DROPS Vest in Rib in Alpaca

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DROPS Design

DROPS 128-36

by DROPS Design

" - Fabulous from all sides!" Knitted DROPS vest in rib in "Alpaca" and "KidSilk". Size S-XXXL. DROPS design: Pattern no Z-538 -------------------------------------------------------Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL Materials: DROPS ALPAC A from Garnstudio C olour no 6347, graypurple: 150-200-200-250-250-250 g And use: DROPS KID-SILK from Garnstudio C olour no 11, lavender: 75-100-100-125-125-125 g DROPS C IRC ULAR NEEDLE SIZE 4.5 mm (40 cm and 80 cm) - or size needed to get 24 sts x 23 rows in rib with 1 thread Alpaca and 1 thread Kid-Silk = 10 x 10 cm. Max prices as of 12.06.2012: DROPS ALPAC A UNI C OLOUR - 2.90 GBP per 50 g DROPS ALPAC A MIX - 2.90 GBP per 50 g DROPS KID-SILK UNI C OLOUR - 4.60 GBP per 25 g DROPS KID-SILK LONG PRINT - 4.60 GBP per 25 g Average yarn cost: 30.00 GBP
Atte ntion! In patte rns that use m ore than two yarns, the calculation is inaccurate . All yarns are DR O PS yarns. C olor charts and update d re taile r lists at www.garnstudio.com

DROPS 128-36

See and vote for your favourites from Autumn/Winter 2012/2013!

We are heading for a colourful autumn! The seasons colour palette in in warm and sparkling autumn colours like red, orange and burgundy, and the collection consists of trendy news: crocheted skirts and so many wonderful and inspiring models of traditional, fun and exciting techniques! Here both experienced and new knitting and crochet enthusiasts will find lots of great new things. We look forward to hearing what you think about the new DROPS collection and all your creative suggestions of names for the designs! See pictures and vote for your favourites of DROPS Autumn/Winter 2012/2013!

Do you ne e d he lp? Tak e a look at our vide o tutorials e n www.garnstudio.com /lang/e n/vide o.php

Bind/cast off from RS C ast on - continental method Increase with yo (yarn over) Knit (K) - continental Knit (K) - US/UK method Purl (P) - Norwegian method Purl (P) - US/UK method Twisted stitch (K) Twisted stitch (P) INC REASE TIP 1: Inc by making 1 YO before the first P st in every P section. On next round P the YO twisted, i.e. through the back loop of the YO to avoid holes.
www.garnstudio.com/lang/en/includes/printpattern.php?id=4956&lang=en 1/4


DROPS Design

INC REASE TIP 2: Inc by making 1 YO after the last K st in every K section. On next round K the YO twisted, i.e. through the back loop of the YO to avoid holes. -------------------------------------------------------VEST: Worked in 2 parts that are sewn tog mid back when finished. PART 1: Worked in the round on circular needle. C ast on 105-108-111-114-117-120 sts with 1 thread Alpaca and 1 thread Kid-Silk on a small circular needle size 4.5 mm. Work rib K2/P1. When piece measures 5 cm, inc 1 st in every P section - READ INC REASE TIP 1 = 140-144-148-152-156-160 sts. C ontinue with rib K2/P2. When piece measures 10 cm, inc 1 st in every K section - READ INC REASE TIP 2 = 175-180-185-190-195-200 sts. C ontinue with rib K3/P2. When piece measures 15cm, inc 1 st in every P section = 210-216-222-228-234-240 sts. C ontinue with rib K3/P3. When piece measures 22-24-26-28-30-32 cm, slip the first 105-108-111-114-117-120 sts on the round on a stitch holder (= half a back piece, insert a marker in each side of the sts on the stitch holder to mark the transition between front and back piece). C ontinue to work back and forth over the remaining 105-108-111-114-117-120 sts as follows (1st row = WS): Work rib until 12 sts remain on the needle, slip these on a stitch holder. Turn and work return row until 12 sts remain on the needle, slip these on a stitch holder. Work back and forth and continue to slip 12 sts on the stitch holder in each side until 9-12-15-18-21-24 sts remain on the needle (= mid front). Slip all the sts back on the needle = 210-216-222-228-234-240 sts. K 1 round over all the sts while AT THE SAME TIME dec 42-43-44-46-47-48 sts evenly = 168-173178-182-187-192 sts. P 1 round. C ast loosely off to avoid a tight cast off edge. The piece measures approx. 23-25-27-29-31-33 cm, measured mid back. PART 2: Worked as part 1 but when dividing the piece and working back and forth, slip the last 105-108-111114-117-120 sts on a stitch holder. C ontinue to work as on part 1. ASSEMBLY: Sew the 2 parts tog mid back, rib to rib. Start the seam approx. 10 cm down on the back piece and sew tog approx. 22-23-23-24-24-25 cm down so that approx. 12-12-13-14-15-15 cm of the back piece remain open (see arrows on chart). Fasten the threads.

DROPS Max Prices - Your guarantee of a great purchase! We know that you invest a lot of time and effort in your knitting projects. When you choose to use our patterns, it is therefore a pleasure for us to provide you with affordable quality yarn that ensures a great result. As Northern Europe's largest brand of hand knitting yarns and designs, we have unique opportunities to work with the very best raw materials and make savings that benefit you. That's why you can buy DROPS yarn 20-30% cheaper than similar products! DROPS SUPERSTORE The C rochet C hain

Explanation to pattern diagram

= se w the 2 parts tog m id back be twe e n the arrows

Diagram for DROPS 128-36




DROPS Design

W e tak e pride in providing k nitting and croche t patte rns that are corre ct and e asy to unde rstand. All patte rns are translate d from Norwe gian and you can always che ck the original patte rn for m e asure m e nts and calculations. All patte rns are care fully re vie we d, but we m ak e re se rvation for possible m istak e s. In the case of discre pancie s ple ase post your re m ark in "k nitting he lp" or contact your local Garnstudio re taile r.

C opyright 2011 DR O PS DESIGN. W e re se rve all rights. This docum e nt, including all its sub-se ctions, has copyrights. R e ad m ore about this by click ing on the "C opyright" link on the foote r of our we bsite .




DROPS Design



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