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Characters of the Iliad


Achilles was the greatest warrior on the Greek side. He

stopped fighting however when Agamemnon took away
his love, Briseis. He returned to the war after his best
friend, Patroklus, was killed by Hektor wearing Achilles
armor. Achilles rejoined the war and killed Hektor. He
then dragged his body with a chariot around the walls of
Troy. Hektor's father, King Priam, went to Achilles to beg
for his sons body. Achilles was killed by Paris with and
arrow shot in his one vulnerable spot, his heel.

Aias the Greater (Ajax)

Aias was the next strongest of the Greek heroes after Achilles. Aias was not the
brightest of the Greek captains. He was involved in single combat with Hektor.
Both warriors fought all day and neither was victorious. A draw was called and
the two exchanged gifts. After Achilles death Aias demanded his armor but it was
given to Odysseus. Enraged with anger he flung himself on his sword.

Aineias (Aeneas)

A Trojan hero he was the son of Anchises and Aphrodite. He was saved several
times from death by the gods. He was wounded by Diomedes but Aphrodite saved
him and put him behind his lines. It was foretold that one day Aineias'
descendants would one day rule over the Greeks and Trojans. This is the basis for
the epic The Aeneid.


He was the leader of the Argive (Greek) forces at

Troy. He is the descendant of Tantalus and Pelops.
Agamemnon was the King of Argos and his Queen is
Clytemnestra. He had three daughters and a son.
Their names were Laodice, Chrysothemis, Iphigenia,
and Orestes. Agamemnon had to sacrificed his
daughter Iphigenia in order to appease the goddess
Artemis and allow the Greeks to reach Troy.
Agamemnon took away Briseis from Achilles in order to replace the maiden that
he had to give back. Achilles was mad and refused to fight in the war against Troy
any more, but in the end he gave her back because the Greeks could not win
without Achilles' help. Agamemnon returned home and was killed by his wife, for
killing their daughter.


In Achilles absence he became the greatest warrior on the Greek side. He was the
son of Tydeus and Deipyle. He was Odysseus' companion in many exploits of the
war. Diomedes, upon fighting the Trojan warrior Aineias (Aeneas) he wounded
the goddess Aphrodite who was helping the Trojan. He was a fluent speaker and
figured in various war councils of the Achaean chiefs. On his return from Troy,
Diomedes ran into traps set by his unfaithful wife . Diomedes fled to Italy and
found several Italian cities.

Hektor was the son of Priam and the successor to the throne. He was the leader of
the Trojans and their greatest warrior. He was protected by the god Apollo. He
fought Aias in single combat to prove his bravery but the fight was a draw. He led
the assault on the Greek trenches which improved the hopes of the Trojans
winning the war. Hektor was killed by Achilles over the death of Patroklus. His
father then had to beg Achilles for his body back.


Helen was the maiden who was the most beautiful in the world. She chose
Menelaos as her husband but then ran off as Paris' reward from Aphrodite. The
suitors followed because they had sworn to protect the marriage of whomever she
chose. When the war was over she went back to live with Menelaos even though
many of the Greek captains thought she should be killed for what she had done.


Brother of Agamemnon and husband of Helen. He was chosen among the suitors
of Helen. When Helen was taken to Troy by Paris he called upon the suitors who
had sworn to protect the marriage of whom ever she chose. This started the Trojan
War. Menelaos fought in single combat with Paris to decide the war. Menelaos
won but the Trojans did not keep their word and the war continued. Menelaos
dragged the body of Patroklus off the battle field and informed Achilles.


The oldest and wisest of the Greek captains. He was the King of Pylos. He
accompanied Menelaos to gather the suitors of Helen. After the war he return
safely to Pylos.

Paris (Alexandros)

Paris was chosen by the goddesses to decide who was the fairest of the three,
Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. He chose Aphrodite, and she rewarded him by give
him the most beautiful women, Helen. When Paris took Helen all of her suitors
followed to get her back. During the war Paris fought Menelaos to decide the
outcome of the war, Menelaos won, but the Trojans did not keep their oath to end
the war so it continued. Paris is pictured as wearing heavy armor but as also a
archer. Paris was killed by one of Philoctectes' arrows.

Who killed whom

This table lists characters killed during the war, and who was responsible for their deaths.

Character Killer

Achilles Paris

Telamonian Ajax Suicide

Antilochus Memnon

Antiphus Agamemnon

Ascalaphus ???

Astyanax Neoptolemus (or Odysseus)

Cebriones Patroclus

Cycnus Achilles

Deiphobus Menelaus

Dolon Odysseus and Diomedes

Eurypylus Neoptolemus

Hector Achilles
Medon Aeneas

Paris Philoctetes

Patroclus Hector

Penthesilea Achilles

Phorcys Telamonian Ajax

Polites Neoptolemus

Polyxena Neoptolemus

Priam Neoptolemus

Protesilaus Hector

Rhesus Diomedes

Sarpedon Patroclus

Thersander Telephus

Thersites Achilles

Troilus Achilles

Two sons of Merops

(Adrastus and Amphius)

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