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Texas State University-San Marcos is a member of the Texas State University system.

Delegate Contract and Agreement

Please submit completed and signed agreement to the USAC Office, LBJ 4-9.1 or fax to (512)-245-1454 Phone: (512)-245-1968 | USAC_TXSTATE@GMAIL.COM

The Underrepresented Student Advisory Council (USAC) is a multicultural programming and leadership development council composed of various recognized, multicultural university student organizations. The council welcomes and supports organizations whose majority membership includes persons from groups that have been and continue to be underrepresented in higher education and include a multicultural and cross cultural educational component in their programming. The mission of USAC member organizations is to represent and promote diversity and equal opportunity programming initiatives in support of a more inclusive and global society. USAC supports this mission by funding events and activities that enhance a diverse environment here at Texas State University-San Marcos.
As the assigned delegate for the Underrepresented Student Advisory Council (USAC), representing,

__________________________________, I , _________________________________, agree to the following:

Name of Organization First and Last Name

Please initial each of the following:

___ I agree to serve a full term, from September to May. ___ I agree to attend ALL monthly USAC meetings. ___ I agree to represent my respective organization at USAC functions. ___ I agree to report any information given in USAC meetings to my respective organization. ___ I agree that in the case of my absence, I will assign someone from my organization to attend meetings. ___ I agree to review all funding proposals from my respective organization to ensure it is properly submitted. ___ I agree to maintain a minimum 2.3 GPA throughout the academic year. ___ I agree that I have read the USAC Resource Manual in its entirety and have shared it with my executive board. ___ I agree to submit a Post-Event Evaluation Form (PEEF) after receiving funding for an event. ___ I agree that incompliance with the contract and constitution can result in probation or suspension from USAC.

_____________________________________ ______________________________ ____________________ Name of Delegate Signature of Delegate Date

______________________________________ ______________________________ ____________________ Name of President Signature of President Date

______________________________________ ______________________________ ____________________ Name of Advisor FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Reviewed By: ______________________________ Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________ Signature of Advisor Date

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