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We want to change the way electric utilities think about electricity systems.

The Joule.System is an intelligent energy storage system designed to help solve the challenges that utilities face today growing demand, rising costs and constrained supply. A cost effective tool that helps control peak demand events, without the high cost of additional generation sources. Utilize current generation & transmission capabilities for more balanced & efficient grid operation. Monitor & manage a complete array of grid control devices from any computer through a cloudbased software interface. Intelligently control, firm and manage generation from renewables. Relieve transmission and distribution congestion. Reduce emissions from existing fossil fuel-based generation.

Electric utilities face daunting challenges:

4 The demand for energy is rising, along with the cost of building new generation equipment. 4 Transmission & distribution infrastructures are congested and stressed. 4 The promise of harnessing & integrating power from renewable technologies is still a challenge. 4 Satisfying new emission standards and implementing lower carbon generation solutions are critical.

At Demand Energy, were building solutions for power providers that will redesign grid architecture to drive supply chain efficiencies. Its called intelligent energy storage.

Its called Joule.System.

Demand Energy Networks, Inc

DISTRIbUTED STORagE NETwORk (Storage at the Edge)

(jool, joul) n. Abbr. J or j.

The next level of supply chain efficiency for utility operations

Intelligent energy storage is the answer to many of the challenges utilities face today. Electrical systems are designed to generate and transmit energy. Grid infrastructures are built to meet high demand periods roughly a four hour period each day. The entire system generally sits under utilized during low demand hours. And its the same problem around the work with load factors between 30% to 50%. Integrating intelligent energy storage redesigns grid architecture. It allows power companies to maximize the value of existing infrastructure, and realize a new level of supply chain efficiency. It solves the issues of renewables integration, relieves capacity constraints and extends the service life of existing transmission and distribution (T&D) equipment. Storage systems charge during off-peak hours or when energy from renewable generation becomes available. Intelligent grid interface software releases stored energy to the grid during peak demand periods. This helps promote consistent generation throughout a 24 hour period, balancing equipment usage, alleviating peak event stresses, and lessening the need to add new generation. A cost effective, highly efficient way to meet the challenges of growing demand and constrained supply. Intelligent energy storage can be located nearly anywhere on the grid, optimally distributed at or near end points where electricity is consumed. 3

A unit of energy at work. The International System unit of electrical, mechanical, & thermal energy.

Joule.System honors the contribution of English physicist James Prescott Joule, who developed the theory of conservation of energy and introduced the first law of thermodynamics in the 19th century.



Ground breaking technology for a new level of grid control.
The Joule.System embodies two advanced technology platforms: the Grid.Controller and Grid.Balancer. A new level of control for utilities and microgrid operators, this modular, utility-scale system can be deployed at multiple locations across the grid to help regulate generation, better utilize transmission & distribution systems, and integrate renewables energy. Stored energy helps reduce dependencies on conventional carbonbased generation required for frequency regulation. It improves equipment and capacity utilization, strengthens operational efficiencies and helps reduce carbon emissions. The Joule.System is a complete solution, bringing balance to the worlds electrical grids.

Maximize the value of existing infrastructure & balance the current energy supply system with intelligent energy storage.

Demand Energy Networks, Inc

Is energy storage the answer for your utility?

To learn how the Joule.System can enhance & integrate with your system, our engineers conduct an in-depth evaluation of your current system.

Benefits & Value

4 Optimization Better utilization, efficiency, reliability, capacity, & equipmentlife extension for end-to-end electricity system assets. 4 Capacity Reduces or diminishes the need to install new generation capacity. 4 Peak Shaving Smooths out the peaks and valleys of transmission. 4 Reserve Capacity Maintains operations when a portion of normal supply becomes unavailable. 4 Voltage Counteracts reactive effects to grid voltage so that voltage can be upheld or reinstated. 4 Scalable Joule.System modules can be scaled to nearly any multi-MW power & energy capacity. This ensures the right balance to meet application requirements. 4 Capacity firming Energy storage makes renewables a firm resource eliminating its intermittency. The energy storage unit works like a shock absorber, accepting variable generation from renewable sources, and outputting a constant and reliable energy stream. It intelligently responds to frequency dispatch signals with required energy for stable transmission. Reduces the need for back-up generation for grid stability associated with utility-scale renewables integration. 4 Integration Reduces output volatility and variability, improves power quality, reduces congestion problems, provides backup for unexpected generation shortfalls, and reduces minimum load violations.

4 Analyze the size of connected loads and review existing equipment resources to evaluate historical peak load data. 4 Review current and projected usage at grid hotspots to target peak shaving opportunities. 4 For renewables and micro grid integration, we analyze generation sources to maximize output & system utilization. 4 Determine size of system needed to optimize projected economic value streams.

Integrating intelligent energy storage into your current system includes three areas of expense.
1. Hardware purchase of Grid.Balancer modules deployed at scale to meet your system requirements. 2. Annual subscription for the Grid.Contoller software, that provides web-based management & control. 3. Service contract, customized and expandable to meet your specific needs in device management, back office integration, monitoring & technical support.


4 Saves Resources Less stress on vital equipment postpones or avoids the need to upgrade transmission and/or distribution infrastructure. 4 Interruptions Enhances transmission and distribution system performance by offsetting electrical irregularities and interruptions. 4 Congestion Avoids congestion related costs by discharging during peak demand to reduce transmission capacity requirements.


4 Load following Alters power output in response to variations between electricity supply and demand in a given area. 4 Area regulation Reconciles momentary differences between supply and demand within a given control area. 4 Substations Provides power to switching components, communication and control equipment. Can supply energy locally during periods of generation outages. 4 Power Quality Protects on-site loads against poor quality events by using energy storage to protect against frequency variations, lower power factors, harmonics and other interruptions.

Demand Energy offers comprehensive service programs with the Joule.System, including design, manufacturing, installation, deployment, field training, remote monitoring, diagnostic services, spare parts supply, and on-site service. Annual preventive maintenance agreements, 24/7 technical support & battery replacement programs, are also available.


4Time-shift Stores energy from renewables (which is frequently produced during periods of low demand) to be released during periods of peak demand. In micro grid systems that rely on renewable generation, energy storage is charged during peak renewable production, and released during low renewable production, reducing dependence on fossil fuel generation.

4 Green Power Reduces dependencies on conventional carbon-based generation required for frequency regulation. Improves equipment and capacity utilization, strengthens operational efficiencies & reduces carbon emissions.


4 Self-synchronization 4 Trusted induction generation 4 Highly reliable, field proven 4 Scalable and modular 4 Indoor and outdoor designs 4 Clean, true sine-wave output 4 Choose advanced VRLA or Lithium-Ion batteries 4 Modular storage capacity: 2 to 10+ hours 4 High cycle life, integrated battery management system

Advanced battery technologies with innovations in power conversion & battery management. The solution to locally firmed renewable generation. Fully integrated, fully utilized & fully managed.
Grid.Balancer is the heart of the Joule.System. Inside the Grid. Balancers contemporary modular housing are several advanced technologies that store and release energy using its power conversion system and advanced battery technology. Our revolutionary cloud-based Grid.Controller communicates & controls system operations to meet grid requirements.

Demand Energy Networks, Inc

4 Cloud-based management system that is easily maintained and integrates with legacy front and back office systems such as SCADA, CRM, billing and outage management systems. 4 Smart meters, relays and intelligent grid management devices are easily integrated with the system. 4 Web browser-based graphical user interface allows for real-time supervisory control & data acquisition. 4 Requires no special plug-ins. 4 Can be utilized to initiate operations on a prescheduled basis or controlled manually. 4 Features historical data archiving of all system data points, including a full system assurance package. 4 Uses the latest distributed, cluster computing and network security for the most fault tolerant, scalable and secure environment possible.

Capable of managing a megawatt, utility-scale network of distributed devices. Intelligent grid control, redefined.
Grid.Controller is a cloudbased software platform, designed to communicate, monitor and interface with existing grid control devices & energy storage systems.

In utility applications, the Joule.Systems advanced big data architecture allows Grid.Controller to automatically manage loads to a fleet of Grid.Balancer storage devices, no matter where they are located. Within milliseconds, Grid.Controller detects frequency fluctuations and releases or absorbs energy to and from the electrical grid to balance load & capacity.

System Dashboard






Device map


Statistics 7

About Us
Demand Energy is an energy storage solutions company based in Liberty Lake, Washington, founded in 2008. This seasoned team of telecommunications & utility industry veterans are pioneering the emerging market for intelligent energy storage. Employing a rich intellectual property portfolio with advanced technologies, Demand Energy is working to help electricity users & energy providers manage electricity to a degree never before possible. The worlds demand for energy has changed. At Demand Energy, were working to change the way electricity is controlled, managed and delivered. Were working to change the way renewables integrate with the grid. Were working to change the way the world thinks about electricity.

Contact a sales representative at 888.519.5332 for more information or email

24001 East Mission Avenue, Suite 102

Liberty Lake, Washington 99019


2012 - Demand Energy Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. | v061212

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