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Life's lemons ts

Lombardino's mahes a fine limoncello t
By Masarah Van Eyck
aybe it's not surprising that o
limoncello, the lemon-flavored r
liqueur from southern Italy was N
the resu-lt of too much of a sood O
thing namely the abundance of citrus
groves -that line the winding Amalfi coast. €
Long valued for their culinary and cura- u
tive properties, Iemons were a staple in Italy u
since at least the Middle Ages. But it wasn't U)
until a little over a centwy ago that a Capre- U
si hotelkeeper thought to fashion a sweet, liLir.:r,
clear digestive inf.rced with the rinds of the a tt ":
sour fruits. A handful of Madison bars offer N S',
Now limoncello (the country's newest limoncello. For commercial brands like s .$::
E:: ''
national drink) ald its sister cordial, orange- Toschi and Caravella, try Johnny Delmoni-
cello, are a common way to end a meal, espe- co's, 130 S. Pinckney St., and Maduro, o
cially in warmer months. I17 W. Main St., respectively. (Maduro also (n
In recent years,limoncello has gainedpop carries Caravella's orangecello). Peppino's z
ularity on this side of the Atlantic as well, Restaurant, 1'11 S. Hamilton St., also makes
though accordingto Michael Banas, manager limoncello in-house.
of Lombardino's Restaurant & Bar, 2500 Uni- ?

versity Ave., the commercial brands that land =

on American tables lack the fresh and clean ance to the simple syrup that makes it vis- :<
qualities of true Italian varieties. cously sweet. 3
"They're more like Country Time Lemon- At its worst, it can taste like lukewarm E.
ade with extra sryar." lemon sorbet or evenhandftils of lemon drops
After a trip to Italy almost five years ago, dissolved in grain alcohol. But if you're deter-
however, Lombardino's pastry chef, Dan
mined to have a bottle at home, consider z
Almquist, was determined to serve limoncel- brands like Limoncello di Capri and Villa o
lo back home. Massa, if you can find them.
"I found i.t so refreshing the perfect The key is to store it in the freeze4, serve it
thing to have after dinner: Sometimes they'd absolutely ice-cold and in narrow cordial
just hand you one on your way out of the glasses. (Recently a restaurant brought me
restaurant." Iimoncello in a sni.fter. As Almquist explains,
Ninety lemons, five gallons of 100-proof it's more a potion to belt back on your way
vodka and three months latel Almquist out the door than to nwse in the heat of vour
brought in a batch of homemade Limoncello to palm.)
Lombardino's staff. It immediately hit the Limoncello can also make a fine aperitif
menu. when lengthened with tonic or champagne.
At its best, Iimonceilo boasts a citrusy
scent and fresh, clean aftertaste. Because of
the lemon rinds, the cordial is faintly spicy
In true Americano fashion, Lombardino's
offers limoncello and blood orangecello mar-
tinis with a citrus twist. Think of it as a sip of
even sometimes nicely bitter a good bal- summerfrom the AmaIfi coast.@
Gampfire eooking with Jerry Minnich %aa4{r/21t4 Snzuunt attd 9as,snn fuw
In his new North Woods Cottage Cookbook (Trails Books, 2005), Isthmus
restaurant critic Jerry Minnich opens his recipe file and doles out the Tuesdays S-8 p.m. Thursdays S-8 i
staples of cabin cuisine, from grits souffl6 to braised rabbit. Don't expect Apnl 5. ltalian Selections fmm WineBow Aptil 7: Classical Win
anlching terribly gourmet; as Mirmich writes in his introduction, "What April 12: A Frenzy for Zinfandel! April 14: Treasures fio
would you rather be doing at six'o clock in the evening
- whipping up
a roux...or watching the loons on the lake with a gin and tonic in hand?"
April 19: New Wines from Switzerland April 21. Australia and
April 26: Food & Wine Pairing April 2B. A Vjsit to Sor
Minnich, who has authored a number of books on Wisconsin
including the classic Wiscozsin Garden Guide -
the recipes sim-
ple and includes a handy Iist of pantry items -keeps
to take "up Nort." High-
Iights from the book include Minnich's Championshlp Chili, garlic-fried walleye and some-
thing called Hula Spam Pizza a dish that truly reveals the author's twisted nature.
2039 Allen Blvd. at University Ave. in Middleton 608-238-6445
I0 l0PM, FRI & SAI 5PM-10:30PM Now open all day Sunday: 11:30am-9pm wwwimperialgarden com
----------t DINNIR: SUN-THURS 5PM
I256 SOUTH PARK STRfff, MADISON' 268-0772
Hu0nffi il0nl nlsTl0ilf,rs 0f 20114
!:E:77 "i off 0I tlDlsors

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