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Al Hamd Academy

Survey for : Proposed Gym Carried out By : Muhamamd Bilal Ahsan Name : _______________________ Contact # _____________________ G.R. #. _________ CA/ACCA/FIA/BBA Section: _________

E-mail : _____________________________

(Your contact details will only be used for promotional services only by the management of Al-Hamd)

Dear Students, A good day from my side, on behalf of Al-Hamd Academy. As experienced, Al-Hamd Academy strives harder as ever for the betterment for the Al-Hamdians to provide them a better, safer and more comfortable environment. It has always been an important aspect for the management of the Al-Hamd to see their students happy and satisfied with the management, and the facilities they are provided with. And here again, we work upon for the betterment of you people. This time, Al-Hamd proposes a provision of the facility of gym for the students so that they can stay healthy, and fit. You all are kindly requested to fill in the below questionnaire so that we your expectations and views can reach us so that it helps us to work straight as up to your expectations! Kindly use a pen, and try your best to fill in the best details to your knowledge, below:

Are you Fit? YES! So-so . Doesnt matter anyway! -____ No, I need to catch upon my diet and excerice! Have you ever been to a gym? Yes, I go to a gym regularly. Yes, used to but no more. Never. A gym At Al-Hamd? WOW! Expectations finally fulfilled. A wonderful idea! Thats great, but not interested much -__ Not interested in gyms, so doesnt matter. If a high standard gym opens at Al-Hamd, would you join it? Obviously, RIGHT AWAY! Yes, after I get to hear about it from people. Dont really know. Will Think -______ Maybe. No, I dont think so. Will you be regular to the gym to stay fit and healthy? Duh! Everydayyyy. Yes, atleast will try. I dont know. Lets see. Would you control your diet once you join? Yes, Surely. I think so -____ Not really. Food is uncompromisable! Are you involved in any of the following activities? Careless, unobserved diet. Smoking. Unhealthy Drinks. What are you willing to pay to be obtain such a facility? Be any, just maintain quality! 500-750. 300-500. 200-300 Lower. (Pakistani Currency, in Rupees) Suggest timings for the gym: __________ AM to ___________ PM.

Is regular exercising good for health? Obviously! Its a NEED! Yeah, Yeah, Whatever! Ummm, dont know. If you have quit going to a gym, tick a reason: Timing Issues Burden of Studies None really. Other. State: ___________________________. What are your expectations? A wonderful, standardized facilty. Al-Hamd will fail to provide so. Dont really know what will happen. If you join it, and the quality measures are maintained, for how long do you think you will continue? Oh my God, I love being perfect. As long as possible! ^_^ For quite a long time. Until I get bored =D Doesnt matter, Joining just for fun anyway! Do you expect a trainer? Yes, a real experienced trainer. Yes, be any. Naa. Will your studies be effected with this facility? Yes, there would be an improvement. It wouldnt effect my studies. Lack of time, yeah, so a downfall in grades! Will a facility of Gym help you work over the habit of your Smoking and such alike activities? Yes. No. Would you congratulate the management of Al-Hamd and applaud their work for being such a wonderful and thoughtful management? YES! Thank You AL-HAMD ACADEMY <3 No. Its our right anyway. Al-Hamd didnt do anything great. No Comments. Should girls have separate timings? State the time. Morning ___________ to ___________. Afternoon ___________ to ___________.

On behalf of the management, we offer our sincere thanks to you for finding time for us! If you have any queries, or suggestions feel free to reach office. (AL-HAMD ACADEMY)

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