Wellness Protocol 4.09

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Wellness Protocol

The following is an extensive and intensive amount of data compiled from years of research and experience of working with people with cancer and other diseases. Many additional resources and references are included in the paper to facilitate the readers further research and access to support. People who have been diagnosed with or suspect that they may have cancer will find the write-up most relevant. This information is freely shared with the intention of supporting each persons own journey to vibrant health. This protocol has proven to be over 90% effective with even stage 4.

Amas test This test is important even if a diagnosis has already been derived at. Further tests will allow for a clear understanding of progress being made by the client. It is an important marker for monitoring wellness. Contact Oncolabs to arrange for a test wherever you are at. http://oncolabinc.com Thermal Imaging Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging is now widely accepted as a superior screening test to Mammography and provides a powerful monitoring tool to gauge progress during and after treatment. It is completely safe and relatively inexpensive. www.healthwalk.com Physician diagnosis This would be specific to certain diseases and illness. For instance, if anyone thought they had cancer, a diagnosis by their medical doctor must be obtained immediately and no modalities at HealthWalk would suffice instead of a medical diagnosis. Vital Hematology With all conditions, the body system is compromised. It is crucial to understanding what is really happening with the body to be able to explore it through Vital Hematology (live blood analysis). www.healthwalk.com Hormone Test The extended panel hormone test allows for an understanding of what is happening with the hormone levels of the body and then the ability to design and protocols that may be necessary for each particular persons needs. www.healthwalk.com H.R.T. Heart rate variability test Provides a quantitative assessment of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) based on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analysis. Since all systemic health challenges have an electrical component to them, it is vital to know what this is and resolve it. Bio-impedance Analysis / Galvanic Skin Response Biofeedback testing- It is a measure of the opposition to the flow of that electric current through the tissues, the opposite of electrical conductivity. The measurement of the bio-impedance (or bioelectrical impedance) of the humans and animals has proved useful as a non-invasive method for measuring such things as blood flow (often referred to as bioimpedance plethysmography) and body composition (known as bioelectrical impedance analysis or simply BIA). www.healthwalk.com

Galvanic Skin Response will also indicate what foods, supplements, and medication the body will respond to and therefore should take or should not take. It reduces guesswork. Tooth Analysis - Root Canal Teeth Although many people find this difficult to believe, root canals and metal fillings are a primary cause of cancer. If you have a root canal and have had it for more than 6 months, then without a doubt you have at the very least a low grade infection. The metal from fillings has been proven to be linked with a compromised immune system. At least 80% of cancer patients have root canal teeth (some as many as 10 or 11). There is no question that these teeth cause cancer and many other degenerative conditions. If you have any root canal teeth, you must have them removed immediately by a biological dentist if you want to recover from your cancer. What is a biological dentist? Well, the simplest description is that he/she is a dentist who is more concerned with your health than your smile. Another distinguishing characteristic is that he/she will not do root canals and will urge you to have any root canals in your mouth removed as soon as possible. The book Root Canal Cover-Up. The author is George Meinig, D.D.S, F.A.C.D. Those letters mean Doctor of Dental Surgery, and Fellow of the American College of Dentistry. This is a very prominent dentist. Dr. Meinig began doing root canal fillings on his patients teeth in 1943. In 1948, he was one of the 19 founders of the American Association of Endodontists (root canal therapists). When he retired in 1993, he was honored, along with the other three surviving founders at the 50th anniversary celebration of the AAE. Your Guide to Gentle, Non-toxic Healing 109 In 1993, shortly after his retirement, Dr. Meinig learned of the 1,174 pages of research done on root canal teeth by Dr. Weston Price, D.D.S., F.A.C.D. and 60 fellow researchers that had been suppressed by the American Dental Association since 1925. This research, done over 20 years, showed, beyond any question, that there was no safe way to do a root canal filling. Not only that, but the research established root canal teeth as the cause of many serious degenerative conditions, including cancers. The Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland has treated cancer patients since 1958. A part of this clinic is a Biological Dentist Section. Every cancer patient who comes to the clinic has his/her mouth cleaned of root canal-filled teeth before any other cancer treatment is done. In 2004, the clinics Director, Dr. Thomas Rau, feeling that most breast cancer patients they were treating had root canal teeth, decided to do a study. He reviewed the records of the last 150 of their breast cancer patients. He found that 147 of them (98%) had one or more root canal teeth on the same meridian as their original breast cancer tumor. He believes there is no doubt that this was the primary cause of their cancers. Please, if you have any root canal teeth, treat removing them from your mouth as your number one priority. You will not get well until you do this. Once it is done properly, you may need very little other treatment to get well. Finding one of the biological dentists who can remove the tooth/teeth properly may not be easy. As of 2008, one of the best ways to locate one of these people is to call the office of Dr. Hal Huggins in Colorado Springs, Colorado (Mountain time). Dr. Huggins and Dr. Thomas Levy, an M.D., worked together on a study of root canal-filled teeth for six years from 2000 to 2006. Dr. Levy told me that they had removed 5,000 root canal-filled teeth. He said they were each tested in the lab. Every one of them had toxins coming out of it that were more toxic than botulism (Dr. Levys words)

Dental Cleanup Find an alternative dentist.

They have been leading the movement to ban mercury from dental supplies. Not only mercury, but all metal needs to be banned. If your dentist will not follow the necessary procedures, then you must find one that will. The questions to ask when you phone a new dental office are: 1. Do you place mercury fillings? (The correct answer is NO. If they do, they probably don't have enough experience in the use of non-metal composites.) 2. Do you do root canals? (The correct answer is NO. If they do, they do not understand good alternative dentistry.) 3. Do you remove amalgam tattoos? (The correct answer is YES. Tattoos are pieces of mercury left in the gum tissue.) 4. Do you treat cavitations? (The correct answer is YES. By cleaning them.) The complete name of cavitations is alveolar cavitational osteopathosis. They are holes (cavities) left in the jawbone by an incompletely extracted tooth. A properly cleaned socket which is left after an extraction will heal and fill with bone. Dentists routinely do NOT clean the socket of tissue remnants or infected bone. A dry socket (really an infected socket) is a common result. These sockets never fully heal. Thirty years after an extraction, a cavitation will still be there. It is a form of osteomyelitis, which means bone infection. Ninety percent or more of dental offices will not be able to answer ANY of the above questions correctly. If you allow the work to be done by a dentist who does not understand the importance of the above list, you could end up with new problems. Find the right dentist first even if you must travel hundreds of miles. There are 6,000 to 10,000 dentists who should be able to help. Some can do part of the work and refer you to a specialist for The guidelines can be summarized as: 1. Remove all metal from the mouth. 2. Remove all infected teeth and root canals. Ask to see your crowns when they are removed. The stench of the infection under some teeth may be overwhelming as they are pulled. Bad breath in the morning is due to such hidden tooth infections, not a deficiency of mouthwash! All metal must come out, no matter how glossy it looks on the surface. Metal does not belong in your body. It is an unnatural chemical. Do this as soon as you have found a dentist able to do it. Find a dentist with experience and knowledge about this subject. It is more than replacing acknowledged culprits like mercury-amalgam fillings. This is metal-free dentistry. Only metal-free plastic should be put back in your mouth.

Your dentist should do a complete X-ray examination of your mouth. Ask for the panoramic X-ray rather than the usual series of 14 to 16 small X-rays (called full mouth series). The panoramic X-ray shows the whole mouth including the jaws and the sinuses. This lets the dentist see impacted teeth, root fragments, bits of mercury buried in the bone and deep infections. Cavitations are visible in a panoramic X-ray that may not be seen in a full mouth series. The cost of removing metals should be viewed in the proper light. It took years or decades to get into your present condition. When you do a lot of dental repair in a short time, it can seem to be costly. Unfortunately, many people are in a tight financial position because of the cost of years of ineffective treatment, trying to get well. Your dentist may recommend crowning teeth to "protect" or strengthen them. Unfortunately, the very concept of crowning teeth is flawed. First, the enamel is removed from a tooth to prepare for the crown. This is permanent and serious damage! Many teeth, up to 20%, may die after being crowned and will need to be extracted. For this reason, you should only get REPLACEMENT crowns and NO NEW crowns. Your metal crowns can be changed to plastic. (Remember, no metal must be left under the crown.) If you have many crowns, you should have them all removed as quickly as possible. But you should not spend more than two hours in the dentist's chair at any one time. That is too much stress for your body.

Horrors Of Metal Dentistry

Why are highly toxic metals put in materials for our mouths? Because not everyone agrees on what is toxic at what level. Just decades ago lead was commonly found in paint, and until recently in gasoline. Lead was not less toxic then, we were just less informed! The government sets standards of toxicity, but those "standards" change as more research is done (and more people speak out). You can do better than the government by dropping your standard for toxic metals to zero! Simply remove them. The debate still rages over mercury amalgam fillings. No one disputes the extreme toxicity of mercury compounds and mercury vapor. The ADA feels that mercury amalgam fillings are safe because they do not vaporize or form toxic compounds to a significant degree. Opponents cite scientific studies that implicate mercury amalgams as disease causing. Many dentists advocate mercury amalgam fillings simply because they are accepted by the ADA, which they believe protects them from malpractice litigation. Why risk your health and life on their opinions? Remember everything corrodes and everything seeps, so amalgams must too. Cadmium is used to make the pink color in dentures! Cadmium is five times as toxic as lead, and is strongly linked to high blood pressure. Occasionally, thallium and germanium are found together in mercury amalgam tooth fillings. Thallium causes leg pain, leg weakness, and paraplegia. If you are in a wheelchair without a very reliable diagnosis, have all the metal removed from your mouth. Ask the dentist to give you the grindings. Try to have them analyzed for thallium using the most sensitive methods available, possibly at a research institute or university.

The cancer causing or carcinogenic action of metals has been studied for a long time, although it doesn't get attention by our regulatory agencies. A scientific book on this subject was published in 1980. Note that the form of the metal is very important. For instance chromium is an essential element of glucose tolerance factor, but most of its other compounds are extremely toxic. In general, xenobiotic compounds (foreign) are to be avoided! Metal doesn't belong in our foods or in our bodies.

Dental Rewards
After your mouth is metal and infection-free, notice whether your sinus condition, ear-ringing, enlarged neck glands, headache, enlarged spleen, bloated condition, knee pain, foot pain, hip pain, dizziness, aching bones and joints improve. Keep a small notebook to write down these improvements. It will show you which symptoms came originally from your teeth. Symptoms often come back! So go back to your dentist, to search for a hidden infection under one or more of your teeth, or where your teeth once were! That infection can be the cause of cancer, tinnitus, TMJ, arthritis, neck pain, loss of balance, and heart attacks! Dentures can be beautiful. Of course, plastic isn't natural, but it is the best compromise that can be made to restore your mouth. At least it isn't positively charged like metals; it can't set up an electric current nor a magnetic field in your mouth, all of which may be harmful. In breast cancer, especially, you find that metals from dentalware have dissolved and accumulated in the breast. They will leave the breast if you clear them out of your mouth (and diet, body, home). The cysts shrink and are simply gone. No need to do surgery!



MindSoul Emotional Imprint Resolution CDs. It has now been proven that deep subconscious mind work works on affecting aspects of the bodys biology which can hinder the regaining of wellness. Emotional Imprint Resolution, E.I.R. recordings provides the venue to support the removal of the emotional connection of things obstructing health. The E.I.R. program designed for cancer is available at www.healthwalk.com Mindsoul Brain Technologies There is now conclusive proof that each illness has an associated mental component to it. By utilizing Mindsoul Brain Technologies, the emotional aspect of the illness can be seen and potentially resolved in real time. This is also available at www.healthwalk.com E.F.T. Training Session E.F.T or Emotional Freedom Technique is one of a few self care modalities now available. It is recommended that each individual finds a practitioner near them to teach this system to support their health and immune system. http://www.emofree.com/ Far Infrared Bed or Sauna - Far Infrared heat penetrates through the body and in research conducted over the last 20 years has shown the ability to kill existing cancerous cells, strengthen the immune system, and help detoxify the body. Far Infrared Rays are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body's surface temperature and activate major bodily functions: Much data about Far Infrared is at the end of this program. You can purchase a Far Infrared Sauna or there are many places you can go to use them now. Hyperbaric Oxygen / Ozone Therapy OXYGEN AND OZONE TREATMENT -The key to this therapy is getting elevated concentrations of oxygen into the body or tumor using various means. Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg showed that cancer cells do not occur in a healthy, oxygenated environment. Many think lack of oxygen is a prime cause of all cancers. An impressive variety of new ways to introduce oxygen into the body are emerging including pressure chambers, liquid oxygen, peroxide, chemical compounds, acid/alkaline balancing, injections, and ozone treatments. Flooding cells with oxygen may retard the growth of cancer cells or even help to return them to normal.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is generally used for strokes and brain damage, but has been used by some clinics for treating cancer. For more information contact the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine in Florida at (305) 771-4000. Ozone therapy has been widely used in Europe for many years. Ozone (O3) is a highly active form of oxygen. Because it has powerful antiviral properties, it is also used in treating AIDS. In the body, ozone gives off O which kills viruses and bacteria. It also creates an oxygen-rich environment that may force cancer cells to shift from an anaerobic metabolism to an aerobic, or oxygen-based, metabolism. Ozone also produces molecular oxygen (O2), in the same way that hydrogen peroxide does.

Rife Machine All illness is associated with bacteria and parasites in some way. A Rife program to rid the body of Bacterias that are harmful is mandatory. Visit http://www.rife.org to begin to get an understanding of Rife technology and what it is capable of doing. Rife technology has the ability to have an immediate effect on all adverse health conditions. Insuring the eradication of negative bacteria, viruses, and parasites are a must. There are few Rife machines on the market that are good enough to do the work that the initial Rife machines did. Listed here are a couple that we know do a good job. You may also be able to find someone in your local area that has a Rife machine and is willing to work with you. There is a simple form of a Rife machine called a Zapper. A Zapper works mostly on parasites and has limited options. However, for the purpose of the cancer patient the Zapper is an absolute requirement. Zappers can be highly effective and for the parasite part of this program, you will absolutely need at least a zapper. If you can afford a rife machine, it is recommended you get a rife machine which can treat cancer and if you cannot afford a rife machine, a Zapper will be a very good start. Here are two links for Zappers and Rife machines. Contact the company for further information and specifics. How to use a Zapper for parasite cleansing is included in the section for the parasite cleanse in this protocol. http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/products/terminator-2.html http://www.jwlabs.com Ask for Cherry 888.891.1122 The one to ask for is the model A. The price of the Model A is for $1450 in the U.S. This box uses CDs to run the data. Ask for the specific title for Cancer and Parasites. CDs are $60 per title. It is important to note that thousands of people have been cured of cancer simply by using the Rife machine.

Sodium Bicarbonate This is a powerful opportunity for cancer patients. Two physicians
with numerous clinical trials are realizing success rates of over 90% using Sodium Bicarbonate therapy. To read all about it and to see how you can integrate it into your regimen, begin viewing here. All information in this protocol is supportive of this therapy. http://www.curenaturalicancro.com http://www.cancerfungus.com/simoncini-cancer-fungus.php
Radiation Hormesis - Low doses of ionizing radiation are slightly damaging your bodys cells and DNA

causing it to react by increasing production of stronger healthy cells, also causing the effects of aging to slow down. The immune system also reacts and increases in strength, this causes your body to fight off illnesses, it is not the radiation that is killing the illness, it is your body. This is the reason Radiation Hormesis is so beneficial, it makes your body do what it is supposed to do. The radiation helps two fold. Fungus is a simple organism that does not have the means to repair itself quick enough from the low doses of radiation, so if your illness is caused by a fungus, the effect the radiation has will be increased. http://www.nighthawkminerals.com/products.htm http://www.coherentspace.info/radiation-hormesis/index.html

There are a few common factors for every cancer patient: parasites, a toxic liver, a toxic digestive and elimination tract, and molds / yeast / fungi are the most significant ones. To get the body to a place whereby the supplements, the foods, and the other work being done will be effective, cleanses need to begin IMMEDIATELY. Do not wait one more day if it is possible at all to begin. It is crucial to get the body in a place whereby the good things that will soon be introduced have the ability to be absorbed and utilized in its highest form. In order to do that, the following cleanses will be necessary to provide for the foundation of wellness. Information for each of these follows at the end.

1. PARASITE CLEANSE At the section for cleanses, read the importance of doing a
parasite cleanse. This is done first and takes approximately 21 days. You can do either the drops or the capsules. http://www.herbalremedies.com/dr-clark-purity-products.html. Also in place of a parasite cleanse, to speed along the process, would be to take MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement). You can do a parasite cleanse and then begin the MMS so that both procedures are completed. It really depends on your current state. If it is critical, you may want to go straight to the MMS protocol. They can be done in conjunction with each other also, but it may be very hard on the body. This would depend on the current state of strength and wellness.

2. LIVER CLEANSE Two days for a good liver cleanse. This should be done once every 5
weeks. Instructions for the liver cleanse are attached near the end of this protocol.

3. COLON HYDROTHERAPY - Depending on the situation and advice from the Colon
Hydro-therapist. There should be one session of colon hydrotherapy before the liver cleanse. Then, one session of colon hydrotherapy after the liver cleanse. Once the liver cleanse is done, an entire series of colonics should be done. It is also recommended that coffee colonics be explored.

4. COLON CLEANSE A colon cleanse should be done once, immediately upon as soon as
the liver cleanse is done. Instructions are included near the end of this protocol. This is a two week program and should be easy to do for most people. Procedure is included in this protocol and products are at http://www.westernbotanicals.com/en/jan071.html (colon cleanse and colon detox)

5. YEAST / CANDIDA CLEANSE Virgin Coconut Oil Cleanse. This is another two
day cleanse and the instructions are located near the end of this protocol.


This is a 4 week cleanse. You can purchase it pre-packaged at http://www.herbalremedies.com/kidney-cleanse.html .

7. LYMPHATIC CLEANSE - Information at the end of this module. It is also valuable to

find a practitioner who is skilled in lymphatic cleansing. Although this cleanse is listed at the end of the protocol of cleanses, it is recommended that moving the lymph system begin IMMEDIATELY. Below is information on this and how to do it.

8. DRY BRUSH CLEANSING - Detoxification is performed by a number of organs,

glands, and transportation systems, including the skin, gut, kidneys, liver, lungs, lymphatic system, and mucous membranes. The dry brushing technique deals with detoxification of the skin.

OTHER INFORMATION ON THE LYMPH SYSTEM AND RESOLVING ILLNESS Medical research documented between 1930 and 1963 at Harvard, Tulane, and Mississippi medical schools, (by Dr.s Drinker, Mayerson, and Guyton), provides empirical scientific evidence that your bodys lymphatic system holds the keys to heal cancer and all diseases, including AIDS and even the new H5N1 virus (Avian flu). All diseases are associated with inflammation/swelling. In fact, the word "tumor" actually means "To swell." Since every "___itis" is an indication of inflammation, and all inflammation has a connection to the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is critical to the body's surveillance against cancer. The lymphatic system is one of the most common avenues for the spread of cancer cells throughout the body. Science and medicine will immeasurably add to our ability to conquer cancer when we learn more about how cancer cells influence the development of new lymphatic vessels and pathways, establishing the route for these cells to spread to other parts of the body. This process known as "lymphangiogenesis" is an emerging focus within the scientific cancer research community. Very few people understand the remarkable working of the lymphatic system. Basically, the lymphatic system consists of one-way channels into which excess fluids, called lymph, are absorbed. This fluid consists of waste materials and some white blood cells. It is not under pressure and only moves because of exercise or muscle contraction. Lymph moves towards the heart where it empties into veins. The two largest areas of lymph collection are just below the clavicles, areas that are often swollen or tender due to congestion in the lymphatic system. The left side carries more fluid than the right, explaining why so many people experience worse swelling on the left side. Many patients suffered from congestion or conditions such as mastitis before developing cancer. The lymphatic system benefits from alkalization of the diet and improved digestion. Dietary improvement and lymphatic stimulationmassage and exercisecombined with herbs that aid lymphatic purification support the lymphatic system's ability to carry off debris. As a general rule, there will be only minimal improvement in places such as the axilla or groin until the thoracic duct is freed of stagnation.

As many patients know, cancer diagnosis often includes an evaluation based on what is found in the lymph nodes. In general, allopathic medicine views the presence of cancer in the nodes as evidence of metastasis. This opinion is often attended by recommendations for more radical surgical procedures and usually implies a worse prognosis. As all patients who have had lymph nodes removed know, circulation is generally worse after the loss of nodes: swelling, serious edema, and the need for medical procedures to remove fluids are often part of the aftermath of these procedures. TREATMENT AND RESOLUTION Manual Massage At the end of this protocol is an entire explanation of how to massage the lymphatic system. There are specialists in manual lymphatic drainage, a very delicate massage technique taught in Austria (called the Vodder method) who are trained to help reroute lymph flow so as to by-pass the normal channels, to divert from the ones that have been removed. Though people who are specialists in this method are reluctant to state opinions, many have theorized that when malignancy is found in the lymph nodes that the lymph nodes are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. In other words, it is not 100% clear to them that the cancer has metastasized, merely that it has accumulated in the filters in the lymphatic system. TURBOSONIC The Turbosonic is new machine that a person stands on and it uses vibration and frequency to stimulate the entire lymphatic system. The machines are upwards of $13,000 so are not for every everyone. However, if you can afford it, buy it. Seriously. The benefits of it are many. One is available for free to use at HealthWalk with an appointment, www.healthwalk.com and you can view the Turbosonic website http://turbosonicusa.com/DealerLocator.php to find a location near you or contact the company as some doctors offices throughout the country now have Turbosonics. REBOUNDER - http://www.healthbounce.com MACHINES Lymphatic cleansing machines are very powerful and can, by themselves, often lead to resolution of cancer by itself. The best one that I am aware of is http://www.2behealthynow.com/BioPhoton_2006/BioPhoton_pg_1.htm . It is pricy, but if you can afford it, a lifetime of health can be implemented. Once the nodes are gone, it is more uphill. One very simple but probably only minimally helpful exercise is to hold the affected (swollen) area upwards to see if gravity will permit some of the lymph to descend into areas that still have adequate drainage. This should be done slowly and carefully. Many therapists who are trained in lymphatic work teach courses for patients on how to use rebounding, compression bandages, and other specialty products designed for people with lymphatic swelling or lymphedema.

Points to Consider

What very few patients seem to realize is that the immune system does not fight cancer so long as there is infection in the body. Isn't this one of Nature's ironies? People are more afraid of cancer than infection, but the body tries to eliminate infection before turning its resources towards cancer control. The lymphatic system in many people is overwhelmed by infection, often stemming from dental problems or immunizations. Secondly, there is often a heavy burden on the lymphatic system due to various toxins: preservatives in food and medicines; mercury, aluminum, lead, and other poisonous metals; chemicals from antiperspirants, dry cleaning agents, and so on and so forth. Reducing some of these burdens on the body will often relieve pressure on the lymphatic system and enable it to do its work. Thirdly, many parasites move in and out of the lymphatic system. This is a condition that is seldom diagnosed (and sometimes misdiagnosed as something else.) Everyone who has studied tropical diseases knows about filariasis but they seldom realize that people in the developed world can also be harboring similar parasitic infections.



Print out this page, put it on your refrigerator, and make a copy to stick on your medicine cabinet. Remember propyl alcohol is also called propanol, isopropanol, isopropyl alcohol and rubbing alcohol. You won't drop dead from getting propyl alcohol, but your cancer will flare up with each small addition. Propyl Alcohol has been associated with a process of carrying pathogens in the body and have shown a direct and powerful link to cancer. Eliminating all Propyl Alcohol from the environment is mandatory. It is most often used in products that are used on the skin and the Propyl is then absorbed into the body feeding the pathogens that are making the cancer grow. There can be NO propyl in the environment of a cancer patient. Avoid the entire list, meticulously. Even using one of these, like your favorite shampoo or bottled water, will result in failure. Your body will continue to make human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and the pathology will remain "indeterminate" - not cancerous but not well, either. If you have learned about the new bio-electronic technology described in Hulda Clarks book, you can test all your foods and products for isopropyl alcohol. When you find a beverage that is free of propyl alcohol, it may have other pollutants. Xylene and toluene invite parasites to the brain. Wood alcohol invites them to eyes and pancreas. The diseases caused by these are not as frightening, perhaps, as cancer, but entirely avoidable. Every store-bought shampoo tested had propyl alcohol. Health brands were no exception.

Propyl Alcohol Polluted Products

THROW THESE OUT Even if propyl alcohol is not listed on the label! shampoo, even health type ones bottled water, distilled water or spring water (Information on how to deal with water follows later in the protocol) hair spray and mousse rubbing alcohol cold cereals, even "natural" granolas white sugar (brown is OK if detoxified) cosmetics (make your own) all shaving supplies including aftershave mouthwash carbonated beverages decaffeinated coffee, store-bought fruit juice, including health food brands PostumTM, herb tea blends (single herb teas are OK) http://www.relfe.com/hulda_clark.html


The National Cancer Institute estimates that roughly one-third of all cancer deaths may be diet related. What you eat can hurt you, but it can also help you. Many of the common foods found in grocery stores or organic markets contain cancer-fighting properties, from the antioxidants that neutralize the damage caused by free radicals to the powerful phytochemicals that scientists are just beginning to explore. There isn't a single element in a particular food that does all the work: The best thing to do is eat a variety of foods. The following foods have the ability to help stave off cancer and some can even help inhibit cancer cell growth or reduce tumor size. Apricot Seeds long respected in the pharmacopaeias of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), apricot seeds (also known as "bitter almonds," and botanically as "prunus armeniaca") have been used for thousands of years to treat respiratory problems. Apricot seeds contain Vitamin B-17, which, in the body, produce a metabolite of cyanide. For that reason they should only used by experienced herbalists and practitioners familiar with their use. They should never be used on small children (under 12). In accordance with Chinese tradition, we also advise that they not be combined with astragulus, skullcap, or kudzu root. Amaranth is the only grain to eat because it is the only alkaline forming grain. Amaranth is an 8,000 year old crop called the super food by the ancient Aztecs. Once an abundant part of the empires crop base, Amaranth was fed to runners and warriors because of its reputation for providing large bursts of energy and improving athletic performance. Avocados are rich in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body by blocking intestinal absorption of certain fats. They also supply even more potassium than bananas and are a strong source of beta-carotene. Scientists also believe that avocados may also be useful in treating viral hepatitis (a cause of liver cancer), as well as other sources of liver damage. Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower have a chemical component called indole-3-carbinol that can combat breast cancer by converting a cancer-promoting estrogen into a more protective variety. Broccoli, especially sprouts, also have the phytochemical sulforaphane, a product of glucoraphanin - believed to aid in preventing some types of cancer, like colon and rectal cancer. Sulforaphane induces the production of certain enzymes that can deactivate free radicals and carcinogens. The enzymes have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumors in laboratory animals. However, be aware that the Agriculture Department studied 71 types of broccoli plants and found a 30-fold difference in the amounts of glucoraphanin. It appears that the more bitter the broccoli is, the more glucoraphanin it has. Broccoli sprouts have been developed under the trade name BroccoSprouts that have a consistent level of sulforaphane - as much as 20 times higher than the levels found in mature heads of broccoli. Carrots contain a lot of beta carotene, which may help reduce a wide range of cancers including lung, mouth, throat, stomach, intestine, bladder, prostate and breast. Some research indicated beta carotene may actually cause cancer, but this has not proven that eating carrots, unless in very large quantities - 2 to 3 kilos a day, can cause cancer. In fact, a substance called falcarinol that is found in carrots has been found to reduce the risk of cancer, according to researchers at Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (DIAS). Kirsten Brandt, head of the research department, explained that isolated cancer cells grow more slowly when exposed to falcarinol. This substance is a polyacethylen, so it is important not to cook the carrots.

Cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage contain two antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin that may help decrease prostate and other cancers. Figs apparently have a derivative of benzaldehyde. It has been reported that investigators at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Tokyo say benzaldehyde is highly effective at shrinking tumors, though I haven't seen this report. In addition, the U.S. Department of Agriculture says figs, which contain vitamins A and C, and calcium, magnesium and potassium, may curtail appetite and improve weight-loss efforts. Fig juice is also a potent bacteria killer in test-tube studies. Flax contains lignans, which may have an antioxidant effect and block or suppress cancerous changes. Flax is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are thought to protect against colon cancer and heart disease. Garlic has immune-enhancing allium compounds (dialyl sultides) that appear to increase the activity of immune cells that fight cancer and indirectly help break down cancer causing substances. These substances also help block carcinogens from entering cells and slow tumor development. Diallyl sulfide, a component of garlic oil, has also been shown to render carcinogens in the liver inactive. Studies have linked garlic as well as onions, leeks, and chives to lower risk of stomach and colon cancer. Dr. Lenore Arab, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the UNC-CH (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) schools of public health and medicine and colleagues analyzed a number of studies and reported their findings in the October 2000 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. According to the report, people who consume raw or cooked garlic regularly face about half the risk of stomach cancer and two-thirds the risk of colorectal cancer as people who eat little or none. Their studies didn't show garlic supplements had the same effect. It is believed garlic may help prevent stomach cancer because it has anti-bacterial effects against a bacterium, Helicobacter pylori, found in the stomach and known to promote cancer there. Grapefruits, like oranges and other citrus fruits, contain monoterpenes, believed to help prevent cancer by sweeping carcinogens out of the body. Some studies show that grapefruit may inhibit the proliferation of breast-cancer cells in vitro. They also contain vitamin C, beta-carotene, and folic acid. Kale has indoles, nitrogen compounds which may help stop the conversion of certain lesions to cancerous cells in estrogen-sensitive tissues. In addition, isothiocyanates, phytochemicals found in kale, are thought to suppress tumor growth and block cancer-causing substances from reaching their targets. Licorice root has a chemical, glycyrrhizin, which blocks a component of testosterone and therefore may help prevent the growth of prostate cancer. However, excessive amounts can lead to elevated blood pressure. Oranges and lemons contain Iimonene which stimulates cancer-killing immune cells (lymphocytes, e.g.) that may also break down cancer-causing substances. Papayas have vitamin C that works as an antioxidant and may also reduce absorption of cancer-causing nitrosamines from the soil or processed foods. Papaya contains folacin (also known as folic acid), which has been shown to minimize cervical dysplasia and certain cancers.

Raspberries contain many vitamins, minerals, plant compounds and antioxidants known as anthocyanins that may protect against cancer. According to a recent research study reported by Cancer Research 2001;61:6112-6119, rats fed diets of 5% to 10% black raspberries saw the number of esophageal tumors decrease by 43% to 62%. A diet containing 5% black raspberries was more effective than a diet containing 10% black raspberries. Research reported in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in May 2002 shows black raspberries may also thwart colon cancer. Black raspberries are rich in antioxidants, thought to have even more cancer-preventing properties than blueberries and strawberries. Rosemary may help increase the activity of detoxification enzymes. An extract of rosemary, termed carnosol, has inhibited the development of both breast and skin tumors in animals. We haven't found any studies done on humans. Rosemary can be used as a seasoning. It can also be consumed as a tea: Use 1 tsp. dried leaves per cup of hot water; steep for 15 minutes. Seaweed and other sea vegetables contain beta-carotene, protein, vitamin B12, fiber, and chlorophyll, as well as chlorophylones - important fatty acids that may help in the fight against breast cancer. Many sea vegetables also have high concentrations of the minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and iodine. Sweet potatoes contain many anticancer properties, including beta-carotene, which may protect DNA in the cell nucleus from cancer-causing chemicals outside the nuclear membrane. Tapioca is derived from the cassava plant. It is one of the many plants that manufacture cyanide by producing a chemical called linamarine which releases hydrogen cyanide when it is broken down by the linamarase enzyme. Spanish researches have been studying the cassava and attempting to clone the genes from the plant which are responsible for producing the hydrogen cyanide and then transfer it to a retrovirus. However, funding for the project has run out. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_317000/317467.stm for more information on this. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that attacks roaming oxygen molecules, known as free radicals that are suspected of triggering cancer. It appears that the hotter the weather, the more lycopene tomatoes produce. They also have vitamin C, an antioxidant which can prevent cellular damage that leads to cancer. Watermelons, carrots, and red peppers also contain these substances, but in lesser quantities. It is concentrated by cooking tomatoes. Scientists in Israel have shown that lycopene can kill mouth cancer cells. An increased intake of lycopene has already been linked to a reduced risk of breast, prostate, pancreas and colorectal cancer. (Note: Recent studies indicate that for proper absorption, the body also needs some oil along with lycopene.) Tumeric (curcuma longa), a member of the ginger family, is believed to have medicinal properties because it inhibits production of the inflammation-related enzyme cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2), levels of which are abnormally high in certain inflammatory diseases and cancers, especially bowel and colon cancer. In fact, a pharmaceutical company Phytopharm in the UK hopes to introduce a natural product, P54, that contains certain volatile oils, which greatly increase the potency of the turmeric spice. Turnips are said to contain glucose molaes which is a cancer fighting compound. I haven't confirmed this. Consumption of fruits and vegetables has been associated with decreased risk of cancers of the colon and rectum

The Concept of a Cancer Diet

Understand this carefully, taking any alternative cancer treatment is like putting gasoline in your car - you are on your way to killing cancer cells, etc. But having a bad diet, while you are on a cancer treatment, is like putting water in that same gasoline tank!! Many people have cured their cancer using nothing but a massive change in their diet!! Also, a bad diet during a cancer treatment has destroyed many alternative cancer treatments!! Something as simple as adding refined salt to your foods may destroy an entire cancer treatment!! Hear this: THE CANCER DIET IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS THE CANCER TREATMENT!!! In this case, you are FORBIDDEN to eat any food that is not in Step 1, even though it is not listed in Step 2. With alternative treatments for cancer, what you don't eat is just as important as what you are allowed to eat. Most people who get cancer get it because of the things they have eaten!! The wrong foods created an internal terrain which allowed the body to be filled with fungus (e.g. tobacco leaves are filled with fungus, as are peanuts, to name but two of many such substances commonly consumed), such that when a carcinogenic substance reacted with the body, the internal terrain could not deal with the carcinogenic substance and the person got cancer. At the end of this protocol there is a list of foods to avoid and why. It is recommended that you read it. In fact, many scientific studies have proven that diet alone, meaning the foods that were eaten, caused cancer. Thus, by default, if you want to reverse your cancer, you must reverse your diet to create a strong inner terrain. A cancer diet severely restricts what you can eat. By default, if it is not specifically allowed to be eaten in the treatment plan, don't eat it!! Another key fact is that many people crave certain foods. This may be because of habit or it may be because of a food allergy. People crave foods they are allergic to. Thus, switching from the diet that caused your cancer to a diet that is needed to cure your cancer may involve the stopping of eating foods the person is allergic to (i.e. they crave). This compounds the problem and means even more effort is needed to stick to the diet. It gets worse. Based on the observation of many case studies, that fungus creates a craving for foods. Fungus must eat, and when they don't get what they are used to (e.g. tobacco, meat, ice cream, cheese) they in some way send a signal to your body to EAT those foods they are used to. Thus, virtually everyone who switches to a good "cancer diet" has to fight the signals caused by the fungus. Not All Cancer Diets are the Same Another thing that must be understood is that for some cancer treatments there are special diets. In other words, not all cancer diets are the same.

For example, in the "InnerLight" cancer treatment of Robert O. Young, PhD, almost all fruits are forbidden. They are forbidden for good reason in his diet! His diet is designed to balance the pH in the blood and "remove" yeast and fungus (Y/F) from the body! Like a few other cancer treatments, his treatment converts cancer cells into normal cells. But in other cancer treatments fruits are not only allowed, they are an integral part of the treatment. Why? Because some cancer diets are designed to kill cancer cells, and some fruits contain massive amounts of cancer-killing nutrients and the glucose in these fruits "carries" the cancer-killing nutrients into the cancer cells, which gobble up glucose and steal it from normal cells. This means they also steal the cancer-killing nutrients from normal cells. This can lead to cancer cell death. Understanding What A Cancer Diet Is With regards to a cancer treatment, every food that we eat or drink can be categorized into several different categories:

1) Foods that feed and strengthen the cancer cells and/or the microbes in the cancer cells and body. Examples would be: refined sugar, refined flour, soda pop, dairy products, etc. 2) Foods that cause cancer (e.g. trans fatty acids [margarine, french fries and virtually every other processed food you buy], aspartame [Diet Coke, NutraSweet, Equal, etc.], MSG, polyunsaturated oils [e.g. corn oil], etc.) 3) Foods that directly interfere with alternative treatments for cancer (e.g. chlorine, fluoride, alcohol, coffee, etc.) 4) Foods that occupy and distract the immunity system from focusing on killing the cancer cells (e.g. beef, turkey, etc.) 5) Foods that contain nutrients that kill the cancer cells, stop the spread of cancer, or in some other way help treat the cancer (e.g. purple grapes with seeds and skin, red raspberries with seeds, strawberries with seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, several herbs, carrots, pineapples, almonds, etc.)

In addition there are things like cooking vegetables. The cooking destroys the enzymes in the vegetables and make them far less digestible and far less effective in treating cancer. Pasteurizing any food or drink also does this. Ideally, during a cancer treatment, if foods are allowed on a particular diet, 100% of everything you eat should be in the category of "Foods that contain nutrients that kill the cancer cells, stop the spread of cancer, or in some other way help treat the cancer." Whenever you eat a food that is not in that category, you are interfering with your cancer treatment! This is why so many cancer diets are very high in certain raw vegetables and certain raw fruits.

Some foods, however, are in more than one category. For example, grapes feed glucose to cancer cells, plus they contain nutrients that kill cancer cells. So should you take grapes? Generally, no.

Juicing of certain raw vegetables and raw fruits is also good in some cases (but not all cases, especially when the seeds are important) because the vegetables and fruits are more easily digested (translation: more nutrients get to the cancer cells). However, when you juice you throw away a lot of nutrients. But also understand that not all vegetables and fruits are equal at treating cancer. Some vegetables do not contribute significantly to treating cancer and some fruits do not contribute significantly to treating cancer (at least not that we know of at the current time). On the other hand, some vegetables are very potent cancer killers, as are some fruits. A Critical Definition In the alternative health field the term "fasting" has a very different definition than that used by many people. In alternative medicine, the term "fast" or "fasting" generally means that a person can drink water and a limited amount of other drinks and foods. For example, the Breuss cancer treatment is considered to be a 42-day "fast." However, his fast allows water to be drunk and a special "tea" he designed for the "fast." "Fasts" are critical to many alternative cancer treatments, but again understand that the term "fast" allows certain foods or drinks to be taken during the "fast." As another example, the Johnanna Brandt Grape Cure is considered to be a "fast" even though the person can consume fairly large quantities of grapes during the treatment. It is called a "juice fast." Perhaps the term "fast" could be associated with the term "restricted" or "limited," because that is all it means. Important Message For Weak Cancer Patients

The diet which will now be discussed is essentially a "raw food" diet, composed mostly of raw vegetables and greens (e.g. sprouts and juiced grasses). Cancer patients who are extremely weak may not be able to properly digest raw foods. If that is the case, there is an absolutely required food: organic beef broth. Also, the "macrobiotic diet" would probably be a better diet for a very weak cancer patient because cooked foods are much easier to digest. There are entire books on the macrobiotic diet.

The Cancer Diet For Most Cancer Treatment Plans Chlorine, Fluoride and Other Toxic Chemicals

Avoid all chlorine in your diet. This includes avoiding foods made with tap water. Chlorine destroys many phytonutrients and other nutrients, thus the damage done to the food during processing, if chlorine is used, is permanent and cannot be reversed. This means, for example, not drinking soda pop or any other drinks that have been made by mixing tap water with something else. It is also recommended that you purchase a water filter for the shower head immediately. They are available from a variety of sources. Skin is the largest organ in the body and is capable of absorbing significant amounts of chlorine and fluoride through a shower or bath. http://www.showerfilterstore.com Vegetables As a general rule, ALL vegetables should be organic, if possible. Green vegetables, including grasses (generally juiced) and sprouts, MUST be the foundation of a good cancer diet. The fiber, enzymes, chlorophyll, minerals, and many nutrients are necessary for your cancer diet. Even if you could figure out a cancer diet without eating green vegetables (including the grasses), you should not do it. These are REQUIRED to be the foundation of your cancer diet!! Just as there are some things you must not eat, there are some things you MUST eat. Juicing vegetables and grasses will help get more nutrients into the body. However, some whole vegetables should be eaten in order to get the fiber. Fiber is critical to a cancer treatment. As with all juices, if you make the juice from the actual foods, the juice should be drunk immediately after they are prepared. In cases where many small doses of a fresh vegetable juice are needed to be taken (e.g. to avoid diarrhea), the juice can be refrigerated during the day. Essentially, you should have organic, fresh salads/vegetables/juiced grasses/sprouts for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Many of the other foods that are allowed on this diet should be mixed in with the salad, except for the vegetable juices. A list of such vegetables include:

"broccoli [*], asparagus [*], beets [*-moderation], cabbage [*], carrots [*-moderation], cauliflower [*], celery, cucumbers, egg-plant, green and yellow squash [moderation], green beans and peas (fresh), red[*] and yellow[*] peppers (also green[*] if they agree with you), spinach, mustard greens, collards, kale [*], lettuce, okra, parsley[*], scallions, radishes, Swiss chard, watercress, sea vegetables, such as nori, wakame and niziki, wheat grass[*-usually juiced], barley grass[*-usually taken as a supplement], turnips[*], and sprouted grains[*] or beans[*]. Also eat lots of garlic[*] and onion[*], if they agree with you."

The [*] symbol means this is a known anti-cancer food and these foods should be favored. The Young book is not specific to cancer, so it is necessary to inject comments relative to cancer. By the way, both of the Robert O. Young books have a number of recipes in them. It would be a really good idea to juice all of the vegetables available that have the [*] symbol above!!

A word about sprouts. Even sprouts purchased in health food stores have been shown to have very dangerous bacteria in them. Wash them very well, but it is even better to make them yourself. Nuts In general, only whole almonds, whole macadamia nuts and whole walnuts are allowed on a cancer diet. Cashews are strictly prohibited. Almonds and macadamia nuts both have laetrile, and both are acceptable. Walnuts have the very critical omega 3. Other nuts should be used very sparingly. Peanuts (which are not really nuts) and cashews both have too much fungus and should not be used at all. The Superfoods By a very wide margin, the best foods in the world are wheatgrass juice, barley grass juice and a few other grasses. Only a small number of vegetables can even come close to these superfoods. However, most people are not going to sprout grass (search the Internet for the phrase: "wheatgrass kits" if you want to do it). Thus, many vendors make a variety of qualities of parsley powder, kale powder, barley powder or powder made from a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, and grasses. Hopefully you will pick the high quality products. Such foods are absolutely required for a cancer treatment, mostly due to chlorophyll, but for other reasons as well. It is impossible for a family to recreate some of the products which include multiple grasses and leaves. These are good additions to a cancer diet. However, in addition to such supplements, you will hopefully be able to juice fresh wheatgrass or barleygrass for yourself. Legumes Legumes, except peanuts, are allowed to be eaten by cancer patients, but only in moderation and only to stabilize the weight of the patient or to provide protein. Soy Products To put is mildly, soy products are a highly controversial issue among alternative health experts. In reality, all soy products should be avoided except fresh soy sprouts or fermented soy which includes Miso and Tempheh. When the soy is fermented, it takes on different qualities and becomes beneficial in many ways. Soy sprouts have an impressive number of anti-cancer nutrients and are acceptable as part of your salads, if you can make your own soy sprouts. Whole Grains Whole grains can be used only when a cancer patient is fighting dangerous weight loss. If the weight loss is uncontrolled, they should consider a cachexia treatment plan, based on Hydrazine Sulphate. (Hydrazine Sulphate is powerful product that has many contra indicators and needs to be used only when necessary). Yeast, which every cancer patient has throughout their body, converts complex carbohydrates into simple

carbohydrates, so even whole grains should be avoided when possible. In any case, avoid all commercially stored grains and potatoes. Another reason to avoid even whole grains is that over the decades the soil has become acidic and because of the soil many whole grains have more fungus than they did many decades ago. Corn and rice (because of the way they are stored) are grains that should be totally avoided. Yeast (Baker's and Brewer's) This is another reason for avoiding processed bread and other bakery products: "Japanese research links breast cancer with the ingestion of goods baked with yeast." The problem is mycotoxins, which are waste products of yeast. There are many health problems that can be directly attributed to yeast, including arteriosclerosis, obesity, and AIDS. NO flour (using yeast) can be used in a cancer diet, not even if whole grains are used! Meat, Fish, Fowl, Eggs, Dairy Products All beef, all pork, all fish, all turkey and all chicken should be avoided during a cancer treatment. There are many reasons for these restrictions. The only exception is that if a person is fighting weight loss, some fresh, freshwater fish can be eaten if that is the ONLY thing the cancer patient will eat (e.g. they won't eat beans or other legumes). Avoid all dairy products, including butter, all cheeses and all malts. If a person must have milk, the only acceptable variety is unprocessed goat's milk, "from organically grown and grazing goats." The Rule of Thumb is this: "if it contains something that came from an animal, it is forbidden!" Sweeteners, the Bad and the Good ALL man-made sweeteners (e.g. aspartame - NutraSweet, Equal) and fat substitutes should also be avoided. These items are most often associated with brain cancer, but everyone should avoid them. This is one of many reasons soda pops are out of the question. Soda pops are also acidic. There is only two acceptable sweeteners in a cancer diet - Stevia, which is an herb and Erythritol which is a plant. Sugar and Refined Grains You should absolutely avoid eating refined sugar and refined grains and anything else refined. These things not only feed the fungus and yeast in your body, they also feed the cancer cells. The yeast in flour makes things even worse. Do not eat anything where yeast, fungus or mould is used, added or is a part of. In addition, refined sugar and other simple sugars also interfere with your immunity system. These substances also interfere with getting Vitamin C and oxygen into the cancer cells. Sugar also depletes the body of key minerals and other nutrients because of its acidity. It is not the acidity that directly destroys

the minerals, the acidity causes the body to use the minerals to regulate the pH level in the body. The same is true of all acidic foods. The chain reaction caused in the body by acidic foods (due to the body's attempts to keep the blood at a level pH) is the cause, or a major contributing factor, to almost all chronic diseases, including cancer. It would take an entire book to describe how the body keeps its pH normal, and the ramifications of these processes. Honey If sugar is bad for people with cancer, how about honey, another simple sugar? Honey is a case of both the good and the bad. Honey contains simple sugars, the fructose (38 percent) and glucose (31 percent) feed cancer cells. The good news is that honey contains powerful phenolic antioxidants. However, like grape juice, it should be avoided unless used in a very controlled "fast" (and I have never put together a "fast" that includes honey). If such a "fast" is used, the darker the honey the better (i.e. the higher concentration of antioxidants). Fruits, Dried Fruits and Fruit Juices The only fruits that are allowed on this diet, without restrictions, are the following: unsweetened lime, unsweetened lemon, and avocados. That is it. Lemons are actually a required part of any cancer treatment because of their beneficial effect on the liver and because they get oxygen into the body. Lemon juice and lime juice should be taken primarily just before bedtime. One exception to this general rule is special fruit "fasts," such as the Johanna Brandt Grape Cure. When the body gets nothing but a potent fruit mush, it is a potent cancer cure. Another exception to these general rules are for those on a cesium chloride protocol. They are allowed to eat fruits rich in potassium in order to meet their potassium quota. Mushrooms (Fungi), Seaweed and other Saccharides There are some mushrooms that are used in cancer treatments, generally as supplements. Realizing that some mushrooms kill cancer cells, but are at the same time primarily a fungus, take heed. Mushrooms are one of the good and bad foods. Use with caution. The good news about mushrooms is that they do contain polysaccharides, which are essential to the immunity system. Mushroom supplements such as beta glucan are certainly acceptable to a cancer diet.

"Polysaccharides from mushrooms do not attack cancer cells directly, but produce their antitumor effects by activating different immune responses in the host. The antitumor action of polysaccharides requires an intact T-cell component; their activity is mediated through a thymusdependent immune mechanism."

Seaweed is also high in polysaccharides, but the FDA crushed one of the superb seaweed products from Tonga because they claimed there was no "scientific evidence" for seaweed. Apparently, those in the FDA have not heard about the Nobel Prize. Actually, the FDA has not only tried to crush polysaccarides, but also the more potent Acemannan glyconutrient sugars, which are required by the immunity system to be able to communicate. Here is a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED seaweed product, Modifilan (brown seaweed has at least 3 nutrients that kill cancer cells; furanone, fuecoiden, and algenic acid): http://www.naturallybetter.net/modifilan_main.htm

Algae (e.g. chlorella and spirulina) Between spirulina and chlorella they contain: polysaccharides (required for immune system communications), vitamin B12, GLA, Chlorophyll Growth Factor (CGF) and a host of other powerful anti-cancer nutrients. A vegan diet simply cannot provide all of these things. Salt Refined salt may be a major cause of cancer. Refined salt, the wrong fats, margarine and butter are the main causes of red blood cells sticking together (called: rouleau), causing them to absorb less oxygen and making hemoglobin a free meal for yeast and fungus. The clumped together red blood cells do not get as much oxygen into the cells of the body. Also, the clumped together red blood cells cannot pass through the smaller arteries/capillaries, meaning much less (if any) oxygen gets to cells in these areas of the body, and some of these cells may be turned to anaerobic (i.e. cancerous). As if that weren't bad enough, once the cells are cancerous, the oxygen still can't get to the cancer cells to slow down their spreading or kill them. On the other hand, natural sea salt has a very similar mineral content as human blood. It is truly a health food as long as you don't eat too much of it. Here is a quote:

"Salts obtained from solar evaporation of sea water are entirely different from modern refined salt. The plural "salts is deliberately used here, because sea water salts are actually a complex blend of trace minerals, as well as calcium and magnesium salts. This complex blend is essential to life, as Quintons research demonstrated. Table salt today, [on the other hand,] is primarily kiln-dried sodium chloride with anti-caking agents added. Trace minerals, as well as calcium, magnesium and potassium salts are removed in processing. Kiln-drying involves scorching salt at high heat to remove moisture. This refining process creates a product that is unnatural and hard on the body. It is the true culprit that contributes to high blood pressure, heart trouble, kidney disease and eczema, among other problems." http://www.macrobiotic.org/thalass.htm

Another thing is for certain, the organic mineral cell salts found in vegetables, seaweed, etc. are critical.

Bad Fats and Oils Other foods you should absolutely avoid are trans fats, meaning trans fatty acids or partially hydrogenated oils. Trans fatty acids may be one of the major causes of cancer. They become part of the cell's wall (replacing cholesterol) and make the cell wall rigid or sticky and can make the cell anaerobic (i.e. the first step to becoming cancerous) because large oxygen clusters cannot get into the cells. Like refined salt, these fats also destroy the electrical charge of red blood cells, causing them to "stick" together. When this happens, among other things, the red blood cells do not get to many cancer cells, meaning the cancer cells get far less oxygen (if any), meaning they thrive because they are anaerobic. Another bad food for cancer patients is polyunsaturated oils. Polyunsaturated oils (e.g. corn oils sold in supermarkets everywhere) promote the growth of small blood vessels (by promoting the production of "bad" prostaglandins). This is bad for cancer because it allows tumors to grow new blood vessels. However, these small blood vessels are good for preventing strokes. Thus, while on a cancer diet avoid polyunsaturated oils. The only oil you can use is COLD PRESSED OR EXPELLER PRESSED. It will say this directly on the label. Extra virgin olive oil is cold pressed. Herbs and Spices All herbs and spices are acceptable, except black pepper and other highly acidic spices. Several herbs, such as Sheep Sorrel and Black Walnut, are known to be strong anti-cancer foods. Turmeric, which contains curcumin, is a spice that is a potent anti-cancer food. As with all foods, the storage of herbs can cause them to be high in fungus. Also, herbs should generally not be used on a non-stop basis, unless specifically instructed to take them daily. Generally, it is best to take a periodic break from herbs. Restaurants, Condiments and Other Comments There are now many raw food and healthy restaurants available in numerous communities. However, it can often be difficult to find, expensive, and with limited menus. If you have to eat out at restaurants, the best idea is to carry a salad dressing with you. It does sound a little odd, to bring your own dressing, but this is your life so it is worth it. You will find that it becomes quite easy to do and also makes ordering and thinking about choices a whole lot simpler. Most likely the vegetables you will be having are not organic so try and minimize eating out as much as possible. You will often be tempted to cheat because something tastes good or you crave it. It is important to remember that cheating is cheating yourself out of health and the craving comes from the fact that the system is out balance to begin with. It is time to regain control of your body and its yearnings and you insist that what goes in it is healthy and good.

Condiments are absolutely forbidden. One of the most acidic foods on earth is black pepper (black pepper is a major cause of acid reflux disease). Avoid soy sauce, pickled vegetables, relish, green olives, sauerkraut, and cucumber pickles. Basically, any "refined" or processed food that contains sugar, refined salt, aspartame, MSG, trans-fatty acids, coloring, other additives, refined flour, etc. etc. should be avoided. Even the cooking of food kills critical enzymes needed for digestion. There is a trend in the food industry of making "no trans fats" foods. This does not mean these are healthy foods. They are processed. While it is true that cooking does release some vitamins, by a very wide margin, overall it is better to eat food raw, if it can be safely eaten raw. However, there are few people who can maintain a complete raw diet and for most people, a complete raw diet is very difficult. You will need to judge the amount of raw in your own diet by how you feel. The more raw you can put in your diet, the better. However, it may take you a while to get to that point as your system is being rebuilt and made stronger. NO ALCOHOL OF ANY KIND. NO QUESTION AT ALL. Need we even mention caffeine (except when it is used as an enema), because caffeine restricts the blood vessels, meaning less oxygen gets to the cancer cells. It is also acid-forming and mucoid-forming. Sorry, chocolate lovers. Some Special Listed Foods Peanuts are perhaps the number one food that should be avoided because they are so high in fungus. Foods that have little resistance to invaders, when they are growing, are frequently high in fungus. Corn, rice (because of the way it is stored) and potatoes, and any foods with corn, rice or potatoes, should be avoided, also because of fungus and the way they are stored. Cashews are another food high in fungus. Avoid processed apple juice for reasons beyond the scope of this article. Avoid oranges, tangerines, and dried fruits, for a variety of reasons. Do not microwave any foods during a cancer diet. Warning: Very Important Safety Comment Most green leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K. It is definitely NOT a good idea to eat high amounts of cabbage or other green leafy vegetables day after day. This can cause blood clotting and may lead to a stroke, for example. Use moderation and variety in your diet.

The Distressing Symptoms of a Severe Change in Diet When you go on a natural treatment for cancer, such as the grape cure, hydrogen peroxide, raw food diet (i.e. carrot-based vegetable juice), etc. you can expect some strong reactions from the body. As Johanna Brandt put it: "The grape is, as far as I know, the most powerful nature solvent of some chemical deposits, and at the same time the most drastic eliminator. Because of its extraordinary properties, the avenues of excretion become superbly active under a proper grape diet." (page 102) Other foods and treatments can also yield these results. Here are some comments that share experiences: [After starting an alternative treatment program] I had chemotherapy coming out the pores of my skin, even though it had been months since I had any. I had to take showers several times a day to wash this stuff off because it would burn my skin as it came out. It smelled putrid. It was just awful, the toxic stuff that was coming out of me. "Something else I noticed was that any time she had a bowel movement (which became quite frequent after the start of the diet) it was so foul smelling, almost like she was excreting rotten flesh!" "He is doing well at taking everything as he is supposed to. My sister said that she noticed a foul odor 'like it was coming out his pores' last Sunday. She said it smelled horrible and was nauseating and unbearable." And if you are on a colon flush, it gets worse: "He reported lumps of foul smelling substances that looked like 'rotten hamburger' flushing out of his colon, his urine was strong and dark, and he had occasional headaches." These symptoms, plus diarrhea, constipation, etc. can all result from a massive change in diet or the treatment itself. They are common, they are normal and usually they are an indication the treatment is working!


There are three basic options to pursue for the cancer diet and each one is different. Listed here are two options that have been successful for many years, The Breuss Program and the Gerson Therapy. They are

only listed to give you an idea of what others have done and what they have found successful because they have been successful for thousands of people. After that, the Wellness Protocol that we have developed is shared. The Breuss Cure is quite challenging in that it is a 42 day fast, that achieves an over 90% success rate on its own. It requires a significant commitment of time and can be difficult to follow and must be followed exactly. The second is the Gerson Therapy. The Gerson Therapy is much less stringent, but still requires a great commitment and attention to detail. The third is The Wellness Protocol that has been developed over 20 years that is a combination of many factors. It can be challenging to decide which is the best program for you. The best way we have found to determine which is the best program to follow is through muscle testing. Write down the name of each protocol, and test using Applied Kinesiology to determine which is the best approach for you. When using AK to determine this we have discovered that the individual success rate is astonishingly high in success.

1. The Breuss Cancer Cure - by Rudolf Breuss Note: In the book, there are two different options, to purchase the juices already done and packaged and to do them yourself. Experience has shown a vastly increased rate of success by doing the juicing on your own. A Green Power juicer is by far the best juicer that has been discovered to do this program with. http://www.amazon.com/Breuss-Cancer-Cure-Prevention-Treatment/dp/0920470564/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1? ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1224195554&sr=8-1 Occasionally throughout history, there have been men and women who have risen up from seeming obscurity to challenge the precepts we consider unchallengeable, to investigate and discover, and to apply their new-found knowledge for the betterment of mankind, no matter what the personal cost - Rudolf Breuss was such a man. Born in 1899 into an impoverished Austrian family, Rudolf Breuss had a desire to heal and to cure from a very early age. His eager young mind absorbed every snippet of knowledge he could lay his hands on, but an alcoholic father with five children to clothe and feed, ensured that Breuss would never gain the education he so desired. Undeterred, he educated himself by reading books and attending lectures whenever he could - a practise he maintained throughout his life. Breuss was a passionate man who cared greatly for the health and well-being of all mankind, and was infatuated by the prospect of discovering an alternative cure for cancer and other serious diseases - to him it seemed an oxymoron that maiming an individual through surgery could possibly be considered a cure.

He was quoted as saying "To my mind, healing means returning a malfunctioning human body to full unrestricted function, not to remove parts of it by operation or amputation." According to Breuss, protein was primarily responsible for nurturing cancer, regardless of the type or where it was in the body. His prescribed solution was to fast for 42 days to starve the cancer of protein. Throughout the fast, a juice cocktail made from organically-grown beetroot, carrot, Chinese radish, celeriac and potato was taken, to detoxify and cleanse the body, and to stimulate the patient's diseasefighting capabilities. Herbal teas were also an essential part of Breuss' treatment program, with a range of blends designed to target specific illnesses. The results were staggering. Throughout his career Breuss received over 45,000 testimonials from people who had been cured of cancer, leukaemia and many other seemingly incurable diseases, through the Total Cancer Treatment. Despite this incredible success there were those in the medical world who wanted him stopped. At age 81, he was taken to court and accused of being a fraud and a quack by the anti-cancer industry. Breuss' defence attorney - himself a cancer sufferer cured by Breuss - presented a number of cured patients to testify that they would be dead without Breuss and his Total Cancer Treatment program. Their testimony so overwhelmingly supported Breuss' claims, that he was acquitted on all counts. Breuss passed away in 1991, aged 92, but he left a legacy that will remain with humanity until disease and sickness are no more. Today, Breuss' work is acknowledged by medical practitioners and herbalists alike. His best selling book The Breuss Cancer Cure has been translated into 5 languages and has sold over 1 million copies worldwide, spreading his message of hope to every corner of the planet. The Breuss Cancer Cure is essential reading for every family. It not only provides a proven solution to one of the most feared diseases on earth, but it gives you an amazing insight into exactly what cancer is and what you need to do to prevent it. 2. GERSON THERAPY. The Gerson Therapy is a powerful, natural treatment that boosts your body's own immune system to heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and many other degenerative diseases. http://www.amazon.com/Gerson-Therapy-Nutritional-ProgramIllnesses/dp/1575666286/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1224217954&sr=8-1 Although its philosophy of cleansing and reactivating the body is simple, the Gerson Therapy is a complex method of treatment requiring significant attention to detail. The Gerson Therapy is a state of the art, contemporary, alternative and natural treatment which utilizes the body's own healing mechanism in the treatment and cure of chronic debilitating illness. When it was introduced to the world by Max Gerson, M.D., the dietary therapy was so far ahead of its time that there were almost no rationales available in the scientific literature to explain how it could produce cures in chronic as well as infectious diseases. But, because it did cure many cases of advanced tuberculosis, heart disease, cancer and numerous lesser conditions, the Gerson Therapy was established as a major contribution to the medical field, through the publication of articles in peer reviewed medical literature http://cancer-research.net/GersonPubs.html.

Gerson first published on the topic of cancer in 1945, almost forty years before the adoption of the current official U.S. National Cancer Institute program on diet, nutrition, and cancer. Max Gerson treated many hundreds of patients and continued to develop and refine his therapy up until his death in 1959, at the age of 78. His most famous patient was Dr. Albert Schweitzer, whom Gerson cured of advanced diabetes when Schweitzer was 75. Schweitzer returned to his African hospital, won the Nobel prize, and worked past age 90. Schweitzer wrote "I see in Dr. Gerson one of the most eminent geniuses in the history of medicine." Most recently, Dr. Gerson was recognized as a pioneer in his field when he was inducted into the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame in Ottawa, Canada on May 14, 2005. He joined seven other giants of medicine whose seminal work has been influential in the medical and scientific worlds, and are considered pioneers in their respective fields. It is rare to find cancer, arthritis, or other degenerative diseases in cultures considered "primitive" by Western civilization. Is it because of diet? The fact that degenerative diseases appear in these cultures only when modern packaged foods and additives are introduced would certainly support that idea. Max Gerson said "Stay close to nature and its eternal laws will protect you." He considered that degenerative diseases were brought in by eating processed foods. Caution: Do not start the Gerson Therapy without the supervision of a Gerson practitioner if any of the following conditions apply:

Chemotherapy Diabetes Brain metastases Severe kidney damage Foreign bodies such as pacemakers, breast implants, steel plates or screws.

Patients must be able to eat, drink and eliminate normally. The Gerson Therapy cannot be administered to organ transplant recipients. Juicing Juicing is an essential component of the Gerson Therapy. To ensure reliable results, the Gerson patient will need to purchase an appropriate juicer. Dr. Gerson's research indicates that cancer patients must have a two- stage juicer with a separate grinder and hydraulic press. One-step juicers generally do not produce the same quality of enzyme, mineral or micronutrient content, and some patients have failed to experience results simply by using the wrong juicer. The Diet The following is a typical daily diet for a Gerson patient on the full therapy regimen:

Thirteen glasses of fresh, raw carrot/apple and green-leaf juices prepared hourly from fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. Three full vegetarian meals, freshly prepared from organically grown fruits, vegetables and whole grains. A typical meal will include salad, cooked vegetables, baked potatoes, vegetable soup and juice. Fresh fruit and fresh fruit dessert available at all hours for snacking, in addition to the regular diet.

Medications All medications used in connection with the Gerson Therapy are classed as biologicals, materials of organic origin that are supplied in therapeutic amounts.

Potassium compound Lugol's solution Vitamin B-12 Thyroid hormone Injectable Crude Liver Extract Pancreatic Enzymes Enemas of coffee and/or chamomile

Detoxification A very important part of the Gerson Therapy is frequent detoxification of the tissues and blood. This is accomplished through a variety of means, first and foremost through the use of coffee enemas. The scientific basis for the use of coffee enemas is well documented, and can be obtained from the Gerson Institute. Patients report that the enemas decrease pain and hasten healing. Biologically, enzyme systems of the gut wall and liver are stimulated, and bile flow is increased. This has been shown to enhance the body's ability to eliminate toxic residues from environmental, chemotherapeutic, and other sources. Tumor and other diseased tissue is also more rapidly eliminated as it is broken down. Other means of detoxification include castor oil, used as an additional stimulant of bile flow and as another way to enhance the liver's ability to filter blood. In addition, digestive enzymes serve to enhance absorption of nutrients as well as assist in the elimination of damaged tissue.



All the supplements listed in the supplements index following the food program are included and a necessary part of the Wellness Protocol.

WATER Consume 4-8, 8 oz. glasses per day of water. The water must be pure filtered water and preferably put through an alkalizing device of some sort. It is recommended that you purchase a water filter that alkalizes the water or more preferably, a combination of pure filtered water, living water and HydroMag. Option 1 is to purchase a machine. A source that we know and trust is www.lifedealers.com . Option 2 a) Pure filtered water. b) Living Water Vortex Jug http://www.sulishealth.co.uk/sulis/water.html#jug c) HydroMag www.healthwalk.com In all water, combine it with the juice from at least lemon squeezed from fresh organic lemons and organic seal salt. This is very, very, important. It helps to insure the body is staying alkalized. **Insure that all bathing and showering water has a filter on it that removes chlorine and fluoride. You will need to install a shower filter on your shower. There are many places on the internet that they are available and can be installed easily in just a few minutes. Remember, skin is the largest organ of the body and all the chlorine and fluoride that is coming through the shower gets immediately absorbed into the skin. This is a crucial component. NO BOTTLED WATER The plastics in bottled water is poison. Purchase Sigg stainless bottles and carry your own. While at home, store the water in glass so you can use the HydroMag as the HydroMag does not work with metal. http://www.mysigg.com . There are now some polycarbonate bottle that are BPE free.

At the end of this protocol there are about 30 recipes for raw foods. There are now many cookbooks available for raw foods and many raw foods restaurants are sprouting ;-) up. Assuming you are going to purchase a Vita Mix blender, which you can use for the rest of your life (the possibilities with a Vita Mix are endless) many recipes for raw soups and other products come with the Vita Mix. Here is a site with an incredible selection of Vita Mix recipes but they charge .99 cents per recipe. https://www.vita-recipes.com/index.php You will find that once you get used to a Vita Mix you can make foods easily and quickly. Most people will want to lightly cook some foods and the complete raw foods diet will be too harsh for most. By far, the healthiest and easiest system for this is by using a pressure cooker. Most of the nutrients are saves, no oils are needed, food does not burn, and it is easy and versatile to use. The best one we know of is the Ruhn. http://www.kuhnrikon.com/products/pressure_cookers . You can obtain them from many places on the internet. It is also recommended you get a book on cooking with a pressure cooker. The best source for this is http://lornasass.com/cookbooks/cookbook-overview

Here is a good link to learn about raw foods http://www.rawfoods.com/ More about raw foods Definition: While the term "raw food" means food eaten without cooking, in the context of a cancer diet, a "raw food" diet is a vegan type of diet, where the vast majority of fruits and vegetables that are consumed are known to kill cancer cells, directly or indirectly. In other words, the phrase "raw food" on this web page does not mean a random selection of uncooked vegetables and fruits, but a very selective subset of vegetables and fruits specifically selected to treat cancer. Cooking food destroys 100% of all enzymes in a food. Because many foods contain the necessary enzymes needed to digest that food (and get the nutrients out of the food), cooking food places a great burden on our body and does not allow you to get as many nutrients out of the food. Actually, cooking food does damage to the value of the food in over two dozen different ways (see the links at the bottom of the page). While it may be true that some nutrients are made more readily available by cooking, overall, it is better to eat vegetables raw than cooked, boiled or broiled. Some vegetables, however, are generally, but not always, cooked, such as peas and green beans, to name but two. Also, there are two advantages to juicing vegetables and fruits. First, juicing makes the nutrients in a fruit or vegetable more digestible by the body, meaning more of the nutrients are extracted from the vegetables or fruits with less of the obstructing fibers. The second advantage is that you can consume a lot more vegetables (particularly vegetables and fruits with cancer killing nutrients) in a shorter amount of time and with a lot less effort. Juicing is an excellent way to consume your fruits and vegetables. The bad thing about juicing is that the nutrients are not extracted sufficiently from the seeds or skins of some key vegetables and fruits. If you are eating a food where the seeds and/or skins contain key cancer fighting nutrients (e.g. purple grapes), you should not use a juicer for the seeds or skin, but rather use a food processor or use a hand grinder, to grind the seeds and skins to make mush. There are many different raw food diets. The first thing you need to understand is that not all vegetables and fruits are equal in their ability to treat cancer. Remember, our main purpose here is to treat cancer. Fruit Juices Here is a sample of the known cancer-killing nutrients in fruits: Raw pineapple (bromelain and pexoxidase), Whole purple grapes with seeds and skins (more than a dozen, see Grape Cure article), Apricot seeds (laetrile), Strawberries, red raspberries, black raspberries (laetrile and ellagic acid), Blueberries (ellagic acid, anthrocyanins, OPC), At least 80% or above of the fruit juice should come from fruits with known cancer-fighting abilities.

Diet Details and Warnings Most raw food diets exclude all meats, all poultry, all fish and all dairy products (sometimes they allow butter because of its fat). There are several reasons why. Here is a quote from one article:

"Eating cooked food prevents the immune system from working on what is really important in keeping us superbly healthy and young in body, mind and soul. We exhaust and dissipate the body's strength by using the immune system to combat the unnatural cooked foods, chemically based supplements, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, hormones (in meats, poultry, fish and dairy) and numerous other toxins we ingest, breathe in or absorb through our skin. When we really need the immune system to support us (as when a disease or infection develops or an injury occurs), it then lacks the strength to defend us properly."

And another one:

"Foods to avoid: all animal products, especially proteins and fats, i.e. no cooked meat, fat, eggs, milk, etc.; all refined sugars and starches; carbohydrates; oils; eat only fresh raw fruit and vegetables, juices and extracts."


Almonds and apricot seeds are a well known source of vital components for dealing with cancer. Apricot seeds can be very difficult to consume for most people and their quality cannot be assured. Apricot seed butter and almond butter should be consumed ONLY IN THE RAW AND ORGANIC FORM. AMOUNT - Consume from 6-8 tablespoons per day. Eat with nothing else except a vegetable such as celery. Listed below is a great source of raw nut butters. Contact www.mtmarketplace.com sales@mtmarketplace.com Infinet Communications, Inc. 8551Cottonwood Rd. Bozeman, MT 59718 406-585-9324 For breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are many recipes at the end of this protocol. It does not really matter so much what you eat at each meal as long as you feel you are getting enough good food. It is almost always a challenge at first because the foods you will begin eating now are so much different than calorie heavy foods that feeling full may be a challenge. Remember, this is a cancer food program. However, in every way, your entire being will benefit. It will enhance your immune system and all basic systems of the body. Try and combine as few different types of food as possible. The simpler the foods going in, the easier the body has to work to break them down, digest them, and use them for healing and wellness. So, just get used to having salads for breakfast instead of eggs and sausage and everything will be fine You will need to juice 5 times per day. This is often the most difficult aspect for the cancer patient. If you can juice more in the morning and then take it with you, that has proven to be very effective for many people. In some major cities there are now raw foods restaurants and juicing companies that will deliver your juice to you each day. Juicing does take a lot of time and energybut the rewards are a life of health and wellness. The exchange seems worthwhile.

It is recommended to consume 42 oz per day of a green juice (parsley, spinach, kale, cilantro, cucumber, garlic, ginger, beets, green peppers, etc). Any combination of the before mentioned vegetables is a good combination.

To do this properly, it is recommended that you obtain a GREEN POWER JUICER. You can purchase one from www.healthwalk.com or call HealthWalk at 760.929.1520. There are also many places on the internet to purchase one. It is also highly recommended that you purchase a Vita Mix blender. This can be purchased from www.healthwalk.com or from many other vendors on the internet. Both devices serve very different purposes but both are needed. CARROT JUICE Two 18 oz. glasses of carrot juice per day. A Note About Carrots A special note about carrots is in order. Like virtually all vegetables, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of phytonutrients (i.e. nutrients in plants not otherwise classified) in carrots that have not yet been identified or tested for cancer-fighting abilities. It may be that we do not yet know the best cancer-fighting nutrient in carrots, but based on many testimonials and some books, carrots may be the best cancerfighting vegetable of all.

"In a review of 206 human studies, carrots consistently emerged as one of the top cancer-fighting foods. The power of carrots lies in the group of pigments called carotenoids (beta-carotene is among this group), which give them their orange color." Source For Quote No Longer Exists

A long-time and highly reliable friend told us about her friend's father, who completely cured his throat cancer with carrot juice. In other words, he ate nothing and drank nothing but carrot juice and natural water. Another issue is glucose. Carrots have a high level of glucose. This glucose is readily taken in by cancer cells. When the glucose is taken in so are the nutrients in the carrots, etc. that kill cancer cells. Cancer cells steal from normal cells not only glucose, but nutrients as well.

Vegetables Juices 3 14 oz. glasses of vegetable juice per day

The RAW vegetables you should focus on are: cabbage, green asparagus, spinach, parsley, cilantro, broccoli, red beets (i.e. beetroot), beet tops, cauliflower and related vegetables. Peppers also have cancer fighting substances. The spice turmeric can be added as well.

AS A MINIMUM, the vegetable juice should include: 1) Beet juice (from at least 2 red beets, with their beet tops) 2) A significant amount of cruciferous vegetables including: broccoli, cabbage, spinach, cilantro, parsley and cauliflower (this is for both the cancer and the critical protection of the liver)

Important Note: Beetroot can cause the urine of a person to turn red. Thus, if you take beetroot and your urine turns red, it is not necessarily blood in the urine. A small and decreasing amount of fruit juices which contain very little glucose can be added for taste (more will be said about this issue below). Not all vegetables can be eaten raw, but the ones above can be eaten raw or juiced. You can also EAT any of these vegetables during your treatment to get bulk and fiber. Here are just a few of the cancer cell killing nutrients (direct or indirect) in vegetables: Raw Carrots (alpha carotene, beta carotene, Vitamin E, etc.), Raw Broccoli (sulforaphanes/isothiocyanates), Raw cabbage (isothiocyanates), Green Asparagus (saponins), Beetroot/red beets (proanthocyanidins (PAC's or OPC's)), and Turmeric (a spice) (curcurmin). At least 80% or above of the vegetable juice should come from vegetables with known cancer-fighting abilities, although other vegetables are not far behind the ones just mentioned.

Wheat Grass AMOUNT - 4 oz. per day, 2 oz. in the morning, 2 oz. in the early evening. (Note a very small number of people are allergic to wheat grass determine if this is your case before you proceed it will be obvious if you are allergic because you will have an immediate adverse reaction in the form of nausea upon consuming it. This is different from being allergic to gluten, a protein in wheat and many grains, wheatgrass does not contain gluten) Wheatgrass juice is the juice extracted from red wheatberry seed sprouts. This strain of wheat has been used for thousands of years all around the world for its healing properties. The juice from Wheatgrass is high in Chlorophyll, active enzymes, vitamins and other important nutrients. While being quite possibly the closest thing to a perfect food that man has conjured up. When consumed, Wheatgrass Juice has been documented to have the following health benefits Increases hemoglobin production, Rebuilds the blood stream, Helps prevent tooth decay, Improves the body's ability to heal wounds, Purifies the Blood, Creates an unfavorable environment for unfriendly bacteria growth , Washes drug deposits from the body, Neutralizes toxins, carsinogens in the body , Helps purify the liver , Improves blood sugar disorders, Keeps hair from graying , Improves digestion, Removes heavy metals from the body , Reduces high blood pressure, Aids in the prevention and curing of cancer.

What's so great about wheatgrass?

40 Points about Wheatgrass and its Nutritional Values 1 Wheatgrass Juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available. 2 Chlorophyll is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any other element.

3 Wheatgrass juice is a crude chlorophyll and can be taken orally and as a colon implant without toxic side effects. 4 Chlorophyll is the basis of all plant life. 5 Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly-oxygenated environment. 6 Chlorophyll is anti-bacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a healer. 7 Dr. Bernard Jensen says that it only takes minutes to digest wheatgrass juice and uses up very little body energy. 8 Science has proven that chlorophyll arrests growth and development of unfriendly bacteria. 9 Chlorophyll (wheatgrass) rebuilds the bloodstream. Studies of various animals have shown chlorophyll to be free of any toxic reaction. The red cell count was returned to normal within 4 to 5 days of the administration of chlorophyll, even in those animals which were known to be extremely anemic or low in red cell count. 10 Farmers in the Midwest who have sterile cows and bulls put them on wheatgrass to restore fertility. (The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds enzymes that restore the sex hormones.) 11 Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, but wheatgrass is superior because it has been found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the known 102 minerals from the soil. 12 Wheatgrass has what is called the grass-juice factor, which has been shown to keep herbivorous animals alive indefinitely. 13 Dr. Ann Wigmore and institutes based on her teachings has been helping people get well from chronic disorders for 30 years using wheatgrass. 14 Liquid chlorophyll gets into the tissues, refines them and makes them over. 15 Wheatgrass Juice is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables. Dr Earp-Thomas, associate of Ann Wigmore, says that 15 pounds of Wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrot, lettuce, celery, and so forth. 16 Liquid chlorophyll washes drug deposits from the body. 17 Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body. 18 Chlorophyll helps purify the liver. 19 Chlorophyll improves blood sugar problems. 20 In the American Journal of Surgery (1940), Benjamin Gruskin, M.D. recommends chlorophyll for its antiseptic benefits. The article suggests the following clinical uses for chlorophyll: to clear up foul smelling odors, neutralize Strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner-ear inflammation and infection, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhea in many cases. 21 Wheatgrass Juice cures acne and even help to remove scars after it has been ingested for seven to eight months. The diet must be improved at the same time. 22 Wheatgrass juice acts as a detergent in the body and is used as a body deodorant. 23 A small amount of wheatgrass juice in the human diet helps prevents tooth decay. 24 Wheatgrass juice held in the mouth for 5 minutes will help eliminate toothaches. It pulls poisons from the gums. 25 Gargle Wheatgrass Juice for a sore throat. 26 Drink Wheatgrass Juice for skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis. 27 Wheatgrass Juice keeps the hair from graying.

28 Pyorrhea of the mouth: lay pulp of wheatgrass soaked in juice on diseased area in mouth or chew wheatgrass, spitting out the pulp. 29 By taking Wheatgrass Juice, one may feel a difference in strength, endurance, health, and spirituality, and experience a sense of well-being. 30 Wheatgrass juice improves the digestion. 31 Wheatgrass juice is high in enzymes. 32 Wheatgrass juice is an excellent skin cleanser and can be absorbed through the skin for nutrition. Pour green juice over your body in a tub of warm water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. 33 Wheatgrass implants (enemas) are great for healing and detoxifying the colon walls. The implants also heal and cleanse the internal organs. After an enema, wait 20 minutes, then implant 4 ounces of wheatgrass juice. Retain for 20 minutes. 34 Wheatgrass juice is great for constipation and keeping the bowels open. It is high in magnesium. 35 Dr. Birscher, a research scientist, called chlorophyll "concentrated sun power." He said, "chlorophyll increases the function of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus, and the lungs." 36 According to Dr. Birscher, nature uses chlorophyll (wheatgrass) as a body cleanser, rebuilder, and neutralizer of toxins. 37 Wheatgrass juice can dissolve the scars that are formed in the lungs from breathing acid gasses. The effect of carbon monoxide is minimized since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production. 38 Wheatgrass Juice reduces high blood pressure and enhances the capillaries. 39 Wheatgrass Juice can remove heavy metals from the body. 40 Wheatgrass juice is great for blood disorders of all kinds


Ever wondered why the heart never gets a cancer. The heart might get affected eventually by cancer of any other part of the body but we never hear of cancer of the heart. This is because the heart never gets cancer because it is always in an alkaline environment. Alkaline diet is perhaps the only permanent way to prevent and rid oneself of cancer.

Let us understand what causes cancer and how an alkaline diet can prevent it. Each cell in our body takes in oxygen, nutrients and glucose while throws out toxins. These cells are protected by the immune system. But as the body gets acidic the immune system gets overpowered by the toxins and the cell looses its capacity to take in oxygen and thus ferments. This cell gets cancer affected and is lost. The next question is can cancer be prevented and cured by consuming an alkaline diet. Cancer cells lie dormant in a ph of 7.4 but as the body gets alkalized higher and the ph level reaches 8.4 these malignant cells die off. So the answer to cancer lies in an extremely alkaline diet. When the alkaline diet will result in a high alkaline body ph the cancer cells cannot live in that environment and die off. Cancer cells being anaerobic cannot live in oxygen. They can only thrive in very low oxygen conditions. When the ph of the body is maintained by consuming an alkaline diet the immune system of the body stays strong. This leads to the cells getting enough oxygen and discarding their toxin waste. Cancer will neither thrive nor take birth under such circumstances. How does an alkaline diet prevent cancer? An alkaline diet leads to a high alkaline body ph. This high alkaline body ph results in alkaline tissues in the body. Alkaline tissues hold 20 times more oxygen than acidic tissues. Cancer cannot live in an oxygenated atmosphere. If the cells are oxygen rich they will prevent cancer. Therefore while an acidic tissue will be an ideal ground for cancer to develop as well as spread, an alkaline tissue will destroy a cancer cell. Having a lot of green vegetables and fruits along with alkaline water can save you from cancer. An alkaline diet requires one to eat foods that are high alkalizing while avoiding the acidifying foods. An alkaline diet is very beneficial in fighting many diseases apart from cancer. Alkaline supplements are good ways to include alkaline food in your diet. Over cooking of vegetables leads to their nutrients being destroyed. Alkaline supplements make sure one gets enough alkalizing foods in a day. Also alkaline water is a good alternative to ordinary water. So if you want your body to be cancer free as well as healthy and energetic adopt an alkaline diet and make it your way of life. Most people have never heard of the Alkaline Diet, probably because it is the exact opposite of the high protein-low carb diets that have been so popular over the last few years. But many doctors are now recommending an alkaline diet to their patients because of how necessary the proper alkaline-acid balance is to healthy living and well being. Alkaline occurs naturally in our bodies, and its main function is to neutralize excess acids and remove them from the body. It is important to maintain sufficient alkaline levels, because when our alkaline levels are low, our bodies deplete essential nutrients from organs and other body parts in order to neutralize the excess acid. This can result in a number of diseases, deficiencies, and disorders.

What Happens When Our Bodies Are Not Able To Neutralize an Acidic Diet?
When our bodies can no longer find alternative means to neutralize acid, a condition known as acidosis occurs. Dangerous levels of acid infiltrate our tissues and remain stuck there, where it can no longer be neutralized. As a result, our levels of acidity are greatly increased. Acidosis is thought to be responsible for nearly all fatal diseases, as it is essentially the one thing that all diseases have in common with each other. This is why many doctors believe that an Alkaline Diet is essential to good health. If we are able to

maintain proper amounts of alkaline by carefully selecting the foods we eat, we will maintain a healthy alkaline pH balance, thus avoiding acidosis.

What do pH Levels Have to Do With an Alkaline Diet?

Both alkaline and acid naturally occur in the body. pH, which signifies our alkaline to acid ratios, is a measurement scale that is used to determine the amounts of alkaline and acidity in our body fluids. The pH scale ranges from 0-14. 7 is considered neutral, while anything lower than 7 is considered to be acidic. A pH level of 7.1 or higher is alkaline. Obviously, it is much healthier to have higher amounts of alkaline in ones system than to have higher amounts of acid. Doctors who support an Alkaline Diet believe that our bodies pH levels, which are normally between 7.36 and 7.34, must remain perfectly balanced in order to stay healthy and avoid many damaging and fatal diseases. If our pH levels are more acidic than they are alkaline, acidosis is likely to occur.

How Does the Alkaline Diet Work to Stabilize pH Levels?

Alkaline occurs naturally in many foods, just as it does in our own bodies. The object of an Alkaline Diet is to supply our bodies with sufficient amounts of alkaline through the foods we eat, in order to maintain healthy, predominantly alkaline pH levels. The theory is that the more alkaline we can provide our bodies with, the more efficiently our bodies will neutralize acid and remove it from the body, thus maintaining good health and longevity, and our ability to ward off diseases.

How Do You Follow the Alkaline Diet?

Following an Alkaline Diet is relatively simple. Generally speaking, the ideal Alkaline Diet consists of eating 75% alkalizing foods and 25% acidifying foods. Essentially, this means that the foods you eat should contain three times as much alkaline as they do acid.


The following synopsis is largely based on the condensed version of a chapter in a book entitled: "Cancer Orwellian or Utopian" by H. E. Sartori, M.D.This is one of the most far-reaching discoveries in the field of cancer therapies. This therapy is especially important for those cancer patients who have large defined masses of cancer or tumor and who want to learn about a way to rapidly shrink these masses of cancerous cells. Ideally, this therapeutic approach should be closely monitored by a competent physician. While this is definitely not a self-help guide, you owe it to yourself to become familiar with this immensely interesting and potentially life-saving subject!Just keep in mind - Cesium therapy is an enormously beneficial cancer remedy - but one must be fully aware that a LIVING food diet, parasite removal, mineral supplementation and emotional stability are factors that are equally, if not more, important than a selective therapy based on a singular product. Dr. Sartori's book underlines this statement.Dr. Sartori's present address is: H. E. Sartori, Buckingham Correctional Center, P. O. Box 430, Dillwyn, VA 23936As you can see, Dr. Sartori's fine work has resulted in a conviction of having practiced the right kind of medicine while being watched by the wrong kind of practitioners. We too would be so very pleased to see him enjoying his freedom, his passion and his wonderful sense of benevolence toward suffering

humanity.In the interest of public health and a bit of altruism thrown in, we cannot refuse any serious requests or copies of this important publication. Please don't be put off by the fact that it is spiral-bound and a private publication - it is very much relevant in these days. If anyone with a REAL need desires a Xerox copy of the complete book, Dr. Buche, N.D. would be pleased to send it to him, as long as it is for private use by the patient or doctor. Being very labor-intensive to assemble and process, the price is $95.00 USD, spiral bound, 207 pages. Shipping is expensive these days. It is an extra $25.00 USD to the USA and Canada via UPS surface. Overnight is $11.00 extra. Shipping to other countries is at cost via UPS if possible. Please ask for an estimate. It will be sent immediately upon receipt of your postal money order or bank draft. Please send your inquiry via e-mail. An address will be provided by return message. Book Title: CANCER - ORWELLIAN OR UTOPIAN?By H.E. Sartori, M.D. This Ultimate Guide to your Pro-Life Freedom of Choice gives you all the major alternatives in cancer treatment, allows you to make the most successful treatment decisions, enables you to take responsibility for your own healing. This exhaustive review of the state-of-the-art of predominantly complementary and empirical cancer treatment method presents: 1) The comprehensive Life Science Universal Eumetabolic Cancer Therapy (LSU-ECT)2) Dr. A. Keith Brewer's High pH Cancer Therapy as used and refined in the LSU-ECT3) A comprehensive explanation of the latest Anti-Cancer substances of Dr. Hans Nieper4) Many other effective major alternatives in Cancer Therapy Contents: 1) The etiology of cancer as influenced by Cesium2) Introduction to High pH Therapy (extracts)3) The Mechanism of Carcinogenesis4) High and Low pH Therapy A) Low pH Therapy B) High pH Therapy C) Tests of High pH Therapy on Mice and Humans5) The Cancer Personality6) Geopathogenic Zones7) Low Incidence Cancer Areas8) Summary 1) The etiology of cancer as influenced by Cesium Over seventy-five years ago Dr. Otto Warburg published a Nobel Prize winning paper describing the environment of the cancer cell. A normal cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take up oxygen to convert glucose into energy by oxidation. In the absence of oxygen the cell reverts to a primitive nutritional program to sustain itself, converting glucose, by fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH (acid/alkaline balance) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division the cancer cells begin to multiply unchecked. The lactic acid simultaneously causes intense local pain and destroys cell enzymes. Therefore, cancer appears as a rapidly growing outer cell mass with a core of dead cells.Compare Otto Warburg: The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer Cellular Oxygen Deprivation. Cesium, a naturally occurring alkaline element has been shown to affect the cancer cell two ways. First, Cesium limits the cellular uptake of the nutrient glucose starving the cancer cell and diminishing

fermentation. Second, Cesium raises the cell pH to the range of 8.0 neutralizing the weak lactic acid and stopping pain within 12 to 24 hours. A pH range of 8.0 is a deadly environment for the cancer cell the cancer cell dies within a few days and is absorbed and eliminated by the body. The science of High pH th erapy (drastically changing the acid/alkaline balance of the cell): By the late 1970s mass spectrographic and isotope studies had shown that tumor cells exhibit a preference for the uptake of certain alkaline minerals; Potassium, Rubidium, and especially Cesium. Further, specific antioxidants i.e. vitamin C, and Zinc were shown to enhance the uptake of these alkaline minerals by the cancer cell. A normal cell is surrounded by a membrane, which selectively allows materials to flow in and out. Oxygen and nutrients, such as glucose, flow in and the waste products of cellular chemistry flow out. The cells are protected by the immune system; a well functioning immune system is the best defense against the formation of cancer cells. When environmental toxins (carcinogens) overwhelm the immune system the entire program is compromised. The cell membrane is affected first, losing its ability to exchange oxygen (respiration); the cell then reverts to a primitive survival mechanism - fermentation. The newly formed (anaerobic) cancer cell cannot be repaired (fermentation is not reversible) the cell is now out of control and must be destroyed as rapidly as possible. Note that in areas of the world where there is a high Cesium content in the soil cancer is virtually unknown: Hopi Indians of Arizona, the Hunza of North Pakistan, and the Indians of Central and South America. This observation suggests the possibility of a vitamin, mineral, antioxidant formula containing Cesium in an amount equal to that found in the soil of cancer free habitats. This vitamin could be a powerful new tool to help slow down and even reverse the present cancer epidemic.

Alkaline food chart


VEGETABLES Garlic Asparagus Fermented Veggies Watercress Beets Broccoli Brussel sprouts Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower Celery Chard Chlorella Collard Greens Cucumber Eggplant Kale Kohlrabi Lettuce Mushrooms Mustard Greens Dulce Dandelions Edible Flowers Onions Parsnips (high glycemic) Peas Peppers Pumpkin Rutabaga Sea Veggies Spirulina Sprouts Squashes Alfalfa Barley Grass Wheat Grass Wild Greens Nightshade Veggies

FRUITS Apple Apricot Avocado Banana (high glycemic) Cantaloupe Cherries Currants Dates/Figs Grapes Grapefruit Lime Honeydew Melon Nectarine Orange Lemon Peach Pear Pineapple All Berries Tangerine Tomato Tropical Fruits Watermelon PROTEIN Eggs Whey Protein Powder Cottage Cheese Chicken Breast Yogurt Almonds Chestnuts Tofu (fermented) Flax Seeds Pumpkin Seeds Tempeh (fermented) Squash Seeds Sunflower Seeds Millet Sprouted Seeds Nuts

OTHER Apple Cider Vinegar Bee Pollen Lecithin Granules Probiotic Cultures Green Juices Veggies Juices Fresh Fruit Juice Organic Milk (unpasteurized) Mineral Water Alkaline Antioxidant Water Green Tea Herbal Tea Dandelion Tea Ginseng Tea Banchi Tea Kombucha SWEETENERS Stevia SPICES/SEASONINGS Cinnamon Curry Ginger Mustard Chili Pepper Sea Salt Miso Tamari All Herbs ORIENTAL VEGETABLES Maitake Daikon Dandelion Root Shitake Kombu Reishi Nori Umeboshi Wakame Sea Veggies

FATS & OILS Avocado Oil Canola Oil Corn Oil Hemp Seed Oil Flax Oil Lard Olive Oil

NUTS & BUTTERS Cashews Brazil Nuts Peanuts Peanut Butter Pecans Tahini Walnuts ANIMAL PROTEIN

DRUGS & CHEMICALS Chemicals Drugs, Medicinal Drugs, Psychedelic Pesticides Herbicides ALCOHOL Beer Spirits

Safflower Oil Sesame Oil Sunflower Oil FRUITS Cranberries GRAINS Rice Cakes Wheat Cakes Amaranth Barley Buckwheat Corn Oats (rolled) Quinoi Rice (all) Rye Spelt Kamut Wheat Hemp Seed Flour DAIRY Cheese, Cheese, Cheese, Cheese, Milk Butter Cow Goat Processed Sheep

Beef Carp Clams Fish Lamb Lobster Mussels Oyster Pork Rabbit Salmon Shrimp Scallops Tuna Turkey Venison PASTA (WHITE) Noodles Macaroni Spaghetti OTHER Distilled Vinegar Wheat Germ Potatoes

Hard Liquor Wine BEANS & LEGUMES Black Beans Chick Peas Green Peas Kidney Beans Lentils Lima Beans Pinto Beans Red Beans Soy Beans Soy Milk White Beans Rice Milk Almond Milk

A spreadsheet is attached showing a summary of all products, time to take, etc. Each supplement has a unique and powerful purpose and with the exception of Cansema which is only for skin cancers, each supplement should be used as directed for maximum results.

HYDRAZINE SULFATE When cancer cells use sugar (glucose) as fuel, they only partially metabolize it. Lactic acid, the waste product of this incomplete combustion, is recycled by the liver back into glucose.5 As the cancer grows, its production of lactic acid increases, and normal body energy pools become depleted. Eventually dietary energy intake can no longer keep up and rapid weight loss and debilitation supervene. This is the onset of cachexia.4 Hydrazine sulfate dramatically reverses cachexia, the wasting-away process that kills two-thirds of all cancer patients.5 Hydrazine sulfate can shut down the enzyme necessary for the production of glucose from lactic acid.5 Combining MAO inhibitors with tyramine (found in certain foods) causes the blood pressure to soar and could cause a stroke. Also, central nervous system depressants such as barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcoholare incompatible with MAO inhibitors and use of the two together could result in extremely dangerous effects.6,7
The following supplements have been analyzed, researched and been shown to work together with a great degree of efficacy to resolve any type of known cancer. It can be a lot of work to insure proper adherence to the protocol, however, if it is followed success is a reality.

Product name: Fen-Gre Source: www.standardprocess.com When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: None known Quantity: 3 Capsules Size: As listed

Frequency: Three times per day Duration: Take this for 10 days only. With food / without food: Directly after eating. About this product: It digests the mucus that coats the walls of the small intestine. Certain foods, such as pasteurized milk and many cooked foods, cause the mucus buildup (raw foods do not cause this mucus buildup ). The mucus coats the villi on the wall of the small intestine. The villi are like tiny fingers that stick out from the intestinal wall to absorb nutrients from the digested food, which is primarily liquid. The mucus on the villi blocks the absorption of nutrients from the food. Sometimes the mucus gets so thick and tough it is almost like a plastic film. Almost no nutrition can get through to the body. He or she would be starving and therefore would want to eat more food including protein. That would lead to more of the pancreatic enzymes being used to digest the protein even though it could not be properly absorbed. As other supplements are being introduced, it is vital to get the small intestine in a healthy place to begin the nutrient uptake. More information about Okra Pepsin and its importance can be found at the end of this program.

ALOE ARBORESCENS Product name: Aloe Arborescens Source: http://www.healthbeyondhype.com/aloe-arborescens-16-oz-p-346.html When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: None known Quantity: 3 tablespoons per day, after titrating up from 3 teaspoons from day Size: Starting with teaspoon then moving up to tablespoon Frequency: 3 times per day Duration: As long as condition persists With food / without food: Either. About this product: Father Romano Zago, OFM (Order of the Friars Minor), aloe and health
researcher, Brazilian scholar and author came across this recipe in 1988, while presiding at the San Antonio parish in Pouso Novo (RS) Brazil. He learned from local natives that this all-natural Aloe arborescens recipe was used in helping people with cancer. He began testing it with people suffering from chronic illness and observed positive results in turning around advaced disease conditions. This inspired him to devote his life to research and education on Aloe which lead to the creation of Galenia Aloe Aroborescens (the original recipe that he discovered in Brazil.) Deca Aloe Arborescens U.S. LP manufactures this proprietary Aloe Arborescens Dietary Supplement using the Brazilian juice recipe internationally acclaimed by Father Romano Zago of Brazil. This Brazilian recipe consists of Whole leaf Aloe Arborescens juice, unheated raw honey, and 1% certified organic alcohol. The product aids the bodys defenses by supplying supreme immune support and general cleansing for the whole body for sufferers of chronic health complications, those who want to ward off diseases, achieve optimal health, and increase energy and vitality.

Key Benefits:

Aloe arborescens is 200% richer in phytotheraputic compounds than Aloe Vera.** It contains more than 70% of anti-cancerogenous properties.** 50% Aloe arborescens supplement with the complete array of Aloe's inherent beneficial The Aloe arborescens species is known to promote highly effective immune support.** Promotes healthy blood, cardiovascular, colon and immune system health.** Promotes general health and well-being.**

properties, unheated and completely intact, superior to other forms.

(**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,cure, or prevent disease.)

The Difference Between Aloe Vera Barbadensis and Aloe Arborescens Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Aloe Barbadensis is a perrinial plant with green succulent and full foliage. The leaves contain a vast amount of gel in their external cuticle. The various substances present in these leaves highlight an acemannan polysaccharide involved in the process of immuno-modulation and anti-inflammatory action that is significant in the field of hydrotherapy. Aloina found in the plant belongs to the anthraquinone molecular family. This family has specific functions and is used for draining, laxative, and purifying purposes. Today, among natural plants, Aloe Vera is the most recognized type of plant in this family. This is because the gel found within the leaves of this plant can be easily transformed into pulp and used as a drink or as on ointment for topical purposes. In fact, various molecules possessing herbal theraputic traits are found in this type of plant, but in les quantity than those present in the smaller leaves of Aloe arborescens. Aloe Arborescens Compared to Aloe Vera, Aloe arborescens has narrower leaves and wider external cuticles that contribute to keeping the plant alive in extreme environmental conditions. This morphologic characteristic allows for a greater presence of anthraquinone elements within the plant, giving it laxative, antiviral and antimicrobic effects. The gel content within Aloe arborescens is proportionally less than Aloe Vera. This in turn is less attractive for commercial reasons, forcing Aloe arborescens into a less important position, even though the latter has superior theraputic qualities than Aloe Vera. This was shown in a recent international bibliography. Aloe arborescens is now being cultivated in Italy, allowing the commercialization of products containing its principle ingredient. It is becoming possible to purchase products that have Aloe arborescens as a base ingredient, maintaining the plant's biochemical and hydrotheraputic characteristics. This is the case in both cosmetic and food products. Due to industrial contamination, the production and use of Aloe

Vera in Italy has been mostly discontinued. Often, it is imported from other countries. Recent studies administered by the Palatinin Salzano Venezia Institute in Italy have discovered that Aloe arborescens is 200% richer in medicinal substances than Aloe Vera and contains more than 70% of anti-cancerogenous properties (active ingredients) as opposed to Aloe Vera, which contains 40% of these properties.

B-17 Product name: Cyto-Pharma B17 Source: http://www.cytopharma.com When to start: Start six weeks after the cleansing has been finished and six weeks after immune
system support has been started. Contra Indicators: B-17 ingestion may occasionally cause a temporary low blood pressure reaction due to formation of thiocyanate, a powerful blood pressure lowering agent. In metabolism, nitriloside is hydrolyzed to free hydrogen cyanide, benzaldehyde or acetone and sugar. This occurs largely through the enzyme beta-glucosidase produced by intestinal bacteria as well as by the body. The released HCN [hydrocyanide] is detoxified by the enzyme rhodanese to the relatively non-toxic thiocyanate molecule." Normally, lowering blood pressure is not an issue, however, for those who are already taking blood pressure medications, or have heart issues which would be made worse by a drop in blood pressure, be advised that laetrile can lower blood pressure. Taking laetrile with high strength probiotics may also increase the amount of free hydrogen cyanide and thus could create adverse side effects. Do not use laetrile and a Rife machine together at the same time, do NOT take any laetrile until you are finished with Rife. When you are finished using the Rife machine for the day, take your laetrile. This gives the laetrile plenty of time to be absorbed by the body before starting the Rife machine the next day.

Quantity: See below Size: 500 mg Frequency: B-17 can be hard on the digestive tract. Start with 1 capsule per day. After 3-4 days, go to
2 capsules per day. After 7 days, go to 3-4 capsules per day. After 10 days, go to 4-6 capsules per day Duration: 60 days.

With food / without food: Directly after eating. About this product: The system will be going through a detox with this product and it is important
that you start out with just one then work your way up to 4-6 capsules per day. 1. Zinc is the transportation mechanism for laetrile and nitrilosides in the body. Biochemists and researchers have found that you can give Laetrile to a client until its coming out of the ears of the client, but, if that client did not have sufficient level of Zinc, none of the laetrile would get into the tissues of the body. They also found that nothing heals within the body without sufficient vitamin C. They also found that magnesium; selenium, vitamin A, and B all played an important part in maintaining the body's defense mechanism. This is way its important to understand that cancer is

best treated with a total nutritional program consisting of diet, vitamins, minerals, laetrile and pancreatic enzymes 2. When the laetrile compound molecule comes across a cancer cell, it is broken down into 2 molecules of glucose, 1 molecule of hydrogen cyanide and 1 molecule of benzaldehyde. In the early days of laetrile research it was assumed that the hydrogen cyanide molecule was the major cancer cell killing molecule, but now it is known that it is the benzaldehyde molecule that is by far the major reason the cancer cell is killed. The reason laetrile therapy takes so long to work, in spite of the marvelous design of the laetrile molecule, is because if the laetrile molecule happens to chemically react with the enzyme of a non-cancerous cell (i.e. rhodanese), before it reacts with the enzyme of a cancerous cell (beta-glucosidase), the rhodanese will break apart the laetrile molecule in such a way that it can no longer kill a cancer cell. Thus you have to take enough laetrile molecules, over a long enough time, that enough laetrile molecules coincidently (as far as we know) hits all of the cancer cells first. The second way that laetrile therapy works is because of the laetrile diet. Like the metabolic diet, it is designed to build up the trypsin and chymotrypsin in the body, and let them work on the cancer cells. What they do is break down the enzymes surrounding the cancer cell so the white blood cells can kill the cancer cell. More will be said about the cancer diet below.

BARLEY POWDER Product name: Barley Power Source: www.barleypower.com (or another quality product) When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators (what this cannot be taken with) none known Quantity:. 20 per day Size: 500 mg Frequency: 4 capsules, 5 x per day Duration: For as long as condition exists.
With food / without food: Varies About this product: The young barley leaf is a green cereal grass that contains the greatest and most perfectly balanced concentration of nutrients found in nature.

BETA 1,6 GLUCAN Product name: Beta Glucan # 300 Source: http://www.beta-glucan.com When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators (what this cannot be taken with) Quantity:. As listed Size: 500 mg Frequency: 2 capsules, 3 x per day

Duration: For as long as condition exists. With food / without food: Absorbtion is significantly enhanced on an empty stomach so take
without food.

About this product: Immune response relies on the stimulation of macrophages white blood cells
that scour the body on search and destroy missions targeting harmful bacteria. Unfortunately, these special forces are not always on duty - they must first be activated. And thats the role of beta-glucans. They give the go order to the bodys macrophages. The more beta-glucans in the system, the more macrophages will be called into action. NOW Beta 1-3 Glucan formula is comprised of the most concentrated sources available Saccharomyces Cerevisae (the inner cell walls of bakers yeast) and Maitake mushroom. As research evolves, consumers are increasingly turning to beta-glucans to give their immune function added firepower.

CANSEMA (for SKIN CANCER only) Product name: Alpha Omega Topical Solve Source: www.altcancer.com, http://www.altcancer.com/can5.htm for complete list of directions. When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: None. Quantity: One finger dab, enough to cover cancerous area Size: Frequency: apply once every 24 hours after removing your previous days application. Duration: For as long as condition exists. With food / without food: Does not matter About this product: Although designed for self-administration, Cansema is not a replacement for timely,
competent medical advice and attention. Alpha Omega highly recommends that prior to usage, the user obtain a biopsy or other diagnosis of the suspected cancer site. On the basis of reliable diagnosis and in conjunction with medical consultation, the user may then make the decision as to whether or not to use the Cansema system. Cansema, because of its ability to discriminate between healthy and cancerous tissue, is often used simultaneously as both a diagnostic tool and a skin cancer remedy, but we do not recommend this use, simply because skin cancer is sometimes a by-product of other pathological condition(s) that should be attended to by a competent physician.

PROTOCELL 23 or 50 , depending INFUSED WITH SUBTLE ENERGY http://www.energytoolsint.com/ (infused subtle energy) Product name: Protocell 23 or 50 Source: http://www.yourvitamindepot.com When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: See website .

Quantity: 3 Size: 1 dropper full Frequency: Sip frequently Duration: For as long as condition exists. With food / without food: Must be taken with a meal. About this product: This formula may cause nausea or an emetic response in some users. Always,
always take with meals. Vomiting indicates that the dosage is too high. Reduce. If problems persist, discontinue use. Purgatives in the formula may cause diarrhea for some users at the beginning of use. This should pass within a few days. If not, discontinue use and see your naturopathic physician. Pregnant women should AVOID using this formula--as it may act as an abortifacient, or otherwise harm the fetus.

ESSIAC TEA Product name: Home made herbal tea. Source: http://www.bulk-essiac-tea.com/index.html When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: None Quantity: 12 ounces of tea daily. Size: As listed Frequency: Three times per day Duration: 1-2 years With food / without food: Without food, on an empty stomach, two hours before a meal. About this product: Essiac strengthens the immune system, improves well being, relieves pain,
increases appetite, reduces tumor size, and extends survival. Some also claim that it cleanses the blood, promotes cell repair, restores energy levels, and detoxifies the body. The different herbs are claimed to relieve inflammation, lubricate bones and joints, stimulate the stomach, and eliminate excess mucous in organs, tissues, lymph glands, and nerve channels.

ELEGIAC ACID SUPPOSOTORIES Product name: Ellagica. Source: http://www.remedylink.com When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: None Quantity: As directed Size: As listed Frequency: As directed

Duration: 3 months With food / without food: Without food, on an empty stomach, two hours before a meal. About this product: Ellagic acid has been clinically shown to possess broad-spectrum anti-viral,
anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitical anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-mutagenic and cardioprotective properties. Ellagica contains USP grade ellagic acid blended with herbs that support healthy coagulation parameters specifically chosen to counter the activation of Factor XII (The Hageman blood clotting factor) that high doses of ellagic acid can trigger. The suppository version allows it be ingested into the body and not be broken down in the stomach which would neutralize it.

POLY MVA Product name: Poly MVA Source: www.healthwalk.com When to start: Immediately Contra Indicators: None Quantity: 8 teaspoons per day, for as long as condition persists, then 4 teaspoons per day. Size: Frequency: Throughout the day. Duration: As long as condition persists, then decrease for maintenance. With food / without food: Without food
About this product: Poly MVA is a new, nontoxic, powerful antioxidant formula that protects both cellular DNA and RNA. The scientifically designed mechanism of action is to fix the cell and control the cancer, rather than fight the cancer and poison the system as noted above. This method of cancer treatment has clearly demonstrated safe, antitumoral activity. Compared to chemotherapy, Poly MVA offers an extremely powerful alternative cancer treatment without the toxic side effects associated with most Conventional Cancer Treatments. Doctors and Patients worldwide are reporting the benefits of Poly MVA and its antiaging formula. Due to the cellular environment, INTERNAL FACTORS break down the cell's DNA. The environmental or EXTERNAL FACTORS can act as mutagens (carcinogens) . The cell often is unable to repair damage done by certain external chemicals which leads to cancer and other degenerative diseases. POLY MVA has been scientifically designed to CORRECT DNA BREAKDOWNS and return the damaged cell to normal cellular function. This product was developed by Dr. Merrill Garnett, a highly regarded biochemist, who has been conducting research since 1959 with the objective of creating an electronic frequency specificity to restore the DNA exchange energy pathway. These compounds transfer current inward from the cell memebrane phospholipid to DNA. This high flux state of inward pulsed current maintains normal electron oxygen transport, but can be shown to electrically dissociate (breakdown) membranes of primitive anaerobic (CANCER) cells including amoeba, yeasts, and certain tumors. Poly MVA selectively destroys anaerobic cells while doing no harm to healthy (aerobic) cells.

ZEOLITE Product name: Zeolite Source: www.zeolite.com When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: Zeolite may remove supplemental lithium and chemotherapy agents cisplatin and
carboplatin, which contain platinum, from the body. You can resume taking Zeolite days after using cisplatin and carboplatin, and 2 days after using other chemotherapies. Please consult your physician if you wish to take Zeolite while on lithium. Note: If you are an insulin dependent diabetic be aware that Zeolite may lower your need for insulin. In general if you have any questions about taking Zeolite with other medications you are on, please check with your physician.

Quantity: 3-4 drops Size: drops Frequency: 3-4 drops every 1-2 hours, all day & evening up to a total of 45 to 60 drops per day. Duration: For as long as ailment persists With food / without food: As directed About this product:
Zeolite is a mineral formed from volcanic ash and sea salt over millions of years. There are three main kinds; fibrous, leafy and crystalline zeolite. Medical use is from crystalline zeolite that contains high quantities of the mineral clinoptilolite. Zeolite is an extremely hard honeycomb-like structure permeated by ducts and cavities throughout. These caves, or channels, are openings where minerals and heavy metals can bind to. The silicon building block in Zeolite is electrically neutral, but the aluminum building block carries a negative charge, which creates charged sites throughout the entire crystal structure. The clinoptilolite attracts positive minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and iron. These common positive cations then are displaced by heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury, nickel, and arsenic and removed safely from the body. Key Benefits - Supports a healthy immune system, Helps remove heavy metals, toxins from the body, Helps balance pH levels in the body, 100 percent natural and non-toxic, Safe for long-term use. .

LIQUID MINERALS Product name: Vitality Boost H.A Source: www.msminerals.com/v202/index.htm When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: Cantron (due to high levels of selenium) no others known. Not recommended for
those using Cantron. Quantity: 2 oz per day

Size: As listed

Frequency: Twice per day Duration: Take for 90 days or longer With food / without food: Preferably without food, but does not matter that much. About this product: Vitality Boost HA is a rich source of bio-available Fulvic Acid (FA),
Humic Acid (HA), micro and macro minerals nutrients. The Fulvic and Humic Acids are organic compounds that act as organic minerals carriers and detoxifiers. Research results suggest that Humic and Fulvic Acid complexes enhance minerals and trace element uptake, supporting the maintenance of mineral and trace element balances without harmful buildup in the bodys cells. Following dissociation of the minerals and trace elements delivered by the Humic/Fulvic Acid complex, the residual HA/FA complex can chelate heavy metals along the intestinal tract, in turn reducing heavy metal burdens in the digestive system. The only way the human body can benefit from mineral nutrients is if they are available to be absorbed. Fulvic Acid enhances this absorption process by enabling minerals to pass through cell membranes. The average plant derived mineral is less than 0.00001 micron in size, conceivably the size of a red blood cell. The body is made up of 100 trillion cells that need constant mineral nutrients to support the energy level for healthy, vigorous life. Fulvic Acid is the transporter to the body's cells and Humic Acid is the carrier of minerals, trace elements and amino acids.

ENZYMES (P.E.P) Product name: Omnizyme Forte Source: http://rainrock-nutritionals.stores.yahoo.net/

Three tablets three times daily 2 hours after each meal for a total of 9 per day. When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment.

Contra Indicators: It is important to know that proteolytic enzymes are blood thinners. Proteolytic
enzymes should NOT be used in conjunction with prescription blood thinners. Also, high doses of proteolytic enzymes should not be taken, just as too high of a dose of any blood thinner should never be taken. See the bottle for maximum doses Quantity: Many

Size: Tablets Frequency: After each meal Duration: 1 year With food / without food: Both
In 1969, a Texas orthodontist, William Donald Kelley lay on the operating table for pancreatic cancer. It was inoperable. Kelley was told to go home and get his affairs in order. He had three months to live. Kelley refused to surrender. He researched the medical literature and found Beard's pancreatic enzymes. The rest is history. There would be six other cases of pancreatic cancer that recovered past five years under Kelley's Program of pancreatic enzymes, detoxification, and individualized nutrition. Over 5,000 patients of varying auto - immune diseases and cancer responded to Kelley's immune regeneration in the next fifteen years. Unfortunately, a dentist curing cancer does not sit well with the medical establishment and

Kelley was forced to retire. Dr. Kelley turned over his records, knowledge, programs, and "torch" to a very promising immunologist - medical doctor in New York, N.Y., Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. in 1986. Note: Dr. Tate trained under Dr. Kelley in 1982 - 1984. Protocol A (ideal intake) 10 PEP 3x Daily: 1 hour before breakfast, lunch, and dinner 12 PEP 3x daily: with breakfast, lunch, and dinner 6 PEP daily at bedtime Protocol B 5 PEP 3x Daily: 1 hour before breakfast, lunch, and dinner 6 PEP 3x daily: with breakfast, lunch, and dinner 3 PEP daily at bedtime Protocol C 3 PEP 3x Daily: 1 hour before breakfast, lunch, and dinner

This protocol is being implemented and studied at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York, and it is financed by the National Institute of Health (NIH, IRB # 8544). Its success is far greater than that of chemotherapy, especially for pancreatic cancers. However, Dr. Kelleys studies show great promise for other cancers as well. For the Cancer Profile blood tests, do not take any enzymes for 48 hours prior to blood drawing. ON CYCLE TAKE: Above recommended PROTOCOL A, B OR C. If uncertain begin with PROTOCOL C for 1 WEEK, B for 1 WEEK working up to PROTOCOL A by 3RD WEEK using the guidelines below: Take supplements up to 25 days. STOP taking supplements if you experience discomfort of any kind, you may stop taking after 3 to 5 days on, but it is best to continue for 25 days.


OFF CYCLE: Remain off supplements for 5 days. You must give the body time to adjust. Stay OFF supplements the full 5 days even if you feel well enough to continue.

Continue Cycling ON/OFF for 9 to 18 months. Then TAKE 4 to 6 Capsules with meals and 1 with snacks as long as you choose to metabolically support your being About this product: Volumes have been written about the benefits of pancreatic and plant source proteolytic enzymes. Nutritional physicians for years have used proteolytic enzymes as part of their natural

approach to help patients to lose weight and as a nutritional approach to such disorders as, but not limited to: degenerative diseases, heart disease, arteriosclerosis, indigestion, inflammations, and disorders involving inflammations (-itis at the end of a word generally indicates inflammation; i.e. arthritis, pancreatitis, diverticulitis, etc.). They should be the supplements of choice in any problems like sprains, strains, arthritis, burns (including sunburn), pre and post-surgical (including dental), poor circulation, etc. This product is best delivered in tablet form. Since stomach acid is highly destructive to pancreatic enzymes and to most plant source enzymes and since capsules are quickly broken down in the stomach, the use of capsules with enzymes is a bad idea. For most nutrients, passing through the stomach does no harm and in some cases is helpful and even necessary, but it is not good for most enzymes. Since capsules can not be enteric coated, any enzyme formula in a capsule form is likely to be of a greatly diminished

VITAE ELIXIR Product name: Purple label Formula, Yellow Label Formula, Formula B.C.G.G. Source: Organic Resources Product name: Herbal Extract 307.266.5310 When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: none Quantity: as directed Size: As listed Frequency: As directed Duration: 120 days With food / without food: With each meal of the day. Although there is not much written about
this product here, and it is the most expensive product (about $1000 with the foot bath products) it ABSOLUTELY should not be overlooked and should be started immediately. It is recommended that this is the first product that is ordered and introduced into the protocol. This is one of the most important products in the entire protocol and thousands of people over the last 10 years have completely healed themselves from cancer using this product. Without the foot baths it is about $500 and with the foot baths it is about $1000..so, if you can afford, get both. Ralph is the man whom owns the company and there is no website, no brochures, not much of anything, except a product that heals people from cancer.

SAPOGENINS Product name: Dammarane Sapogenins Source: http://www.pegasuslifecare.com/ When to start: Begin immediately. Contra Indicators: None known Quantity: Depending on budget and type of cancer. Frequency: Daily

Duration: For 90 days With food / without food Taken 1 hour after meal About this product: Numerous studies have shown that dammarane sapogenins and derivative
compounds can arrest the cell cycle at the G1 phase at low concentrations. In addition, at low concentrations, dammarane sapogenins inducemalignant cell differentiation to the benign form and eventually cause those cells to die with prolonged treatment. Since cancer develops from a single abnormal cell, long term, low dose use of dammarane sapogenins may prevent any potential cancerous cells from growing into a tumor. Actually, in early studies of Korean ginseng, which contain higher levels of dammarane sapogenin-like compounds have also shown effect of tumor prevention both in animal models and epidemiological studies was demonstrated.

GLUTATHION Product name: Xeneplex. Source: http://www.xeneplex.com Product name: xeneplex.com When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: none Quantity: As directed Size: This is a suppository and it should be taken as directed. Frequency: As directed Duration: 120 days With food / without food: As directed. About: Glutathione - or L Glutathione - is a powerful antioxidant found within every cell. Glutathione
plays a role in nutrient metabolism, and regulation of cellular events (including gene expression, DNA and protein synthesis, cell growth, and immune response. Glutathione, taken as a supplement, may not be able to cross across the cell membrane and thus may not be effective. Consider acetylcysteine and other antioxidants instead, including the mineral selenium. This antioxidant, made from the combination of three amino acids cysteine, glutamate, and glycine, forms part of the powerful natural antioxidant glutathione peroxidase which is found in our cells. Glutathione peroxidase plays a variety of roles in cells, including DNA synthesis and repair, metabolism of toxins and carcinogens, enhancement of the immune system, and prevention of fat oxidation. However, glutathione is predominantly known as an antioxidant protecting our cells from damage caused by the free radical hydrogen peroxide. Glutathione also helps the other antioxidants in cells stay in their active form. Glutathion is broken down in the G.I. tract which makes injections or suppositories the only effective method of delivery.


Product name: MMS Source: http://www.alternative-cancer-care.com/Cancer_Miracle.html http://www.mmsinfo.net When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: none Quantity: As directed because it can vary much according to each person. Size: This is liquid and is measured in drops. Frequency: 5 time per day Duration: 120 days With food / without food: As directed About:
MMS is a newly released healing supplement that creates an internal environment which harmful pathogens cannot tolerate. This strengthens the immune system, and cleanses the body of poisonous toxins, heavy metals and deadly infections. This breakthrough healing solution enables the immune system to eliminate the causes of many diseases and ailments. In the past few years, an amazingly simple cure (and possible cancer miracle) has been discovered to easily treat and cleanse the body of all pathogenic (harmful) microbes (parasites, viruses, bacteria, fugus) that are also responsible for not only most cancers, but for other major diseases including HIV, pneumonia, malaria, hepatitis A, B, and C and many others. Called the Miracle Mineral Supplement or MMS, thousands are now flocking to it for it has already cured more than 75,000 untreatable cases of malaria and HIV throughout the world. Its early remarkable results in treating those with cancer can be seen further below. The basic ingredient of MMS is Sodium Chlorite - from the salt family. When it is activated with an acetate such as vinegar or lemon juice it produces Chlorine Dioxide within the body. This results in oxidation, killing microbes in the process


Once the colon cleanse is completed, it is important to begin right away with introducing healthy bacteria into the system. Your colon hydrotherapist may introduce a pro-biotic as part of the protocol, if not, then begin a high powered pro-biotic as directed. Usually one capsule, three times per day. The best method of this is to ask your colon hydrotherapist to use a pro-biotic. If not, obtain iFlora and ake 1 capsule, with meals, three times per day for 60 days. http://www.sedonalabs.com/shop/pc/viewPrd.asp?idCategory=2&idproduct=1

VITAMIN C Product name: Pure Radiance Vitamin C Source: http://www.drrons.com/pure-radiance-organic-whole-food-vitamin-c.htm When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment.

Contra Indicators: none Quantity: 2 Size: 120 mg. Frequency: 5 time per day Duration: Once per day With food / without food: Per directions About: Vitamin C whether intravenous or oral is one of the most prevalent types of alternative and
complimentary cancer therapies. Yet, this nutrient is still considered controversial by mainstream oncology. Since two time Nobel Prize winner (in chemistry and peace) Dr. Linus Pauling advocated its use in cancer starting in the late 1970s, evidence to its efficacy has been quietly and steadily mounting. Humans Do Not Make Vitamin C Almost all animals and plants synthesize their own vitamin C except humans and a small number of other animals, including, apes, guinea pigs, the red-vented bulbul, a fruit-eating bat and a species of trout. Thus, we need to obtain it from the diet. Many forms of Vitamin C are actually contaminated and will not provide wellness. The only Vitamin C that should be consumed is from a pure food source whereby the quality can be guaranteed. Much of the vitamin C coming from China is not a good quality and should not be used.

RESVERTROL Product name: Bioforte Source: http://www.biotivia.com/bioforteresveratrol.html When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: none Quantity: 4 Size: 250 mg. Frequency: 4 times per day Duration: Entire protocol With food / without food: Per directions About: Some of the latest information about it shows that resveratrol causes a unique type of cell death,
and kills cancer cells whether they do or do not have the tumor suppressor gene. It also works whether cancer cells are estrogen receptor-positive or negative. In addition to these findings, researchers are beginning to uncover the ability of resveratrol supplements to augment other chemotherapies. For example, vitamin D3 converts to a steroid that inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. Researchers at the University of Notre Dame have shown that resveratrol increases the effects of vitamin D. Other research shows that it causes drug-resistant non-Hodgkins lymphoma cancer cells to become susceptible to chemotherapeutic drugs (Gemcetabine, Navelbine, cisplatinum, Paclitaxel.

Researchers in Austria have done elaborate studies showing that resveratrol blocks the ability of cancer cells to metastasize to bone (30-71%). The highest results were for pancreas, breast, and renal cancer. Prostate and colon cancers were also inhibited, but not as much.

IP6 Product name: IP-6 and Inositol Source: http://www.ip6gold.com/product_info.html When to start: Immediately at beginning of treatment. Contra Indicators: none Quantity: 4 Size: 1 scoop Frequency: 2 times per day Duration: Entire protocol With food / without food: Per directions About: One of the most exciting nutritional products to be introduced in years is the combination of IP6 and Inositol. This combination of naturally occurring compounds produced from rice bran has demonstrated impressive immune enhancing effects in scientific research. The formulation of IP6 and Inositol was developed and patented by Dr. A.K.M. Shamsuddin, MD, PhD. at the University of Maryland, USA. As a pathologist, Dr. Shamsuddin sees the ravages of disease associated with a compromised immune system. Research from around the world continues to expand and validate Dr. Shamsuddins findings.

CLEANSES The following sections describe the importance of cleanses. No cancer protocol can be successful without the following cleanses and every cancer protocol WILL BE successful with the following cleanses. PARASITE CLEANSEThe following extract is from the book, The Cure For All Diseases, by Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark Ph. D. N.D. which has only a portion dedicated to cancer. However, there is another book, The Cure For All Cancers which deals thoroughly with every aspect of curing cancer. She also has a book, The Cure for HIV and AIDs. Her books can be obtained from New Century Press - 1-800-519-2465. Through many years of research, Dr. Clark has discovered that there seem to be two predisposing factors involved with every case of cancer she came across. One is the presence of the human intestinal fluke. The other is the presence of various solvents and toxins within the body, which, combined with the parasites, sets up the needed conditions for the onset of cancer. Dr. Clark cures the disease by using herbs and an electronic device for killing the parasites and then shows us which products we should avoid to stop polluting ourselves with toxins. This is, of course, very over-simplified, but it will give you a rough idea of what it is about.

Curing Cancer
By Dr. Hulda Regher Clark Cancer is no longer the deadly disease it once was. In fact, you can clear it up in less time than it takes to get a doctor's appointment for a check up. If you notice a lump or think you might have cancer, don't rush to see a doctor first. Rush to clear it up, yourself first. By the time your doctor's appointment arrives, you can be sure of a negative test.

Another Fluke Disease

Cancer is so easily cured because it is a parasite-caused disease. Kill the parasite and you have stopped the cancer. This does not mean you have also stopped being ill. If the cancer damaged your ovaries or prostate, you still must heal these organs. The Ca-125 or PSA test will not drop to normal unless you begin to heal them. These markers reflect the condition of the organ, not its malignant nature. Remember that killing a mosquito does not remove the lump it caused. That will take its course. It will heal beautifully if you let it. But if you scratch it mercilessly, it will take longer. Removing toxins from the affected organs lets them heal. Fortunately for us, cancer is not like a fire, unstoppable once it has started. It takes only 7 minutes to zap all the parasite adults and their stages which cause your cells to multiply.

The responsible parasite is Fasciolopsis buskii, the human intestinal fluke, a flatworm. It is a human parasite although it can also parasitize other species. It normally lives quietly in the intestine. (The goal for all larger parasites is to live quietly. After all, your demise is their demise.) They were meant to pass their thousands of eggs with your bowel movement, outside, to some pond where snails live. But when the eggs hatch before they leave your body and are allowed to continue their development inside you, the setting is right for cancer to develop. If the fluke eggs and other stages go through their development in your breast it can become breast cancer. If it is in the prostate it can become prostate cancer. And so on. Each different kind of cancer means the developmental stages of the intestinal fluke are present there. Only one more thing is needed to bring about an avalanche of reproduction, so that hundreds of little larvae turn into hundreds more in a short time: a growth factor. It makes them multiply and your cells are similarly affected. This growth factor, ortho-phospho-tyrosine (and possibly, also, epidermal growth factor and insulin-dependent growth factor) really begins your cancer. Teamed With A Solvent The good news is that this growth factor, which is essential for cancer to develop, cannot be made, without the presence of an abnormal solvent, propyl alcohol (or more exactly, isopro-pyl alcohol). Without taking in propyl alcohol you could never get cancer. It takes two things, together, to give you cancer: propyl alcohol and the human intestinal fluke parasite. Since it takes a frequency generator (3 minutes at each of 434, 432, 427, 425, 423, 421 KHz) or zapper mere minutes to kill the fluke and its stages you will be stopping the production of growth factors immediately. [The zapper is a pulse generator which Dr. Clark developed to destroy bacteria and parasites electronically. It is very inexpensive and easy to use.]

Zap yourself every day for three seven minute periods, until after you are completely well.
After killing the flukes, those growth factors already formed will disappear in one hour. Your malignancy is stopped. It cannot return unless you infect yourself with the parasite again! Getting rid of propyl alcohol is also a simple task. Once you have stopped using it, the last remnants leave your body within three days. We must marvel at the body's wisdom and capabilities for restoring health. You are not permanently damaged by this large and hungry parasite. Given half a chance your body will throw the rascals out and restore order in you tissues.


Flatworms, roundworms, protozoa, even bacteria and viruses are remarkably easy to kill using a combination of zapping and this herbal program. Thus it is not just for cancer, but a general treatment that can benefit almost every illness. You can get a pre-packaged kit of the products necessary for the cleanse from many retailers such as http://www.herbalremedies.com/dr-clark-purity-products.html Itemized description: 1. Black Walnut Hull Tincture Extra Strength Day 1: (this is the day you begin; start the same day you receive it) Take one drop. Put it in cup of water. Sip it on an empty stomach such as before a meal. Day 2: Take 2 drops in cup water same as above. Day 3: Take 3 drops in cup water same as above. Day 4: Take 4 drops in cup water same as above. Day 5: Take 5 drops in cup water same as above. Day 6: Take 2 tsp., all together in cup water. Sip it, don't gulp it. Get it down within 15 minutes. (If you are over 150 pounds, take 2 tsp. Do not take more than 3 tsp. because no additional value has been observed.) This dose kills any remaining stages throughout the body including the bowel contents, a location unreachable by electric current. The alcohol in the tincture can make you slightly woozy for several minutes. Simply stay seated until you are comfortable again. You may put the tincture in lukewarm water to help evaporate some of the alcohol, but do not use hot water because that may damage its parasiticide power. Then take niacinamide 500 mg to counteract the toxicity of the alcohol. You could also feel a slight nausea for a few minutes. Walk in the fresh air or simply rest until it passes. You may add more water or honey or a spice to make it more palatable. For a year: take 2 tsp. Black Walnut Hull Tincture Extra Strength every week or until your illness is but a hazy memory. This is to kill any parasite stages you pick up from your family, friends, or pets. Family members and friends should take 2 tsp. every other week to avoid reinfecting you. They may be harboring a few parasite stages in their intestinal tract without having symptoms. But when these stages are transmitted to a cancer patient, they immediately seek out the cancerous organ again.

You may be wondering why you should wait for five days before taking the 2 tsp. dose. It is for your convenience only. You may have a sensitive stomach or be worried about toxicity or side effects. By the sixth day you will have convinced yourself there is no toxicity or side effects. Going faster. In fact, if you are convinced after the first drop of the restorative powers of Black Walnut Hull Tincture Extra Strength, take the 2 tsp. dose on the very first day. Going slower. On the other hand, if you cringe at the thought of taking an herb or you are anxious about it's safety, continue the drops, increasing at your own pace, until you are ready to brave the decisive 2 tsp. dose. 2. Wormwood capsules (should contain 200-300 mg of wormwood, see Sources): Day 1: Take 1 capsule before supper (with water). Day 2: Take 1 capsule before supper. Day 3: Take 2 capsules before supper. Day 4: Take 2 capsules before supper. Continue increasing in this way to day 4, whereupon you are up to seven capsules. You take the capsules all in a single dose (you may take a few at a time until they are all gone). Then you do 2 more days of 7 capsules each. After this, you take 7 capsules once a week forever, as it states in the Maintenance Parasite Program. Try not to get interrupted before the 6th day so you know the adult intestinal flukes are dead. After this you may proceed more slowly if you wish. Many persons with sensitive stomachs prefer to stay longer on each dose instead of increasing according to this schedule. You may choose the pace after the sixth day Fill size 00 capsules with fresh ground cloves; if this size is not available, use size 0 or 000. In a pinch, buy gelatin capsules and empty them or empty other vitamin capsules. You may be able to purchase fresh ground cloves that are already encapsulated; they should be about 500 mg. Grocery store ground cloves do not work! Either grind them yourself or see Sources. Day 1: Take one capsule 3 times a day before meals. Day 2: Take two capsules 3 times a day. Days 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: Take three capsules 3 times a day. After day 10: Take 3 capsules all together once a week forever, as in the Maintenance Parasite Program. Take ornithine at bedtime for insomnia. Even if you do not suffer from insomnia now, you may when you kill parasites. ZAPPING - Since it takes a frequency generator (3 minutes at each of 434, 432, 427, 425, 423, 421 KHz) or zapper mere minutes to kill the fluke and its stages you will be stopping the production of growth factors immediately. [The zapper is a pulse generator which Dr. Clark developed to destroy bacteria and parasites electronically. It is very inexpensive and easy to use.]

Zap yourself every day for three seven minute periods, until after you are completely well.

Colon Cleanse Program Part 1 - Colon Cleanse

This formula is used to cleanse, heal and strengthen the entire digestive tract. The easiest program we have found is from Western Botanicals. Can be purchased from www.westernbotanicals.com This stimulates the peristaltic action (the intestinal muscular movement) of the colon and over time strengthens the muscles of the large intestines. Colon Cleanse helps to disinfect, soothe and heal the mucous membrane lining of the entire digestive system. Colon Cleanseaids in digestion, relieves gas, cramps and cleanses the gallbladder and bile ducts, destroying candida albicans overgrowth and parasites, promoting a healthy intestinal flora. With Colon Cleanse, the lower bowel tonic, we feed and nourish the eliminative organs and allow the colon to work on its own. Cape Aloe powder is used because of its ability to cause contractions of the bowel wall muscles. It contains a phytochemical (phyto means herb) that will cause any smooth or intestinal muscle to contract. Senna and Cascara sagrada are also used because of their mild laxative and toning and strengthening effect on the muscles of the intestines. Barberry is a great liver herb which will help the body in the detoxification of toxins that may be stirred up in the cleansing process. Ginger and Fennel help with digestion and gas build up. Garlic is antibacterial and antifungal helping to eliminate harmful organisms will promoting the reestablishment of healthy intestinal flora. Cayenne pepper is used because it acts to stop any intestinal bleeding, ulceration or irritation. While cayenne may seem to be a strong stimulating herb, it is actually very soothing on the digestive tract. In fact, cayenne pepper is used to treat stomach or duodenal ulcers. Black Walnut, Clove and Wormwood are used in this formula because they have the ability to kill and expel parasites that may infect the digestive tract. Begin the use of Colon Cleanse with 1 capsule during the evening meal (some prefer breakfast). This formula works best when taken with food. The following morning you should notice an increase in your bowel action and in the amount of fecal matter you eliminate. The consistency should also be softer. If there is not a noticeable change in bowel behavior, increase the dosage by one capsule each day until a noticeable change occurs. A bowel movement corresponding with each meal (2 to 3 per day) is considered healthy bowel function. Most people who take Colon Cleanse find effective results with 1 to 6 capsules per day. Although some may need 10 to 15 capsules per day. Once you have found your optimal dose continue for 1 week before proceeding to part 2 of the Colon Cleanse program.

Part 2 Colon Detox

This formula is used to cleanse, purify and detoxify the colon, bowels and intestines. Colon Detox soothes and strengthens the entire intestinal tract. Colon Detox is a strong purifier and intestinal vacuum, helping to draw out old fecal matter from the walls of the colon and out from any bowel pockets. Colon Detox is uniquely formulated to soften old fecal matter for easy elimination. It aids in the removal of poisons, toxins, parasites and heavy metals. It is also used as a remedy for intestinal inflammation such as diverticulitis, colitis or irritable bowel syndrome. This product is also used effectively for diarrhea or food poisoning.

Colon Detox contains the following: Apple pectin, Bentonite clay and charcoal all have the ability to absorb up to forty times their weight in toxins from the walls and pockets in the colon. If you have ever experienced a clay mask and the feeling of the strong astringent pulling, imagine having a clay mask on the inside pulling toxins out. Flax seed will soothe and soften old hardened fecal matter allowing for easier elimination and Psyllium seeds and husks act a bulking agents to move things along. Finally Fennel is one of the greatest herbs to reduce gas or flatulence. This simple and effective product has helped many. Colon Detox can be used in powdered or capsule form, although we prefer the powder if at all possible. For an intensive colon cleansing (recommended 2 to 3 times yearly, depending on how good or bad your diet is), take Colon Detox as directed - 1 heaping teaspoon or 12 capsules, 5 times daily. It is important to drink plenty of water during the use of Colon Detox and increase your Colon Cleanse capsules intake by one each day to assure 2 to 3 normal bowel movements per day. Taken without sufficient water can be constipating. Take between meals on an empty stomach. Follow this program for five or six days

The Liver
According to Dr. Max Gerson, and others, even before the symptoms of cancer appear, the liver is damaged. As the cancer progresses, the damage to the liver also progresses. The liver is the major organ in the body which deals with toxins. A person on an alternative cancer treatment releases a lot of toxins into the blood stream which end up in the liver. Because of this, the liver must be "detoxified" or "cleansed."

Liver cleanse - Gallbladder cleanse - Liver flush

"Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of your whole health. You can expect your allergies to disappear, too, more with each cleanse you do! Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. You have more energy and increased sense of well being.

It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1.5 quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir. Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine. For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones. Some develop

allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or X-rayed nothing is seen. Typically, they are not in the gallbladder. Not only that, most are too small and not calcified, a prerequisite for visibility on an X-ray. There are over half a dozen varieties of gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them. They can be black, red, white, green or tan colored. The green ones get their color from being coated with bile. Notice in the picture (pg. 545) how many have imbedded unidentified objects. Are they fluke remains? Notice how man are shaped like corks with longitudinal grooves below the tops. We can visualize the blocked bile ducts from such shapes. Other stones are composites- made of many smaller ones- showing that they regrouped in the bile ducts some time after the last cleanse. At the very center of each stone is found a clump of bacteria, according to scientists, suggesting a dead bit of parasite might have started the stone forming. As the stones grow and become more numerous the back pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels rise. Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this way "nests" of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these gallstones from the liver. Preparation

You can't clean a liver with living parasites in it. You won't get out many stones, and will feel quite sick. Zap daily the week before, or get through the first three weeks of the parasite killing program before attempting a liver cleanse. If you are on a parasite maintenance program, do a high dose program the week before. Completing the kidney cleanse before cleansing the liver is also recommended. You want your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract in top working condition so they can efficiently remove any undesirable substances incidentally absorbed from the intestine as the bile is being excreted. Do any dental work first, if possible. Your mouth should be metal free and bacteria free (cavitations are cleaned). A toxic mouth can put a heavy load on the liver, burdening it immediately after cleansing. Eliminate that problem first for best results.

Liver cleanse and gallbladder cleanse flush NO surgery

Ingredients 1/2 CupOlive Oil Extra Virgin (= 1.25 dl) 1 Big grapefruit (2 small) (Or 3 lemons) 4 tablespoon EPSOM salts = ( MgSO4 + 7H2O) (EPSOM salts = Magnesium Sulphate = EPSOMITE = Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate) 3 cups water (=750 dl) (P.S .!! 1 cup = 250 ml = 2.5 dl = 0.25 l )

You can substitute 3 cups water (=750 dl) (that is used in this recipe to dissolve Epsom salt) with 3 cups freshly pressed grapefruit juice, or freshly pressed apple juice . That way you will not feel unpleasant taste of Magnesium Sulphate ( = Magnesium Sulfate = Epsom salt = MgSO4 + 7H2O) ] [If using lemon juice, do not blend juice with oil. Drink little oil, little juice, from 2 different cups. If you mix oil and juice, it may (it doesn't happens always) slightly congeals, and get a slimy consistency that is not easy to swallow. It may become slimy. It never happens with grapefruit juice!] Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse, since you will be able to rest the next day.Take no medicines, vitamins or pills that you can do without; they could prevent success. Stop the parasite program and kidney herbs too, the day before. Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves or honey (no butter or milk), baked potato or other vegetables with salt only. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones. 2:00 PM. Do not eat or drink after 2 o'clock. If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later. Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 tbs. in 3 cups water and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, 3/4 (three fourths) cup each. Set the jar in the refrigerator to get ice cold (this is for convenience and taste only). [ You can substitute 3 cups water with 3 cups freshly pressed grapefruit juice, or freshly pressed apple juice, it tastes better .] 6:00 PM. Drink one serving 3/4 (three fourths cup) of the ice cold Epsom salts. If you did not prepare this ahead of time, mix 1 tbs. in 3/4 (three fourth) cup water now. You may add 1/8 (one eight) tsp. vitamin C powder to improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or

rinse your mouth. Get the olive oil (ozonated, if possible) and grapefruit out to warm up. Alternative Schedule 1: Omit the first Epsom Slats dose at 6 p.m. Take only one dose, waiting till 8 p.m. Change nothing else. Many people still get stones with one less dose. If you do not, do the full course next time. "The Cure For HIV and AIDS" By Hulda Clark pg.585 8:00 PM. Repeat by drinking another 3/4 (three fourths) cup of Epsom salts.You haven't eaten since two o'clock, but you won't feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done. The timing is critical for success. 9:45 PM. Pour 1/2 (half) cup (measured) olive oil into the pint jar. Add 2 drops HCl to sterilize. Wash grapefruit twice in hot water and dry; squeeze by hand into the measuring cup. Remove pulp with fork. You should have at least 1/2 (half) cup, more (up to 3/4 (three fourths) cup) is best. You may use part lemonade. Add this to the olive oil. Also add Black Walnut Tincture. Close the jar tightly with the lid and shake hard until watery (only fresh grapefruit juice does this). Now visit the bathroom one or more time, even if it makes you late for your ten o'clock drink. Don't be more than 15 minutes late. You will get fewer stones. 10:00 PM. Drink the potion you have mixed. Take 4 ornithine capsules with the first sips to make sure you will sleep through the night. Take 8 if you already suffer from insomnia. Drinking through a large plastic straw helps it go down easier. You may use oil and vinegar salad dressing, or straight honey to chase it down between sips. Have these ready in a tablespoon on the kitchen counter. Take it all to your bedside if you want, but drink it standing up. Get it down within 5 minutes (fifteen minutes for very elderly or weak persons). Lie down immediately. You might fail to get stones out if you don't. The sooner you lie down the more stones you will get out. Be ready for bed ahead of time. Don't clean up the kitchen. As soon as the drink is down walk to your bed and lie down flat on your back with your head up high on the pillow. Try to think about what is happening in the liver. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is no pain because the bile duct valves are open (thank you Epsom salts!). Go to sleep, you may fail to get stones out if you don't. Next morning. Upon awakening take your third dose of Epsom salts. If you have indigestion or nausea wait until it is gone before drinking the Epsom salts. You may go back to bed. Don't take this potion before 6:00 am. 2 Hours Later. Take your fourth (the last) dose of Epsom salts. You may go back to bed again. Alternative Schedule 2: After taking the first dose of Epsom salts in the morning, wait two hours and take a second dose of the oil mixture (but only 1/2 cup)and go back to bed. After two more hours take another dose of Epsom salts. This schedule can increase the number of stones you remove." After 2 More Hours you may eat. Start with fruit juice. Half an hour later eat fruit. One hour later

you may eat regular food but keep it light. By supper you should feel recovered. How well did you do? Expect diarrhea in the morning. Use a flashlight to look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Use colander to make sure you collect all stones

Look for the green kind since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks but gallstones float because of the cholesterol inside. Calcified stones and stones containing protein may sink, but colander will catch all stones. Count them all roughly, whether tan or green. You will need to total 2,000 stones before the liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies or bursitis or upper back pains permanently. The first cleanse may rid you of them for a few days, but as the stones from the rear travel forward, they give you the same symptoms again. You may repeat cleanses at two week intervals. Never cleanse when you are ill. Readersnote: I started passing chaff through normal bowel movements after my 4th colon cleansing fast, approximately after a total of 4x14= 56 days of total colon cleansing within 9 months. The chaff continued in normal bowel movements for 8 months! Thousands of tiny stones, looked like small popcorn and small bee pollen granules, others looked like moth wings. Sometime I would drop at one bowel movement 50-100 pea size stones that would float in the water. It was truly an experience. Almost daily for 8 months! When I did my first Dr. Clark's liver cleanse I immediately dropped over 200 pea size green and tan stones, and when I examined them I was shocked. They crushed in my fingers and what I found was pure fat, pure cholesterol. Can you imagine hundred of them. Also in my second liver cleanse I had the same experience Sometimes, the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round stones. They

appear as a "chaff" floating on top of the toilet bowl water. It may be tan colored, harboring millions of tiny white crystals. cleansing this chaff is just as important as purging the stones. This procedure contradicts many modern medical viewpoints. Gallstones are thought to be formed in the gallbladder, not the liver. They are though to be few, not thousands. They are not linked to pains other than gallbladder attacks. It is easy to understand why this thought: by the time you have acute pain attacks, some stones are in the gallbladder, are big enough and sufficiently calcified to see on Xray, and have caused inflammation there. When the gallbladder is removed the acute attacks are gone, but the bursitis and other pains and digestive problems remain. The truth is self-evident. People who have had their gallbladder removed surgically still get plenty of green, bile coated stones, and anyone who cares to dissect their stones can see that the concentric circles and crystals of cholesterol match textbook pictures of "gallstones" exactly."

Liver and Gallbladder Anatomy

Liver cleansing recipe is the same as gall bladder cleansing recipe! Cleansing of both organs is achieved by the same procedure! All people who have stones inside gallbladder, always have stones inside their liver - proved by their cleansing experience! All people who have stones inside their liver, do not necessarily have stones inside gallbladder! Proved by ultrasound examination and liver flush.


Antibiotics eliminate both the good and the bad bacteria in the body. A proliferation of yeast becomes the problem. The yeast are self perpetuating and demand more food to fuel their growth. Addictions to sweets,

breads arise with the yeast commanding your brain, will power is no match. The quick and easy answer to this is the Virgin Coconut Oil Detox. Do the cleanse for 2 days. This is accomplished by taking: 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil every 2 hours. Up to 10 to 12 tablespoons per day. You determine whether to stop at 10 or 12 tablespoons, because you might not be able to take much more. Your drink for the whole day is just lemonade (from organic lemons) with some rock salt. Freshly squeeze 1 full cup of fresh ripe lemons in 7 cups of home distilled or home reverse osmosis water. Add 1 teaspoon of rock salt. Do not forget the rock salt. You need it (prefer an organic mineral salt if you can locate one) You can make more lemonade if you need to drink more. Note: This lemonade should not contain sugar, honey, or any sweetener. If you are a sweets junkie, get a few leaves of stevia and chew on that. The logic is you feed your human body with VCO for energy while at the same time you starve the yeast / fungi / candida as none of the food and drink you are ingesting is food for the yeast / fungi / candida. At the same time you assault the yeast / fungi / candida because virgin coconut oil is deadly to the yeast. Double whammy for the yeast / fungi / candida.. We normaly feed ourselves sugars, starch, bread, rice, corn or any carbohydrate for energy but this feeds the fungi / yeast / candida. Virgin Coconut Oil is a kind of FAT and will feed humans with energy but is deadly to the fungi. This is also good for cancer because cancer has a candida / fungi / yeast component. This also cleanses your upper /small intestines and cleanses your lower intestines / colon. Rest, surf the internet, or relax, read a book and be near the toilet the whole 2 days as you will be going to the toilet very often. The VCO detox is very hard to do, do not fast alone, always have a friend if you can, but the results will be well worth it.

You will be going to the toilet very often, a dozen times is no surprise You might expel many wierd things, better out than in You will expel white clouds of what most probably is candida / yeast / fungi Leaky gut cure. Addiction to sweets / breads / chocolates cure. The most effective, fastest and safest yeast / candida / fungi infection cure.

You can repeat this 2-3 day VCO detox after 1 or 2 weeks and any number of times until you get the desired results you are looking for. Listen to your body wisdom.

Lymphatic Cleansing & Stimulation

The lymph system also helps remove toxins from the blood, but the lymph system does not have a "pump," such as the circulatory system has (the "pump" of the circulatory system is the heart). The lymph system is only pumped by exercise.

"Like the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system is made up of channels or vessels, valves and filters (nodes). Unlike the bloodstream system, however, there is no pump like the heart. Instead, the lymphatic fluid is forced through the system by the action of the muscles and breathing." http://www.cbass.com/lymph.htm

The lymphatic system is critical to the immunity system, to the treatment of cancer and to taking a burden off of the liver. Many cancer patients, for a variety of reasons, are in no condition to go for long walks, jog, or do other types of exercise. However, the good news is that the arm muscles are just as good, and perhaps better, at pumping the lymphatic system as are the legs. Thus, lifting hand weights can accomplish much in helping the lymphatic system. Lymphatic congestion is a big problem with most cancer patients. Undigested food, infectious material, dead cells, and other debris have to be carried off by the lymphatic system. Thickened and sluggish lymph results in swelling and discomfort. Very few people understand the humble working of the lymphatic system. Many patients suffered from congestion or conditions such as mastitis before developing cancer. Dietary improvement and lymphatic stimulation combined with herbs that aid lymphatic purification enable the lymph to carry off debris. As a general rule, there will be only minimal improvement in places such as the axilla or groin until the abdominal region is freed of stagnation. Lymph Nodes Fresh blood travels through the arteries to all parts of the bodyincluding your breastsbringing oxygen and other nutrients. Used blood leaves the breasts through the veins and is pumped back to the heart and lungs to be refreshed. Then the cycle starts over again. Lymph node areas adjacent to breast area A pectoralis major muscle B axillary lymph nodes: levels I C axillary lymph nodes: levels II D axillary lymph nodes: levels III E supraclavicular lymph nodes F internal mammary lymph nodes Click image to enlarge Clear fluid called lymph also arrives via the arteries, but it leaves the blood to circulate through your tissues to cleanse the tissues and keep them firm. Lymph must also be "refreshed" and recycled. It drains back into the body's central drainage system through the lymphatic channels, like pipes.

"The arteries are like a two-lane highway bringing nutrients, oxygen and fluid to the breast. The vein is a one-lane highway taking away the used blood, and the lymphatic channels are the other one-lane highway draining away the lymph fluid. Two lanes in together, but two separate lanes out." Marisa Weiss, M.D.

Lymph nodes are the filters along the lymphatic system. Their job is to filter out and trap bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and other unwanted substances, and to make sure they are safely eliminated from the body.

Lymph Detox

The lymphatic system includes lymph vessels and nodes, thymus gland, tonsils and spleen. It's really a network of tubing that drains waste products from tissues, produces disease-fighting white blood cells (lymphocytes) and antibodies, and carries the bulk of the body's waste from the cells to the final elimination organs. Experts call the lymphatic system a secondary circulatory system, because it assists the bloodstream with millions of tiny ducts that collect tissue fluid not needed by the capillaries or skin and returns it to the heart for recirculation. Special filtering lymph nodes remove infective organisms, so your lymph system is also a key to your body's immune defenses. Liver health is a key to lymphatic health. The liver produces the majority of lymph, and lymph a major route for nutrients from the liver. The integrity of the lymph system is dependent on immune cells in the liver that filter out harmful bacteria and destructive yeasts. The spleen is the largest mass of lymphatic tissue. It destroys worn-out red blood cells, and serves as a healthy blood reservoir for fresh red blood. During times of high demand, such as hemorrhage, the spleen can release its stored blood and prevent shock from occurring. Here's an amazing fact: The valves of the lymph system move the waste-filled fluids to be flushed and filtered. But since there is no pump as there is with the heart, lymph circulation depends solely upon your breathing and muscle movement. Physical exercise and diaphragmatic deep breathing are critical to lymph cleansing and to healthy immune response.

The "tree-like" lymphatic system in the body contains twice as much liquid as in the blood vessels. Lymphatic flow helps process and eliminate wastes resulting from the heat and energy created in rebuilding worn-out tissues. The lymphatic system makes it possible to fight off infections and other foreign agents. When the lymph nodes become clogged with waste products, we feel pain. A good massage therapist who specializes in Lymphatic Pulsatilis Techniques will be able to assist with lymphatic congestion. The following lymph cleanse is especially useful to help relieve the toxic burden on the lymph system. If you come down with a winter cold or flu, be sure to do a lymph cleanse! 1. Drink the following on an empty stomach: 1 quart distilled water mixed with 2 level teaspoons sea salt. 2. Stroke your skin with a skin brush, using single strokes toward your heart. 3. Grate a heaping handful of raw ginger, wrap it in cheese cloth, and immerse it in your hot bath. 4. Drink a cup of hot ginger tea while bathing. Stay in the bath for a minimum of 20 minutes. Blue violet tea is also good for the lymphatic system. 5. Stay warm (wear a bathrobe, slippers, etc.) and go to bed. 6. Stay covered, warm, and sweating for 20 to 30 minutes or more.

7. Massage your body with equal parts olive and peanut oil combined with a few drops of peppermint or lavender, then take a cool soapy shower. (Optional: shower and skin brush again.) 8. Combine juices to make a total of 1 gallon. Use fresh pink grapefruit, oranges, and pineapples. Add 1 cup each of fresh lemon and lime juices to the gallon of juice. Fast on this for 2 days and drink plenty of distilled water.

It is a safe, effective method of cleansing the colon of impacted, putrefied waste material by repeated, gentle flushing with sterile water, using only FDA approved state-of-the-art colonic equipment. Impacted toxic materials impair the colon's ability to assimilate minerals and bacteria-producing vitamins and can also inhibit muscular action causing sluggish bowel movements, slow transit time, constipation - resulting in further disorders, such as BAD BREATH, FATIGUE, SINUS, HEADACHES, BODY ODOR, GAS, NAUSEA, SCIATIC PAIN, LOW ENERGY, VOMITING, CONFUSION, SKIN BLEMISHES, DIZZINESS, IRRITABILITY, BACKACHE etc. WHY IS COLON HYDROTHERAPY SO IMPORTANT? While the lungs, skin, kidneys and liver also serve to eliminate toxins, people have experienced that when they ensure that the colon is cleansed and rejuvenated, the well-being of the whole body is greatly enhanced. Colonic Hydrotherapy has been found to be the most effective process available to accomplish this work quickly and easily. WHAT ABOUT ENEMAS, SUPPOSITORIES, OR LAXATIVES? Enemas are useful for emptying the rectum - the lowest 8 to 12 inches of the colon only. Suppositories are intended to stimulate a bowel movement when constipation is already present. It will only empty a small portion of the fecal contents. Prescription laxatives are poisons that the body recognizes and in the process of eliminating the laxative, some fecal contents are removed also. All forms of laxatives are temporary measures only - needing larger quantities over time and causing irritation to the mucosal wall and redundancy of the peristatis. WHAT WILL COLON HYDROTHERAPY DO FOR THE COLON? It cleanses the colon by breaking down toxic material and removing it. It exercises the colon muscles which has been weakened by toxic buildup - improving the peristaltic activity - this will help speed up transit time of fecal material. It reshapes the colon. When problem conditions exist in the colon, they tend to alter its shape and structure, causing narrowing, strictures and spasm. It stimulates reflex points. Every system and organ of the body is connected to the colon by reflex points (similar to reflexology). Colon Hydrotherapy stimulates these points, thereby affecting the corresponding body parts, organs, tissues and glands in a beneficial way. It hydrates the body - allowing the body to be able to absorb much needed fluids, hydrating the cells of the body to function at optimum levels as well as diluting toxins already in the body. The solar plexus is the

emotional center of the body and the transverse colon passes right through it. If an emotional event is left incomplete, it often results in physical tension being stored in the solar plexus which affects all organs of the area, including the colon. The ongoing tightening of the colon muscle results in diminished movement of fecal material through the colon, which is experienced as constipation. Therefore, not only does Colon Hydrotherapy help in alleviating constipation, it also assists in recognizing and releasing the stored emotions causing the problem. WILL COLON HYDROTHERAPY BE PAINFUL? It rarely is. Usually painful or uncomfortable experiences are the result of resistance and tension. A skilled professional is able to put you at ease and minimize discomfort. Most people actually enjoy the colonic and are especially pleased with the unaccustomed sensation of feeling lighter, clean, and clear afterward. IS COLON HYDROTHERAPY EMBARRASSING? Not at all. You will be in a private room with a therapist who fully appreciates the sensitivity of the procedure. You will do all the necessary preparation yourself - without the intervention of the therapist and then lying back on the bed - fully covered - while the water gently washes the colon - eliminating the waste. In fact, it is a euphoric experience! IS COLON HYDROTHERAPY DANGEROUS IN ANY WAY? Being an essentially natural process a skilled therapist will exercise extra care with the elderly who is severely constipated, the pregnant woman and all other diseases of the colon. Colon Hydrotherapy is not performed on a person with active ulcers or following a recent colon surgery. WILL HYDROTHERAPY UPSET THE ELECTROLYTE BALANCE ? Electrolytes are minerals in the body (mainly sodium and potassium salts) that maintain the proper electrical charge and pH in the various organs and tissues of the body. The pH electrical balance in the colon is very near neutral, ideally being slightly acid. A strong acid or alkaline environment is not necessary because digestion does not take place in the colon. Rather, the major function of the colon is to re-absorb the fluid and electrolytes from the unformed stool and passing only the solid waste out via the rectum. WILL ONE SESSION COMPLETELY EMPTY THE COLON? Never. Many of us have a considerable amount of impacted feces that has hardened, and is a rubbery or wallpaper-like material. Substantial work must be done to remove it. One colonic will remove some of the stagnant waste - the second and subsequent treatments will remove more. How many you may wish to have will depend upon your personal objectives. Your trained therapist will advise you on your personal condition. WILL THIS BENEFIT ME AS PART OF A FASTING PROGRAM? Yes. Whenever you do anything that increases the rate at which toxins enter the bloodstream, it is essential that you eliminate whatever you can through the colon. If you do not - you may unnecessarily experience increase discomforts of toxemia (poisons in the bloodstream). A knowledgeable Colon Hydrotherapist can be of great assistance during any cleansing program. AFTER MY COLON IS CLEAN, THEN WHAT?

Once the colon is clean, it would be ideal to keep it that way. Diet change and regular exercise is very important. Your Colon Hydrotherapist can help you form a diet and exercise plan that will support a healthy colon. Due to our busy lifestyles and daily stresses, it is advised to schedule periodic maintenance cleansing sessions. To better understand the mechanics of colon disease, lets take a quick look at this organ and how it works: the colon (or large intestine) is the body's main channel for getting rid of solid waste matter. Food passes from the mouth (1st stage of digestion) into the esophagus to the stomach (where stomach acids help break down proteins, complex carbs and fats) - then into the small intestine (where most of the digestion is completed) and finally into the large intestine or colon. Foods containing a lot of roughage is easier for the colon to grip and therefore is eliminated faster. Processed, overcooked and fastfoods do not have the necessary roughage - making it harder for the colon to do its work. This is where the problems begin.

Problems with the colon show themselves in two ways - disease of the colon, or disease of another body system directly caused by the colon. Here are a few of the most common illnesses: ADHESIONS: as the colon's mucous membrane breaks down, the exposed, sticky bowel wall starts to stick to itself, forming tight tunnels which make the passage of feces very difficult. BALLOONING: backed up feces create "balloons" in sections of the colon, causing painful, sometimes severe constipation. COLITIS: inflammation of the colon, often compounded by stress. DIVERTICULITIS: small sacs protruding from the bowel wall where the wall is weak (hernia). These small sacs trap feces and become a source of infection and inflammation. IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME: diarrhea, alternating with constipation, and gas. Compounded by stress. MUCOSAL DYSFUNCTION: many forms, generally causing mucous build-up, pain, infection, and inflammation.

PROLAPSUS: when the transverse (middle section) of the colon literally falls (especially found in women who have had a hysterectomy) creating constipation and physical stress on other organs. It is especially dangerous for the uterus because a prolapsed colon blocks the fallopian tubes, preventing eggs from reaching the uterus, disrupting menstrual cycles, and causing infertility. SPASTIC BOWEL: spasm of the bowel muscle when it gets overworked, manifested in alternating constipation and loose stools, often induced by stress. STRICTURES: bowel becomes very narrow in certain places, or it becomes stretched - making it difficult to pass feces through. ULCERATION: irritation, abrasion and infection settle on colon muscle tissue causing open sores, bleeding and pain. In order to prevent such problems, it is recommended that one regularly cleanses the colon.

Cleansing The Small Intestine

Extracted from One Answer to Cancer By Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.

Proper Digestion, Absorption, and Assimilation... Six ( 6 ) Critical facts:

1. Researchers now believe that 90% of ALL DISORDERS and DISEASES begin in the digestive tract due in large to improper digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients. In short, proper digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrition equals = Optimum Prevention. 2. Every cell, tissue, bone, gland, and organ of the body needs to be fueled and nourished by nutrients. Without proper assimilation of nutrients, all components of the body will deteriorate prematurely and potentially become diseased. 3. Disorders and diseases of the digestive tract must not be left untreated. Proper digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients must be assured in order to recover from present disease in the digestive tract, or anywhere throughout the body. 4. It is common knowledge among many researchers that the body's natural defense mechanism against disease ( the immune system ) is highly dependent upon the absorption of nutrition to fuel it's function. Without proper absorption of essential nutrients, the immune system is unable to ward off potential disease or to effectively battle against existing conditions. Therefore, the body's ability to fight disease, or to recover from disease without significant essential nutrients is for the most part, impossible. Nutrients are a "Vital Key" and the body must be in a position to absorb them. 5. 99% of all pharmaceutical drugs do not heal or cure, they merely "hide" or "mask" symptoms WHICH LEAVES THE CAUSATIVE FACTORS INTACT.

6. If you have a health problem, most likely you are acidic. Research shows that unless the body's pH level is slightly alkaline, the body cannot heal itself. So, no matter what type of modality you choose to use to take care of your health problem, it won't be effective until the pH level is up. If your body's pH is not balanced, you cannot effectively assimilate vitamins, minerals and food supplements. Understanding pH Level... Click Here


CAUTION: Diabetic clients with diabetic neuropathy and certain heart or stroke clients should check with their medical consultant before giving themselves hot and cold shower treatments. Pregnant women or menstruating women should avoid the hot and cold shower. Requirements: 1. A shower with sufficient hot and cold water source for 15 minute shower. 2. Towel for drying and clean clothes to dress in after treatment. 3. Opportunity to rest after the treatment for 20 minutes is ideal. 4. A single water temperature control valve is convenient for hot and cold showers but not necessary. 5. An intact skin that can sense water temperature accurately, or an assistant who can, or a thermometer to accurately measure the water temperature so that it does not rise above 100-105F during the hot cycle shower.

Treatment details:
The person treats the body part that has the infection or inflammation by starting with hot water for about 3 minutes and then turning the shower water cold for about 30 seconds and then going back to the hot for 3 minutes etc. for three changes. Treatment should begin with the hot and end with the cold. It is important that the body is dried thoroughly immediately after the shower and not exposed to cold or drafts while getting dressed. The hot shower can make the body feel weak. It would be beneficial for some clients to be able to rest for a time after the hot and cold shower. An ideal time to give a hot and cold shower is just before retiring at night. Frequency and duration of treatments depend on the condition. See the section above for general advice which applied to all hot and cold treatments.

3. Fomentations
Requirements: 1. Six large bath towels 2. 3 - 6 fomentation cloths: flannel or wool cloths 3/4 the size of the bath towels when folded in three or four thicknesses. 3. Plastic bag (e.g. grocery bag) in which to place moistened fomentation cloth for warming in a microwave oven or boiling water. 4. Microwave or large pot and a stove for heating water 5. Ice cubes -1 tray full and a small container to hold the ice cubes and a washcloth to cover the ice cubes and use with the ice. 6. A rubber sheet and towel or newspapers to put under the client to be treated. 7. A bed or couch or other suitable device for the client to lie on while being treated. It is ideal to simply treat the client in their bed - using newspapers or a rubber sheet covered with a towel to keep from getting the mattress or lower sheet wet.

Treatment details:
The room must be free from drafts and warm where the treatment is given. The client must be covered with only the portion of the body exposed for the treatment. That portion of the body to receive the treatment is covered with a bath towel in preparation to receiving the fomentation.

The fomentation is either heated in a microwave oven or in boiling water. Place a lightly dampened fomentation cloth (1 - 2 cups of water to dampen the cloth) rolled up and inside a plastic bag. A dry cloth will not get warm or retain its warmth. The fomentation cloth is better slightly damp than wet. Five to seven minutes or 10 minutes or whatever time is needed in the particular microwave to make the fomentation cloth near boiling temperature. To heat the fomentation cloths in boiling water, leave both ends of the cloth out of the water - held by the lid so as not to fall into the boiling water or if heading it inside a plastic bag be sure the bag can be retrieved easily. After the cloth has been in the boiling water 5 minutes, wring it as dry as possible using the ends left out of the water for that purpose or simply recover it from the water in the plastic bag. Rapidly wrap the hot fomentation cloth (whether heated in the microwave oven or in the boiling water) in a bath towel and roll the whole fomentation cloth inside the bath towel up in a roll to conserve its heat while it is carried to the client. Place the combination fomentation cloth in the bath towel on the towel covering the client's body and cover the client with a blanket. This is the critical time of the treatment - the time when a new, fresh hot fomentation has just been placed on the client. The danger is that the client may be burned by the hot fomentation. Keep close monitoring on how the client feels and by constant testing of the heat on the body part with the therapist's hand placed under the fomentation with the hand directly on the client's skin to feel the fomentation cloth with the back of the therapist's hand and at the same time the client's skin with the work side of the therapist's hand. If either the fomentation or the client's skin feels too hot, or the client complains of discomfort - protect the skin by constant movement of the therapist's hand under the fomentation or if necessary remove the hot fomentation long enough to place an additional bath towel - either single or double thickness on the client's skin and replace the fomentation. Once the peak temperature is passed and the fomentation is well tolerated by the client, then put the second fomentation on to boil or to cook in the microwave. After an additional 5 minutes and the fomentation has clearly lost its heat and is cooling down, bring the next fomentation to the bedside. Remove all the layers and with a towel on each side of the body to catch the melted ice-water, rub the skin either with a wet ice water wash cloth or use the cloth to rub ice cubes directly on the skin of the client for 30 seconds. Then dry the skin with a dry bath towel and place the next fomentation on the client. The treatment cycle is hot - cold for three changes, beginning with the hot and ending with the cold. After the last cold, it is important to dry the skin completely and remove any wet sheet or newspapers and let the client sleep, warm and dry for a while. It is ideal to give this treatment just before retirement, and the client can sleep the night through after the treatment..

1. Rest and Relaxation. Because it takes time to receive (and give) a hydrotherapy treatment, rest and relaxation is a potential benefit from the treatment. If the client relaxes and enjoys the treatment, rest, enjoyment, and relaxation can be a rational expectation from the treatment. 2. Anti-inflammatory effects can certainly be expected. Hot and cold treatments are probably the most powerful anti-inflammatory treatments with essentially no side-effects, known to mankind. While the anti-

inflammatory effects are certain, it takes other true remedies working in concert with hot and cold treatments to effect a cure for the inflamed body part, for example, tendonitis or bursitis. An unrefined, whole plant diet and general exercise such as walking, swimming, or cycling are needed to act in concert with the hot and cold to affect a permanent cure of the inflammation.

How to do the HealthWalk recommended Hot Cold Therapy Treatment Hot Cold Therapy Treatment is an old, powerful natural method of healing that has been used for several hundreds of years. The Hot Cold Therapy Treatment induces an artificial fever known as Hyperthermia. When inducing Hyperthermia your body rids its self of infectious fluids and toxins. This is one of the most powerful treatments for all types of cancer. Hyperthermia can be used with common health problems such as flus and colds, and should most definitely be used with more serious pathogenic disease processes such as Pneumonia, Cancer and AIDS. The following is a step-by-step guide to the HealthWalk recommended Hot Cold Therapy Treatment. It is very important that you follow and complete each step of the process for optimal results. You will need someone helping you with the entire process, for it is too complicated to be done alone. This is very important, the more support and help you have the easier this process will be. You need to be in a comfortable environment such as in the privacy of your home. You also will need a bath tub. Supplies you will need: 4 non-synthetic cotton sheets Several plastic drop cloths If you prefer, 1 rubber mattress cover Several non-synthetic blankets Several wash cloths and towels 20 pounds of ice 1 Large bucket, to hold 20 pounds of ice, 1 gallon of water and one sheet Glass or stainless steel tea pot 1 Small cotton pillow case and a string to tie it off (to make large tea bag) Vaseline Olive oil (lubricant) or herbal solve and any un-petroleum gel Blender Plenty of distilled water 8 ounces organic apple cider vinegar Thermometer Enema bag Rectal syringe 2 rolls 2 gauze

Herbal supplies you will need:

Cayenne Tincture Dosage: 5 to 30 drops no more than 3 times daily Lobelia Tincture Dosage: 5 to 60 drops if needed. Use 2 to 5 droppers full or more. An overdose is not dangerous, but can cause sweating and nausea. This is used to control muscle spasms and being light headed. 1 ounce Cayenne Powder Yarrow flower or sage leaf and ginger (to make tea with) 10-12 cloves of organic garlic. Blend with equal parts apple cider vinegar in a food processor until a past is created. 1 ounce ginger root powder 1 ounce dry mustard seed powder

STEP 1: PREPARING YOUR BED You will need to cover your bed with a plastic drop cloth or rubber mattress cover before beginning this program. Place two non-synthetic cotton sheets on top of the plastic or rubber mattress cover. STEP 2: PREPARING THE COLD SHEET You will now place your third non-synthetic cotton sheet into the bucket. You will then add the 20 pounds of ice and approximately one gallon of water to the bucket and mix well. STEP 3: ENEMA For your enema, you will need to fill your enema bag with room temperature distilled water. You can do a complete high enema or colonic if you want to take the time. You must at least empty your rectum of all loose fecal matter. STEP 4: GARLIC INJECTION For this garlic injection you will need to use a rectal syringe which you can purchase at your local pharmacy. Liquefy in a blender: 2 ounces distilled water 2 ounces apple cider vinegar 2 cloves of fresh organic garlic

Put the liquid garlic mixture into your rectal syringe. Use olive oil as a lubricant to lubricate the end of the rectal syringe and the rectum. Without squeezing the bulb, insert the syringe into your rectum. Take a few deep breaths then squeeze the bulb. Try to get all of the mixture in at once. Once you have started inserting the mixture it will want to come right back out, so it is important to do it quickly and in one try.

Do this next to the toilet. This mixture is going to burn and you will want to release it as soon as possible. After about two minutes the burning and cramping will subside. STEP 5: PREPARING TEA Before you do step 6 you will need to brew a pot, about 6-8 cups, of yarrow flower, sage leaf and ginger tea. You will be drinking this tea quickly so do not make it too hot. If you cannot find all of these herbs hot water with lemon can be used. STEP 6: PREPARE A HOT BATH Fill the bathtub with hot water. The water temperature should be as hot as you can handle with out burning your skin. With your small cotton pillow case you will make a tea bag. Only fill the bag half way with the herbs so that they are able to expand in the water. Fill the bag with the following herbs: 1 ounce of cayenne powder 1 ounce of mustard seed powder 1 ounce of ginger root powder

If you cannot find these herbs in powder form, use what ever form you are able to find. Fresh and dried herbs will do. Tightly tie off the bag with a cotton string. Fill the bathtub with hot water. The water temperature should be as hot as you can handle with out burning your skin. Place the tea bag in your hot bath. Once the herbs have started to seep into the water the bath water will turn a yellow-orange color. You will need to squeeze the bag regularly to activate the herbs and release them into the water. The fumes from the herbs will be very strong from the volatile oils they emit. The potency of these hot herbs helps to induce Hyperthermia.

STEP 7: HOT BATH WARNING! You must cover your genitals, nipples, anus, wounds and any other sensitive area with plenty of Vaseline for protection before you enter your hot bath. Herbal oils of any type will not be strong enough, it is very important that you use Vaseline. We know that Vaseline is a petroleum product, but having your genitals on fire could ruin this treatment. Once you are into your hot bath with the hot herbs soaking you will need to drink the herbal tea you have brewed to further accelerate hyperthermia.

Drink as many cups of tea as you can get down, with a minimum of 6 cups. If you get light headed and you feel like fainting, have your helper place a cold towel or wash cloth on your forehead. There are two herbal tinctures that you should always have on hand; Cayenne and Lobelia. Cayenne prevents people from fainting and Lobelia stops full body spasms that can sometimes occur. Once you get to the point where you know that you cannot stay in the hot bath for one minute more, your helper will need to make sure that you stay in for 5 minutes longer.

20- 30 minutes in the bath is your goal! STEP 8: COLD SHEET Your helper will now assist you out of the bath. They will then take the sheet that has been soaking in the bucket with ice and water and wrap it around your body. You want the sheet to be snug but not too tight as to where you feel claustrophobic. This cold sheet signals the body to raise its temperature even higher. You will not even notice how cold this ice cold sheet is. The sides of the sheet will then need to be pinned, while leaving your feet exposed, so that you cannot throw it off. This cold sheet draws out the poisons and toxins that have come to your skins surface as a result of the hot bath.

STEP 9: GETTING INTO BED Now, your helper will assist you into bed. You have already prepared your bed with a plastic or rubber sheet so that the water from the cold sheet will not soil your mattress. You will then lie down while wrapped in the cold sheet. Another dry, non-synthetic cotton sheet will be placed over you. You will then be covered with several dry, non-synthetic blankets.

STEP 10: FINAL APPLICATIONS With your feet uncovered your helper will need to oil your feet and ankles with olive oil, a thick paste of Vaseline (VEGELATUM - Vegetable-based substitute is preferable), and garlic paste. o The garlic paste is made with 10-12 fresh organic garlic cloves and equal parts organic apple cider vinegar mixed in a blender or food processor. The garlic paste is applied evenly to the bottoms of your feet. This is to help rid the body of any infection. Your helper will then use 2 inch gauze strips to wrap around your feet and act as a bandage to hold the garlic paste to the sole of your foot. White 100% cotton or wool socks are then placed over your bandaged feet. Your feet are then covered with the cold sheet and pinned so you are completely in a wet sack. They dry sheet and non synthetic blankets will then be pulled over your feet for warmth.

IMPORTANT! If you have to urinate, you must do it where you are. Do NOT take the cold sheet off. The urine will not hurt anything. YOU WILL NEED SOMEONE TO STAY WITH YOU ALL NIGHT AND INTO THE NEXT DAY. Possibly even for the next 3 days of rest and juicing depending on level of exhaustion etc. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. You will stay in the cold sheet overnight. By morning, when you wake up, the sheets will have turned multi-colored from all of the poisons and toxins that have been drawn out of your body. Some of these toxins have been in your body for years! The foot preparation can remain on all night, however, caution should be used to insure that the foot area is not getting inflamed after 2 hours. If it is getting inflamed, go ahead and remove wrapping on feet and cleanse paste.

STEP 11: REST In the morning, you will need to be washed with a sponge by your helper. Wet the sponge with one part warm apple cider vinegar and one part distilled water to get the remaining poisons and toxins out of your pores. You will then get dressed into clean clothes and get back into bed. For the next three days you will need plenty of rest. You will also need to drink only fresh organic vegetable juices, herbal teas, and lots of room temperature distilled water. No solid foods for three days!

Taken from www.cancer.org

Whole-body heat therapy is used to treat metastatic cancers (cancer that has spread). It involves the use of warm blankets, hot wax, inductive coils (similar to those in electric blankets), or thermal chambers (similar to large incubators). What is the history behind it? The first documented use of heat treatment dates back to 400 BC with Hippocrates. In 500 BC, the Greek physician Parmenides believed that if he could create fever, he could cure all illness. The early Romans used elaborate heat baths and Native Americans have used sweat lodges in cleansing practices for centuries (see Native American Healing). The first scientific study of heat therapy began in 1866, when M. Busch, a German physician, described a patient with a neck sarcoma which disappeared after he experienced a high fever. Similar reports were made by others 20 years later. In 1893, F. Westermark, a Swedish gynecologist, administered bacterial toxins extracted from Streptococcus and Serratia marcescens to cause fever and used a coil containing hot water as a localized source of heat to treat uterine tumors. Reports followed of tumors responding to both localized and whole-body heat therapy treatments. Heat therapy can cause internal bleeding. The high death rate and labor-intensive methods associated with whole-body heat therapy have also caused concerns. Heat should be used with caution in people who have anemia, heart disease, diabetes, seizure disorders, and tuberculosis, as well as women who are pregnant, and people who are sensitive to the effects of heat. Taken from http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20061014/bob10.asp Heating up The idea of prescribing heat, or hyperthermia, to cure whatever ails you spans hundreds of years, says cancer researcher Donald Coffey of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. "There's no culture in the world that doesn't believe that hot springs and baths are good for you," he adds. In the late 1800s, a New York bone surgeon named William Coley discovered that cancer patients who came down with infectionsand fevers as a consequencesometimes experienced remissions. He achieved similar results by injecting patients with bits of bacterial cell walls, which prompted fevers without infections' other dangers.

What is Far Infrared therapy (FIR) and what does it do.

Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body's surface temperature and activate major bodily functions: 1) Far Infrared expands capillaries which stimulates increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation. 2) Far Infrared is excellent for detox. Scientists in Japan report that in the FIR treatment of clogged capillary vessels, heat expands the capillaries and then initiates the start of a process to dissolve hidden toxins. Far Infrared thereby promotes elimination of fats, chemicals and toxins from the blood: Poisons, carcinogenic heavy metals - toxic substances from food processing - lactic acid, free fatty acids, and subcutaneous fat associated with aging and fatigue - excess sodium associated with hypertension - and uric acid which causes pain. Furthermore, if sebaceous glands are activated, accumulated cosmetics in pores can be eliminated through the skin (sweat and oil glands) rather than by the kidneys. 3) Far Infrared stimulates enzyme activity and metabolism - One hour under the HotHouse burns over 900 calories by raising the metabolism and body temperature. FIR heat also breaks down cellulite trapped water, fat and waste. 4) Far Infrared promotes the killing of many pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. 5) Far Infrared promotes rebuilding of injured tissue by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts (connective tissue cells necessary for the repair of injury). Furthermore, it increases growth of cells, DNA syntheses, and protein synthesis all necessary during tissue repair and regeneration. Excellent for healing burns, scar tissue and skin problems. 6) Far Infrared relieves nervous tension and relax autoneuro muscles thereby helping the body make the most of its intended healing abilities. FIR reduces soreness on nerve endings and muscle spasms, as muscle fibers are heated. 7) Far Infrared strengthens the Immune System by stimulating increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus. 8) Far Infrared strengthens the Cardiovascular System by causing heart rate and cardiac output increase, and diastolic blood pressure decrease - Extensive research by NASA in the early 1980's led to the conclusion that far infrared stimulation of cardiovascular function would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in American astronauts during long space flight. Far Infrared Therapy and Cancer Treatment: In the US the mainstream thinking on cancer treatment has undergone great changes. Surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy are considered detrimental to health and invasive treatments. Thermal therapy and immuo-therapy are non-invasive.

1) Cancerous cells cannot exist if blood circulation is smooth and continuous. A cancerous cell has to stop moving to proliferate. The cancerous cell's positioning, or settling down, is directly related to the capillaries, which are at the end of the blood vessels. The cancer cell tries to position itself by going through the capillary. If it goes through, there could be no settling down or positioning of the cancer cell - which is what happens if there is good blood circulation. If the cancer cell fails to pass through the capillary because of some functional disorder in the circulation, the cell could easily position itself. Good blood circulation of the capillaries without functional disorder - leaves no way for the cancerous cell to settle down and position itself. The cell will then be killed by the immunocyte (the immunity cell). The Klinik St. George Hospital - www.klinik-st-georg.de in Bad Aibling, Germany, has treated 2500 German and 2500 foreign patients each year. Their cancer treatment regime is a week of detoxification and strengthening the immune system with diet and nutritional supplements, followed by 2 weeks of localized Infrared hypothermia treatment and low dose chemotherapy. This regime has produced great success in treating cancers. 2) The cancerous cell has a weakness, heat. It will die if the temperature goes above 42C/107.6 F. a) Far Infrared treatment raises body temperature to 42 degrees C. b) Far Infrared heat penetrates through the body and kills existing cancerous cells. c) Far Infrared heat enables capillaries to expand, thus enabling good circulation and combating the potential existence of cancer cells. d) Far Infrared thermal therapy can alleviate pain and prolong life when conventional cancer treatment fails

The Dry Brushing Technique Did You Know?

The skin is the largest most important eliminative organ in the body and is responsible for one quarter of the bodys detoxification each day? The skin eliminates over one pound of waste acids each day in the average adult, most of it through the sweat glands? That the skin is known also as our third kidney? That the skin receives one third of all the blood circulated in the body? That the skin is the last to receive nutrients in the body, yet the first to show signs of imbalance or deficiency?

Detoxification is performed by a number of organs, glands, and transportation systems, including the skin, gut, kidneys, liver, lungs, lymphatic system, and mucous membranes. The dry brushing technique deals with detoxification of the skin. Dry brushing is a way to stimulate all the above organs of detoxification because it provides a gentle internal massage. Dry Brushing was recommended by the Finnish Dr., Paavo Airola for his patients 30 years ago and is still popular in European spas and many cancer treatment centers today. The Russians, Turks and Scandinavians have used this treatment for centuries. Dry brushing is promoted as a preventative for dry skin and a way to exfoliate the skin, thus stimulating skin renewal that is super soft to the touch, but there are many other benefits as well: Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing Explained: 1. Removes cellulite 2. Cleanses the lymphatic system 3. Removes dead skin layers 4. Strengthens the immune system 5. Stimulates the hormone and oil-producing glands 6. Tightens the skin preventing premature aging 7. Tones the muscles 8. Stimulates circulation 9. Improves the function of the nervous system 10. Helps digestion 11. AND its easy, inexpensive and invigorating! 1. Dry brushing removes cellulite-- Cellulite is a non-scientific term defined as toxic deposits of subcutaneous fat material and fibrous tissue that are not able to be eliminated and which cause a dimpling effect on the overlying skin. These deposits most commonly occur on the thighs and hips of women. Cellulite can affect men and women of any body weight or size. What causes the toxins? Well, some think that we store the breakdown product of cells as toxins in this subcutaneous tissue. Others think that toxic emotions can be stored in the subcutaneous tissue which then builds up as cellulite.

Your best bets for getting rid of cellulite are dry brushing, connective tissue massage, working though the emotional issues that are causing the toxins to stagnate, eating foods that feed the skin, an alkaline diet program and a consistent/persistent exercise routine. These techniques will break down the unwelcome toxic body deposits and send them scurrying out your body through the elimination channels we discussed above. And your health will be SO much better for it! Foods that feed the skin include foods that are rich in lecithin, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants such as eggs, organ meats, a balance of Omega-3-6-9 oils like Udos Choice, fresh dark green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, berries of all kinds, and dark chocolate (in condiment amountslike an ounce a day!) 2. Dry brushing cleans the lymphatic system. Lymph is considered part of our immune system and is made of white blood cells called lymphocytes and the interstitial fluid that bathe our cells, bringing our cells nutrients and removing their waste. All detoxification occurs first and foremost through the lymph. Our bodies contain far more lymph than blood, so you can see how important this might be. Paavo Airola maintains that dry brushing is an essential part of any intestinal cleansing and healing program. Dry brushing literally moves the lymph containing large proteins and particulate matter that cannot be transported in any other way back into circulatory system. If these proteins stayed in our systems outside the blood vessels, it would attract other fluid. Pretty soon wed get swollen ankles, limbs and eventually wed be leaking fluid out our skin (not a pretty sight.) This is called lymphedema and is why most health programs include some type of exercise and body work. So, why dont we die if we dont do this dry brushing thing? Well, lymph vessels themselves have their own pumping mechanism sensing when the vessels have more fluid in them or in the interstitial fluids. Lymph only goes one way because of the many one-way valves on the insides of each lymph vessel. The body is a fascinating thing. It literally pumps the lymph along its path back to the heart. Removal of proteins from the interstitial spaces is an essential function. Without this happening, we would die within 24 hours. We can help speed this process up when we dry brush or massage toward the heart, contract our muscles and move our bodies (like when we walk or exercise.) Increased lymph flow can also be caused by high blood pressure. This is why it is so important to attend to this malady and why the doctors get into a frenzy of prescribing so many different medications for it. (Currently there are over 140 medications for high blood pressure!) 3. Dry brushing removes dead skin layers. Dry skin brushing helps shed dead skin cells, which can help improve skin texture and cell renewal. Dry skin is a sign of detoxification. Therefore its good to keep the process going by removing the dead skin daily. If this does not occur, a log jam can happen where the person ends up with eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff. 4. Dry brushing strengthens the immune system. Dry skin brushing may reduce duration of infection and accelerate the clearing of toxins. It helps support the immune system during cancer and other chronic illness treatment. By stimulating the lymph vessels to drain toxic mucoid matter into organs of detoxification we can purify the entire system. After several days of dry brushing, sometimes you may notice a gelatinous mucoid material in your stools. This is a normal sign that the intestinal tract is renewing itself. Best of all, it feels invigorating!

5. Dry brushing stimulates the hormone and oil glands, thus helping all of the body systems perform at peak efficiency. The skin is your body's largest organ. When improperly maintained, the elimination duties of the skin are forced upon the kidneys. Chemical analysis of sweat shows that it has almost the same constituents as urine. If the skin becomes inactive, its pores choke with millions of dead cells, uric acid and other impurities which will remain in the body putting extra stress on the liver and kidneys. People with big hips and thighs usually have low-grade bladder infections. Another sign of this is that the body gives off a distinct sickening odor. When the bladder and kidney are really sick, the calves are often swollen as well and the feet stink. So, give your kidneys a breakkeep your skin clean and rejuvenated. Bathe daily and do a dry brushing before the bath to help stimulate blood flow to the surface so that toxins can more easily escape. 6. Dry Brushing tightens the skin by increasing the flow of blood which, in turn moves toxins and lessens the appearance of cellulite. Our bodies make a new top layer of skin every 24 hours - skin brushing removes the old top layer, allowing the clean new layer to come to the surface, resulting in softer, smoother skin. 7. Dry Brushing tones the muscles. Dry skin brushing helps muscle tone by stimulating the nerve endings which causes the individual muscle fibers to activate and move. It also helps mobilize fat and helps to even distribution of fat deposits. This is a great technique for invalids who cant exercise. 8. Dry brushing stimulates circulation. Our skin breathes! And yet, in most people, this vital route of detoxification is operating far below its capacity, because it is clogged with dead skin cells and the unremoved waste excreted through perspiration. Dry skin brushing increases circulation to skin, encouraging your bodys discharge of metabolic wastes. Increased blood flow begins entering the areas brushed and you will experience an increase in electromagnetic energy that permits you to feel energized and invigorated. By activating the circulation you can also prevent varicose veins. 9. Dry brushing improves the function of the nervous system--Dry skin brushing rejuvenates the nervous system by stimulating nerve endings in the skin. 10. Helps digestion -- Dry skin brushing helps your skin to absorb nutrients by eliminating clogged pores. Healthy, breathing skin contributes to overall body health. When you brush, the pores of your skin open allowing your skin to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins. Clogged pores are not just a cosmetic concern. Healthy, breathing skin contributes to overall body health. What You Need To Do Dry Brushing: To dry brush, use a soft natural fiber brush with a long handle, so that you are able to reach all areas of your body. One with a removable head with a strap for your hand is a good choice. Heres a picture of what you are looking for: (Available from health food stores or your local Co-op.) A loofah sponge or a rough towel can also be used. Most nylon and synthetic fiber brushes are too sharp and may damage skin although I found a softer bath brush with nylon bristles that seems to do the trick. The important thing is to find something that is just right for your skin. Once your skin becomes seasoned, you can switch to a coarser brush.

Tips and Tricks for Dry Brushing:

Always dry brush your dry and naked body before you shower or bathe because you will want to wash off the impurities from the skin as a result from the brushing action. You can do the brushing head-to-toe or toe-to-head. It really doesnt matter as long as the entire body is brushed. Long sweeping strokes starting from the bottom of your feet upwards, and from the hands towards the shoulders, and on the torso in an upward direction help drain the lymph back to your heart.

Note: Stroking away from your heart puts extra pressure on the valves within the veins and lymph vessels and can cause ruptured vessels and varicose veins.

Use light pressure in areas where the skin is thin and harder pressure on places like the soles of the feet. Skin brushing should be performed once a day, preferably first thing in the morning. A thorough skin brushing takes about 15 minutes, but any time spent brushing prior to bathing will benefit the body. If you are feeling ill, increasing the treatments to twice a day is good. You can also dry brush areas of cellulite five to 10 minutes twice a day to achieve cellulite dissolving but the technique needs to be done consistently for a minimum of five months. Avoid sensitive areas and anywhere the skin is broken such as areas of skin rash, wounds, cuts, and infections. Also, never brush an area affected by poison oak or poison ivy. Finish up with your regular shower and ending with three hot and cold cycles. That means turning on the water as hot as you can take it for several seconds, then as cold as you can handle it, then hot, then cold for three cycles. End with either hot or cold. This will further invigorate the skin and stimulate blood circulation, bringing more blood to the outer layers of the skin. After getting out of the shower, dry off vigorously and massage your skin with pure plant oils such as olive, avocado, apricot, almond, sesame, coconut or cocoa butter. Add a little peanut and Castor oil to the mix if you have arthritis. Edgar Cayce says this works to take out some of the pain, and weve found that to be true over the years. Clean your skin brush using soap and water once a week. After rinsing, dry your skin brush in an open, sunny spot to prevent mildew. Any well designed program will take about 30 days to see and experience the changes. Please be patient and keep up the program! For a thorough lymphatic cleansing, perform skin brushing daily for a minimum of three months.

How to Dry Brush (Easy, Fast Instructions):

Begin with your feet and brush vigorously in circular motions.

Continue brushing up your legs. Proceed to your hands and arms. Brush your entire back and abdomen area, shoulders and neck. Use circular counter-clockwise strokes on the abdomen. Lightly brush the breasts. Brush upwards on the back and down from the neck. Better yet, have a friend, spouse or family member brush your back.

Need More Specific Instructions? Skip this section Here are the verbose directions. (You will do most steps 7-14 times. Hang in thereits not as complicated as it sounds and doesnt take as long as it seems once you get the flow of it.) 1. Using your right hand, gently slide the brush along your right jaw line starting from your earlobe to the underside of your chin 7 times. 2. Place the brush at the hairline on your neck and gently pull around the right side of your neck to the Adam's apple 7 times. 3. Hold the brush with your right hand at the bottom of your neck (where it joins the top of your back) and bring it around your neck to the right and down along your right collar bone and end up between your collar bones 7 times. 4. Stroke your breastbone in a circular fashion to stimulate the thymus gland 7 times. 5. Carefully brush the breast in a circular motion 7 times. 6. Repeat the above steps for your left side holding the brush with your left hand. 7. To stimulate the pituitary gland, hold the brush on the back of your head near the base of your neck and rock the brush up and down, then side to side, both sides 14 times. 8. Hold the brush in your left armpit with your right hand and rotate it counter clockwise 7 times, then clockwise 7 times. 9. Repeat on your right armpit with your left hand. 10. Brush upward 7 times from your upper right thigh to your right armpit. 11. Repeat process on your left side. Women may need to hold their breast out of the way with their free hand. 12. Brush back and forth over your belly button and around your waistline 14 times (like passing a basketball behind your back). 13. Brush in a circular motion over your belly-button, counter-clockwise 7 times then clockwise 7 times. 14. Finish brushing the front of your body in any direction starting at the bottom and brushing all the way up 14 times. Very little pressure needs to be applied to the genitals and women's breasts because the skin is sensitive and will redden if irritated. 15. Brush up and down your spine from the base of your neck and down as far as you can 14 times. 16. Finish your upper back by stroking it around toward your sides. 17. Brush your spine from tailbone up as high as you can reach 14 times, holding the brush with two hands or with the detachable wooden handle. 18. Finish your lower back by stroking it around toward your sides. 19. Brush up from right ankle to right knee and work all the way around your leg, brushing up towards your heart.

20. Hold the brush in the right groin with both hands and rotate it 7 times counter-clockwise, then 7 times clockwise. 21. Repeat with the left groin. 22. Brush from right knee to right hip 7 times. 23. Work all the way around your leg continuing to brush upwards (towards the heart). 24. Brush up from right ankle to right knee and work all the way around your leg, brushing up towards your heart. 25. Brush around your right ankle 7 times. 26. Brush back and forth over the top of your right foot from toes to ankle. 27. Brush across your right toes on top and underneath 7 times. 28. Brush the bottom of your right foot heel to toe 7 times. 29. Now do the same with for the left foot, leg and thigh. 30. Brush upward from right elbow to your armpit and shoulder 7 times. 31. Brush from your right wrist to the elbow in the same manner 7 times. 32. Repeat steps on your left arm. 33. Lightly brush the webbing (or junction) between your left thumb and index or pointer finger on the palm side 14 times, then on the non-palm side 14 times. 34. Brush your left palm from wrist to fingertips and back 7 times. 35. Brush the back of your left hand the same way 7 times. 36. Brush each left hand finger individually back and forth 7 times on the areas that have not been brushed yet. 37. Repeat the steps for your right hand. After brushing, take a hot shower with soap (about three minutes in duration), followed by a 10-20 second cold rinse. Repeat this procedure three times. If the hot/cold showers are too extreme, a warm shower can be used. Follow the shower with a rubdown with either a sponge or towel to remove dead skin.

Food preparation tools The only cookware we are aware of that emits no toxins into the food is www.saladmaster.com . Although it is very expensive, if you can afford, buying one or two pieces is worth it. You can host one of their parties and get a free saladmaster. Amway and a few other companies now have surgical grade stainless cookware. THROW AWAY, IMMEDIATELY, ANYTHING WITH TEFLON. Teflon is now associated with many issues of potential cancer. For light cooking and steaming


You can use just borax (like 20 Mule Team Borax(TM)) and washing soda (like Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda(TM)) for all types of cleaning including your body, laundry, dishes and your house! You don't need all of those products you see in commercials for each special task!

Even if you have dry skin, difficult hair or some other unique requirement, just pure borax will satisfy these needs. A part of every skin problem is due to the toxic elements found in the soaps themselves. For instance aluminum is commonly added as a "skin moisturizer". It does this by impregnating the skin and attracting water, giving the illusion of moist skin. In fact you simply have moist aluminum stuck in your skin which your immune system must remove.

Borax Liquid Soap

Empty 1 gallon jug 1/8 cup borax powder Plastic funnel Funnel the borax into the jug, fill with cold tap water. Shake a few times. Let settle. In a few minutes you can pour off the clear part into dispenser bottles. This is the soap! Easier way: use any bottle, pour borax powder to a depth of a 1/2 inch or so. Add water. Shake. When you have used it down to the undissolved granules, add more water and shake again. Add more borax when the undissolved granules get low. Keep a dispenser by the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, and shower. It does not contain aluminum as regular detergents and soaps do, and which probably contribute to Alzheimer's disease. It does not contain PCBs as many commercial and health food varieties do. It does not contain cobalt (the blue or green granules) which causes heart disease and draws cancer parasites to the skin. Commercial detergents and non-soaps are simply not safe. Switch to homemade bar soap, washing soda and borax for all your tasks! Borax inhibits the bacterial enzyme urease and is therefore antibacterial. It may even clear your skin of blemishes and stop your scalp from itching.

For Laundry
Borax (1/2 cup per load). It is the main ingredient of non-chlorine bleach and has excellent cleaning power without fading colors. It can be combined with washing soda for extra cleaning power. Your regular laundry soap may contain PCBs, aluminum, cobalt and other chemicals. These get rubbed into your skin constantly as you wear your clothing. For bleaching (only do this occasionally) use original chlorine bleach (not "new improved" or "with special brighteners", and so forth). Don't use chlorine if there is an ill person in the house. For getting out stubborn dirt at collars, scrub with homemade bar soap first; for stains, try grain alcohol, vinegar, baking soda.

For Dishes
Don't believe your eyes when you see the commercials where the smiling person pulls a shining dish out of greasy suds. Any dish soap that you use should be safe enough to eat because nothing rinses off clean. Regular dish detergents, including health brands, are now polluted with PCBs. They also contain harmful chemicals. Use borax and washing soda (equal amounts) for your dishes. Or use paper plates and plastic (not styrofoam) cups.

In The Dishwasher
Use 2 tsp. borax powder pre-dissolved in water. If you use too much it will leave a film on your dishes. Use vinegar in the rinse cycle.

In The Sink
Use a dishpan in the sink. Use l/4 cup borax plus l/4 cup washing soda and add a minimum of water. Also keep a bit of dry washing soda in a saucer by the sink for scouring. Don't use any soap at all for dishes that aren't greasy and can be washed under the faucet with nothing but running water. Throw away your old sponge or brush or cloth because it may be PCB contaminated. Start each day by sterilizing your sponge (it harbors Salmonella) or with a new one while the used one dries for three full days. Clean greasy pots and pans with a paper towel first. Then use homemade bar soap.

Borax liquid is ready to use as shampoo, too. It does not lather but goes right to work removing sweat and soil without stripping your color or natural oils. It inhibits scalp bacteria and stops flaking and itching. Hair gets squeaky clean so quickly (just a few squirts does it) that you might think nothing has happened! You will soon be accustomed to non-lathery soap. Rinse very thoroughly because you should leave your scalp slightly acidic. Take a pint container to the shower with you. Put 1/4 tsp. citric (not ascorbic) acid crystals (see Sources) in it. For long hair use a quart of rinse. Only citric acid is strong enough to get the borax out, lemon juice and vinegar are not. After shampooing, fill the container with water and rinse. Rinse your whole body, too, since citric acid is also anti-bacterial. All hair shampoo penetrates the eye lids and gets into the eyes although you do not feel it. It is important to use this natural rinse to neutralize the shampoo in your eyes. (Some people have stated that citric acid makes their hair curlier or reddens it. If this is undesirable, use only half as much citric acid.) Citric acid also conditions and gives body and sheen to hair.

Hair Spray
I don't have a recipe that holds your hair as well as the bottle of chemicals you can buy at the store. Remarkably a little lemon juice (not from a bottle) has some holding power and no odor! Buy a 1 cup spray bottle. Squeeze part of a lemon, letting only the clear juice run into the bottle. Fill with water. Keep it in the refrigerator. Make it fresh every week. Spraying with just plain water is nearly as good! For shinier hair, drop a bit of lemon peel into the bottle.

Homemade Soap
A small plastic dishpan, about 10" x 12" A glass or enamel 2-quart sauce pan 1 can of lye (sodium hydroxide), 12 ounces 3 pounds of lard (BHT and BHA are OK here) Plastic gloves Water

1. Pour 3 cups of very cold water (refrigerate water overnight first) into the 2-quart saucepan. 2. Slowly and carefully add the lye, a little bit at a time, stirring it with a wooden or plastic utensil. (Use plastic gloves for this; test them for holes first.) Do not breathe the vapor or lean over the container or have children nearby. Above all use no metal. The mixture will get very hot. In olden days, a sassafras branch was used to stir, imparting a fragrance and insect deterrent for mosquitoes, lice, fleas, ticks. 3. Let cool at least one hour in a safe place. Meanwhile, the unwrapped lard should be warming up to room temperature in the plastic dishpan. 4. Slowly and carefully, pour the lye solution into the dishpan with the lard. The lard will melt. Mix thoroughly, at least 15 minutes, until it looks like thick pudding. 5. Let it set until the next morning; then cut it into bars. It will get harder after a few days. Then package. If you wish to make soap based on olive oil, use about 48 ounces. It may need to harden for a week.

Liquid Soap
Make chips from your homemade soap cake. Add enough hot water to dissolve. Add citric acid to balance the pH (7 to 8). If you do not, this soap may be too harsh for your skin.

Skin Sanitizer
Make up a 5 to 10% solution of food grade alcohol. Food grade alcohols are grain (ethyl) alcohol or vodka. Find a suitable dispenser bottle. Mark it with a pen at about one tenth of the way up from the bottom. Pour 95% grain alcohol (190 proof) to this mark (for 50% grain alcohol or vodka make your mark one fifth of the way up). Add water to the top. Keep shut. You may add a chip of lemon peel for fragrance. Use this for general sanitizing purposes: bathroom fixtures, knobs, handles, canes, walkers, and for personal cleanliness (but use chlorine bleach for the toilet bowl once a week). Always clean up after a bowel movement with wet toilet paper. This is not clean enough, though. Follow with a stronger damp paper towel. This is still not clean enough; use a final damp paper towel with skin sanitizer added. After washing hands, sanitize them too, pouring a bit on one palm and put finger tips of the other hand in it, scratch to get under nails, repeat on other hand. Rinse with water. Do not use this recipe, nor keep any bottles of alcohol in the house of a recovering alcoholic.

Your sweat is odorless. It is the entrenched bacteria feeding on it that make smells. You can never completely rid yourself of these bacteria, although they may temporarily be gone after zapping. The strategy is to control their numbers. Here are several deodorants to try. Find one that works best for you: Vitamin C water. Mix 1/4 tsp. to a pint of water and dab it on. Then dab on cornstarch. Citric Acid water. Mix 1/4 tsp. to a pint of water and dab it on. Then dab on cornstarch. Only a few drops of these acids under each armpit are necessary. If these acids burn the skin, dilute them more. Never apply anything to skin that has just been shaved! Corn starch. Many people need only this. Dab it on. Use only unpolluted cornstarch. Baking soda has been deleted as a deodorant because benzene was found in some boxes. Lemon juice. This acid is not as strong, use what you need. Pure alcohol (never rubbing alcohol). The food grade alcohols are grain alcohol and vodka. Dab a bit under each arm and/or on your shirt or blouse, then dab on cornstarch. If the alcohol burns, dilute it with water. Be very careful not to leave the bottle where a child or alcoholic person could find it. Pour it into a different bottle! Pure zinc oxide. You may ask your pharmacist to order this for you. She or he may wish to make it up for you too, but do not let them add anything else to it. It should be about 1 part zinc oxide powder to 3 parts water. It does not dissolve. Just shake it up to use it. After you get it home, you can add cornstarch to it to give it a creamy texture. Heat 3 tsp. cornstarch in 1 cup of water, to boiling, until dissolved and clear. Cool and add some to the zinc oxide mixture (about equal parts). Store unused starch mixture in the refrigerator. Only make up enough for a month. Alcohol and zinc oxide. This is the most powerful deodorant. Apply alcohol first, then the zinc oxide, then dab on cornstarch. Remember that you need to sweat! Sweating excretes toxic substances, especially from the upper body. Don't use deodorant on weekends. Go to the sink and wipe clean the armpits like our grandparents did. Often, just plain cornstarch is enough! These homemade deodorants are not as powerful as the commercial varieties-this is to your advantage.

Brushing Teeth
Buy a new toothbrush. Your old one is soaked with toxins from your old toothpaste. Use only water or chemically pure baking soda if you have any metal fillings. Put a pinch in a glass, add water to dissolve it. Use food-grade hydrogen peroxide (see Sources) if you have only plastic fillings. Dilute it from 35% to 17l/2% by adding water (equal parts). Store hydrogen peroxide only in polyethylene or the original plastic bottle. Use 4 or 5 drops on your toothbrush. It should fizz nicely as oxygen is produced in your mouth. Your teeth will whiten noticeably in 6 months. Before brushing teeth, floss with 4 or 2 pound monofilament fish line. Double it and twist for extra strength. Rinse before use. Floss and brush only once a day. If this leaves you uncomfortable, brush the extra times with plain water and a second "water-only" toothbrush. Make sure that nothing solid, like powder, is on your toothbrush; it will scour the enamel and give you sensitive teeth, especially as you get older and the enamel softens. Salt is corrosive-don't use it for brushing metal teeth. Plain water is just as good.

For Dentures
Use salt water. It kills all germs and is inexpensive. Salt water plus grain alcohol or food-grade hydrogen peroxide makes a good denture-soak.

A few drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide added to a little water in a glass should be enough to make your mouth foam and cleanse. Don't use hydrogen peroxide, though, if you have metal fillings, because they react. Don't use regular drug store variety hydrogen peroxide because it contains toxic additives. Health food store varieties contain solvents from the bottling process. See Sources. Never purchase hydrogen peroxide in a bottle with a metal cap. For persons with metal tooth fillings, use chemically pure baking soda or just plain hot water. A healthy mouth has no odor! You shouldn't need a mouthwash! If you have breath odor, search for a hidden tooth infection or cavitation.

Contact Lens Solution

A scant cup of cold tap water brought to a boil in glass saucepan. After adding l/4 tsp. aluminum free salt and boiling again, pour into a sterile canning jar. Refrigerate. Freeze some of it.

Lip Soother
For dry, burning lips. Heat 1 level tsp. sodium alginate plus 1 cup water until dissolved. After cooling, pour it into a small bottle to carry in your purse or pocket (refrigerate the remainder). Dab it on whenever needed. If the consistency isn't right for you, add water or boil it down further. You can make a better lip soother by adding some lysine from a crushed tablet, vitamin C powder, and a vitamin E capsule to the alginate mix. If you have a persistent problem with chapped lips, try going off citrus juice.

Foot Powder
Use a mixture of cornstarch and zinc oxide poured into a salt shaker with a lid. Add long rice grains to fight humidity. You may also try arrow root or potato starch. If you don't have zinc oxide use plain cornstarch.

Skin Healer Moisturizer Lotion

1 tsp. sodium alginate 1 cup water Make the base first by heating these together in a covered, non-metal pan until completely dissolved. Use low heat-it will take over an hour. Use a wooden spoon handle to stir. Set aside. Then make the following mixture:

1/4 tsp. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) (You may crush tablets) 1/4 tsp. lysine (crush tablets) 2 tbs. pure vegetable glycerin 2 vitamin E capsules (400 units or more, each) 1 tsp. apricot kernel oil (olive oil will do) 1 tbs. lemon juice from a lemon or 1/4 tsp citric acid (this is optional) 1 cup water Heat the water to steaming in a non-metal pan. Add vitamin C and lysine first and then everything else. Pour into a pint jar and shake to mix. Then add the sodium alginate base to the desired thickness (about equal amounts) and shake. Pour some into a small bottle to use as lip soother. Pour some into a larger bottle to dispense on skin. Store remainder in refrigerator. (See Sources for sodium alginate, vegetable glycerin and apricot kernel oil. Sodium alginate is also available in capsule form at some health food stores.)

Other Skin Healers

Vitamin C powder (ascorbic acid, not the same as citric acid). Put a large pinch into the palm of your hand. With your other hand pick up a few drops of water from the faucet. Rub hands together until all the powder is dissolved and dispensed. It may sting briefly. Do this at bedtime, especially for cracked, chapped hands. Include lips if they need it. Vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil from Now Foods was not polluted at the time of this writing, but for the future it would be safer to rely on capsules. Snip open a capsule and rub into skin. 50% Glycerin. Dilute 100% vegetable glycerin with an equal amount of water. This is useful as an after shave lotion. Vitamin C liquid. Mix l/4 tsp. vitamin C powder in one pint water (crushed tablets will do). This is useful as an after shave lotion and general skin treatment. Apricot Kernel Oil. This is a very light oil, useful as an after shave lotion and general skin treatment. Cornstarch. Use on rashes, fungus, moist or irritated areas and to prevent chafe.

Combining several of these makes them more effective. Dry skin has several causes: too much water contact, too much soap contact (switch to borax), low body temperature, not enough fat in the diet, or parasites.

Massage Oil
Use olive oil. It comes in very light to heavy textures. Pick the right one for your purpose. Alginate mixtures can be used instead of, or added to, oil. Starch solutions are good, too.

Sun-screen Lotion
Purchase PABA (see Sources) in 500 mg tablet form. Dissolve 1 tablet in grain alcohol or vodka. Grind the tablet first by putting it in a plastic bag and rolling over it with a glass jar. It will not completely dissolve even if you use a tablespoon of the alcohol. Pour the whole mixture into a 4 ounce bottle of

homemade skin softener. Be careful not to get the lotion into your eyes when applying it. A better solution is to wear a hat or stay out of the sun. Remember to take PABA as a supplement, too (500 mg, one a day).

Nose Salve
(When the inside of the nose is dry, cracked and bleeding.) Pour 1/2 tsp. pure vegetable glycerin into a bottle cap. Add 1/2 tsp. of water. Applicator: use a plastic coffee stirrer or straw; cut a slit in the end to catch some cotton wool salvaged from a vitamin bottle and twist (cotton swabs, cotton balls and wooden toothpicks are sterilized with mercury which in turn is polluted with thallium). Dip it into the glycerin mixture and apply inside the nose with a rotating motion. Do each nostril with a new applicator.

Quick Corn Starch Skin Softener

4 tsp. corn starch (see Sources) 1 cup water Boil starch and water until clear, about one minute.

Cornstarch Skin Softener

1 tsp. lysine powder or 8 tablets, 500 mg each 1 tsp. Vitamin C powder (ascorbic acid); or 8 tablets, 500 mg each 3 tsp. cornstarch (see Sources) Vitamin E, 1 capsule 400 mg 1/4 tsp. apricot kernel oil (optional) 1 cup water Boil starch and water until clear, about one minute. Add other ingredients and stir until dissolved. Cool. Pour into dispenser bottle. Keep refrigerated when not in use. Apply after washing dishes and after showering.

After Shaves
Vitamin C. 1/4 tsp. vitamin C powder, dissolved in 1 pint water. Apricot kernel oil. Vegetable glycerin. Equal parts glycerin and water or to suit your need.

Personal Lubricants
Heat these together: 1 level tsp. sodium alginate and 1 cup water in a covered non-metal pan until completely dissolved. Use very low heat and stir with a wooden spoon handle. It takes a fairly long time to get it perfectly smooth. After cooling, pour into a small dispenser bottle. Keep the remainder refrigerated.

Or, mix and heat 4 tsp. cornstarch and 1 cup water until completely dissolved in a covered saucepan. Use non-metal dishes and a non-metal stirring spoon. Cool. Pour some into dispenser bottle. Refrigerate remainder. This is many person's favorite recipe.

Baby Wipes
Cut paper towels in quarters and stack in a closable plastic box. Run tap water over them, drain the excess. Add 1 tsp. grain alcohol and/or borax liquid on top. Close. Put a dab of the Quick Cornstarch Softener recipe on top of each wipe as you use it.

People Wipes
1/4 tsp. powdered lysine (you may crush tablets) 1/4 tsp. Vitamin C powder (you may crush tablets) 1/4 cup vegetable glycerin 1 cup water Prepare wipes by cutting paper towels in quarters. Use white, un-fragranced towels that are strong enough to hold up for this use. Fold each piece in quarters again and stack in a plastic zippered baggy. Pour the fluid mixture over the stack and zip. Store a bag full in the freezer to take on car trips. If you want to keep them a month or more, add 1 tbs. grain alcohol or vodka to the recipe. For bathroom use, dampen a roll of paper towels under the cold tap first. Then pour about 1/4 cup of the mixture over the towel roll around the middle. Store in plastic shopping bag or stand in plastic waste basket.

Easy Lifestyle Improvements

None of us likes to change a habit. But once it is changed you are back to an automatic way of doing something. By selecting wise habits your improved lifestyle pays you back for the rest of your life.

Living Hand To Mouth

Hands do everything. They pick up things from the floor. They handle money. They touch other peoples' hands. They clean up bottoms. They touch all kinds of door knobs. And then they pick up food to eat. Some people even lick their fingers when they're sticky or just to turn a page! What is on the hands that you don't want to eat but can't see? Bacteria and viruses from coughing and sneezing into your hands! And cysts!

Cysts are the "eggs" made by parasites. Cysts are so tough not even bleach kills them. They hide under our

fingernails when we wash our hands. Then we eat them along with our food. This is called oral-fecal route. They hatch in the stomach and go to the intestine to live. To stop reinfecting yourself the little cysts under the nails need to be killed. Food grade alcohol solution kills them. Buy Everclear(TM) or Protec (potable) alcohol and make a 5% solution (add 1/4 cup of 95% alcohol to a quart of water). Keep it in a small pump bottle at the sink. After using the bathroom and washing your hands, treat your fingernails with alcohol. Pump alcohol into one palm. Put the fingernails of the other hand into it. Scratch a bit. Pour it into the other palm and do the remaining fingernails. Rinse. - Don't eat with your hands! Use a fork. - Never eat food off the floor! - Always wash hands after petting an animal! - Never touch the bottoms of shoes! Keep shoes off couch or bed or chair. - Always cough or sneeze into your clothing or a tissue, not your hands. - Keep your fingers out of your mouth. - Don't lick your fingers to turn pages or open plastic bags. Sick persons need a 50% alcohol solution. Add l/2 cup 95% alcohol to 1/2 cup cold tap water or buy plain vodka, 80 to 100 proof. Pour the vodka into the pump bottle. Be careful that nobody tries drinking it. If there are teenagers in the house, add a hefty dose of cayenne to it.


In any health orientated home, the proper use and understanding of Hydrogen Peroxide is vital. Here is information and a source for quality, food grade Hydrogen Peroxide. http://www.dfwx.com/h2o2.html or info@healthwalk.com TYPICAL USES OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Why is the use of bleach and ammonia so common in the United States? For one reason: it is cheap to manufacture and can be stored for very, very, very long times. While convenient for companies, both are highly toxic in both liquid and vapor form. This has been known for decades. The fumes of bleach and ammonia are harmful to you, to your children, to your pets and to your plants. They both can mix with other chemicals to produce particularly dead vapors. Many countries and increasingly individuals instead use hydrogen peroxide. As the elements of h2o2 are hydrogen, oxygen and water (none of which are toxic), the obvious safety factors are great. And generally h2o2 is more effective. Does hydrogen peroxide cost more? Yes, but only slightly more. Remember, those gallon jugs of bleach and quart bottles of ammonia based cleaners are highly diluted. The actual dollar-price difference is small - and in many instances actually lower. You only need to use a very small amount and the actual cost is generally only pennies or less per use. One quart bottle of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide can last an average household for months. For internal usage info, go to www.dfwx.com/answers.htm. TO WASH AND PRESERVE FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES: Food spoilage and food poisoning both are the result of the growth of microorganisms in fresh cut fruits and vegetables. Increasingly, food packers have begun switching to use of hydrogen peroxide as a

disinfecting agent due to the safety issues of using chlorine. H2o2 is a powered anti-microbial which may be used not only for washing fruits and vegetables free of pesticides and other contaminants present, but also to extend the self live of these fresh products and elimination of the microorganisms delays spoilage. If you are wise enough to wash your fresh product and tired of how quickly it spoils even if refrigerated, washing these in an H2o2 solution will cure both problems without any of the toxic effects of chlorine. Dilution ratio: I/8 cup G.O.E. h2o2 per 1-gallon water. (A little goes a long way!) TIRED OF LETTUCE GOING BAD AFTER YOU START TO USE IT? Ever notice that after you open a head of lettuce, it starts to go bad within hours - turning brown? This is due to invasion of microorganisms where it has the lettuce has been wounded and it is your touching it that conveyed the bacteria, fungus etc. Dilution: If you keep a gallon jug with 1/2 ounce G.O.E. h2o2 to the gallon and rinse the head off before putting it in a sealed plastic container (shake off the excess h2o2 solution first), it will last longer before it turns. HAND WASH: Many medical experts agree that most colds and flues are no passed in the air, but through the hands. You shake hands with someone and whether in eating, rubbing your nose, smoking a cigarette, chewing your fingernails, etc - pass this on to yourself via your hands. Experts agree that washing your hands often is the best way to reduce catching many diseases. Dilution: To make a good hand wash, use 1 ounce per 1-pint (2 cups) G.O.E. h2o2. You also may add hand soap to this solution and put it in a hand soap pump bottle. Now you not only are washing your hands, you also are using a powerful antiseptic. TO PRESERVE MEAT: The primary cause of meat spoilage is microorganisms. Meat packers learned long ago that if they can keep meat from being touched it will not spoil for months. Packinghouses will have their meat cutters never touch the meat directly and continually dipping their knives in sterilizing solution. If you are tired of your meat spoiling within a day or two from arriving from the grocery store (cutters in grocery stores tend not to follow these standards), wash fresh meat (beef, poultry and pork - all but hamburger) in an h2o2 solution and put it in a zip-lock bag careful NOT to touch it first - and it will last for weeks. Dilution: Same as vegetables and fruit above. HOUSE & GARDEN PLANTS: Plants like h2o2 and it benefits them in 2 ways. First, it oxygenates the soil. Second, it kills microorganisms, fungus and bacteria harmful to plants. It will not harm worms. House plants and gardens thrive with h2o2 supplementing and increasing numbers of commercial farmers have added h2o2 to their inventories for their crops for this reason. Dilution ration: Put 1/2 ounce G.O.E. food grade per 1-gallon water for plant watering and for water to soak seeds for sprouting.

Sprouting needs: Add 1 ounce 3% hydrogen peroxide to one pint of water and soak the seeds overnight. Add the same amount of hydrogen peroxide each time you rinse the seeds. KITCHEN, BATHROOM AND GENERAL SANITIZING: Chlorine, bleach, and ammonia all are toxic - both in liquid form and the fumes they cause. H2o2 is the safe and wise alternative. Use it to wipe down kitchen counters, to mop the floor and particularly wipe down the refrigerator interior (kills the organisms leading to spoilage. It will sterilize the toilet bowl and overall bathrooms tend to collect microorganisms. Wipe out the children's lunch box to eliminate odors and overall it is great for eliminating kitchen odors. Dilution ratio: 1 cup G.O.E. h2o2 per 1 gallon water BATHING: Guardian Of Eden makes a specific product for h2o2 bathing (Body purification). Purchase this product, Body Purification from them directly if you wish to enjoy a soothing and cleansing bath. http://www.dfwx.com/h2o2.html H2o2 baths oxygenate the skin and kill the microorganism that infests the skin. If combined with Epson salt (available in any drug store), this would be the most relaxing and reviving bath you ever took. This is particularly pleasant is shortly before bedtime and you will sleep the best in your life. Follow up with a quick rinsing shower.

Clothing/ laundry
H2o2 is a safe alternative to unsafe bleach. The finest clothing manufacturers use h2o2, not bleach, as their whitening agent. Bleach residual against your skin is terrible for the skin and chloride vapor in the air is very harmful to health. Replace bleach with h2o2. Tip: Pillows and pillow cases are atrocious for gathering micro-pests. Every month or so you should rotation the pillows you sleep on. Remove the pillowcase and seal the old one in a black plastic trash bag and leave it in the sun (if possible). At the end of the month, all the mites, fungus, bacteria and other microorganisms are gone. Rotate your pillows this way. The only alternative is to wash in an h2o2 solution (if pillow is washable and most actually are) or throw you pillows away every month or two. Remember, if you wash a pillow, do not dry it on the hot setting of the dryer. Dilution for laundry: 1 cup G.O.E. h2o2 per large wash load. You may increase this amount for strong bleaching effect on whites if you wish. H2o2 will also kill the millions of micro-mites and pests that gather in bedding and pay particular attention to pillowcases.

Dilution: 1/2 cups G.O.E. h2o2 into the dishwasher and dishes sparkle and are sanitized. Or use 1 ounce per gallon sink water if you sink wash your dishes (add it to in the rinse water if you rinse with a basin.) FOR PETS: For small animals (dogs and cats) use 1 ounce G.O.E. hydrogen peroxide to 1-gallon water for their bath water. For drinking water, the dilution should be no stronger than 4 drops G.O.E. G.O.E. h2o2 per 1gallon water.

Remember to keep your pet's bedding clean like yours and h2o2 is a great sterilizing agent. Wash a cat litter box with the h2o2 kitchen cleaning mix described about and odors are gone - and not replaced with horrible bleach smells. Never use ammonia to clean anything around pets and it is terrible particularly to use ammonia for mopping around pets. Ammonia smells like urine to animals (how many animals mark their territory) and both cats and dogs can be deeply confused by ammonia smells as it leads them to believe their territory had been invaded. Usage of ammonia has lead to many otherwise unexplainable dog and cat run-aways. AQUARIUM CLEAN-UP Never use h2o2 for aquarium water as each species of fish if generally very chemical specific. However, h2o2 can be used for aquarium clean up (fish out) and would kill the microorganisms that make the rocks, etc in an aquarium stink. (NOTE: G.O.E. H2O2 is used by some of the largest commercial aquariums in the country specifically to be able to clean aquarium water and pumping equipment without removing the fish or water. G.O.E. H202 was selected for its purity and consistency - critically when dealing with hundreds of thousands of dollars in inventories of exotic fish. After testing numerous suppliers of even legitimate G.O.E. Food Grade H202, they selected G.O.E. HOWEVER; such usage requires expertise and specific testing equipment. Therefore, do NOT use any H202 in aquarium water with fish present unless you really know what you are doing.) After using the h2o2 cleaning solution (2 ounces per gallon) and letting it soak a while, then rinse again with fresh water. Odors gone. Microorganisms gone. As an aquarium does not have the natural self cleaning ability as to rivers, lakes and oceans, you should periodically not only clean, but also sterilize your aquarium. FEET: Feet get quite abused being trapped in the same shoes day after day - for which the micro-pest level becomes high. For a good foot soak, add 1 & 1/2 ounces G.O.E. hydrogen peroxide to 1-gallon water and soak. This will avoid problems before they start. This will prevent athlete's foot and will cure it with repeated foot soaks. MOUTHWASH: (Note: This level is TOO high for internal consumption. Do NOT swallow!) This not only kills the bacteria that causes bad breathe and goes a long way to preventing tooth decay, it also has a whitening effect. Dilute G.O.E. h2o2 on a 1-16 ratio (1 part G.O.E. h2o2 to 16 parts water). This actually is a bit lower than 3% drug store and WalMart h2o2. DO NOT USE as a mouthwash in higher concentration. (This is one ounce per 1 pint or 2 cups of water). You can mix this up well in advance and just leave the bottle on the bathroom counter. The contents will remain sterilize due to the sterilizing effect of h2o2. 10 times as effective as alcohol based mouthwashes, plus the whitening effect at a fraction the costs. Swish it around in your mouth for 1-2 minutes before brushing. Watch how white your teeth eventually

become! But do not exceed the concentration! NOTE: These ratios are for Guardian Of Eden G.O.E. food grade h2o2 or other LEGITIMATE G.O.E. h2o2. While you may read materials urging using much higher amounts of h2o2, this is not applicable to G.O.E. h2o2. While it would be in G.O.E.'s economic interest to urge higher uses of h2o2 to increase sales, they are a particularly legitimate and ethical company. Many consider Guardian Of Eden THE premier h2o2 company on the consumer and health level for these reasons. Because a little goes such a long way, you also save money due to the concentration level. In pre-diluted form, you would to receive dozens of gallons to equal one quart of concentrated form. In short, G.O.E. figures you are intelligent enough to dilute it yourself. When was the last time you put a big tablespoon of bleach or ammonia in your glass of water? Sound nuts, no? But people buy huge amounts of beach and ammonia - both of which are toxic and nauseous in liquid and vapor form. This fixation on bleach and ammonia is not worldwide and increasingly being rejected in the United States. Bleach and ammonia are bad for you. They are poisonous. H2o2 is not. But there are many uses of h2o2 you might not be aware of - and things you would not dare do with bleach or ammonia. While bleach comes in 1-gallon jugs typically, this also is very diluted. DO NOT use drug store 2-3% h2o2 for any purposes having to do with food or any potential internal consumption due to high levels of stabilizers - which often include heavy metals. Drug store h2o2 has heavy metals and other dangerous stabilizers harmful internally. WHAT ELSE IS G.O.E. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE USED FOR? Taxidermists use it to sterilize and whiten bones and skulls. People use it for furniture stripping and lightening wood. It is used for many, many chemical and smallscale manufacturing purposes. Most people who try h2o2 never buy bleach or ammonia again. Increasingly, the mainstream medical community is embracing h2o2 for numerous purposes. Though fully accepted in Europe and most parts of the world already, h2o2 is one of the fastest growing products on the health market today. Why would anyone buy poisonous bleach and ammonia when h2o2 does the job safely, better, and has far greater possible uses? You need to be aware the FDA has not approved of any medical application or usage of hydrogen peroxide. There also are persons within the FDA who oppose AMA licensed doctors using hydrogen peroxide in their medical practice. PLEASE NOTE: Hydrogen peroxide should NEVER be used for any medical purpose and never ingested or injected into the blood stream unless is it GREATLY reduced. You should NEVER inject hydrogen peroxide in any concentration into your blood stream and doing so will result permanent injury or death. Such direct injection should only be administered by an AMA licensed doctor and then it would be administered in a VERY diluted form. Hydrogen peroxide at any concentration level should NEVER be

used for an eye wash, for cleaning ears or as a nasal spray. There is no established level of safe oral ingesting of hydrogen peroxide, though it has been used in 3% concentration as mouthwash for decades (though not to be swallowed). Any oral consumption of any hydrogen peroxide should only be considered if it is first VERY diluted. Only as a personal comment and not a health recommendation, my own usage for oral consumption is limited to 1 drop per 2 ounces of water. There is a dilution ratio of 1/ 1,200th as there are 600 drops per ounce. This equates to a concentration of approximately 0.01% hydrogen peroxide. FOOD GRADE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE SHOULD NEVER BEEN USED FOR DIRECT INJECTION INTO THE BLOOD STREAM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE REGARDLESS OF METHOD OR LEVEL OF CONCENTRATION. Doing so will result in permanent injury or death. P.S. Hydrogen peroxide is also effective for hot tubs, swimming pools and bird baths http://www.dfwx.com/pool.htm

Today we receive cellular phone calls, radio, television and global positioning messages anywhere on the planet. All this technology is generating an unseen sea of electro-magnetic fields (EMF) that no other generation in the world has ever lived in. What adverse effects are all these EMFs having on biological life forms? What is the cost in terms of sick people, sick animals and sick plants? Electrical magnetic fields compromise the immune system of people, animals, and plants because their polarity or spin is clockwise. This interferes with the absorption of vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream and prevents their utilization. EMFs also change the molecular structure of water, by increasing the molecule size. It does this regardless of whether the water is in our taps or in our bodies. An enlarged water molecule is too big to take nutrients into the cells of blood and into the sap of plants. It is also too large remove toxins from our body's. The results are that we now have people, animals and plants that are both toxic and drying out at the cellular level. EMFs also interfere with the way antibiotics work. The 50 and 60 cycles of electro-magnetic fields also interfere with the production of hormones in both people and animals. The geo-magnetic stress caused by EMFs compromises the ability to conceive. EMFs also stimulate the growth of E-coli, staph and strep bacteria in the environment increasing the acidity. There has now been over 34 studies conducted that show a direct link between EMF frequencies and the potential for the body to develop cancer. People are highly sensitive to EMF pollution. The most problematic symptom in people is poor sleep. The effects of sleep deprivation are an inhibition of the bodys ability to repair itself, sore bones, constant fatigue and aggressive behavior. To compensate people seek out high sugar foods to get energy to get them through the day causing weight gain, roller coaster sugar levels which compounds fatigue and irritability. To negate the problems associated with EMFs, the following should be done:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Remove ALL WIRELESS NETWORKS from home and office. NO WIFI. NEVER put a cell phone next to your head and try not to have it attached to your body. Remove all electronics from your bedroom. This includes digital clocks, TVs, etc. Use EMF mitigating devices such as Q Link, etc. Try to reduce all wireless devices and technologies in your house. Visit www.lessemf.com for devices to reduce emf pollution.

Arabic Salad
2 diced roma tomatoes 1 zucchini, peeled and chopped 1/2 onion chopped very fine 2 t cumin cilantro and cayenne to taste 2 T lemon juice 1 T water 1 T olive oil 1 t flax oil drops sesame oil Toss and refrigerate. Serve with parsley sprigs Easy to digest version: Steam chopped onion, zucchini and tomato for 6 minutes. Chill and mix with other ingredients.

Asparagus, sun-dried tomato

Pinch of cayenne pepper 1 t .balsamic vinegar 1 T olive oil 1 t flax oil several sprigs of parsley. Separate crowns from parsley and finely chop the stalks 1 T chopped sun-dried tomatoes 8 oz asparagus, optional: shredded fresh basil leaves; fresh oregano or marjoram Finely chop sun dried tomatoes and parsley stalks and marinate them in the oils, vinegar and cayenne for several hours.*

Steam asparagus for six minutes or till just tender Serve asparagus, pour on sauce and sprinkle with parsley crowns and other herbs. *for easy to digest version: Steam the finely chopped tomatoes and parsley stalks for 15 minutes before marinating

Broccoli Dip
1 cup cooked broccoli stems, [peeled] 1 T fresh-squeezed lemon juice. 1/4 t curry powder. 2 cloves garlic, minced. 1 roma tomato, diced. 1 scallion, sliced. 1 jalapeno pepper, chopped. In a food processor, blend the broccoli stems with the lemon juice, curry, garlic and pepper until completely smooth. Mix with the remaining ingredients and chill before serving.

1 small head finely sliced cabbage. 1 stalk celery. 1 red pepper. 1 small carrot. 1 scallion. sprigs of parsley. julienne pepper and carrot. Finely chop celery, scallion and parsley. 1 T balsamic vinegar. juice from 1 lime. 1 t dry mustard. 1 t Ketjap manis [tamari or soy will do]. 1 T pure maple syrup. dusting of cayenne. 1/2 t caraway seed. Toss and refrigerate.

Cucumber Salad
2 med cucumbers. 1 red onion. 1 chopped roma tomato.

1 t flax oil. 1 T olive oil. 2 T fresh basil. 1 clove garlic [minced]. 1 T balsamic vinegar. several sprigs parsley. Thin-slice the cucumbers and onion and put them in a container. Chop the basil and toss it in. Mix oil, garlic and vinegar and toss with the above ingredients. Refrigerate and add tomatoes and parsley when served.

Ginger Sauce
2 T fresh chopped ginger root. 1 T dry mustard. 1 T balsamic vinegar. 2 t Ketjap manis. 1 T Sake[white wine or sherry will do]. 1 t sesame oil. 1 T olive oil. 1 t flax oil. cayenne pepper to taste . Blend in blender or processor. Serve with food.

Grapefruit and Avocado Salad

1 grapefruit. 1 small red onion, minced. 1 T olive oil. 1 t flax oil. Juice from one lime. 1 T chopped dill. 1 ripe avocado. 1. head Romaine lettuce. 2. T. croutons*. Section grapefruit** into a salad bowl with minced onion, dill, oils and lime juice and refrigerate for an hour. Chop lettuce into bite sized pieces, cube avocado, add croutons and mix just before serving. * to make the croutons take 1 slice of bread, cut into cubes and fry in a pan until toasted using just enough olive oil to coat the pan

note: you may wish to leave the croutons out of the salad to avoid the starch, thus serving a salad that leaves an alkaline ash. ** try to leave some of the white underpeel on the sections as this is a prime source of citrus bioflavanoids, thought to be a powerful anti-cancer agent.

Health Dressing
proportion for one serving 1 T cold pressed extra virgin olive oil 1 t cold pressed flax oil. 1 t balsamic vinegar* 1 clove garlic. 1\4 t dry mustard{optional]. 1\4 t finely chopped parsley stalks. Save the parsley crowns for the salad. Mash garlic, mustard and parsley together then mix with liquid ingredients. Use this dressing with any raw vegetable salad, without pasta or croutons *you may substitute rice, wine or cider vinegar or lemon juice I prefer Balsamic vinegar because you get more intensity of taste so therefore require less vinegar. The acid is not part of the "health" ingredients and is added just for taste. If you wish to keep this salad leaving an alkaline ash, use lemon juice for the tartness.

Lemon Mint Dressing

[substitute dill for lemon-dill dressing]. 1/4 cup chopped mint. 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley. 1 clove garlic, mashed. juice of 1 lemon. 2 T olive oil . 1 t flax oil. Mix well Try this over sliced cucumber/

Mixed Vegetable Salad

Broccoli florets. Cauliflower florets. Carrots. Red onion or shallots. Sprouts [mung bean or mixed ].

Daikon{low bok or Chinese radish]. red bell pepper. Health Dressing [found elsewhere in this collection]. Slice carrots, chop onion, pepper and daikon. Mix in other ingredients and toss with health dressing. Other ingredients you may wish to add include: avocado, julienne turnip, celery, bok choy, raisins, mint, cilantro or other herbs. This salad is designed to leave an alkaline ash. Therefore, do NOT add croutons or pasta and do Not serve with bread......remember...No starches and No proteins with this dish.

Salsa Dip
5 roma tomatoes [chopped]. 1 jalapeno pepper, [chopped]. 1 bell pepper,[chopped], any color will do but I prefer yellow. 2 T finely chopped fresh cilantro. 2 T finely chopped parsley. 1 small red onion, [finely chopped]. 2 cloves garlic, [minced]. 1 t balsamic vinegar, (or lemon juice). Mix, chill and serve.

Vegan Caesar salad

4 cloves garlic, to taste, chopped. 1 lemon. 1 T capers 4 T chickpeas [steamed]. 1 t dry mustard. 1 T tamari sauce. 1 T olive oil. 1 t flax oil. Croutons (optional). Romaine lettuce. Toss and serve with a few sprigs of parsley.

Vegan Chili
1 large jalapeno pepper, diced finely. 2 bell peppers, [one green, one red or yellow].

1 cup kidney beans. 1 chopped onion. 2 garlic cloves. 3 chopped roma tomatoes. Cumin, coriander, oregano to taste. 1 T olive oil. Soak the beans overnight, then simmer until tender (1 to 2 hours). Chop onions and garlic, saut in oil. Add peppers, saut with onion & garlic. Add chopped tomatoes, cook until soft. Add the beans, and some bean liquid. Add the spices and cook for another hour or so.

Vegetable Curry
1 large onion, chopped. 1 T. curry powder. 1/4 t ginger 1 large carrot, sliced. 1 stalk celery, sliced. 1 cup green beans, sliced. 1 bell pepper, chopped. 1 cup cauliflower, in bite-sized pieces. 1 cup broccoli, in bite-sized pieces. 1 small butternut squash, diced into 1\2 in. cubes. 2 T raisins. 1 small parsnip, chopped. 1\ 2 cup water. serves 6. Brown onion in skillet, stir in curry, ginger, mushrooms and water and cook until liquid is reduced to a sauce. Let sit on warm burner while you steam the rest of the ingredients until they are hot but still have a raw crunchy texture[about 10 min], Serve veggies over rice and pour the curry sauce over the vegetables. Easy to digest version: cook the vegetables and curry sauce together until soft in saucepan but add a couple of T extra water.

Flax Spread
4 tablespoons raw flax seeds 1/2 lemon, juiced

1/2 teaspoon Bragg's Liquid Amino Acids 2 tablespoons of water Grind the flax seeds to a powder using a coffee or seed grinder. Add the remaining ingredients and mix into a paste. PINEAPPLE CHUTNEY by Cherie Calbom An easy way to add an exotic touch to curries or grain dishes. 1 pineapple 1/2 cup of raisins 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger 1 tablespoon lemon juice pinch cayenne pepper Peel and core the pineapple and cut into strips. Juice the strips and reserve all of the pulp. In a blender or food processor, combine the pineapple pulp, raisins, vinegar, ginger, lemon juice and cayenne pepper; blend until the raisins are coarsely ground. The chutney can be served immediately, but it will taste better if it is refrigerated first for 30 minutes. Left over chutney can be stored in a covered container in the refrigerator for at least a week.

Thai Guacamole
Courtesy of Jen Ingredients 1 avocado, pitted and peeled 1 cup green beans 3 tbsp lime juice 2 tbsp minced ginger root 1 tbsp chopped, seeded jalapeno 2 tsp minced garlic 1 tsp curry 1/4 cup minced cilantro. Instructions Puree avocado, beans and lime juice until smooth. Stir in all other ingredients. (To taste- this is VERY garlicky, so if you want, you can reduce the garlic) Play around with it; it comes out interesting any way you look at it! Yields about 12 servings

Yield: 1.5 cups Preparation time: 10 minutes Chilling time: 30 minutes

Celery Slaw & Dressing

by Dr. Douglas Graham Ingredients 1 large bunch of celery 2 red bell peppers 3 or 4 tomatoes 4 oz fresh almonds or macadamia nuts Instructions 1. Grate the celery and peppers and place in bowl. 2. Blend the tomatoes and nuts and use as dressing. THE KEY TO SELF-HEALING IS - HIGH ENERGY NOURISHMENT! (ENERGY SOUP) By Dr. Ann Wigmore WHY ENERGY SOUP? The reason is that it works! Energy Soup gives the body's cells fuel to be nourished which provides for self-healing in the quickest possible way. Another reason that this Energy Soup is high-energy nourishment that is fermented slightly from the blending with Rejuvelac. This means that Vitamin E in the the mixture prevents oxidation, so we can keep it all day. Energy Soup provides a complete form of basic elements that are needed for rebuilding health quicker. It helps to overcome addictions because it is easy to digest. Most of the essential elements are easy to digest and essential nutrients found in Energy Soup are important in providing a means for self-healing the body and mind, and in helping with addictions. It can also help with many other health problems that people suffer with every day, which generally have been brought on by poor nutrition, especially by overeating. ENERGY SOUP (HIGH ENERGY NOURISHMENT) is best taken about five times per day in small amounts (1 cup or less per serving). For variety you can put into the Energy Soup 1/2 cup of cut-up banana or some alfalfa sprouts so there is something to chew. Chewing is important so that the food mixes with the saliva and thus the body can better begin the digestive process. HOW TO MAKE ENERGY SOUP: We will begin with a list of the basic ingredients and amounts. But this is to be used only as a guideline. Generally, I do not like to specify amounts and measurements - use your own judgment and allow for your own creativity. Its best to occasional add different ingredients such as peeled cactus, sweet potatoes or carrots, but the basic ingredients should be included. The most important elements and the ones that you will use in the largest quantity are the greens.

BASIC INGREDIENTS : Seaweed (dulse) Rejuvelac Sprouts - mung beans, green peas, lentils (one handful is a good amount) A large amount of a variety of organic greens Peeled apples or watermelon, including rind, or papaya alfalfa PREPARATION : Put your soup or salad in a blender, put about 1 tablespoon of dulse (if dulse is granulated use one teaspoon) and add about 1/4 to 1/3 blender full Rejuvelac (it may be necessary to later use more if the blender has problems handling the ingredients). Put in all of the ingredients that are tough and hardest to break down such as the sprouted mung, peas and lentils, sweet potatoes and carrots (if you should use sweet potatoes or carrots). Blend Next, add lots of greens. The most important greens to use are the greens from your indoor garden such as sunflower greens and buckwheat lettuce. Other greens such as cilantro, watercress, parsley, celery (parsley and celery greens should be blended with the tougher ingredients because they take longer to break down) and carrot greens can be used. Any healthy organic greens can be used. Kale greens can be bitter tasting. Some people prefer milder tasting greens so use your own judgment to suit your needs. Fill the blender as full as possible and blend the greens lightly. Turn the blender off and allow the contents to "settle down". Keep adding greens and blending them lightly until there is about 1 1/2 inch of space left at the top of the blender. For taste, add one or two peeled/cored apples or some papaya. In Puerto Rico, we use papaya and in Boston we use apples or watermelon rind when in season. The last thing that goes into the soup is 1/2 or 1 whole avocado to thicken it. Blend the entire soup. If avocado is not used, then almond cream or soaked sunflower seeds can be used. Most of all, Enjoy!

Shredded Sprout Salad

Ingredients: 1 Cup Shredded Carrots 1 Cup Shredded Cabbage 1 Cup Diced Celery 1 Cup Alfalfa Sprouts (can substitute other types) 2 Tablespoons lemon juice Spices as desired Directions: Shred Carrots and Cabbage. Dice Celery. Combine all ingredients in bowl and toss Add Spices over the top.

Crme of Asparagus Soup

by Nomi Shannon This could be called the king of soups. The fiber in the asparagus creates a delightful texture, and the tahini gives it a smooth quality. Do not use the woody ends of the asparagus. Chop only the tenderest part, about 1 1/2"-2" from the end. 1 Cup cut up asparagus 1 cup carrot juice 2 Tablespoons tahini 1 teaspoon cut up onion, or more to taste Braggs dulse flakes Blend until a smooth consistency. Yields approximately 1 1/2 cups. Serves 1.

Cucado Soup
by Katherine Dichter Ingredients 2 large cucumbers 1/2 avocado 1 tsp. lemon juice 1 tsp. fresh dill Optional: handful of cherry tomatoes Instructions Blend all the ingredients in a blender and serve Optional: add the cherry tomatoes to the soup

Chopped Zucchini Mexicano

by Nomi Shannon Serve this hot and pretty salad on a bed of sprouts or as stuffing in a red pepper. Use the highly flavored jalapeno, garlic and cilantro to taste. Some jalapenos are devilishly hot, so be careful. This salad is intended to be a side dish rather than an entree. It looks attractive on the plate and its intense flavor works well as a condiment. 1 medium Zucchini, chopped

1/4 red onion, chopped 1/2 red pepper, chopped 1/2 - 1 jalapeno pepper, chopped (to taste) 1/4 cup chopped cilantro (or more, to taste) 1 small clove garlic, minced Pinch ground coriander seed Dash Braggs Dash lemon juice Toss together, adjust seasonings. Serves 3-4 as a side dish

Zucchini Zalad for 2

by Nomi Shannon This salad has become a favorite among raw fooders and omnivores alike. Adding sauerkraut gives it a complex, difficult to define flavor that gets rave reviews and requests for more. 1 Zucchini, cut in long slivers or julienne Cup Chopped Red Peppers chopped 2 Tablespoons dulse flakes (dulse is a type of seaweed-sold in health food stores) small garlic clove, finely chopped 1 Tablespoon Braggs Liquid Aminos 1 Tablespoon lemon juice 2 Basil leaves, chopped Avocado, chopped 4 or 5 green olives, chopped 4 Tablespoons homemade raw sauerkraut (or more to taste) Mix well. Serve on a bed of Sunflower greens and top with clover sprouts.

Sunshine Carrot Salad

by Rhonda 3 cups carrot 1/2 cup organic raisins 1 Red Delicious apple 1 stalk of celery Peel and grate apple and carrots and finely chop celery. Combine all ingredients above in a bowl and toss. Mix in the following dressing: 1 Red Delicious apple 2 cups grated carrots 1/2 cup almonds fresh apple juice or distilled water

In a blender, chop 1/2 cup of almonds, add one Red Delicious apple, peeled and cored, and two cups of grated carrot. Blend until creamy. Add a small amount of distilled water or fresh apple juice to reach consistency desired

Cold Creamy Carrot Soup

3 cups fresh carrot juice 1 large avocado handful of alfalfa sprouts cut into thirds small sprig of parsley or cilantro leaves 1. Make carrot juice juice fresh carrots in a juicer. 2. Cut avocado in half. 3. Place carrot juice and avocado in blender, and blend until smooth. 4. Put sprouts and parsley on top of the soup. 5. Note: Any combination of vegetable juice can be used to make soup.

Sea Vegetable Slaw

1 handful of hijiki seaweed, soaked and drained 1 handful of chopped cilantro 1 handful of chopped scallions 4 cups of shredded cabbage vegetable seasonings, or herbs to taste. 1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, and serve.

Avocado Salad
1 cup wild rice, soaked 3 days (change water daily) 2 Hass avocados, organic, mashed Add to avocado: 1 small red onion, minced 1 small red bell pepper, minced 1/4 lime juiced 1/2 tsp. cilantro, dried or 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro 3/4 tsp. kelp (sea seasoning)

sprigs of oregano cayenne to taste Mix all ingredients together.

Simple Spinach Salad

I bunch organic spinach 1 cup shredded carrots 1/2 cup tahini nama shoyu lemon juice or cider vinegar 2 chopped garlic cloves Immerse loose spinach in a pot of cold water, rinse well and strain. On the side, mix together 1/2 cup shredded carrots, 2 Tbsp. nama shoyu, 3 Tbsp lemon juice or cider vinegar with chopped garlic. Adjust the nama shoyu or lemon juice to taste. Thin to desired consistency and toss the spinach and dressing. Now add the rest of the shredded carrots and any other vegetables that you choose.

Greek Salad
Jennifer Tzoumas Traditional Greek Salads do not include lettuce. As someone who married into this Greek tradition, I found a new "favorite" salad. Tomatoes, chopped cucumbers, sliced or chopped red onion, chopped bell pepper, chopped (optional) oil & vinegar Mix together, ENJOY!

Carrocado Mash
by David Klein Ingredients (2 servings)

6 to 8 large fresh carrots 1 large red or yellow bell pepper 1 large or 2 small ripe avocados 1 oz. whole dulse leaf Instructions Soak the dulse leaf in water for a few minutes, then drain and thoroughly rinse for 5 minutes, then squeeze out the water by hand Slice up the bell pepper into strips. With the blank plate installed, run the carrots through a Champion juicer, collecting the juicy pulp in a bowl Remove the flesh from the avocado(s) and, using a fork, mash the avocado into the carrot pulp. Add the dulse and bell pepper to the carrot-avocado mixture, and serve. Optional: scoop out bell pepper and stuff with the carrot-avocado mixture.

Mashed "Potatoes"
by RoseLee Calabro 6 C chopped cauliflower 1/4 c flax oil Spike All Purpose Seasoning to taste Process cauliflower in a food processor with "S" blade, chop until "grainy". In a large pot, slow cooker, or electric skillet on the lowest temperature, add oil, spices and cauliflower, stirring and tossing until coated and warmed to 105 degrees. Serve with Mushroom Gravy.

Vegetable Kebabs
1 zucchini 1/2 cauliflower 1 red bell pepper 2 carrots 1 onion 2 inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 2 cloves garlic 1/2 C Braggs

2 C water 1/2 t cayenne 1 t basil 1 t oregano Clean and cut first six vegetables into chunks. Blend remaining ingredients and pour over vegetables in bowl. Marinate overnight in refrigerator. Put onto wooden skewers and dehydrate for 24 hours at 105 degrees.

Veggie Burgers
1 large red onion 1 large bell pepper 3 carrots 1 small head cauliflower 1 lg. stalk broccoli 1 C almonds, soaked 12-24 hours 1 C sunflower seeds, soaked 5-6 hours 1/4 C sesame seeds, soaked 5-6 hours 5 cloves garlic 2 T Braggs or to taste 1 t cumin 2 T dried Cilantro or 1-2 C fresh Blend all of the above ingredients and seasonings in a juicer with solid plate, or a food processor. This blended food is your patty mixture. Form and put 1/2" thick patties on a teflex sheet and place trays in dehydrator. Dehydrate at 105 degrees for 8-12 hours or until desired texture is obtained. Flip your burgers after 4 hours and remove teflex sheets, continue to dehydrate for 4-5 hours or until desired moisture is obtained.

Slivered Veggie Chop Suey

by Nomi Shannon Almost any vegetable works in this recipe, the secret lies in making the longest and thinnest slivers that you can manage. They will pick up the taste of the seasonings and are fun to eat and easy to digest. It is worth the effort! 2 Carrots, slivered (by hand or use mandoline) 2 stalks celery, peeled and slivered 1 red pepper, slivered 2 Cups thinly sliced Bok Choy, leaves and stems 1 small zucchini, slivered

1 cup green beans, slivered 1 cup snow peas or snap peas 1 cup mung sprouts 1 cup sunflower sprouts 1 cup clover sprouts 1 small red onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/4 cup chopped cilantro 2 teaspoons ginger juice, or 1 Tablespoon minced ginger 2 Tablespoons sesame oil, or more to taste 2 Tablespoons Tamari 4 pieces of Nori, cut in 1/2" strips Toss well. Serves 6-8 Option: To use as a main course or a one dish meal, add 2 cups soaked pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or almonds.

Zucchini Surprise
3 shredded zucchini 2 red apples cut in small pieces 1 avocado cut in small slices cumin to taste 1. Mix all ingredients together and serve

Flax Seed Hero by David Klein 1.Soak 1/3 lb. or more flax seeds in a bowl overnight. 2. After 12 hours, chop up a small white onion into small bits then mix into the seeds. 3. Place fine nylon window screen mesh over your dehydrator tray. 4. Using a spatula, spread the seeds on the screen and shape into a flat long sub shape. Make any size and more than one if desired. 5. Dehydrate until dry. If still moist inside, that's ok - chewy is nice! 6. Hero filler: be creative. Try salsa made from chopped tomato, celery, onion, cilantro, etc.

Spaghetti and tomato sauce

From: Angie Marie

Ingredients: 1 medium to large zucchini 5 small vine ripened tomatoes 1-2 cloves of garlic 10 leaves of fresh basil two table spoons of olive oil (optional) dash of cayenne pepper ( optional) sea salt ( optional) Tools: food processor saladacco ( a vegetable slicer that turns the zucchini into long spaghetti-like strands) Set the spaghetti aside into the serving dish. Cut the zucchini in half (not lengthwise ) "process" both halves through the saladacco . This turns it into "spaghetti". Quarter the tomatoes and place them along with the garlic, and basil in food processor. Using the "s" blade process it for about 3o seconds. This gives a chunkier texture. If you want it finer, process it a bit longer. Pour the mixture into a medium sized bowl and add one to two table spoons of olive oil and the cayenne pepper. Mix gently to distribute all the ingredients. Pour the sauce over your spaghetti and enjoy!

Raw Hummus
Contributed by: Shayla Roop 1 c. chick pea sprouts (sprouted overnight) Juice of 1 lemon or lime (I prefer lime) 2 T. fresh orange juice 1 clove garlic 2 T. raw tahini Optional seasonings: ground cumin, spike or sea salt to taste, chives, paprika, cayenne pepper Blend all of the ingredients. Add water to thin to desired consistency. Very delicious spread on leafy greens or red bell pepper strips or even celery. Enjoy!

Rueben Burritos
Guacamole: 2 avocados per person 2 green onions chopped

2 radishes finely diced 1/2 cucumber finely diced some chopped dulse some chopped fresh cilantro optional: 2 diced cayenne peppers, or cayenne powder some lemon juice 2 Tbls. of olive oil mash together and season with celtic sea salt and add: 2 chopped roma tomatoes, or home grown if you have them Bubbie's Saurkraut in a glass jar: open the jar and place some sauerkraut in a bowl... Whole Romaine Leaves: wash and dry and display on platter Basil, Garlic Lemonette: 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice 1-1 1/2 cups olive oil, depending on how lemony you like it fistfull of fresh basil leaves 3 or 4 cloves of garlic celtic sea salt squirt of honey blend well, put in a community bowl: serves two Roll up guacamole and sauerkraut in the romaine leaves and spoon on the lemonette as you eat the burritos.....bring a roll of paper towels to the table, and roll up your sleeves.....slurp.........

Sprouted Sunflower Seed Veggie Patties

Compliments of Rick Dina, D.C. lb. (1 + 3/4 cups) Raw and unsalted sunflower seeds

Soak for 8 hours in purified water. Rinse and allow to sprout for 1 day.

1 head celery 1 large red onion 4 carrots 3 cloves garlic 2 lemons, juiced

Add lemon juice, celery, garlic and onion to Food Processor. Blend thoroughly with the S-Blade. Then add the carrots and blend thoroughly again. Add the sprouted sunflower seeds last and mix for several minutes. (You may have to do this in 2 batches if the Food Processor is not large enough.) At this point, this batter is great as a sprouted seed pate. You can stuff half a pepper with it, use as a dip, or roll it in nori sheets. Now take a cup measure, and put scoops of the mixture onto dehydrator sheets, with either teflex, or wax paper covering. Arrange into nice patty shapes, or whatever shape you desire. Dehydrate at less than 110 degrees Fahrenheit for about 12-14 hours. Then flip the patties, and dehydrate for another few hours so the bottoms are not too soggy. Now you have live sprouted sunseed veggie patties!! You can add pieces to raw pasta, add pieces to a raw vegetable salad for an interesting taste and higher caloric density, or best yet, make them into raw sandwiches.

Raw Sandwiches
Place one or two pieces (depending on the size of the leaf) of red or green leaf lettuce on a plate. Place one of the sunseed patties on the lettuce. Next place one slice of a tomato on top of the patty. Then add a few slices from of an avocado on top of the tomato. On top of this you can add a little bit of soaked and rinsed dulse. Wrap everything up in the lettuce and eat! The ultimate raw sandwich!!

John's Living Angel Hair Pasta

by John H. Kohler Ingredients: 3 zucchini (green, yellow, sunburst or ???) 16 oz cherry tomatoes (very flavorful) or 1 lb. regular tomatoes) 1/2 small white onion a few fresh basil leaves 1 or 2 cloves of garlic 1 red, orange or yellow bell pepper (not green) 2 tsp. "pizza seasoning" - dried (Italian spices) dulse flakes to taste 2 tablespoons of chia seeds (optional) A little Olive Oil (optional) Most recipes that make a "marinara sauce" always used sun dried tomatoes. Since I strive to eat minimally processed foods, and less dried (concentrated foods) I came up with this alternative recipe to the "conventional" marinara sauces that used dried tomatoes as a thickener. In my recipe, the chia seeds will help to thicken the sauce.

Directions: 1. Use a Spiral Slicer (Saladacco) to turn the zucchini into angel hair pasta. 2. Place all items (except for chia seeds) in a food processor or blender, and PULSE CHOP to a "chunky" consistency.. I don't recommend pureeing the mixture. 3. Pour sauce into a bowl and add chia seeds, stirring them to the sauce. Allow to "set" for 30 minutes to allow sauce to thicken. 4. Pour Sauce over pasta and enjoy :) The above amount is for a one or two person serving. You might need to make more.

The Roots of Disease By Bill Henderson

*************** "In their addiction for the slogan 'save the tooth,' dentists increasingly lose the patient." - M. H. Fischer, M.D. "Like the metastasis of cancer, microorganisms from teeth and tonsils metastasize to other organs and result in similar circumstances." - E. C. Rosenow, M.D. This week my web talk radio show is devoted to the subject of root canal-filled teeth and cavitations. I was hoping to interview Robert Kulacz, D.D.S., a famous dentist and author of the great book "The Roots of Disease -- Connecting Dentistry and Medicine." Unfortunately, he declined at the last minute. He is literally "in exile" in the U.S. under a different name. The QuackWatch idiots harassed him to the point where he felt he had to abandon his dental practice and go into hiding to protect his family. After first agreeing to be interviewed on my show this week and essentially come out of hiding, he finally decided that he wasn't ready yet for that big step. I simply can't let the issue of root canal teeth and "cavitations" lie. There are too many of us who unwittingly are having our health ruined by well-meaning dentists. "Save the tooth at all costs," they say. That cost frequently is your life. In almost every case, it is your health eventually. Every week I talk to 10-12 cancer patients on the phone. It always amazes me that almost all of them have one or more root canal-filled teeth. One lady the other day had thirteen. Even one root canal filling can cause any type of cancer. Most people have no clue how toxic these things are. I've interviewed two experts on root canal fillings. They both used the same phrase. They said the toxins coming out of the root canal-filled tooth are "more toxic than botulism." One of these two experts, Dr. Thomas Levy, who has written two books on this subject, said that he and Dr. Hal Huggins, a prominent dentist in Colorado Springs pulled out over 5,000 root canal- filled teeth in a study they did from 1994 to 2000. Each one was taken to the lab and tested. Dr. Levy said that every single one had these incredible toxins coming out of it. You can listen to a talk by Dr. Levy at the Cancer Control Society convention in Los Angeles last Labor Day weekend. The link to the 30 minute video of this talk is in an article in my November 20th, 2008 newsletter. You can access it here: http://www.Beating-Cancer-Gently.com/124.nl.html The toxins from each root canal filled tooth are fed into your blood stream 24/7 in the form of "thioethers." This is a gas coming from the "poop" of the anaerobic (no oxygen required) bacteria inside the dentin of the root canal filled tooth. The dentist who does root canal fillings will tell you that he/she cleans the bacteria out of the tooth with antibiotics when the filling is done. This is not possible. This was proved beyond doubt in a study done early in the 1900's. The bacteria inside the millions of tiny "tubules" inside

even the smallest tooth mutate into anaerobic bacteria once the circulation through the tooth is cut off. These bacteria are a thousand times more toxic than any other bacteria. In 1925, Dr. Weston Price and his research team completed their 20-year study of root canal fillings. They concluded (in 1,174 pages of study information) that there was no safe way to do a root canal filling. The 30-50 million of these done every year in the U.S. are done exactly as they were done in the 1920's. Dr. Price's study has been suppressed by the dental professional organizations ever since it was completed because of a controversy at the time over the concept of "focal infection." This just means that an infection in one part of the body can affect organs distant from it. This concept is taught as fact in every medical school and dental school today. At the time, however, it was controversial. The faction which did not believe in this concept won out. As a result hundreds of millions of people's health around the world has been ruined over the last 84 years and is still being ruined today. Of course, if the American Dental Association (ADA) or the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) were to admit the truth of this statement, they would be sued out of existence immediately. So, the denial of this well-researched fact continues. You need not be a victim of this criminal cover-up. Knowledge is power, folks. If you have root canal fillings, you need to get educated on this subject NOW. The fact you may have had the root canal fillings for decades is not relevant. The challenge they put on your immune system is constant. All that is required for cancer tumors or leukemia or melanoma or lymphoma to develop is some additional stress to your immune system. Of course, if you're not aware of what I just told you, you'd never attribute what you have to what's in your mouth. No oncologist ever examined a cancer patient's dental records. Has your dentist followed up on you to see what the health consequences were of the root canal-filled teeth he/she put in your mouth? I doubt it. The question I always get when I discuss this subject with the cancer patient is "What will replace the tooth?" We have all been convinced by our dentists that the cosmetics of our smile are the most important thing about our teeth. Well, there are lots of options -- partial plates, bridges, etc. Implants are not one, according to the experts I trust. However, what is done to replace the removed teeth is the least of your worries. If you want to restore your health, the first priority is getting these toxic poison factories out of your mouth. Please don't take my word for this, folks. You need to do some research of your own. Here are two books to get you started: "The Roots of Disease -- Connecting Dentistry and Medicine" by Robert Kulacz, D.D.S and Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D. This book was published in 2002 and is available at Amazon.com for $15.88. "Root Canal Cover-Up" by George E. Meinig, D.D.S., F.A.C.D. This book, first published in 1994, has been updated frequently by Dr. Meinig. He passed away in 2008 at 91. In the last 14 years of his life, he spent all his energy and time educating dentists and lay people about the hazards of root canal fillings and cavitations. He was particularly credible because he had spent 50 years as an endodontist (root canal specialist) before he discovered Dr. Price's research papers shortly after his retirement in 1993. Among other things, this book has a detailed description you can show your dentist about how to properly remove a root canal-filled tooth. This book has become a collector's item and is available at Amazon.com for

$164.99 and up. If I were ordering it today, I'd call the Price-Pottenger Foundation in La Mesa, California. Their phone number is (800) 366-3748. CAVITATIONS To avoid "cavitations" in the jaw, extractions of teeth need to be done properly. Always, it is necessary to remove some of the bone in the "socket" the tooth came from and the ligament which had held the tooth in place. If this is not done, the result is a "cavitation." This is a hole in the jaw which, once the bone has healed around it, is a home for the same kind of anaerobic bacteria which are in root canal-filled teeth. Wisdom tooth removal is a prime example of this type of problem, but it can occur with any extraction. Last Saturday, I watched Dr. Chris Hussar, probably the most competent oral surgeon in the U.S., remove a cavitation for a gentleman in his Reno, Nevada office. The area where Dr. Hussar was working was the gum where a wisdom tooth had been removed about 30 years before. The gentleman had prostate cancer and a prostatectomy (prostate removal) a couple of years before. The cancer was back in the bones in his groin -- a common place for metastasis of prostate cancer. The tooth Dr. Hussar worked on was on the exact meridian of the prostate gland. This was no coincidence. I asked Dr. Hussar what percentage of wisdom tooth removals had this type of cavitation. He said "99%." In my experience, ALL cancers in a person with root canal-filled teeth are caused by the teeth. There may be other contributing causes (emotional trauma/stress, diet, etc.) but Priority 1 to begin the healing process is to get the root canal-filled teeth removed. I have seen hundreds of cases where the person has tried all kinds of conventional and alternative treatments. Nothing works. When they get their mouth cleaned up, they get well. The biggest problem I've found is finding a competent dentist or oral surgeon to remove the tooth (teeth) properly. There are several directories. I mentioned one in my November 20th newsletter (see above). There is another one put together by Dr. Levy and Dr. Huggins of dentists qualified to do this work. You can call for a referral from this directory. The number to call is (866) 948-4638 (Mountain Time). It is best to be cautious about any of these referrals. What I would recommend is that you get "up to speed" on how this procedure should be done and try to find a dentist or oral surgeon who will listen to you. To help you with that project, I'm going to give you the exact protocol your dentist or oral surgeon should follow. Print it out and show it to them. Keep doing that until you find one who will cooperate. Here is an excerpt from the "Root Canal Cover-Up" book (see above) explaining the procedure for removing a root canal-filled tooth (or any other tooth). Dr. Meinig, the author of the book invited people to copy this protocol and give it to their dentist or oral surgeon. I second his urging. You must take charge of this project. "Protocol for Removal of a Root Canal-Filled Tooth In view of the problems of cavitation, it is suggested that dentists and oral surgeons who remove teeth adopt the following protocol. This is not the only way this procedure can be carried out but it is one that has been used successfully since 1990.

After the tooth has been removed, slow speed drilling with a number 8 round burr is used to remove one millimeter of the entire bony socket, including the apex area. The purpose of this procedure is to remove the peridontal ligament and the first millimeter of bone, as they are usually infected with bacteria and the toxins that live in the dentin tubules. The peridontal ligament is always infected, and most of the time the adjacent bone is likewise diseased. While this procedure is being done, irrigate the socket with sterile saline via a Monoject 412, 12cc syringe. This syringe has a curved plastic tip and is very handy in carrying out this procedure. Two or three syringes of solution may be needed. They are much easier to use than one large 50cc syringe. The purpose of the flushing action is to remove the contaminated bone as it is cut. In cutting the bone, not only are the toxins removed, but the bone is 'perturbed.' This perturbation of the bone stimulates a change from osteocyte to osteoblast cells. The blast cells are the ones that generate new bone formation. After the socket has been cut, it should be filled with a non-vasoconstrictor local anesthetic. Allow the liquid local anesthetic to set for about thirty (30) seconds. Next, suction should be applied gently to the socket area so that the majority of the anesthetic is removed, but there is still a substantial coating of the anesthetic over the bony interior. This further perturbs the bone cells to encourage osteoblastic action and bone healing. The simple procedures provided in this protocol may be copied by readers. When this protocol is followed, the tooth socket usually heals much more rapidly, with less bleeding and pain. The procedures provided in this protocol should be used by dentists or physicians, in order to assure that patients having infected teeth removed will also have all adjoining infected tissue removed, thereby facilitating full return to health

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