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11005cu92231 CU 9223 : Microwave Integrated Circuits Model Examinations - May 2010 PG [ COMMN.

SYSTEMS] Max Marks : 100 Semester: II [Use of SMITH CHART allowed.] Part -A[10 x 2 = 20] Answer all questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Draw the cross section of a microstrip line and indicate the field lines. Write the S-matrix of ideal transmission line. Write down the usage of dielectric layers in MIC technology. What is an interdigital capacitors? Mention any two applications. Write the basic equation from which the equations of resistance and reactance circles of Smith are drawn. 6. Write down the expression for Roller's stability factor K in terms of S parameters. 7. List out the design considerations in a diode mixer. 8. List out the two approaches that are used to describe the operating principle of oscillator circuit. 9. What are photonic bandgap antennas? 10. What are the advantages of MEMS antennas? Duration: 3 Hrs

Part-B[5 x 16 = 80] Answer all questions 11. [a] Draw a flow diagram of steps in the fabrication of thick film MICs and Explain. [b] Explain in detail about thick film technology and thin film technology. 12. [a] (i) Give the relationship between different types of Os (ii) Explain the theory and significant considerations involved in the design of inductors (3+13)

[b] With suitable expressions describe the design on resistor, inductor and capacitor for MICs.



13. [a] A load ZL = 10 + j1 0 0 is to be matched to a 50 0 line. Design (i) series-L shunt-C and (ii) Series-C and shunt-L matching networks and also find the Land C values at 500 MHz. [b] (i) Explain briefly about ilp and olp stability circles with necessary equations. (ii) The S-parameter of a BJT at VCE = 15 V and IC = 15 mA at f=500 MHz are: S11 = 0.7611-151; S22 = 0.4291-35 ;S12 = 0.025<31; S21 = 11.841102. Determine the stability. If the transistor is potentially unstable draw the i/p stability circle and also find suitable resistive loading to ensure stability.[6 +10] 14. [a] Write briefly the steps involved in the design principles of oscillator. [b] What are the various types of analysis of mixer? Explain in detail. 15. [a] Write brief note on : (i) PBG Antennas (ii) MEMS antennas and (iii) micro machined antennas[6 + 5 +5] [b](i) What are thermal and cryogenic measurements? in brief 'test fixture measurements'. [ 8 +8] Explain briefly. (ii) Explain

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