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Republic of the Philippines


Region 1 c/o NEDA Regional Office No. 1 Heroes Hill, Guerrero Road, City of San Fernando, 2500 La Union )
Tel Nos. 888-5501 * 888-2679 * 888-2680 * 700-0856 Fax no. 888-2708 E-mail address: Web Address: http// Office CP No. 092091276437

RDC-1 ExCom Resolution No. 07, S. 2012

ENDORSING FAVORABLY TO THE HONORABLE MANUEL A. ROXAS, SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS THE FY 2013 BUDGET PROPOSAL OF THE CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF THE PHILIPPINESAREA 1 FOR INCLUSION IN THE FY 2013 AGENCY BUDGET PROPOSAL WHEREAS, the Regional Development Councils through Executive Order No. 325 and Memorandum Circular No. 54 are mandated to review and endorse agency budget proposals to ensure that agency programs and projects are consistent and supportive of the thrusts and priorities of the region; WHEREAS, the National Budget Memorandum No. 112 and 113 provides for the policy guidelines and procedures in the preparation of the FY 2013 Budget Proposals as well as calls for the conduct of a Regional Budget Consultation with the AROs, SUCs and LGUs through the Regional Development Council; WHEREAS, in keeping with its mandate, the RDC-1, through the Regional Development Budget Coordinating Committee, conducted budget review and consultation last March 26 and 27, 2012; WHEREAS, the budget review and consultation was guided by the Regional Budgeting Framework contained in the RDC-1 Budget Memorandum No. 1, s. 2012, which focuses on the: (a) Support to the five (5) Key Result Areas of the Presidents Social Contract with the Filipino People, and (b) Adherence and consistency with the Regional Development Plan, Regional Development Agenda and FY 2013 Agency Annual Investment Program with the following development thrusts and priorities: 1. competitive trade, tourism and industry 2. more vibrant agribusiness 3. infrastructure support 4. better governance 5. social development 6. sustainably managed environment;

WHEREAS, the budget review and consultation also took into consideration the following: (a) adherence and consistency with the Regional Technical Education and Skills Development Plan 2011-2016 pursuant to the allocative mandate of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, (b) inclusion of the designated statistical activities pursuant to EO No. 352 on the System of Designated Statistics, and (c) adherence and consistency with the Regional Research Agenda 2011-2016; WHEREAS, based from the budget review and consultation, the identified priority programs/projects of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines-Area 1 for inclusion in the FY 2013 Budget Proposal are supportive of the regional thrusts and priorities particularly along provision of adequate and reliable infrastructure support and facilities; WHEREAS, the proposed budget for FY 2013 of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines-Area 1 amounts to PhP 413,000,000.00 (details are in the attached RDC-1 Budget Forms); NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above premises, BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby RESOLVED by the Executive Committee of the Regional Development Council, Region 1, duly convened, as by these presents, it hereby favorably endorses to the Honorable Manuel A. Roxas, Secretary of Transportation and Communications, the FY 2013 Budget Proposal of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines-Area 1 for inclusion in the FY 2013 Agency Budget Proposal; RESOLVED FURTHER, to request the Honorable Transportation and Communications Secretary Manuel A. Roxas to provide the RDC-1 feedback on actions taken on the matter; Done, this 28th of March 2012 at the City of San Fernando, La Union.

Certified True and Correct:

NESTOR G. RILLON RDC ExCom 1 Secretary


JUAN B. NGALOB RDC ExCom 1 Acting Chairman

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