Hostel Process

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Hostel Process

Students, staffs and guests are given accommodation in hostels owned / leased by the institute.

Hostel Definitions
An institute may have more than one hostel buildings. Each of the hostels has to be defined in the system. Example: - Mens Hostel, Womens Hostel Action used: hostelList.action Screen Navigation: Hostel >> Hostel >> Hostel

Block / Building
Hostel may have different blocks or building. Action used: blockList.action Screen Navigation: Hostel >> Hostel >> Block

Hostel block / building contains the room where the accommodation is provided. Rooms can be of different types like single, double. Action used: roomTypeList.action, roomList.action Screen Navigation: Hostel >> Hostel >> Room >> Room Type, Hostel >> Hostel >> Room >> Room Details

Hostel Lease Management

Institute might not have hostel building of their own. So they enter into agreement with owner or builder of building for hostel purpose.

Owner Details
Owner or Builder is an individual / company who has leased out the property to institute. Action used: Not Done Screen Navigation:

Lease Agreement
Lease agreement will be entered into with the owner / builder of the building which is taken on lease. Action used: Not Done Screen Navigation:

Lease Payment
Payment is made to the owner / builder based on the lease agreement. Action used: Not Done Screen Navigation:

Students, faculties, and guests are given hostel accommodation through hostel admission. Action used: hostelAdmissionList.action Screen Navigation: Hostel >> Hostel >> Hostel Admission List

Room Allocation
Students who are admitted through admissions are allocated rooms in a hostel based on availability. Action used: roomAllocCheckInList.action Screen Navigation: Hostel >> Hostel >> Room Allocation >> Check-In

Item Allocation
Items for use by inmates are allotted during the time of admission. Items can be Almirah, chair etc. Action used: itemAllocationList.action Screen Navigation: Hostel >> Hostel >> Item Allocation >> Item Allocation

Room Vacate
An inmate vacates the hostel room as and when required. During the time of vacating items allocated to the inmate has to be returned and any dues, if any, is to be settled. Action used: roomAllocCheckOutList.action Screen Navigation: Hostel >> Hostel >> Room Allocation >> Check-Out

Bills & Collection

Expenses incurred in a hostel are to be collected from the inmates.

Charges are based on the bills charged to the hostel. This is divided among the inmates. Action used: Not Done Screen Navigation:

Payments are collected from inmates against a hostel charges. Action used: Not Done Screen Navigation:

Student Management
Students taking leave should fill the leave form. Action used: Not Done Screen Navigation:

Taking attendance marks presence of students in hostel Action used: Not Done Screen Navigation:

Late Reporting
Students reporting to hostel after the normal time has to fill the late reporting form mentioning the reason. Action used: Not Done Screen Navigation:

Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary action is taken against a student indulging in inappropriate conduct. Action used: Not Done Screen Navigation:

Repair & Maintenance

Inmates raise request for repair of facilities provided in the room. Such requests are approved and the work is carried out. Action used: Not Done Screen Navigation:

Other Activity
Medical Emergency
Inmates who need emergency medical treatment are attended to and details of hospitalization are maintained.

Action used: Not Done Screen Navigation:

Menu Trail Description Hostel >> Hostel >> Hostel Screen to define various hostels of an institute Hostel >> Hostel >> Block Screen to define various blocks/buildings of an hostel Hostel >> Hostel >> Room Screen to define different room >> Room Type types Hostel >> Hostel >> Room Rooms of an hostel is defined >> Room Details using this screen Hostel >> Hostel >> Hostel Admissions to hostel is done Admission List through this screen Hostel >> Hostel >> Room Allocation of room to student, Allocation >> Check-In Faculty or guest is done through his screen Hostel >> Hostel >> Item Screen to allocate items for use by Allocation >> Item inmates. Allocation Hostel >> Hostel >> Room Screen to facilitate vacating of Allocation >> Check-Out room by an inmate

Action Used hostelList.action blockList.action roomTypeList.action roomList.action hostelAdmissionList.action roomAllocCheckInList.action itemAllocationList.action roomAllocCheckOutList.action

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