have more to accomplish, but this shows that we are moving in the right direction.

A further examination of New York State Education Department data highlights the Districts focus on success for all students. With regard to the 2007 cohort, the Yonkers Public Schools had the lowest gap in graduation rate achievement between Hispanic and White Students than any of the Big 5 Districts and New York State as a whole. In reference to the same cohort, the Yonkers Public Schools also had a lower graduation rate achievement gap between Black and White students than did New York State.

Yonkers graduates earning Advanced Designation diplomas also showed improvement, increasing from 8 percent in 2010 to 12.4 percent in 2011. The District remained consistent at 13.8 percent in Aspirational Performance Measures, a slight -.7 percent decrease from 2010. In both categories, Yonkers leads Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse.

Superintendent Pierorazio cautioned that future increases may be more difficult to achieve given the continuing constraints of the budget. These graduates enjoyed a full complement of educators, support staff and programs for much of their time in the Yonkers Public Schools. The drastic cuts to services and staff made over the last few years will most certainly affect the achievement of our students.

Over a ten year period, the percentage of State aid per pupil in Yonkers has been reduced by 10 percent. Although Yonkers leads the Big 5 in achievement, the District receives between $4,200 to $7,600 less in State aid per student than Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse.

The District is forced, once again, to do more with less, said Superintendent Pierorazio. Instructional and support resources remain fixed as our student body grows. ###

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