Wednesday, June 13, 2012 L&T Infotech Proprietary Page 1 of 4

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How do u move Reports between environments like dev to Testing etc..

, Generally these activities are done by admin people we only place the contents in specified folder and create request to move that to testing environment. generally we move the contents between environments by newexport from cognos administration and we import the same using new import How many packages u have in your project. One package ,One data source

How do u test the report. Most of the times we wil get excel output of the report so we validate the data with tht, some times by GUI given by the company if we dont get any of those we verify by writing query of our own

Reprompt---Actually for cascading with single select you can choose auto submit as yes so that it will be automatically refreshed but for multi select cascading auto submit will be disabled so inorder to work with cascading in multiselect you need to drag a prompt button and change its property to reprompt so that cascading will work. Inorder to change the name of reprompt drag textbox and type name of it it will be resemble tht.

Model used by us is Relational Model

Usage properties are Identifier, Attribute and Fact. By default all primary keys are considered as Identifiers,Non primary keys and numeric are considered as facts,non numeric and alphanumeric are considered as Attributes sometime there may be primary numeric data items which are identifiers so we should observe this and change as identifier

Performance Improvement----Dont allow/use cross joins which degrades performance.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

L&T Infotech Proprietary Page 1 of 4

Try to implement calculations at reporting level rather at database level. Query processing Limited local would improve performance sometimes.

Try to avoid formatting in the reports such as styling which consumes much resources .Try to avoid using not in operator. From the database side use indexing mechanism .Try to use static choices where ever possible. Remove the data items which are not being used and also look in hidden which are not being used. Look at query and try to resolve complex joins if used. Try to implement calculations at FM level instead of Report studio

Stitched Query---- for example if a query is related to multiple facts then the querys will be split into separate queries for each fact tables and they are joined by one main query called stitched query Star Schema----which is mostly used where fact table at the centre surrounded by dimension table

Fact TableTable which contains Measures and ids

Types of security Data Level, Object Level, Package Level You can maintain security at framework manager level and report studio level. At report studio level

Cardinality---Cardinality specifies the nature of relationship b/w query subjects.

1 refers to inner join 0 refers to outer join 1:n---fact 1:1---dim 1:n 1:1 inner join 0:n 1:1 left outer join

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

L&T Infotech Proprietary Page 2 of 4

1:n 0:1 right outer join 0:n 0:1 full outer join

How do you move your reports from one loc to other. I will go to cognos administration under configuration click on content administration where u will find new export and export the things what ever have to be moved. You can find all exports in deployment folder of cognos

Conditional style,style variable ,text source variable.------------------

Conditional style and style variable both looks similar but conditional styling is having advanced feature conditional styling which is given from 8.4 where we need not write any variable and we can directly apply styling With style variable we can hide and unhide columns where this cannot be performed with conditional styling For style variable we need to create one variable where as for conditional styling it is not required Text source variable is to show the text based on user required type for ex:if region = us then user need to show this as America then we write a conditional variable and assign tht to the column Conditional Block:---------Users want a report on sales figures. They want the facility to split the numbers by product lines, periods, or retailer region, any one at a time. For convenience purposes, they don't want three different reports, instead they are looking for one report with the facility to choose between the report types write three conditions to choose report based on selection then we drag a conditional block ,select conditional block, open block variable choose the conditional variable. Now chose first option as current block from properties and drag first report into conditional block do the same for remaining

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

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How do apply prompt in query studio? Select the column which u want to apply prompt. select the filter and tick prompt every time the report runs check box How to create cascading prompt at FM level for R.S(it can be used at query studio also) For this we have to use

Cascade On Item Reference Property

The Cascade On Item Reference property indicates that the generated prompt is part of a series of generated cascading prompts. The query item that you reference in this property is the parent item in the cascade. The system prompts the user for the cascade item before prompting them for the current query item. For example, if you want to prompt for Product Line and then Product within the selected line, set the Cascade On Item Reference property of the Product query item to Product Line.

How to Drill through on crosstab intersection. Drill through definitions option will be disabled for crosstab intersection in order to enable that There are two methods 1------- unlock and click on the text of intersecting elements you will find drill through definitions enabled 2-------right click and choose select fact cells then you will find drill through definitions enabled

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

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