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Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi, Department of Nafpaktos Department of Telecommunications Systems & Networks.

Courses Structure Diagram during Bachelor 1 SEMESTER DIGITAL LOGIC (Aims/Objectives: To introduce students to digital Electronics: binary system, logical operations, basic gateways as well as the main categories of combinational circuits and the corresponding design techniques. This course unit is a significant tool for every Information Technology scientists and the basis for following semester courses like Computer Architecture etc. Description: The binary and other number systems, arithmetic operations in other number systems except for the decimal, logical operations, Boole elgebra, basic gateways, switches using gateways, simple logical functions, from truth tables to functions and vice versa, Karnp tables, universal gateways, implementation with NAND and NOR gateways only, combinational circuits, one or more bit comparators, addition and abstraction circuits, multiplexers, implementation of multiplexer functions, coders, decoders, logical functions with the use of decoders, exercises, introduction to RS interlocking rd and the concept of flip-flop. Bibliography: M. Morris Mano, Digital, Design 3 Edition, Papasotiriou Editions, 2005, R. G. th Tokheim, Digital Electronics, 5 Edition, Tziola Editions, 2001, J. Wakerly, Digital Design Principles and Practices, Klidarithmos Editions, 2004, Brown, Vranesic Digital System Design eith VHDL, Tziola Editions). LINEAR ALGEBRA (Aims/Objectives: To introduce students to the theory and basic concepts of linear algebra and its use and applications in computer programming and information technology. Description: Tables, operation with tables, determinants, invercse and reverse of a table. Linear equations, solving methods of linear systems , Gauss deletion, Cramers rule, characteristic quantities, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, table diagonization, affine transformations. Vector spacesand subspaces, addition, nultiplication, vecor inner produ, linear combination, amplitude an distance of vectors. Linear inequalities, linear programming. Bibliography: Danco P., Linear Algebra, Fountas Gregorios Editions, Xenos Thanassis, Linear Algebra, Ziti Editions, 2004, Makris, Linear Algebra, Fountas Gregorios Editions, 24004, Papadopoulos, Notes on Linear Algebra, Fountas Gregorios Editions, 2004). PHYSICS I (Aims/Objectives: To familiarize the student with the elements and laws governing direct and alternating-current circuits. Description: GAUSS law, capacity, dielectrical, magneto-optical fields, Amper law, Ohm laws, direct-current circuits, Kirchoff relus, Thevenin and Norton theorems, current and voltage sources, introduction, alternating current circuits, electromagnetism, electrostatic fields. Bibliography: Schaums outline of theory and problems of electric circuits in SI units, J.A. Edminister, Introduction to electric circuits , R.C. Dorf, Basic engineering circuit analysis, J.D. Irwin, Circuits, devices and systems: a first course in electrical engineering, R.J. Smith, DC and AC electricity, V.F Veley). CALCULUS I (Aims/Objectives: Understanding of the basic calculus concepts such as integral and derivative variable functions as well as thei numerous applications in other scientific fields. Description: Totals, variable functions, kinds of functions, polynomial, logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric, inverse functions. Study of variable functions, graphs, limits, continuity, derivative, calculation rules of a function derivative. Integration, indefinite integrals, calculation methods of integrals, definite integral and simple applications, further applications of a definite integral in geometry and mechanics, generalized integral. Approximate methods. Bibliography: Zagouras, Georgiou, General Mathematics, Ellinika Grammata, 2003, Voskoglou, Mathematics, 2005, Fragos H., Higher Mathematics, Stamoulis Editions, 1999, Rassias TH., Mathematical Analysis I, Issue A, Savalas Editions, 2004). INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATICS AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES (Aims/Objectives: To introduce students to the basic principles of computer technology and information systems with emphasis on special scientific features that are going to be taught in following semesters. Description: Software applications, software development, algorithms, data models, operating system principles, analysis and modeling of natural problems. Computer architecture, PC, peripheral equipment, Internal presentation and data processing. Operating systems. Computer networks, Internet, Internet applications. Basic knowledge of computer programming in a structured language, e.g. Pascal. Use of PC and MS- Windows operational system. Use of Internet applications. Familiarization with PC architecture. Computer programming algorithms and software

development in a structured language e.g. Pascal. Computers and algorithms. Material-software hierarchy, algorithm design, calculation, complexity and correctness of algorithms, computer structure and operation, language programming hierarchy, communication with computers, programming language translatiors, operational systems, artificial intelligence, social effects of computers. Introduction to communication networks. Network operation, network architecture in levels. Data switching methods. High speed and integrated services networks. Signal and image processing methods, algorithms, architectural implementation technologies and applications. Compression, transmission, protection. Control, forecasting and classification. Bibliography: Kilias, S. Kalafatoudis, S. Bakogiannis, E. Bandila, A. Souris, Introduction to Informatics and Computer use, New Technologies Editions, 2002, Computer technology, L. Fotopoulos, Ion Editions, 2003, A. Tsouroplis, S. Klimopoulos, th Introduction to Information Technology, 4 edition, New Technologies Editions, 2003, E. Papathanasiou, Elements of rd Computer systems, 3 edition, Benou Editions, 2003, P. Bozanis, Algorithms, design and analysis, Tziola Editions, 2003, Panetsos, Introduction to Information Technology, Ion Editions, 2003, Mata-Toledo, Ramon A. Schaum Outline of Introduction to Computer Science, McGraw-Hill Education-Europe, 2000, ISBN:0071165967). PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES PRINCIPLES (Aims/Objectives: To familiarize students with the basic principles of programming th and introduce then to Language C. Description: basic programming principles in 4 generation languages. Basic principles of algorithms. The structure of Language C, programming in C, variable declaration, bronchi, tables, functions, structures, character sequence indexes. Bibliography: N. Misirlis, Introduction to programming with C, 2003, P. Aitken & B. Jones, C Manual, M. Giourdas Editions, Zhang, Learn C in 24 hours, M. Giourdas Editions, Waite, Prata, C: Step by step, M. Giourdas Editions, Tah & D orazio, C for mechanics, Tziolas Editions, Bozanis, Algorithms: Design and analysis, Tziolas Editions, H. Schildt, C: The complete Reference.) ENGLISH I (Aims/Objectives: The development and the improvement of the basic skills in writing and speaking so that students will be able to use English language fluently in their everyday life and will successfully cover their communicational needs in academic level at the beginning and their professional needs and international contacts later in life. Description: Studentcentered teaching of the English language with emphasis on language functions, the systematic development of Reading, Speaking, Writing, as well as teaching of grammar and vocabulary using authentic material related to the students interests and aiming at the successful use of language in various communicational situations. Bibliography: Fiona Logden & Kathleen O Brien, English for Adults I, Grivas Puplications, Michael Coles & Basil Lord, Access to English: Turning Point, Oxford English). INFORMATION SOCIETY (Aims/Objectives: To present the significance of the spread of Information Technologies and Communications (ITC), and their applications in society, the restructuring of the way society, organisms and enterprises operate, and the dangers resulting from ITC misuse. Description: Introductory concepts. Historic review. Internet: structure, architecture, characteristics, service providers. The picture of market and modern trends. New professions. The technical-legal background and the international trends. Technological background: Informatics, telematics, technological convergence, digitization and single digital space, interoperability, interconnectivity, standardization and technological platforms. Research and development in information Society. Social principles of communication changes, Public sector and communicational st developments. Communication in the 21 century, information Society and new means of public communication, Information Society for everyone, Access to information technologies as a means of social development, Knowledge society and the role of the EU and governments, Social dimensions: effects on everyday life, education, employment, professions, Mass Media, Knowledge society. Social exlusion and literacy in Information Society, Cultural dimension, linguistic and cultural protection, social organization etc. Bibliography: New possibilities and Perspectives in Information Society, Lazakidou, Klidarithmos, 2004, Internet, Leandros Nikos, Kastaniotis, 2005, In the Century of Information, P. S. Anastasiadis, Livanis, 2000, The season of Techno-culture From Information Society to Vital Life, Kevin Robins, Frank Webster, Kastaniotis, 2002, The information Society: An Introduction, A. Mattelart, Sage Publications, 2003, Society on Line: The Internet In Context, Phillip Howard, Steve st Jones, Sage Publications, 2004, Making The Information Society: An Introduction, James Cortada, Pearson Education, 1 Ed.2001, Theories Of The Information Society, Frank Webster, Routledge,2002).



ALGORITHMS AND DATA STRUCTURE (Aims/Objectives: To introduce students to the basic concepts of data structures and the main classification and search techniques. Description: Introduction to asymptotic estimations, performance, of worst and average case. Basic data structures, like Tables, List, Piles, Fifo Queues, Double queues, Static-Dynamic Trees and their crossovers. Binary Search and Introduction and Analysis of comparative classification algorithms (Introduction, Selection, Bubble, Mixer, Configuration, Heap, Merging), and with distribution classification algorithms (Bucket, Most and Least Significant Digit). Selection and Order Statics. Ordered Dictionaries, like Simple and Balanced Trees (AVL, redblack) and Digital Trees (Trie). Join-Finding in foreign to each other sets. Introduction Fragmentation and Disordered Dictionaries, like Fragmentation with Chains, with Open Addressing, Refragmentation and Extensible Fragmentation. Bibliography: Kilias Christos, Data Structures, New Technologies Editions, 2004, Prof.Papatheodorou Theodoros, Algorithms, University of Patras, 1999, Sanhi Sartaj, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, Tziolas Editions,2004, Lafore Robert, Algorithms and Data Structures in Java, Giourdas M. Editions,2005, P. Bozanis, Algorithms, Design and Analysis, Tziolas Editions,2003). PHYSICS II (Aims/Objectives: To familiarize the students with wave and electromagnetic theory and the application of optics in communications. Description: Waves. Wave equation. Harmonic waves. Longitudinal waves. Transverse waves. Wave reflection. Wave refraction. Wave polarization. Application from electromagnetic waves. Waving, Electromagnetic theory, photons-light, Light scattering, dielectrics, Optic wedges, wave fronts, Light polarization, Light polarization sources, Optically active bodies, Inductive polarization phenomena, Chromatic polarization, Principles of succession, wave interference and coherence, Two beam interference, Several beam interference, Fourier Interferometric spectoroscopy -coherence, Holography. Light diffraction. Geometric optics rules. Huygens principle. Fermat Principle. Ray etching. Gauss optics. Images Lenses. Fourier optics. Bibliography: Physics, Part A, Halliday-Resnick, John Wiley & Sons, translated in Greek by G. Pnevmatiko and G. st Peponidi, Physics, Vol. 1 , E. Hecht, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Company., Fundamentals of waves, optics and modern Physics, H. D. Young, Physics for scientists and engineers, Vol. II, R. A. Serway, translated in Greek By L. K. Resvani, Korfiatis rd Publications, 3 edition., Physics optics, R. W. Wood). CALCULUS II (Aims/Objectives: To introduce students to concepts of concepts of higher Mathematics, the function theory of many variables, the complex analysis and Fourier analysis as well their applications in signal transmission and communication systems. Description: Many variable functions, partial derivative, peaks and lows of many variable functions applications, Lagrange multipliers. Double and triple integrals. Infinite sequences, series power series. Power series derivative and integration. Elements of complex analysis and Fourier analysis. Bibliography: Kiventidis Thomas, Integral Function Calculus, Ziti Editions, 2005, Kartsaklis A., Drossos L., Higher Mathematics, Arakinthos Editions, 2005, Xenos Thanassis, Mathematical Analysis Volume II, Ziti Editions 2005, Kiventidis Thomas, Higher Mathematics Ziti Editions 2005). DISCRETE MATHEMATICS(Aims/Objectives: To introduce students to the basic of the theory of sets, grahemes, graphoalgorithms etc. for a better understanding of the digital computer operations. Description: Theory of sets, Propositional calculus, combinational analysis. Introduction to the theory of graphemes, grapheme algorithms and their application to optimization problems. Sequences, asymptotic symbols. Backward equation, generators, Functions and their use in solving nd backward equations and combinational problems. Bibliography: Seymour Lipschutz Mark Lipson, Discreet Mathematics 2 th Edition Scaum series, Tziola Editions, 2003, Richard Johnsonbaugh, Discreet Mathematics, 6 Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall rd Edition, 2005, Susanna S. EPP, Discreet Mathematics with Applications 3 Edition, Brooks/Cole- Thomson Learning th Editions,2004, Kenneth H. Roses, Discreet Mathematics and its Applications 5 Edition, McGraw- Hill Editions,2003). SIGNAL AND SYSTEMS (Aims/Objectives: To introduce students to the basic techniques for the analysis and study of signals and systems of both discreet and indiscreet time and to present mathematical concepts necessary to a plethora of applicarions in the wider area of the engineers science. Description: Classification of Communication Systems. Analog system Transmission AM, FM Modulation and Demodulation, Effect of channel noise and modules, Mixing, DFM. Base band transmission of digital data, binary Systems PAM, symbol interference effect (ISI, equalizers) noise effect (excellent receiver). Digital data transmission with carrier modulation, binary systems of digital modulation SK, FSK, PSK, DPSK, excellent receptors and performance comparison, power and spectrum width requirements. Introduction to PCM systems. Analog system transmission and noise effect: Review of analog system transmission. Transmission and reception of radio and television. Noise effect on analog systems. Threshold phenomenon on analog systems. Digital transmission of analog signals: Elemens from the theory and

practice of sampling and various ways of analog signal quantization. PCM, DPCM coding and delta. TDM multiplex elements. Effect of quantization noise and channel on the signal to noise ratio. Comparison of the analog signal transmission methods. Coding elements for error checking: error type and coder classification. Linear block coders. Binary cyclic codes and their special performance subclasses. Principles of convolutional codes. Comparison and performance limits of various correction classes and error detection. Bibliography: Introduction to Signal Processing and System Theory, S. Theodoridid, Tipothito, 2003, Introduction to communications, Kokkinakis, Simmetria, Introduction to Communications, Konstantinou, Papasotiriou, Communication Systems, Haykin, Papasotiriou, Theories and problems in Digital Signal Processing, Hayes M., Tziola, Basic Signal Processing Techniwues, Moustakidis, Tziola, Analog and Digital Communications, HSU, Tziola, Digital and Analog Communication Systems, Shanmugan, Pnevmatikos). NEW ECONOMY (Aims/Objectives: To familiarize students with the new economic environment created by the increasing effect of Telecommunication Enterprises in the Global Economy. Description: Definition components of the New Economy (Technological progress, Internet, Labor productivity, Total coefficient productivity vs Capital deepening), Measurement of the New Economy extent, the New Economy as an extent component (production, employment, ICT commerce, Use of ICT services, internet connection, globalization and ICT), Effects (the role that ICT plays in the development of economic enlargement, the development of territorial and income inequalities, and the promotion of economic development), Economic enlargement (increase of product and productivity in ICT branches, Contribution to enlargement from ICT use), geographical production concentration (the weightless economy and the end of distance, concentration of ICT activities), Economic Inequalities, Perspectives for the economic growth, Policies for the New Economy (Technology spread, Competition in the telecommunications market, internet dissemination,Education, High technology financing, Institutional framework). Bibliography: New Economy, Internet and Electronic Commerce, Katsoulakos, Strategic Guide in Network Economy, Sapino Varian, Kastaniotis, Weaving the World Wide Web, Berners Tim Lee, Govostis, New Economy: new myth, Gadrey Taylor & Francis ltd, Creating the New Economy, Norton r. d. Edward Elgar Publishing ltd, The Global Internet Economy, Bruct Kqut (ed.), MIT Press, The Internet Upheaval, MIT Press, Web Theory, Burnett, Marshall, Taylor & Francis ltd). ENGLISH II (Aims/Objectives: The teaching of English language that is used in computer technology. Emphasis is given on the development of vocabulary and on the accuracy of grammatical structures at an intermediate level. Processing of specialized texts aiming at the development of strategies facilitating the understanding of authentic Information technology texts. Description: Development of the reading and writing skills using English related to the specialized field of computing. Successful oral communication. Practice of letter writing. Bibliography: Keith Boeckner & P. Charles Brown, Oxford English for Computing, Oxford University Press). MICROELECTRONICS I (Aims/Objectives: To familiarize students with the fundamental concepts of Microelectronics as well as electronic circuits. Description: Electomagnetic systems, Linear circuitsioperational amplifiers , contact Diodes-Non linear circuit applications Junction Field Effect Transistors (JFET)- Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (MOS-FET)Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)-polarization- Transistors models- Single stage amplifiers- the transistor as a switch- SPICE response time- Integraded circuits- Technology of integrated circuits construction High frequency transistors- modern Microelectronic devices (MESFETs, HEMTs, SENSONs etc). Bibliography: Paul Malvino, Basic Electronics, Tziola Editions,1990, S. Paktiti, General Electronics, I. N. Editions,1986, Milman-Grabel, Microelectronics, Tziola Editions, H. Georgopoulou, Electronics,1989, J. Milman-H. Halkia, Integraded Electronics, TEE Edition, 1987, Sentra/Smith, Microelectronic Circuits Volume A, Greek translation by G. Papapanos, Informatics sector , Th. Deligiannis, Electonics, Eugenidou Institution, 2004, . J. Cavagh, Digital Computer Arithmetic, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984, K. Hawng, Computer Arithmetic, John Wiley, New York, 1979, M. M. Mano, Computer Engineering: Hardware Design, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988).



DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (Aims/Objectives: To familiarize students with both ordinary and partial differential equations, the concept of their solutions as well as their applications with emphasis of the electromagnetic wave transmission. Description: General presentation and classification of ordinary differential equations. The concept of an ordinary equation solution, solving methods for linear and non linear equations and for linear ordinary differential equations. Examples of differential equations in electrostatics, magnetostatics, and telecommunications. Introduction to partial differential equations and electromagnetic waves equations and plane waves transmission. Bibliography: Stavrakis Nikos, Ordinary Differential Equations, Papasotiriou Editions, 1997, Clay, Roos C., D ifferential Equations, Springer-Verlag Editions New York Inc 2004, Kravaritis-Padelidis, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Ziti Editions, 2002, Trahanas, Stefanos L., Partial Differential Equations, Univercity of Crete Editions, 2001). OPERATING SYSTEMS (Aims/Objectives: To familiarize students with the basic principles of the operating system design and their applications with Unix operating system. Description: Operating system categories, processes. Interproccesing communication and process time- programming, memory management and page substitution algorithms, pagination algorithm modeling, total work model, archiving systems and protection mechanisms, deadlocks and detection, avoidance and prevention policies. Bibliography: Operating Systems Design Principles. William Stallings, Tziola Editions, ISBN 9604180029, 2003, Modern Operating Systems, A. S. Tanenbaum, Klidarithmos Editions, ISBN 9602095865, 2002, Operating System Conceots, th 6 Edition, Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0471417432, Unix: Theory & Practice, Kostas N., Yalelis New Technologies Editions, ISBN 9202207418, The Unix Programming Environment, Kernigham & Pike, ISBN 9602090138). OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (Aims/Objectives: To familiarize the students with object-oriented programming with the use of Java programming language. Description: Object-oriented philosophy, history and its applications. Concepts of objectoriented philosophy (object, class, method, message information hiding, lock on, data abstraction etc) Methodologies for objecr-oriented analysis and information systems design. Elements of object-oriented programming languages. Implementation of user inerfaces. Exceptions. File management. Java programming and exercises. Bibliography: Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. th Deitel, Java Programming, 6 Edition, M. Giourdas Editions, Athina 2005, Else Lervik and Vegard, B. Havdal, Java with UML, Klidarithmos Editions, Athina 2003, Yanni Kavoura, Java Programming, Klidarithmos Editions, Athina 2003, Rogers Cadenhead and Laura Lemay, Full Java 2 Manual, M. Giourdas Editions, Athina 2003, Giorgos Liakeas, Introduction to Java, ISBN 9602094311, Klidarithmos Editions, 2001, Kleanthis Thraboulidis, Object-oriented Java Programming, ISBN 9602094311 rd 3 Edition, Tziola Editions.) COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE (Aims/Objectives: To familiarize students with the basic principles of computer operation at material level, its structural parts and their association in their communication. Description: Brief review to sequential circuits. Refernce to flip-flop, counters, registers, ROM, RAM. Presentation of the structural parts of a computer. CPU, analysis and operation. Memory, types of memory, operations, Peripheral computer parts. Communication channels. Their cooperation for the execution of software commands. Brief description of the operations of operating systems. Bibliography: Andrew S. Tatenbaum, Computer Architecture, 2003 ISBN 9602094036, Hamacher V. V., Vranesic Z. G., Zaky SG, Computer organization, th rd 4 Edition NY McGraw Hill 1996, Hayes J. P., Computer Architecture and Organisation, 3 Edition NY McGraw Hill 1998). ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS (Aims/Objectives: To teach students the concept of algorithm analysis as well as the design techniques and methodologies. Description: This subject is an introduction to the design techniques and mathematical analysis of the algorithm properties, with a view to finding the temporal and spatial computer complexity at an average, worst and best case. The topics covered include: general algorithm design techniques like divide and conquer, dynamic programming and avid algorithms. Basic concepts of algorithm analysis, e.g. average, worst and distributed behavior. Introduction to graph algorithms, graph representation and crossover, connective components, powerfully connective components and biconnectivity, least covered trees, shorter paths, runs and matchings. Basic string algorithms. Competitive analysis and on-line algorithms. Numerical algorithms and RSA. Introduction to NP completeness and its classes, approximate algorithms, algorithm design and NPC problems. Bibliography: Panagiotis Bozanis, Algorithms-Design and Analysis, Tziola Editions, 2003, Gregory Rawlings, Algorithms-Analysis and Compasrion, Kritiki Editions, 2004, Gilles Brassard and Paul Bratley, Algorithms-Theory and practice, st 1 Edition, Prentice Hall 1998, Anany Levithin, Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Addison Wesley, 2003,

Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson and Ronald Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms, 1 Edition, MIT Press, 1990, Robert Sedgewick and Philippe Flajolet, An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms, Addison Wesley, 1996, Steven Skienna, The Algorithm Design Manual, Springer- Telos, 1998, Michael Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, Algorithm Dsign Foundations, Analysis and Internet Examples, John Wiley, 2002). TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS I (Aims/Objectives: To familiarize students with the fundamental concepts of Telecommunications and Telecommunication System. Description: Analog modulation methods: AM, AM-SC, NB-FM, WB-FM, PAM. Efficiency of analog modulation systems under noise, amplitude modulations, frequency modulations, FM systems with threshold extension, FM systems with de-emphasis, pulse modulation, Telecommunication lines theory: homogenous line equations, homogeneous line parameters, properties of telecommunication lines, traveling waves, the homogeneous line under operation, lines with special characteristics, graphic representation of reflection coefficient Smith map, crosstalk in cross lines and lines with amplifiers, line equalizing, telephony transmission: voice and telephone speech signal, telephone link, telephone network. Bibliography: Taub, Schiling, Principles of Telecommunication Systems, Tziolas Editions, Konstantinou, Introduction to Telecommunications, Papasotiriou Editions, Haykin, Communication Systems, Papasotiriou Editions, Alexopoulou, th Telecommunications and Computer Networks, 6 edition, Aftoekdosi Editions, Cole, Marion, Introduction to Telecommunications, Pearson Higher Education Editions, P. Kottis, Modulation, Signal Transmission, Tziola Editios, H. Kapsalis, P. Kottis, Satellite Communications, Tziola Editions, H. Kapsalis, P. Kottis, Antenne- Wireless links, Tziola Editions, Maral-Bousquet, Sattelite Communications, Tziola Editions, G. Agrawal, Fiber Optic Communication Systems, Tziola Editions).


4 SEMESTER TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS II (Aims/Objectives: Students should get a detailed knowledge of the advanced concepts of Telecommunications and Telecommunication Systems. Description: Coding, base band transmission, carrier transmission, pulse distortion, intersymbolic interference ,(repetition), Nyquist criteria, equalizers, matched filter, partial response coding, complex amplitude systems, HDBn codes, base band system performance under noise: reception without a matched filter, reception with a matched filter, carrier transmission: OOK modulation methods, FSK, PSK, DPSK, QPSK( repetition), block multiplexing and demultiplexing, complex amplitude and phase modulation system( n PSK, OAM, TCM-Trellis), MODEMS, performance of carrier transmission systems under noise: Modulations OOK, FSK, PSK, QPSK, Error detection and correction coding Coding and st decoding of linear block codes, decoding performance of linear block codes, cyclical codes, convolutional codes, 1 and higher class PCM systems, synchronization, PCM system performance under noise, digital networks: the OSI model, ISDN network, synchronous and asynchronous digital hierarchy, intelligent networks, digital microwave beam systems, digital satellite links, optical networks: photoemittor, photo detector, optical link, optical switch. Bibliography: Taub, Schilling, Principles of Telecommunication Systems, Tziolas Editions, Konstantinou, Introduction to Telecommunications, Papasotiriou Editions, th Haykin, Communication Systems, Papasotiriou Editions, Alexopoulou, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, 6 Edition, Aftoekdosi Editions, Cole, Marion, Intoduction to Telecommunications, Pearson Higher Education Editions, P. Kottis, Modulations, Signal Transmission, Tziola Editions, H. Kapsalis, P. Kottis, Satellite Communications, Tziola Editions, H. Kapsalis, P. Kottis, Antennae, Wireless Links, Tziola Editions, Maral-Bousquet, Satellite Communications, Tziola Editions, A. Bateman, Digital Communications, Tziola Editions, G. Agrawal, Fiber Optic Communication Systems, Tziola Editions). DATABASE SYSTEMS DESIGN (Aim/Objectives: Introduction to the basic idea of Databases. Description: Modern Computer Systems are based on a database where a plethora of data are stored , retrieved and processed. Besides, with the coupling of telecommunication systems with modern computer systems we have complex structures which are processed by some databases. In this subject students will be introduced to the architecture of a database, will learn the data design, storage and retrieval methods and their presentation and archiving methods. Bibliography : R. Elmasri S. B. Navathe, Fundamental rd Principles of Database Systems, Volume A, 3 Edition 2001, Diavlos Editions, M. Xenos, D. Christodoulakis, Database, HOU, Patra, 2000, ISBN 960-538-116-8, Ulman J. D., Widom J., A First Course in Database Systems, Prentice Hall, 1997, Ulman J.D., Principles of Database Systems, Computer Science Press, 1982. For the laboratory: M. Leontios- A. Gavana, ECDL 7 in 1 step by step (Acess 2002), B Giourdas Editions., N. Sidiropoulos-N. Hatzigeorgiou Windows and Office XP (Database) ECDL Advanced Series, Volume 3, Libris-Tech A.E. Editions). SPECIFICATION LANGUAGES (Aims/Objectives: Students will be introduced to the basic principles that govern modern analysis and design languages of telecommunication systems. Description: The complexity of telecommunication systems demands the use of modern methodologies and tools. In the framework of the particular subject, there will be an introduction of the basic principles of demand systems analysis with the use of advanced design and demand analysis languahes. There wiil also be introduced the basic principles that govern the modern computer models of modern languages. At the same time students will be taught the basic concepts concerning the modern system analysis languages such as UML, SysML, Statecharts, SDL, Petrinets, Message Sequence Charts, Process Networks, VHDL, SystemC, Verilog, System Verilog and SpecC. Binliography: Peter Mawedel, Embedded System Design, Springer, 2006, Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, Morgan Kaufman, 2004). PROBABILITY AND QUEUEING THEORY (Aims/Objectives: Students are presented with the basic concepts and tools of analysis, the system models of computers and communications, queuing and the networks theory. Description: Probability axioms, committed probability, independence. Random variable distributions and density functions. Functions of a random variable. Average value and deviation. Characteristic function, random vectors, frequency distributions. Functions of random vectors. Moments, commited average value. Evaluation of least squares. Random variable sequences and convergence. Limit theorems. Introduction to computer system and communication models. The ququing systems M/D/1, M/M/n/k/N, K/G/1 and G/G/1. Open and closed networks of Markovianic queues, Jackson networks. Simulation models of distinguished events, data analysis. Sampling theory. Evaluation of characteristic parameters of random variables from observations. Evaluation of average value and variability. Evaluation of confidence intervals. Hypothesis checking. Bibliography:R. Yates and David Goodman, Probability and Stochastic Processes: A Friendly Introduction for Electrical and Computer Engineers, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471272140, A. Leon-Garcia, Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering, Addison-Wesley, ISBN:


020150037x, Donald Gross, Cari M. Harris, Fundamentals of Queuing Theory (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics), John Wiley, ISBN:0471170836, Giovanni Gimbene, Queuing Theory and Telecommunication, Springer, ISBN:0387240659). NETWORKS I (Aims/Objectives: Teaching of the basic principles of design, Protocols and architecture of computer networks as well as modern trends. Apart from how computer networks work, emphasis will be given on why they work in the particular way. Description: Introduction to communication networks and the services the provide. Design principles, architecture at levels, OSI model and Internet. Information transmission, switching, multiplexing. Natural level: signal transmission, coding, synchronization, framing. Data connection level: framing, error control, retransmission protocols. Local networks: medium access control, Ethernet, Tokem Ring, FDDI, Wireless. Network level: Nomenclature, addressing, address resolution, routing, IP th protocol (Internet Protocol). Bibliography:Computer and Data Communications, W. Stallings, 6 edition, Tziolas, 2003, nd Computer Networks, J. Warland, 2 edition, translation by L. Merakos & I. Stavrakis., Computer Networks, S. S. Tatenbaum, th 4 edition, Klidarithmos, 2003, Computer Networking, A top-down approach featuring the Internet, J. K. Kurose, K. W. Ross, rd nd 3 edition, Addison Wesley, 2005, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, L. Peterson & B. Davie, 2 edition, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2002, Data Communications and Networking, Behrouz a Forouzan, McGraw Hill). APPLIED ENGLISH FOR TELECOM (Aims/Objectives: The teaching of English language as a communication means in Telecommunications. Students should be able to effectively use terminology in the production and reception of oral and written language. Description: Teaching of English for Specific Purposes related to the specific subject and knowledge of the specific terminology in English. Practice of all skills and study of basic users of the English language within a communicational linguistic context related to the specific specialty subject. Bibliography: Jeremy Comfort et al., English for the Telecommunications Industry, Oxford English).



NETWORKS II (Aim/Objectives: The teaching of network technology based on packet switching and the acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary for the design and analysis of modern, big networks. Description: Transport level: services provided by transport level. Quality of service. Transport protocols. Addressing. Multiplexing. Connection management, flow and congestion control TCP( Transport Control Protocol). The session level: services provided by the session level. Data exchange , dialogue management. Synchronism, the customer-service unit model, orphan procedures. RPC. Introduction to Multicasting. Internet Group Management Protocol(IGMP) and Multicast Backbone (MBONE).Field Nomenclature Services. Mail Management Systems( 822, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, X400). Introduction to Network management. Protocol IPv6. Introduction to network security. Introduction to ATM networks. Bibliography: Computer and Data Communications, W. th nd Stallings, 6 Edition, Tziolas, 2003, Communication Networks, J. Warland, 2 Edition, translated by L. Merakos & I. th Stavrakakis, Computer Networks, A. S. Tatenbaun, 4 Edition, Klidarithmos, 2003, Computer Networking, A Top-Down rd Approach Featuring the Internet, J. K. Kurose, K.W. Ross, 3 Edition, Addison Wesley 2005, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, L. Peterson & B. Davie, 2rd edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2000, Douglas Comer, Networks and Computer Internets, Klidarithmos, 2003). VOICE CODING AND TRANSMISSION (Aim/Objectives: To familiarize students with voice coding and transmission in hybrid telecommunication networks and data networks. Description: Basic characteristics of voice signal. Voice compression methods. Voice coding on mobile telephony. Speech recognition methods. Telephone traffic theory. Telephone exchange. Structure. Congestion. Erlang. Congestion measures. Erlang, Poison, Engest, Bernoulli systems. The telephone network as a carrier and its services. Network structure. Management( TMN). The telephone set( microphone, receiver, induction coil, acoustic attenuation, feed, tec.). Quality of servise. Types of exchange: electromechanical exchange( levels of concentration, distribution, dispersion etc). Manual and subscriber exchange. Digital telephone exchange. Digital exchange structure. Digital selection units with space and time separation. Synchronization. Types of digital exchange control. Digital exchange programming. Kinds of signaling. Signaling no 7. Integrated Services Digital Network( ISDN). Intelligent Network (IN). The countrys digital telephone systems AXE 10 and EWSD. Voice transmission to packet networks. Voice coding to data networks. Data networks architectures for voice transmission. Modules (VoIP Gateway-Controllers ), hybrid networks. Bibliography: John C. Bellamy, Digital telephony, John Wiley, Roger Freeman, Telecommunication System Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, John G. van Boss, Signaling in Telecommunication Networks, John Wiley & Sons, Bhumip Khasnabish, Imlementing Voice Over IP, John Wiley & Sons, Oliver Hersent, Jean-Pierre Petit, David Gurle, IP Technology : Deploying voiceover IP Protocols, John Wiley &Sons). DESIGN OF TELECOM PROTOCOL (Aims/Objectives: To help students understand the basic principles governing the design of modern communication protocols. Description: Analysis of the design , verification and implementation methodology of a protocol. Finite states machines, protocol structure, error control, flow control, protocol design with the use of formalistic methods, correctness requirements, protocol verification models, protocol implementation, conformity control. Bibliography: Jan Ellsberger, Dieter Hogrefe, Amardeo Sarma, SDL: Formal Object-Oriented Language for Communication Systems, Prentice Hall, 2005, Laurent Doldi, Validation of Telecom systems with SDL, John Wiley & Sons, 2003, Andreas Mitschele-Thiel, Systems Engineering with SDL: Developing Performance-Critical Communication Systems, John Willey & Sons,2001). INTERNET PROGRAMMING (Aims/Objectives: Aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge in the field of dynamic website design and development. After the completion of the course, students should have comprehended the basic design principles of complex websites and database interlinking, they should have developed practical skills on script languages such as PHP or / and JSP along with their connection with databases. What is more, should have developed basic skills in Web Servers Management. Description : HTML Programming and Java applets, CGI, Active Server Pages, Java Server Pages, Java socket stream interface and RMI, Web Servers( IIJ, Apache), Scripting Languages (Perl, PHP). Bibliography: Julie Meloni, Learn PHP, MySQL & Apache- All in one, Giourdas Editions, 2004, L. Atkinson, Z. Suraski, The complete guide to PHP 5, Giourdas Editions, 2004, Bruce Perry, Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook, OReilly, 2003, Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, T. R. Neito, Ted Lin, st Praveen Sadhu, XML How to Program, 1 Edition, ISBN: 0130284173, 2001). NETWORK SIMULATION (Aims/Objectives: This course aims at the study of Computer Networks science, and combines theoretical and practical lessons , using the network simulation software. It is a fact that the wide development of

microelectronics , optical fibers and the constantly increasing demand for electronic terminals interconnection, have led to the opening of the Computer Network gates. The course is designed in a way to meet the undergraduate level of students. Description: Modeling of communication networks with the help queue hold networks (Open and Closed networks), Arithmetic solving of models (convolution algorithm, average value analysis, etc.) Emulation of communication networks (statistical emulation method, acceleration method and dispersion minimization methods). Emulation software. Bibliography : Data and th nd Computer Communication, 6 ed. By William Stallings, Prentice Hall 2000, Communication Networks: A First Course; 2 ed. by Jean Warland, McGraw-Hill 1998, Networking and Data Communications Laboratory Mannual, by Frances S. Grodzinski, Prentice Hall 1999, Introduction to ATM, Design and Performance; by J. M. Pitts, J. A. Schormans,1996, Telecommunications th and Computer Networks, Aris Alexopoulos, George Lagogiannis, 5 Edition , Athina, 1999, Emulation of Computer Networks, An. Tsoulfas, An. Pomportsis, Tziola Edition, 2001). DESIGN OF TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (Aims/Objectives: Students will be introduced to the basic principles governing the design and implementation of modern embedded telecommunication systems. Description: In the framework of this course unit there will be an introduction to the basic principles governing the design and implementation of modern embedded telecommunication systems. More specially, the course will focus on the basic design principles of the material for embedded telecommunication systems, and at the same time it will introduce the basic principles of operating systems and routing for embedded systems for telecommunications. Moreover, it will analyze issues concerning the implementation of material/software systems, such as methodologies, tools and techniques. Finally, it will introduce issues related to the validation and confirmation phases of systems as well as the existing techniques of formal confirmation. Bibliography: Peter Mawedel, Embedded System Design, Springer, 2006, Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, Morgan Kaufman, 2004).



SECURITY AND RELIABILITY OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (Aims/Objectives: Understanding of basic issues concerning the security of modern network systems and infrastructures. Description: Introduction, Threat Categories, Susceptibility points, Counter measures, Network Security Architecture OSI, Internet Security Architecture, Applications, Electronic Security Gateways, Technologies for the Protection of Privacy and Anonymity, Control Technologies of access to Internet, Basic Reliability Principles, Reliability modeling, Numerical calculation techniques of reliability, Calculation of reliability with the use of non exponential distributions, Analysis of network and telecommunication systems reliability. Reliability of the human factor. Conceptual foundation conditions of network system security. Access control. Security models. Operating systems security, Unix, Windows NT. Network protocol analysis in terms of security. Safe protocol design. Dealing with security instances in a network environment. Network reliability parameters. Protocol reliability. Use of redundant communication lines and active elements. Security Models of Information Systems, Analysis and Management of Information System Risks: Methodologies and available tools CRAMM, COBRA I software. Applied Cryptography Elements: classical cryptographic methods. Symmetric and Asymmetric cryptosystems. Message Authentication Codes. Digital Signatures. Certification Services Providers: user requirements, services provided, technological solutions, policies od conservation and certificate provision, supervision methods and evaluation techniques. Public key infrastructure Applications. Bibliography: Th. Komninos, P. Spirakis Network and Computer Systems Security, Ellinika Grammata, Gritzalis, Katsikas, Computer Network Security, Papasotiriou, 2004, E. Economou, Network Security and their Management, Papasotiriou, 2004, Collective, Computer Network Security, Tziolas, G. Pagalos, I. Mavridis, Computer System and Network Security, Anikoula Editions, A. Souris, D. Patsos, N. Gregoriadis, Information Security in computers, in internet, in our everyday life, New Technologies Editions). WIRELESS SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS (Aims/Objectives: Understanding of the fundamental concepts for wireless local and wide area networks as well as their design techniques. Description: Wireless Communication Systems with Micro cells: CT2 and DECT. Wireless Local Networks: IEE 802.11, HIPERLAN/2. Future Personal Communication System, platforms of service provision and support and charging issues. Integration of fixed and mobile networks, the IEEE 802.16 protocol, extension of ATM technology into wireless micro cell wideband networks. Mobile interneting, Macromobility and Micromobility in IP, Cellular IP.Emphasis will be given os support issues concerning service quality, mobility management, users charging, service support platforms (MEXe, OSA) as well as on the convergence of telecommunication networks with data networks. Bibliography: G. Maral, M. Bousquet, Satellite Communications, Tziola Editions, Makropoulos Dimitrios, Tropospheric radionetworks and Satellite Communications, I. N. Editions, John Kraus, Antennae, Tziola Editions). MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS (Aims/Objectives: To familiarize the students with the basic design, operation and application principles of mobile communication networks (GSM, GPRS, UMTS, WLAN IEEE 802.1X, HIPERLAN). Description: The basic-cell idea. The GSM-GPRS network. Network architecture, network design, Protocols and call-signaling management. The UMTS network. Network architecture, network design, Protocols and call-signaling management. The IEEE 801.11 specification. Network architecture, network design, Protocols and management of data-signaling transmission. HIPERLAN description. Combination of mobile communication networks. Bibliography: T. S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications-principles and practice, Prentice Hall, ISBN 013375536, W. C. Y. Lee, Mobile Communications Engineering, McGraw Hill, NY 1982, ISBN 0070370397, Steele R., Mobile radio Communications IESS Press 1992, Caterda and Peter-Arriaga, Cell planning for wireless communications, Artech House, 1999, ISBN 089006019). OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS (Aims/Objectives: Understanding of the basic principles concerning the modern optical communication networks. Description: Optical links: Introductory to the organization of an optical link, the main phenomena and calculation elements of point to point link. Structural elements: Passive elements( optical fibers, couplers and arrestors, multiplexers, and wavelength multiplexers, tuned filters). Active elements: laser diodes, photo detectors, optical amplifiers, semiconductor amplifiers , Ervic impurity fiber amplifiers and their applications to links and Optical fiber networks. Optical links: Introductory to an optical link organization, the main phenomena and calculation elements of point to point link. Modulation, detection and demodulation of optical signals, Signals with sub-carrier frequencies, Topological network organization, layered architectures and network control, Multiple access- Switching and Performance, third generation links and performance, third generation links in operation, Multipoint third generation link in operation , Third generation networks in operation. Bibliography: I. Groving P. Agrawal, Optical Fiber Communication Systems, Tziola Editions, J. Gowar, Optical Communication Systems, Prentice Hall, 1984, J. M. Senior, Optical Fiber Communications, Prentice Hall, 1985).

REAL-TIME SYSTEMS (Aims/Objectives: Aim of the course is to help student comprehend the basic design principles of real time systems. Description: Implementation theory of real time systems, architectures and operating systems for time sharing and performance assurance in worst case scenarios. Analysis and routing techniques. Requirements in methodologies and analysis languages. Confirmation and validation techniques for real time systems. Bibliography : Jane W. S. Liu, Real time Systems,Prentice Hall,2000, Albert M. K. Cheng, Real Time Systems: Scheduling, Analysis, and Verification, Willey&Sons,2002). WIRELESS NETWORKS (Aim/Objectives: Aim of the course is to introduce students to innovative wireless networks, such as IEE802.11,WiMax. Description: Micro cell-based wireless communication systems: CT2 and DECT. Wireless local area networks IEEE 802.11, HIPERLAN. Future personal communication systems, Service provider and support platforms and billing issues. Integration of mobile and fixed networks, the IEEE 802.16 protocol, Extension of ATM technology into wireless broadband micro cell networks. Mobile internetting, macromobility and micromobility in IP, cellular IP. Emphasis will be given on matters of quality of service support, mobility management, user billing, services support platforms (MEXe, OSA) as well as on the convergence of telecommunication networks with data networks. Bibliography: Wireless Communication: Principles and Practice, Theodore S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall, 1996, ISBN 0780311671, The Comprehensive Guide to Wireless Technologies, Lawrence Harte, T. Schaffnit, Steven Kellogg, Richard Dreher, Nancy Campbell, Steve Kellogg, Lisa Gosselin, Judith Rourkest OBriant, 1 edition, A P D G Publishing,1998 ISBN:0965065847, Wireless Communications: TDMA Versus CDMA, by Savo G. nd Glisic(Editor), Pentii A. Leppanen,1997, ISBN :0792380053, Schiller J, Mobile Communications, 2 Edition, Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0-321-12381-6).



PRINCIPLES OF LAW AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS LEGISLATION (Aim/Objectives: Students should became aware of the institutional framework in which they are going to work and also sensitive to issues concerning their compliance with the institutional framework in force governing telecommunications. Description: General concepts of Law- Public and Private LawConstitution and freedom to communicate. Provision analysis of the law N.2867/2000 Organization and Operation of telecommunications. Provision analysis of the law N.3115/2003 Safeguarding principles of the telecommunications confidentiality. Internet Law: Electronic document Electronic signature , provision of access services and provider responsibility, pantening and use of domain name, personal data protection, copyright protection. Industrial relations, information society, new technologies. New labor data and developments in telecommunications and informatics. Technology and modern working environments. The new role of employers in modern working methods in the light of the new developments. Bibliography: C. Sharipo, H. Varian, Information Rules, Harvard Business School Press, 1999, Chapter 10( Information Policy), H. Varian, Microeconomic Analysis, Norton, 1992, Chapter 25(Information), B. M. Mitchell, I. Volgersang, Telecommunication Pricing: Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press,1991, Chapter 6 (Cost-based pricing), European Commission Recommendations, References of International Regulatory Authorities). OPTIMIZATION PRINCIPLES (Aims/Objectives: To familiarize students with the basic concepts of optimization procedures, the algorithms available for the solution of graph problems and their use of dealing with resource management problems. After the completion of this course students should have understood the procedures of modeling and solving resource management problems in a systematic way. At the same time they should have developed practical skills for the optimum material and human resources management. Description: Decision trees. Color graph. Connection problems. Linear and network programming. Multicriteria optimization. The covering problem. Introduction to post heuristic algorithms. Approximation algorithms. Stochastic post heuristic algorithms. Forbidden research. An colony optimization. Genetic algorithms. Bibliography: M. S. Bazaraa, J. L. Javris & H. D. Sherali, 1990, Linear Programming and Network Flows, John Wiley& Sons, C. H. Papadimitriou & K. Steiglitz, 1982, Combinational Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity, Prentice Hall, S. Walukiewicz 1991, Integer Programming , Kluwer Academic Publishers, F. Hillier, G. J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, Higher Education 2004, V. Vazirani, Approximation Algorithms, Springer- Verlag 2001, W. J. Cook, W. H. Cunningham, W. R. Pulleybank, A. Schriver, Compination Optimization, John Wiley &Sons Inc.,1997). NETWORK MANAGEMENT (Aims/Objectives: Aim of the course is the description of network management operations, the management systems architecture, the management information description standards and the management protocols. Description: Network management applications and architectures. Etching of network modulation. Modulation databases. ASN.1 Auto discovery. Introduction to the SNMP protocol. Error management. Error detection and isolation. Event correlation techniques. Advanced characteristics of the SNMP protocol and versions 2 and 3 of the protocol. Network security management. Accountancy tracking and performance, network usage, usage limits. Remote network monitoring (RMON): statistics, alarms, filters, traffic monitoring for network protocols, application level visibility. Management tools, systems and applications. Broadband network management. Network management perspectives. Bibliography: Eleftherios Oikonomou, Management of Telecommunication networks, ISBN: 9609168000, Mani Subramanian, Network Management: Principles and Practice, ISBN: 0-201-35742-9, J. Richard Burke , Network Management : Concepts and Practice, A Hands-On Approach( rd Hardcover), ISBN: 0130329509, William Stallings, SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON 1 and 2 (3 Edition), ISBN: 0-20148534-6.). NETWORK DESIGN (Aims/Objectives: Analysis of technologies and methodologies for the design of local area networks and wide area networks, in order to meet up specific requirements of performance , security, capacity and expandability. Description: General principles and methodology of network design. Network structure models( hierarchical model and complex business network model). Transmission means, networking devices and design models for local area networks. Technologies and design models for wide area networks. Performance , network availability and backup connection creation in wide area networks. Design of VPN and DSL WAN networks. Network security. Network addressing with IPv4 & IPv6, design of IP subnets. Transition techniques from IPv4 to IPv6. Selection criteria for routing protocols (RIP,OSPF,IGRP,EIGRP,BGP,IS-IS nd ).Network Management. Bibliography : Priscilla Oppenheimer, Top-Down Network Design (2 Edition), Cisco Press, James D. McCade, Network Analysis, Architecture and Design, Second Edition, Morgan Kaufmann).

SENSOR NETWORKS (Aims/Objectives: Aim of the course, is for students to comprehend the basic theoretical principles of wireless sensor networks, understand the matters that affect and direct such an installation, and finally, study already implement applications. Description: Sensor technology and architecture, Networking, routing, Data storage, operation distribution and control, Distributed signal processing, Sensor networks security. Introduction to the wireless sensor networks, basic principles and theoretical background, ad-hoc sensor network development methodology, application areas and application case studies. Basic networking methodologies (directed scattering, information unification, other alternative methods). Efficient power management, encoding, reliable signal processing, MAC, capacity estimation, co-operative signal processing, error tolerance, connection level, security issues. Bibliography: Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach, Feng Zhao and Leonidas Guibas, Morgan Kaufmann, 2004, Lessons from a Sensor Network Expedition, Robert Szewczyk, Joseph Polastre, Alan Mainwaring, and David Culler, EWSN04, Implementing Software on ResourceConstrained Mobile Sensors: Experiences with Impala and ZebraNet , Ting Liu, Christopher Sadler, Pei Zhang and Margaret Martonosi, MobiSys 2004, Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring , Alan Mainwaring, Joseph Polastre, Robert Szewczyk, Danid Culler, and John Anderson, WSNA 02, An Energy-Efficient Surveillance System Using Wireless Sensor Networks, Tian He , Sudha Krishnamurthy, John A. Stankovic, Tarec Abdeizaher, Liqian Luo, Radu Stoleru, Ting Yan, Lin Gu, Jonathan Hui, and Bruce Krogh, MobiSys 04, Two-Tiered Wireless Sensor Network Architecture for Structural Health Monitoring , Venkata A. Kottapalll, Anne S. Kiremidjian, Jerome P. Lynch, Ed Carryer, Thomas W. Kenny, Kincho H. Law, Ying Lei, SPIE 03, The Emergence of Networking Abstractions and Techniques in TinyOS, Philip Levis, Sam Madden, David Gay, Joe Polastre, Robert Szewczyk, Alec Woo, Eric Brewer, and David Culler, NSDI 04, The necS Language: A Holistic Approach to Networked Embedded Systems, David Gay, Phil Levis, Rob von Behren , Matt Weish, Eric Brewer, and David Culler, PLDI 03). EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (Aims/Objectives: To help students comprehend the role and the design demands of modern embedded telecommunication systems. Description: Characteristics of embedded telecommunication systems. Methodology of simultaneous design and development of herdware/software systems: High Level Description, separation of hardware and software, validation and emulation, Architecture of embedded systems: hard/soft processing cores and their selection strategies. Optimization strategies of programming and software usage for embedded telecommunication systems : real time environment, synchronization, modeling, real time micro functional systems, protocols and time programming, design methodology, verification and emulation methods. Design and development tools. Applications. Bibliography: Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, Morgan Kaufmann, 2005, Peter Mawedel, Embedded System Design, Springer, 2006, Cavalloro et al., System Level Design Model with Reuse of System IP, Springer,2003, J. Mermet, UML-B Specification for Proven Embedded Systems Design, Springer, 2004, N. Voros, K. Masselos, System Level Design of Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip, Springer, 2005).

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