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Secrets of Sexual Attraction:

How to Instantly Create Explosive Sexual Chemistry With ANY Woman!

Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3 Five Types of Attraction ................................................................................................... 3 Attraction is a Valuable Emotion ..................................................................................... 4 My 5-Step Systematic Method For Creating Sexual Attraction ...................................... 5 Displaying Dominance ..................................................................................................... 6 Leading ............................................................................................................................ 7 Conversation Control ....................................................................................................... 8 Sexual Tension ................................................................................................................ 8 Sexual Eye Contact ......................................................................................................... 9 Sexual Touching ............................................................................................................ 10 Sexual Facial Expressions ............................................................................................ 10 Creating Tests................................................................................................................ 11 Cocky and Funny ........................................................................................................... 11 Player Game .................................................................................................................. 11 Obvious Lies or Messing With Her ................................................................................ 12 Push Backs .................................................................................................................... 12 Passing Tests ................................................................................................................ 12 Progressively Sexualize ................................................................................................ 14 Demonstrating Direct Interest........................................................................................ 15 Statements of Intent....................................................................................................... 15 Relationship Questions.................................................................................................. 16 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 16

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Welcome to unlocking the Secrets of Sexual Attraction. I, of course, am Jon Sinn, and I am super, super-excited to start unveiling the secrets of sexual attraction for you. Theres a lot of new stuff in this video and it represents some of the newer breakthroughs Ive had some of the cooler things Ive been working on for the last couple months and Im very excited to share it for the first time. So why did I make this video? Well, it has been awhile since I last tackled the subject of attraction and I am ready to reveal all the secrets of creating sexual attraction with women you just met. Ive been out in the field meeting real women in real situations. I have had some attractions and connections however I ended up getting laid quite a bit. Through meeting these women I have discovered a ton of stuff that no one else really talks about and no other gurus really know about. You wont find it in your basic how-to-meet-girls manuals, but I am ready to let you in on all the secrets. Theres nothing in this video that you have probably seen before and I am really excited to bring this stuff to you for the first time. I think my strategies will make the whole attracting women much easier for you when you attract them sexually, as opposed to another way. So lets get started! What is sexual attraction anyways?

Five Types of Attraction

This is what most attraction is, emotional attraction. When you do things like role plays, teasing and stuff like that, youre creating emotional attraction. Youre getting a woman emotionally engaged in the interaction.

Sexual Attraction:
Were going to talk about that in detail, so Ill skip it for now.

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Value-Based Attraction:
This is the attraction that rich guys get. This type of attraction usually follows those with high social value get, guys with a lot of connections and with a lot of social proof. Things that translate to real world values create attraction. Its just a fact.

Physical Attraction:
Physical attraction is obviously pretty straight forward. Its attraction based on what you look like and usually how men pick women, and sometimes how women pick men. Luckily for us, women are less into physical attraction than we are.

Intrigue attraction is when you get a girl curious. You use things like cold reads, acting mysterious, holding back a little, using open loops, and pauses, and hook questions, all the stuff that really intrigues a women and makes her want to know more about you.

Attraction is a Valuable Emotion

There is as much variety of ways it can be created as it can be used to your advantage. Now we have discussed the five important ones, and there are more, but for the sake of our purposes, these are the only five you need to know. Going back Sexual attraction, we know it is a type of attraction consisting of two parts that are separate but equal. First, you need a filter of sexuality over the emotion of attraction. Attraction is an emotion of I want that. and I want more of that. And it is also an emotion of reaching out for. The second thing you need is physical arousal. When it comes to sexual attraction, arousal doesnt always have to be physical, it can be but it doesnt have to be. Arousal is what sparks sexual attraction and is an actual physical process where the woman gets ready for sex. She gets wetter; her body gets warmer, and so on and so forth. Sexual attraction is an emotional attraction the emotion of I want that, creating that longing with a filter of sexuality over it. Theres going to be a filter of sexuality over everything we do in sexual attraction, combined with sparking arousal but not necessarily physically. We dont necessarily need to be touching the woman to cause sexual attraction, but generally if you get sexual attraction quickly, the second part comes more naturally.

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My system is really different from the other techniques used to teach attraction. Most guys teach emotional or value-based attraction. They teach you talk about how cool you are, to demonstrate values, or they teach you how to engage a womans emotions with cockiness, funniness, or teasing. Those have their place, but theyre different from what Im talking about. Sexual attraction plays such an important role because it is the most useful type of attraction for picking up a woman. I think we can all agree on that. If you can get a woman attracted to you, wanting you with a filter of sexuality and physical arousal, its really easy to take things to the next level. That may mean you get laid that night, or on the next date. When you build that sexual attraction, women are much more likely to want to get physical really quickly, regardless of whats happening. When you dont create sexual attraction, you end up in the dead friend zone, where a woman thinks youre nice or fun, but not sexy. I know a lot of you have been in the friend zone before, and I dont want you to end up there again. This is why I am teaching you how to build sexual attraction, because when you do this stuff, it may not work 100% of the time, but youre not going to end up in the friend zone. When you build up the sexual attraction the woman will be 100% sure that you are interested in her and she cant put you in the friend zone. By now you understand what it is and why its important, now I want to introduce my five step systematic method for creating sexual attraction with any woman you meet.

My 5-Step Systematic Method for Creating Sexual Attraction

Step #1: Display Dominance
Dominance is the most scientifically-proven form of sexual attraction. If you look at all the evolutionary biology reading and all the stuff academically out there, it comes down to dominance. I will tell you how to display dominance in the right way later on.

Step #2: Use Sexual Non-Verbal Communication

You need to communicate with a woman with your body in a way that is sexual, and Ill talk about three different ways to do that.

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Step #3: Create and Pass Her Tests

One of the most consistent ways for anyone to gain attraction, regardless of looks, race or anything else is to pass her tests. If a woman tests you and you can consistently pass them, you will gain her attraction. Its a very consistent mechanism for building attraction probably the most consistent, which is why I put it in here, because what we want to do is, we want to create and pass tests even if theyre not there so that we can build attraction while layering on step four, which is progressive sexualization.

Step #4: Progressive Sexualization

While were creating and passing these tests, were also progressively moving things in a sexual direction. As we move things forward in that direction, we keep things running smoothly by progressing slowly. We dont immediately just pull out our dick and act like, Hey look at my dick! We have to turn her on step-by-step. Thats what step four is all about progressively desensitizing her to sex.

Step #5: Demonstrate Direct Interest

When you demonstrate direct interest, youre not qualifying the girl. Youre letting her know you like her so she doesnt feel like youre just using her for sex, which is important as well. Were going to go into each of these steps in a lot more detail now so you can understand, Okay, if I do these five things, I can create sexual attraction every single time.

Displaying Dominance
First, I have a quote that comes from Naomi Wolf. Beauty is a currency system like the gold standard. Like any economy, its determined by politics, and in the modern age in the West is the last best belief system that keeps male dominance intact. This is an interesting quote because she is saying that beauty is a currency system, and its determined by politics and its the best belief system for keeping male dominance intact. The idea that beautiful women are thought to be the one aspect that can motivate men more than anything else is pretty true in my experience. I think in the global

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economy, women are motivating standards and are a fungible asset. Women are used in business transactions; theres a pretty face in the room a lot of the times. A way of being more dominate is to have more women. Its kind of a two-way street; the more dominant you are, the more women youre going to get, and the more women you get, the more dominant youre going to look. Its interesting. Dominance is the most academically recognized source of sexual attraction. Ive boiled down all the evolutionary biology for you. Ive read The Red Queen by Matt Ridley, and Sperm Wars by Robin Baker, and The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. They all share the idea that the most dominant male gets access to 90% of the sex, and everyone else gets to fight for the other remaining 10%. Oftentimes, this idea manifests itself in the idea of the alpha male. I put alpha male in quotes because the typical alpha male is very misunderstood. Really, dominance is about being in control of you, the situation, and the conversation. Its not letting other people get you emotional; its not reacting too much to other people its leading, and a few other things, which were going to talk about.

When it comes to displaying dominance, the best advice I can give you is to lead. As a man, were designed to be sexually aggressive, while women are designed to be sexually receptive. So you have to be the leader. You have to start the conversation, lead the conversation and then you are going to have to transition off your opener. However you started the conversation, whether it was direct or indirect needs to be lead into a normal conversation. You are going to have to lead the conversation into a direction that is all about her. Youre going to need to lead the conversation into qualification, into sexuality, into getting a phone number or trying to go back to your place. You will have to lead the conversation the whole way. Youre going to have to know where youre going and push consistently to get there. A lot of times, men will think, I meet a woman l and I pull her home that night. They think it was simple and acted like, You want to go back to my house? and she was like, Yeah of course! Right? Wrong! A lot of the time you have to push things; you have to move things forward; you have to convince girls to do things. Thats very important to being dominant. You need to lead. The next step is to lead her physically. Youre going to need to initiate the touching, the first kiss. You are re going to need to take the first article of clothing off, and so on and so forth.

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You will need to lead physically. Again, women are just not designed to do that. Sometimes do they? Of course, there are always exceptions that prove the rule, but 90% of the time, youre going to be the one who makes all the physical moves. Youre going to need to lead logistically. You will need to either set up a date, or try to move her back to your place, or go somewhere where you can have sex. The girl is not going to do that for you and she wont just give you her phone number. Even if she likes you and wants to see you again, most girls are not going to make that step. Women will sit and wait and leave opportunities open for you to ask. But they wont just come out and be like, Here, have my phone number. You need to lead that as well. You will also need to lead on the date. You need to set up the date, get her phone number, call her and/or text her. You need to lead the date back to your house it wont just happen. You will need to use whatever means of transportation you have to get her there and yes; you will need to lead this. That is part of being dominant. You need to be in control of yourself, the conversation, and the situation.

Conversation Control
When it comes to displaying dominance, unfortunately we cant just walk up and club a girl on the head and drag her back to our place. Instead we need display dominance socially through leading the conversation. This means you need to control the subject of the conversation, the pace (how fast youre talking slow down or speed up), what its building to (getting a phone number, setting up a date, or getting her to come back home with you). Its also where you do the majority of the talking. In the first five to ten minutes, to display dominance, you need to do like 75% of the talking and pick most of the subjects. We do this because we want to show her that were in control and things are fun when she can relax.

Sexual Tension
One of my favorite quotes about sexual tension and pickup in general is from a guy named Paul Janka out in New York. He says, In some of the best pickups Ive done, theres a level of condescension, combativeness, and dismissiveness that isnt acceptable in calm society, but its fun and it produces results. Condescension, that means talking down to her, and we all know exactly what hes talking about. Its not mean or rude, but it is really the best description of sexual tension

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that Ive ever read, so I wanted to include that for you. Keep that in mind. Its fun, not rude, and is more of a play fight that really starts the sexual tension. Combativeness creates sexual tension, and tension needs a resolution. For example, when you want to mess with a woman; you know, pick on her a little, this is how you start a little fake fighting. Its really important to display dominance in this situation because when people are talking about sexual tension, thats what theyre talking about that sexualized, attractive combat with no resolution which leaves sex as the only way to end the frustration. Remember, emotions are your friends, even if this emotion youre creating in a woman frustrates her. You always want to pick a fight, in a playful way. Again, youre not going to be rude. Youre not going to pick a fight about anything thats too important or close to her heart, but you want pick on her enough to create a little tension. This sexual tension brings on the condescension, combativeness and dismissiveness that, when done in a fun, playful way without insulting or attacking her creates massive amounts of sexual tension. Because the two of you are fighting, you know it has to be resolved somehow. If you combine that with the other steps in this program, youre going to see that the resolution becomes sex a lot of the time. Lets talk about sexual nonverbal communication (step 2). When it comes to communicating sexually nonverbally, we want to focus on three main areas: eye contact, touching, and facial expressions. I am going to get in more detail into each of these, starting with eye contact.

Sexual Eye Contact

Eye contact is one of the ways to send signals of sexuality. It really is. The eyes are a great way to lead and to give a sexual subtext without saying anything. If I look at a woman a certain way, all she can really say is, What are you looking at me like that for? You can reply with, How am I looking at you? But she gets it. When you look at a woman in the sexual ways that Im going to talk to you about these three ways she understands whats happening. The first one is the triangular gaze. This is a classic. This is when you look from a womans eye, to her other eye, to her lips. Its the eye, eye, lips triangle (or lips, eye, eye). This is a great thing to do before you go in for a kiss, because it really slows the woman down. You can get close and build a lot of sexual tension.

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The second technique I like is called bedroom eyes. This is when I look at a woman as if we were having sex and I imagine all the things I want to do to her. Sometimes Ill do this with a woman from the beginning, and you can really see the effect it has on her. My eyes are burning a little hot. She can see it. Shes attracted to it, but there is nothing to talk about. This is a great punctuator, especially once you already have some attraction. The third one is dominant eye contact. This is where you stare straight at a woman to show her your strength. When you get into those fun, play-fighting, combative situations, this dominant eye contact with a smile is a great thing to do to show a woman you arent backing down, but youre not mad. Youre not domineering or threatening, either. Its also good to use when we talk about creating and passing her tests.

Sexual Touching
When youre touching a woman sexually, you need to think about what arouses her and turns her on. However, you dont want to get too carried away and go over the line into foreplay. Theres a thin line between foreplay and sexual touching. Sexual touching builds arousal, foreplay starts to let that arousal out. Foreplay is things like touching a womans vagina, touching her boobs and her ass. You dont want to get too carried away. You can go ahead and finger a woman at a club and sometimes that leads to getting laid, but sometimes it doesnt. It all depends on the woman. However it is safer to try things like running your nails down her back, lightly stroking her hair, massaging her neck, nibbling, breathing in her ears, whispering, holding her wrists tight, controlling her hips, lightly rubbing her legs (without getting too close), and slightly touching her lower back once shes comfortable with you. All these things can really get a woman aroused and turned on, but dont go over the line. Thats what you want to do: sexual touching. You want it to almost be subtext.

Sexual Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are incredibly powerful. Dr. Paul Ekman has done a ton of research in the area thats fascinating and will help your game. You can find his books at You can also find a full breakdown of me going through a couple of his different books and programs and talking about how to use it for pickup on my blog. However, for creating sexual attraction, you want to use facial expressions in two ways. First, you want to flash her sexual expressions. You want to make a really sexual face and look at her like that for a second or two, and then smile and break it. By flashing these sexual expressions, were kind of sending nonverbal signals that shes registering.


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Is the girl going to start sucking your dick because you do this? Of course not, but it starts to send the signals of sex on all the various channels that are open to us. You dont want to stare at her like you want to fuck her, because she will be weirded out. But if you flash it for a few seconds and take it away, you can start to get her comfortable with it. The second thing you want to do is watch her facial expressions and while youre escalating. This is one of the major benefits of being able to read the facial expressions, which you can learn to do in about an hour on Paul Ekmans website. You want to watch her face closely as you move forward with these techniques. Does it change? If it changes, is she uncomfortable, or is she comfortable? Thats really, really important. As youre physically escalating and verbally escalating, watch the womens face to see if she flinches or acts uncomfortable. Does she look mad, sad, surprised or disgusted? Any one of these universal expressions besides happy, or blank, and you know that something is not right with your escalation. Slow it down and keep this in mind as you move forward. Lets move on to step number three, which is creating and passing her tests. One of the most consistent ways to create attraction is to pass a womans tests. This is even more true with sexual attraction as being able to pass her tests related to sex; it gets you that much closer to having sex with her. Lets look at how to use creating and passing a womans tests to escalate the interaction.

Creating Tests
There are a lot of ways to create tests, and just so everyone knows, a test is when a woman asks you a question or says something to get a reaction from you, and then judges you based on your reaction. The best ways to create tests in my experience are:

Cocky and Funny

If you overdo the cocky and funny act, most women will test you. You can also just be cocky, and that will prompt tests as well. The idea here is to say something so outrageous that the woman feels prompted to call you on it, giving you an opportunity to pass that test. Youre basically baiting her here by saying stupid shit, hoping shes going to test you on it.

Player Game
This requires you to brag about your sex life or dating status. I brag a lot about the women I have dated or the many girlfriends I juggle or that I have been compared to a porn start. Doing so will make her want to test you. This is not always the best strategy and sometimes back fires. They may feel they cant trust you, but it does prompt testing.


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Obvious Lies or Messing With Her

Telling women that youre a virgin that you have been compared to a porn star that youre celibate or any other obvious lies or messing-with-her-type statements will cause tests. Sometimes I tell women that Im Brad Pitts brother. I will say, No, Chad Pitt. Thats my name. That sparks a woman to test me immediately. Again, its fun and they know Im messing with them, but they will test, and they will become attracted when I pass the test.

Push Backs
This is one of my favorites. This is where you brand the girl with an unflattering stereotype, like being prude, not getting out much, being old-fashioned, or being a missionary/lights-on kind of girl. This will cause her to push back and test you. Be careful using this strategy, because if you do them the wrong way, they become insults, and then the woman gets mad and shes no longer testing you, and will likely you to fuck off. Make sure the woman knows that you dont think she sucks and stack a push back with a compliment, like You know what? Youre a really cool girl, but I can tell we probably wouldnt be able to hang out because youre a little prude. Its not a big deal. Then the woman may respond with, No, Im not a prude. And thats what you want, control of the conversation. Dont overdo it, because it will end with you looking cocky and not getting laid. Its a good general rule to follow with push backs.

Passing Tests
There is just one rule when it comes to passing tests: dont try to argue. If the woman says something like, Oh my God, youre such a player. You say this to all the girls. Youre so cocky and such asshole, in a playful way, dont try to argue. Always agree, and then use one of these tactics. First one is the classic agree and exaggerate. You want to make it absurd, so when she says, Youre an asshole, you would respond with, Yeah, youre totally right. I actually am a really big asshole. And it doesnt get better. Itll just get worse the longer you stay. Pretty soon, Ill be asking you to borrow money and seeing if I can move into your place. You should really leave. Make a point and be a little ridiculous about it. You want to make the test seem silly. Thats the whole point of agreeing and exaggerating.


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Number two is, go silly. Dont even address it. Tickle her or start singing. Sing something on the spot, such as, Oh my God, you think Im gay, Make her laugh. Mock her even. I will sometimes repeat the question, like, Are you a player? , Are you a player? That works. Those going-silly tactics will make sure you pass the tests and show her dont take it too seriously. Fourth-grade comebacks are also one of my favorites. I know you are, but what am I? is a classic and is used in the: Are you a player? I know you are, but what am I? situation. This will pass the test because, again, youre not taking it too seriously. Those are the three ways to pass tests. They really do work and are considered to be 100% foolproof, so anybody could do this! Now how do we use tests to escalate? Eventually you want to start ramping up the sexuality by getting a girl to test you about sexual things. To do this, I like to use a technique called fast forward/rewind, which works like this: Fast forwarding is when you joke in a way that takes sexuality too far. For example, When we have sex, its going to melt the paint of the walls. Im just assuming were going to save sex. Once youve done this, the girl will either agree at which point, its on. And if shes says Yeah, its totally going to be hot, you just need to hang out, wait a little bit longer, and move her somewhere, where you can have sex. Or she may disagree, and argue, or test you on this statement. She could say Were not having sex. Or, What makes you think were having sex? Im not having sex with you Im not that kind of girl. So this brings us to the next step. Heres where you rewind, by now taking it too far In the other direction. Ill say, I mean, not tonight, because Im a virgin and I dont believe in sex before marriage because its a sin, and Jesus died for our sins. This is a rewind. Now Im taking it so far the other direction. Once the woman starts to play with the rewind and settles down and realizes Im just messing with her, its time to fast forward again with sexuality. This way the girl never gets offended, and youre able to escalate consistently. Once she plays along, then I fast forward again and say, I dont believe in sex before marriage, but if I bang you in the bathroom, then it doesnt really count, because God isnt watching in the bathroom. Then she will say something like, Oh my God, were not doing that. Now I rewind again, and I can just keep this pattern going for five or ten minutes. The pattern of the fast forward/rewind goes like this: you make a sexual statement, which is your fast forward, shes going to test you, at which point you rewind, then shes going to settle down, and then you make a sexual statement again to fast forward to cause another test.


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This can literally lead all the way to the bedroom. Ive literally had women test me all the way to sex Im not getting in the cab with you. Im not coming back to the hotel with you. Im not having sex with you. Get a condom, just because I passed the tests all the way through, and that really can be the difference between getting laid and not.

Progressively Sexualize
You cant just make it sexual right away; you wouldnt just say, Look at my dick! You need to progressively desensitize the girl to being sexual with you. This process is very important and must be handled carefully. When youre building sexual attraction, it can be tempting to really push the envelope and see how far you can get, but you have to pace the interaction. The pace of the escalation is how fast it can go. Sometimes you can go really fast, like when you get back to your apartment with a woman who youve built a lot of sexual attraction with. I will get her in the apartment, push her against the wall, start making out with her, and carry her into the bedroom. I wouldnt do that in a club, because its really fast. I also wouldnt do that with a woman whos barely making out with me. You want to keep your eyes on the prize, which is getting the woman in bed. Just because you can finger her in a club or in the cab doesnt make it a good idea. You really want to hold out and build that arousal until you get her somewhere you can gain the advantage. With that being said, keep control of the situation and end the sexuality first. She will only want you more when you get her back to your place. I like to consider myself a tease in these situations. I call this frame of mind, the tease frame. I think about how I know exactly what this woman wants sexually, and I know exactly how to get her really turned on, but Im going to make her wait. Im going to give her little bits of it, but then Im going to stop so that she gets really turned on and then eventually I will have sex with her. But first Im going to get her really turned on to the point where shes almost begging me to have sex with her. Ill often tell the woman that Im a tease and initiate a teasing game of chicken. This happens fairly frequently. It will start with a kiss on her neck and shell moan, then Ill respond by saying Okay, thats enough, because Im a tease. I should warn you. And the girl will reply with, Well Im a tease too, then Ill say, Well Im a better tease. This leads to me doing something, than her doing something, hence the game of chicken. This tactic often leads to getting laid. Being a tease is a really good strategy for sexual escalation, it rarely fails. Never chase. These are good words to live by, but especially when it comes to turning an interaction sexual. If the woman keeps stonewalling you, just stop. You want to make sure that youre in control.


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Remember what I said about dominance: a woman wants to know you can handle her all the way to the bedroom. So if shes stonewalling, that means shes not even letting you show her you can handle her, and if she is not into the kissing and the touching, you just have to stop. You never want to chase. You never want to try to force anything or deal with lastminute resistance. Youve fucked up already. Once the girl is not into it, just stop and let her chase you. Maybe shell change her mind, maybe she wont.

Demonstrating Direct Interest

Demonstrating direct, non-qualification-based interest in the woman is one of the best ways to create sexual attraction. It defines the pickup for the woman. When I demonstrate direct interest, I basically just tell her I like her and give her reasons why, without her doing anything just me volunteering them. Now she knows Im really interested in her and not just as a one-night stand. Also, it helps to escalate the interaction, because now Ive put it out there, I like you, I want you. Now its up to you. That puts the ball in the womans court, proverbially. Another way to use direct interest is something I like to call a Why I Like You statement (or a WILKY). These are compliments which you frame specifically as the reason why you like her. You could say, I think the whole reason I like you is your freckles, or, You know why I like you? Because you laugh at the same things I do. Its pretty basic. I like you because Obviously, you can make up these as you go along, or you can have a few canned ones like I just gave you.

Statements of Intent
Ive talked about statements of intent extensively on the Seduction Road Map program, so Im not going to go over them in too much detail here. Statements of intent are exactly what they sound like. You give the woman a statement of what youre going to try to do. Statements of intent really prep the women for further interaction. I might say, Im totally hitting on you, or Im really attracted to you, or Im trying really hard not to kiss you, or Im really trying not to picture you naked, etc. Theyre a statement of your intent. Theyre meant to prepare them for further escalation down the road, not right now. Notice Im not saying, Im going to kiss you now, Im going to hit on you now. Youre just saying, I am totally going to hit on you. Im totally attracted to you. Im totally


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trying not to kiss you. Thats an important part with statements of intent. You dont want them to be in the present tense; you want them based on the future.

Relationship Questions
This is a technique I created after watching my buddy, Captain Jack. Relationship questions are questions like, Are you the jealous type? These serve to frame the interaction in a romantic context because you would never ask a woman if she was the jealous type unless you were considering her for a relationship, and this interest is expressed very subtly. Do you take good care of your guy? Whats the nicest thing youve done for a guy? Whats your longest relationship? Are you single? These are questions that serve to demonstrate interest without (with the exception of Are you single?) being very obvious that youre interested. Theyre, again, subtextual under the surface. But just by asking it, it demonstrates a little bit of direct interest. I think of them as things you wouldnt say to a guy. I would never ask a dude if he was the jealous type or if he was good to his woman. Its just something you wouldnt ever ask. Because of that, it displays interest in a very subtle manner, which is very powerful.

Lets Recap 1. We went over what sexual attraction is, and why its important. 2. We talked about the fact that it is a filter of sexuality over the emotion of attraction, which is that emotion of wanting, that emotion of reaching out, wanting to know more. 3. We also went over the five types of attraction, which are emotional, value-based, sexual, physical, and intrigue-based. 4. We talked about why sexual attraction is important. Of all the attractions for picking up a woman and trying to get her into bed, sexual attraction is what is going to get you there the quickest. 5. Then we went over my five step system for creating sexual attraction in any woman. Remember, first off, we want to display dominance. We want to control the conversation, we want to lead, and we want to be a little combative. We want to show her were a little better than her by putting her in her place, so to speak,


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by fighting with her about something play-fighting, not real fighting but beating her at something. 6. We also want to use sexual, nonverbal communication. We want to make sure that our eye contact is sexual, our touch is sexual, we use the sexual facial expressions, and we watch her facial expressions when were escalating. 7. Then we want to create and pass her tests. Thats going back to that idea of the combativeness; we want to pick a fight with her. We do this through creating and passing her tests. Were going to pick the fight, and then were going to pass it. Pick, pass. And were going to do that by being cocky and funny, or just cocky, by being sexual and by using push backs. 8. Were going to pass their tests by agreeing and exaggerating, by being silly, or by using fourth-grade comebacks. If you do that consistently, youre going to get attraction. 9. You want to use progressive sexualization to move things forward. W e want to sexualize slowly. We want to keep the good pace by using fast forward/rewind as a way of getting tested sexually. We can easily pass the tests using these methods. 10. We want to demonstrate direct interest. We want to let the woman know were interested in her. We make it very clear that we like her and we also let her know why we like her and why we are interested through our statements of intent. In fact, I want you to do an exercise. Because to really take what you learned to the next level, I want you to take one tactic from each step and try it out the next time youre talking to a woman. You want to do something to display dominance; you want to do something to sexually, nonverbally communicate; you want to do something to create and/or pass a womans test, you want to do something to progressively sexualize; and you want to do something to display direct interest. If thats too hard for you, take it down a notch. Next time you talk to a woman, try to use just one technique. I know I gave you a lot of information in this course, and I know that you see the value of all this information, a lot of it being brand-new stuff you never heard of before stuff thats never been explained. I highly recommend you go through this again maybe make some notes, maybe see if there are some other things you can get out the second time, and then start taking action. It took me a while to put this whole idea together and really figure out what was creating the sexual attraction, so it would be a shame for you not to reap the benefits of my work.


Sinns of Attraction

So get out there, use this stuff, create some success stories, and send them to me and sinn@sinnsofattraction.comm. AND stay tuned, because I have more interesting and exciting reports for you. Theres a lot of other cool stuff Id like to share with you some really cool stuff that Ive been working on. So use this knowledge, because it will lead to a lot of success for you. Till next time.


Sinns of Attraction

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