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1.  (Adverb)  
Adv. / ( ) + Helping V. + Sub. + V.



not + Obj.

Never does he forget her.

Nowhere can you go without them.
Not a single word did he say.
Scarcely had I arrived home when there was a knock on the door.
Hardly had I got into bed, when there was a knock at the door.



At no time
Not until
Not only
No soonerthan

No longer
On no account
Under no circumstances
Only after/ by

No sooner had I reached the door than I realized it was locked.

Not until September will John comes to my house.
At no time did I say I would accept late work.

Print and reformulate the following sentences using inversion.


0. I had never go to this park.

Ans. Never had I go to this park.

1. I had hardly begun to apologize when the door closed.

Ans. ________________________________________________________
2. I have seldom heard such a talented singer.
Ans. ________________________________________________________
3. If John had known that she liked curry, he would have brought her to an Indian
Ans. ________________________________________________________
4. The artist rarely paid any attention to his agent's advice.
Ans. ________________________________________________________
5. He had never felt so depressed.
Ans. ________________________________________________________
6. The shop can in no way be held responsible for customers' lost property.
Ans. ________________________________________________________
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7. The couple had no sooner arrived than the priest started the ceremony.
Ans. ________________________________________________________
8. Tom only understood the meaning of the comment when he saw his wife's face.
Ans. ________________________________________________________
9. She never at any time said that she was allergic to cats.
Ans. ________________________________________________________
10. The restaurant cannot accept animals under any circumstances.
Ans. ________________________________________________________





Ex. Little does she know about the present he gave her.
Such was the thing he gave us yesterday.
N. Inversion
Ex. Few injuries are running for life.




In walked a woman with a gift in his hand.

Here is the paper you asked for.

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 (Prepositional Phrase)
 (Intransitive verb)


In the doorway appeared two strangers.

On the table lies my textbook.
In the kitchen, he ate an apple.
At the restaurant, the food was too spicy.

3. Passive voice () V.3 


He was bitten by the dog.

-> Bitten by the dog was he.
This building has been built in 1987 by the protesters.
-> Built by the protester in 1987 has been this building.

4.  If-Clause  should, were, had


If I were a bird, I would fly as high as I can.

-> Were I a bird, I would fly as high as I can.
If I had taken the subway, I would have arrived on time.
-> Had I taken the subway, I would have arrived on time.

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5. Inversion
Ex. Is he a doctor?
Did she dance last night?
Ex. I can sing a song. So can she.
He cant bear this situation. Nor can I.

Choose the right answer

11. In no circumstances ______________________!
a. I would accept this
b. would I accept this
c. would I accepted this
12. Nowhere else ______________________.
a. you will find such nice people
b. won't you find such nice people
c. will you find such nice people

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13. Only in the USA ______________________.

a. have I seen such high buildings
b. I have seen such high buildings
c. have I saw such high buildings
14. Never in the field of human conflict ______________________.
a. has so much been owed by so many to so few
b. so much has be owed by so many to so few
c. has so much be owed by so many to so few
15. Not only ______________________.
a. he is handsome but is he also rich
b. is he handsome but is he also rich
c. is he handsome but he is also rich
16. No sooner ______________________.
a. had I thrown him out that he tried to come in again
b. had I thrown him out than he tried to come in again
c. had I thrown him out than he tried to come in again
17. Rarely ______________________.
a. will you see him in a pub
b. would you saw him in a pub
c. have you see him in a pub
18. Only with the help of everybody ______________________.
a. we can hope to find her
b. could we hoped to find her
c. can we hope to find her
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19. Never in my life ______________________!

a. will I talk her again
b. will I talk to her again
c. will I talked to her again
20. On no account ______________________!
a. must repeat you this
b. do you must repeat this
c. must you repeat this
Choose the right answer.
21. Rarely (has I seen/have I seen/have I see) such beautiful landscapes!
22. My grandmother and grandfather were short of money, as (was/been/were) most
people in our country.
23. No sooner (had I went/had I gone/had I go) to the cinema than I realized I had
forgotten to take the ticket with me.
24. Never (have I hear/has I heard/have I heard) such a stupid decision!
25. Little (did I know/did I known/did know me) that Marlon would arrive.
26. (Had I know/Have I known/Had I known) geometry better, I wouldn't have failed
the exam.
27. Only by patience and hard work (will you learnt/will you learn/will you learning)
28. (Had you ask/Had you asked/Has you asked) me earlier, I would have helped
you with your English grammar.
29. (Be/Were/Is) she rich, she would buy a big house in New York.
30. (Should she phoned/Should she phone/Do she phone) me, I will invite her to my

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Rewrite each sentence using the words in brackets.

31. There are no circumstances where audience members may consume alcohol.
(Under no circumstances)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
32. Nobody has won so many matches for his team since 1994. (Not since)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
33. We won't consider you for the basketball team until you grow up. (Not until)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
34. The gang didn't know that the police had them under surveillance. (Little)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
35. You can't use my car at any time. (At no time)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
36. They started to argue soon after they had gotten married. (No sooner)
Ans. ________________________________________________________

Rewrite the following sentences using inversion.

37. I have never before been asked to accept a bribe.
Never before __________________________________________________
38. He had hardly left the house when the storm broke.
Hardly _______________________________________________________
39. As soon as he had left the house the storm broke.
No sooner ____________________________________________________
40. This switch must not be touched on any account.
On no account _________________________________________________
41. She rarely has any money to spare.
Rarely ________________________________________________________

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42. He hardly speaks to anyone.

Hardly ______________________________________________________
43. The nation has seldom been faced with such difficulties.
Seldom _____________________________________________________
44. They had hardly started playing tennis when it began to rain.
Hardly ______________________________________________________
45. A father has seldom sacrificed so much for his child.
Seldom _____________________________________________________
46. You may not return after midnight on any account.
On no account _______________________________________________
47. He would not give up writing his satires under any circumstances.
Under no circumstances _______________________________________
48. He realized the danger he had been in only after he had read the newspaper
the following morning.
Only after ___________________________________________________
49. They were not able to assess the damage until the floods had subsided.
Not until ____________________________________________________
50. He only stays in bed if he is seriously ill.
Only if ______________________________________________________
51. We only then realized how much he had suffered.
Only then ___________________________________________________
52. He was only able to do the exercise with a great deal of effort.
Only _______________________________________________________
53. He didnt manage to get permission until she had calmed down.
Not until ____________________________________________________
54. He was so anxious to start a new life that he actually changed his name.
So anxious __________________________________________________
55. He could only make himself heard by shouting at the top of his voice.
Only by _____________________________________________________
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56. No director has made such an intellectually challenging sci-fi movie since
Kubricks 2001.
Not since ___________________________________________________
57. He became so suspicious that he didnt even trust his family.
So suspicious _______________________________________________
58. He laughed so much that tears rolled down his cheeks.
So much ___________________________________________________
59. Her business was so successful that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50.
So successful _______________________________________________
60. If you were less than delighted with our product, we will refund your money
Were ______________________________________________________
61. If you were to accept our offer, we could avoid the costs of a court case.
Were ______________________________________________________
62. If the builders were to finish their work to schedule, they would receive a bonus.
Were ______________________________________________________
63. If the tickets should fail to arrive before the departure date, we would arrange to
have duplicates waiting at the airport.
Should _____________________________________________________
64. If the film had been released in the summer, it would not have been so
Had _______________________________________________________
65. He had no money and his sister didnt have any either.
He had no money, neither / nor _________________________________
66. They have no intention of paying and we dont either.
They have no intention of paying and nor / neither __________________
67. I couldnt face my father and Jane couldnt either.
I couldnt face my father and neither / nor _________________________
68. Tom came in.
In _________________________________________________________
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69. Two large dogs jumped up.

Up ________________________________________________________
70. Half a dozen apples fell down.
Down ______________________________________________________
71. The body of our late lamented sovereign lies here.
Here _______________________________________________________

Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

has before than audience then was
started will can did so many had
72. Hardly __________ ever an athlete won so many medals in such a short time.
73. Little __________ we realise what a social faux-pas we had committed.
74. Scarcely __________ the match started when the trouble began.
75. Only by standing on tip-toe __________ I able to see anything at all.
76. Seldom can an __________ have heard a better interpretation of this symphony.
77. Hardly had the controversial opera __________ when people began to walk out.
78. Only if we leave now __________ we be in time to catch the train.
79. Never have I seen __________ people turn out for this event.
80. Rarely __________ a remark have been more ill-judged.
81. Only __________ did it become clear what the extent of the damage was.
82. Barely had we had time to pack up the picnic things __________ the heavens
83. No sooner had we asked for a quieter room, __________ we were given one.

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Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

else way did circumstances nothing such
nor until would account only even
84. At no time __________ he seems to realize what an idiot he was making of

85. At no time before have I heard __________ arrant nonsense.

86. Nowhere __________ do they charge you so much for water
87. On no __________ should you miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
88. Under no __________ must this door be left unlocked.
89. Not __________ she apologizes for what she said will I speak to her again.
90. Not __________ if they halved the price would I buy such a heap of old rubbish.
91. Not for all the money in the world __________ I do what you're suggesting.
92. Not __________ do I know you're wrong, but I can also prove you're wrong.
93. Neither was the food up to standard __________ was the service particularly
94. Everyone except me got soaked. Not for __________ do I always carry an
95. No __________ am I going to jump into that cold water!
Make inverted sentences from the sentences given, using the words in
brackets ().

0. I have seldom been a good girl. (Seldom ...)

Ans. Seldom have I been a good girl.

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96. You shouldn't tell him about my trip to China. (On no account...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
97. You are not going to get me to eat that! (No way ... !)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
98. I have seldom seen such a brilliant goal. (Seldom ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
99. Such a hurricane has rarely happened in Hereford. (Hardly ever ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
100. I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings for all the world. (Not ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
101. They were never aware of the danger that threatened them. (At no time ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
102. This must not leak out to the press. (Under ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
103. He wasn't rich and he wasn't handsome. (Neither ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
104. We haven't often witnessed such artistry. (Rarely ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
105. The bridge collapsed as soon as we managed to get across. (No sooner ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
106. We were only able to cross the border by offering him a bribe. (Only ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
107. Immediately he opened his mouth he started complaining about everything.
(Barely ... before )
Ans. ________________________________________________________
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108. She has no idea what a surprise she's going to get. (Little ... know)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
109. The bell had barely started to ring when the children rushed out of the
classroom. (Scarcely )
Ans. ________________________________________________________
110. He didn't start his speech until there was absolute silence in the hall (Not ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
111. We will only be able to accept your offer if we are offered free delivery.
(Only ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
112. It is with good reason that Edinburgh is known as the Athens of the North.
(Not for ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
113. We have never been so well wined and dined in our lives. (Never ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
114. She didn't break the news of her engagement until after dinner. (Only ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
115. We weren't told that we would need our passports. (At no time ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
116. They don't charge you as much for water anywhere else. (Nowhere else ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
117. I wouldn't fly with them again even if they offered me a free flight. (Not even ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________

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118. We had barely entered the shop when an assistant jumped on us.
(Hardly ... when ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
119. He is both charming and very rich. (Not only ..., but ... also )
Ans. ________________________________________________________
120. Jane didn't tell the story to her boyfriend until after party. (Only ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
121. I have never been here before. (Never ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
122. They hardly type messages in Thai because they usually type in English.
(Hardly )
Ans. ________________________________________________________
123. We didn't play game until our work has been done. (Not ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________
124. They haven't often punished the students. (Rarely ...)
Ans. ________________________________________________________

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