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Union PubliC Service Commission (UPSC) conducts Civil Services Examination for appointment to the various services including

India Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and Indian Police Service (IPS). The syllabus to be covered for the Management is divided in two parts as mentioned below: MANAGEMENT The candidate should make a study of the concept and development of management as science and art drawing upon the contributions of leading thinkers of management and apply the concepts to the real life of government and business decision making keeping in view the changes in the strategic and operative environment.

PAPER I 1.Managerial Function and Process: Concept and Foundations of Management, Evolution of Management Thoughts; Managerial Functions Planning, Organizing, Controlling; Decision making; Role of Manager, Managerial skills; Entrepreneurship; Management of innovation; Managing in a global environment, Flexible Systems Management; Social responsibility and managerial ethics; Process and customer orientation; Managerial processes on direct and indirect value chain. 2.Organisational Behaviour and Design: Conceptual model of organization behaviour; The individual processes personality, values and attitude, perception, motivation, learning and reinforcement, work stress and stress management; The dynamics of organization behaviour power and politics, conflict and negotiation, leadership process and styles, communication; The Organizational Processes - decision making, job design; Classical, Neoclassical and Contingency approaches to organizational design; Organizational theory and design organizational culture, managing cultural diversity, learning organization; organizational change and development; Knowledge Based Enterprise systems and processes; Networked and virtual organizations. 3.Human Resource Management: HR challenges; HRM functions; The future challenges of HRM; Strategic Management of human resources; Human resource planning; Job analysis; Job evaluation; Recruitment and selection; Training and development; Promotion and transfer; Performance management; Compensation management and benefits; Employee morale and productivity; Management of organizational climate and Industrial relations; Human resources accounting and audit;Human resource information system; International human resource management. 4.Accounting for Managers: Financial accounting concept, importance and scope, generally accepted accounting principles, preparation of financial statements with special reference to analysis of a balance sheet and measurement of business income, inventory valuation and depreciation, financial statement analysis, fund flow analysis, the statement of cash flows; Management accounting concept, need, importance and scope; Cost accounting records and processes, cost ledger and control accounts, reconciliation and integration between financial and cost accounts; Overhead cost and control, Job and process costing, Budget and budgetary control, Performance budgeting, Zero-base budgeting, relevant costing and costing for decision-making, standard costing and variance analysis, marginal costing and absorption costing. 5.Financial Management: Goals of finance function; Concepts of value and return; Valuation of bonds and shares; Management of working capital: Estimation and financing; Management of cash, receivables, inventory and current liabilities; Cost of capital; Capital budgeting; Financial and operating leverage; Design of capital structure: theories and practices; Shareholder value creation: dividend policy, corporate financial policy and strategy, management of corporate distress and restructuring strategy; Capital and money markets: institutions and instruments; Leasing, hire purchase and venture capital; Regulation of capital market; Risk and return: portfolio theory; CAPM; APT; Financial derivatives: option, futures, swap; Recent reforms in financial sector. 6.Marketing Management: Concept, evolution and scope; Marketing strategy formulation and components of marketing plan; Segmenting and targeting the market; Positioning and differentiating the market offering; Analyzing competition; Analyzing consumer markets; Industrial buyer behaviour; Market research; Product strategy; Pricing strategies; Designing and managing Marketing channels; Integrated marketing communications;

Building customer satisfaction, Value and retention; Services and non-profit marketing; Ethics in marketing; Consumer protection; Internet marketing; Retail management; Customer relationship management; Concept of holistic marketing. PAPER II 1.Quantitative Techniques in Decision Making: Descriptive statistics-tabular, graphical and numerical methods, introduction to probability, discrete and continuous probability distributions, inferential statisticssampling distributions, central limit theorem, hypothesis testing for differences between means and proportions, inference about population variances, Chi-square and ANOVA, simple correlation and regression, time series and forecasting, decision theory, index numbers; Linear programming problem formulation, simplex method and graphical solution, sensitivity analysis. 2.Production and Operations Management: Fundamentals of operations management; Organizing for production; Aggregate production planning, capacity planning, plant design: process planning, plant size and scale of operations, Management of facilities; Line balancing; Equipment replacement and maintenance; Production control; Supply chain management - vendor evaluation and audit; Quality management; Statistical process control, Six Sigma; Flexibility and agility in manufacturing systems; World class manufacturing; Project management concepts, R&D management, Management of service operations; Role and importance of materials management, value analysis, make or buy decision; Inventory control, MRP; Waste management. 3.Management Information System:Conceptual foundations of information systems;Information theory; Information resource management; Types of information systems; Systems development-Overview of systems and design;System development management life-cycle, Designing for online and distributed environments; Implementation and control of project; Trends in information technology; Managing data resources - Organising data; DSS and RDBMS; Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Expert systems, e-Business architecture, eGovernance; Information systems planning, Flexibility in information systems; User involvement; Evaluation of information systems. 4.Government Business Interface: State participation in business, Interaction between Government, Business and different Chambers of Commerce and Industry in India;Governments policy with regard to Small Scale Industries;Government clearances for establishing a new enterprise; Public Distribution System; Government control over price and distribution; Consumer Protection Act (CPA) and The Role of voluntary organizations in protecting consumers rights; New Industrial Policy of the Government: liberalization, deregulation and privatisation; Indian planning system; Government policy concerning development of Backward areas/regions; The Responsibilities of the business as well as the Government to protect the environment; Corporate Governance; Cyber Laws. 5.Strategic Management: Business policy as a field of study; Nature and scope of strategic management, Strategic intent, vision, objectives and policies; Process of strategic planning and implementation; Environmental analysis and internal analysis; SWOT analysis; Tools and techniques for strategic analysis - Impact matrix: The experience curve, BCG matrix, GEC mode, Industry analysis, Concept of value chain; Strategic profile of a firm; Framework for analysing competition; Competitive advantage of a firm; Generic competitive strategies; Growth strategies expansion, integration and diversification; Concept of core competence, Strategic flexibility; Reinventing strategy; Strategy and structure; Chief Executive and Board; Turnaround management; Management of strategic change; Strategic alliances, Mergers and Acquisitions; Strategy and corporate evolution in context. the Indian

6.International Business: International Business Environment: Changing composition of trade in goods and services; Indias Foreign Trade: Policy Employment News 19 - 25 February 2011 UPSC 57 and trends; Financing of International trade; Regional Economic Cooperation; FTAs; Internationalisation of service firms; International production; Operation Management in International companies; International Taxation; Global competitiveness

and technological developments; Global e-Business; Designing global organisational structure and control; Multicultural management; Global business strategy; Global marketing strategies; Export Management; ExportImport procedures; Joint Ventures; Foreign Investment: Foreign direct investment and foreign portfolio investment; Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions; Foreign Exchange Risk Exposure Management; World Financial Markets and International Banking; External Debt Management; Country Risk Analysis.

IAS Main Exam 2011: Question Paper of English (Compulsory)

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The UPSC Civil Services Main Examination 2011 commenced on October 29, 2011. Here Jagranjosh.com provides you the question papers of IAS Main Examination. The following is the Question Paper of English (Compulsory) of IAS Main Exam 2011.

English (Compulsory)

Time Allowed : Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 300 Instructions

Candidates should attempt ALL questions. The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. Answer must be written in ENGLISH. Question No. 3 must be attempted only on the precis sheet (s) provided in this question paper. The Precis sheet (s) must then be attached securely to the answer book by the candidate.

1. Write an essay in about 300 words on any one of the following : 100 (a) The predicaments of Democracy. (b) In India when inflation rises govenance stalls. (c) Modern world's fears about nuclear energy. (d) Information Technology transforming the Indian Society. (e) Inventions generate necessity.

2. Read carefully the passage below and write your answers to the questions that follow in clear, correct and concise language: 'Water is the basis of all life. Every animal and every plant contains a substantial proportion of free or combined water in its body, and no kind of physiological activity is possible in which the fluid does not play an essential part. Water is, of course, necessary for animal life. While moisture in the soil is equally imperative for the life and growth of plants and trees. Though the quantity necessary varies enormously with the species. The conservation and utilisation of water is thus fundamental for human welfare. Apart from artesian water the ulimate source in all cases is rain or snowfall. Much of Indian Agriculture depends on seasonal rainfall and is therefore very sensitive to any failure or irregularity of the same. It is clear that the adoption of techniques preventing soil erosion would also help to conserve and keep the water where it is wanted. In other words, on and in the soil, and such techniques therefore serve a double purpose. Its is evident, however that in a country having only a seasonal rainfall an immense quantity of rain-water must be necessarily run off the ground. The collection and utilization of water is therefore of vital importance. Much of it flows down into the streams and rivers and

ultimately finds its way to the sea. The harnessing of our rivers. the waters of which now mostly run to waste is a great national problem which must be considered and dealt with on national lines. Closely connected with the conservation of water supplies is the problem of afforestation. The systematic planning of suitable trees in every possible or even in impossible areas and the developement of what one can call civilized forests as distinguished from wild and untamed jungle is one the most urgent needs of India. Such plantation would directly and indirectly prove a source of untold wealth to the country. They would check soil erosion and conserve the rainfall of the country from flowing away to waste and would provide the necessary supplies of cheap fuel and thus stop unnecessary waste of farmyard manure. Questions: 1. Where does the world get water from ? 2. What is the national problem relating to our rivers ? 3. What are the benefits of afforestation ? 4. What is fundamental for human welfare ? 5. What are the advantages of preventing soil erosion ? 3. Make a precis of the following passage in about 204 words. It is not necessary to suggest a title. Failure to write within the word limit may result in deduction of marks. The precis must be written on seprate precis sheets provided, which must then be fastened securely inside the answer book. 75 'While all the religious teachers tell us that compassion gives us a motive for existence, a guide for action and a reason for courage and help us to diminish the sum of human suffering, in the very name of God, who is all compassion, abominable crimes have been committed in the world. It is not enough to believe in God of love but we must love. The rains that makes the lower plains fertile are formed in the upper layers of the atmosphere. The saints are the masters who are not stained-glass figures, remote and ethereal in their sancity. There is nothing in them, which we would like to spread everywhere in the world. It is there but what it is, we cannot say. It is there in their blood and bones, in the breath of their speech, in the lights and shades of their speech, in the lights and shades of their personalities, a mystery that can be lived but no spoken in words. On the rock of moral law and not on the shifting sands of political or economic expediency can be built a civilized society with individual freedom, social justice and political equality. Truth, freedom and righteousness are essential to peace. The Evangelist tells us how 'the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them. And saith unto him, 'All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me'. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan; for it is written, Thou shalt worship thy Lord, Thy God and Him alone shalt thou serve'. In the new society we need a new universal religion. By it we mean not a uniform religion but a religion of awareness and love of wisdom and compassion, prajna and karuna. of truth and love. Religion must be cured of their provincialism and made to reveal their universality. This does not mean spiritual vagueness or ambiguity. Tolerance implies an elementary right belonging to the dignity of every man. The right to believe like the right to live a free, unfettered ----is fundamental to the concept of both----we have had in our country peaceful coexistence of different religions. It is not passive co-existence but an active fellowship, a close inter-relation of the best of different religions. Co-existence is the first step and fraternity is the goal. We have not adhered steadfastly to these ideals and have suffered often. Yet the ideal has been kept in view and support by great leaders like Ram Mohan Roy, Ramakrishna, Tagore and Gandhiji. The view of tolerance is based on the conviction that all transcendental use of the logical categories, all attempt to submit the transcendent to the finite are wrong. Nature and history announce God's presence but do not

disclose his whole nature. Religions are cut off from one another by mutual incomprehensiveness. We are born or trained in certain traditions of religion. Loyalty to tradition does not mean imprisonment within it. We adopt different symbolic representations of the supreme determined by our age, circumstances, upbringing and by narrower loyalties of caste, class, race or nation. Whatever progress we make at the expense of those values is morally wrong. The seers of all religions affirm that the various peoples of the world form a community with a common purpose and a common destiny. It is said that the whole world is the fatherland of a noble soul. The application of this universality of spirit requires us to look upon our common enemies not as monsters of evil but as misled by their obsessions and as capable of change. 4. (a) Rewrite the following sentences after making necessary corrections : 10 1. Saints desire nothing________the society. 2. I regret at the delay in doing this. 3. I congratulate you for your success. 4. Ram as well as Mohan have gone. 5. He has passed order on my application. 6. He is more intelligent than any boy. 7. What will be ensued on this. 8. This is high time that we should change the bike. 9. I did nothing but laughed. 10. I informed him, "Leave the room." (b) Supply the missing words : 1. The wages of sin ______death. 5 2. I trust______God. 3. I have no fondness_____music. 4. I have no doubt_____your honesty. 5. I am Conscious______my duties. (c) Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets : 5 1. I remember ______her when she was a little girl. (SEE) 2. You will ______twenty-four hours to consider your decision. (GIVE) 3. Can you hear what he_____? (SAY) (d) Write the opposites of the following : 5 1. Notorious 2. Legitimate 3. Responsible 4. Satisfaction 5. Promotion

5. Answer as directed : (a) Rewrite the following sentences removing 'too........to'. 5

1. He is too honest to steal. 2. He is too weak to run. 3. She is too shy to sing. 4. He was too shocked to speak. 5. The matter will be too complicated to resolve. (b) Rewrite the following sentences using 'It' in the beginning as a subject. 1. To scold the boys would be foolish. 2. Smoking is bad for him. 3. To call after ten was unusual for him. 4. Keeping the windows open on the roadside does not look decent. 5. To play games on sundays is not allowed.

IAS Main Public Administration Question Paper II - 2010

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The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) holds the Civil Services Examination every year in two parts, i.e. Preliminary Test and Main Examination; the Main Examination comprises a written Test and a Personality Test. The Question paper of the IAS Main Public Adminstration Paper II - 2010 is given below: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Paper II Time Allowed: Three Hourse Maximum Marks: 300 INSTRUCTIONS Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English. Answer must be' written in the medium specified in the admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answer written in an medium other than that specified in the admission Certificate. Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1, and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the reamining questions selecting at least one question from each Section. The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. SECTION- A 1. Attempt the follwoing in not more than 200 words each:- 203=60 (a) " The rule of kings depends primarily on written orders...." Why did Kautilya facour Codification of Laws ? (b) Is is correct to state that " One of the major reasone for the failur of many .... public sectors undetakins was due to departures from the original concept of autonomy " ? (c) Does the emergence of an Empowered Group of Ministers at the Central level impair the doctrine of Cabinet resposibility ? 2.(a) It is said that the British made a significant contribution towords modernising the Indian Administrative System on a ' rational-legal' basis. Justify the assessment with reference to the period from 1830 to 1865. (b) Comment on the following statements:- 30 (i) " The more development an administrative system become the greater the likelihood that it would have developmental effects." (ii) " The thrust of development administrtion failed to energise the Indian bureaucracy." 3. (a) With reference to India, discuss the assertion that administrative reforms are multi- dimensional and need to be substantiated by reforms in other related areas of state action. 30 30

(b) The prevalence of multiple channels for transfer of ressources form the Centre to the States is stated to have compounded the problems of federal fiscal arrangements. Discuss. 30 4. (a) " In an era of hung parliaments the power of the President expands, nore so when the incumbent decides to be assertive." Comment on the statement with reference to the situation in India during the last two decades. 30

(b) "...... Judges and Courts have creatively reinterpreted their statutory authority and expanded their own power and enhanced btheir standing visa-vis the legislature and executive." Critically examine this assesment. 30 SECTION - B 5. Comment on any THREE of the following in not more than 200 words each:- 320=60 (a) " Public Interest Litigation (PIL) has undergone several changes since its inception in 1980s." (b)" Civil service neutrality is a fiction. How any thinking person can be neutral?" (c) States with a record of good governance, it is argued by spokespersons of some states, lost their earlier sahre from the Finance Commission's award. 6.(a) Explain the context and perpectives of the following statements:- 30 (i) The Planning Commission is " an armchair adviser". (ii) The Planning Commission should reinvent itself as a systems reforms commission in the backdrop of changes global and domestic scenarios. 7. Comment on each of the following in not more than 200 words each:320=60

(a) " Non - Governmental Organisations play a catalytic role in enabling communities to define their own priorities..." (b) The optimism expressed by the proponents of the Financial Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003, in ensuring fiscal discipline appears to be unwarranted. (c) " The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNURM) is one of the biggest reforms- linked development programmes taken up by the Government." 8. (a) It is argued that the Bhopal gas disaster and the response pattern to it reflect multipla vulnerabilities relating to systems of corporate social responsibility governance at local, state and central levels, and legal safeguards and liabilities. Comment on this assesment. 30

(b) With the creation of new regulatory agencies in the wake of liberalisation, overlapping jurisdictions and conflicts became the new trend. Is there need for the creation of a super-regulator or unified regulator ? 30

IAS Main Public Administration Question Paper I- 2010

Article Category: IAS Question Papers, Civil Services, IAS Main Question Papers Share|

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) holds the Civil Services Examination every year in two parts, i.e. Preliminary Test and Main Examination; the Main Examination comprises a written Test and a Personality Test. The Question paper of the IAS Main Public Administration Paper I - 2010 is given below: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Paper I Time Allowed: Three Hourse Maximum Marks: 300 INSTRUCTIONS Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English.Answer must be' written in the medium specified in the admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answer written in an medium other than that specified in the admission Certificate. Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1, and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the reamining questions selecting at least one question from each Section. The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. Section - A 1. Answer any three of the following questions in not more than 200 words each:203=60 (a) " Not merely governance but good governance is the key factor in achieving the United Nations Millennium Goals (2000)." Explain. (b) " In McGregor's view, the managerial cosmology meaningfully addresses the understanding of manager and his role perceptions." Explain. (c) " The successful management leaders are found in Likerts's 'System-4' approach to organistational leadership." Examine. (d) " The study of administration shgould start from the base of management rather than the foundation of law." Explain. 2. (a) " Simon's indentifying decision-making as the core field of public administration appears logically acceptable but his positivist underpinning is problematic." Critically examine the statement. 40 (b) "New Public Management is dead; long live digital era of governance." Comment. 20 3. Explain the impact of privatisation on public administration with special reference to (a) the issue of user fees. (b) public - private partnership. 203=60

(c) outsourcing technique. 4. Explain the basic principles underlying Citizen's Charter with special reference to 203=60 (a) its administrative philosophy (b) promoting public accountability. (c) ensuring standards of public service. SECTION B 5. Answer any three of the following question questions in not more than 200 words each: 203=60 (a) " The concept of development is multi-dimensional and ever-expanding." Explain. (b) " The Prismatic model of Riggs is equally applicable to developing as well as developed society." Comment. (c) " The market has become the new icon of developmentalism." Comment. (d) " Public administration can be portrayed as a whell of relationships bfocussed on the formulation and implementation of public policy." Explain. 6. (a) Explain the 'Peter Principle' in respect of promotion policy in a hierachical organisation. (b) Discuss in this connection the case for and against promotion based on seniority. 40 7. (a) Distinguish fully between the syndicate method, role playing method, and T-Group training method in personnel management. 40 (b) Do you think that there is a sort of paradox between e-Governance and good governance ? Explain fully. 20 8. (a) Distingguish between PPBS and performance budgeting. 20 20

(b) Briefly discuss the ensuring ethics in public service as recommended in the nolan Committee Report (1994). 20

(c) " Cost-benefit analysis is a very unsatisfactory view of evaluating public policy." Comment. 20

IAS Main Management Question Paper II - 2010

Article Category: IAS Question Papers, Civil Services, IAS Main Question Papers Share|

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) holds the Civil Services Examination every year in two parts, i.e. Preliminary Test and Main Examination; the Main Examination comprises a written Test and a Personality Test. The Question paper of the IAS Main Management Paper II - 2010 is given as below: MANAGEMENT Paper-II Time Allowed: Three Hourse INSTRUCTIONS Maximum Marks: 300 Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English. Answer must be written in the medium specified in the Admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a medium other than specified in the Admission Certificate. Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory. and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section. All questions carry equal marks. Assume suitable data if considered necessary and indicate the same clearly. Section 'A' 1. Explain each of the following terms in not ' more than 10 line each: 106=60 (a) Sampling Distribution (b) BCG Matrix (c) Flexible Manufacturing System (d) Six Sigma Quality Management (e) Microfinancing (f) Digital Signatures 2. (a) The Sea What Restaurant would like to determine the best way to allocate a monthly advertising budget of Rs. 50,000 between newspaper advertising and radio advertising Management ha sdecided that at least 25 % of the budget must be spent on each type of media, and that the amount of money spent on newspaper advertising must be at least twice the amount spent on radio advertising. A marketing consultant has developed an index that measure audience exposure per rupess of advertising on a scale from 0 to 100, with higher values implying greater audience exposure. If the value of the index for newspaer advertising is 50 and that for radio

advertising is 80, how should the restaurant allocate its advertising budget in order to maximum the value of the total audience exposure ? 106=60

(i) Formula the problem as a linear Programming problem. (ii) Find the optimal solution to the problem using the graphical to the problem using the graphical solution Procedure. (iii) Which of the constraints are binding ? (iv) How sensitive is your solution to the estimation of index value by the marketing conultant ? (b) Comment briefly on the Satndard Error of Estimate for any given set of observations. 10 (c) Distinguish between the V-E-D and the F-S-N classification schemes of materials. 10 3. (a) Product A consists of two units of subassembly B, three units of C. and one of D. B is composed of four units of E and three units of F.C is made of two units of H and three units of D. H is made of five units of E and two units of G. 30

(i) Construct a simple bill of materials, in the form of product structure tree. (ii) Construct an indented Pars list. (iii) To Product 100 units of A, determine the number of units of B, C, D, E, F, G AND h REQUIRED. (b) Thed Material Requirement Plan (MRF) gross requirements for item X are given below for the next 10 weeks. The lead time for X is two weeks, and the setup cost is Rs. 9. There is an inventory carrying cost of Rs. 0-09 per unit per week. Beginning inventory is 70 units. 30

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gross Requirements 20 10 15 45 10 30 100 20 40 150

Use the least total cost or the least unit cost lot- sizing method to determine when and for what quantity the first order should be released. 4.(a) Foreign investment in India talkes place in the form of (1) Foreign Direct Investment, and (2) Foreign

Portfolio Investment . Bring out your views on the merits and demerits of the two forms of investment for their impact on long- term economic development of Infdia. 30 (b) ' New Induatrial Policy has led to the rapid growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but this growth has not really been inclusive.' Do you agree ? Substantiate your answer. 20 (c) In the context of FDI, distinguish between 'greenfiel strategy' and 'alliance strategy' with suitable illustrations. 10 Section 'B' 5. Comment on the following statements in not more than 10 line seach: 106=60 (a) ' Data is used by clerk. Managers depend on their intuitive judgement.' (b) ' Data warehouses are used to store historical data for audit purposes. (c) ' Information systems should be eveluated on the basis of the level of technology used in them. (d) ' The goal of strategic Planning is to maximmize the profit of the enterprise.' (e) ' The system of independent directors has not worked in India.' (f) ' India has a large domestic market of its own. Export - led industry has very limited scope.' 6. (a) Explain some of the technology developments that have led to the rapid growth of e-Business. (c) In What way has e- Business ? Substantiate your answer with facts and figures. 20 7. (a) Any supply chain process can primarily be explain by " value concept. Discuss the activities represending the value chain of any business house. 20 (b) In a dynamic and competitive enviroment, dissuss how " Reverse Engineering" and " Concurrent Engineering " approaches help in designing the right type of product/right type of process. 20 20

(c) " Core Competence" of an organization is a concept that ha s often used to explain why certain organizations have achieved success in highly competitive enviroments. Explain the concept of Core Competence citing a few examples of industrial firms. 20 8. (a) It is argued that India has achieved much higher rate of globaliozation and integration with the world economy. Assess how and to what extent India has benefited from the process of globalization. 20 (b) Comment on the balance of India 's foreign trade. Is it sustainable in the long run ? What policies would you recommend to correct the balance ? 20 (c) Should Indian industries invest abroad when there is shortage of capital in India ? Critically analyse. 20

IAS Main Management Question Paper I - 2010

Article Category: IAS Question Papers, Civil Services, IAS Main Question Papers Share|

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) holds the Civil Services Examination every year in two parts, i.e. Preliminary Test and Main Examination; the Main Examination comprises a written Test and a Personality Test. The Question paper of the IAS Main Management Paper I - 2010 is given as below: MANAGEMENT Paper-I Time Allowed: Three Hourse Maximum Marks: 300 Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English. Answer must be written in the medium specified in the Admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a medium other than specified in the Admission Certificate. Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory. and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section. Number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. Wherever any assumption is made while answering a question, the same must be indicated clearly. Section-A 1. Write analytical note on the following in note more than 200 words each. Suitable real- life/hypothetical illustrations, to buttress your anwers: 203=60 (a) Cultural barriers in communication (b) Hedge accounting (c) Lewin's three -step model 2. (a) " We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." Explain in the context of organisational behavior. 30 (b) " the research opn the effects of strategic Planning generally finds it has no effect on corporate performance." Critically examine the statement. 30 3. (a) " The higher wages effect does not necessarily translate into higher cost." Explain with examples from India and abroad. 30 (b) " Creativity and innovation are invevitable instruments of excellencs; yet they differ in their basic characteristics." Analyse this statement and assess how organistsations can encourage both. 30

4. (a) Show, with an example , how break- even point of sales can be calculated when the number of units prodiced is not known. 20

(b) What are the five source of power, as listed by French and Ravan, exercisaed by managers to influence the behavior of individuals in an organisation ? 20 (c) With suitable illustration(s), highlight the concept of corporate social responsiblility in India. 20 Section- B 5. Write analytical notes on the following in not more than 200 words each : 203=60 (a) Segmentation hypothese of capital market (b) Share penetration index (c) Synthetic loan 6. (a) " Operating and financial leverage are symmetric in behavior." Critically examine the statement from riskanalysis point of view. 30

(b) Explain , with brief illustrations, the expectation hypopthesis of bond valuation. 30 7. (a) " Coca-Cola account for less than 2 ounces of the 64 ounces of fluid that each of the world's 4-4 billion people drank on average day. The enemy is coffee, milk , tea , water-" Explain the strategic implication of the statement. 30 (b) Define and distinguish between 'points- of - parity' and 'Points - - difference' in the context of brand positioning. Substantiate with suitable illustrations . 30 8. (a) Explain the various methods of estimating current demand. 20 (b) Discuss the various elements involved in amrketing profitability analysis. 20 (c) Discuss the variuous elements of the demographic enviroment that affect marketing. 20

IAS Main Exam 2011: Question Paper of Public Administration Paper II

Article Category: IAS Question Papers, Civil Services, IAS Main Question Papers Share|

The UPSC Civil Services Main Examination 2011 commenced on October 29, 2011. Here Jagranjosh.com provides you the question papers of IAS Main Examination. The following is the Question Paper of Public Administration Paper II of IAS Main Exam 2011.

Public Administration Paper-II

Time Allowed: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 300 INSTRUCTIONS

Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English. Answers must be written in the medium specified in the Admission .Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-Book in the space provided for the .purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Certificate. Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from, each Section. The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question.

Section-A 1. Attempt the following m not more than 200 words each: 20 x 3 = 60 (a) "Over-dependence on bureaucracy for bringing about socio-economic development in India has proved to be dysfunctional." Comment. (b) "The performance of Lok Ayuktas in various States has been uneven." Comment with examples. (c) Explain with appropriate illustrations the interface between' political culture and bureaucratic culture in contemporary India.

2. (a) Discuss the evolution of the role of the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) since independence. 30 (b) "Administrative reforms get diluted because of constant tinkering on the margin rather than a holistic transformation." Discuss the statement in the context of reforming district administration in India. 30 3. (a) Comment on the following statement: 30 "The Comptroller and Auditor-General (CAG) of India is a prosecutor with a law that hobbles. its functioning, a judge without the 'power to sentence and a litigant with no right to appeal."

(b) "Indian federalism is passing through a state of potential maturity." Discuss this statement in the context of the views of the Commission on Centre-State Relations (Justice M. M. Punchi). 30 4. (a) "The theme of Police Reforms continues to haunt the Parliament." In the light of this statement, discuss the state of Criminal Justice System administration in India. 30 (b) 'Performance Appraisal Systems' with special reference to the Performance Management and Evaluation System (PMES) are expected to transform the bureaucratic culture of Indian administration. Do you agree? Give reasons. 30

Section-B 5. Attempt the following in not more than 200 words each: 20x3=60 (a) "The real problem of administrative reforms in India at the State and the local levels is that they are imposed from above." Comment. (b) Discuss the basic principles of 'New Localism' as a part of the global-local debate. (c) "Absence of District Planning Committees in a large number of districts has prevented convergence of planning at the district level." Examine the above statement with examples. 6. (a) (i) "One Lok Pal, howsoever strong I it may be, cannot eliminate corruption in the , politicoadministrative system in India." Comment. 15 (ii) "Grievance redressal system is perhaps the weakest link in India's civil service management," Comment. 15 (b) "Community policing has become a victim of elite capture." Discuss the concept of community policing and bring out the implications of the above statement. 30 7. (a) Can the holding company's structure act as an institutional change to add to efficiency? Give your answer with appropriate illustrations. 30 (b) Examine the institutional vulnerability of municipal. governance in the midst of an emerging spectre of multiple partnerships. 30 8. (a) (i) Identify the different conceptual categories of disasters. 15 (ii) Write a note on the the new culture of disaster management. 15 (b) "Disaster insurance is 'desirable but not an easy proposition to implement." Illustrate with suitable examples. 30

IAS Main Exam 2011: Question Paper of Public Administration Paper I

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The UPSC Civil Services Main Examination 2011 commenced on October 29, 2011. Here Jagranjosh.com provides you the question papers of IAS Main Examination. The following is the Question Paper of Public Administration Paper I of IAS Main Exam 2011.

Public Administration Paper I Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300

INSTRUCTIONS Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English. Answers must be written U1 the medium specified in the Admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Certificate. Candidates should attempt Questions no. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section. The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question.


1. Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words each: 20x3 = 60 (a) 'A crisis of credibility' in the administrative system can be overcome only by 'reinventing government'. Comment. (b) 'Media is a Parliament of citizens.' Explain. (c) E-governance is the' final arrival of Max Weber's 'iron cage of rationality', Discuss, 2. (a) In the evolution of' the discipline of Public Administration, Minnowbrook Conferences I, II and III reflect the discipline's reconceptualisation and its changing values. Elucidate, 30 (b) Critically examine conflict resolution according to M.P. Follett. Explain how McGregor took forward her ideas in the context of complex organizations. 30

3. (a) Whereas Downs' model is largely dependent on a theory of psychological motivation, Niskanen's model is framed by neo-classical thinking. In the light of the above, discuss the public choice approach to decisionmaking. 30 (b) The Systems Approach is relevant .even today for organisational analysis. Discuss how Chester Barnard and David Easton adopted this approach in their respective areas of study. 30 4. (a) Whereas 'value for money' audit aims at economy and 'performance' audit seeks efficiency, 'social' audit goes beyond both, to examine the effectiveness of a programme or activity. Examine this statement with suitable illustrations.

(b) (i) Make a critical assessment of Dicey's understanding of the Rule of Law and Droit Administratif. 15 (ii) Make out a case for Delegated Legislation. 15

SECTION B 5. Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words each: 20 x 3 = 60 (a) 'Budget is a series of goals with price-tags attached.' Explain. (b) 'Policy is being made .as it is being administered arid administered as it is being made.' Comment. (c) 'Position Classification can be problematic. A serious complaint in its practice is that it dehumanises the employee.' Discuss. 6. (a) Neither Edward Weidner nor Fred Riggs was able to describe the process of development administration adequately. Explain the drawbacks and weaknesses in their theoretical analyses. 30 (b) Indicate the milestones in the story of development from the Nehruvian Model to the Liberalisation Model. 30 7. (a) Civil Servants must be social moralists in action, living up to Paul Appleby's dictum that 'responsible government is ethical government'. Examine this statement in the light of rod governance. 30 (b) Critically examine the following statements in the field of Policy Sciences. (i) The instrumentalist paradigm posits a conservative tendency In public policy making. 15 (ii) Dror's Optimal Model is a fusion of the economically rational model with the extra-rational model. 15 8. (a) (i) What are the main functions of an O and M office? 15 (ii) A system of Information ties planning and control by managers to the, operational system of implementation. Elaborate. 15 (b) An administrator uses the budget as a framework for communication and co-ordination, as well as for exercising administrative discipline throughout the administrative structure Explain. 30

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