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Ivan Tri Bramantyo / 2012 1906 52

Influencing The Political Environment

Some believe that businesses should be involved in politics because their economics stake in government decisions is great and they have a right to participate, just as do others in a pliralistic political system. But others believe that businesses are too big,powerful, and selfish, and that they wieldntoo much influences. The arguments for and againts political involvement by business:

There are three political strategies: information (Businesses seek to provide government policymakers with information to influence their actions), financial incentives (Businesses provide incentives to influence government policymakers to act in a certain way), and constituency-building (Businesses seek to gain from other affected organizations to better influence government policymakers to act in a way that helps them). Some forms complement strategies as needed, on an issue-by-issue basis, while other firms have a lng-term, ongoing political strategy approach. Some of the political actions tactics availavle for business include lobbying, direct communications, expert witness testimony, political action committee controbutions, economic leverage, advocacy advertising, public relaions, and trade assocation involvement, legal challenges,and encouraging the involvement of the stakeholders. Business are a major contributor to campaigns, although the US government and other countries have limited kinds and amounts of contributions.

The differing national rules and practices foverning political activitu make businesss political involvement complex in the global environment. Manu governments, like the US, are trying to restrict political contributions or make campaign financing more transparent.

Antitrust, Mergers, and Competitions Policy The worlds largest corporations are capable of wielding much influence because of the central functions they perform in their respective societies and throughout the world. Corporate power is legitimate when used to affirm broad public purposes, but mau also be abused. 10 largest company:

Economic power is evident when compare largest corporations annual sales revenue with countries whose GPD (gross domestic product) is at same level. The dilemma of corporate power concerns how business uses its influence, not whether it should have power in the first place The objectives of antitrust and competition laws in all countries are to protect consumers, small businesses, and others from unfair, anticompetitve practices. Antritrust law is Laws that prohibit unfair, anti-competitive practices by business. Term derives from trust, the oldfashioned word for groups of companies that joined together to divide up markets and limit competition. Courts and regulators have generally maintaned that monopoly does not in itself consitute a violation of antitrust laws, what is important is whether a company has competed unfairly. Other key issues include how to use antitrust policy to foster innovation and national competitiveness. The key causes of mergers and acquisitions in recent yers were technological change, globalization,shifts in the regulation environment, and increases in stock valuations. Some

believed that mergers were good for stockhorders, while others expressed concern about the long-run effects such mergers would have on stakeholders. Many countries have adopted or are adopting competition policies, and efforts are under way to better harmonize these policies across national borders. Technology: A Global Economic and Social Force

Technological change, which tends to be self-reinforcing,has widespread effects throughtout business and society.some of these effects are beneficial, and some are not. Technological growth is fueled by economic expansion, worker productivity, and research and development investment. e-commerce, or online business, has changed how business offer, sell,and accont for their goodsand services in the global marketplaceand their interactions wth their stakeholders, individualare investing and buying goods and services online at an astonishing rate. Technology superpowers have built an infrastructure fot the information socuety, enabling people and business aroung the world to communicate the conduct business with each other, spawning the system of e-commerce. Technology has exponetially increased our ability to communicate with others aroung the world through electronic mail, blogs, and vlogs. Accompanying these innovations are significan threats to our privacy and safety. Technological innovations in m-commerce, education, and medical information enhance the lives of people throughout the world. Differences in age, income, and ethnicitu or nationalitu appear to be associated with a digital devide.recently, collaborative initiatives by business, government, and nonprofit organizations addressing internet access aroung the world appear tohave somewhat narroed this digital devide. Permanent and temporary employees, vendors, contractors, suppliers, exemployees, and other types of insiders are among those who are most capable of exploiting organizational assets at greatest expense to U.S. interests. Due to their knowledge of the public agencies and private companies that employ them, their familiarity with computer systems that contain classified and proprietary information, and their awareness of the value of protected information in the global market, insiders constitute a significant area of vulnerability for national security.

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