13 P. Palm Beach County GOP Newsletter - June 2012

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Republican Party of Palm Beach County

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Newsletter of the Republican Party of Palm Beach County, Florida June 2012

Message From Chairman Sid Dinerstein: Were All Catholics Now

Elections are funny things. We started in 2008 with a referendum on Iraq so we nominated war hero and foreign policy maven John McCain. We ended in 2008 with a referendum on TARP and wished we had nominated super businessman Mitt Romney instead. Welcome to 2012. Were starting with a referendum on jobs/deficits and this time we have Romney up at bat. But maybe, just maybe, were going to end with a referendum on the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the United States of America. Then its the Catholics and the Mormon versus the Atheists and the Anointed One. They started it. They had so many votes in Congress that they shoved Obamacare down our throats, effective subjecting one sixth of our economy to Crony Capitalism, or Obamanomics. Then came the deal: President Obama would be honored at Notre Dame University and, in exchange, (my version) no Obamacare bureaucrat would require a religious organization to supply products or services that run counter to their teachings. Think about it. The Catholic Church asked pro abortion, pro death panel, pro death tax President Obama for his word on protecting the sanctity of life through the Conscience Clause. You cant make this stuff up. Needless to say, the Obama Administration, having no conscience, lied. The Conscience Clause was revoked for the Catholic Community, hospitals included. Do you want to know why I like the Catholic Church? I like them because they know what they believe in and are proud to share it. They dont always practice what they preach. But they never lower the standards of their preaching to make the practicing easier. Theyre in the Morality business, not the FCAT business. And so the 2012 line in the sand is drawn. Are we One Nation Under God? Or are we just another godless nation under the Anointed One? November cant come soon enough.

Candidates Forum For the Western Communities

Candidates for public and Party offices visited President Janeen Capizola and the Best in the West for the Palms West Republican Clubs first annual Evening with Our Candidates forum at the Binks Forest Golf Club during the clubs May meeting. Candidates pictured from left to right: James Ryan OHara for State Representative, Melanie Peterson for State Senate Dist. 34, Geoff Sommers for State Senate Dist. 34, Tami Donnally for State House, Cindy Tindell for State Committeewoman, Fran Hancock for State Committeewoman, and Dina Keever for Palm Beach County State Attorney. Pictures courtesy of Marisol Guntkowski.

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June 2012 issue of the Newsletter, published monthly by the Republican Party of Palm Beach County. The views and conclusions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial staff, REC Board of Directors, or the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee. Letters to the editor are welcomed but should be no longer than 500 words and may be edited for length and content. All submissions are property of their respective authors and may not be reproduced without prior permission of the author. Any comments, questions, or other feedback should be directed to michael.barnett1@gmail.com.



Sid Dinerstein, Chairman Margi Helschien, Vice Chair Michael A. Barnett, Secretary Ira Sabin, Treasurer Fran Hancock, State Committeewoman Peter Feaman, National Committeeman
In This Issue
Atlas Shrugged By Margi Helschien Message from Peter Feaman Black Republican Caucus of PBC Watchdog TAB Nips at Commissions Heels Turner-4-Senate By Pete Stubben Reflection on Memorial Day By Cindy Tindell Bitter Pill for Big Sugar By George Blumel FFYR Annual Meeting By Brittany Bruce GOP Action Center Summer Business PlanBy Ian Berkowitz Gov. Scott Visits Boca Raton Republicans 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9

REPUBLICAN PARTY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY Mission Statement The Republican Party of Palm Beach County is committed to promoting Republican ideals and principles; recruiting and electing qualified candidates for public office; developing a grassroots organization that will motivate the electorate to vote; and raising the funds necessary to complete these objectives. www.pbcgop.org

It was a party all weekend in Palm Beach! Young Republicans Vice President Brittany Bruce, left, is pictured with President Renee Elizabeth Boger at Nick & Johnnies restaurant. The Palm Beach YRs hosted the FFYR annual meeting that brought young conservative Republican professionals and activists from across the state. See more photos and the full story on page 7.

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Atlas Shrugged
By Margi Helschien, Vice Chairman, Republican Party of Palm Beach County FLORIDA, always in the limelight! In 2000 it was the hanging chads. In 2008 there were the primary election in which officials discovered, during a recount of a close judicial race, that more than 3,400 ballots had mysteriously disappeared after they were initially counted on election day. In 2012 it is 183,000 ineligible voters. But hey, we are not the only state with a few issues.
In Maryland, Montgomery County has the "Bag Tax". That's right, when you buy an item from a store, you must pay for the bag or you can bring your own. There is even a Volunteer force that polices the Bag Tax. The bag tax snitches turn the business into the county, over the nickel bag fee if the business does not charge for the bag. Volunteers are encouraged to rat out businesses that do not charge the bag tax fee and the businesses must offer a customer a bag or they can get in trouble for that too. After all, the county needs their money. If you order carryout, do you get charged for the bag that your food now comes in? Yes, you certainly do! Can you imagine grocery shopping with a cart full of groceries, and you run the groceries quickly to your car after purchasing your items as if you are a looter, because you do not want to have to pay for the bags. So there you are, in your car loading up the trunk and back seat as smaller items fall and you stack up items as carefully as you can. Now when businesses plan for their costs they have to include the price of bags, right? So, if there are no more bags to give to customers then shouldn't the prices go down in stores? No, that has not happened. What does happen is that the government makes more money than these small businesses, thus, making the businesses become surrogate tax collectors. And, in case you wondered, the Bag Tax does not apply to retail establishments owned and operated by the Federal or State government.

So people in Florida, breathe a sigh of relief, because you thought you had problems to worry about, but now you know in Florida at least we do not have the "Bag tax".

Message From National CommitteemanElect Peter Feaman:

Greetings fellow political warriors: First, thanks to all of you for everything you do for the cause of the Republican Party and our Republican candidates. I commend you all for your passion, enthusiasm and hard work. As most of you know, I attended my first Republican National Committee meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona on April 19, 20 and 21, 2012. Mitt Romney spoke to all of us at a luncheon and the content of his speech and the way he delivered it were, quite frankly, excellent. As much as we did not like the drawn-out primary season, it has served our candidate well. We always knew he was a man of substance, but Romneys oratorical skills have improved dramatically as well. Right now, the polls show that Romney and Obama are in a statistical dead heat here in Florida. While many of us are busy helping our local candidates, lets not forget that what matters most in 2012 is to make sure the moving van parks in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on November 7, 2012Destination Chicago. I look forward to seeing you at the next REC meeting, at your Republican Club meeting or the next campaign event. Sincerely,

Peter Feaman,
National Committeeman-Elect

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Black Republicans Respond to Reverend Keith Ratliffs Resignation from the NAACP
The Executive Board of the Black Republican Caucus of Palm Beach County applauds Rev. Keith Ratliff Sr. and his courageous decision to resign from the board of the NAACP. We proudly stand with Rev. Ratliff to support, defend, and uphold the sanctity of marriage that this great nation has honored, and we believe that the vows of marriage should remain between a man and woman. We call on all leaders in the NAACP and South Floridas African American communities to echo Rev. Ratliff and reaffirm these family values that African Americans hold truly sacred. ###
190 Atlantis Drive, Atlantis, FL 33462 561-602-3777 rccpbc.gopclubpb.org President: Tami Donnally

Watchdog TAB Nips at Commissions Heels

Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to exercise oversight. - Thomas Jefferson Standing as the embodiment of the above-quoted maxim, Taxpayer Action Board member Fred Scheibl brought the PBC Republican Central Club membership up to speed on the current proposed 2013 County Budget at their latest meeting. Focused as the TAB coalition is on wasteful, redundant, and unnecessary spending, the former IBM Systems Development Engineer said that the fruits of their hard labor in 2012 had paid off, and that they would not object to the Commissions proposal in its current form. A millage rate increase of 0.4%, from 4.7185 to 4.7984, he felt was within the bounds of toleration, although keeping it flat would have been much preferred. Via a welldocumented PowerPoint Presentation and appropriate anecdotes, Scheibl explained the revenue sources and expenditures of the County, the political landscape of its voting Districts, the unbreakable grip held by the Sheriffs Office, and the positive changes implemented over the past year and hopes for the future. He praised the use of excessive reserve funds for plugging one-time shortfalls, and revealed that Palm Tran is 90% government-subsidized yet is asking for a % sales tax increase. He described negotiations on a new Fire/Rescue contract as bordering on the farcical, and warned against a proposal to create a new Tax District for the benefit of the Office of Inspector General an exercise in raw politics. Scheibl reminded the gathering that vigilance by the TAB coalition and concerned citizens was the only way to rein in excessive tax-and-spend tendencies by this heavily Democratic county, and not to hesitate to become involved. For instructional purposes, a County District Map and PBC Election Guide for 2012 may be found at www.pbctab.org

Black Republican Caucus of Palm Beach County

Michael Barnett Chairman Hugh W. Brown Vice Chairman

Wendy Kelly Secretary

Sean P. Jackson Treasurer

"The Black Republican Caucus of Palm Beach County (BRCPBC) is committed to promoting Republican ideals and principles, developing a strong, effective and informed BRCPBC, expanding BRCPBC membership, increasing black Republican voter registration, providing a communication bridge between the black community and Republican leadership of Palm Beach County, promoting an informed electorate through political education, encouraging BRCPBC membership in the Republican Party and political involvement at all levels of government, and helping to secure the election of all duly nominated Republican candidates in the General Election and registered Republicans in non-partisan elections."


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away and all who live along the southern flanks of Brooklyn and Queens would engender such political attention in Albany! Who knew? Who knew that while eviscerated but unbowed by the Albany elite, Rockaway's Bob Turner is now planning to bring his commonsense, bloat-busting message to the halls of the United States Senate. He seeks to speak not just for CD#9 (the now departed CD9), but for all 19 and a half million New Yorkers. His opponent will be Governor Patterson's 'appointed-in-the-back-room' Kirsten Gillibrand. Senator Gillibrand is the un-Cuomo...the most liberal Senator in the entire United States Senate and a stirring voice for dysfunction and bloat. Turner seeks to override this voice - this dysfunction - not thru a back-room deal in the middle of the night, but thru a spirited and open and transparent and public election this November. Two Tuesdays from Today is the NY State Republican Primary...June 26th. Turnout is essential. If you are a registered Republican and live here in The Rockaways, I hope you choose Bob Turner 6/26. If you live anywhere in Kings or Queens Counties and you're a registered Republican, I hope you choose Bob Turner 6/26. If by any chance you're a registered Republican and live in the bureaucratically bloated and hypertaxed Nassau or Suffolk Counties, I hope you choose Bob Turner. Or, if you live up-river or across the Southern Tier in one of NY's 58 other counties and you're a registered Republican, please choose Bob Turner 6/26. End the back rooms and the bloat...remember the emperor penguin that could and does...send Turner to the fall campaign.

Commentary on Things Present By Pete Stubben

The people heard and elected Turner with an astounding 5-point victorious margin.

The emperor penguin, the world's largest at three feet, schlumps out of the sea and wabbles worse than a duck. Any offshore winds, it seems from their unsteady gait, should easily topple 'em. Who knew? Who knew that this creature wabbles for fortyplus miles through some of the most inhospitable territory on earth into semi-secluded valleys where they breed and incubate their offspring (the egg) amidst the coldest and windiest winters on earth!!! And come spring, they then march back to the sea. It's so amazing and startling that today this breed of emperor penguins is no longer considered just a great aptenodyte, they're rock stars!!! Three years ago Bob Turner schlumped out of his family-life and his business-life and wabbled into politics. Having learned no one was running in Rockaway's 9th Congressional District to challenge the destructive politics of leftist liberalism, Peggy suggested to Bob, 'Why don't U run?' Who knew? Who knew that when his wife coaxed him to run, Turner would get a very respectable 40% of the vote; and that Anthony Weiner - the incumbent Congressman - would actually be knocking on doors in The Rockaways during the campaign for the first time in 12 years. Who knew? Who knew that after Rockaway's Congressman disgraced himself into abdication, Bob Turner facing odds stacked 3 to 1 against him - shocked the Democratic machines of both Brooklyn and Queens to win the support of the people. He did so not by fist-thumping or splendiferous oratory, and not by extraordinary promises, but with a common-sense campaign to stop the federal bloat. The State Legislature heard too! Six months later, in the dead of a gloomy March night, Albany showed who was boss and eliminated Rockaway's new voice in the United States Congress. 'No Pete, that's impossible...that's not democracy...no, they couldn't have done that.' Unfortunately they could and they did. The 9th Congressional District - Rockaway's Congressional District - was simply eliminated by Albany at midnight on Mar 15th. Dead, gone, kerplunk. The tragic, taxpayer exodus out of NY State since the 1960's - recently confirmed by the latest US Census - charged the State Legislature with eliminating two of NY's Congressional seats. This mass NY exodus for better pay and for a better life though has been from upstate NY...NOT FROM NY CITY. Since the '60's New York City gained 2 million residents (in some small part by the common-sense governance of Ed Koch, Rudy Giuliani and Mike Bloomberg), while the rest of the Empire state lost some 5.4 millions (in some small part due to Albany's dysfunctional governance). No matter these details, there was hell to pay and scores to settle, so Albany eliminated Rockaway's CD9 in the dead of the night. Who knew? Who knew that Rock-

Pete Stubben

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Reflection on Memorial Day

By Cindy Tindell On Wednesday, May 23, 2012, members and guests of the Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches had the honor of listening to Col. Arthur DeRuve give a moving tribute to our troops and veterans. He began by discussing this nation's very origins as a revolutionary effort led by Gen. George Washington, and his troops, who were successful in throwing off the yoke of autocracy and in laying the foundation of freedom that we enjoy to this day. In fact, many of us didnt know that the first line in the Marines Hymn, From the Halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli, refers to two of our first battles as an independent nation our fight with our southern neighbor Mexico and our first encounter with Muslim extremists who governed the Northwest African Muslim states of Tripoli and Algiers. He then traced our wars and struggles with enemies - both human and idea -- through our history and pointed out that at each critical juncture, it was our troops who played a decisive role in our ability to prevail.

Bitter Pill for Big Sugar But Sweet for Consumers and Jobs
By George Blumel

Jobs, jobs, jobs --where have they gone? Mitt Romney says he can get the unemployment rate down below 5% and I believe him. Heck, even I know how. Its obvious and proven in history as late as the Reagan administration: get the government out of the way and jobs will be created all over the place. Romney states the obvious like the pipeline from Canada, drilling our own oil and cutting taxes and eliminating strangling regulations, very few of which have any tangible benefits. Heres one place to start to bring back some jobs: stop protecting the fat cats at Big Sugar. A couple of years ago in a letter in the Wall Street Journal I disputed a sugar industrys spokesmans assertion in that paper that "sugar policy operates at no cost to the government." In fact, I pointed out then and it is worse now--there is a huge cost for the protection of U.S. sugar companies. Investors Business Daily noted recently an Iowa State University study found that the federal sugar program costs U.S. consumers roughly $3.5 billion a year and deprives the workforce of 20,000 jobs. This New Deal-era framework of barriers on sugar imports and of price supports for domestic sugar is a racket that benefits only a few, in particular the Fanjul family of Florida. The Big Sugar guy claimed there is no cost because the U.S. government does not directly subsidize sugar. But its tariff policy raises the price of sugar, so U.S. consumers pay the subsidy in the form of much higher sugar prices and job losses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that during a five-year period beginning in 1997, more than 10,000 jobs were lost in the sugarcontaining industries. The Commerce Department has determined that for every sugar-growing or sugarharvesting job the sugar program saves, nearly three sugar-related manufacturing jobs are lost.
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Col. Arthur DeRuve with Club President Cindy Tindell

On Memorial Day, we honor those who have fought for our freedom, those who have laid the path for us to have the health, wealth, and environment of opportunity that we have today. We gave a special pause for all of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice that we can remain free.

Cindy Tindell
President of the Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches and Candidate for State Committeewoman

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with the voting and results of the $100 gas card competition. Each of the contestants read off their paragraph of why they deserved the gas card, and everyone voted by applause. Following the delicious Gelato Bar, everyone left Nick & Johnnies to begin the highly anticipated Re-Pub crawl at World Of beer, and continuing down selected bars on Clematis street in downtown West Palm Beach. Each bar that was on the schedule featured specials just for FFYR. It was another great way to have fun, get to know each other, network, and meet & greet while everyone experienced nightlife in Palm Beach. Broward YRs Nick Stone and Jess Osman

Palm Beach Young Republicans FFYR Annual Meeting

By Brittany Bruce

This Past weekend, the Florida Federation of Young Republicans (FFYR) held their big Annual Meeting right here, in Palm Beach County. The itinerary began with check-in at the Colony Hotel, at 4:00pm on Friday evening (June 8th). From there, the majority of the activities took place in and around the Palm Beach Island area.
Everyone gathered at Cha Chas on Worth Avenue, for an unlimited happy hour that evening. Young Republicans representing counties from ALL OVER the State of Florida were able to make their first introductions and socialize. The celebration/welcoming evening continued through the night covering BB Kings blues club in City Place, and Cuchina Del Arte on the Island, as well. Included in the hotel fee was a free sit-down breakfast buffet graciously provided by the Colony Hotel. By 11:00am everyone gathered at Nick & Johnnies for workshops and break-out sessions. After a lunch Buffet was served, two of the four Candidates for US Senate spoke briefly as well. Following those speakers there was a straw poll for US Senate, which George LeMieux won by a landslide. After a two and a half hour break/free-time, everyone gathered back at Nick & Johnnies for cocktail hour. Following cocktail hour the main room opened up for dinner, where there were three speakers. Margi Helschien was the first speaker. She spoke on behalf of the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee encouraging young Republicans with a pep talk to become active in their communities. Peter Feaman, State and National Committeeman followed Margi with a motivational speech and introduced the Keynote speaker, Neil Boortz, a famous radio talkshow host. After the speakers were through, the Palm Beach County Young Republicans Board (Renee, Brittany, Emily, and Brock) ended

At 9:30am, Sunday morning, all of the delegates and eligible FFYR voting members gathered for breakfast at the Colony where elections took place and a new board was voted into the FFYR, as well as representatives for each district. ***If you are interested in getting involved, please note that the next PBCYR meeting is going to be held 5:30pm Thursday, June 28th at Cha Chas in Palm Beach. The panel of speakers confirmed includes: Margi Helschien (Vice Chairwoman of the PBC REC), Peter Feaman (current state and national committeeman), and Cindy Tindell. (candidate for state committeewoman). The topic is local involvement and activism at the County level. Cant make it to our June Meeting? We hope you can be with us for our July 26th meeting! We are SO excited to host our featured speaker, Dina Keever, candidate for State Attorney. It is going to be held at Cha Chas on Worth Avenue in Palm Beach at 5:30pm Thursday, July 26th. We hope to see you all there! Annual PBCYR Membership fee is $25.00. Join today! www.pbcyr.com

Peter Feaman, Neal Boortz, and Margi Helschien

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Dont forget also that the huge subsidies for ethanol, FedGov mandates for its use and protective tariffs are raising the cost of corn syrup, a main competitor of big sugar. The combination of tariffs and subsidies are disrupting the market in sugar at the expense of taxpayers and consumers. This may sound like a small part of the unemployment problem we face but if one looks at the totality of the numerous uncountable, really-- departments, agencies and special laws favoring the big political contributors (crony capitalism) that if attacked from a jobs perspective, makes the 5% unemployment rate goal eminently doable.

GOP Action Center is Up and Running

George Blumel
The Boca Raton Republican Club, Inc. is proud to sponsor the Boca Raton GOP Action Center once again this election season. Candidates are welcome to bring their materials to the office, so that the public may learn about each candidate. Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney will have an office in the facility allowing people to get materials, signs, bumper stickers, t-shirts, etc for their home. We will be making lots and lots of phone calls from our office! We are conveniently located in Boca Raton off of Yamato and 441 and we will be opening in a few weeks. We welcome everyone for an hour or for a day; no matter what your age and no matter what you can do, we welcome you! Day or night; this is your office, so help us to have a 2012 Victory! Bitter Pill continued from page 6 The two-tier tariff on imported sugar gives countries a quota. They can export sugar into the U.S. at a relatively low tariff up to the amount of the quota, after which a much higher tariff is levied, raising the price of imported sugar well above the world price, allowing U.S. sugar farmers to sell their sugar at prices well above world-market prices. US sugar prices are more than twice that of Canadas, which explains why big candy companies moved there. The benefit, of course, goes to the domestic sugar producers that are mostly large, profitable companies that, not so coincidentally, contribute huge sums to politicians of both parties. So, you could say that the benefit goes also to the career politicians who take their money to insure reelection. (Term limits on congress, anyone? www.termlimits.org ) www.posterchildrenfortermlimits.com

Start your summer the Red, RIGHT, & Blue way with us! The Palms West Republican Club cordially invites you to join us for our

Summer GOPalooza

1st Annual Summer GOPalooza!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012, at 6:00 pm

Utopia @ Polo West

2470 Greenview Cove Dr., Wellington
(Off of South Shore Blvd, between Big Blue Trace and Greenview Shores)

Appetizers & Cash Bar

Dinner Menu available

$10.00 Members $15.00 Guests RSVP to: palmswestrc@gmail.com Come meet the candidates, socialize, and network with your fellow Club Members & Guests. Bring your business cards!

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my shopping experience better. It may seem a bit unrealistic for a business to care so much about a customers experience but those types of actions taken by employees on behalf of their employers are well-defined and carefully choreographed i.e. part of a well-developed business plan. A business plan forces you to take your thoughts and put them on paper. Once your ideas are on paper you are almost forced to make it happen. There have been numerous case studies where individuals who have gone through the procedure of writing a business plan have a higher success rate in business than those that dont memorialize their goals and strategies in writing. No matter what challenges you might face with your business, now or in the future, let your business plan be your guide and road map to success. Remember, it is much cheaper to flush your ideas out on paper then it is by trial and error which may lead to making costly unwanted mistakes in real life.

Summer Business Planning

By Ian Berkowitz
This summer is unlike many others as we are still in economically challenging times and unsure as to when the tide will turn. Times like these demand that business owners look high and low for ways to keep their business steady and on solid ground. If you are one of these business owners I am referring to, then your goal right now should be to develop and implement strategies to maximize revenue and mimimize costs and expenses. I am a firm believer in taking advantage of the summer time to focus your efforts on putting together a new or update an old business plan. The idea and purpose of this activity is to evaluate what is right and wrong with your business with particular focus on ways to create more energy, momentum and excitement for your business now and in the future. It is always a good exercise to revisit your present business achievements and failures in order to develop new business goals for the future. Once your mind begins to churn with ideas then get out your pen and paper and put it in writing to be incorporated into your business plan. Your business plan should contain all of the key elements such as an executive summary, marketing plan, current and past financials, a discussion of your work force, your competition, current management bios and anything else you think is essential to describe or explain what you have historically done with your business, what you are presently doing and what your goals are for the business in the future. This type of activity is critical in order to keep your business fresh with ideas and nimble against your competition. Business plans help you evaluate where you are and more importantly where you are going. If your company or its activities remain status quo in an ever-changing world then you are considered to be stagnant. Successful companies are always evaluating and reevaluating what they are doing well and what they need to improve upon for their customers to maximize their experience. The largest companies in the world all tend to see customer service as the most critical component of their overall strategy for success. Just recently I was in a major retail store bringing my things to the check out counter and was immediately asked two things by the cashier. First, did I find everything I needed and second was there anything that the staff could do make

Governor Scott Comes to the Boca Raton Republican Club

On May 15th, Governor Rick Scott spoke at the Boca Raton Republican Club. A delicious dinner was held in the beautiful grand ballroom at the Marriott in Boca Raton with over 300 people attending. Sponsors of the event included: Adam Hasner for US Congress Gineen Bresso for US Congress Ellyn Bogdanoff, State Senator Geoff Sommers for State Senate District 25 Bill Hager, State Representative Tami Donnally for State Representative District 86 Dina Keever for State Attorney Peter Feaman, Nat. Committeeman Fran Hancock, State Committeewoman Cindy Tindell for State Committeewoman Fugazy Travel, and Jack Furnari Local Recording artist Lou Galterio sang the National Anthem, and 14 year old Laura Sward, a Boca Home Schooler, sang "My Country 'Tis of Thee." All who attended had a great time!

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Republican Party of Palm Beach County

Ride in Comfort to REC Meetings!!

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Would you like to ride in comfort to the Republican Executive Committee Meetings? Now, you can with our terrific Luxury Bus Service!


$20 per person. We will leave Boca 5:15PM

(Tri Rail Station at Congress and Yamato)
Make sure you RSVP for the REC Bus or e-mail Jeremy at brrctreas@gmail.com with the following credit card information: Name on card: Billing address: Card type (Visa, MC or Discovery, no American Express): Card number: Exp. date: 3-digit CVV code (on back of card):


2012 REPUBLICAN PARTY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY Regions Financial Tower, 1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, Suite 210, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-2301 Phone: (561) 686-1616 Fax: (561) 686-1898 Email: info@pbcgop.org

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