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Gravity Conveyor with Air Fluidize

Sometime we called Air Slide or Air Activated Gravity Conveyor that solid will be transferred under the effect of fluid means the solid become like a fluid (fluidize).

p = Particle density (kg/m3) f = Fluid density, gas density (kg/m3) d = Average particle size ( m )
A Type when material is not C type


22500 m p f

The flow inside duct is just only some part, it was not fully which can be applied the design concept of flow in open channel. The properly material which can be applied with gravity conveyor is material type B or A base on Geldarts concept.

B Type when material is not C or A

d2 <

10 9 (m )2 p f 10 9 (m )2 p f

D Type when material is not C, A and B

Geldarts concept (Fluidization)

Geldart separate material 4 type depend on size and density.

d2 >

A Type (Aeration) like dust, low density, <1400 kg/m3 B Type (Sandy) a bit volume expansion (but lower than A type) C Type (Cohesive) material can stick itself, when material moving may possible make the vertical channel (Square Nose Bubble) D Type (Spoutable Powder) big size and high density

Determine type of solid

C Type when

p f > 1000kg / m 3

and d < 20 m

3 or p f > 1000kg / m and d <

20000 m p f


Properly velocity of fluid (for fluidized)

Generally, for design, fluid velocity should around 1.5-5 times of minimum velocity which can handle solid like a fluid (fluidized).

v = 1.5U mf
Where Umf = minimum fluidized velocity (mm/sec)

U mf = 8 x10 4 x

d v2 g

x( p f

Where dv = Average particle size (m) g = Specific gravity (9.81 m/s2) = fluid viscosity (Pa.sec)

Width of transportation equipment

Width of equipment is the major factor for transportation.

m b 1.6 s p


Where ms = Mass Flow Rate (kg/sec) b = The width of transportation equipment

Height of fluid which ready to be fluidize

Normally, it was very difficult to estimate this value because it depends so many factor such solid flow rate, angle, air flow e.g.


ms 0.5 B bg ) 0.5

Where B= fluidized density (kg/m3)

B = p (1 )

= Void of air

Pressure drop across bed

Pressure drop across bed while fluid is following.

Pbed = B gH Overall pressure drop of fluid which use for transportation

The estimation of overall pressure drop of air which use for fluidization is;

P 1.5 B gH

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