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Revision Flashcards

Unit B1: Temperature Control and Ventilation

Temperature Control and Ventilation 1 Heat is a form of energy. The faster molecules move, the more heat energy they have. Heat is useful when concentrated in one place. Heat is less useful when it spreads out. Temperature Control and Ventilation 3 Heat can be transferred from place to place. This transfer can take place in solids, liquids and gases. Heat is transferred from where there is a lot of heat to where there is little heat. Temperature Control and Ventilation 2 Temperature is a measure of how hot something is. Heat is the heat energy an object contains. A red hot pin has less heat energy than a warm cannon ball. Temperature Control and Ventilation 4 Heat can be transferred by conduction, convection and radiation. Conduction takes place in solids. Vibrating molecules bump into the ones next to them and pass the heat energy on. Temperature Control and Ventilation 5 Convection takes place in liquids and gases. Hot air expands as the molecules move faster and take up more space. This means the air becomes less dense and so it rises. Cold air falls, making convection currents. Temperature Control and Ventilation 7 Sea breezes happen during the day as warm air over land rises drawing air in from the sea. Land breezes happen at night when the land cools down and warm air rises over the sea drawing air in from the land. Temperature Control and Ventilation 8 Conductors e.g. metals are good at transferring heat. Insulators e.g. plastic are not good at transferring heat. Temperature Control and Ventilation 6 Radiation takes place in a vacuum (empty space). Radiation travels in straight lines. Do not confuse heat radiation with nuclear radiation.

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Temperature Control and Ventilation 9 As objects get hot they expand. Liquids in thermometers expand as they warm up. Different metals expand at different rates as they get hot.

Temperature Control and Ventilation 10 A bi-metal strip is two different metals joined together. When heated, a bi-metal strip bends as one side expands more than the other. The bi-metal strip is used in a thermostat to make or break a circuit.

Temperature Control and Ventilation 11 Types of thermometer include:

Temperature Control and Ventilation 12 When liquids evaporate they change state. This absorbs heat from their surroundings. This is called latent heat. Thats why we feel cold when we get out of water.

laboratory thermometer clinical thermometer maximum and minimum


Temperature Control and Ventilation 13 Losing heat by evaporating sweat is one way we keep our body cool when we are hot. Increased wind and temperature increase the rate sweat evaporates.

Temperature Control and Ventilation 14 Well ventilated rooms are important for our health. Air conditioners control temperature and humidity in a room.

Revision Flashcards
Owned by or under licence to Pearson Education Limited 2009

Unit B1: Temperature Control and Ventilation

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