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Scholarships for postgraduate degree courses with relevance to developing countries German Academic Exchange Service - Deutscher Akademischer

Austauschdienst Closing date: 31 Jul 12 Deadline information: Deadline: applications must be submitted to the German embassy or DAAD regional offices by 31 July, to DAADs head office in Bonn by 31 August, and to respective German universities by 15 October annually. Award type: Travel for research purposes, Financial aid for postgraduate students Summary text: Courses are offered in the following fields: economic sciences, business administration or political economics; development cooperation; engineering and related sciences; mathematics; regional planning; agriculture and forest sciences; environmental sciences; medicine and public health; veterinary medicine; social sciences, education and law; media studies. DAAD will pay a monthly award of 750 plus relevant costs. Website: ung=&land=201&status=&seite=1&overview=1&daad=1

Solidarity fund grants African Women's Development Fund Closing date: --Deadline information: Deadline: applications due at least three months prior to identified activity. Award type: Development (Africa/Caribbean), Directed grants to institutions, research groups etc, Travel to conferences, meetings etc., Travel for research purposes, Networking/collaboration Award amount max: $5,000 Award amount min: $1,000 Summary text: Funding enables representatives from local, national, sub-regional and regional African women's organisations to attend strategic workshops, seminars and conferences within or outside Africa. Grants also support international exchange and learning visits. Awards are worth between $1,000 and $5,000. Website: DFID-ESRC growth programme call for bids for DEGP directorate function

Economic and Social Research Council Closing date: 26 Mar 12 Deadline information: Award type: Directed grants for individual investigators, Directed grants to institutions, research groups etc, Tenders Award amount max: 2,000,000 Award amount min: 1,000,000 Award budget total: 2,000,000 Summary text: The primary objective of the directorate will be to ensure that high quality evidence on economic growth is generated and that this is effectively disseminated and incorporated into policy dialogue, and policymaking in developing countries. This contract is worth 1 million to 2m. Website:

International postgraduate scholarships Bournemouth University Closing date: 31 May 12 Deadline information: Award type: Financial aid for postgraduate students Award amount max: 3,000 Award amount min: 1,000 Award budget total: 50,000 Summary text: These are for postgraduate degrees beginning in September 2012 and January 2012. Scholarships are worth between 1,000 and 3,000. Website:

Research on the health of LGBTI populations (R01) NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Closing date: 05 Jun 12

Deadline information: Deadline: every February 5, June 5 and October 5 until May 8, 2015. Award type: Directed grants to institutions, research groups etc Summary text: This R01 funding opportunity announcement solicits grant applications for research that describes the biological, clinical, behavioral and social processes that affect the health and development among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and related populations and among their families, and that leads to the development of effective supportive, preventive and treatment interventions and health service delivery methods to enhance the health and development of these populations. Website: Humanitarian award World of Children Closing date: 01 Apr 12 Deadline information: Deadline time: 11.59pm PST. This call is repeated once a year. Award type: Prizes, Directed grants to institutions, research groups etc Award amount max: $50,000 Summary text: This award recognises an individual who has made a significant contribution to children in the social services, education or the humanitarian services. The award provides a maximum grant of $50,000. Website: Africa workshop American Political Science Association Closing date: 30 Mar 12 Deadline information: This call is repeated once a year. Award type: Directed grants for individual investigators, Travel to conferences, meetings etc., Development (Africa/Caribbean) Summary text: This workshop on local communities and the state in Africa, with a focus on field research methods, will be held from 15 to 27 July 2012 at the University of Botswana in Gaborone. The organisers will cover the costs of participation, including travel, lodging, meals and workshop materials, for up to 26 applicants.

Website: Second call for proposals United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Closing date: 23 Mar 12 Deadline information: Deadline: applications accepted between 12 March and 23 March 2012. Award type: Directed grants to institutions, research groups etc, Development (Africa/Caribbean) Award amount max: $1,000,000 Award amount min: $200,000 Summary text: Funding is available for innovative and impact-oriented proposals that will help women to achieve political and economic empowerment. Grants are worth between US$200,000 and US$1 million over one to three years. Website: Joint doctoral grants Ghent University Closing date: 04 Sep 12 Deadline information: This call is repeated once a year. Award type: Predoctoral fellowships, Financial aid for postgraduate students Award amount min: 7,860 Summary text: Grants support foreign PhD students who wish to take a doctorate under joint supervision of Ghent University and a non-Belgian partner university or institution for higher education. Funding is worth a minimum of 7,860. Website: SCAS fellowship Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study Closing date: --Deadline information: Award type: Mid-Career fellowships, Senior fellowships

Summary text: The fellowships are open to senior scholars and, in some cases, younger scholars from all countries. Through the programme fellows are given the opportunity to concentrate on their own research interests, free from the teaching and administrative obligations of ordinary university life. The collegium aims to be broadly representative of high-quality research in the social and human sciences. Website:

Peace and security fellowship for African women University of London Closing date: 12 Apr 12 Deadline information: Deadline time: 5pm. Award type: Directed grants for individual investigators, Predoctoral fellowships, Personal development, Development (Africa/Caribbean) Summary text: This programme is designed to expose young professional African women to the complexities of conflict, security and development, equipping them for careers in this field by developing their expertise to generate African-led ideas and processes of change for addressing challenges on the African continent. Fellowships are fully funded and cover tuition, accommodation, travel and subsistence. Website: Commonwealth professional fellowships Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK Closing date: 11 May 12 Deadline information: Award type: Mid-Career fellowships, Travel to conferences, meetings etc., Hosting visits Summary text: These enable mid-career professionals from developing Commonwealth countries to spend a period of time with a UK host organisation working in their field for a programme of professional development. The award covers the living expenses for the fellow as well as a return airfare to the UK. It also provides 800 funding support to the host organisation, up to 3,000 available for attendance at conferences or short courses, and other eligible costs. Website: Studentships

Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies Closing date: 31 Jan 13 Deadline information: This call is repeated once a year. Award type: Financial aid for postgraduate students, Predoctoral fellowships Award amount max: 33,300 Summary text: These enable students, generally from low- and middle-income countries, to pursue postgraduate research degrees in the area of urban and regional studies. Studentships are worth a maximum of 11,100 per annum for up to three years. Website: Economic research partnership Agency for International Development (USAID) Closing date: 26 Mar 12 Deadline information: Deadline: concept papers 2pm EST 26 March 2012; final applications 8 April 2012. Award type: Development (Africa/Caribbean), Directed grants to institutions, research groups etc Award amount max: $100,000 Award amount min: $25,000 Award budget total: $1,000,000 Summary text: Funding will support research relevant to the promotion of economic growth in developing countries. The total budget for this call is US$1 million, with individual funding worth between US$25,000 and US$100,000. Website:

Global development alliance (GDA) annual programme statement Agency for International Development (USAID) Closing date: 31 Jan 13 Deadline information: This call is repeated once a year.

Award type: Directed grants to institutions, research groups etc, Development (Africa/Caribbean), Networking/collaboration Award amount max: $10,000,000 Award amount min: $50,000 Summary text: Global development alliances are public-private partnerships that work to tackle important business challenges and development problems in a replicable, sustainable and scalable manner. For indicative purposes only, past awards have ranged from US$50,000 to US$10 million. Website:

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