The Advisory Challenge - SW Jan-Feb 08

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“I was sent to these Arabs as a stranger, unable to think their

thoughts or subscribe their beliefs, but charged by duty to lead
them forward and to develop to the highest any movement of theirs
profitable to England. If I could not assume their character, I could
at least conceal my own, and pass among them without evident
friction, neither a discord nor a critic but an unnoticed influence.”
- T.E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom

22 Special Warfare
T.E. Lawrence’s eloquent words
succinctly capture the essence of
being a military adviser. Critical to
an adviser’s success is his ability to
achieve “an unnoticed influence” for
the ultimate purposes of furthering
the objectives of the adviser (which are
the national-security objectives of the
adviser’s government). The amount of
influence an adviser attains will be di-
rectly proportional to the sum of three
factors: the rapport between the ad-
viser and the host-nation commander
or counterpart; the credibility of the
individual adviser; and the perception
by host-nation forces of the continued
value of the relationship.
The complexity of these tasks and
the unique skill set required have
historically been underestimated,
possibly because of a lack of personal
experience or familiarity on the part
of most military leaders. This limited
exposure and understanding has
contributed to a long-standing bias
that questions the value of advisory
efforts or, at least, whether advisory
efforts warrant the expenditure and
diversion of limited resources, such
as personnel, which are needed by the
conventional fighting force. The intent
of this article is to convey some of the
critical aspects that enable advisers to
be effective. Many of these aspects are
intangible, are often not required of
leaders of U.S. forces, and are there-
fore relatively unfamiliar.
Perhaps the most-often over-
ON TARGET A U.S. Army Special Forces Soldier works on marksmanship skills with his Iraqi
looked aspect is that advisers must
counterpart. By training together, the adviser and his Iraqi counterpart build trust and rapport.
possess knowledge beyond that of U.S. Army photo.
normal soldiers in order to be effec-
tive. An adviser must possess a mas- pay large dividends later.1
tery of the tactical skills that would Establishing rapport One must pay a price to achieve
enable him to know what to do in the Rapport is defined as “a sympa- influence, in both time and proximity:
given situation (much the same as thetic relationship based on mutual “Influencing [allied] military institutions
his conventional counterpart), but he trust, understanding and respect.” to support a democratic process can
must also possess the skills needed This is essentially getting to know only be done with the long-term pres-
to impart his advice to a foreign your counterpart and making an ef- ence of U.S. military personnel working
counterpart effectively in order to fort to develop a positive relationship. alongside Host Nation forces.2
achieve a desired effect. Accomplish- While this might not appear to be a Rapport is often established more
ing that requires more than language particularly difficult task, it is a slow during the informal time spent with a
skills. A strong knowledge of tactics and delicate process. counterpart — while socializing over
does not necessarily make someone The adviser avoids rushing per- meals or traveling — than during
a good adviser, any more than good sonal acceptance by the counterpart. formal encounters. Advisers need to
advisory skills provide someone with Overselling himself will arouse suspi- recognize and seize upon the value of
the ability to make good tactical and cion and delay acceptance. Time spent these subtle opportunities. Eating the
operational decisions. developing a healthy relationship will same food, using the same equipment

January-February 2008 23
the advisory challenge

firing LINE Iraqi soldiers line up for marksmanship training. U.S. Soldiers’ willingness to train with the soldiers shows mutual respect that is
needed in the advisory environment. U.S. Army photo.

and enduring the same living condi- that the adviser possesses a sincere gestures are flattering to the counter-
tions all contribute to rapport. They desire to understand his environ- part, and the commonality achieved
can demonstrate that the adviser has ment, which is a precursor to devel- through such acts serves as a build-
a genuine interest in the culture, and oping valid opinions and rendering ing block to rapport.
they can dispel any myths about ar- any advice. The reverse of this can also be
rogant Americans. Conversely, if the Depending on the circumstances true: If advisers insist on maintain-
adviser continues to point out how and environment, it may be permis- ing a uniquely American appearance,
different everything is from America, sible to soften the distinctive appear- it neither helps nor hurts rapport.
it can quickly offend and irritate a ance of U.S. personnel and possibly However, if advisers deviate from their
counterpart. even mimic the appearance of the normal U.S. military appearance, but
Host-nation counterparts gener- indigenous forces. Small modifica- not toward that of the allied military
ally expect that advisers need time tions to uniforms or personal appear- forces — for example, with a baseball
to learn the nuances of a new region ance can have a huge impact on the cap or with grooming standards that
or command, but they also expect perceptions of allied soldiers. They are not culturally indicative of the al-
advisers to already understand the can include simple modifications to lied-military unit — it will likely create
generalities of the country, culture normal military grooming standards, an unintended perception of a lack of
and conflict. Advisers need to arrive such as growing a mustache. The discipline on the adviser’s behalf. De-
with a reasonable macro under- same is true for distinctive items, viations from the normal U.S. military
standing so that they are ready to such as unit scarves, patches or em- appearance can have significant ben-
start developing a micro understand- blems. If advisers are presented such efits, but they require an understand-
ing of their new environment. This items, they should recognize it as an ing of the local customs and culture.
region-specific, counterpart-specific, opportunity to demonstrate pride as They should be deliberate, controlled
micro-level understanding, developed a member of the organization and and taken with the U.S. chain of
from time spent in country with the wear the items when it is practical. In command’s approval.
counterpart, provides clear signals many cases, these seemingly minor If the adviser possesses language

24 Special Warfare
native transportation 3rd Special Forces Group Soldiers ride on horse patrol with their Afghan counterparts. Growing beards and
adapting to the traditional Afghan means of patrol serve as building blocks to rapport. U.S. Army photo.

skills, achieving rapport will be easier acting in contrast to U.S. goals, objec- already knows the answers. These
and faster. Although not essential, tives or standards of conduct. answers will serve as a basis for the
language skills, however rudimentary, counterpart’s initial impressions.
are among the few things that produce Establishing credibility Most foreign commanders are gen-
direct and tangible results in terms of Advisers need to realize that the erally not inclined to refer to advisers
enabling an adviser. While it should decision to provide advisory assis- by that title, because it can give a de-
be a goal for all advisers to be able to tance will be agreed to and coordi- meaning perception of incompetence
communicate directly with their coun- nated at the highest levels of the that requires advice from “profession-
terparts, reality often forces advisers government … not at the tactical als.” American advisers need to ap-
to use translators. That reality should level of command. Few indigenous preciate and respect that sensitivity.
not prevent advisers from continuing commanders are enthusiastic about For this reason, advisers often begin
to make an effort to learn more of the receiving an “adviser.” Because of a relationship with a higher-ranking
local language. this, advisers generally do not begin counterpart with the understanding
As essential as rapport is, it should the relationship with a pre-estab- that they are acting more as a special
not be confused with influence. The lished line of good credit in terms of staff officer within the headquarters
distinction is essential in understand- credibility. Host-nation commanders rather than as an adviser. Advisers
ing that rapport must never be gained will normally ask, “How much com- are there to assist in coordinating op-
at the expense of other factors that bat experience do you have in these erations with other U.S. units or inte-
contribute to influence. If an ad- types of operations?” and “Have you grating U.S. intelligence or capabilities
viser becomes fixated only on gaining commanded at the level I am com- into host-nation planning efforts. If
rapport, it can be like a commander manding at now?” This is a polite credibility is established and the host-
wanting to be popular with his or her method of asking, “What qualifies nation commander regards the adviser
troops: It would be easy to gain rap- you to advise me?” If a counterpart as a trusted confidant, the adviser will
port by acquiescing to any request of does not ask these questions, it is be in a position to legitimately provide
a counterpart, but that could include probably because he believes he advice on a number of aspects.

January-February 2008 25
the advisory challenge

at arms A Soldier from the 3rd Special Forces Group inspects Malian army soldiers’ weapons at their garrison in Tombouctou, Mali. Demonstrating
weapons proficiency (out-shooting indigenous soldiers on a training range) with a U.S. Army rifle can serve to alienate advisers by creating envy or
animosity; however, demonstrating proficiency with indigenous equipment will gain advisers instant credibility. U.S. Army photo.
Providing high-quality training has ing weapons proficiency (out-shoot- of effectiveness has always been for
traditionally been an effective means ing indigenous soldiers on a training U.S. personnel to accompany the in-
of establishing rapport and credibility range) with a U.S. Army rifle can serve dividuals they have trained on actual
while not offending a host-nation unit. to alienate advisers by creating envy combat operations. This practice has
Regardless of the unit, there is some or animosity; however, demonstrating tremendous advantages for rapport
type of training that would be regard- proficiency with indigenous equipment and credibility, as well as for the op-
ed as valuable, whether it is individual will gain advisers instant credibility. erational experience of the advisers.
soldier training, collective squad- or Advisers may want to consider car- While political realities of the situ-
platoon-level training, or training in rying the same weapons and gear as ation in a specific country may often
specialty skills, such as training for the local soldiers. That will not only preclude it, U.S. military planners
medics or machine-gun and mortar gain credibility but also prevent the need to always remember that accom-
crews. If the training is considered “American adviser” from standing out panying the indigenous forces is the
valuable by the individual soldiers, as a high-value target for the enemy most desirable course of action. Lead-
particularly astute commanders will, and will allow better integration dur- ers and planners at all levels need to
rightly so, capitalize on the opportu- ing combat operations. appreciate and understand the poten-
nity to reinforce their own credibility Any training conducted by advisers tial value gained in comparison to the
in the eyes of their soldiers. This, in comes with an unspoken guarantee potential risk to U.S. personnel.
turn, will foster genuine rapport be- of effectiveness. If the techniques pro-
tween the Americans and the host- vided prove to be inappropriate to the Maintaining value
nation commander. environment (for example, doctrinally While personal relationships are
Training sessions are also a great generic), or if the training is provided vital to the establishment of influence,
opportunity for individual advisers to in an ineffective manner, credibility it is essential that the goals of both
gain credibility by demonstrating pro- will be lost immediately. The best parties remain nested. Both sides
ficiency in military skills. Demonstrat- means of demonstrating the guarantee need to see their relationship’s value

26 Special Warfare
ship challenges” facing their counter-
parts and realize that their advice will
be of little value if it is merely, “This
is how the U.S. military would do
this.” Such an environment requires a
greater degree of flexibility, adaptabil-
ity and initiative.
It is entirely possible that the
adviser may be exposed to acts that
could constitute violations of the Law
of Land Warfare, or to other illegal or
unethical behavior. In such cases, ad-
visers may be emotionally and morally
inclined to disengage and terminate
further U.S. support. However, these
situations are exactly where a suc-
cessful advisory effort is needed most.
These cases put advisers in a
Catch-22 situation: If an adviser
ignores the obvious violations in
the belief that the importance of the
relationship supersedes his personal
objections, he inadvertently condones
counterproductive tactics and be-
havior and subsequently damages
the overall effort, as well as his own
credibility. If he directly challenges
his counterpart, it will likely damage
his rapport. An adviser must use all
means at his disposal to alter the situ-
forging bonds A Special Forces Soldier living and working in the remote regions of ation to a more favorable one.
Afghanistan earns respect and credibility from his counterparts. U.S. Army photo. There are times when situations
may warrant discontinuing a rela-
tionship with certain units or com-
to the achievement of their individual specific to the nature of the indig- manders. Disengagement, while an
goals. The indigenous commander enous threat. easier short-term solution, contributes
may like his adviser — he may even Additionally, an environment that little to the overall U.S. strategy that
respect him as a combat leader. But if warrants the commitment of U.S. ad- required the advisory effort in the first
the commander does not perceive how visers is probably less than stable and place. Disengagement is the extreme
important their continued relation- very different from the traditional U.S. exception to the rule and not the
ship can be to the achievement of his military experience. Advisers will likely standard solution for challenging situ-
goals, it will have a negative effect on be exposed to a variety of unortho- ations. The goal is to develop capable,
the adviser’s ability to influence the dox situations not normally faced self-sufficient units, not merely to find
commander’s actions. by U.S. commanders. For example, existing ones to work with in order to
While there are many ways in individuals within the host-nation satisfy the advisory effort’s require-
which an advisory effort could be organization (military or civilian) may ments. If the host-nation army was
valuable to a host-nation commander, provide information to local criminal already self-sufficient, it is unlikely
ideally, the value comes from the or insurgent groups, as a result of re- that a need for adviser support would
advice provided. In order to provide cruitment, threats to family members have been generated.
worthwhile advice, the adviser must or merely corruption fueled by greed The example of U.S. training and
be able to analyze a situation and and the host-nation’s inability to pay advisory support to El Salvador high-
make tactical decisions with no more its soldiers. lights a significant point regarding
information than his counterpart has. A large percentage of the host-na- human-rights abuses by host-nation
This can be challenging for advisers tion soldiers may be conscripts, and military forces. When the U.S. began
who have never served in a position desertion or other discipline issues providing advisers in the 1980s, accu-
equivalent to the one they are advis- may be significant. Advisers need to sations of human-rights abuses by the
ing, or who lack combat experience appreciate the realities of the “leader- Salvadoran military were a significant

January-February 2008 27
the advisory challenge

issue of concern. While many crit- credit), many American advisers conception that advisory efforts are of
ics argued at the time that the U.S. viewed their assignments as detrimen- marginal value and thereby not worthy
should have ceased all support to the tal to their careers, and indeed this of significant resources or attention
Salvadoran military, that would not seems to have been the case.3 In his from military professionals.
have achieved any U.S. objectives for memoirs of the war, Westmoreland
the region. credited the advisers with literally Notes:
Advisers remained engaged with holding Vietnam together during the 1
Headquarters, Department of the Army, U.S.
their counterparts and often chal- darkest days of the war.4 Army Field Manual 31-20-3, Foreign Internal Defense
lenged Salvadoran tactics. Over a While the debate over the role of Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Special
period of nearly 10 years, the advisers advisers is not a new one, the war in Forces, I-5.
were able to develop enough influence Iraq has forced its revival, against the 2
Headquarters, Department of the Army, U.S.
to significantly reduce the number desires of many military profession- Army Field Manual 31-20-3, Foreign Internal Defense
of human-rights violations. As this als. A study called The Army’s Role in Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Special
occurred, the Salvadoran government Counterinsurgency and Insurgency, Forces, I-1.
and military gained a degree of legiti- published by the RAND Corporation in 3
Jeffery J. Clarke, Advice and Support: The Final
macy with the population, and the 1990, states: Years, 1965-1973 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Army
insurgents’ cause lost its main source In the past the U.S. military has Center for Military History), 237, 511.
of justification. failed to comprehend the amount of 4
William Westmoreland, A Soldier’s Report
experience and specialized area, lan- (Garden City, N.J.: Doubleday Press, 1976), 294.
Conclusions guage, and military expertise needed 5
Clarke, 61; and Stephen T. Hosmer, The Army’s
Historically, U.S. advisory efforts for effective advisory and training mis- Role in Counterinsurgency and Insurgency (Santa
have suffered from an inaccurate sions in the third world. According to Monica, Calif.: RAND, 1990), 18.
perception that they are merely a a recent Army history of the advisory 6
From the author’s experience serving as an
sideshow effort — somewhat im- effort [in Vietnam], the preparation for adviser and training Special Forces officers, in
portant, but not enough to warrant the advisory duty was minimal and the order to train an individual to be an adviser re-
the diversion of resources from the six week [adviser training] course at quires at least three to six months without language
conventional warfighting capability or Fort Bragg remained weak.5 training, and an additional six to 12 months with
the alteration of the career tracks of Training programs should focus language training.

“ If the adviser possesses language skills,

achieving rapport will be easier and faster.”
the best officers and NCOs from the on the unique skills associated with Lieutenant Colonel Mark Grdovic
mainstream. In order to be effective, counterinsurgency tactics and the is the director of the President’s Emer-
advisory efforts must have the same unique skills associated with being gency Operations Center, White House
criticality and legitimacy of all other an adviser, rather than on refreshing Military Office. He was formerly chief
major operational and strategic efforts common Soldier skills.6 Training for of the Special Forces Doctrine Branch,
within the military. No aspects of a a long-term program must include SF Doctrine Division, in the JFK Special
military operation demonstrate its training for language skills, which Warfare Center and School’s Director-
importance more clearly than the re- would be facilitated if the personnel- ate of Training and Doctrine. His other
cruitment, selection and career-man- management process had the ability SF assignments include service with
agement of the operation’s assigned to assign personnel at least one year the 1st Battalion, 10th SF Group, as S1
personnel. Recruitment efforts need to prior to their envisioned employment and as commander of SF detachments
be selective and attract only qualified date as advisers. 016 and 032; small-group instructor for
volunteers who possess the unique If these requirements are not met, the officer portion of the Special Forces
qualities required of an adviser. it will likely result in advisers function- Qualification Course; company com-
During the Vietnam War, General ing more like liaison officers, who can mander and S3, 3rd Battalion, 10th
Creighton Abrams observed that U.S. provide some degree of ground truth SF Group; and commander, Company
advisers saw themselves as second- about a situation but wield little or no A, 4th Battalion, 1st Special Warfare
class citizens in the Army and were real influence in shaping the environ- Training Group. Lieutenant Colonel
treated as such. Despite General Wil- ment in support of U.S. objectives. Grdovic holds a bachelor’s degree from
liam Westmoreland’s plans to upgrade Historically, it has been exactly this New York University and a master’s
their status (and provide command type of result that has fueled the mis- degree from King’s College London.

28 Special Warfare

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