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The Authentic Traditional Italian Pizza Guide (2012)

With over 600 Authentic Pizza Toppings!!!


1.) Hints & Tips to Making the Ultimate Pizza 2.) The Authentic Traditional Italian Pizza Guidelines 3.) Definition of an Authentic Traditional Italian Pizza 4.) A Guide to Authentic Traditional Italian Pizza Toppings 5.) Italian Meat Comparisson Chart 6.) A List of Traditional Italian Toppings 7.) Sources

Hints & Tips to Making the Ultimate Pizza

Cured Meat - Put cured meats on the pizza after cooking or at the last few seconds to avoid drying out. Fresh Meat - Cook thoroughly before putting on the pizza then cook on pizza to avoid germs. - Usually only vegetables & pork are used but now beef, poultry & fish ar used often. Cheese - Some Pizza is made with the cheese added after its cooked or no cheese at all. - Some Pizza is made with the toppings placed under the cheese as well as on top. - Traditionally Pizza is made with cheese in chunks or finely grated. Vegetables - Some vegetables need to be sauted or seered to bring out their flavours on pizza. Other -Avoid high temperatures and long cooking times to keep your pizza from burning. - Chop all items accordingly to how they will cook best. - Too much meat will cause your pizza to be greasy try to limit them to 7 items maximum. - Too many vegetables will cause your pizza to be greasy try to limit them to 7 items maximum.

The Authentic Traditional Italian Pizza Guidelines

The Vera Pizza Napoletana Guidelines are: 1. Proper Cooking Method: Pizza Napoletana must be cooked in a wood-fired dome oven. Gas, coal or electric ovens, while capable of produce wonderful pizza, do not conform to the Pizza Napoletana tradition. 2. Proper Ingredients: Pastry flour, San Marzano (plum) tomatoes, all natural Fior-di-Latte or Bufala mozzarella, fresh basil, sea salt and yeast. Only fresh, all-natural, non-processed ingredients are acceptable. 3. Proper Technique Pizza dough kneaded either by hand, or with a low speed mixer. No mechanical dough shaping, such as a dough press or rolling pin, and proper pizza preparation. Pizza baking time should not exceed 90 seconds. 4. Proper Equipment A proper work surface (usually a marble slab) and a wood-fired oven operating at roughly 800F. 5. The Final Product: Pizza Napoletana Pizza Napoletana is not larger than 14 with a raised edge crust and thin (.11 inch) center. The pizza should be soft and elastic, and easily foldable, not hard or brittle.

Definition of an Authentic Traditional Italian Pizza

Forno has translated the original Italian government document defining "Pizza Napoletana" for the EU. Enjoy!

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE COMMUNICATION Summary: Proposal of recognition of the Specialita' Traditionale Garantita "Pizza Napoletana" Date: 24-5-2004 Declaration: The Ministry of Agricultural received the petition to register the classification of Specialita' Traditionale Garantita for the product "Pizza Napoletana" as presented in the following Articles 1-13 of the regulation (EEC) number 2082/92, from the association Genuine Pizza Napoletana and from the association Pizza Napoletana, both headquarter in Naples, in order to create this product classification, and to distinguish it clearly from other similar products and to protect the consumer. We verify that the petition of production has been requested in the Italian language and the creation of the product obtained "according to the Italian tradition" and will proceed with the publication of the text of the to methods of production. Department of Agricultural Food Product Quality and Consumer Protection

Division QTC III via XX September n. 20 00187 Rome Thirty days from the date of publication in the official Gazette of the Italian Republic, the abovementioned petition will be proposed to the European Commission. THE METHOD OF PRODUCTION OF THE SPECIALITA' TRADITIONALE GARANTITA "PIZZA NAPOLETANA" Article 1. Name of the product The classification of "Pizza Napoletana STG" following the Italian tradition and with the wording exclusively in the Italian language, is reserved to the product made using ovens and from businesses dedicated to the production of Pizza, defined as Pizzerias, and destined for the final consumer, with specific features specified as follows: The Method "Pizza Napoletana" is a food preparation made from a base of risen dough and cooked in a wood fire oven. The product is characterized both by the ingredient, means and technologies of production. In the designation "Pizza Napoletana" we define the following names: "Pizza Napoletana Marinara", "Pizza Napoletana Margherita Extra" and "Pizza Napoletana Margherita". Article 2. Ingredients The products that provide the base for "Pizza Napoletana" include wheat flour type "00" with the addition of flour type "0" yeast, natural water, peeled tomatoes and/or fresh cherry tomatoes, marine salt, and extra virgin olive oil. Other added ingredients can include, garlic and oregano for "Pizza Napoletana Marinara" buffalo milk mozzarella, fresh basil and fresh tomatoes for"Pizza Napoletana Margherita Extra" and mozzarella STG or Fior di Latte Appennino and fresh basil for "Pizza Napoletana Margherita". Article 3. Method of Production. The preparation of "Pizza Napoletana" includes exclusively the following method of production used in a continuous cycle. 1) Preparation of the dough: Blend flour, water, salt and yeast. Pour a litre of water into a mixer, dissolve between the 50 and the 55g of salt, add 10% of the total amount of flour, and then add 3g of hydrated yeast. Start the

mixer, and then gradually add 1800 g of flour until you achievement of the desired dough consistency. Combining the ingredients should take 10 minutes. Next, mix the dough at low speed for 20 minutes, until the dough forms a single ball. To obtain the optimal dough consistency, it is very important to control the quantity of water, such that the flour is able to absorb it all. The mixture should be sticky, soft and elastic to the touch. The characteristic "merceologiche" of the flour used for "Pizza Napoletana" allow it to absorb from 50 to 55% of its weight in water to reach the optimal "point of pasta." The resulting dough can be individualized by the abilities of the individual pizzaiolo. The preparation of the dough in the mixer should be done without causing the dough to become warm. 2) Dough Rising: First phase: remove the dough from the mixer, and place it on a surface in the pizzeria where it can be left to rest for 2 hours, covered from a damp cloth. In this manner the dough's surface cannot become harden, nor can it form a crust from the evaporation of the moisture released from the dough. The dough is left for the 2 hour rising in the form of a ball, which must be made by the pizzaiolo exclusively by hand. With the aid of a spatula, cut from the mixture into smaller portions, which are then shaped onto a ball. For "Pizza Napoletana" the dough balls must weigh between the 180 and the 250 g. Second phase of the dough rising: Once the individual dough balls are formed, they are left in "rising boxes" for a second rising, which lasts from 4 to 6 hours. By controlling storage temperature, these dough balls can then be used at any time within the following 6 hours. 3) Forming the pizza base: Following the second rising, the dough ball can be removed from the rising box using a spatula and placed on the cooking of the pizzeria, on a light layer of flour to keep the dough from sticking to the work bench. With a motion from the center to the outside, and with the pressure of the fingers of both the hands on the dough ball, which is turned over and around multiple times, the pizzaiolo forms a disk of dough that to the center the thickness is not more than 0.3 cm (.11 inch), and a border that is not greater than 1-2 cm (.4-.8 inch), forming a frame, or crust. No other type of preparation is acceptable for the preparation of the "Pizza Napoletana STG." Specifically excluded is the use of a rolling pin and mechanical presses.

Features of the flour: W P/L G Absorption Stability Toss E10 Falling number Dry gluten Protein 220380 .50-.70 22 55-62 4-12 max 60 300400 9.511% 1112.5%

Features of the Dough: Fermentation temperature Final PH TA Density 25C 5.87 0.14 0.79g/cc (+34%)

4) Method: Assembling a Pizza. Pizza Napoletana Marinara: Using a spoon place 80g of pressed, peeled tomatoes in to the center of the pizza base, then using a spiralling motion, cover the entire surface of the base with the sauce; Using a spiralling motion, add salt on the surface of the tomato sauce; In the same manner, scatter a pinch of oregano;

Chop a thin slice of peeled garlic, and add it to the tomato; Using an oil canister and a spiralling motion starting from the center and moving out, pour 4-5g of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Pizza Napoletana Margherita Extra: Using a spoon place 60-80g of pressed, peeled tomatoes, or chopped fresh cherry tomatoes in to the center of the pizza base, then using a spiralling motion, cover the entire surface of the base with the sauce; Using a spiralling motion, add salt on the surface of the tomato sauce; Spread 80-100g of sliced Mozzarella di Bufala DOP so that it forms a connect lath pattern on the surface of the tomato sauce; Spread on the fresh basil leaves; Using an oil canister and a spiralling motion starting from the center and moving out, pour 4-5g of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Pizza Napoletana Margherita: Using a spoon place 60-80g of pressed, peeled tomatoes, or chopped fresh cherry tomatoes in to the center of the pizza base, then using a spiralling motion, cover the entire surface of the base with the sauce; Using a spiralling motion, add salt on the surface of the tomato sauce; Spread 80-100g of sliced Mozzarella STG, or Fior di Latte Appennino to that it forms a connect lath pattern on the surface of the tomato sauce; Spread on the fresh basil leaves; Using an oil canister and a spiralling motion starting from the center and moving out, pour 4-5g of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

5) Cooking: Using a wood or aluminum peel, and a little flour, the pizzaiolo transfers, the pizza using a rotary movement and a quick shake, on to the cooking surface of the oven without disturbing the prepared pizza. The cooking of the "Pizza Napoletana STG" must be done exclusively in a wood fire oven which has reached the cooking temperature of 485C, (905F), which is essential to cook the Pizza Napoletana. The pizzaiolo should monitor the cooking of the pizza by lifting up its edge. Using a metal peel, the pizzaiolo rotates the pizza, changing the edge that is facing the fire, and taking care to always replace the pizza on the same spot on the cooking surface, to ensure that the pizza does not burn because it is exposed to different temperatures. It is important that the pizza is cooked in uniform manner across its entire circumference. At the conclusion of the cooking, the pizzaiolo removes the pizza from the oven with a metallic peel, and places it on a flat, dry work surface. Cooking time should not surpass 60-90 seconds. After the cooking, the pizza should have the following characteristics: The tomato should have lost all excess water, and should be dense and consistent; The mozzarella di Bufala DOP or the mozzarella STG should be melted on the surface of the pizza; The basil, garlic and the oregano will develop an intense aroma, and will appear brown, but not burned. The following temperature guidelines should be followed: Cooking surface temperature: 800F about. Oven dome temperature:800F about. Cooking time: 60-90 seconds. Temperature reached by the dough: 60-65C. Temperature reached by the tomatoes: 75-80C. Temperature reached by the oil: 75-85C. Temperature reached from the mozzarella: 65-7C.

Article 4. Traditional character The pizza, as represented by a base of dough on which you can place food and which functions as a plate, has been present in various forms in the excavations of almost every known ancient civilization. The term "pizza" was first used in Italy in 997 in the Codex cajetanus of Gaeta. The true "Pizza Napoletana" as it has come to be know in Naples, a base of dough that is covered with tomatoes was born after a specific historical moment: the discovery of the America, in 1492 by Cristoforo Colombo. It was the Genoan navigator that carried the tomato plant to Europe. In 1596 the tomato plant was exported to Naples from the Spain, where it was first used as an ornamental. The first historical documentation of the use of tomatoes in the cooking is found in "Gallant Cooking" (Naples - And. Raimondiane 1733) by Vincenzo Corrado, the chef to Prince Emanuele of Francavilla. The same Corrado, in a following treaty on the foods most commonly used in Naples, declares that the tomato was used for preparation of pizza and macaroni, helping create two products for both the good fortune of Naples and the history of cooking. We can take these as the first official appearance of the "Pizza Napoletana" a base of dough covered with tomato. The first pizzerias, without doubt, were born at Naples and until the middle the 1900s; pizza was an exclusive product of Naples and of its Pizzerias. Since 1700 there were shops in Naples called "pizzeria" The fame of the Naples pizzeria began to grow when the king of Naples, Ferdinando of Bourbon, broke with the norm of the times, by entering the more renowned pizzerias to experience the traditional dish. From that moment, the "pizza" was transformed into a restaurant exclusively for the preparation of the "pizza". The pizzas most popular and famous in Naples are the "Marinara" created in 1734, and the "Margherita" created in 1796-1810 as an offering to the Queen of Italy during her visit to Naples in 1889. The colors of pizza (tomato, mozzarella and Basil) remember the flag of the Italy. Over time, Pizzerias have sprung up all around Italy and abroad, but each of these still finds its roots in the surroundings of Naples. And they are all bound with the term "Neapolitan pizzeria" in that they all recall in some manner their connection with Naples, where for almost 300 years this product has remained unchanged. In May 1984, virtually all the old Napoletani Pizzaioli came together to draw up the method for the Pizza Napoletana, which was signed and officially recorded by the notary Antonio Carannante of Naples. Article 5. Features of the final product a. Description of the product: "Pizza Napoletana" STG is presented as a product from the oven, round in shape, with a variable diameter than it should not surpass 35 cm, (14 inches), with the edge raised (crust), and with the central covered by the ingredients. The central of the pizza base will be 0.3 cm, (.11 inch thick),

with crust 1-2 cm (.4-.8 inch). The pizza should be soft, elastic, and easily foldable into a "booklet". b. Appearance: "Pizza Napoletana" STG is characterized by a raised crust of golden color -- a definite product from oven, soft to the touch and to the mouth. The ingredients framed in the center of the pizza by the red one of the tomato are perfectly blended with the olive oil. Marinara, the green of the oregano and the white one of the garlic; Pizza Margherita, the white one of the mozzarella browned all over, and the green one of the basil in leaves darkened from cooking. The consistency should be soft, elastic, and bendable. The product is presented soft to the slice, with the characteristic flavors, a crust that presents the flavors of well-prepared and baked bread, the mixed flavors of the tomatoes, the aromas of the of the oregano, the garlic and the basil, and the flavors of the cooked mozzarella. The pizza, as it emerges from the oven, delivers the characteristic aroma -- perfumed and fragrant. c. Chemical Analysis Marinara Type Napoletana Pizza STG NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS OF PRODUCT g/100 g Kcal/100 g Carbohydrates Protein Fats Energy Value/100 g 25.48 4.04 3.48 102 16.16 31.31 149.47 Kjoule/100 432.4 68.5 132.8 633.79

Margherita Type Napoletana Pizza STG NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS OF PRODUCT g/100 g Kcal/100 g Carbohydrates Protien Fats Energy Value/100 g 19.31 8.05 7.39 77.26 32.21 66.56 176.03

Kjoule/100 327.58 136.6 282.21 746.39

Margherita extra Type Napoletana Pizza STG NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS OF PRODUCT g/100 g Kcal/100 g Carbohydrates Protein Fats Energy Value/100 g 19.31 8.32 8.39 77.24 35.28 75.52 188.04

Kjoule/100 327.5 149.58 320.2 797.28

Article 6. Storage The Pizza Napoletana should be consumed immediately, straight out of the oven, at the pizzeria. If the pizza were removed from the pizzeria to be eaten later, it would not longer carry the mark of a true Pizza Napoletana" Article 7. Signage and Brand The pizzerias that are certified to produce true a "Pizza Napoletana" STG can display the logo described below: The logo contains a profile of the gulf of Naples with Mount Vesuvius in red, along with a pizza containing the essential ingredient. A green border encircles the graphic. Under the graphic the text states Pizza (in green) Neapolitan (in red), where the acronym STG appears in white in the second bar of the letter N. Article 8. Monitoring Pizzerias wanting certification for the STG "Pizza Napoletana" will be checked for the following standards: the correct methods and phases of mixture, rising and preparing the dough, as described above; monitoring closely the critical points (HACCP); verifying the usage of the ingredients and the methods outlined above; verifying the right storage and use ingredients (HACCP); checking that the pizzeria is following the structure outlined in the previous articles. 14 of the regulation (EEC) n. 2082/92.

A Guide to Authentic Traditional Italian Pizza Toppings

CheeseMozzarella Pecorino Gorgonzola Groviera (Swiss Cheese) Fontina Asiago Stracchino Ricotta Parmesan Feta Provolone Pecorino Parmigiano Reggiano Mascarpone Formaggio di Lagundo Bela Badia Caciocavallo Mozzarella di Bufala Campana ZuffiUova di bufala Zufi

Meat PorkProsciutto Cotto (Ham Slab) Prosciutto Crudo (Pork Slab) Capocollo (Pork Slab) Coppa (Pork Slab) Culatello (Pork Slab) Prosciuttini (Pork Slab) Lonza (Pork Slab) Pancetta (Cured Bacon) Pancetta Affumicata (Smoked Bacon) Speck (Bacon) Guanciale (Jowl Bacon) BeefBresaola (Beef Shoulder Slab) Slinzega (Beef Shoulder Slab) Mocetta di Bovino (Beef Leg Slab) Turgia Salami (Fresh Beef Sausage) Giora Salami (Cured Beef Sausage) EquineBresaola di cavallo (Horse Shoulder Slab) sfilacci di equino (Horse Strips) Salame di cavallo (Cured Horse Salami) salame di asino (Cured Donkey Salami) PoultrySalame d'oca di Mortara (Fresh Goose & Pork Sausage) Prosciutto d'oca (Goose Prosciutto) Petto d'anatra affumicato (Smoked Duck Breast) Petto d'oca affumicato (Smoked Goose Breast)

SalamiSalamino Piccante (Southern Italy) Cacciatore (Hunters) Ventricina (Commoners) Milano Salami (Milanese) Genoa Salami (Genoese) Felino (Parma) Finocchiona (Tuscan) Nduja (Calabrian) Cured Soppressata (Calabria) Uncured Soppressata (Tuscan) Sopressa (Veneto) Ciauscolo (Marche) Mortadella Ventricina Salame S. Angelo Salame siciliano Pepperoni SausageMild Salsiccia (typical raw Italian sausage) Spicy Salsiccia (typical raw Italian sausage) Salsiccia Stagionata (small salami) Wurstel (pre-cooked like hot dog) Borzat (Fresh Sheep Sausage) Salame d'oca di Mortara Salami di Turgia FishAnchovies Sardienes

OtherChampignon Mushrooms Black Olives Sundried Tomatoes Sliced Tomatoes Roasted Red Peppers Sweet Bell Peppers Sweet peppers (Pepperoncini) Hot Peppers Truffles Red Onions Asparagus Broccoli Artichoke Hearts Figs Eggplant Zucchini Spinach Rocket Squash Rosemary Sprigs Capers (Salted or Pickled) SpicesCrumbled Red Pepper Garlic Oregano Olive Oil Basil Leaves Sea Salt

International SalamiAmerican (Pepperoni, German Salami) Corsican (Fegatelli) French (Saucisson sec, Varit de Saucisson) Spanish (Fuet, Salchichn , Chorizo) Portuguese (Linguia, Chourio de Vinho, Salpico, Cacholeira, Paio) Hungarian (Tli Szalmi) Balkans (Kulen) German (Holsteiner Mettwurst) Dutch (Metworst) Finnish (Meetvursti) Danish (Spegeplse) South African (Drowors) Greek Salami Russian Salami International ToppingsChorizo Sausage Meat Balls Bacon Canadian Bacon Shrimp Ham Pineapple BBQ Chicken Grilled Chicken Buffalo Chicken Cajun Chicken Eggs Taco Meat Steak Strips

Italian Meat Comparisson Chart







Proschutto Crudo

Prosciutto Cotto



Pancetta Affumicata





Mocetta di Bovino

Giora Salami

Tugurt Salami


Prosciutto d'oca

Petto d'anatra affumicato

Petto d'oca affumicato


Bresaola di cavallo

Salame di cavallo

Salame di asino

Sfilacci di equino

A List of Traditional Italian Toppings

70+ Varieties of Traditional Italian Sausage
Region of Abruzzo salsiccia di fegato salsiccia di fegato con miele salsiccia di maiale sott'olio salsicciotto frentano Region of Basilicata salsiccia dolce, con finocchietto (o semi di coriandolo) e con peperoncino rosso di Senise in polvere. salsiccia piccante, con finocchietto e peperoncino piccante. salsiccia pezzente, cos chiamata per l'impiego di parti meno pregiate e pi grasse. salsiccia sotto sugna Region of Calabria salsiccia con finocchietto selvatico, satizza salsiccia di coretto salsiccia pezzente salsiccia sott'olio (d' oliva) salsiccia sotto sugna Region of Campania salsiccia salsiccia affumicata salsiccia di polmone salsiccia sotto sugna salsiccia sotto sugna di Casale di Carinola salsiccia sotto sugna di Vairano Patenora

salsiccia Rossa di Castelpoto cervellatine Region of Emilia-Romagna salsiccia fina o grosso salsiccia "matta" (fatta con tagli meno pregiati, soprattutto della gola vicino al taglio per il dissanguamento dell'animale in fase di macellazione) salsicciotto alla piacentina, salame da cuocere Region of Lazio salsiccia al coriandolo di Monte San Biagio (LT) (fresca, conservata e secca) salsicce (corallina romana, susianella, al coriandolo, paesana) salsicce secche aromatiche salsicce secche di suino della Ciociaria e dei monti Lepini salsiccia dei monti Lepini al maiale nero salsiccia di fegato (mazzafegato di Viterbo, paesana da sugo) salsiccia di fegato dei monti Lepini al maiale nero salsiccia di fegato di suino (tipica dell'Alta Valle del Velino) salsiccia sott'olio (allo strutto) Region of Liguria salsiccia salsiccia di ceriana, slasiccia salsiccia di pignone Region of Marche salsiccia salsiccia di fegato salsiccia di cinghiale Region of Molise salsiccia di fegato di maiale salsiccia di maiale

salsiccia di maiale di Pietracatella Region of Piemonte salsiccia al formentino salsiccia di Bra salsiccia di cavolo o sautissa d coi salsiccia di riso Region of Puglia salsiccia a punta di coltello dell'alta murgia a Gravina salsiccia alla salentina, sardizza, sarsizza, satizza salsiccia dell'appennino dauno salsicciotti di Laterza Zampina, prodotto tipico di Sammichele di Bari Region of Sardegna salsiccia di Siligo, di suino, affumicata, con pepe nero, chiodi di garofano e finocchietto selvatico salsiccia di suino fresca salsiccia di suino secca di Irgoli detta comunemente "Sartizzu" Region of Siciliana salsiccia di maiale fresca, secca e affumicata, a sasizza salsiccia pasqualora salsiccione grasso Region of Toscana salsiccia con patate salsiccia con fagioli salsiccia di cinghiale salsiccia di cinghiale sott'olio salsiccia di montignoso salsiccia toscana (sarciccia)

Region of Trentino-Alto Adige Hirschwurst (salsiccia di cervo) Leberwurst (salsiccia di fegato) salsiccia fresca o luganegheta fresca o salziza fresca (Provincia di Trento) Region of Umbria salsicce Region of Veneto salsiccia con le rape salsiccia equina salsiccia tipica polesana

170+ Varieties of Traditional Italian Salami Italian Salame VarietiesSalamini italiani alla cacciatora (DOP) Salame di Varzi (DOP) Salame Piacentino (DOP) Salame Brianza (DOP) Salame mantovano (DOP) Sopressa Vicentina (DOP) Salame d'oca di Mortara (IGP) Salame Sant'Angelo di Brolo (IGP) Salame Cremona (IGP) Salame Napoli (PAT) Salame di Mugnano (PAT) Ciauscolo (IGP) Salame di Fabriano Salame toscano Salame calabrese Salame gentile Strolghino Salame suino nero dei Nebrodi Salame al pistacchio dell'Etna Salame siciliano al finocchietto selvatico Salame siracusano Salame S. Angelo (IGP) Soppressata di Nicosia Salame di cinghiale ragusano

Traditionally Recognized Regional Salami VarietiesRegion of Abruzzo Annoia Mortadella di Campotosto o Coglioni di mulo Salame abruzzese Salame Aquila Ventricina Region of Basilicata Soppressata Region of Calabria 'Nduja Soppressata di Decollatura Soppressata calabrese Salame crudo di Albidona Salame di Crotone Region of Campania Salame Napoli Salame di Mugnano Soppressata cilentana e del Vallo di Diano, sopressata di Gioi Cilento Sopressata di Riciliano Sopressata del Sannio Sopressata irpina Region of Emilia-Romagna Salame Romagnolo Salame allaglio, salam da l'ai nella tradizione ferrarese

Salame di Canossa o salame di Castelnuovo Monti Salame degli Estensi Salama da sugo Salame di Felino Salame fiorettino Salame gentile, al zintil (il gentile) Salame zia, la zzia, (la zia) Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia Salam di cueste Salame d'oca Salame friulano Salame di Sauris Region of Lazio Salame cotto (salame cotto della Tuscia) Salame paesano Salsicce secche Region of Liguria Salame (con i lardelli), (salamme cui lardelli) Salame cotto Salame crudo Salame genovese di Sant'Olcese, di Orero Region of Lombardia Bastardei Salame d'oca Salam casalin Salame con lingua

Salame di Varzi Salame (cremonese, di filzetta, di montisola, mantovano, Milano) Salame bergamasco Salame di testa Salame pancettato Salame sotto grasso Salamelle di Mantova Salamina mista Salamini di capra Salamini di cavallo Salamini di cervo Salamini magri o maritati Salame Milano Region of Marche Ciauscolo (IGP) Salame di Fabriano Salame di frattula Salame di pecora Salame lardellato Soppressato Region of Piemonte Salame cotto Salame cuneo Salame d'asino Salame del cios Salame di cavallo Salame di cinghiale

Salame di giora Salame di patate Salame di testa o cupa Salame di turgia Salame d'la doja Salame d'oca Salamino di capra Salametto casalingo Salami aromatizzati del Piemonte Salamino di vacca Region of Sardegna Salsiccia sarda (o "sartizza" o "salsthitza") Salame Tipo Sardo Region of Siciliana Salame suino nero dei Nebrodi Salame al pistacchio dell'Etna Salame di cinghiale ragusano Salame al finocchietto selvatico Salame siracusano Salame S. Angelo (IGP) Salsiccia di Chiaramonte Gulfi Soppessata di Nicosia Region of Toscana Finocchiona Salame al vino Salame chianino Salame chiantigiano

Salame di cinghiale Salame di cinta senese Salame di maiale e pecora Salame prosciuttato di ghivizzano Salame toscano Region of Trentino-Alto Adige Kaminwurzen (salamino affumicato) Ciuighe Salame all'aglio di caderzone Salame all'aglio o salame da l'ai della Val Rendena Salamella fresca all'aglio di caderzone Region of Umbria Corallina Coglioni di mulo Salami di Norcia Region of Valle d'Aosta Boudin Region of Veneto Salame nostrano padovano Salame di cavallo Salame di Verona Salame di asino

400+ Varieties of Traditional Italian Cheese

Abbamare Sardinia; a semi-soft cheese made from a mixture of cows and sheeps milk.[1] Accasciato - A (usually mixed)Sheep and Cows milk cheese from Tuscany Acceglio from Piedmont; a fresh cows milk cheese made in the area of Acceglio (province of Cuneo).[2] Acidino (or Formaggio Acidino) Veneto; a goats milk cheese[3] Agr di Valtorta Lombardy; made with fresh cows or goats milk in the Alta Valle Brembana (Province of Bergamo)[4] Ainuzzi Sicily; a cows milk cheese made in Cammarata and San Giovanni Gemini (Province of Agrigento).[5] Algunder Bauernkse Halbfett (Italian formaggio contadino semigrasso di Lagundo) from Burggrafenamt (Italian Burgraviato), South Tyrol.[6] Algunder Butterkse (Italian formaggio di Lagundo) from Burggrafenamt (Italian Burgraviato), South Tyrol.[7] Algunder Ziegenkse (Italian formaggio di capra di Lagundo) South Tyrol; a goats milk cheese from Burggrafenamt (Italian Burgraviato)[8] Almkse South Tyrol Alpkse South Tyrol Amatriciano - Lazio around Amatrice and Leonessa Ambra di Talamello Marche Animaletti di Provola Calabria Aostano Val dAosta; cows milk. Aostino Val dAosta; cows milk. Aschbacher Magerkse (Italian formaggio Aschbach magro) South Tyrol, from Burggrafenamt (Italian Burgraviato),.[9] Asiago DOP Veneto, Trentino Asiago d'allevo (see Asiago) Asiago pressato (see Asiago) Asno Friuli Venezia Giulia; a curious cheese, although not made from asss milk[10],[11] Bags (synonym for Bagss)

Bagoss (synonym for Bagss) Bagss from Lombardy; a grana coloured with saffron from the Comune of Bagolino.[12], [13], [14] Bagss di Bagolino (synonym for Bagss) Bastardo del Grappa from Veneto; a cheese traditionally made with mixed milks, hence bastardo, in the area of Monte Grappa.[15] Bauernkse South Tyrol; a cheese made from pasturised, semi-skimmed cows milk around Meran and Vinschgau.[16] Beb di Sorrento- Campania; a cows milk cheese produced in a similar manner to Caciocavallo sorrentino in the Sorrentine Peninsula in the Province of Naples,[17] Beddo Piedmont; a soft, compact, white-bodied cheese made from cows milk in the lower Cervo valley (Commune of Pralungo and the Oropa valley in the Comune of Biella.[18] Begiunn Piedmont; a creamy-granular ricotta made in summer in the alpine pastures of Sauze dOulx and San Sicario (Commune of Cesana Torinese) in the upper Val di Susa, and also in Bardonecchia (Province of Turin).[19],[20] Bel Paese Bela Badia South Tyrol; a soft cows milk cheese, or recent introduction, made in the commune of Bruneck with milk from the mountain farmsteads of the Puster Valley.[21] Bella Lodi Lombardia; typical Italian hard cheese from Lodi, "Granone" lodigiano.[22] Belicino Sicily; a fresh sheeps mik cheese from the Belice valley, containing stoned olives of the type Oliva da Tavola Nocellara del Belice.[23] The cheese, whose origins are post-World Two, is made within the communal territories of Calatafimi, Castelvetrano, Poggioreale, Salaparuta, Campobello di Mazara, Gibellina, Santa Ninfa, Petrosino and Salemi.[24] Belmonte Bettelmatt Piedmont[25] Bergkse Bernardo Biancospino

Bocconcini Bocconcini alla panna di bufala (see Bocconcini)[26] Bianco verde Trentino; a cows milk cheese from Rovereto.[27] Bitto DOP Lombardy Bitto Valtellina (synonym for Bitto[25]) Bonassai Boscatella di Fiav Trentino; a recently developed soft cheese made in Fiav.[25] Boschetto al Tartufo (a cheese incorporating pieces of white truffle[28] Bormino Boves Bra (cheese) DOP Piedmont. Made in three varieties: Bra d'alpeggio Bra duro[29] Bra tenero[29] Branzi Lombardy, a similar cheese to Formai del Mut Brebidor Sardinia; a soft sheeps milk cheese.[30] Brebiblu Sardinia; a modern, soft, blue (really green) sheeps milk cheese inoculated with Penicillium roqueforti, made by Argiolas Formaggi in Dolianova (Province of Cagliari).[31],[32] Brocciu (see Brotzu[33]) Bros (see Brs) Brs Bross (see Brs) Brossa Val dAosta; cows milk Brotzu[34] Brus (see Brs) Brus da latte Brus da ricotta Bruss (see Brs)[29] Bruss delle Langhe (see Brs) Bruss di Castelmagno Bruss di Frabosa

Bruz d'Murazzan Bruz d'Murazzanivan Bruzzu Burrata (a kind of mozzarella, stuffed with a mixture of mozzarella and cream) Burrata delle Murge Puglia; a Burrata produced since the early twentieth century in Andria (BA) and Martina Franca.[25] Burrata di bufala (made from the milk of water buffalo) Burrell' Burrino Burrino e burrata di bufala (water buffalos milk cheeses from Campania[35]) Busche Butirro Butterkse (Lagundo) (see Algunder Butterkse) Cachat Cacio di Fossa - A hard, sharp sheep's milk cheese, not unlike Pecorino Cacio figurato Cacio Magno Cacio marcetto Abruzzo[25] Caciocavallo Caciocavallo di bufala (of Campania[36] and, in both smoked and unsmoked varieties, from Lazio[37]) Caciocavallo Ragusano Sicily; former name for the cheese now officially listed as Ragusano DOP.[38] Caciocavallo Silano DOP Calabria, Basilicata, Campania, Molise and Puglia Cacioforte Cacioreale Cacioricotta Cacioricotta di bufala[39] Cacioricotta Lucano Puglia, Campania and especially Basilicata.[13] Caciotta Caciotta Amiatina Caciotta della Lunigiana Caciotta misto pecora

Caciotta degli Elimi Caciotta dei monti della Laga Caciotta della sabina Caciotta di Asiago Caciotta di Brugnato Caciotta di Capra Caciotta di latte caprino Caciotta di pecora Caciotta genuina Romana Caciotta mista della Tuscia Caciotta di bufala Caciotta di bufala Pontina[39] Caciotta Sarda Caciotta Senese Caciotta Toscana Caciottina Di Bufala[39] Caciottina Di Bufala Di Amaseno[39] Caciottina Di Bufala Di Amaseno Aromatizzata)[39] Casciotta di Urbino Cadolet di capra Calcagno Callu de cabreddu Canestrato Canestrato di Moliterno Stagionato in Fondaco, a hard mixed sheeps and goats milk cheese from Puglia. It is matured for at least 60 days and may be eaten at table or grated.[40] A application for PGI status was submitted on 20 August 2005.[41] Canestrato Pugliese Puglia; a PDO cheese made in the Province of Foggia Canestrato Trentino Cansiglio Capridor Caprino (goats cheese) Caprino al pepe di Bagnolo

Caprino da grattugia Caprino dell'Aspromonte Caprino degli Alburni Caprino della Limina Caprino della Val Brevenna Caprino della Val Vigezzo Caprino di Baceno Caprino di Cavalese Caprino di Demonte Caprino di malga delle Alpi Marittime Caprino di Montefalcone del Sannio Caprino di Rimella Caprino Francese Caprino fresco Caprino fresco veneto Caprino lattico Piemontese Caprino lombardo Caprino Ossolano Caprino presamico Piemontese Caprino stagionato Caprino Trentino Caprino vaccino Caprino Valle Caprino Valsesiano Carboncino Carnia Casale de Elva Cuneo; a cheese made in the Commune of Elva (CN), in the upper Val Maira which may be sold fresh or aged. In the latter case it resembles Castelmagno.[13] Alternative names include Toma di Elva, Caso di Elva and Tumo de Caso) Casalina Casareccio di Gorreto Cast Gardesano

Casatella Romagnola Casatella Trevigiana Casatta nostrana di Corteno Golgi Casciotta di Urbino DOP Marche[42] Casel Bellunese Casera Crotto Casera uso monte Casieddu di Moliterno Basilicata[13] Casizolu Casizolu di pecora Caso conzato Caso di Elva (synonym for Casale de Elva) Caso peruto Casolet Casolet della Val di Sole Lombardy[13] Casoretta Castel Ariund, a strongly flavoured cows milk cheese from Entracque in the Maritime Alps of the Province of Cuneo, often eaten with the local honey.[43] Castelmagno DOP Piedmont Castelrosso Casu axedu o Frue Casu cundhdu (see Casu marzu) Casu marzu Casu modde (see Casu marzu) Casu spiattatu Casu de cabreddu[34] Casu Friscu (Formaggio fresco from Sardinia)[34] Casu spiattatu[34] Cavrin (Cevrin) di Coazze (goat cheese) Piedmont[29] Cesio Cherz Veneto; a name used in Livinallongo del Col di Lana for Pressato.[44] Cingherlino (Zincarlin) Cofanetto

Comelico (cheese) Conciato Romano Contrin Costa dOro Crava Crema del Friuli Crescenza Crucolo Trentino; cow's milk Crutin Cuc Cuincir Cuor di Valle Cusi Degli Albanesi Del Colle Delizia del Colle Dobbiaco (cheese) South Tyrol[13] Dolce Isola Misto Dolcelatte (a cheese related to Gorgonzola, made for the export market) Dolce sardo Dolcezza d'Asiago Dolomiti Trentino[13] Erborinato di Artavaggio Ericino Escarun di pecora Falagnone Farci-Provola Fatul Fallone di Gravina Felciata di Calabria Fior di campo Fior di latte Fior di latte laziale

Fior di Monte Fiordivalle Fiore Sardo DOP Sardinia Fiore Sicano Fiorone della Valsassina Fiur Fiurit Flors Fodm Fontal Trentino[45] Fontal Fiav Trentino[13] Fontina DOP Val dAosta Formadi salat (also known as formaggio salato, and related to Asno[46]) Formaggella del Bec Formaggella del Luinese Formaggella dell'Adamello Formaggella della Val Brembana Formaggella della Val Camonica Formaggela della di Sabbia Formaggella della Val di Scalve Formaggella della Val Seriana Formaggella della Val Trompia Formaggella di caglio Formaggella Tremosine Formaggella uso monte Formaggella Valcavallina Formaggetta della Valle Argentina Formaggetta di Bonassola Formaggetta di mucca Formaggetta Savonese Formaggina Formaggio (cheese) Formaggio a crosta rossa

formaggio Alta Pusteria (see Hoch Pustertaler) Formaggio caprino del Cilento Formaggio Caprino della Limina Formaggio coi vermi Formaggio Caprino d'alpeggio Formaggio da spalmare Formaggio dei Zaccuni Formaggio d'alpeggio di Triora Formaggio d'alpe Formaggio del Cit Formaggio del Gleno Formaggio del fieno Formaggio di capra Formaggio di capra a pasta molle Val dAosta; goats milk Formaggio di capra di Calabria Formaggio di "caso" Formaggio di colostro ovino Formaggio di fossa Emilia-Romagna, Marche[13] Formaggio di Menconico Formaggio di Montagna Formaggio di pecora o capra a pasta pressata Val dAosta; sheeps and/or goats milk Formaggio in crema Formaggio salato (synonym for Formadi salat[46]) Formaggio Saltarello Formaggio di S. Stefano di Quisquina Formaggio semigrasso d'Alpe Formaggio Val Seriana Formaggiola caprina Formaggiu ri capra Formai de Livign Formai de Mut Formai de Mut dell'Alta Valle Brembana DOP Lombardy

Formaio embriago Veneto[13] Furmaggitt di Montevecchia Furmaggiu du quagliu Furmai del sieur Mario Formadi Frant Formella del Friuli Frachet Fresa (cheese) Frico Balacia Frue[34] Galbanino Garda Tremosine Giglio Sardo Giuncata Gioda Gioddu Giunc Gorgonzola DOP Lombardy, Piedmont Gran cacio di Morolo Grana (a class of hard, mature cheeses) Grana Padano DOP Lombardy, Piedmont, Trentino, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna Grana Trentino Trentino[13] Grande Vecchio di Montefollonico Granone Lodigiano Grasso d'Alpe Graukase Graukse della Valle Aurina South Tyrol[13] Gresal Veneto; the name used in Sedico for Pressato.[44] Guttus Hoch Pustertaler South Tyrol; a cows milk cheese, also known as formaggio Alta Pusteria, made in the communes of Toblach and Niederdorf.[47]

Ircano Sardinia; a cheese made from goats milk in the communes of San Nicol Gerrei, Tertenia and Guspini.[48] Italico Lombardy; a cows milk cheese made particularly in the provinces of Lodi and Pavia. A synonym for Bel Paese.[49] Latteria Latteria Delebio Latteria di Fagagna Macagn Piedmont; a mountain cows milk cheese made in the province of Vercelli in the areas of Biella and the Valsesia.[50] Maccagno (cheese) Madonie Provola Sicily; a stretched curd cows milk cheese made in the mountains of Madonie in the province of Palermo.[51] Magnocca Maioc-Magnocca Maiorchino Maiorchino di Novara di Sicilia Malga altopina o dei Sette Comuni Malga bellunese Malga Fane Malga o Ugovizza Malga Stagionato nelle Vinacce Malga Stelvio Manteca (cheese) Marzolina Marzolino del Chianti - Toscana[52] Marzolino di Lucardo Mascarpin de la Calza Mascarpa Mascarpone Mascarpone di bufala[39] Mascarpone di Bufala di Battipaglia Campania[13] Mascarpone torta (Mascarpone layered with basil and pine kernels[53]) Mastela

Mattone or Zeigel Mattonella al rosmarino Matusc Mezzapasta Misto capra Misto capra di Malga Misto pecora fresco dei Berici Moesin di Fregona Mollana della Val Borbera Moncenisio (see Murianengo) Montagna (cheese) Montanello (Caciotta dolce) Montasio DOP Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto Monte Baldo e Monte Baldo primo fiore Monte delle Dolomiti Monte Veronese DOP Veneto Montbore Piedmont; a cheese made from mixed cows and sheeps milk in the south-east of the (province of Alessandria) close to the Ligurian border, particularly in the area of Mongiardino Ligure.[54],[29][55] Montegranero Morello (cheese) Morlc Morlacco, or Morlacco di Grappa, from the area of Monte Grappa in the Veneto Mortrett (Murtret) Mortart Piedmont; a class of cheeses from the area of Biella in which the curds are coated with natural flavourings such as alpine herbs, spices, walnuts, maize flour. Examples include Ostrica di montagna,[56] Ciambella all'Aglio, Maccagnetta alle erbe,[57],[58] Maccagnetta alle noci,[59] Mattonella al rosmarino,[60] Mortart Ciambella aromatica[61][62] Motel Motta Mottolina (historical name for Bettelmatt

Mozzarella Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP Campania, Lazio Murazzano DOP Piedmont Murianengo Piedmont; also known as Moncenisio this is a Gorgonzola-like cows milk cheese from the province of Turin.[29][63] Murtarat Musulupu Nevegal Nis Nisso Nostrano (local produce) Nostrana di malga Nostrano d'Alpe Nostrano de casl Nostrano del Primiero (see Nostrano della Val di Fassa) Trentino[13] Nostrano di Costalta Nostrano di Latteria Nostrano di malga Trentino Nostrano Fiav Nostrano grasso Nostrano misto capra Nostrano prealpino Nostrano semigrasso Nostrano della Val di Fassa Trentino[13] Nostrano Valchiese Ormea (cheese) Ortler (cheese) Ostrica di montagna Piedmont; one of the Mortart specialities of Biella[56] Ossolano d'Alpe - A Cows milk cheese made in Piedmont. Paddaccio Paddraccio Padduni Paglierina

Paglierina di Rifreddo Piedmont[13] Pallone di Gravina Apulia and Basilicata[64] Pampanella Pannarello Pannerone Lodigiano Parmigiano-Reggiano DOP Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy Pastorella del Cerreto di Sorano Pastorino Pecorino (sheeps-milk cheese) Pecorino a crosta fiorita Pecorino baccellone Pecorino Brindisino Pecorino dei Berici Pecorino del Casentino Pecorino del Parco di Migliarino-San Rossore Pecorino della costa Apuana Pecorino della Garfagnana Pecorino della Lunigiana Pecorino della Versilia Pecorino delle balze Volterrane Pecorino di Filiano - A hard pecorino from the Province of Potenza for which an application for PDO status was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 19.4.2007[65] Pecorino di Garfagnina - A Tuscan Pecorino made with milk from Garfagnina Bianca ewes. Pecorino di montagna Pecorino di Osilo Pecorino Leccese Pecorino Romano DOP Lazio, Tuscany, Sardinia Pecorino Rosso Pecorino Sardo DOP Sardinia Pecorino Senese Pecorino Siciliano DOP Sicily

Pecorino Subasio (an alternative name (in dialect) for Pecorino Umbro)[66] Pecorino Toscano DOP Tuscany Pecorino Umbro[66] Pecorino Veneto Pepato Peretta Perlanera Pettirosso "Tipo Norcia" Piacentinu Piacentinu di Enna Sicily[13] Piattone Piave Piave Vecchio, Piave Stravecchio Piddiato Pierino (cheese) Piscedda[34] Pirittas[34] Pojna enfumegada (see Poina enfumegada) Poina enfumegada Trentino[13] Pratolina Pressato Veneto[67] Presolana-Valseriana Prescinseua Primo sale Primolino Primusali Provola affumicata (smoked cows milk cheese from Campania[68] Provola affumicata di bufala (smoked water buffalos-milk cheese from Campania[69] Provola di bufala (water buffalos-milk cheese from Lazio: provinces of Rome and Frosinone[70]) Provola affumicata di bufala (smoked water buffalos-milk cheese from Lazio: provinces of Rome and Frosinone[70])

Provola Capizzi Provula Casale (Floresta) Provola dei Nebrodi Provola delle Madonie Provola Ragusana Provola Siciliana Provolone Provolone Sardo[34] Provolone Valpadana DOP Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Trentino Pusteria Pustertaler Puzzone di Moena Trentino[13] Quagliata ligure Quartirolo Lombardo DOP Lombardy Raschera DOP Piedmont[29] Raschera d'alpeggio Piedmont; a Raschera made, at least 900 m above sea level, in certain Alpine areas of the province of Cuneo.[71] Ragusano DOP Sicily; Rasco Ravaggiolo Romagnolo Raviggiolo di pecora Reblec de crama Val dAosta; cows milk Rblque Val dAosta; cows milk Rebl alpino (see Reblochon)[72] Reblochon Rebruchon (see Reblochon)[72], [73] Regato Renz Riavulillo Ricotta Ricotta di bufala[39] Ricotta di bufala Affumicata[39] Ricotta di bufala Infornata[39]

Ricotta di bufala Salata[39] Ricotta essiccata di bufala[39] Ricotta fresca di bufala[39] Ricotta gentile[34] Ricotta moliterna[34] Ricotta mustia[34] Ricotta Romana DOP Lazio[74] Ricotta salata[75],[76],[34] Rigatino di Castel San Pietro Robiola Robiola Alta Langa Robiola bresciana Robiola d'Alba Robiola della Val Bormida Robiola della Valsassina Robiola di Bossolasco Robiola di Castel San Giovanni Robiola di Ceva o Mondov Robiola di Cocconato Robiola di Montevecchia Robiola di Roccaverano DOP Piedmont Romano (an American term for a class of cheeses, some of them Italian, including Pecorino Romano from which the name is derived) Rosa Camuna - Val Camonica, Lombardy; mild compact paste cheese made with partially skimmed cows milk. Salignon Val dAosta; goatss and/or sheep milk cheese, usually smoked[77] Salagnun Salato duro friulano Salato morbido friulano Salato morbido del Friuli Friuli-Venezia Giulia[13] Salgnun (Salignun) Salva

Santo Stefano d'Aveto (cheese), also known as San St, from the upper Aveto valley and particularly from within the municipal boundaries of the communes of Rezzoaglio and Santo Stefano d'Aveto.[78] Sappada (cheese) Saras del Fn Piedmont[29] Sarasso Sarazzu (see Sarasso) Sargnon Scacciata Scacione (Caprone) Scamorza Scamorza calabra Scamorza di bufala[39] Scamorza Molisana Molise[13] Schiz Schlander Scuete Frante Scuete fumade o Ricotta affumicata Scimuda d'alpe Scimudin Scimut Scodellato Seras Val dAosta; a cows milk cheese known since 1267 and often eaten with polenta.[79] Ser (see Seras) Seirass (see Seras) Seirass del Fen (see Seras) Seirass del Lausun Seirass di latte Seirass di siero di pecora Seirass stagionato Semicotto Caprino Semicotto Ovino

Semitenero Loiano Semuda Silter Silter della Val Camonica Lombardy[13] Shtalp Smorzasoel Soera (Sola della Valcasotto) Solandro di malga Solandro magro Sot la Trape Sottocenere al tartufo[80] Spalm Spress Spressa delle Giudicarie DOP Trentino Squaquarone Squrquaglione dei Monti Lepini Sta'el Stagionato de Vaise Stelvio or Stilfser DOP Stracchino Stracchino Bronzone Stracchino della Valsassina Stracchino di Bufala Stracchino di Nesso Stracchino Orobico Stracciata Stracciatella di Bufala[39] Strachet Stracchino toscano Strachitund Stracn Strica Tabor

Taleggio DOP Lombardy, Veneto and Piedmont Tendaio - A semi-soft cows milk cheese made in Castiglione di Garfagnana, Tuscany, with ancient origins. Testun Tipo malga friulano Tirolese Toblach South Tyrol (see Dobbiaco (cheese)[13]) Toma Toma Ajgra, from the Valsesia in the Province of Vercelli.[81] Toma of Basilicata[82][83] Toma Biellese, made with milk from the Pezzata Rossa dOropa cattle breed in the Province of Biella.[84] Toma del Bot[85] Toma del lait brusc, or Formag lait brusc, a cowss milk cheese from the Susa Valley, Piedmont.[29][86] Toma del Maccagno, a cows milk cheese from the Biellese[87] Toma della Bassa Val d'Aosta Val dAosta; a Toma made with cows milk and only in the summer months.[88] Toma della Valle di Susa, a cows milk cheese from the Province of Turin, Piedmont.[89] Toma della Valle Stura, Province of Cuneo.[90] Toma della Valsesia, Province of Vercelli, Piedmont.[91] Toma di Balme, Piedmont.[85] Toma di Boves, Piedmont.[85] Toma di capra, Piedmont and Lombardy.[85] Toma di Celle, from the area aroundCelle Macra in the Valle Maira, Piedmont.[92] Toma di Elva (synonym for Casale de Elva) Toma di Gressoney Val dAosta; a Toma made with cows milk in the Alpine summer pastures of the Lys Valley.[93][94] Toma di Lanzo, Piedmont.[85] Toma di Mendatica from the upper Valle Arroscia, the Val Roja and the Valle Impera.[95]

Toma di Pragelato Toma di Valgrisenche, Aosta Valley.[96] Toma lucana Toma Piemontese, a DOP cheese from Piedmont. Tombea Tometta di Barge Tometto (Tumet) Tomino Tomino Canavesano asciutto Tomino Canavesano fresco Tomino del Bec Tomino del Bot Tomino del Mel Tomino del Talucco[98] Tomino delle Valli Saluzzesi Tomino di Andrate Tomino di Bosconero Tomino di Casalborgone Tomino di Rivalta Tomino di San Giacomo di Boves Tomino di Saronsella (Chivassotto) Tomino di Sordevolo Tomino di Talucco Piedmont[29] Tomino "Montoso" Torta (cheese) Torta Orobica Toscanello Tosela Tosla del Primiero Trentino.[13] Tre Valli Treccia dura Treccia dei Cerviati e Centaurino Trizza

Tronchetto alpino Tuma Tuma 'd Trausela Piedmont[29] Tuma sicula Tumazzu di pecura ccu pipi Tumazzu di piecura Tumazzu di vacca Tumazzu di vacca ccu pipi Tumet di Pralungo Tumo de Caso (synonym for Casale de Elva) Ubriaco[99] Uova di bufala (See Bocconcini)[39] Vaciarin Val Brandet Valcasotto Valle d'Aosta Fromadzo DOP Val dAosta Valtellina casera DOP Lombardy Vastedda della Valle del Belice Vastedda Palermitana Vzzena Trentino[13] Ziegenkase (see Algunder Ziegenkse) Ziger South Tyrol[100] Zigercse (synonym for Ziger) Zighera Trentino; a smoked cheese made in the mountains of Pinetano and the area of Valfloriana.[101] Zumelle Veneto.[102] Zufi Piedmont; a fermented ricotta, somewhat related to Brs, made in Val Formazza, province of Novara.[103] Zuvi (synonym for Zufi.)


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