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Office Knee Exercises

The goal of these exercises is to strengthen the muscles that cross the knees so that the structures of the knee are better supported with each movement. All exercises should be done without pain. If you experience pain during the e xercise stop. Progress from basic to more advanced, as you progress your knee will get stronger and you will be able to do more.

15 Degree Squat
Set Up
This exercise strengthens the muscle that keeps your kneecap on the right track. Start standing with your leg straight.

Bend your knee so that you have a 15 degree angle at your knee move back to a straight leg position. 3 sets of 15.

Isometric Knee Contraction

Set Up
Standing or sitting with your legs straight.

Contract your quad muscle and hold it for 7sec. Repeat 10 times 3 sets.

Resisted Leg Extension

Set Up
Sitting in a chair with legs bent with some tubing tried around your ankle and the chair, to provide resistance.

Straighten your leg. Repeat 10 times 3 sets.

One Legged Balance

Set Up
Standing on one leg with your knee slightly bent.

Balance on one leg for 30 sec. 3 times each leg.

One Legged Balance (eyes closed)

Do the same as above with your eyes closed.

Wall Squats
Set up
Stand with your back to the wall and a Theraband tied around your knees so there is a little tension pulling your knees together.

Slide your back down the wall and up again. Do not go beyond the point where your knees are parallel to the floor. Progress to 3 sets of 10.

Static Wall Squat

Set Up
With your back to the wall and a Theraband tied around your knees so there is a little tension pulling your knees together.

Slide down the wall to a point halfway point (knees 45 degrees to the floo r) Progress to hold for 30 sec three times

Set Up
Standing with your butt out and your chest up.

Bend your knees so that you are simulating moving to a sitting position. Go until your knees are parallel to the floor if possible. Progress to 3 sets of 10.

Set Up
One-foot forward. Back foot weight bearing on your fore foot.

Lunge forward so that your knee does not go beyond your front foot. Progress to 3 sets of 10.

Pile Squat
Set Up
Legs apart, feet turned out.

In this squat you go straight down and the focus is on the adductor muscles of the inside thigh. Progress to 3 sets of ten.

One Legged Squat

Set Up
Stand on one leg.

Squat as far as is comfortable. Progress to 3 sets of 10.

Jump Split Squat

Set Up
In a lunge position (One foot forward. Back foot, weight bearing on your fore foot) with your arms out for balance.

Lunge and then quickly jump and switch legs and proceed into a lunge on the opposite side. Progress to 3 sets of 10.

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