Super Predator Bullshit (Jrank)

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AB: Super Predator=Bullshit: The period between 1988 and 1998 saw a rapid growth and then as rapid

a decline in juvenile violence. The causes for these large changes after years of stability
have been debated. With the concept of the juvenile super predator fading, other causes have been proposed. Alfred

much of the increase in juvenile and adult violence was linked to a change in the nature of the illegal drug markets during this period. In the late 1980s crack cocaine entered the urban centers of the United States. The drug market for crack differed in significant ways from other drugs. Crack was sold in small quantities. Users often made multiple purchases a day. [Crack] Drug sellers, therefore, had to be available on nearly an around-the-clock basis on street corners, with money in their pockets and with guns to protect their businesses. the new competition among drug dealers and drug gangs and the presence of money and firearms caused a situation where violence would naturally increase. The decline in the crack market in the mid-1990s removed much of the drug's influence on the U.S. violent crime rate, with one exception. While crack
Blumstein from Carnegie-Mellon University proposed that
Blumstein argued that

left the inner cities, the weapons remained in the hands of juveniles and young adults. A study of homicides by juveniles during this time period easily demonstrates the influence of firearms on juvenile violent

In the mid-1980s roughly half the juvenile homicide offenders killed with a firearm and half killed with other weapons (e.g., knives, clubs, hands, feet, etc.). The doubling of homicides by juveniles between 1987 and 1994 was all firearm related. During this period the number of juvenile homicides committed without firearms did not change, while the proportion of homicides committed with firearms increased by 82 percent. Correspondingly, the entire decline in juvenile homicides after 1994 was a decrease in firearm-related homicides. Clearly, between the mid-1980s and the late 1990s juvenile homicide trends were linked to firearms.
crime trends.

Analysis: Juveniles not stopped by deterrence, so increasing punishments will not deter super predatore, which (if you havent noticed) dont exist in any sufficient manner, since a period when super predators were in societys consciousness did not see an increase in juvenile homicides. "Juvenile Violent Offenders-Causes for the Growth and Decline of Juvenile Violence." 1548. Net Industries, 9 Dec. 2006. Web. 3Jan. 2011. < Causes-growth-decline-juvenile-violence.html>.

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