How To Change From Gay To Straight

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How to change Your sexuality.

This is for the unhappy homosexual. If you are happy with being homosexual, then "you are okay", and find something else to do, than reading this article. There is two major ways to become homosexual. The first is first sexual experience, with same sex partner. The second is a mental blockade from sex, with an opposite sexual partner. Having first sexual experience with a same sex partner, if that is what you want, and ou are both old enough, then it is okay. This is the way most homosexual becomes homosexual, and that is the way the "happy homosexual" normally is created. The second way is when you had a sexual experience with a the opposite sex, and you learn that it was somehow wrong, to have sex with the opposite sex. This is the way an "unhappy homosexual" is created, because they got a blockade from their normal sexual orientation. I read a story about a man that learned, that having sex with a girl was wrong. Having a normal sexual drive, he then had sex with other men. !ut he felt wrong, when he was with men. The hypnotist found the bad memory and change it, and the man became a happy heterosexual. "ead the full story in #teven Heller "$onsters %nd $agical #ticks". Next level. Peer pressure. There is another level just to fuck up the lives of homosexual men. &eer pressure and society rules, has somehow made it wrong to be a homosexual man. If you feel happy, when you are together with a same sex partner, then you are right and it is society that is wrong. #tart reading self help books, and focus on how to become more ...... #omehow it is kinky if it is girl on girl sex.


The little difference. There are reasons why girls normally, have a more relax attitude, about same sex experience. (irst. )irls begins their sexual run, in a much younger age, than boys. That means that the first real sexual experience girls have, is not the first sexual fantasy they have. They have had sexual fantasies *+, years before the first physical experience. That means that there might be some new experiences, wend a girl have sex the first time, but it is a smaller surprise, than wend boys are having their first experience. The girls have a more active sexual fantasy, that means that wend they sleep after the first experience, they dream about their favorite fantasy, and add the new things from their first sexual experience, to the fantasy. That is also the second difference. #ometimes called the split screen effect. That means that when a girl haves sex, then she has sex, and at the same time she has a "movie" running in the head. The movie is a composite of the real experience, and the fantasy that is closes to the real experience. If she likes men, but is kissing a girl, she imagine how a guy would feel to kiss. If a girl likes men, and is having sex with a girl, then she has a movie in the back of her head, of her having sex with a man. !ut the fantasy man in her head, is doing all the things the real girl is doing. The main reason that a girl is exclusive to girls, is that she had a very bad experience with a man. #ometimes it is buried to deep, and the girl has forgotten it. !ut then the rule I wrote above always counts- If you feel happy, wend you are together with a same sex partner, then .you are okay., and start living your life.. Why am I writing this article.? I /o not care if you are gay or straight. I 0are if you are happy or un+happy. %nd when I saw the series 1#pecial victim unit2 about .unhappy gays. and how they have difficult to change, I wanted to show them, how you can change. 3f course if you are anything else, but an unhappy Homosexual... then this article is not for you.


The four main reason for ecoming gay. 4. (irst time problems. If you are with a girl for the first time, and your dick will not get hard, many men thinks that it means that you may be gay, !ut it is just 5erves. *67 of guys have a problem with performance the first time with a girl. That just means that you a with girl for the first time. 5othing more, nothing less. 0ould you ride a bike the first time you tried.8 !ut you learn it, by trying again and again. *. 3ne of the first sexual experience turns bad. 9ike the guy in the story above, that learns that having sex with a girl is wrong, then has to have sex with men. That is just a bad memory and if you ask any hypnotist or read about 59&, the you can learn how to remove that memory. :3r read the article about that, that I wrote.; ,. $ental block. $om and dad are fighting, and dad shouts 1%ll girls are <hores.2 %nd you have learned that 1having sex with a whore is wrong2. Then you can only have sex with men. =. #hy )uy. If you are shy, and you can not talk with girls, then some boys thinks 1It is easier to talk about sex with boys.2 %nd talking about sex leads from time to time to having sex.


!asic "hange There is three way to change a sexual orientation. 4. %dd a strong new memory, that overwrites the other memories. %lternative remove>change the old memory, and let the person find their own way in the world. *. 0hange the deep behavior beliefs and patterns, with :#elf+; hypnosis. ,. &avlov.s behavior modifications techni?ue. (irst &avlov.s behavior modifications techni?ue only works, if you give the person both negative stimuli for the "wrong" behavior, and positive stimuli for the right behavior. %nd only if you give the stimuli close to the first sexual experience, or else the behavior is to ingrained in the life of the person. !ut that is the way that you add a mental blockade to a person. #econd way to change. If you want to change your own sexual orientation, first you have to find out why are you homosexual.8 How did you learn it was wrong, to have sex with the opposite sex.8 If you are like the guy in the story above who was tolled that "having sex with a girl is wrong", then you can change that memory, by adding that "having sex with a girl is wrong, unless you both are 4@ years or older". Then you need to repeat it 6A times or more, and repeat it every day for a month. That will change your sexual orientation, and every time you repeat it, you will slowly change the deep behavior pattern. The most effective way to change. ou are the sum of your experiences, the memories you remember. If you want to live another way, then you should change the memories, so you believe that you lived another way. In time you will believe, that this is the natural to be. The long way is to do the split screen thing, that I wrote about above. Take every .same sex. experience, and picture it with an .opposite sex. partner. That will change you slowly, but you will have the option to be both with men and women. ou can say it is a way of becoming bi+sexual. B+; !ut if you are unhappy with same+sex sex, then you will natural turn towards an opposite sex relationship. The fast, but more difficult way, is to add memories that are more powerful than the first same sex experience. <ant to do that, then read my book "Hypnosis + How to create a false memory." 3f course a combination of the techni?ues, is the most powerful way to change.


#un #acts a out $ays% %bout 46AA species has been observed doing homosexual behaviour. %nd in about 6AA species it is well documented. !ruce !agemihl + 2!iological Cxuberance- %nimal Homosexuality and 5atural /iversity.2

9ions are also homosexual. $ale lions often band together with their brothers to lead the pride. To ensure loyalty, they strengthen the bonds by often having sex with each other. &etter !oeckman, + academic advisor "%gainst 5ature.s 3rder8" exhibition. "ecent research has found that homosexual behavior in animals may be much more common than previously thought. %lthough /arwinDs theory of natural selection predicts an evolutionary disadvantage for animals that fail to pass along their traits through reproduction with the opposite sex, the validity of this part of his theory has been ?uestioned with the discoveries of homosexual behavior in more than 4A7 of prevailing species throughout the world. http->>>*A4*>A,>do+animals+exhibit+homosexuality>

The first record of possible homosexual couple in history is commonly regarded as Ehnumhotep and 5iankhkhnum, an ancient Cgyptian male couple, who lived around *=AA !0C. The pair are portrayed in a nose+kissing position, the most intimate pose in Cgyptian art, surrounded by what appear to be their heirs. %nthropologists #tephen $urray and <ill "oscoe reported that women in 9esotho engaged in socially sanctioned "long term, erotic relationships" called motsoalle.F6=G C. C. Cvans+ &ritchard also recorded that male %Hande warriors in the northern 0ongo routinely took on young male lovers between the ages of twelve and twenty, who helped with household tasks and participated in intercrural sex with their older husbands http->>>wiki>Homosexuality



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