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The French playwright, Molire, wrote, The greater the obstacle the more glory in overcoming it.

Tell about a time you overcame a great difculty. Life is not perfect. People go through lots of obstacles in their life, deal with them, and learn from them. Sometimes, it is just not that easy to get over things that happened to people. It can possibly make people feel tortured and tired not only in physical, but in mental for a long time. Take my experience as an example: I was used to afraid of water very much. I remembered that I drowned in the water twice before. One was that my aunt took me to the swimming pool near my house the first time when I was in primary school. Not afraid of water and thinking that soaking in the water was funny, I was so excited to play on a slide in the swimming pool. A boy who was taller and bigger than me followed on the heels of me as I went down the slide. Bump! The boy slid into the

water at the time that I was still at the same place in the water. Namely, he ran into me. So panicked was I that I did not think of calming down and standing in the water myself. I was afraid and felt helpless struggling in the water until my aunt raised me up. I did not pretend nothing was happened and the feeling still haunted in my mind, starting crying. The other terrible experience was I went to finishing port with my family almost ten years ago. I did not do dangerous things, like I saw some people jumped into the sea. My family and I were in the region that was safer.

Suddenly, my feet slipped and I was into the water when just standing near the shore beside my mom. The sea was salty very much and made me unbearable. I struggled in the water until I emerged above water successfully. My mother even did not know what was just happened to me. The experience in the water was not

pretty had good impression to me. I did not go to swimming pool some years until I went to high school. It is common that students in high school in Taiwan would take swimming classes during the three years. At my school, students in every class

would go to swimming pool every some time. Sadly, I have not learned swimming during the three years, afraid of water. My hands always hold the pole and did not want to let it go. Even though I gradually was used to be in the water and took courses at school, having phobia of swimming. For some time, I needed to accustom to the water again and again. After graduation from high school, I went to learn swim every day. In the beginning, it was not easy for me not to afraid, but days passed. I kept telling myself that I could do it and it felt great lying in the water. Later, I overcame the obstacles about water in mind, doing the breast stroke and the front crawl stroke. I enjoy being a fish in the water now. My friend, Linda, who used to feel nervous as she was on the stage in front of people. Every time when she did her presentation, people could easily notice that

she was nervous from her faltering voice and stiff body. She told me that there

were some terrible experiences happened to her when she was little. She did not often do well during the presentation, saying the wrong words or giving the wrong information. It made her be teased by her classmates frequently. Linda gradually

had no confidence to herself, worrying that people would laugh at her again. She put too much attention on thinking what people might say to her. The situation was not getting better, but worse. This would cause a person failed to focus on that he/she should originally do. With an eye to overcoming her fear came to her on the

stage, she did not let go off any opportunity that would stand on the stage and face people. For instance, doing group presentation with classmates, she would be the one that showing and telling people what their information was about, instead of doing searching or arranging the data. Moreover, she went to take part in all kinds of speech contests hold by school, and learn from them. She told me that even if she did not win the prize in the long run, not feeling upset or desperate. She said

that the judges in the contests would give the participator some advices after the whole contest was over. I am aware that she is different now and have more confidence on the stage. Vicky is a nurse. Several years ago, when she was on duty at work at midnight, a patient passed away, then bursting into tears. At that time, a colleague heard the voice from the ward, thinking that something terrible was happened. The colleague

went to the ward in a hurry, seeing that the family of the patient was consoling Vicky. Other nurse thought that Vicky was overreacted and it was inappropriate after they heard this news. Basically, Nurses are human beings, when they see terrible wounds or things happened to patients they would feel sorry and sympathy for the patient as well. However, before being the nurse, get rid of the humanity when It is normal people would feel

facing with patient and patient s family is important.

bad when they saw others suffering or may feel nauseous when seeing terrible wounds. Get rid of the humanity means nurses need to suppress their emotion temporarily. In this way, what nurses do to their patient could go on smoothly and effectively would not make patient and patient family feel bad as well. Vicky also went to courses which helped her having more professional training on work, dealing with her emotional feelings well gradually. There are some obstacles and problems waiting for people to deal with in every parts of life. When it comes, it may not that easy to get over it and make people exhausted. People need to face it, deal with it and learn from it. only be understood backward. Life can

As people solve the problems and learn from them and have glory about

in person. They could know more about life, have themselves in mind.

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