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Interpersonal Skills Contents : Contents A. Definitions and what is interpersonal relations B. Importance of Interpersonal relations C.

Develop and maintain cordial public relations with Government offices/Institutions Business partners Service providers Bankers Customers D. What are the uses of maintaining cordial relations Definition : Definition Interpersonal skills are how people relate to one another Interpersonal skills are those essential skills involved in dealing with and relating to other people, largely on a one-to-one basis An interpersonal relationship is a relatively long-term association between two or more people. This association may be based on emotions like love and liking, regular business interactions, or some other type of social commitment. At workplace respect will enable to reduce conflict and increase participation or assistance in obtaining information or completing tasks Eg: Excuse me, are you busy? I have an urgent matter to discuss with you, if you have time at the moment Traits : Traits Trust: Mutual trust is a shared belief that you can depend on each other to achieve a common purpose If you dont trust people, people will not trust you. Lao Tzu To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. George McDonald Traits Contd : Traits Contd Sharing: Sharing important information, especially about oneself Willingness to be influenced Being fair Fulfilling promises Avoiding the abuse of team-members vulnerability Importance of Interpersonal Skills : Importance of Interpersonal Skills Having positive interpersonal skills increases the productivity in the organization It allows communication to be easy and comfortable Increases the efficiency of the organization Talk to people with precision but with confidence Your preparation in advance stops bad performance Importance of Interpersonal Skills ..Contd : Importance of Interpersonal Skills ..Contd Your transparency is your first quality Remain in contact with seniors as well as others never allow any negative thinking to / in your mind Do your business / work with utmost faith and confidence

Ten ways to Improve your Interpersonal Skills: Ten ways to Improve your Interpersonal Skills SMILE: Do your best to be friendly, positive and cheerful attitude about work & life. Simile often. The positive energy you radiate will draw others to you Be Appreciative: Find one positive thing about everyone you work with and let them hear it 3. Pay Attention to others: Acknowledge others happy milestones and express concern & sympathy for difficult situations 4. Practice active listening: That means you intend to hear others and understand others point of view 5. Bring people together: Treat everyone equally. Avoid telling about others behind their backs. Follow up upon other suggestions or requests 6. Resolve Conflicts: Learn to be effective mediator, help fight out differences 7. Communicate Clearly: What you say and how you say - Pay attention to it, avoid misunderstandings 8. Honour Them: Do not afraid to be funny or clever use your sense of humor as an effective tool to lower barriers and gain peoples attention 9. See them from their side Empathy 10. Do not complain

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