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Part 955

- AD of Our LORD Jesus the Christ the Creator Talmudic Dragon Moon Calendar Kislev 8, 5772 of Mystery Babylon Talmudic their celebration of their Dragon New Year unto Satan the Talmudic Judaic gods a wannabe

Perpetual Talmudic Jewish Global PURIM MURDER

their Babylonian times of their Babylonian Sumerian Doctrine and laws 5772

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

The FINISH of Iniquity unto desolation for them who Deny the Christ, Jesus the Lord.

The Bolshevik Choose of America

America you had better waken today. Let not one more day pass you by without preparation. The Talmudic Hasidic Pharisees have your country in their Talmudic anti-Christ grip, they seek to annihilate as many "Goyim Christ" believers as possible in a very short time, to usher in their Son of Perdition, false Christ. Root these Chabad Bastard Vipers out of your midst. Root all of their Evangelical anti-Christ warmongers and their Freemason proselytes out before it is too late. Vote them out, run them out, cleanse this nation and bow to the Creator God the Lamb of the Living, Jesus Christ and pray to restore this nation to God. These Mafia mass

murderers are inflicting destruction to your homes and families and will not stop until your children are DEAD DEAD DEAD...Just as did these Bolshevik Vipers of Hell sent from Chew YORK, sent from the Hassidim Talmudic Choose did, in Russia in 1917.....what will you do? Stand Fast in the name of Jesus. Do not be deceived at the Judaizers and their lies, for the bread is now full of the leaven of the Pharisees, get out of that great Harlot of Babylon, for these who they say are "chosen" are chosen for eternal damnation, for when the chooser came, they cried out "Crucify him" and let his blood be on our hands, and surely these who chose the ROBBER who is the murderer from the beginning, do the lust of their father that Murdering ROBBER. Root them all out now, every treasonous blasphemous murderer, all of Congress, all of the jewdicial all of the executive and every Freemason Judge, prosecutor, lawyer, police officer, military who boast of their freemason god wannabe who is Lucifer as per Albert Pike their grandaddy Mason unto that Sin-A-GOG of Satan.......................If you are a freemason, note this, your time is growing very short, where will you hide...Nohide, where will you hide on that day of the Lords wrath and that day when your master is cast into the lake of fire? If you are a anti-Christ jew, where will you hide on that day? If you are an anti-Christ evangelical two fold children of hell proselyte of these Pharisees, where will you and your teletubby Talmudic preachers hide on that Day? Where will you zionist anti-Christ hide on that day? Just answer me..... Satans Sin-A-GOG, root these Hasidic Filthy Sofiet Blasphemous Babylonians OUT of your FREE Christian COUNTRY, CONGRESS, COURTROOMS !!!!!!!!

"It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven Noahide laws, and if notthey will be killed." (Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, Ma'ariv, October 6, 2004)

The Seven Noachide laws are general commandments with many details. Transgressing any one of them is considered such a breach in the natural order that the offender incurs the death penalty. Apart from a few exceptions, the death sentence for a Ben Noach is Sayif, death by the sword / decapitation, the least painful of the four modes of execution of criminals (see the Rambam's Hilchos Melachim 9:14). (The four methods of capital punishment in Torah are: Skilah - Stoning; Srifah Burning; Hereg - Decapitation; Henek - Strangulation.) The many formalities of procedure essential when the accused is an Israelite need not be observed in the case of the Noachite. The latter may be convicted on the testimony of one witness, even on that of relatives, but not on that of a woman. He need have had no warning from the witnesses; and a single judge may pass sentence on him (Sanhedrin 57a, b; Rambam, Hilchos Melakim 9:14). WHERE will you hide on that day? Do not be deceived, Hitler was a hired hand, hired by these same Talmudic Hasidic Chabad so called "Illuminated masters" to do the bidding of their god wannabe, create their beloved but false Itsreallyhell and that whore city bloody jerusalem of their flesh....Has, had nothing at all to do with Jesus Christ and his faithful spiritual Israel the seed of Abraham by faith...and NOTHING at all to do with Gods holy mountain in Heaven, or New Jerusalem that beautiful Bride of Christ, who is not full of their blood and whoredoms to their god wannabe Satan. To all of you anti-Christ evangelicals will you hide in that Bloody WHORE City on that Day of the LORDS Wrath? But I warn you all, I warn you Maraka your MURDERS, your thefts and robberies and Blasphemy is now upon your wretched filthy souls and JUDGMENT Has begun in the House of the LORD............REPENT or hide your filthy carcasses now....dig deep under the mountains and pray that they fall upon you, for you are soon to be judged for your filthiness..........

1 Thes. 2:14: For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own

countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: 15: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God,

and are contrary to all men:

16: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

Crimes of the (Talmudic Hasidic Chabad) Bolsheviks, by Isabella Fanfani (ed.)

Posted on December 3, 2011 by Montecristo

Vladimir Ulyanov, better known as Vladimir Lenin CRIMES OF THE BOLSHEVIKS

A revised and re-edited version of A Sea of Blood: the Truth about Bolshevik Russia, a 12,000-word pamphlet originally published in Munich (1926) and authored by a Russian migr known as Dr Gregor. Pictures and captions by Lasha Darkmoon

1. Introduction
Nine years have already passed since an indescribable crime against humanity, the Bolshevik Revolution of

1917, was systematically begun. Now in its ninth year [1926], a government exists which calls itself a workerand-peasant governmentbut not one true worker or farmer has ever sat on it. For nine years, torture has been used in the name of democracy as an official instrument of the state. And in the name of socialism millions of upright individuals have been murdered, put to death through starvation, or banished from home and hearth to every distant part of the globe. In the name of the proletariat the Russian people has been subjugated by rank foreigners, their speech has been silenced, and their bodies sentto the cheers of the [Jewish] Third International into mass graves. An old Russian expression says: There are never more lies told than before a war and after a hunt. And in point of fact the Great War [WW1] never had a true armistice; it never really ended. And the hunt for more human skulls of course only Christian and Aryan skulls will do continues in accordance with a sinister and systematic plan. And thus the great lie blooms forth, in effect a form of worship of the Father of Lies, by that international scum calling itself the Bolsheviks. Mundus vult decipi! the world wants to be deceived! It believes Soviet lies and fairy tales and even participates in this sick comedy, sending delegations of well-known people, leftists of course, incapable of understanding the Russian language, and sympathetic to boot with the goals of the Third International! [The 3rd Internationale was the third great convention meeting held by ultra-radical Jews and Marxists in 1919 to coordinate Communist activities worldwide.]

Off these foreign guests go to Soviet Russia to study the situation. These splendid chaps have no idea what Russia was like before the Bolsheviksand what it could have become without them in the meantime! On the other hand, the Soviet Unions new friends show great knowledge and appreciation for our Russian caviar and vodka! The caviar is good, the vodka burns like fire going down, and in the brain-fog of democratic good will one somehow misses the rivers of blood, the dashed brain fragments, and the slithering clatter of millions of slaves chains. And so internationalist democracy celebrates its rites of sacrifice. The Christian lamb is slaughtered, and Annias and Caiaphas [Jewish leaders in the Sanhedrin who condemned Jesus to death], today representing international stock market capital, are the guests of honor at the feast.

Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky

The four JewsMarx, Engels, Lenin and Trotskywho helped to destroy the Christian Russia of the tsars and replace it with an atheistic Communism in which 66 million Russian Christians were put to death in the gulags run by the cheka.

2. The systematic destruction of Russia

The old Russia no longer exists.

In its place we have a vast desert: its intelligentsia 90% annihilated, its middle class throttled, its working class made serfs once again but this time serfs in stateowned factories, workers who just for using the word strike can be put up against the wall! As for the farmer, now he is a mere beast of burden, a camel in the Soviet-made Sahara, laboring without question for his Jewish exploiters and nearly without pay. For a non-initiate it must be entirely incomprehensible how such a mighty empire, seemingly in one night of revolution, could be set aflame at all four corners and destroyed. However, in one night it did not happen. The events of March 1917 Kerenskys middle-class overthrow of the tsar and of November 1917 the Bolshevik putsch against Kerenskys government were only the visible result of years of patient, molelike undermining activities by the Jewish Internationale: a work which did not begin in the criminal minds of Marx, Kautsky and Engels, but instead in an earlier alliance of Jewry with the higher grades of world Freemasonry. These lofty idealists have tortured and killed, in the name of Russias workers and peasants and according to their very own statistics the following numbers of victims in the first four years of the glorious Russian Revolution: 28 bishops of the Church, 1,215 priests and 6,000 monks. Why? Just because they were bishops, priests and monks, and because they believed in God who is of course merely a disposable middle-class superstition.

Next come 8,800 Christian doctors and their aides. Why? Because they represented non-Jewish middleclass medicine. Now come the officers: 54,650 army and naval officers, 10,500 police officers (lieutenant-rank and above) and 48,500 lower-ranking policemen. And for what reason? Because they were military and police officers, and we all know that militarism is no longer permissible for any nationalistic and Aryan-conscious white people. It is only allowed to Red bandits, who call themselves proletarians, to dig the real proletariat a mass grave. Then there are 260,000 flag-loyal soldiers of the old army, all now executed. But even this statistic is trifling. Now come the intelligentsia: teachers, professors, engineers, building contractors, writers and judges especially judges, because these were the most dangerous for a state ruled by convicted felons. To them let us add lawyers, district attorneys and all the college-educated occupations to reach the number of 361,825 murdered members of our most mentally demanding professions. I will not even tarry over our annihilated class of large landowners, consisting of 12,950 persons. And when someone asks me how the Russian intelligentsia can bear the Bolshevik yoke, I always answer that the Russian intelligentsia is either literally six feet under or in exile, and that the tiny remainder left over has suffered such a blood-letting and systematic humiliation through the communist steamroller that they have forfeited every last bit of self-esteem and personal honor.

Finally, we come to the modest numbers of workers and peasants executed by the worker-and-peasant state. They amount to only 192,350 workers and 815,000 peasants. All these figures are official statistics published by the Cheka [forerunner of the KGB] and printed in easily obtainable Bolshevik newspapers during this period when the anti-communist White Russian forces were fighting Trotsky and the Red Army, [1917-1921]. All these facts can be verified in the complete volumes of information or excerpts published in 1922 by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kingdom of Serbia, the only country in Europe which is fighting mercilessly against the disease of communism. Even this enormous number of casualties is small compared to the mentally ill persons now running around free in Soviet Russia four million eight hundred thousand of them. But this is no surprise. Even the old Russia did not have enough sanatoria and hospitals for them. Now the whole country has become a madhouse. The murders continue and the blood flows on, albeit only Christian and Aryan blood. When during the 1922 Famine, 30,000 human beings were dying every day, Jewish leader Trotsky made the sarcastic remark: All the better look at the paperwork that will save us now!

3. Tsars assassinated by the Jews

After Nicholas I, his son Alexander II mounted the throne, a true friend of his people. In 1861 he abolished serfdom and gave the peasants land. This reform

happened through the mir arrangement of village communities an institution far closer to true and sincere communism than the capitalistic, taxexploitative system we see in Soviet Russia today. This same tsar, Alexander II, who in 1864 gave his people a whole new trial procedure for their court system then the fairest and most progressive in Europe underwent seven attempts to assassinate him, until finally, in an eighth attempt perpetrated by Goldmann, Liebermann and Zuckermann can anyone mistake their race? successfully carried out the wishes of London. [Great Britain was by this time in the control of the Jewish bankers of the City of London.] Alexander II, the great benefactor of his nation, was dynamited on March 1, 1881 the very day that he was to bestow on his country a new, constitutional form of government. Alexander II was gone. Alexander III now became tsar. With respect to this monarch who preserved European peace, we Russians were all convinced that when he died in 1894, he had succumbed to a normal illness in this case an acute kidney infection. How great was afterward our amazement when we learned on the run, in exile, and from Jewish sources that this tsar too had fallen victim to the criminal minds of the tribe of Judah. The Jew Saltus exults over this fact in his book The Imperial Orgy, published in New York in 1920. Inhis foam-mouthed delirium over the successful downfall of the Christian-Aryan world he explains in his book how

the Jews, working with the Entente powers England, France, the U.S. and Italy got rid of the tsars one after the other. He further relates that, at the same time as Russian churches were praying for the health of the tsar, he was being cursed in the synagogues. To the bedside of the sick tsar his personal physician, Zakharin, was summoned. Zakharin, a perfectly good Russian name, and yet a Jew. When he arrived to see the tsar in Livadiya, he had the medicine all ready for him in his vest pocket. The kind of medicine is easy to imagine: a one-way ticket into the next world. After the trusting tsar had swallowed the medication and was rolling in pain on his bed, Zakharin bent overhim according to Saltus with a diabolical grin on his face. The tsar choked out the words Who are you? Zakharins answer: I am a Jew! And with enormous chutzpah, he then turned to the empress and the tsars ministers and said: Not to worry, his majesty is only talking in a fever! Then he bent over the dying man and grinned at him again: You are breathing your last breathand we have won! This comes straight from the Jew Saltus in his book The Imperial Orgy. 4. The murder of millions of Christians by the Cheka And then the Russian Revolution came.

Who were these friends of the common people who in the name of freedom, equality, and democracy began annihilating the Christian-Aryan population? Undoubtedly there were among them some true idealists who really believed that they could use murder and manslaughter, robbery and theft, to make a happier world and a new paradise of equality. The wellknown result, however, was a living hell consisting of hunger, deprivation, despair and an equality only in ones right to be murdered by the Jewish-controlled Cheka [forerunner of the KGB]. The word Cheka is not only an acronym in Russian for Special Commission for Fighting CounterRevolution, but also a Yiddish expression for animal slaughter. How fitting this expression! We Christians, who are called goyim or cattle, are in the Jewish view mere animals. Yahweh gave us human faces, however, so as to spare the Jews the distress of having servants who looked like animals. [Paraphrased] The first provisional government [after the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and just before the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution] consisted exclusively of Freemasons of Romance-language initiation, from France or Italy, and funded by English money. The criminality of this provisional government knew no bounds, because it did the most despicable thing a government can do. It ignored the promises, purposes and ideals for which it was put in powerand for which it had overthrown the Tsar, head of state. The nine months of this government was nothing but a gestation period, and horribly pregnant Russia gave birth to the miscarriage from hell on October 27, 1917.

It can rightly be said that power was lying there on the street and the Bolsheviks merely picked it up. To provide a show for the friendly democracies abroad, there had to be street battles in Russia. And so the prime minister Kerensky, a half-Jew whose real name was Kirbis, meaning pumpkin, deliberately sent a battalion of women and young officer cadets into the jaws of a howling and murderous mob, where they were sadistically annihilated. Meanwhile Kerensky, dressed in a sailor suit, fled St. Petersburg. Just before that, Kerensky had signed for publicity reasons an arrest warrant against the traitor Trotsky [Bronstein]. But when General Polovtsev showed up with his Cossacks in Trotskys apartment to arrest him, there sitting in a plush armchair with Trotsky was Kerensky, sipping a liqueur. He took the arrest warrant from the astonished generals hand, theatrically tore it up, and sent the general on his way a man who lacked the courage to simply arrest both these scum for in a revolution, the first one to pick up his stick is on top. In any case, the Russian and foreign publics were to be treated to scenes of urban warfare and bloodshed. Aryan blood, of course.

5. Lenin, a syphilitic psychopath

The Mensheviks, or majority people, wanted a peaceful socialist welfare state and limited state ownership of industries as in Sweden. The Bolsheviks, or minority people [i.e., mostly Jews] wanted a reign of terror and total nationalization under Lenin and Trotsky.

The Mensheviks made only one condition: that Lenin explain himself with respect to allegations of theft from the Party. When the convention began and Lenin was challenged to give an account of himself, he stood up, stuck his hands in his pockets and proclaimed that his standing was so high in the party that he owed no one any answers. When Lenin first arrived in Russia from Germany, he was already demented from untreated or poorly treated syphilis.


With this softening of the brain a sort of gumming of the tissues he was now fully qualified to pour his criminal fantasies into the ears of the foaming mob. Russia already stood in flames, and the shabby gang of brigands were encouraged by Lenins slogan, Rob back what they robbed from us! And so the mob hurled themselves upon the meager remains of Russian society. Under the joyful croakings of Jewry, Mother Russia was submerged.

The brain disease which afflicted Lenin continued to take its course. One insane idea after another issued forth from his government. The most renowned doctors in Germany boarded airplanes in an attempt to jerry-rig this decrepit swindler statesman, but he descended further and further into mental confusion. It is said that before his death he experienced a few shafts of mental light during which he crawled on all fours on the carpet and whimpered pitifully Forgive me, Lord, forgive! Truly, truly the international proletariat can be proud: its leader a thief, its prophet a syphilitic, its greatest man a mass murderer. Instead of leading mankind into the bright light above the clouds, it has jammed humanity down into the sewer, and it is no accident that his mausoleum Lenins tomb looks today like a public lavatory.

The last of the Romanovs, Tsar Nicholas II and his family

After the February Revolution of 1917, Nicholas II abdicated his throne and took refuge with his family in a house in Yekaterinburg. The Czar, his wife, his son, his four daughters, his servants and family doctor were all killed in the same room by the Bolsheviks on the night of July 17, 1918. It has since been confirmed that Lenin ordered the clandestine killings from Moscow. Veteran British journalist Robert Wilton explains in his cult classic, The Fall of the Romanovs, how the murder of the Tsar and his family was orchestrated entirely by Jews:

The whole record of Bolshevism in Russia is indeliby impressed with the stamp of an alien invasion. The murder of the Tsar, deliberately planned by the Jew Sverdlov, and carried out by the Jews Goloshchekin, Syromolotov, Safarov, Voikov, and Yorovsky, is the act not of the Russan people, but of this hostile invader. (Robert Wilton, The Fall of the Romanovs, p.148).

6. Trotsky, another killer of Christians

Lenins great rival was a man who nearly exceeds him in treachery, viciousness and sadistic love of executions: the Jew Laibe Bronstein, who now calls himself Leo Trotsky. This Bronstein-Trotsky character formerly was an ultra-radical writer of gall-dripping articles for Jewish newspapers. But long before the war he was an agent of the tsarist secret police in Vienna, reporting on Russian Jews who had deserted from the Russian armed forces. Trotsky, a full-blooded Jew, betrayed his racial brothers to the Russian government for 150 gold crowns a month [about $200]. This perhaps tells us all we need to know about him. He moved to St. Petersburg and founded a very bourgeois and capitalist freight-moving business. Later he got into the business of lopping off heads when it became more advantageous to be a communist. The whole communist system under Soviet Judea is shot through with bizarre values. While pure communism is said to promise a community of sharing, the slogan of Russian communism seems to be: Whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine, too!


This anti-Bolshevik propaganda poster, dated to 1919, shows Leon Trotsky (born Lev Davidovich Bronstein) as a devil. Elements of the imagery reveal anti-Semitism: a popular anti-communist tactic was to overplay the role of Jews in the Russian Bolshevik Revolution. (From a Zionist website, attempting to minimize the role played by Jews in the Bolshevik Revolution. See here). The Chinese soldiers, presiding here over a mound of corpses and shooting Russian Christians to death, were hired mercenaries for the Jewish Bolsheviks. They did the Jews dirty work for them. Their reputation for sadistic torture on behalf of their Bolshevik employers was legendary. Thus they were responsible for introducing into Europe the infamous rat torture, a variation of which was to appear later as the horrendous climax of Orwells Nineteen Eighty Four.


We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a leftwing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word red literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolutions funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence. From the Memoirs of Aron Simanovich, quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin, Moscow, 1993, and translated from Russian into English by Clive Lindhurst.

7. Fiendish tortures devised by the Jewish Cheka

For all time these names the Jew Trotsky, the Pole Dzherzhinski, the Russian Moros, the Latvians Lazis and Peter all these being the original creators of the infamous Cheka will stand out in world history as mass murderers. Even the bloodiest persecutions of Christians under Tiberius or Nero and the most grotesque tortures of the Spanish Inquisition under Torquemada a converted Jew pale by comparison with the indescribably gruesome deeds committed by the Jewish and Latvian run Cheka. A whole shelf of books with both written and photographic documentation has been published on this theme. I need mention only The Blood Intoxication of the Bolsheviks by Nilostonsky, The Battle Against Bolshevism by Avalov, The Plague over Russia by Albert Rosenberg, Soviet Russia by Katharina HaugHoug, and The Cheka by Georg Popov. [Here now are some of the gruesome tortures devised by the Jewish Cheka for its mostly Russian Christian victims.] When the Reds occupied a city, they took hostages such as people wearing ties or workers in their Sunday best. They stripped them naked and then bound onto the stomach of the murder victim an empty flower pot into which a ravenous, starving rat was placed. Through the small water hole in the base of the flower pot a red-hot iron rod was pushed to torment the rat and make him wild, causing him to try to burrow himself away from the rod and deep into the abdomen of the horrified human victim.

THE RAT TORTURE: A red-hot poker, when pushed through the bars of the cage, would force the maddened rat to escape by gnawing its way into the stomach of the human prisoner. They lined up other victims in military formation, then ordered the first row to place one hand upon a wooden table. A nail was driven through the hand into the wood. Then they cut a full circle around the wrist skin, drenched the hand in boiling water and pulled the hand and finger skin right off. This they called making gloves. Interestingly, each torture chamber had its own special torture lady, always a Jewess or Latvian female, usually with a nickname such as Dora, the glove maker or Rosa, the glove lady. It comes as no surprise to us to learn that the chief justice of a criminal court in Moscow is also a Jewess, Anya Glusmann, who is said to love pronouncing death sentences above all else, and, according to a fawning newspaper article about her, she loves flowers and perfume after a hard days work.

There is more: such as placing a mans head on an anvil, then slowly exploding it using a huge iron hammer with ever-increasing weights. Those fated to suffer the same death the following day were ordered to pick up the brain and bone pieces, the nerve tissue and blood which they witnessed flying around the room. When ordered to their work they were told: You are digging your own grave. You must be happy that tomorrow your own kind will be picking up the pieces of your cadavers. As for men of the cloth, they would bring priests into a church, marry them with a sow or mare in a sarcastic ceremony and then nail them to the cross over the altar. The bishop of Voronesh was plunged live into a giant kettle of boiling water and his monks were forced at revolver point to take spoonfuls of this soup. High-ranking clergymen had their eyes gouged out, the tongue severed, and the ears sliced off. Then they were buried alive. Or their abdomen was opened with a knife and the first section of their intestines was nailed to a telephone pole. They were then forced to run around the pole as their entrails unwound until death came. Officers of the Russian navy were steamed to death in their own engine rooms. They were chained to cement blocks and hurled off the piers so that their tethered corpses, decomposing and

rising under the waves, formed hideous, tossing forests of the dead. General Viren of Kronstadt had both his arms hacked off and was then paraded around the downtown area until it became boring, whereupon he was shot. Human beings had burning cigars pushed into their open eyes until they were blind, their entire body being roasted on spits. Heads were squeezed slowly to the bursting point with special brain vises. The German Army discovered a chamber full of these and similar devices, including a testicle-cracker, in an underground chamber in Ukraine in 1941. Adapted dentist drills were used to drill deep into the brain. They sawed off the top of peoples skulls and forced others to eat their brains, whereupon the eaters then came under the saw and in turn had their own brains eaten. [Paraphrased] Entire families were arrested and children tortured before the eyes of their bound parents, or the wife was tormented before the eyes of her husband or the reverse. The Bolsheviks drove nails into empty wooden barrels, then jammed human beings inside, rolling the barrels around merrily. Mass graves of people buried alive were found by the White Army. Victims of live burial usually have dirt in their mouth and nostrils from trying to breathe. The

writhing bodies of these people were found in the most bizarre contortions. And all this in the sweet name of freedom and democracy!
* * *

(Further corroboration for these horrendous crimes will be found in this recent article by Dr Lasha Darkmoon. The most detailed and impassioned account, however, remains Eustace Mullins cult classic The Secret Holocaust. The real holocaust was a Christian Holocaust by Jews of sixty-six million, mostly Christians.) __________________________________________________ _____________ Isabella Fanfani is freelance writer and art illustrator who lives in Lausanne, Switzerland. This article is an update of a similar article published here a few months ago.

Freedoms Greatest Hour of Danger is NOW!!! ___

Kosher Candidates Put Israel First

____ How The Hasidic Choose Henry Paulson and Goldmann Sacks Robbed Maraka ___

How the Talmudic Hasidic Independent Federal Reserve is destroying the Global economy

How Carl Levi-n and his proselyte Talmudic anti-Christ freemason Noahide McCain seeks to MURDER and incarcerate Americans the same way their creed did to the Christian Russians and Germany....RID this Nation of these Vipers from Hell

America Lurches Toward FullBlown Tyranny

By Stephen Lendman 12-3-11 Post-9/11, America's moved steadily toward eroding democracy entirely. Justification given is war on terror hokum. Incrementally, international, constitutional and statute laws have been trashed. Equity, justice and other democratic values long ago were abandoned to advance America's imperium. On May 26, the House voted to abolish

freedom entirely - HR 1540, 322 - 96. On December 1, the Senate did likewise - S. 1867, 93 to 7. Both versions assure no one anywhere is now safe, including law-abiding US citizens. Senate no votes were cast by Thomas Harkin (D. IA), Rand Paul (R. KY), Thomas Coburn (R. OK), Jeff Merkley (D. OR), Ron Wyden (D. OR), Mike Lee (R. UT), and Bernie Sanders (I. VT). Of the Senate's 51 Democrats, only one voted no. At issue are Sections 1031 and 1032 of the FY 2012 National Defense Authorization Act - NDAA (S. 1867). Section 1031 authorizes indefinitely detaining US citizens without charge or trial. It exceeds previous police state laws. The provision refers to US citizens or lawful resident aliens even though the Constitution protects them. No longer. Enactment means anyone anywhere, including US citizens, may be indefinitely held without charge or trial, based solely on suspicions, baseless allegations or none at all. No reasonable proof is required, just suspicions that those detained pose threats. Under subsection (b)(1), indefinite detentions can follow mere membership (past or present) or support for suspect organizations. Presidents would have unchecked authority to arrest, interrogate and indefinitely detain law-abiding citizens if accused of potentially posing a threat. Constitutional, statute and international laws won't apply. Martial law will replace them. Like the companion House bill (HR 1540), detention would be authorized based on alleged prior associations with suspect groups. US military personnel anywhere in the world would be authorized to seize US citizens and others. Section 1032 requires suspects held in military custody, outside constitutionally mandated civil protections, including habeas rights, due process, and other judicial procedures.

Presidents could order anyone arrested and imprisoned for life without charge or trial. Abuse of power would replace rule of law protections. Even someone erroneously arrested and cleared of wrongdoing could be held indefinitely without charge, given non-civil trials, none at all, or sent abroad to torture prison hellholes. On November 29, the Senate voted 60 - 38 against Mark Udall's (D. CO) amendment. If adopted, it would have prohibited the military from arresting and imprisoning anyone anywhere without charge or trial, including US citizens. An orderly review of presidential and congressional detention power would have been authorized. Before adjourning, House and Senate conferees will resolve the issue one way or other. Removing harmful provisions is doubtful. If not, Obama promised a veto. So far, he's broken EVERY major promise made. Given enough congressional votes to override him, it hardly matters what he does. December 8 is the House's targeted adjournment date. The Senate date is yet to be announced. Key legislation must be completed before leaving, including resolving language in FY 2012 NDAA. Obama must then sign or veto it. Congress returns on January 5. Will he keep his promise or sign the bill to assure defense funding continuity? Electoral politics suggests the latter. Moreover, S. 1867 sponsor Carl Levin said Obama officials were involved in drafting the bill. Both sides apparently agreed on final language. Some Post-9/11 Background On September 18, 2001, a joint House-Senate Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) approved permanent war on humanity. Thereafter, America's lurched from one to another. Expect more ahead. On November 13, 2001, George Bush issued Military Order Number 1. It was a watershed coup d'etat action.

It authorized presidents to capture, kidnap or otherwise arrest non-citizens (citizens were later included) anywhere in the world based on unproved allegations of involvement in international terrorism. Moreover, it approved holding them indefinitely without charge, evidence or due process rights. It stipulated that trials, if held, will be in secret military commissions, not civil courts. Torture obtained evidence is allowed, and appeal rights are denied those convicted. Capitalizing on a window of hysteria, numerous laws, Executive Orders, findings, memoranda, and memos, as well as National and Homeland Security Presidential Directives followed (NSPDs and HSPDs). Constitutional rights eroded. Unchecked police state powers hardened. On October 26, 2001, 45 days post-9/11, Congress overwhelmingly passed the USA Patriot Act. Civil liberties were eroded, including Fifth and Fourteen Amendment due process rights by permitting indefinite detentions of undocumented immigrants that now apply to anyone anywhere. First Amendment freedom of association was compromised. Now anyone may be prosecuted for their alleged association with "undesirable groups." Fourth Amendment protections from unreasonable searches and seizures are gone, including personal privacy rights. Unchecked government surveillance powers were authorized to access personal records, monitor financial transactions, as well as student, medical and other records. Secret evidence may be obtained lawlessly and withheld from defense lawyers. For the first time, "domestic terrorism" was criminalized. It applies to US citizens and aliens. It states criminal law violations are considered domestic terrorist acts if they aim to "influence (government policy) by intimidation, coercion (or) intimidate or coerce a civilian population." In other words, anti-war, global justice, environmental and animal rights activism, as well as Occupy Wall Street activism may be designated "domestic terrorism." So may civil disobedience and dissent of any kind to prevent it entirely.

On October 1, 2002, USNORTHCOM's establishment was step one to militarizing America. The November 25, 2002 Homeland Security Act (HSA) centralized unprecedented executive branch military and law enforcement powers. The October 17, 2006 Military Commissions Act scrapped habeas protections for domestic and foreign enemies alike, citizens and noncitizens, stating: "Any person is punishable... who....aids, abets, counsels, commands, or procures" and in so doing helps a foreign enemy, provides "material support" to alleged terrorist groups, engages in spying, or commits other offenses previously handled in civil courts. It also authorized torture and empowered presidents to convene military commissions to try anyone called "unlawful enemy combatants." They now designated "unprivileged enemy belligerents." On the same date, little know FY 2007 NDAA provisions (Sections 1076 and 333) amended the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. They prohibit using federal and National Guard troops for law enforcement domestically except as constitutionally allowed or expressly authorized by Congress in times of a national emergency like an insurrection. Presidents may now claim public emergency powers, effectively declare martial law, suspend the Constitution for "national security" reasons, and deploy federal and National Guard troops on America's streets to suppress whatever he calls disorder. The key April 4, 2007 NSPD-51/HSPD-20 combined directive established "Continuity of Government (COG)" procedures under Catastrophic Emergency conditions, defined as: "any incident (such as a terrorist attack), regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the US population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions."

COG is then defined as: "a coordinated effort within the Federal Government's executive branch to ensure that National Essential Functions continue to be performed during a Catastrophic Emergency." The combined directive gave the president and DHS unprecedented police state powers to declare martial law without congressional approval, and be able to rule extrajudicially, free from constitutional constrains. It also let the vice-president assume dictatorial powers. Clever wording marginalized Bush, saying: NSPD 51 "shall be implemented in a manner that is consistent with, and facilitates effective implementation of, provisions of the Constitution concerning succession to the Presidency or the exercise of its powers, and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 (3 U.S.C. 19), with consultation of the Vice President and, as appropriate, others involved." "Heads of executive departments and agencies shall ensure that appropriate support is available to the Vice President and others involved as necessary to be prepared at all times to implement those provisions." Civil liberties were further eroded by institutionalized spying, other forms of surveillance, waging war on Islam, criminalizing dissent, creating a culture of secrecy, militarizing police, punishing whistleblowers, using courts as persecution instruments, and governing extrajudicially overall. If FY 2012 NDAA includes Sections 1031 and 1032, America more than ever will be repressive and unfit live in. How can it be if constitutional, statute and international law protections no longer apply. Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

see Carl Levin and His Chabad lackeys of Hell.....

Pure Treasonous FILTH

Your Government elected are in bed with these Murdering blasphemous anti-Christ Bastards...Maraka

FBI Special Agent Scott Olsen Visits Misaskim Headquarters (Yitzy Engel)

Congressman Bob Turner Visits Misaskim

These Hasidic anti-Christ Vipers of hell are robbing you blind...Maraka Kosherfest 2011 At The Meadowlands Expo Center - Day 2 (Hillel Engel)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Congressman Eliot Engel at the Kotel
Congressman Eliot Engel (D), the U.S. Representative for New York's 17th congressional district, which includes parts of Rockland County (and the Town of Ramapo), puts on Tefillin and blows the shofar at the Chabad booth at the Kotel this week. f.htm

US Congressman John Sweeney at Israel Sendoff for Rabbi Israel and Rochel Rubin of Capital Chabad

Eric Cantor (R-Vir.) stops at a Chabad tefillin station (Photo courtesy of Your Jewish News)

East Boca Chabad Inaugural Gala Dinner

By Congressman Allen West Updated about 8 months ago Taken at Boca Raton, FL

Receiving the "Defender of Israel" Award, the Lion of Judah

Maraka, simply GOOGLE and see the WHOREDOMS and Anti-Christ Congressmen and women who are in bed with these Chabad Lubavitch MAFIA of HELL ROOT THEM OUT !!!!!!!! Won't you come out of that Babylonian Murdering Matrix of Satan People...Come out of that Great Whore, Mystery Babylon and into the Light of Jesus Christ the Life Giver. Rv:18:4: And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Rv:18:21: And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.

contact: look Back

Romans 10:4: For Christ is the

end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

5: For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them.

Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) Romans

6: But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise,

end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

10:4: For Christ is the

Hasidim and their Moshiach, that son of Perdition

7: Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) 8: But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

9: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Not maybe 10: For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
11: For the scripture saith,

Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13: For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
14: How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? 12: For there is no difference between the Jew

and how shall they hear without a preacher?

15: And

how shall they preach, except they be sent?

not ordained by a state sanctioned 501 C3 institution of Satan's religion, BUT SENT BY THE FATHER

beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
16: But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? 17: So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 18: But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. 19: But I say,

as it is written, How

Did not Israel know?

First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you.

But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.
20: 21: But to

Israel he saith,

All day long I have stretched forth my hands

unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.

Romans 10:9 9: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10: For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11: For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be

ashamed. 12: For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. The Last Deception
Section 2 section 3 section 4 section 5 section 6 section 7 section 8 section 9 section 10 section 11 section 12 section 13 section 14 "The Protocols of the Illuminated Elders of Tzion" section 15 section 16 "The Beast Has Risen" section 16-B section 17 section 17-B section 17-C section 17-D section 18 section 18-B section 19 section 19-B

section 20 section 20-B section 20-C section 20-D section 20-E section 21 section 22 section 23 section 24 section 25 Daniel's Seventy Weeks Was Peter a Jew? The Two Witnesses "The Whore of Babylon" Mystery Babylon Are the " Ael-ians coming" Ael-ians II Wall Street " The Mark" is Here Wall Street II Wall Street III It has happened "War Declared upon and in America" Declared section Part II "Questions" "All you ever need to know about their god and Qabalah" Qabalah Part II Qabalah Part III National Identification Card

ADDED Material 3-25-2004 Prophecy Unfolding

A Sincere Request to "Rapture" Teachers

"Seventh Trumpet" Compulsory Constitutional Cremation Homeland Security, "The Police State"


The Fourth Beast

The Babylonian Talmudic Mystical Qabalah The Scribes of Baal How will they do it- " The false-christ" False Christ Part II The Word Baal's food Tax "The Changing of the Guards" "Summation" The beginning of sorrows has begun "Moshiach ben Lucifer" Satan's Tales "Wagging the Global Dog"


"Satan's Plan", Protocols of Zion ( of course they will dispute it's authenticity) I Witch, New One World Order Seal Satan's Enforcers of Quaballah Satan's Enforcers Part 2 Satan's Enforcers Part 3 Satan's Enforcers Part 4 The Seed of God or the Seed of Satan, Your choice by faith

Pledge of Allegiance Part Two I AM, the Revelation of Jesus Christ King of the Noachides "Beware the Mark"

"Beware the Mark" part two "Beware the Mark" Part 3 "Beware the Mark" Part Four "Beware the Mark" Part Five Harvest of Fear "Harvest of Fear" Part Two "Harvest of Fear" Part Three National Organization Against Hasidic International Talmudic Enforcement Where's Da Plane Boss, wheres da plane? The Tarot Card Killer of Olam Ha Ba The "Lessor Jew" Temporary Coup d' Etat The Federal Reserve, Fed up with the Fed? The Protocols Today. Dispute this, Liars ! Protocols Today Part Two Letter to a friend "It's not the Jews Dummy" Identity of the Illuminati The "Son's of the Synagogue of Satan"Chabad Lubavitch Chabad Satan Part 1A Chabad Satan Part 2 Chabad Satan Part 2A Chabad Satan Part 2B Chabad Satan Part 3 Chabad Satan Part 3A Chabad Satan Part 4 Chabad Satan Part 4A Chabad Satan Part 4B Chabad Satan Part 4C Chabad Satan Part 5

Chabad satan Part 5A Chabad Satan Part 5B Chabad Satan Part 5C Chabad Satan Part 6 Chabad Satan Part 6B Chabad Satan Part 6C Chabad Satan Part 6D Chabad Satan Part 7 Chabad Satan Part 7A Chabad Satan Part 7B Chabad Satan Part 7C Chabad Satan Part 8 Chabad Satan Part 8A Chabad Satan Part 8B Chabad Satan Part 8C Chabad Satan Part 8D Chabad Satan Part 9 Chabad Satan Part 9A Chabad Satan Part 9B Chabad Satan Part 9C Chabad Satan Part 9D Chabad Satan Part 10 Chabad Satan Part 10A Chabad Satan Part 10B Chabad Satan Part 10C Chabad Satan Part 10D Chabad Satan Part 11 The Chabad Satan Wall of Destruction Chabad Wall Part 2

Chabad Wall Part 3 Chabad Wall Part 4 The Chabad Phoenix is Rising Columbia "The Queen of Heaven" Patriot Akt II, Comrad The Infiltration of the leaven "Jerusalem Council" Satan's One World Religion OWR Part 2 OWR Part 3 OWR Part 4 One World Religion Part 5 One World Religion Part 6 One World Religion Part 7 Religion Part 7 Re the god of Talmud Bavli Perpetual Purim "The Raiser of Taxes" Jewish Persecution Obedient Ishmael Kislev 19, 5764 The Final Nazi Nazi Part 2 Nazi Part 3 Nazi Part 4 The Lord of the Ring, the Return of the Talmudic king Changing the Time and the Laws The Leaven of the Chabad Lubavitch Chassidim Pharisees Exod-U.S the coming Geula anti-semitism? Who murdered Jesus the Christ "Replacement Theology" of Judaic Talmudism

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A look Back
Noahide News Part 895 The Mark of the Beast, It is here ! Noahide News Part 896

Looking Back to 2004, Prophecy unfolding

Noahide News Part 897 Noahide News Part 898

Noahide News Part 899


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The Rothschild's The family of Rothschild began in Frankfort , Germany . The oldest known Rothschild was known as Uri Feisbesch. Uri lived during the 16th century. His children lived in the House of Redshield. One of his descendants was Moses Bauer of the 18th century. This family lived in what was known as Jews Alley in Judengasse of Frankfurt. During that time in history the Jewish people identified themselves using symbol for family identity. The symbols were put on signs in front of a house for address. The early Rothschilds had the descended sure name of Bauer, which in German means, farmer. In the 1700's some of the family changed the name and took the name of the symbol of the red shield in front of the house. This symbol was the seal of Solomon, the red shield. This symbol was a red hexagram known as the seal of Solomon, Magen David, and or the Star of David. O.J Graham in his book titled The Six Pointed Star" pointed out that this exact hexagram was used in ancient mystery religions, it was the symbol of Moloch, Ashtoreth and it also represented Saturn. The hexagram did not originate with the Jews, but from pagan god worship. King David had nothing to do with the creation of the star. It is believed that when Solomon apostasized he took use of the star and it became known as the seal of Solomon. The cabalist who have been involved in this world scheme for one world order later used this shield to identify the nation of Israel and the Jewish people.

Seal of Solomon Today's occultist worldwide knows that this symbol was originally used in ancient mysticism. When Meyer Amshel Rothschild adopted this symbol as his name, Rothschild= RotShildt= Red Shield.

The Magen David (shield of David, or as it is more commonly known, the Star of David) is the symbol most commonly associated with Judaism today, but it is actually a relatively new Jewish symbol. It is supposed to represent the shape of King David's shield (or perhaps the emblem on it), but there is really no support for that claim in any early rabbinic literature. In fact, the symbol is so rare in early Jewish literature and artwork that art dealers suspect forgery if they find the symbol in early works. The Jewish Student Research Center

David, Star of
Hebrew MAGEN DAVID ("SHIELD OF DAVID"), MAGEN also spelled MOGEN, Jewish symbol composed of two overlaid equilateral triangles that form a sixpointed star. It appears on synagogues, Jewish tombstones, and the flag of the State of Israel. The symbol--which historically was not limited to use by Jews--originated in antiquity, when, side by side with the five-pointed star, it served as a magical sign or as a decoration. In the middle Ages the Star of David appeared with greater frequency among Jews but did not assume any special religious significance; it is found as well on some medieval cathedrals. The term Magen David, which in Jewish liturgy signifies God as the protector (shield) of David, gained currency among medieval Jewish mystics, who attached magical powers to King David's shield just as earlier (non-Jewish) magical traditions had referred to the five-pointed star as the "seal of Solomon." Kabbalists popularized the use of the symbol as a protection against evil spirits. The Jewish community of Prague was the first to use the Star of David as its official symbol and from the 17th century on the sixpointed star became the official seal of many Jewish communities and a general sign of Judaism, though it has no biblical or Talmudic authority. The star was almost universally adopted by Jews in the 19th-century as a striking and simple emblem of Judaism in imitation of the cross of Christianity. The yellow badge that Jews were forced to wear in Nazi-occupied Europe invested the Star of David with a symbolism indicating martyrdom and heroism.

Religious symbolism and iconography

Conceptual influences Ideas, theories, and structured systems of thought also are incorporated into religious symbolism. Abstract ideas--such as wholeness, unity, and the absolute--and the power of the spirit are concretely expressed in religious terms. The idea of unity plays an important part in expressing the oneness of the divinity. Mathematical principles expressed in number symbolisms are used to organize the world of the gods, spirits, and demons, to describe the inner structure of man, and to systematize mythology and theology. The

concepts of duality or polarity find expression as the body and soul of man: the divine pair; the syzygy (paired emanations) in Gnosticism; the dualism of God and the devil, of good and evil; and, finally, as the two natures of Christ. The number three, or triplicity, is represented in divine triads, the trinity, and the body-soul-spirit structure of man; as is number four, or quaternary, in the four cardinal points, the picture of the cosmic whole, the divine quaternary. Time and eternity may be expressed in abstract symbolical terms as well as concretely in picture form. Influence of religion on symbolism and iconography Religious figures and spiritual authorities themselves form a vast complex of symbols: gods, saviors, redeemers, heroes, the avatars (incarnations) and the Isvaras (manifestations) of Hinduism, the heroes and gods of epics, the founders, lawgivers, saints, and reformers of the great religions. The biblical prophets, apostles, and evangelists and the Christian saints are characterized by a very complicated system of symbols. Theologians, mystics, and contemplatives may also be symbolically and pictorially represented; the doctors (teachers) of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy and fathers of the early church have standard iconic forms, attributes, and symbols (e.g., St. Augustine is represented by the heart; St. Jerome by the lion). Persons connected with ritual and representatives of the religious institution (e.g., hierarchs, priests, assistants in the liturgy, male and female dancers, and musicians) may also be symbolically and ichnographically depicted. The offering, the place of offering, the altar and its trappings, the instruments that prepare and destroy the offering, the fire that consumes it, the liquids and drinks used in the rite, the sacred meal, and the rites of communion all are objects of iconography and symbolism. The offering symbolizes the idea of submission to the ideals of a religion, the giving up of valuables and possessions for religious purposes and for the service of human brotherhood, and the giving up of one's life for religion.

A religious community recognizes itself and its ideas by symbols. Examples are the yin-yang (union of opposites) symbol bound by the circle of stability (t'ai-chi) in Chinese universalism; the swastika in Hinduism and Jainism; the wheel of the law in Buddhism; the khanda (two swords, dagger, and disk) in Sikhism; the Star of David or menora (candelabrum) in Judaism; and the cross in its various forms in Christianity
Rothschild knowingly took the occult symbol as his name. Rothschild knowingly took this MARK for his name. Men usually take their Mark from their name. Mr. Rothschild took his name from the Babylonian Mark, the mystical Babylonian six pointed star of illumination.

In 1753 Meyer Amshel Rothschild (Bauer) was sent off by his family at ten years of age to become a rabbi. He left his rabbinical study when he was 13 years old to become an apprentice at the Illuminati Oppenheimer Bank. (Remember, Robert J. Oppenheimer of the Manhattan Project) He learned the banking business while at Oppenheimer. When he was twenty years old he returned to the ghetto of Judengasse to get closer to the Illuminati ran organization where an acquaintance he met while in Hanover , Prince William of Hesse-Hanau circuited. In 1763 Rothschild left Hanover for Frankfort . He developed a finance relationship with Adam Wieshaupt around 1770. The Barvarian branch of the Illuminati was founded in1776. Meyer Amshel Rothschild had five sons. Each entered the banking business. It is know that the Rothschild came to extreme power by deception, extortion, thieving and cheating people from their money and property. It was Meyer Rothschild who financed the French Revolution. Rothschild capitalized from both sides of the war. Meyer Amshel Rothschild set up an extensive and elaborate courier service, which transported and delivered sensitive documents between royalty and independent companies. He had learned the importance of reading this information and acting on the information even before it was delivered. This gained him a fortune by deceit. On September 19, 1812 Meyer Rothschild died leaving his banking institution to his five sons. Carl Rothschild delivered the VATICAN from debt during the reign of Pope Gregory XV1. Could it be that the Vatican is owned to this day by Rothschild financing. Could it be that the Pharisee's and the scribes and those Jews that called themselves Jews but were of the synagogue of Satan had gained control of the Vatican , Lock Stock and Barrel? Lionel Rothschild was the financer of the English Crimean war, The Rhodes diamond mine of Africa and the purchase of the Suez Canal . It is said and written that Rothschild financed August Belmont to The United States where he bought up huge amounts of US government bonds during the panic of 1837. This led Belmont to the Whitehouse where he became an advisor to the president. It is also claimed it was his policies that lead to the war between the north and the south and that he was associated with John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Lincoln . In 1869 J.P Morgan became an agent of Rothschild and stirred up the panic of 1907, which forced the need for a central bank. Thomas House was also an agent of Rothschild and it was Thomas House's son Colonel Edward House who was the main Illuminati figure in the early 1900's. It is well documented that the house of Rothschild supports Jews who have fallen prey to the cabalism teachings of occultism. They have never supported the Jesuits or Messianic or orthodox Jews. They do support the Illuminati Zion Movement, worldwide.

Many researchers will coin this as a Jewish conspiracy. It is not, but simply a Luciferian conspiracy which God Almighty has allowed and preplanned for the return of salvation of our Lord Jesus. I believe that there are indeed people who call themselves Christian but are not, but are of the house of Satan as well, involved in this Luciferian plan.

I believe that they also come from the Kings of the earth, the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every freeman as in REV 6:15
Rothschild was a major contributor to the realization of the renewed state of Israel and financed a great deal of turning the swampy and arid land into livable conditions, even though he was opposed to restoring Israel . He simply financed massive amounts of funds for what he could get out of the deal. In1914 when Edmond Rothschild visited Tel Aviv he was welcomed as the Prince returning By the end of WW1 the Britain Empire ruled Palestine , Rothschild's ruled Britain . In Walter Langer's Book The Mind of Adolph Hitler Hitler was the grandson of Rothschild. It is believed that Hitler (created by the Luciferian Empire) attacked Austria to eliminate the Austrian records of Hitler's Birth connections to Rothschild. The motto of the free masonry Order from chaos" is one of the prime reasons that Rothschild's and world leaders allowed the killing of millions of Jews, after all it was a small price to pay for a Satanic world order. Remember it was Hitler who made the Jews wear the Star of David to

identify them as Jew. (Red Shield) One absolute was certain; the British Empire had to be destroyed before the Roman Empire , controlled by Satan, could emerge. If it meant the death of millions of peoples, in their minds that was a small price of deception to pay. Hitler forced the Jews to wear the shield as shame. Now those very same Jews who call themselves Jews but are liars and are of the synagogue of Satan have chosen it for their national identity. Most of the Jewish chosen children of God do not understand and do not want to understand. O.J Graham in "The Six Pointed Star" pointed out that during ritual of Ashteroth and Moloch the victims were burned as sacrifices, could it be that 6 million Jews were a sacrifice to Satan, from those Jews who are Liars? After WWII when the new United Nations was founded it was Rothschild money, which funded the Knesset. The six-pointed star was originally used in false god worship in Egypt . The Star was also used by Arab magicians, Druids, witches and Satanist and existed thousands of years before Rothschild adopted it as his name and symbol. Satan & the Rothschild dynasty dominate Israel to this day.

Edmund Rothschild up until his death in the last few years was the warden of the Great Synagogue in London and a member of the Illuminati's Pilgrim Society. He was on the steering committee of the Bilderberger's, director of the Middle East Peace institute and Rothschild has a Blvd. Named for them in Tel Aviv. It is said that the Rothschild world gold holdings are at 52% of the world's wealth. British Broadcasting Company BBC March 24, 1998
The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan, Apes Dzhumagulov, has resigned on the eve of a parliamentary session where he was expected to be questioned on a new scandal involving the sale of gold abroad. Gold is Kyrgyzstan 's major mineral resource, and since independence there have been several corruption scandals surrounding its production and sale. The BBC Central Asia correspondent Louise Hidalgo reports: Mr. Dzhumagulov, who is 64, insisted he was resigning because of his age. There have been reports, though, that President Akayev was unhappy with the pace of economic reform. P>But most Kyrgyz are in little doubt that the real reason behind his sudden departure are the mounting questions being asked about the sale of Kyrgyzstan's gold abroad. Gold is one of the few mineral resources that this small mountain state has, and scandals about its sale and production are not new. The prime minister's predecessor was himself forced from office in 1993 after accusations that the government had been secretly transferring the country's gold reserves to Switzerland . The latest scandal surrounds a Kyrgyz company to which the government last year gave exclusive rights to buy the gold produced at the country's main mine; they have been selling it on to one of Britain 's oldest private banks,

N M Rothschild. What deputies want to know is why the Kyrgyz intermediary has been exempted from tax - the profits it will make, they say, are equal to the annual budget deficit. Mr. Dzhumagulov had been due to answer questions on the subject before parliament.
His abrupt departure now means someone else will have that task. President Akayev is expected to announce who will succeed him in the coming days.

BBC March 16, 1998

Prince Charles and his friend Camilla Parker Bowles held a reception for 25 guests at the Queen's Sandringham estate over the weekend; it has been confirmed by St James Palace.

Mrs. Parker Bowles has acted as the prince's hostess at High grove, his own country residence in Gloucestershire, for a number of years. But this is thought to have been the first occasion that she co-hosted such a party with the prince. Mrs. Parker Bowles, 50, arrived at Sandringham House on Friday and returned to her Wiltshire home on Sunday. A spokesman for St James's Palace said: "Mrs Parker Bowles was one of a number of guests at Sandringham for the weekend." Last year, Prince Charles threw a glittering 50th birthday party for Mrs. Parker Bowles and was expected to partner her in public after his divorce. But the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in a car crash on August 31, 1997 , meant that plans for an expected appearance with Mrs. Parker Bowles last September at a charity function had to be shelved. Princess Diana had blamed Mrs. Parker Bowles for the break-up of her marriage to Prince Charles. Among the 25 guests at Sandringham were the Minister without Portfolio, Peter Mandelson, the Queen's lady-in-waiting, Lady Susan Hussey, and billionaire Lord

Jacob Rothschild. Were the Rothschild's responsible for the death of Princess Did? The following article was written by Clifford Shack. THE ROTHSCHILDS AND THE GENOCIDE IN ARMENIA AND GERMANY By Clifford Shack
The Armenian and Jewish Holocausts have popularly been regarded as two distinct and unrelated dark episodes of recent history. This appearance weakens with careful and insightful study. May it be here suggested, perhaps for the first time, that they are not only inextricably connected but are indeed two phases of one lengthy operation which spanned close to fifty years, guided by a group of cunning, patient and most powerful planners. The twentieth century has been called the century of oil. Our Age is referred to that of Hydrocarbon Man. Yet this phenomenon is barely one hundred years old. It was a hundred years ago that our planet was actually shifting energy sources from coal to oil. In fact it all began in Northwestern Pennsylvania , in a remote little place called Titusville to be exact, where oil was first extracted via drilling yielding the first oil well. The American oil business itself was to be mastered and monopolized by John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company who was to supply the entire world's oil needs from the wells of Pennsylvania . It is here necessary to point out one of the most important aspects of the oil business. Due to the extremely flammable nature of oil its extraction, refining, and transport must be done under supremely stable conditions, in others words, in an environment of peace and tranquility. Rockefeller was able to become the "richest man in the world" by virtue of an early oil empire nestled in peaceful Pennsylvania . Standard Oil's first bout with serious worldwide competition

would come from a region halfway around the world whose stability was far from that of Pennsylvania . An important phenomena and backdrop to understanding foundation of the twin holocausts is to realize that the major oil region of the earth lies within the territory populated by Moslems. Of significant importance are the facts that within the Koran are passages, which teach intolerance towards "infidels" who don't embrace Islam. These passages are responsible for producing many violent and bloody episodes throughout history. In the 1880's, the French branch of the Rothschild family acquired interests in Russia 's Baku oil fields in an effort to supply their refinery on the Adriatic with cheap Russian oil. In exchange for these interests they built a railroad linking Baku to the newly acquired Black Sea port of Batum . This opened up the Baku oil, a major world supply, to the world. It had previously been geographically locked in by the mountains of the Caucasus . [The Swedish Nobel family had been supplying internal Russia with the Baku oil by way of rivers as well as via the Caspian Sea ]. With the success of the new railroad, the Rothschilds had more oil than they could actually sell. Overcoming their fear of competing with the giant Standard oil, they sought out the huge markets east of Suez . At the recommendation of their shipping broker, they sought out a man to help them penetrate these markets. His name was Marcus Samuel. Samuel had many contacts throughout the Far East . When the Rothschilds proposed to sell their oil to Samuel, understanding the magnitude of the opportunity, and understanding the competition with a foe like Standard oil, he set about tackling the logistics of successfully competing with the giant company. Samuel understood that he needed to sell his oil at a cheaper price. In his efforts to do this he reduced transportation costs by designing bulk tankers which were safe enough to pass through the Suez Canal . Standards costs would be much higher as they transported their oil around the tip of Africa in clipper ships that were loaded with pre-filled cans.

Marcus Samuel's new and improved bulk tankers would shave 4,000 miles off the trip to the Far East by utilizing the Suez Canal . Previous oil tanker designs failed to meet the stringent safety requirements imposed by the Suez Canal Company.
In 1892, Samuel's coup would unleash forces that would shape the history of mankind. His first oil tanker picked up its load of Baku oil from the Rothschild's Batum refinery and sailed through the Dardenelles and on through the Suez Canal to the far east where the Shell oil company became, overnight the predominant supplier of Kerosene replacing Standard oil. The great Standard world monopoly had been busted. The Shell oil company relationship went on to thrive even after Samuel's nine-year contract with the Rothschilds as it would pick up a partner with addition of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company which was making its fortune drilling for oil in Sumatra . The new company, British Dutch Petroleum, would soon be joined by the Rothschilds forming the Asiatic Petroleum Company, later calling itself the Royal Dutch/Shell Group which would eventually join Standard Oil and the Nobels in a worldwide oil cartel. The decision by the shrewd French Rothschild branch to diversify into other areas of oil exploitation was, presumably, a calculated one. Three years after they joined Royal Dutch, production at Baku would come to an abrupt halt in 1905. Although shaken by political activity, the principal disruption was due to the violence of the ethnic conflict between the region's Moslems and the minority population of Armenians who are Christians. This ethnic conflict caused the first interruption of oil distribution to the world market. Standard oil was quick to supplant the needs of the effected markets as its source was operating under the blanket of peace and would flow until dried.

The Royal/Dutch/Shell Group (and the Nobels) watched their Baku investments go up in flames. Ethnic conflict was at the root of the matter. It could be safely assumed that they were taking measures to eliminate the possibility of that happening in the future. Their oil empire could not survive operating under those conditions. It was plain and simple. In fact, Standard had to be taking notes as well; they couldn't afford to ignore the lessons of Baku . Considering this brief history at the dawn of the new Oil Age, a question presents itself to the inquisitive and demanding student. To an all-powerful banking family like the Rothschilds, whose vast wealth bankrolled many a war, causing millions of fatalities... was the removal of a small minority like the Armenians a fair price to pay for the peace in a region so crucial to the development and investment of the Far East, which contained countless millions, later billions of consumers? Squeamish the Rothschilds were not, their line of work requires pragmatism to rule their day. It would be fair to say that the genocide of a group of a million or so, to serve the benefit of a billion or so, is less of a question of should it be done, than how it could be done. So as not to reveal any plausible motive which could link the actual planners to the genocide, the scheme involved a proxy party, which was manipulated through layers of influence, providing sufficient cover for the planners. The mere elimination of the Armenian population of Baku would not solve the problem of ethnic conflict in that region. The surrounding areas would provide reservoir effect in resupplying the conflicting minority element. [It is here interesting to note that there is no malice on the part of big business in their decision to erase a population. It is simply easier to erase a million than tens or hundreds of millions of the surrounding Moslem population] Of course, history tells us that it was the Turks, and not big business that committed the Armenian atrocities. However, if one looks closely, one would find that the Turks owed more than one favor to the French government which aided Turkey in it's recent past. It was Napoleon III who fought for Turkey 's entrance into the concert of Europe . France took the lead in Turkey 's economic development with French securities and investment exceeding that of any other nation. French leaders come and go. However a constant behind France 's economic power was the French branch of the Rothschild family. Napoleon III was a Rothschild man. Specifically, Baron James de Rothschild's man. Baron James was, financially and hence politically, the most powerful figure in France , indeed on earth during his time. Napoleon's efforts on behalf of Turkey were Rothschilds' efforts. The question arises. Was the Armenian genocide an obligation demanded by Turkey 's creditor? The Armenian massacres of 1894 and 1896 occurred merely two years after Baku oil first began to flow through the Suez Canal to the Far Eastern markets. Armenians were living within the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years, how incredible fortuitous for the oilmen that ethnic hatred would heat up to such a pitch as to consume their population! The Armenian genocide, during World War I, brought stability to the Baku oil region. A further accomplishment of World War I was the successful demise of the Ottoman Empire . The oil fields of Mesopotamia were to be brought under British "protection". World War I was in essence, Phase I. With its successful completion, World War II or Phase II of the genocidal ambitions of international oil companies would be put into effect- securing the Suez Canal region by eliminating mass immigration of European Jews into Palestine . Of the French Rothschilds, it was James' youngest son Edmond who was considered the family's oil expert. One could begin to imagine Edmond 's lack of enthusiasm when confronted with Theodora Hertzl's ambitious ideas about financing massive Jewish immigration into Palestine during their meeting in 1896. Hertzl sought Rothschild's help in financing this massive immigration. Although Rothschild was by far the single most important source of funding for the Jewish settlements in Palestine , his intentions were primarily for investment purposes. It was

slow steady growth that he looked forward to. Not the mass immigration of millions of "beggars"

into an area as crucial to his oil business as the Suez Canal region. Certainly as volatile as Baku , Palestine and the surrounding Moslem areas were susceptible to the same problems of ethnic disruption. An Arab reaction to an influx of "infidel" Jews, carrying with them the disease of western culture would spell disaster for the region's peace. Hertzl, obviously unaware of the political environment of the area, even approached the Turkish sultan for assistance, and of course was turned away. Theodor Hertzl, in his, naive and unsuccessful initial drive to secure a homeland for the Jews of the world, decided to take his case away from the big shots and put it to the people. It was amongst them that he began to receive support for his ideas, and in turn making some very powerful people very nervous, stirring forces that would come to consume the Jews of Europe whom, ironically, he was trying to protect. World War I ended in 1918. In 1919, a young agent of German Army intelligence, Adolf Hitler, would be sent to infiltrate a little known political party. Phase two would begin. THE GERMAN HOLOCAUST
The Holocaust was the result of massive covert planning. It was designed to achieve a variety of aims. One central and hidden aim was to eliminate the threat of uncontrolled massive Jewish immigration into Palestine . It was only through careful, discriminating immigration that the fledgling Jewish colony could ever hope to survive the fragile process of colonization. It was imperative to prevent the onslaught of penniless, unskilled masses of human material. The majority of which were perceived to be incapable and/or unwilling to tackle the hard physical labor needed to make the desert bloom. Who engineered the Holocaust and why did the world need a Jewish presence in the Middle East ? It was Rothschild who bankrolled the Russian Revolution to overthrow the Zsar of

Russia. You never hear much about Rothschild's in America as the Illuminati have been tied to the ownership of all major media centers.
In 1890 John Pierpont Morgan (1839-1913) inherited the business of his father, Julius P. Morgan, in 1890, one of the nation's leading financiers. The younger Morgan became a leading philanthropist and one of the nation's wealthiest men. "Both attacked the President on the score of his negotiations with the foreign syndicate, Mr. Wolcott going to the extent of using some very coarse language. Mr. Lodge, who is coming to be known as a Senatorial pettifogger, devoted a half hour to abuse of the President, while professing to be in favor of the Hill resolution." From The New York Times, February 17, 1895 . "There was no longer any common ground for understanding between the silver and gold forces; and the agrarian regions were suffering too keenly to reason calmly. Bryan , denouncing the sale in the House, had the clerk first read Shylock's bond. The World declared that the syndicate was composed of bloodsucking Jews and aliens. [...]. By hundreds of thousands, hard handed Americans believed that Cleveland and Carlisle [ Cleveland 's Secretary of Treasury] had sold the credit of the republic to the Morgans and the Rothschilds, and had pocketed a share of the price. Their vituperative anger was additional evidence of a sectional and class bitterness that now made even armed revolution seem far from impossible. But Cleveland ... was unmoved by abuse when he felt he had done right." Allan Nevins, from Grover Cleveland: A Study in Courage (p.665-666). "...the blame lay upon the President. If he had saved the gold standard, he had not saved the country. But he never regretted his

action. Years after his retirement, he said so. By that time no one was likely to accuse him of profiting from the deal himself, but he was still not forgiven for allowing the financiers to profit or for holding to gold when easy money was about to be achieved." Rexford G. ugwell, from Grover Cleveland (p.259).

The Last Deception

Section 2 section 3 section 4 section 5 section 6 section 7 section 8 section 9 section 10 section 11 section 12 section 13

section 14 "The Protocols of the Illuminated Elders of Tzion"

section 15 section 16 "The Beast Has Risen" section 16-B section 17 section 17-B section 17-C

section 17-D section 18 section 18-B section 19 section 19-B section 20 section 20-B section 20-C section 20-D section 20-E section 21 section 22 section 23 section 24 section 25 Daniel's Seventy Weeks Was Peter a Jew? The Two Witnesses "The Whore of Babylon" Mystery Babylon Are the " Ael-ians coming" Ael-ians II Wall Street " The Mark" is Here Wall Street II Wall Street III

It has happened "War Declared upon and in America" Declared section Part II "Questions" "All you ever need to know about their god and Qabalah" Qabalah Part II Qabalah Part III National Identification Card Prophecy Unfolding A Sincere Request to "Rapture" Teachers "Seventh Trumpet" Compulsory Constitutional Cremation Homeland Security, "The Police State"


The Fourth Beast"

The Scribes of Baal How will they do it- " The false-christ" False Christ Part II The Word Baal's food Tax "The Changing of the Guards"

The Babylonian Talmudic Mystical Qabalah

"Summation" The beginning of sorrows has begun "Moshiach ben Lucifer" Satan's Tales "Wagging the Global Dog" "Satan's Plan", Protocols of Zion ( of course they will dispute it's authenticity) I Witch, New One World Order Seal

Satan's Enforcers of Quaballah Satan's Enforcers Part 2 Satan's Enforcers Part 3 Satan's Enforcers Part 4 The Seed of God or the Seed of Satan, Your choice by faith

Pledge of Allegiance Part Two I AM, the Revelation of Jesus Christ King of the Noachides "Beware the Mark" "Beware the Mark" part two "Beware the Mark" Part 3 "Beware the Mark" Part Four "Beware the Mark" Part Five Harvest of Fear "Harvest of Fear" Part Two "Harvest of Fear" Part Three National Organization Against Hasidic International Talmudic Enforcement Where's Da Plane Boss, wheres da plane? The Tarot Card Killer of Olam Ha Ba The "Lessor Jew" Temporary Coup d' Etat The Federal Reserve, Fed up with the Fed? The Protocols Today. Dispute this, Liars !

Protocols Today Part Two Letter to a friend "It's not the Jews Dummy" Identity of the Illuminati The "Son's of the Synagogue of Satan"Chabad Lubavitch Chabad Satan Part 1A Chabad Satan Part 2 Chabad Satan Part 2A Chabad Satan Part 2B Chabad Satan Part 3 Chabad Satan Part 3A Chabad Satan Part 4 Chabad Satan Part 4A Chabad Satan Part 4B Chabad Satan Part 4C Chabad Satan Part 5 Chabad satan Part 5A Chabad Satan Part 5B Chabad Satan Part 5C Chabad Satan Part 6 Chabad Satan Part 6B Chabad Satan Part 6C Chabad Satan Part 6D Chabad Satan Part 7

Chabad Satan Part 7A Chabad Satan Part 7B Chabad Satan Part 7C Chabad Satan Part 8 Chabad Satan Part 8A Chabad Satan Part 8B Chabad Satan Part 8C Chabad Satan Part 8D Chabad Satan Part 9 Chabad Satan Part 9A Chabad Satan Part 9B Chabad Satan Part 9C Chabad Satan Part 9D Chabad Satan Part 10 Chabad Satan Part 10A Chabad Satan Part 10B Chabad Satan Part 10C Chabad Satan Part 10D The Chabad Satan Wall of Destruction

Chabad Wall Part 2 Chabad Wall Part 3 Chabad Wall Part 4

The Chabad Phoenix is Rising

Columbia "The Queen of Heaven" Patriot Akt II, Comrad The Infiltration of the leaven "Jerusalem Council" Satan's One World Religion OWR Part 2 OWR Part 3 OWR Part 4 One World Religion Part 5

One World Religion Part 6 One World Religion Part 7

Re the god of Talmud Bavli Perpetual Purim "The Raiser of Taxes" Jewish Persecution Obedient Ishmael Kislev 19, 5764 The Final Nazi Nazi Part 2 Nazi Part 3 Nazi Part 4 The Lord of the Ring, the Return of the Talmudic king Changing the Time and the Laws

anti-semitism? Who murdered Jesus the Christ

"Replacement Theology" of Judaic Talmudism Eating Rainbow Stew with a Silver Spoon, underneath a Noahide Sky the gods "The Two Whores" Noahide News Noahide News 2

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