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This Year

This year is almost over and so is the subject CKV. Since we started and will and it this year, we have to say goodbye now. So these are my thoughts about this year. At first, I didn't know what to expect. I thought it was just a year of going to museums and talking about random old paintings and sculptures, though I was proven wrong. I remember the first lesson was about the question What is art?. Though art is just a simple three-letter word, the thoughts were different with every person. Some thought art had to be old, rare and expensive, while others, and I as well, said everything created by men is art. It was good to thing about this for a moment. At the end of the year, the goal was to hand in 8 reports about cultural subjects. Some assignments in class counted as one or two reports, so in the end we had to make 5 extra reports. In class we worked on 3, or actually 4 assignments. The presentation. Our first assignment was to have a presentation about one of the cultural subject in the book. These included Music, Theater, Film and architecture. Donny, Tristan and I chose the subject music. We had an about 10 minute long presentation about music, in which we explained the different kinds of rock and metal, and briefly explained the differences. We ended with a short quiz. We let the class listen to a part of a song, focusing on the type of vocals, rhythms and instruments and they had to guess which genre it was. The Interview. The class had to interview someone that worked with or on something cultural. Tristan and I chose to interview my drumteacher Ernst van Ee, who has worked with different kinds of bands, including Ayreon, Motorhead and Lana lane. The Animation. Our last actual assignment was the animation. On which we worked for quite a long time. I came up with a story about Eddy and Amy, which is just a modern day version of the Adam and Eve story. Later on, Tessa joined me, who did most of the actual 'filming'. She made the backgrounds and designed the characters, whereas I just clicked the 'shoot' button. The failed project. During the whole year, we (Danny, Ricky, Rayaan, Donny and I) had an idea about a movie, in which we starred ourselves. The story was about a group of friends who find a videotape. It shows a man, who finds out about a killer, and explains how he works, but on the videotape, the man gets killed by that person. After watching it, strange things happen. It looks a lot like traps have been set for them, and they find out that the killer is after them. We had written the script, and started shooting the beginning, but the reason this is a failed project, is because we didn't have the time to finish it. In short my thoughts about this year. I had fun, as it was different from just the ordinary lessons. We did 'fun' assignments and had a few interesting discussions, but in the end, I didn't take it seriously. I felt like it was just to fill up this year, and I am not sure I will really need this later in life. One thing I am sure of though, is that I'm glad it's over.

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