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Manoraj Sivantharajah

Analysis of Nothing
Within this music video they have used a variety of different camera shots that in my opinion have contributed well towards the final music video. They have used extreme close-up which is very good as it allows the audience to see that he is in an emotional despair as it seems as if thought he has recently broken up with his girlfriend. Another shot that they have used within the music video is Close up medium shots to allows the audience to see where the character is and also allows the audience to see what the character in the video is doing compared the area they are in. This is good as it adds to the whole story line of the music video Medium shot as it shows that he was drinking in the pub and shows that he is under the influence. They have also used a lot of canted angle shots which allows us to Canted angle shot see that they are drunk and disorientated. They also use a lot of tracking shots to allow the audience to know where they are going on their drunken journey within the video. They also use establishing shots within the music video to show where the people within the music video have ended up, this also engages the audience as it Establishing shot lets them find out where they are going etc. Within the music video they use long shots to show the audience where the people within the music video are in Long shot comparison to the loaction that they are in. The music video also contiains a two-shot whereby it has two characters in the shot which shows the audience what they ae upto in relaion to the other guy in the video. They also use a pull focus shot which draws the attaention Two-shot & Pull Focus away from one of the actors towards the other two people. This video is also a unique one as it uses camera Underwater Shot shots that are under water. The video also consists of a high angle shot which shows the audience the vulnerability of the heart broken person due the alcohol within his system. They also use hand held shots to make it look like the person is more drunk and add to the final effect of the music video.

Manoraj Sivantharajah

The music video also uses a huge variety of editing techniques to make the music video as good as it is. They use both long takes and short takes and I bellieve that using this was effective as the short takes allows the audience to see that the people within the video are under the influence and also in a manner show that the time flys by when you are drunk. Also the long takes are good as it shows the audience the serious things that happens in the video such as the main persons suicide attempt. This take allows the audience to see what exactly happens and makes it clearer. When editing the music video they also made some of the shots blurry again to show that the people within the video are under the influence of alcohol, this is good as it clearly shows the audience that they are drunk making the video really effective as it is clear what is Blurred video going on. They also use a lot of shot reverse shots when the people are talking with in the pub to show what kind of emotions they ae conveying and make it clear to the audience what is happening. When in the water they used a lot of colour correction to make the people vislible and at the same time make it a bit blurry to give the audience the feel that they are also in the water with them which will engage the viewers. They also make sure that they only focus whats on the fore ground to make it clear to the audience that he is the main person and only put attention on him. I also believe that this music also has used Mise-en-scene well to convey the song and make the music video as effecetive as possible. The clothing that was used was good as it was age appropiate and it fitted their perosnalities and went well with the type of song. I also believed that the colours that was visible within the video go well with the song type as the song is sad and slightly deppressive and the main colours that you can see are darker colours and when he dives ino the water to find the women she is dressed in red which connotates to love which insinuates that he has found new love. The emotions conveyed within the music video also went with the song lyrics which in my opinion makes the music video realistic and very effective. The locations that were used within the music video also adds to the effectiveness of the song as it is about the people in the music video drinking therefore they used a pub and then when they left for the journey home they went round the city looking around which in my opinion goes well with the song. They also use a variety of lighting which changes throughout the song. They use low key lighting predominately as the song is a sad and this type of lighting goes well with this and makes the music video effective.

Manoraj Sivantharajah

Sound is another area that can be analysed within a music video. The lyrics of the song suggest to us that the guy is going through a rough patch in his realationship maye the song was written as a result of an argument with his girl friend that I what I seem to have understood from the lyrics of the song. The beat and tempo of the music is fairly medium paced and it does go upto a faster tempo and the beat picks up when the song gets into the chorus. The tone of voice of the singer is very good and goes well with the pace of the song and it makes the song really effective as his tone of voice conveys emotion and adds well to the music video and makes it more realistic and very effective. This video represents the band in a constructive manner as the song was a huge success, it also represented the band as alcoholics but I think that more represents the stereotype of men that when they are depressed they will always go get drunk. The genre of the band is Pop Rock, Alternative rock. This is not shown that much through the actual song I believe this is because by the time that this song was released the band was already established so this song does not really fall into that category. This song as a far as I have seen there has not been any use of intertextuality within this specific music video. The song was received with a positive attitude and most of the people really liked the song. In terms of audience theories people will like the video under the Uses and gratification theory of Entertatinment and identification as the video is entertaining and also people can identify with some of the people on the video. It can also bring people from boredom to isolation according to Richard Dyers utopian solutions theory. ANDREW GOODWINS THEORY LUARA MULVEYS THEORY Within this music video there is no binary oppsoites used. Some would have argued that this music video would have worked better if binary opposition was used. I would say that the dominant ideology used within this particular music video is that idea that men will tend go drink themselves away if they are depressed down about their lives.

Manoraj Sivantharajah

The audience receprion for this music video has been great and the youtube statistics shows this. STUART HALL

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