Thesis MB Lia-Data Analisis - New

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Performance of the Non-Context and Context Group

Participants 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Score of non context 2 5 4 4 3 6 5 4 5 3 2 4 4 3 3 Score of context 9 8 7 10 9 7 8 10 8 7 8 7 9 8 8

Menguji apakah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan konteks itu lebih efektif daripada yang tidak menggunakan konteks Asumsi : - 15 sample harus saling bebas (individu yang berbeda) Untuk menerapkan uji T perlu diketahuhi data berdistribusi normal atau tidak, kalau tidak maka uji-T tidak dapat diterapkan. Maka digunakan uji Kolgogorov-Smirnov untuk mengetahui apakah data berdistribusi normal atau tidak. Dengan SPSS

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test contx N Normal Parameters


non contx 15 15 3.80 1.146 .169 .164 -.169 .655 .783

Mean Std. Deviation

8.20 1.014 .245 .245 -.155 .948 .330

Most Extreme Differences

Absolute Positive Negative

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) a. Test distribution is Normal.

Terbukti, kedua data berdistribusi normal Kemudian dilakukan uji T :

Cas e Proces s ing Sum m ary Cases Ex cluded N Percent 5 14,3%

Included N Percent Condition I and Condition II * C I and C II 30 85,7%

Total Percent 35 100,0%

Repor t Condition I and Condition II C I and C II CI C II Total Mean 3,80 8,20 6,00 N 15 15 30 Std. Deviation 1,146 1,014 2,477

Paired Samples Statis tics Std. Error Mean ,296 ,262

Pair 1

Condition I Condition II

Mean 3,80 8,20

N 15 15

Std. Deviation 1,146 1,014

Paired Samples Corre lations N Pair 1 Condition I & Condition II 15 Correlation -,209 Sig. ,455

Paired Sam ples Te st Paired Dif f erences 95% Conf idence Interval of the Dif f erence Low er Upper -5,33 -3,47

Pair 1

Condition I - Condition II

Mean -4,40

Std. Deviation 1,682

Std. Error Mean ,434

t -10,132

df 14

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000


Condition I = non context Condition II = context

The dependent-samples t-test revealed a significant difference between the context condition and the non context condition. For the non context condition, the participants had the mean of score of 3.80 (SD = 1.146) while the context condition had the mean of score of 8.20 (SD = 1.014). A t-test analysis of the differences between means yielded a t of 10.13. This was significant at the p < .01, where the critical value of two-tailed level significant with df(14) showed 1.761. Since the t value that was calculated for the difference between context and non context condition was 10.13 and that value is greater than the critical value of two-tailed level significant with df(14), it can be concluded that the participants performed significantly better in the context condition than in the non-context condition

Dependent sampel t-test menunjukkan

perbedaan signifikan antara non context condition dan context

condition. Pada non context condition, rata rata skor partisipan adalah 3.80 (dengan standar deviasi = 1.146) sedangkan rata rata skor partisipan pada context condition adalah 8.20 ( dengan standar deviasi = 1.014). Analisa T-test pada perbedaan rata rata menunjukan hasil t=10.13. Ini significant pada p<.01, dimana critical value dari two-tailed level significant dengan df(14) menunjukkan 1.761. Karena nilai t dari penghitungan ttest antara non context dan context condition adalah 10.13 dan nilai tersebut lebih besar dari critical value dari two-tailed level significant dengan df(14), ini bisa disimpulkan bahwa performa partisipan lebih baik pada context condition daripada non context condition.

Performance of the Non-context without AVA and Non-context with AVA Group
Participants 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Score no AVA 3 4 5 4 4 5 5 4 6 2 3 4 2 3 4 Score with AVA 9 11 14 11 15 13 13 12 13 11 15 15 11 12 12

Cas e Proce ss ing Sum m ary Cases Ex cluded N Percent 5 14,3%

Included N Percent Condition I and Condition III * C I and C III 30 85,7%

Total Percent 35 100,0%

Repor t Condition I and Condition III C I and C III CI C III Total Mean 3,87 12,47 8,17 N 15 15 30 Std. Deviation 1,125 1,767 4,609

Paired Samples Statis tics Std. Error Mean ,291 ,456

Pair 1

Condition I Condition III

Mean 3,87 12,47

N 15 15

Std. Deviation 1,125 1,767

Paired Samples Corre lations N Pair 1 Condition I & Condition III 15 Correlation ,393 Sig. ,148

Paired Sam ples Te st Paired Dif ferences 95% Conf idence Interval of the Dif f erence Low er Upper -9,53 -7,67

Pair 1

Condition I - Condition III

Mean -8,60

Std. Deviation 1,682

Std. Error Mean ,434

t -19,804

df 14

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000


Condition I = non context without AVA Condition III = non context with AVA

The dependent-samples t-test revealed a significant difference between the non context condition without AVA and the non context condition with AVA. For the non context condition without AVA, the participants had the mean of score of 3.87 (SD = 1.125) while the non context condition with AVA had the mean of score of 12.47 (SD = 1.767). A t-test analysis of the differences between means yielded a t of 19.804. This was significant at the p < .01, where the critical value of two-tailed level significant with df(14) showed 1.761. Since the t value that was calculated for the difference between non context with AVA and non context without AVA condition was 19.804 and that value is greater than the critical value of two-tailed level significant with df(14), it can be concluded that the participants performed significantly better in the non context condition with AVA than in the non-context condition without AVA.

Dependent sampel t-test menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan antara non context condition without AVA dan non context condition with AVA. Pada non context condition without AVA, rata rata skor partisipan adalah 3.87 (dengan standar deviasi = 1.125) sedangkan rata rata skor partisipan pada non context condition with AVA adalah 12.47 ( dengan standar deviasi = 1.767). Analisa T-test pada perbedaan rata rata menunjukan hasil t=19.804. Ini significant pada p<.01, dimana critical value dari two-tailed level significant dengan df(14) menunjukkan 1.761. Karena nilai t dari penghitungan t-test antara non context without AVA dan non context condition with AVA adalah 19.804 dan nilai tersebut lebih besar dari critical value dari two-tailed level significant dengan df(14), ini bisa disimpulkan bahwa performa partisipan lebih baik pada non context condition with AVA daripada non context condition without AVA.

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