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Trismegistos Online Publications -6-

A New Survey of Greek, Coptic, Demotic and Latin Tabulae Preserved from Classical Antiquity

Version 1.0 February 2012

Compiled by


Leiden / Leuven 2012 K.A. Worp

Trismegistos Online Publications


Edited by

W. Clarysse, M. Depauw & H.J. Thissen


Trismegistos Online Publications -6-

A New Survey of Greek, Coptic, Demotic and Latin Tabulae Preserved from Classical Antiquity

Version 1.0 February 2012

Compiled by


Leiden / Leuven 2012 K.A. Worp

The series Trismegistos Online Publications, edited by W. Clarysse (K.U.Leuven), M. Depauw (K.U.Leuven) and H.J. Thissen (Universitt zu Kln), aims to provide freely downloadable PDF-documents with scholarly tools based upon or providing links to the Trismegistos database.

Contributors can send in manuscripts in Word format to mark.depauw@arts.kuleuven.be. The editors will decide whether the manuscript fits in the series and can be accepted for reviewing. An anonymous version of the manuscript will then be sent to two or more peers for evaluation. On the basis of their report the editors will take a decision whether to publish it in the series or not. Authors will be given the anonymous notes of the reviewers and can be asked to implement changes to their manuscript.

February, 2012: Version 1.0 ISBN: 978-9-490604-05-9

The idea to compile a new survey of wooden tablets inscribed with Greek, Latin and Coptic texts arose with me already quite some time ago, but for several reasons the execution of such a project had to be postponed. Moreover, while originally it was not envisaged to include the relevant Demotic material, its additional compilation proved to be a useful exercise. In the course of my work to complete this work (if it ever can be completed) I have been much helped and stimulated by various others, notably by my colleagues within the University of Leiden (in particular by R.J. Demare, F.A.J. Hoogendijk and J. van der Vliet), but also from outside the Netherlands, especially by receiving dimensions of published wooden boards (in particular from Ms. Walaa el-Genedy [Cairo], Dr. F. Reiter [Berlin], Dr. J. Thomann [Zrich]), information on still unpublished texts (Prof. M. Bommas [Birmingham], Dr. A. Delattre [Bruxelles / Leiden] and Prof. W. Clarysse, Prof. M. Depauw, Prof. K. Vandorpe, and Dr. H. Verreth [all from Leuven]), or by lending assistance in other respects (Prof. L. Criscuolo [Bologna]). I apologize to those colleagues whose names do not appear here separately though without their contributions in countless e-mails this survey of tabulae could not have acquired its present form. Finally, I owe a special word of gratitude to the editors of the TOP-series for allowing my survey to be published within this series without any cost. It is my sincere hope that the free appearance of this survey within the TOP-series will stimulate its users to communicate to me information about (a) any incomplete and/or incorrect data in the present version, or (b) items falling within its scope that have been left unmentioned. Via this procedure an updated, enlarged, and corrected version can be made available in the future without any further costs. Leiden / Santpoort-Zuid, February 15th, 2012 K.A. Worp

Probably every handbook dealing with various aspects of Greek Palaeography, Greek Papyrology, or Ancient book production contains a discussion of various materials used in Classical Antiquity for carrying writing: first and foremost the three p-words, i.e. papyrus, parchment and potsherds (the technical term is ostraka), but also leather, glass, ivory, precious stones, walls (of buildings), tree leaves, bark and last but not least tablets (Lat.: tabulae): made of metals like gold, silver, bronze, or lead or made of clay, in particular tabulae made of wood. The most recent bibliography on the subject of inscribed wooden boards from Egypt (with the exclusion of the separate category mummy labels and related texts) is relatively short. In fact, in the last 20 years only two major articles were published that cover this subject, viz. (1) W.M. Brashear & F.A.J. Hoogendijk, Corpus Tabularum Lignearum Ceratarumque Aegyptiarum in Enchoria 17 (1990) 21 - 54 (see now the website <https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/7717/5_031_024.pdf?sequence=1>), and (2) P. Cauderlier, Les tablettes grecques dgypte: inventaire in: . Lalou (ed.), Les tablettes crire de l'Antiquit l'poque moderne: Actes du colloque international du C.N.R.S., Paris 1011 octobre 1990 (Turnhout, 1992; = Bibliologia, 12 ) 63 - 96. Both publications, prepared more or less simultaneously, aimed at producing an inventory of the inscribed wooden boards and wax tablets preserved from Greco-Roman Egypt, while occasionally they also paid some attention to related topics like Tablets inscribed with texts in Coptic and / or Arabic (rather than Greek or Latin) or Greek and Latin tablets preserved from outside Egypt (e.g. the famous Tabulae Assendelftianae, acquired at Palmyra in Syria). In retrospect it is very much deplorable that the authors of these contributions did not cooperate together and produced one single list; as the situation stands now, both lists would individually have profited from timely knowledge of the content of the parallel list. Furthermore, on the subject of texts written on wood one finds various remarks in various handbooks, e.g. that of Roger S. Bagnall (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology,(Oxford 2009), see the index p. 687 sub wooden tablets. The results published below result from a new search in the papyrological data base Trismegistos on the Internet (see www.trismegistos.org) for material = wood + language = Greek / Latin / Coptic / Demotic; this search (made on 10.ix.2011) yielded several thousands of references to objects from which I removed all references to mummy labels and related texts (e.g.: inscriptions on wooden coffins like TM 111110 & 111111, wooden grave stelae [cf., e.g., TM 32811 = SB 10:10518 presenting only a personal name, perhaps as a grave stele?], TM 43997 = SB 1:1024 and TM 93719 = SB 1:1403 [for similar considerations]), and various wooden objects like boxes, buckets, combs, crosses, disks, seals, stamps, and elements of architecture like wooden beams etc. [dedications included, cf. TM no. 120589 = I.Mus. Alex. 126]). This exclusion also regards texts carved into the wood rather than written upon the wood like, e.g., TM 104473 = SB 8:10068 (text carved into a tabula ansata) and finally, a few enigmatic items like, e.g., TM 105881 = SB 1:2025 a-b (function of text very unclear). 6

The residue resulting from this selection process is presented below in a catalogue arranged according to the alphabetical order of modern toponyms connected with collections of wooden tabulae, including wax tablets, carrying a text in Greek, Coptic, Demotic, or Latin, or bilingual combinations of any of these languages. As the world of Arabic, Aramaic, or Hebrew is beyond my horizon, I had to leave texts in these languages untouched. On the other hand, in the process of compiling my survey I came across a few still unpublished tablets displayed on various Internet web sites which could be added in order to arrive at greater completeness. The user of this list should bear in mind, however, that by the very nature of the Internet the results culled from this source must remain haphazard and that I have not made any attempt to explore systematically all web sites of potentially interesting Museum collections. The data listed under a toponym are arranged according to the numerical order of the inventory number in a local collection, while in some cases various collections falling under one toponym are presented in alphabetical order of the name of the collection. After the catalogue of texts in a given language a few remarks of analysis may follow. This organization method allows a uniform treatment of both published and not yet fully published texts. Likewise, the boards from a single collection that have been published through (a) a variety of publications in monographical editions and (b) as contributions to journals (cf., e.g., the boards kept in Paris at the Louvre) are kept together. Cauderliers list referred to above in was organized at least to a large extent on the basis of the number of individual sheets that formed a wooden codex, while the presentation in the list compiled by Brashear & Hoogendijk produces a somewhat confusing effect on the user in that it refers to a mix of (1) publication-sigla (in alphabetical order of the sigla used, like e.g. BGU, BKT ) (2) inventory numbers in alphabetical order of the collection or its location (like, e.g., T. Berolinenses), respectively (3) various entry-numbers in catalogues like that of Pack 2 (now = Mertens-Pack, see the website http://www2.ulg.ac.be/facphl/services/cedopal/). In the following presentation one finds information, as available to me, on 1.the Trismegistos (TM) number of the individual board or set of boards, 2. the most recent information available about the locality of the collection + inventory number, 3. the most relevant modern publication (in case of a publication in the Sammelbuch often also the original source from where the SB editors copied the text in question). Thereafter, follows, in as fas as this was possible and / or relevant, a summary description of the character / content of the text, 4. the number in Cauderliers list, respectively 5.the page number in the list compiled by Brashear & Hoogendijk, and 6. the number in the catalogue of school texts compiled by R. Cribiore, Writing, Teachers, and Students in Graeco-Roman Egypt (Atlanta, 1996; = Am.Stud.Pap. # 36), pp. 173 - 284, ## 1 412. I have attempted to add for each text an indication of its (mostly palaeographical) date, its dimensions, and the self-evident qualifications (coated) wood, respectively waxed tablet(s) vel sim. For this endeavor I started with copying the data that were already easily available through Cauderliers list, continuing after that with the data offered by Cribiore (the list of Brasher & Hoogendijk does not present dimensions). Only in the course of copying data from Cribiore I became aware of the fact that no uniform standard pattern of either Height x Width or Width x Height was adhered to by both authors and that within the list compiled by Cauderlier variations appeared to occur. Later on, a check of editions not yet covered by Cauderlier and Cribiore 7

produced similar variations in the order of dimensions. In the final end I felt forced to copy such indications of dimensions without making any attempt to introduce by myself a coherent system as yet. Only in case various sources offered data that conflict really substantially (i.e. by more than 0.5 cm), I tried to find correct data. Furthermore, in cases where no indications of the date and / or the dimensions already appeared in the lists by Cauderlier or Cribiore, I consulted the pertinent publication of the text itself and added the dimensions on my own account. Sometimes, this procedure led to the discovery of small divergences between the indications of the ed.princ. and a subsequent catalogue, cf. below the 2nd item from Alexandria (= TM 27176), the ed.princ. indicating: wood versus Brashear - Hoogendijk: waxed tablet. References to photos of individual (sets of) tabulae are available, of course, through the pertinent indications in the LDAB, the HGV, or the Papyrological Navigator. For this reason I have refrained from repeating such information in this catalogue, indicating only a few websites where photos of unpublished tabulae can be viewed.

Greek and Bilingual / Greek tabulae from Egypt Greek tabulae from outside Egypt Coptic tabulae Analysis Demotic tabulae Latin tabulae from Egypt Latin tabulae in the West p. 9 p. 54 p. 55 p. 61 p. 66 p. 76 p. 77

Greek and Bilingual / Greek tabulae

Alexandria (1) TM 61259 = Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum, inv. number unknown = E. Breccia, Alexandrea ad Aegyptum2, p. 142. Unidentified text, perhaps identical with TM 61006 = Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Mus., inv. 28759? (2) TM 27176 = Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum, inv. 27809 = SB 10:10551 = CdE 43 (1968) 123-125: List of Payments in Drachmae and Obols. (= Cauderlier # 232: 2nd cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42; 1 waxed tablet). (Ed.princ.: 31 x 13 cm; wood) (3) TM 61006 = Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum, inv. 28759 = CdE 43 (1968) 114-121: School text: Homer, Iliad 11.10-23, 35-47, 49-60 & 71-81 (frags.) + glossary on 11.3146-48. (= Cribiore # 342: 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; 52 x 12 cm; wood) Amsterdam (4) TM 65507 = Amsterdam, University Library, Tab. 1 = CdE 52 (1977) 301-310: Planetary Table. (Ed.princ.: late 1st cent. B.C.E. [cf. A. Jones, CdE 68 (1993) 178-81 and ZPE 129 (2000) 147]; 13.5 x 5.2 cm; originally a waxed tablet, but text written directly upon the wood) Ann Arbor (5) TM 31057 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 762 = SB 3:7013: Diary of an inspector. (= Cauderlier ## 170-171: 3rd cent. C.E.; ca. 18 x 20 cm [Michigan website fo r Michigan.APIS.3117: 21.3 x 29.4 cm!]; 2 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 sub T.Mich. + n. 65) (6) TM 64587 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 763 = Class.Phil. 16 (1921) 189-191 # 1: School text: Syllabary and alphabet. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2708) (= Cribiore # 83: 7th cent. C.E.; 35.7 x 10.2 cm; wood) (7) TM 64960 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 764 = SB 24:16031: School text: List of names & numbers 1 - 900 and 1000 - 10,000. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2709 + n. 94) (= Cribiore # 118: 5th / 6th cent. C.E.; 36.6 x 15 cm; wood) (8) TM 78515 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 766 = P.Mich. 3:166 = C.Pap.Lat. 151: Birth Certificate from 128 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 67) 9

(Michigan website for Michigan.APIS.3121: 17 x 13.5 cm; 2 partly waxed tablets). (9 ) TM 62047 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 768 = P.Mich. 3:134: Amulet: OT, Proverbs 7.3-13. (= Cauderlier # 221: 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; 18 x 17 cm; 1 waxed tablet): (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 66) (= Cribiore # 307: 4-6th cent. C.E.) (10) TM 78522 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 2736 = P.Mich. 7:437 = C.Pap.Lat.. 225: Fragment of a Will. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 72: 2nd cent. C.E.; 1 waxed tablet) (Michigan website for Michigan.APIS.1616: 8 x 5 cm) (11) TM 78516 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 2737 = P.Mich. 3:167 = C.Pap.Lat. 149: Birth Certificate from 103 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 68: 1 waxed tablet) (Michigan website for Michigan.APIS.1617: 13.5 x 7.2 cm; ) (12) TM 78526 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 2751 = P.Mich. 7:444 = C.Pap.Lat. 211: Fragment of a Bilingual Marriage Contract (or an Attestation) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39: late-2nd cent. C.E.; 1 waxed tablet) (Michigan website for Michigan.APIS.1619: 14 x 3.5 cm) (13) TM 21332 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 2752 = P.Mich. 3:168 = C.Pap.Lat. 153: Bilingual Birth Certificate from 145 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 69: 1 waxed tablet) (Michigan website for Michigan.APIS.1620: 16.7 x 6 cm) (14) TM 78519 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 2753 = P.Mich. 7:432 = C.Pap.Lat. 105 + Add. p. 438: Witnessed Copy of a Honesta Missio from the late-1st cent. C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 71) (Michigan website for Michigan.APIS.1621: 4 x 17.6 cm; 1 waxed tablet but inscribed directly on wood) (15) TM 78527 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 3219 = P.Mich. 7:446 = C.Pap.Lat. 226: Will. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39; late 2nd cent. C.E.; 1 waxed tablet) (Ed.princ.: 14.2 x 7.6 cm) (16) TM 78521 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 3994 = P.Mich. 7:436 = C.Pap.Lat. 161: Birth Certificate from 138 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 71a) (Michigan website for Michigan.APIS.2128: 16.6 x 8.2 cm; 1 partly waxed tablet)


(17) TM 109512 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 4219Ro = Ariadne 12 (2006) 127: Receipt from 138 C.E. for paying for epikrisis for entering priesthood (on Verso: mummy label; Michigan website for Michigan.APIS.8218: 23.3 x 4.6 cm; wood). (18) TM 11979 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 4529 = P.Mich. 3:169 = C.Pap.Lat. 162: Bilingual Birth Certificate of illegitimate twins from 145 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 70) (Michigan website for Michigan.APIS.2222: 13.5 x 18 cm; 2 partly waxed tablets) (19) TM 78529 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 6237 = P.Mich. 7:451 = C.Pap.Lat. 197: Bill of Sale. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39) (Michigan website for Michigan.APIS.2773: document of uncertain nature; 6.7 x 6.2 cm; wood) (20) TM 78531 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 22183 + 22184 = P.Mich. 7:462 = C.Pap. Lat.. 171 + add. p. 439: Freedmans manumission certificate. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 sub 463 + n. 73) (Michigan website for Michigan.Apis.3363 = inv. 22183: 5 x 15 cm; for Michigan.Apis.3362 = inv. 22184: 4.2 x 15 cm; originally 2 wooden tablets) (21) TM 64891 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 29974 = SB 20:15190: School text: Menander, Sententia # 889 (Pernigotti) + multiplication tables (by 2) (= Cribiore # 158: 5th / 6th cent. C.E.;17 x 32 cm; wood with white coating) Athens (22) TM 68656 = Athens, Benaki Museum, inv. 618Ro & Vo = P.Benaki Mus. 6-7 = SB 26:16688 16689: School text: Account + Writing exercises. (Ed.princ.: 6th cent. C.E.; 7 x 11.5 cm; 1 waxed tablet) Berkeley, CA (23) TM 61508 = Berkeley, Hearst Museum, Accession nr. # 6-21416 = SB 22:15809: School text: Menander, Sententia # 487 (Pernigotti; only half of the line). (= Cribiore # 136: 2nd / 3rd cent. C.E.; 14.4 x 30.7 cm; wood) Berlin (24) TM 62282 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, M. 2148 = SB 1:3573: Amulet with OT, Psalm 90.1 + declension of . ^ (= Cauderlier # 254 = 303: 7th / 9th cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated [P.Bad. 4, p. 47: 2.2 x 2.7 cm]; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41 + n. 112 [cf. SB 2, p. 461!]) (25 ) TM 63987 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, M 13234 = E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule2, # 12: School text: Exercise sententia ( ). ' ` ^ , 11

(= Cauderlier # 278 = # 263 [where Berlin inv. # 13243 is incorrect]: 2nd cent. C.E.; 36 x 16 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2736 + n. 103) (= Cribiore # 134: waxed tablet; the photo in W. Schubart, Das Buch 3 , p. 41, shows, however, that the text was written on (uncoated?) wood, KAW) (26) TM 50911 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, M 13440 = SB 1:3939 + ZS 51 (1914) 89 = Vleeming, Short Texts 2:437: Short Greek Letter accompanying a Mummy + a Demotic Mummy Label. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: Kriegsverlust, keine Dimensionen vorhanden) (27) TM 60963 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, M 13839 = BKT 5.1 p. 6 descr.: School text: Homer, Iliad 2.132-162. (= Cauderlier ## 269, 270: 3rd / 4th cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 sub Pack 636 = 637 + n. 85) (= Cribiore # 296) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 17.5 x 31 cm) (28) TM 4726 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 8721 = BGU 6:1435: Greek Granary Receipt + Demotic text. (= Cauderlier # 225: 119 B.C.E.; dimensions not indicated; wood [recycled? mummy label]) (= Brashear-Hoogendijk, p. 34) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 5.5 x 11 cm) (29) TM 62149 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 10501 = BKT 8:10: School text: OT, Psalm 50.14-20. (= Cauderlier # 215: 6th cent. C.E.; 35 x 14 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 10) (= Cribiore # 317) (30) TM 40608 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 10506 = SB 3:6219: School text: Arithmetical exercises (general multiplications; divisions by 1/2 and 2/3). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42 + n. 116) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 10 x 24.4 cm) (31) TM 131607 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 10507 ined.(?): Perhaps accounts? (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 11: Vielleicht Rechnungen, ca. 7. Jh. n.Chr.; 1910 an Museum Magdeburg verliehen.) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 21.5 x 5.2 cm; seit 1958 vermit [wahrscheinlich Kriegsverlust]) (32) TM 60391 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 10508 = Aegyptus 2 (1921) 306-7 # 4: School text: Preparations for Homer, Iliad 14.227-521. (= Cauderlier # 259: 2nd cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; 1 waxed tablet) 12

(= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 1198) (= Cribiore # 326) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 15.5 x 11.9 cm) (33) TM 60392= Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 10509 = Aegyptus 2 (1921) 307-8 # 5: School text: Preparations for Homer, Iliad 15.25-180. (= Cauderlier # 260: 2nd cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; 1 waxed tablet) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 1199) (= Cribiore # 327) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 15.5 x 7.4 cm) (34) TM 60393 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 10510 descr. = BKT 5.1 p. 6 = P.Bingen 8, p. 33 & n. 13: School text: Scholia Minora for Homer, Iliad 13.634sqq. (= Cauderlier # 261: 2nd cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; 1 waxed tablet) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 1196) (= Cribiore # 328) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 15.4 x 6.9 cm) (35) TM 60394 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 10511 + 10512 = Aegyptus 2 (1921) 308-9 # 6: School text: Scholia Minora for Homer, Iliad 11.136-263. (= Cauderlier # 262: 2nd cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; 1 waxed tablet) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 1191) (= Cribiore # 329) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 15.5 x 11.9 cm) (36 ) TM 60962 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 11636 = Arch.f.Pap. 36 (1990) 5-12: School text: side 1: Homer, Iliad 5.265-289 + Scholia Minora for ll. 265-286; side 2: Iliad 5.287-317. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 742 = 1180 + n. 87) (= Cribiore # 340: 3rd / 4th cent. C.E.; 21 x 46 cm; wooden tablet, painted white) (37) TM 64557 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 14000 = SB 3:6215-6218 = E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule2, # 48: School t ext : Exercises in arit hmet ics and writ ing (Menander, Sententia # *889 [Pernigotti]). (= Cauderlier ## 19-27; 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; 9 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2737 + n. 104) (= Cribiore # 404: date probably later than 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; 17.5 x 9.5 cm) (38) TM 131606 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 14003 (see BGU 7, p. 212 n. 1): List of witnesses from the 2nd cent. C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34: 2nd cent .C.E.) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 11 x 6.1 cm)


(39) TM 69747 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 14004 = BGU 7:1692 = C.Pap.Lat. 152: Copy of a Birth Certificate from 144 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 7: 2 waxed tablets) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 17.6 x 13.9 cm) (40) TM 69749 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 14005 = BGU 7:1694 = C.Pap.Lat. 157: Copy of a Birth Certificate from 162 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34: 2 waxed tablets) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: A: 15 x 18.2 cm; B: 13 x 18 cm) (41) TM 69750 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 14006A-C = BGU 7:1695 = C.Pap.Lat. 223: Bilingual Testament from 157 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 8: 3 waxed tablets) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: A,B und C jeweils 18. x 12.2 cm) (42) TM 69748 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 14007 = BGU 7:1693 = C.Pap.Lat. 154: Copy of a Birth Certificate from 145 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34: 2 waxed tablets) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 13.5 x 17 cm) (43) TM 69745 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 14008 = BGU 7:1690 = C.Pap.Lat. 160: Copy of a Bilingual Birth Certificate from 131 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 6: 1 waxed tablet) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 17.2 x 14 cm) (44) TM 69746 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 14009 = BGU 7:1691 = C.Pap.Lat. 150: Copy of a Birth Certificate from 109 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34: 2 waxed tablets) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 13 x 18 cm) (45) TM 69751 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 14010 = BGU 7:1696 = C.Pap.Lat. 224: Testament from the 2nd cent. C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 9: 2 waxed tablets) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 15.3 x 21 cm) (46) TM 62664 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 14283 = SB.Akad.Berlin (1898) 847-856: School Text (?), Posidippus, Elegy about old age. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 1436 + n. 88) (= Cribiore # 381: 1st cent. C.E.; 24 x 10 cm; 2 waxed tablets) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 10.6 x 24.2 cm) (47) TM 65308 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, M 16717 = E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule2 # 51: School text: exercises in arithmetic (numbers from 1 to 10,000). (= Cauderlier # 200: 7th cent. C.E.; 37 x 17 cm; 1 waxed tablet) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41 sub Pack 2739 + n. 106) 14

(48) TM 59789 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, M 17651 = BKT 5.2 p. 98 # XVII 6: School text: Euripides, Troades 876-9 + Alphabet. (= Cauderlier # 268: 1st cent. C.E.: dimensions not indicated; 1 waxed tablet) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 sub Pack 430: 2 waxed tablets) (= Cribiore # 182: dimensions not indicated; 1 waxed tablet) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 27.6 x 21.4 cm) (49) TM 3555 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 17679 = UPZ 2:154 + REG 58 (1945) 191: Bank Receipt. (= Cauderlier # 248: 254 B.C.E.; dimensions not indicated; wood [recycled mummy label?]) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42) (Info F. Reiter, Berlin: 18.5 x 7.7 cm) (50) TM 64556= Berlin, gyptisches Museum, M 17759 = SB 26:16520 = Arch.f.Pap. 46 (2000) 159: School text: Alphabet, then , then part of another alphabet. ' (Ed.princ.: 4th / 5th cent; 11.5 x 17.3 cm; waxed tablet) (51) TM 131608 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 25045 ined.: Content ? (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34: 3rd / 4th cent. C.E.) (52) TM 131658 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. ????? (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 12: inventory number of this set of 4 wax tablets unknown in 1989). (53) TM 63794 = Berlin, Private collection Blanckertz [largely destroyed in W.W. II], without number = E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule2 # 49: School text: Declensions of nouns and adjectives of the three genders. (= Cauderlier ## 136-139: 2nd / 3rd cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; set of 4 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41 sub Pack 2738 + n. 105) (= Cribiore # 384: 13 x 16.5 cm) (54) TM 64387 = Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, inv. Ms. Gr. quarto 36 + Tabula cerata 29 = GRBS 33 (1992) 247-263: School text: Composition on a farmers joy and miseries. (= Cauderlier # 276; date and dimensions not indicated; 1 waxed tablet) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 1883) (= Cribiore # 353: close to 5th cent; wooden tablet) Bologna (55) TM 58495 = Bologna, Museo Civico, inv. 3137 = E. Bresciani, Collezione Egizia Bologna p. 37 & pl. 14 (descr.; 38 x ? cm; 2nd cent. B.C.E.): Bilingual Greek/Demotic text, nature uncertain.


(56 ) TM 25134 = Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria, inv. Tavoletta cerata 11 = P.Bon. 50a: Account. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35 + n. 16) (Ed.princ.: 1st / 2nd cent. C.E.; 3.5 x 13 cm; 1 wax tablet) Boston, MA (57) TM 65309 = Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Accession. no. 72.4358 = SB 20:14591: List of monophysite patriarchs, diaconicon (cf. SB 3:6087 = TM 65324) (MFA website http://educators.mfa.org/objects/detail/131554: 7th cent. C.E.; 21.6 x 6 cm; wood) (58) TM 135656 = Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Accession. no. 72.4359 ined. Scribal exercise featuring Greek capital letters in the range A - E preceded in l. 1 by a kind of Chrismon. (MFA website http://educators.mfa.org/objects/detail/234958: practice tablet with Coptic letters, repeated on both sides; 22.8 x 8.6 cm) Brussels (59) TM 62205 = Brussels, Muses Royaux, inv. E 6801 = SB 18:13323 = CdE 10 (1935) 36170: School text: Exercise (Cribiore) or Amulet (ed.princ.). Side 1: OT, Psalm 28[29].3 written 6x; Side 2: the Greek alphabet, vowels (written 6x) + the Coptic letters. (= Cauderlier # 220 = # 288: 7th cent. C.E.; 30 x 12 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35 + n. 18) (= Cribiore # 169: 6th / 7th cent. C.E.; wood with white coating) (60) TM 61393 = Brussels, Muses Royaux, inv. E 8507Vo = CdE 64 (1989) 210-215: School text: Isocrates, Ad Nicoclem 15-16. (= Cribiore # 306: 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; 28.8 x 13.8 cm; 1 wooden tablet) For the recto cf. TM # 97895 (contents not specified) (61) TM 15735 = Brussels, Private collection Hombert, without inv. number = P.Coll.Youtie 2:96 = P. Hombert 1:32: Pawnbrokers Receipt. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p.37 + n. 34) (Ed.princ.: 192 C.E.; 7.2 x 2.8 cm; wood [recycled mummy label?]) Cairo (62) TM 97144 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Cat.Gen. # 10868 = SB 26:16712 = Miscellanea S. Daris 186: Tax Receipt for Epigraph. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35) (Ed.princ.: 103 B.C.E.; 11.8 x 7 cm; wood [mummy label shaped tablet])


(63) TM 62302 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Cat.Gen. # 33019 = Pap.Graec.Mag. 2 2, T.2b = SB 1:970: Magical Amulet with OT, Psalm 90.1 & declension of . ^ (= Cauderlier # 256 = # 305: date uncertain; 3.8 x 3.3 cm.; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41) (64) TM 78511 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 29807 = C.Pap.Lat. 156 = W.Chrest. 212: Declaration of Birth from 148 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35 + n. 19; waxed diptychon) (65) TM 78512 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 29808 = C.Pap.Lat. 214 = M.Chrest. 327: Bilingual Cretio hereditatis of a minor from 170 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35 + n. 20: waxed diptychon) (66) TM 131524 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 29809 + 51343 = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35 descr.: Private account (waxed tablet). (67) TM 106174 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 29810 = C.Pap.Lat. 215 = M.Chrest. 327 descr.: Bilingual Cretio hereditatis of a minor from 170 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35: waxed diptychon) (Cairo Museum info:14.5 x ? cm) (68) TM 80129 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 29811 = C.Pap.Lat. 113 = W.Chrest. 457: Honesta Missio from 122 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35 + n. 21; 1 waxed tablet) (Cairo Museum info:14 x ? cm) (69) TM 9922 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 29812 = C.Pap.Lat. 148: Bilingual Declaration of Birth from 62 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35: waxed diptychon) (Cairo Museum info:12.8 x 16.5 cm) (70) TM 131525 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 29813 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: Private account, no further details given. (Cairo Museum info:15.9 x 20.1 cm) (71) TM 68798 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 31359 descr.= Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: School text: no further details given. (Cairo Museum info: date not specified; 14 x 25 cm; waxed wood) (72) TM 131527 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 36058 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35. No further details given. (Cairo Museum info: date not specified; 29 x 54 cm; wood)


(73) TM 23278 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 41756 = SB 1:5941: Abstract of a Contract. (= Cauderlier # 258: 6th cent. C.E.; dimensions not stated; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41 + n. 115); (Cairo Museum info: 16.5 x 28 cm; coated wood) (74) TM 131528 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 44295 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: School Text, further details not given. (Cairo Museum info: date not specified; 20 x 17 cm; tablet w/o wax) (75) TM 131529 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51274 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: School text: Mathematics. (Cairo Museum info: date not specified; 12 x 54 cm; wood) (76) TM 131530 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51278 + 51279 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: School text: Mathematics. (Cairo Museum info:date not specified; 19 + 5.5 x 24 cm; coated wood) (77) TM 131531 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51302 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: Private account. (Cairo Museum info: date not specified; 15 x 8.3 cm; waxed wood) (78) TM 131532 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51305 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: Private account. (Cairo Museum info: date not specified; 12.5 x 9.8 cm; waxed wood) (79) TM 131533 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51306 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: School text. (Cairo Museum info:date not specified; 15.2 x 6 cm) (80) TM 131534 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51309 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: Private account. (Cairo Museum info:date not specified; 13.4 x 8.5 cm) (81) TM 131535 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51312 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: Private account. (Cairo Museum info: date not specified; 12.5 x 10 cm; waxed wood) (82) TM 131536 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51316 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: Private account (Cairo Museum info: date not specified; 10 x 7.5 cm; waxed wood) (83) TM 131537 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51319 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: School text.


(84) TM 79050 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51320Ro = SB 22:15474 = Enchoria 22 (1995) 82: Tax Receipt for Beer Tax. (Ed.princ.: 144 B.C.E.; 12 x 4.5 cm; wood [recycled mummy label]; Verso = TM 51211) (85) TM 131538 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51321 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: Receipt from 94 B.C.E. (Cairo Museum info:date not specified; ? x 16 cm) (86) TM 97329 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51322a = SB 26:16713 = Miscellanea S. Daris 191: Tax Receipt for pchismos peristereonn. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35) (Ed.princ.: 2nd / 1st cent. B.C.E.; 13.3 x 2.3 cm; wood [recycled mummy label]) (87) TM 97330 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51322b = SB 26:16714 = Miscellanea S. Daris 193: Tax Receipt for pchismos peristereonn. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35; written on verso of JdE # 51322a) (88) TM 70159 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51324 = C.Pap.Lat. 201 = ASAE 32 (1932) 177: Datio tutoris from ca. 150 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35: waxed?) (89) TM 131539 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51327 + 51328 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: School Text. (90) TM 131540 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51330 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: Private account. (Cairo Museum info: no date specified; 8 x 6 cm; waxed wood) (91) TM 131541 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51338 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 36: Private account. (Cairo Museum info: no date specified; 9 x 7 cm; waxed wood) (92) TM 2612 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 51359 = SB 18:13910 = ZPE 61 (1985) 43: Bilingual sitologus receipt from Krokodilopolis, 116 B.C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35) (Ed.princ.: 7.9 x 13.5 cm [recycled mummy label]; Demotic text [account] in Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 80-1 # 30) (93) TM 40713 = Cairo Museum, JdE # 52503 = SB 5:7740 = ASAE 29 (1929) 96: List presenting Names (or mummy label?). 19

(= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42) (94) TM 70160 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JdE # 72033 = C.Pap.Lat. 221 = Et.Pap. 6 (1940) 120 (Tablettes L. Keimer): Testament de 142 C.E. (cf. Cauderlier, p. 78 unnumbered) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35 + n. 22) (Ed.princ.: 13 x 10.5 cm; 5 partially waxed tablets) (95) TM 131542 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, inv. # CP 2-3-22-5 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 36: School Text. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, loc.cit., n. 25: cf. Livre d colier p. 3, Debut # 57, further details not known) (Cairo Museum info [re TR]: date not specified; 9 x 59 cm) (96) TM 128761 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum, O(straka)M(edinet)M(adi) without number = P. Narm. 2006 14: School text: Sententiae / Gnomic wisdom? (Ed.princ.: 2nd / 3rd cent. C.E.; 10 x 4.5 cm; wood) (97) TM 17869 = Cairo, Egyptian Papyrological Society, without number = C.Pap.Lat. 163 = SB 6:9200 = Et.Pap. 6 (1940) 23: Bilingual Declaration of Birth from 242 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35 + n. 23) (Ed.princ.: 18.5 x 8.5 9 cm; wood). (98) TM 70157 = Cairo, Egyptian Papyrological Society, number unknown = C.Pap.Lat. 173 = Et.Pap. 6 (1940) 22 fn.1: Manumission of a Slave from 241 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35 sub T.Cair.inv.) (Ed.princ.: further details not reported) (99) TM 60376 = Cairo, IFAO, number unknown = BCH 28 (1904) 207-208: School text: Homer, Iliad 9.1-7. (= Cauderlier # 273: Roman; dimensions not indicated; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 834) (= Cribiore # 199) (100) TM 62369 = Cairo, IFAO, number unknown = BCH 28 (1904) 208-209: School text: Menander, Sententiae, ## 567, *897 (Pernigotti) & speech of Achilles shade. (= Cauderlier # 264: Byzantine; dimensions not indicated; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 1341 = 1843) (= Cribiore # 159)


(101) TM 68641 = Cairo, IFAO, without number = SB 26:16597 = BIFAO 101 (2001) 159 School text: Writing exercise. (Ed.princ.: 5th / 6th cent. C.E.; 23.5 x 7.1 cm; wood) (102) TM 68648 = Cairo, Coptic Museum, inv.1006 (4079) = SB 26:16603 = BIFAO 101 (2001) 172 ): School text: Multiplication tables, words, dating. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36 sub Cairo SR 1006 (Coptic Mus.): 7th / 8th cent. C.E.) (Ed.princ.: 7th cent. C.E.; 19.5 x 36 cm; wood) (103) TM 25422 = Cairo, Private collection (anonymous) = SB 18:13945: = ZPE 62 (1986) 71. Name tag (no further details reported)? Cologne (104) TM 65320 = Cologne, Papyrussammlung, inv. T. 19 = P.Kln Gr. 4:173: Liturgic Easter Hymn. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, n. 36 + n. 27) (Ed.princ.: 7th cent. C.E.; 18 x 35 cm; wood) (105) TM 60945 = Cologne, Papyrussammlung, inv. T. 21 = ZPE 13 (1974) 97-103: School text: Homer, Iliad 22, end, + Menander, Sententia # 9 (Pernigotti). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36 + n. 26) (= Cribiore # 216: 3rd / 4th cent. C.E.; 16.7 x 27.8 cm; wood, originally a book cover) (106) TM 61398 = Cologne, Private collection = ZPE 75 (1988) 297-300: School text: Isocrates, Ad Demonicum 24; list of proper names. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36) (= Cribiore # 308: 5th cent. C.E.; 27 x 6 cm; wood) (107) TM 65418 = Cologne, Private collection = Bonner Jahrb. 168 (1968), p. 107 # 10: Christian Amulet for Protection of a House. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36) Deir el-Azab (Egypt) (108) TM xxxxxx = Deir al-Azab inv. 69 = JJP in preparation [A. ajtar & J. v.d. Vliet], text no. 1. Mathematical exercise. Byzantine period; 7 x 25 cm. Lower part of a coated wooden tablet. (109) TM xxxxxx = Deir al-Azab inv. xx = JJP, in preparation [A. ajtar & J. v.d. Vliet], text no. 2. Psalm 53.3-5 Byzantine period; 7 x 26 cm. Lower part of a coated wooden tablet, now much affected by salt and incrusted dust; tablet deformed and partly broken. (110) TM xxxxxx = Deir al-Azab inv. xx = JJP in preparation [A. ajtar & J. v.d. Vliet], text no. 3. Psalm 129.1b-21


Byzantine period; 11 x 25 cm. Lower part of a wooden tablet featuring traces of original light coating. The words of the Psalm divided into syllables. Verso: blank. Deir el-Bahari (Egypt) (111) TM 68649 = Egypt, Deir el-Bahari ( Theban area), excavation # O. 4781 = JJP 31 (2001) 7-8: Symbolum of Nicaea. (Ed.princ.:6th / 7th cent. C.E; 7 x 11.5 cm; wood) Dijon (112) TM 131685 = Dijon, Muse des Beaux-Arts, inv. Cat.Egypte 562 = Ricerche di Egittologia e di Antichit Copte 4 (2002) 93-101: Magical Amulet, declension of . ^ (Ed.princ.: 6th - 8th cent. C.E.; 2.9 x 3.6 cm; wood) Douch (Khargeh Oasis, Egypt) (113) TM 34363 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1976, inv. # 15 = O.Douch 1:28: Account of artabs. (= Cauderlier # 227: VIth cent. C.E.; 9 x 3 cm; wood) (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E; [date in Cauderlier VI probably error for IV, KAW) (114) TM 34592 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1979-1981, inv. # 766 = O.Douch 3:236: Account. (Ed.princ.: no date; 4.4 x 2.3 cm; wood) (115) TM 34615 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1979-1981, inv. # 66 = O.Douch 3:259: Fragment of a private letter. (Ed.princ.: no date; 5.5 x 2.5 cm; wood) (116) TM 34646 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1979-1981, inv. # 747 = O.Douch 3:290: Private Letter. (Ed.princ.: no date; 10.5 x 3.5 cm; bark) (117) TM 34675 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1979-1981, inv. # 868 = O.Douch 3:322: List of Names; (Ed.princ.: no date; 16.5 x 4 cm; bark) (118) TM 34694 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1979-1981, inv. # 927 = O.Douch 3:342: Private Letter. (Ed.princ.: no date; 6 x 3 cm; bark) (119) TM 73911 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1985-1988, inv. # 85-11 = O.Douch 4:358 descr.: Account. (Ed.princ.: no date; 18.5 x 4.5 cm; wood) (120) TM 73913 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1985-1988, inv. # 85.13+51 = O.Douch 4:360: List of Names. 22

(Ed.princ.: no date; 7.8 x 1.5 cm + 12 x 3 cm; wood) (121) TM 73918 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1985-1988, inv. # 85.40 = O.Douch 4:365: Account. (Ed.princ.: no date; 9 x 4 cm; wood) (122) TM 73927 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1985-1988, inv. # 85-79 = O.Douch 4:374: Account. (Ed.princ.: no date; 18.5 x 6.5 cm; wood) (123) TM 74129 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1989, inv. # 89-463 = O.Douch 5:573: Account. (Ed.princ.: no date; 7 x 5 cm; bark) (124) TM 74154 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1989, inv. # 89-512 = O.Douch 5:598: Account. (Ed.princ.: no date; 13.5 x 4 cm; wood) (125) TM 74155 = Douch, excavations IFAO 1989, inv. # 89-512 = O.Douch 5:599: Account. (Ed.princ.: no date; 4.5 x 2 cm; wood) (126) TM 30299 = Douch, excavations IFAO, inv. 1068Ro = SB 16:12808 = Atti 17th [Naples] Congr. 1:99-100: Letter. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42) (Ed.princ.: 3rd cent. C.E.; dimensions not stated; wood [recycled mummy label?]) Durham, NC (127) TM 65410 = Durham (NC), Duke University, inv. P. 232 = ZPE 106 (1995) 175-178: Greek / Coptic School text: Syllabary. (= Cribiore # 95: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; 11.2 x 26.6 cm; coated wood) Florence (128) TM 13757 = Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, inv. PSI 1027 = PSI 9:1027 = C.Pap.Lat. 213: Testament from 151 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41 + n. 110; 1 waxed diptychon) (Ed.princ.: 18 x 13.5 cm) (129) TM 130016 = Florence, Istituto Papirologico G. Vitelli, inv. IPV Coll.Arch. 1181 = ZPE 159 (2007) 249-252: Magical Amulet, declension of . ^ (Ed.princ.: 6th - 8th cent. C.E.; 2.6 x 4.2 cm, wood)


(130) TM 100126 = Florence, Istituto Papirologico 'G. Vitelli', PSI inv. T. 1 = G. Menci, Note su reperti Antinoiti, in: F. Crevatin & G. Tedeschi (edd.), Scrivere, leggere, interpretare. Studi di antichit in onore di S. Daris (Trieste 2005; see: http://www.sslmit.units.it/crevatin/Daris.htm) School text (?), writing exercise (Alphabet), drawing. (Ed.princ.: 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; 24.7 x 11.5 cm; coated wood) (131) TM 29215 = Florence, Istituto Papirologico 'G. Vitelli', PSI inv. T. 2 = PSI Congr. XXI 11: List of fishes. (Ed.princ.: late 2nd cent. C.E.; 6.7 x 6.8 cm; wood) Freiburg (132) TM 62060 = Freiburg, Universittsbibliothek, inv. Pap.80 descr. = Kosack, Alltag im alten gypten, p. 47 H.4: Bilingual Greek / Coptic Drafts for letters, OT, Psalm 28. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 30; set of 2 waxed tablets) (Descr.: 4th-6th cent C.E.; 47 x 16 cm; coated wood) (133) TM 131560 = Freiburg, Universittsbibliothek, inv. AE 917 (182) descr. = Kosack, Alltag im alten gypten, p. 48 H 5 descr. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 30) (Descr.: no date indicated; 26.2 x 12.3 cm; coated wood) (134) TM 131561 = Freiburg, Universittsbibliothek, inv. AE 918 (182) descr. = Kosack, Alltag im alten gypten, p. 48 H 6 descr. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 30) (Descr.: no date indicated; 27.9 x 9.4 cm) (135) TM 131562 = Freiburg, Universittsbibliothek, inv. AE 922 (491) descr. = Kosack, Alltag im alten gypten, p. 49 H 10 descr. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 30) (Descr.: no date indicated; 9.3 x 7.4 cm; diptychon) (136) TM 131563 = Freiburg, private collection = Kosack, Alltag im alten gypten, p. 50 sub H.18 descr.: Schultext, writing exercise, - , - , - . (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 30) (Descr.: ca .200 B.C.E.; 14.8 x 6.4 cm; coated wood) Geneve (137) TM 62158 = Geneva, Bibliothque Municipale, Ms.Gr. 50 = P.Genve hors sr. (1909) # 6: Account of wheat, reused as an amulet: OT, Psalm 90.1-7, 10-13. (= Cauderlier # 219 = # 229: 7th cent. C.E.; 24 x 17 cm; 1 waxed tablet) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 31)


Giessen (138) TM 131543 = Giessen, Universittsbibliothek P.Giss. inv. 298 ined. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 37 (= Brashear & Hoogendijk, loc. cit ., n. 32: cf. KB Giessen 10 (1960) pp. 5, 7 Abb. 2) (For a photo, see also R. Marichal, Bibliologia 12, p. 181; for a description, see the Giessen University Library website: 11 x 9.3 cm; 1 waxed diptychon inscribed with Greek (?) text). (139) TM 18822 = Giessen, Universittsbibliothek, inv. P.b.u.G. 566 = SB 3:6304 = C.Pap.Lat. 193: Bilingual Purchase of a slave, written in Ravenna in 151 C.E., found in the Fayum. (= Cauderlier # 230: 2nd cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated [acc. to the Giessen University Library website: 12.5 x 15.6 cm]; 1 waxed tablet ) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 32, p. 42 + n. 118) Halle (140) TM 64298 = Halle, Universitt, P. 59 - 65 = Arch.f.Pap. 8 (1927) 34-59 [Halle A] + Mentz, Quellen zur Geschichte der Kurzschrift, 1:57-79 [Halle A]: Tachygraphical Commentary and tachygraphical signs. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 108; p. 41 sub Pack 2773, 2774) (Halle website: 6th cent. C.E.; 23 x 19 cm; 7 wax tablets) (141) TM 64299 = Halle, Universitt, P. 66 + 67 = Arch.f.Pap. 8 (1927) 34-59 [Halle B] + Mentz, Quellen zur Geschichte der Kurzschrift, 1:57-79 [Halle B]: Tachygraphical exercises, Syllabary with quotations from NT 2 Cor. 1.3-4 & Eph. 1.1516. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 108; p. 41 sub Pack 2773, 2774) (Halle website: 6th cent. C.E.; 21 x 16.7 - 17 cm; 2 waxed tablets) (142) TM 131601 = Halle, Universitt, P. 68 ined.: Greek writing and calculating exercises. (according to the website http://papyri.uni-leipzig.de/receive/HalPapyri_schrift_00002080: 6th cent. C.E; 11 x 17.5 cm; 1 waxed tablet) Heidelberg (143) TM 80107 = Heidelberg, Seminar fr gyptologie, inv. # 96 = P.Baden 4:61Ro: List of Names / Receipt? (other side: TM 80108 = P.Baden. 4:61Vo) (= Cauderlier # 233: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; dimensions and material not indicated]) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 2) (Ed.princ.: 25.5 x 8 cm; coated wood) (144) TM 80108 = Heidelberg, Seminar fr gyptologie, inv. # 96 = P.Baden 4:61Vo: List of Names / Receipt? (other side is TM 80107 = P.Baden 4:61Ro) (145) TM 80109 = Heidelberg, Seminar fr gyptologie, inv. # 97 = P.Baden 4:62: List of Names. 25

(= Cauderlier # 234: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; dimensions and material not indicated [ed.princ.: 26.4 x 15.3 cm]; coated wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 3) (146) TM 80110 = Heidelberg, Seminar fr gyptologie, inv. # 98 = P.Baden 4:63: List of Names + dating. (= Cauderlier # 235: 7th / 8th century; dimensions and material not indicated [ed.princ.: 24 x 4.5 cm]; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34) (147) TM 64956 = Heidelberg, Seminar fr gyptologie, inv. # 305 (now lost) = P.Baden 4:111: School text: Hexameter + exhortation to write well [for a parallel, cf. Cribiore # 136], divided into syllables, then a repetition of these words in a different order. (= Cauderlier # 294: [Byz. period]; 51 x 9 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34, 40 sub Pack 2733 + n. 102) (= Cribiore # 222: 9.6 x 51.5 cm) (148) TM 65415 = Heidelberg, Seminar fr gyptologie, inv. # 452 = P.Baden 4:60: Christian Amulet with Pater Noster. (= Cauderlier # 217: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; 16.8 x 11.8 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 2) (149) TM 62265 = Heidelberg, Seminar fr gyptologie # 2104 = P.Baden 4:65 + 5:127: Amulet, OT, Psalm 135.1-18, 21-26 + Litany for the Virgin. (= Cauderlier # 216: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; 38 x 7.7 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 5) (150) TM 65416 = Heidelberg, Seminar fr gyptologie # 2291 = P.Baden 4:64 + BL 2.2:177181: School text: Multiplications of 1- 10, 10 - 100, 100 - 1000 x [1 - 10, 20, 30]. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 4) (Ed.princ.: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; 48 x 15.3 cm; wood) Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab, Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt) (151) TM 61380 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN A/2 = P.Kellis 3:95: Three Orations of Isocrates: Ad Demonicum, Ad Nicoclem, Nicocles (schoolteachers text). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 sub T. Kharge-Oase + n. 35) (Ed.princ.: [mid?] 4th cent. C.E.; 32 x 16 cm; codex of 8.5 uncoated wooden boards). (152) TM 23651 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN A/2 = P.Kellis 4:96: Agricultural Account book. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 sub T. Kharge-Oase + n. 35) (Ed.princ.: early 2nd half 4th cent. C.E.; 33.4 x 10.7 cm; codex of 8 uncoated wooden boards).


(153) TM 109540 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN A/5/2 = P.Kellis 1:82: Calendar of lucky and unlucky days used for divination. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 21.7 x 9 cm; wood). (154) TM 31309 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN A/5/91 = P.Kellis 1:60: List of Names. (Ed.princ.: late 3rd / early 4th cent. C.E.; 13.5 x 5.2 cm; wood). (155) TM 64437 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN A/5/92 = P.Kellis 2:94 (pp. 143-144): Christian Amulet with Eulogy. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 8.2 x 5 cm; wood). (156) TM 33316 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN A/5/106 = P.Kellis 1: 61: List of Money Arrears. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 22.9 x .3 cm; wood). (157) TM 64435 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN A/5/193 = P.Kellis 1:88: Amulet with prayer against illness. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 23.8 x 9.8 cm; wood); see also ZPE 119 (1997) 128-131. (158) TM 20318 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN A/5/194 = P.Kellis 1:62: List of Rent Payments. (probably 273 - 275 CE, cf. CdE 74 [1999] 329-333; 26 x 9.5 cm; wood). (159) TM 97894 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN A/5/198 + 263 Ro = P.Kellis 1:84: Greek Horoscope from 373 C.E. (Ed.princ.: 33 x 10.7 cm; wood featuring traces of some form of coating; for the [Coptic] text on the other side of this board, see TM 85899 = P.Kellis 5 [Copt. 1] :48) (160) TM 33336 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN A/5/220 = P.Kellis 1:90Ro: School exercise in mathematics. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 5.3 x 5.8 cm; wood; cf. TM 33337 = P.Kellis 1:90 Vo: School exercise). (161) TM 64303 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN A/5/P92.472 = P.Kellis Lit. 2:98: Manichaean Prayer of the Emanations. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 31.2 x 8.4 / 8.9 cm; coated wooden board)


(162) TM 74557 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN C/21/6 = O.Kellis 33: Tax Receipt from a regnal year 19. (Ed.princ.: 2nd or early 3rd cent. C.E.; 4.3 x 10 cm; wood). (163) TM 91949 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN D/2/44 = Mnemosyne 59 (2006) 254-256: School text: Verbal conjugation. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 5.3 x 10.2 cm; coated wood) (164) TM 91948 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN D/2/45 = Mnemosyne 59 (2006) 247-254: School text: Division tables (various numbers multiplied by various fractions between 1/2 - 1/20). (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 8.2 x 6.4 cm; coated wood). (165) TM 91945 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN D/2/46 = Mnemosyne 59 (2006) 233-247: School text: Hexametrical Homer parody. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 8 x 5.5 cm; coated wood) (166) TM 79242 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN # D/3/8+21 = SB 24:15919: Two Private Receipts, from 269 respectively 273 C.E. (Ed.princ.: 18.5 x 6 cm; wood) (167) TM 60981 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN D/4/2 = Mnemosyne 51 (1998) 206-209: School text: Homer, Iliad 12.294-297. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 3.5 x 12.1 cm; wood) (168) TM 97331 = Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab), Dakleh Oasis Project ORN D/8/114 = SB 26: 16826 - 16827: Two Greek Horoscopes, from 392 C.E., respectively 388 C.E. (Ed.princ.: 14.9 x 10.1 cm; uncoated wooden board) Leiden (169) TM 64448 = Leiden, Papyrological Institute, inv. V 11 = Pap.Lugd.Bat. 25:16: School text: Alphabetic acrostic on Prometheus' creation of mortals. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38) (= Cribiore # 305: 4th cent. C.E.; 15.3 x 27.7 cm; wood, one side waxed) (170) TM 64449 = Leiden, Papyrological Institute, inv. V 12 -14 = Pap.Lugd.Bat. 25:17: School text: Writing exercise (?) and loan of money. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38) (= Cribiore # 398: mid 4th cent. C.E.; 13.5 x 14.1 & 14.1 x 17.7 cm; 2 waxed tablets)


(171) TM 64450 = Leiden, Papyrological Institute, inv. V 15 = Pap.Lugd.Bat. 25:18: School text. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38) (Ed.princ.: 4th [?] cent. C.E.; 9.6 - 10.2 x 17.7 cm; 1 un-inscribed wax tablet) (172) TM 61386= Leiden, Papyrological Institute, inv. V 16 - 20 = Pap.Lugd.Bat. 25:15: School text: Isocrates, Ad Demonicum 1; word division, multiplication tables of numbers [1-10] x 40. (= Cauderlier ## 87-91: after 212 C.E.; 18 x 13 cm; 5 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38: ca. 350) (= Cribiore # 395: ca. 350 C.E.; 13 x 18 cm) (173) TM 100127 = Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, inv. AH 158 = C. Leemans, Aegyptische monumenten van het Nederlandse Museum van Oudheden te Leyden, p. 450: Greek Alphabet. (Ed.princ.: 2nd cent. C.E.; 10.7 x 20.7 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 36) (174) TM 131657= Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, inv. F 2010/8.1 = JJP forthcoming: Multiplication table of 1 - 10 x 70. (Ed.princ.: 7th cent. C.E.; 10.4 x 17.7; wood) London (cf. also sub Oslo/London) (175) TM 64313 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 33270 descr. = Milne, Greek ShortHand Manuals, pp. 7 - 8: Tachygraphical Commentary, various signs repeated 4x. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41 sub Pack 2758 + n. 107; (Ed.princ.: 3rd / 4th cent. C.E.; 22.3 x 16.7 cm; set of 9 partly waxed tablets) (176) TM 60833 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 33293 = JHS 29 (1909) 39 descr.: School text: Homer, Iliad 3.273-277 / 278-285, with words and syllables distinguished with small markings. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 sub Pack 694 + n. 86) (= Cribiore # 292: 3rd cent. C.E.; 33 x 17.7 cm; wood painted white) (177) TM 64582 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 33368 = JHS 29 (1909) 39-40: School text: Some grammatical material. (= Cauderlier ## 37-44: 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; small format; set of 8 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2714 + n. 99) (= Cribiore # 401) (178) TM 131548 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 33369 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 37: Private account. (Descr.: 7th cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; set of 10 tablets).


(179) TM 131549 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 33797 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 37 + n. 42: Private account. (Descr.: 3rd cent. C.E.; further details not stated) (180) TM 131550 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 33999 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 37 + n. 43): Testament (?). (Descr.: , 2nd cent. C.E.; further details not stated) (181) TM 61495 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 34186 (1) = P.Lond.Lit. 253: School text: Menander, Sententia # 705 (Pernigotti); on 2nd leaf: multiplications 1x1, 2 x 1> 10], 3 x [1>10]). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2713 + n. 98) (= Cribiore # 383: 2nd cent. C.E.; 17.8 x 26 cm; waxed diptychon) (182) TM 131552 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 34244 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 37: Private account. (descr.:1st (?) cent. C.E., no further details stated) (183) TM 62680 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 37516 = JHS 29 (1909) 29-31: School text: Chreia of Pythagoras, conjugation paradigm of nikao. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2711 + n. 96) (= Cribiore # 364: 3rd cent. C.E.; 41.5 x 13.5 cm; wooden tablet with white coating) (184) TM 64097 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 37533 = JHS 29 (1909) 32-39: School notebook: conjugation tables, alphabet, word list, riddles, gnomai. (= Cauderlier ## 11-18; 3rd cent. C.E.; 26.5 x 10 cm; set of 8 wooden tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2712 + n. 97) (= Cribiore # 385: 9.5 x 27 cm) (185) TM 70158 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 40723 = C.Pap.Lat. 200 = AJA 46 (1942) 94-98: Datio tutoris muliebris, from between 126-132 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 45; wax tablet; dimensions not stated) (186) TM 65052 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 41203 A-F = Mizraim 3 (1936) 18-25: Numerology (list of isopsephisms), geometrical problems. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2109 = 2316 + n. 91; 5th cent. C.E.) (Ed.princ.: 15 x 10.7 cm; set of 6 coated wooden boards) (187) TM 15712 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 46518 = C.Pap.Lat. 159 = P.Diog. 1: Birth Certificate from 127 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 48) (P.Diog.: 15 x 9.6 cm; part of a waxed diptychon, but wax not preserved)


(188) TM 3556 = London, British Library, Add. MS. 56489 = UPZ 2:155 + REG 58 (1945) 193: Receipt. (= Cauderlier # 247: 254 B.C.E.; dimensions not indicated; wood [recycled mummy label?]) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42 + n. 124) (189) TM 64098 = London, British Museum EA 21615 - 21617 = SB 24:16071: School text: Alphabet + comedy. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 38) (= Cribiore 107; Roman; 2 frags of 1 wooden board, 15 x 3 & 14 x 5 cm) (190) TM 135654 = British Museum, EA 24591 ined., to be published by A. Delattre & K.A. Worp in CdE: Magical Amulet, declension of . ^ 6th - 8th cent. C.E.; 2.8 x 2.8 cm; wood. (191) TM 131544 = London, British Museum EA 26222 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 37 + n. 39: Private account (no further details). (192) TM 131545 = London, British Museum EA 26801 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 37 (Roman; set of 3 waxed tablets, no further details). (193) TM 131546 = London, British Museum EA 27393 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 37 (descr.: 1 waxed tablet, no further details). (194) TM 131547 = London, British Museum EA 29424 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 37 + p. 47 n. 39 (no further details) (195) TM 63841 = London, British Museum EA 29527 = P.Lond.Lit. 63: Epigram of enigmatical character. (= Cauderlier # 275: 2nd / 3rd cent. C.E.; dimensions not stated; waxed tablet) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37, 40 sub Pack 1765 + n. 89: waxed diptychon) (= Cribiore # 202: 22.5 x 12 cm) (196) TM 82865 = London, British Museum EA 29529 = Hall, O.Brit.Mus.Copt. 1, p. 149 # 28: Greek account? (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37) (Ed. princ.: 6th cent. C.E.; 8.5 x 2 inch = 21.6 x 5.1 cm; wood) (197) TM 44926 = London, British Mus. EA. 56920 ined., to be published by K. Vandorpe - K.A. Worp: Greek Receipt for Measurement (Harvest Tax), 107 B.C.E. BM website: 5.4 x 13 cm. (198) TM 131551 = London, British Museum, GRA 88, 9-20,72-78 ined. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 37 descr. (3rd / 4th cent. C.E.; set of 6 waxed tablets, no further details) 31

(199) TM 61042 = London, British Museum, GRA 1906,10-20.2 = CdE 68 (1993) 145-154: School text: Homer, Iliad 1.468-473. (= Cauderlier # 272: 5th cent. C.E.; dimensions not stated; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 611 + n. 84) (= Cribiore # 310: 41.3 x 10.8 cm; incomplete wooden board with iron handle) (200) TM 131553 = London, British Museum, GRA 1906, 10-22, 13 descr. = Enchoria 17 (1990) 37: Anepigraphisch. (201) TM 5692 = London, University College, Petrie Museum inv. UC 36089 = SB 4:7451: Accounts. (= Cauderlier ## 59-65; 3rd cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated [Museum website: 9.1 x 5.7 cm]; set of 7 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42 + n. 120) (202) TM 75572 = London, University College, Petrie Museum inv. UC 62091 = O.Petrie 398 descr.: Unidentified text of 10 lines. (Museum Website: 7.5 x 3 cm) (203) TM 64648 = London, University College, Petrie Museum, inv. UC 36114 = Ancient Egypt 1 (1914) 52-54: School text: Division tables of 1/15, 1/16. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2312) (Museum website: 26.7 x 12.5 cm; wood) (204) TM 131709 = London, University College, Petrie Museum, inv. UC 59499 = REAC 4 (2002) 93-101: Amulet, declension of . ^ (Ed.princ.: 6th-8th cent. C.E.; 1.75 x 4.5 cm; wood) Los Angeles (205) TM 28826 = Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, M 80-202-491 (previously private collection of Mr. G. Michaelidis, Cairo) = P.Michaelid. 61 = C.Pap.Lat. 164: Fragment of a Bilingual Document (birth (?) certificate). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38) (Ed.princ.: 2nd cent. C.E.?; 14.3 x 47 cm; wood) Madison (Wisconsin)
For a T.Wisc. w/o number ined.(?) see Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43 + n. 129, referring to J. Debut in ZPE 63 [1986] 260 # 162. That text (Homer, Iliad 1.468-473), however, is probably identical with the London British Museum text published by F. Kenyon in JHS 29 [1909] 39 (= TM 61042 = Cribiore # 310).


Manchester (206) TM 111687 = Manchester, John Rylands Library, inv. Suppl. 50 = Acta Orientalia 24 (1959) 71-82: Bilingual Greek/Coptic Amulet: Letter of Jesus Christ to Abgar. (Ed.princ.: 5th - 8th cent.C.E.; 44 x 11 cm; wooden tablet) Marseille (207) TM 64462 = Marseille, Muse dArchologie Mditerranenne, inv. 1564 - 1567 = Annal. Soc.Fran. de Numismatique et d'Archologie 3 (1868), p. lxviii-lxix: School text: Copying exercises. (= Cauderlier ## 132-135; 4th cent. C.E.; 19 x 15.5 cm; set of 4 waxed tablets) (= Cribiore # 389: 3rd / 4th cent. C.E., perhaps later) (208) TM 64463 = Marseille, Muse dArchologie Mditerranenne, inv. 1568 = Annal.Soc. Fran. de Numismatique et d'Archologie 3 (1868), p. lxviii-lxix = P. Cauderlier, Deux documents marseillais: modalits de l'enseignement et de la formation de la jeunesse dans l'gypte romaine, in: M. Roussel (d.), Jeunesse et annes de formation dans l'Antiquit. Actes du Colloque organis par l'ARELAD dans le cadre de la MAFPEN, Universit de Bourgogne, 16-17 mars 1993 (Dijon, 1994) 117-134, text 2: School text: Story of Agamemnon & Iphigeneia. (= Cauderlier # 277 [cf. also his ## 132-135]: 24.iv.327 C.E.; 30.5 x 17.5 cm; 1 waxed tablet) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2731 + n. 100: set of 6 waxed tablets incorrect) (= Cribiore # 146) Milan (209) TM 65065 = Milan, Universit Cattolica, inv. P.Med. 71.00 = Aegyptus 55 (1975), pp. 5869: Christian Credo (Symbolum Nicaeo-Constantinopolitanum). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38) (Ed.princ.: 6th cent. C.E.; 38.5 x 19.5 cm; coated wood). (210) TM 131564 = Milan, Universit Statale, inv. T.Mil.Vogl. 1a-c descr.: Account. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 74: further details not reported) (211) TM 62163 = Milan, Universit Statale, inv. T. Mil. Vogl. 2 + 3 descr. in Pap.Congr. XXI (Berlin 1995) 136: School Text (?): OT, Psalms 17.36-38, 49.3-7. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 74: further details not reported) (212) TM 131565 = Milan, Universit Statale, inv. T.Mil.Vogl. 4 descr.: School Text. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 74: further details not reported)


(213) TM 62013 = Milan, Universit Statale, inv. T. Mil. Vogl. 5 descr. in Pap.Congr. XXI (Berlin 1995) 136: School Text (?): OT, Psalm 12.3-5. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 74: further details not reported) (214) TM 131566 = Milan, Universit Statale, inv. T.Mil.Vogl. 6 descr.: School Text. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 74: further details not reported) (215) TM 131567 = Milan, Universit Statale, inv. T.Mil.Vogl. 7 descr.: School Text. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 74: further details not reported) (216) TM 66739 = Milan, Universit Statale, inv. T.Mil.Vogl. 8 = P.Bingen 8: School text: Dionysius Thrax Ars grammatica, on conjugation with tables & scholia minora on Homer, Iliad 1.405-436. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 74) (Ed.princ.: first half 2nd cent. C.E.; remains of 3 waxed insides of wooden boards of ca. 7.8 x 9.3, 7.9 x 12 and 8 x 10.4 cm; cf. also TM 66740) (217) TM 66740 = Milan, Universit Statale, inv. T.Mil.Vogl. 8 = P.Bingen 8 p. 31 & n. 4: School text: Iambic trimeter. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 74) (Ed.princ.: first half 2nd cent. C.E.; remains of 3 waxed insides of wooden boards of ca. 7.8 x 9.3, 7.9 x 12 and 8 x 10.4 cm; cf. also TM 66739) (218) TM 131568 = Milan, Universit Statale, T.Mil.Vogl. 9 descr.: Private Account. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 74: further details not reported) (219) TM 131569 = Milan, Universit Statale, T.Mil.Vogl. 10 descr.: Private Account. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 74: further details not reported) Mnster (220) TM 101266 = Mnster, Westflische Wilhelms-Universitt, inv. 522 = Boreas (Mnster) 26 (2003) 163-169: Tax Receipt from 81 C.E. (Ed.princ.: 5 x 13.5 cm; wood [recycled mummy label]) New Haven, CT (221) TM 65066 = New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, P.CtYBR 488 = H. Quecke, Untersuchungen zum Koptischen Stundengebet, 454 - 457 + Le Muson 76 (1963) 27 45: Christian liturgic prayer (mesonyktion) with doxology and Psalm 118.169-176 and 133. (= Cauderlier # 222: 6th cent. C.E.; 35.5 x 14.9 cm; wood) 34

(= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (222) TM 61399 = New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, inv. P.CtYBR 3678 = Pap. Congr. XXI (Berlin 1995) 244-250: School text: Isocrates, Ad Demonicum 17 + List of Egyptian Month Names. (Ed.princ.: 470 C.E.; 13.5 x 27 cm; coated wood) New York City, NY (223) TM 69436 = New York, Brooklyn Museum, Accession # 12.768.440 = P.Brooklyn Dem. 6 descr.: Bilingual Greek/Demotic text, nature unclear. (Descr.: 9.3 x 2.2 cm; no further details stated) (224) TM 64281 = New York, Brooklyn Museum, Accession # 37.1724 E = P.Brooklyn Gr. 27: School text: Writing Exercise, 2 unidentified gnomic iambic trimeters (Sententiae). (= Cauderlier # 266: 3rd cent. C.E.; 30 x 13.5 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 1884) (= Cribiore # 142) (225) TM 64392 = New York, Brooklyn Museum, Accession # 37.473 E + 37.1910 E + 37.1909 E + 37.474 E + 37.1908 E = P.Brooklyn Gr. 28 - 29: School text: Gnomic Verse (3 iambic trimeters)+ list of quadrisyllabic words starting with eta divided into syllables. (= Cauderlier ## 82-86; 3rd cent. C.E.; 16 x 12.5 cm; 5 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 1885 = 1886) (= Cribiore # 391: 4th cent. C.E.) (226) TM 64391 = New York, Brooklyn Museum, Accession # 37.1912 E + 37.1911 E + 37.1913 E = P.Brooklyn Gr. 30 + 31: School text: Writing exercise. (= Cauderlier ## 144-147; no date indicated; 15 x 12.5 cm; precise number of tablets unclear: 3 + 1 = 4?) (= Cribiore # 392: 4th [ed.princ.: 3rd] cent. C.E.;11 x 17.5 cm; 3 waxed tablets) (227) TM 61079 = New York, Fordham University, inv. T 1/82 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 79 80: School text: recto: Homer, Iliad 7.21-28; verso: Homer, Iliad 2.244 repeated 19x. (= Cauderlier # 265: 3rd cent. C.E.; 50 x 24.4 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36) (= Cribiore # 313: 5th / 6th cent.) (228) TM 65158 = New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Accession # 14.1.13 = P.Mon. Epiph. 617 = P. Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (= MPER N.S. 18) 250: List of the Egyptian months. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, pp. 39 & 44 sub Pack 2333;


MMA website http://www.metmuseum.org/Collections/search-the-collections/170015863: ca. 600 C.E.; 17 x 3 cm; wood) , (229) TM 59115 = New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Accession # 14.1.219 = P.Mon. Epiphan. 616 = BASP 19 (1982) 1-7: School text: Anthologia Palatina IX 583, cryptographic alphabet. (= Cauderlier # 274: 6th / 7th cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 80; p. 40 sub Pack 1597) (= Cribiore # 66: 15 x 5 cm) ( M M A w e b s it e h t t p : / / w w w . me t mu s e u m. o r g / C o lle c t io ns / s e a r c h- t h e collections/170016056: 32.3 x 10.8 cm) (230) TM 131645 = New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Accession # 14.2.4a-d ined. Set of 4 waxed tablets; 500-700 C.E.; 23.7 x 14.9 cm The website http://www.metmuseum.org/Collections/search-the-collections/170014196 assigns the text to Coptic culture but there is no reason per se for excluding texts written partly in Greek. (231) TM 65067 = New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, inv. 1032 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 71 - 78: Geometrical problems, division tables by 17. (= Cauderlier ## 122-126) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36; 5th / 6th cent. C.E.; set of 5 waxed tablets; (Ed.princ.: ca. 10 x 21 cm) (232) TM 62127 = New York, Private collection Malloy, number unknown = BASP 25 (1988) 149-152: OT, Psalms 8, 12, 120 (fragments). (Ed.princ.: 5th / 6th cent. C.E.; 33.5 x 6.5 cm; wood) Oslo/London (233) TM 65210 = Oslo/London, Private collection Schyen, inv. MS. 608 = formerly Baarn, Private collection Moen inv. 601Vo = Stud.Pap. 21 (1982) 13-14: School t ext : Mult iplicat io n t able of t he numbers 1 > 10, by 6, 7, 8 & 9 + a few meaningless letters / words. (= Cauderlier ## 210 = 292: 6th / 7th cent. C.E.; 21 x 11.5 cm; 1 waxed tablet; cf. also his # 226 = TM 36005) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 76) (= Cribiore # 320) (234) TM 36005 = Oslo/London, Private collection Schyen, inv. MS. 608 = formerly Baarn, Private collection Moen inv. 601Ro= SB 16:12538: Draft / model of a contract. (= Cauderlier # 226; 6th / 7th cent. C.E.; 21 x 11.5 cm; 1 waxed tablet; cf. also his ## 210 = 292 = TM 65210). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 76) 36

(= Cribiore # 320) (235) TM 61405 = Oslo/London, Private collection Schyen, inv. MS. 1359 = formerly Baarn, Private collection Moen, inv. 78 = P. Schyen 1:11: Isocrates, Ad Demonicum 9 + Menander, Sententia # 895 (Pernigotti). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 sub T. Moen inv. 78) (= Cribiore # 229: 7th cent. [P.Schyen : 4th / 5th] C.E.; 37.5 x 14 cm; wood) Oxford (236) TM 65071 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, accession no. 1982-1119 = T.Varie (= Pap. Flor. 18) 22: School text: Multiplication tables (of the numbers 1 - 10, by 4 and 5) + list of words (bisyllables and trisyllables) with syllabification. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36) (= Cribiore # 121; 6th cent. A.D. [cf. also BL 11:305]; 43.3 x 21.4 cm; wood) (237) TM 63314 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 4 = JHS 13 (1892-1893) 296 n. 11; School text: Writing exercise (?), Maxim on Homer: Homer was a god, not a man. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2710 + n. 95) (= Cribiore # 200: Roman; 12.3 x 26.5 cm; 1 waxed tablet) (238) TM 78905 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 2903 = SB 20:14371 = Bodleian Quarterly Record 1 (1917-19) 316.E: Receipt for prostimon. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n.13) (Ed.princ.: 108 B.C.E.; 10.4 x 5.5 cm; wood [recycled? mummy label]) (239) TM 50356 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 2904 = SB 20:14372 = Bodleian Quarterly Record 1 (1917-19) 317.F: Bilingual Receipt for pchismos (= pigeon house tax; cf. BL 12:226). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34) (Ed. princ.: 101 B.C.E.; 10 x 5.3 cm; wood [recycled? mummy label]) (240) TM 50357 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 2905 = SB 20:14373 = Bodleian Quarterly Record 1 (1917-19) 317.G: Bilingual Receipt for the Harvest (cf. BL 12:226). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34) (Ed.princ.:157 B.C.E; 9.1 x 5.2 cm; wood [recycled? mummy label]) (241) TM 60718 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3017 = Mlanges Henri Grgoire 2, pp. 161-168: School text: Homer, Iliad 4.349-363 (on recto), 364-373 (on verso) with paraphrase and glossary. (= Cauderlier # 257: 2nd / 3rd cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n.14, p. 40 sub Pack 1176) 37

(= Cribiore # 333: 36.5 x 13.5 cm; 1 wooden tablet painted white) (242) TM 15480 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3018 (1-7) = SB 14:11938 = JEA 57 (1971) 165ff.: List of Wells near Hibis. (= Cauderlier ## 28-36: 246, 326 C.E.; dimensions not indicated [ed.princ.: 13.7 x 30.5 cm]; first part of a set of 9 wooden tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34); cf.also below, TM 23803 = SB 20:14884 (243) TM 23803 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3018 (8-9) = SB 20:14884: List of soldiers stipends (second part of a set of 9 wooden tablets, cf. TM 15480) (244) TM 61276 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3019 = ZPE 6 (1970) 133-149 + Mlanges Maspero, 2: Orient grec, romain et byzantin, pp. 73-76: School text: List of pronouns, conjugation paradigms of poieo; paraphrase of Homer, Iliad 1.1-16; fraction tables; OT, Psalm 46.3-10 (in Coptic). (= Cauderlier ## 45-51; 3rd cent. C.E.; 23.8 x 11 cm; set of 7 wooden tablets). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 + n. 15; p. 40 sub Pack 2732 + n. 101) (= Cribiore # 388) (245) TM 131656 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3020, descr. Parsons in ZPE 6 (1970) 149: Account, donkey transports. (= Cauderlier ## 162-163) (= Brashear Hoogendijk, p. 34: 2 wooden tablets) (246) TM 131655 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3021, descr. Parsons in ZPE 6 (1970) 149: deliveries of wheat. (= Cauderlier ## 164-165) (= Brashear Hoogendijk, p. 34: 2 wooden tablets) (247) TM 131654 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3022, descr. Parsons in ZPE 6 (1970) 149: Account. (= Cauderlier # 236) (= Brashear Hoogendijk, p. 34) (248) TM 131653 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3026, descr. Parsons in ZPE 6 (1970) 149: Account. (= Cauderlier # 237) (= Brashear Hoogendijk, p. 35) (249) TM 131652 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3027, descr. Parsons in ZPE 6 (1970) 149: Account. (= Cauderlier # 238) (= Brashear Hoogendijk, p. 35)


(250) TM 131651 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3028, descr. Parsons in ZPE 6 (1970) 149: Account. (= Cauderlier # 239) (= Brashear Hoogendijk, p. 35) (251) TM 131650 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3029, descr. Parsons in ZPE 6 (1970) 149: Account. (= Cauderlier # 240) (= Brashear Hoogendijk, p. 35) (252) TM 131649 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3030, descr. Parsons in ZPE 6 (1970) 149: Account. (= Cauderlier # 241) (= Brashear Hoogendijk, p. 35) (253) TM 63299 = Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ms. Gr. class. f. 7 (P) = CdE 32 (1957) 269-272: Planetary Table. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2005) (254) TM 70156 = Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ms.Lat.class. e. 16 (P) = C.Pap.Lat. 155: Declaration of Birth from 147 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 35 + n. 15a: set of 2 wax tablets) (255) TM 18820 = Oxford, Bodleian Library, number unknown = SB 3:6223 = Bodleian Quarterly Record 1919, p. 259 = C.Pap.Lat. 202: Bilingual Datio tutoris muliebris. (= Cauderlier ## 160-161; 198+ C.E.; dimensions and material not stated) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42 + n. 117) Paris (256) TM 65345 = Paris, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Y 19920 (Tablette Perdrizet) = Mlanges tienne Bernand, pp. 143-148: School text: Bilingual Greek / Coptic Syllabary + a Greek reversed alphabet + the Coptic letters. (= Cauderlier # 284: 7th cent. C.E.; 24.5 x 9.5 cm; wood) (= Cribiore # 92) (257) TM 3554 = Paris, Bibliothque Nationale, Cabinet des Mdailles, inv. 1893 = UPZ 2:153 + REG 58 (1945) 194: Bank receipt. (= Cauderlier # 249: 254 B.C.E.; dimensions not indicated; wood [recycled? mummy label]) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42 + n. 123) (258) TM 64370 = Paris, Bibliothque Nationale, Cabinet des Mdailles, inv. D 2563 (Tablettes Batissier) = Rev.Arch. 8 (1852) 461-470: School text: Alphabets, calculation. 39

(= Cauderlier ## 77-81: Ptolemaic [dating unlikely, KAW]; 11 x 4.2 cm; set of 5 wax tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 2730; set of 8 waxed tablets incorrect) (= Cribiore # 399: 4th cent C.E.?; set of 8 waxed tablets incorrect) (259) TM 64906 = Paris, Louvre, inv. AF 11932 + 11933 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1971) 60-61 = ZPE 50 (1983) 98: School text: Exercises with letters. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 51) (= Cribiore # 60: 5th / 6th cent. C.E.; 25 x 9 cm; wood) (260) TM 35128 = Paris, Louvre, inv. AF 11942 = SB 14:11421 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1971) 70: Fragmentary text of uncertain nature. (= Brashear-Hoogendijk, p. 38) (Ed.princ.: 5th / 6th cent. C.E. [?]; 31 x 4 cm; wood) (261) TM 64824 = Paris Louvre, inv. AF 1195 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1983) 276-279 App. = SB 20:14654 -14655: School text: Menander, Sententia # 889 (Pernigotti) + alphabets. (= Cauderlier ## 279 [recto], 289 [verso]: 6th / 7th cent.C.E.; 27 x 16 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38) (= Cribiore # 160; not earlier than 5th cent.) (262) TM 64825 = Paris, Louvre, inv. AF 11961 + 11962 [face A]) + 11963 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1983) 259-273 ## 1-3 & 5-8 = SB 20:14647-14651: School text: Multiplications ([1>10] x [1> 10], [1000 > 10000] x 2 & x 3 [SB 1464714649] & division tables [by 9, resp. 11: SB 14650-14651]). (= Cauderlier ## 102-105: 6th cent. C.E.; 26 x 12.5 cm; set of 5 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38) (263) TM 61597 = Paris, Louvre, inv. AF 1196 2 [face B] + MND 552 H + I + K Ro + L = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1983) 266-268 # 4: School text: Menander, Sententia # 16 (Pernigotti); OT, Psalm 146.1-11; division tables (by 24 and 25). (= Cauderlier ## 72-76: 4th cent. C.E.; 17.7 x 13.8 cm; set of 5 waxed tablets) (= Brashear-Hoogendijk, p. 38 + nn. 52, 63) (= Cribiore # 396) NB: for MND 552 KVo, cf. TM 35127 = SB 14:11420. (264) TM 64826 = Paris, Louvre, inv. AF 11971 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1983) 273-275 # 9 = SB 20:14652 - 14653: School text: Division tables (by 14, respectively 17). (= Cauderlier # 106: 6th cent. C.E.; dimensions not stated; 1 waxed tablet) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 53)


(265) TM 35129 = Paris, Louvre, inv. AF 11972 + 11973 = SB 14:11480 = ZPE 15 (1974) 17378: School text: Metrological tables. (= Cauderlier # 211) (= Brashear-Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 54) (Ed.princ.: 5th / 6th cent. C.E.; 21 x 10 cm; waxed tablet, inscribed directly upon the wood) (266) TM 129687 = Paris, Louvre, inv. AF 6712 = Bibliologia 12 (1992) 92 # 298 descr. (6th cent. C.E.; 18.5 x 11 cm; waxed tablet) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38) (267) TM 64908 = Paris, Louvre, inv. AF 6713 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1971) 61: School text: Alphabet + dating. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37) (= Cribiore # 16: 5th / 6th cent. C.E.; 2 x 5 cm; partially preserved wooden tablet) (268) TM 34177 = Paris, Louvre, inv. AF 6715 = SB 20:14953 = ZPE 28 (1978) 200: School text: Arithmetical exercise: calculation of centenaria. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37 + n. 50) (Ed.princ.: 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; 18 x 7 cm; incomplete tablet, inscribed directly upon the wood [wax lost]) (269) TM 32622 = Paris, Louvre, AF 6716 = SB 12:11247 = ZPE 14 (1974) 71: Magic, curse of a tomb robber. (= Cauderlier # 307: 4th cent. C.E.; dimensions not stated; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37) (Ed.princ.: 13.5 x 5.5 cm ) (270) TM 7208 = Paris, Louvre, inv. E 6142 = SB 1:5621: Pentameter written on a [recycled?] mummy Label. (= Cauderlier # 296: Ptolemaic, dimensions not stated; wood) (271) TM 97879 = Paris, Louvre E 9807Vo = BIFAO 85 (1985) 64-65 no. 2: Thesauros Receipt from 77 C.E. (written on the back of the mummy label CEML 1079, cf. CRIPEL 5 [1979] p. 256: 3.6 x 15.4 cm; wood). (272) TM 85114 = Paris, Louvre, inv. E 24454 = tudes Coptes V (Limoges 1993 & Neuchtel 1995) 3-6: Bilingual fiscal text: tax receipts, mostly written in Greek. (Ed.princ.: 7th [?] cent. C.E.; 22 x 12 cm; written directly upon the wood on a tablet that could be waxed) (273) TM 129675 = Paris, Louvre, inv. Froehner VIII 138 = P. Tannery, Notice sur deux lettres arithm. de Nicolas Rhabdas (1886) descr.: School text: Multiplication table (by 300). 41

(= Cauderlier ## 172-173: date not indicated; 15.5 x 11 cm; 1 wooden diptychon)

KAW: in fact, a description of this text in P. Tannerys Notice sur deux lettres arithmtiques de Nicolas Rhabdas (Paris 1886; = Notices et Extraits des Mss de la Bibliothque Nationale, 32.1), reprinted in Tannerys Mmoires scientifiques, vol. IV: Sciences exactes chez les Byzantins (Toulouse 1912) seems to be lacking.

(274) TM 129676 = Paris, Louvre, inv. Froehner VIII 139 ined. = Bibliologia 12 (1992) 85 # 203 descr. (Christian period; 15 x 12 cm; wood): School text: Multiplication table (by 400), prose text. (275) TM 129678 = Paris, Louvre, inv. Froehner VIII 140 ined. = Bibliologia 12 (1992) 86 # 223 descr. (7th cent. C.E.; 26 x 11.6 cm.; wood): OT, Psalm 3:2-3. (276) TM 129680 = Paris, Louvre, inv. Froehner IX 168 ined. = Bibliologia 12 (1992) 91 # 281 descr. (6th cent. C.E.; 26 x 11.8 cm; wood): Maxim, copied 7x. (277) TM 129679 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 551 (tiroir 8), formerly AF 1192 Gayet 1 = Bibliologia 12 (1992) 86 # 224 descr.: Prire un esprit gardien des monstres (?) rpte au moins 7x. Inedit. (= Cauderlier # 224 = # 300: 7th cent. C.E.; 31.5 x 27 [or 11.5?] cm; wood) (278) TM 65245 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 551 A (tiroir 8) + C (tiroir 10) = M. Capasso e.a. (ed.), Miscellanea papyrologica (= Pap.Flor. 19.1) 129-132 ## 6-7: School text: Multiplication Tables (by 80 & 90 and of the units 6 > 10 by the numbers 1 > 10) + Geometry. (= Cauderlier ## 174-175: 6th cent. C.E.; 24 x 13 cm; 1 wooden diptychon) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 55: 2 waxed tablets) (279) TM 129686 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 551 B (tiroir 10) = Bibliologia 12 (1992) 91 # 286 descr.: Series of letters. (= Cauderlier # 286 = # 201: 6th cent. C.E.; 21.5 x 8.5 cm; wood) (280) TM 131572 = Paris, Louvre, MND 551 B + L (tiroir 8): = Bibliologia 12 (1992) 83 ## 168-169 descr.: line beginnings (24), ined.; 22 x (max.) 5 cm.; set of 6+? wooden tablets (281) TM 69467 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 551 D + L (tiroir 10) = CRIPEL 2 (1974) 270: Division table for 2/3. (= Cauderlier ## 166-167, 209: 7th cent. C.E.; 21.5 x 5 [or 6] cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 61) (282) TM 129685 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 551 F (tiroir 8) = Bibliologia 12 (1992) 92 # 297 descr.: Syllabification exercise? (date not indicated, 37.5 x 4 cm; wood) 42

(283) TM 65347 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 552 A + 551 E + MNE 924 = M .Capasso e.a. (ed.), Miscellanea Papyrologica (= Pap.Flor. 19.1) 132-133 # 8: School text: Alphabets. (= Cauderlier # 287: 6th cent. C.E.; 45.5 x 19.5 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 56) (= Cribiore # 69: 7th cent.) (284) TM 35123 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 552 A (sic?) + B + G + J = SB 14:11416 - 11419 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1971) 63-67 ## 4-6: Tachygraphic Commentary (tetrads 513, 516-525, 536-555). (= Cauderlier ## 127-131: 6th / 7th cent. C.E.; 32 x 15.5 cm; set of 5 wooden tablets) (= Brashear-Hoogendijk, p. 38 + nn. 57, 59) (285) TM 65348 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 552 B = Aegyptus 60 (1980) 107-109: Christian Amulet with Pater Noster. (= Cauderlier # 218: 7th cent. C.E.; 37 x 4 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 58) (= Cribiore # 322: 15.5 x 1.8 cm) (286) TM 61598 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 552 C (tiroir 9) + D + E + F = ZPE 17 (1975) 145150: School text: End of OT, Psalm 92. (= Cauderlier ## 148-151: 4th cent. C.E.; 19 x 7.5 cm; set of 4 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 62) (= Cribiore # 397: 2 tablets, but she omits 552 C + D in her inventory indication) (287) TM 64827= Paris, Louvre, MND 552 C (tiroir 10)Ro = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1971) 58-60 = Mlanges tienne Bernand, pp. 148-153: School text: side 1: Syllabary, triliteral sets in lambda, with changing vowel and final consonant, date by month; side 2, Syllabary with changing beginning consonant (= Cauderlier # 295: 6th cent. C.E.; 23 x 14 cm; wood) (= Cribiore # 85: 5th / 6th cent. C.E.) NB: The entry in Brashear-Hoogendijk, Enchoria 17 (1990) 38 for Louvre MND 562 C = Rev.Arch. 1971, 59
(Syllabification) is an error for this MND 552 C, cf. J. Gascou, Les Dbuts du Codex, p. 49 n. 12 and P. Cauderlier in Mlanges Etienne Bernand, p. 149.

(288) TM 64767 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 552 C (bis) (tiroir 10) = M. Capasso e.a. (ed.), Miscellanea Papyrologica (= Pap.Flor. 19.1) 134-135 # 9: School text: Writing exercise, Alphabet. (= Cauderlier # 285: 7th cent. C.E.; 24.5 x 9.5 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 + n. 60) (= Cribiore # 9: 5th cent. C.E.; 35 x 4 cm)


(289) TM 35127 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 552 K Vo = SB 14:11420 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1971) 70: Notice concerning full payment. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42 + n. 63; cf. TM 61597 & Cauderlier # 74) (Ed.princ.: date not indicated; 18 x 12.5 cm; waxed wood) (290) TM 131555 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 757 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1971) 61: Beginning of a (model?) contract. (= Cauderlier # 252: 6th cent. C.E.; 13.5 x 4 cm; 1 waxed tablet) (= Brashear Hoogendijk, p. 38) (291) TM 64510 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MNE 911 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 23 - 32: School text: Hexameters, division table of 1/8th, conversion exercises. (= Cauderlier ## 107-111: 4th cent. C.E.; 17 x 13.5 cm; set of 5 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38) (= Cribiore # 394: 17 x 13 cm) (292) TM 64365 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MNE 912 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 33 - 42: School text: Mathematical exercises (nos. 34-35: division tables (by 2, from 20-40) and writing exercises. (= Cauderlier ## 112-116: 5th / 6th cent. C.E.; 22 x 15.5 cm; set of 5 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38) (= Cribiore # 400: 3d / 4th cent. C.E.) (293) TM 65098 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MNE 913 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 43 - 50: School text: Arithmetical exercises (divisions of numbers 91-100 by various other numbers; table of unclear content; multiplication by 2). (= Cauderlier ## 117-121: 6th cent. C.E.; 16.5 x 14.5 cm; set of 4 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38) (= Cribiore # 407) (294) TM 65099 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MNE 914 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 51 - 70: School text: Writing and mathematical exercises or accounts, invocations of Jesus Christ. (= Cauderlier ## 1-10: 7th cent. C.E.; 21.5 x 13.5 cm; set of 10 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38) (= Cribiore # 408: end of 6th cent. C.E.) (295) TM 131573 = Paris, Louvre, --- (tiroir 8) + MNE 923 (tiroir 10) = Bibliologia 12 (1992) 84 ## 176-177 descr.: Writing exercises, tables of 1/24? Ined. (296) TM 131556 = Paris, Louvre, inv. N 3010 (35) = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1971) 69: (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38; 15 lines, no further details reported): (297) TM 131557 = Paris, Louvre, inv. N 3030 M 68 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1971) 69: (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38: 3 lines, no further details reported) 44

(298) TM 131558 = Paris, Louvre , inv. N 3030 M 69 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1971) 69: (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38: traces; no further details reported) Princeton, NJ (299) TM 31463 = Princeton, University Library, inv. AM 15960 (4) B = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 81: List of Names and Payments. (= Cauderlier # 246: 3rd cent. C.E.; 15.5 x 8 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36) Rome /Vatican (300) TM 39258 = Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Copt. 5 = 112Vo = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 10: Greek loan contract / sale of seed. (= Cauderlier # 245: 7th cent. C.E.; 47.5 x 22 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36) (301) TM 39253= Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Gr. 51Ro = 2652 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 1: List of personal names. (= Cauderlier # 243: 7th cent. C.E.; 49 x 18 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36, 43) (302) TM 39254 = Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Gr. 51 Vo = 2652 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 2: Sale of Land. (= Cauderlier # 243: 7th cent. C.E.; 49 x 18 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36, 43) (303) TM 21031 = Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Gr. 52 = 2653 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 3: Contract of transportation. (= Cauderlier # 244: 7th cent. C.E.; 48 x 20 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36, 43) (304) TM 65351= Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Gr. 53 = 2654 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 4-5: School text: Divion tables by 1/2 and 1/4. (= Cauderlier # 205: 7th cent. C.E.; 47 x 22.7 cm; wood ) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36, 43) (305) TM 65352 = Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Gr. 54 = 2655 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 6: School text: Word list with syllabification, many biblical names. (= Cauderlier # 291: 7th cent. C.E.; 45 x 14 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36, 43) 45

(= Cribiore # 124) (306) TM 65353 = Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Gr. 55 = 2656Ro = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 7: School text: Divisions tables (by 17 and 19). (= Cauderlier # 206: 7th cent. C.E.; 39.3 x 15.7 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36, 43) (307) TM 21033 = Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Gr. 55 = 2656Vo = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 8: Sale of Wine. (= Cauderlier # 206: 7th cent. C.E.; 39.3 x 15.7 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36,43) (308) TM 62245 = Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Gr. 56 = 2657 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 9: School text: OT, Psalms 28-29. (= Cauderlier # 212: 7th cent. C.E.; 28.5 x 16.3 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36, 43) (= Cribiore # 321) (309) TM 65105 = Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Gr. 58 - 63 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 14 - 21: School Texts: (Model?) Contracts, arithmetical and geometrical calculations. (= Cauderlier ## 66-71: 6th cent. C.E.; 23 x 13.7 cm; set of 6 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36) St Petersburg (310) TM 63921 = St Petersburg, Hermitage Museum, inv. number unknown = P.Ross.Georg. 1:12: School text: 2 Verse sententiae in iambic trimeters. (= Cauderlier # 271: 2nd / 3rd cent. C.E.; 31 x 17.5 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 1610; p. 41) (= Cribiore # 135) (311) TM 64222 = St Petersburg, Hermitage Museum, inv. number unknown = P.Ross.Georg. 1:13: School text: 2 Maxims of moralistic content (sententiae), then filoponei. (= Cauderlier ## 152-154: 3rd cent. C.E.; 17.7 x 15 cm; 1+? waxed tablet[s]) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 1882; p. 41) (= Cribiore # 139: 1 waxed tablet) (312) TM 17530 = St Petersburg, Hermitage Museum, inv. number unknown = P.Ross.Georg. 5:30 = SB 4:7433 = Aegyptus 9 (1928) 113: Writing exercise? (= Cauderlier # 280: 6th cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated [Aegyptus: 56 x 13.2 cm]; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, pp. 41, 42 + n. 119) 46

Strasbourg (313) TM 18760 = Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 237 = P.Stras. 2:125: Receipt for rent. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42) (Ed,princ: 5 / 4 B.C.E.; dimensions unknown; wood) Swansea (314) TM 24934 = Swansea, Egypt Centre, inv. W 549 = SB 14:11939 = JEA 59 (1973) 177: Short Letter Accompanying a Mummy. (Ed.princ.: Roman; 10.8 x 8.5 cm; wood [mummy label of the tabula ansata type]): Sydney (315) TM 73884 = Sydney, Nicholson Museum, accession no. 36.65 = O.Deiss. 70: List of Names. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 38 sub O.Meyer) (Ed.princ.: 2nd cent. B.C.E.; 5.5 x 26.5 cm; wooden tablet tapering towards the left [= recycled mummy label?]) Tiflis (316) TM 64225 = Tbilisi, Private collection Maximova, number unknown = P.Ross.Georg. 1:14: Epitaph of Anoubion, s. Chairemon. (= Cauderlier # 317: 3rd cent. C.E.; 23 x 7 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 40 sub Pack 1769 & p. 41) Trier (317) TM 69466 = Trier, Universitt, Papyrologie, inv. 1988.21 = SB 20:15007 = ZPE 77 (1989) 209-210: Division Table by 1/2. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42) (Ed.princ.: 6th / 7th cent. C.E.; H. 21 cm, original W. unknown [tablet broken] and present W. not indicated; 1 partly waxed tablet) Turin (318) TM 62288 = Turin, Museo Egizio, inv. 2195 = Pap.Graec.Mag.2 2, T.2a = SB 1:2021: Amulet with OT, Psalm 90.1 & declension of . ^ (= Cauderlier # 255 = # 304: no indications of date, dimensions, material) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41) (For dimensions and inv. number, see ZPE 159 [2007] 251 + n. 13: 5.5 x 3.5 cm, cat. # 2195) (319) TM 105879 = Turin, Museo Egizio, number unknown = SB 1:2022 = Atti Acad. Torino 4 (1868/9) 702 # 11: Precise meaning and purpose of text (Holokottinos / Christophoros) uncertain. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41; no indications of date and dimensions)


Umm el-Baragat (320) TM 63259 = Egypt, Umm el-Baragat (Tebtynis), Storeroom of the Antiquities Service # 3033 = BIFAO 96 (1996) 171-176: School text: Interest calculation and conversion of artabas. (Ed.princ.: 1st / 2nd cent. C.E.; 12.5 x 5.8 cm; wood). Uppsala (321) TM 30749 = Uppsala, Victoria Museum, inv. 632 = SB 6:9126 = Eranos 48 (1950) 109: Short Letter Accompanying a Mummy. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42 + n. 121) (Victoria Museum website: Roman; 9.5 x 5.5 cm; wood) Urbana -Champaign, IL (322) TM 135625 = Spurlock Museum, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, inv. 1911.02.0057 = ZPE 139 (2002) 188 # 2: Short text (2 lines) of uncertain nature. Ed.princ.: 2nd-3rd cent.C.E. (KAW: a later date [6th - 7th cent.?] of the handwriting is conceivable); 11.3 x 3.5 cm; coated wood. Vienna (323) TM 100213 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, inv. GWT 1 [46-48] + GWT 2Vo = C. Wessely, Tachygraphie (Denkschr. Akad.Wien 44, 4) [GWT 1/PERF 46]: Tachygraphy. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41 sub Pack 2753; p. 43 + n. 126; 5th cent. C.E.; belongs to set of 4 waxed tablets) (For GWT 2Ro, cf. TM 35170 = SB 18:13685, Copy or Draft of a Petition) (324) TM 35170 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, inv. GWT 2Ro = SB 18:13865 = ZPE 56 (1984), S. 89-92: Copy or Draft of a Petition. (NB-website: 5th / 6th cent. C.E.; 9.1 x 14.8 cm; 1 waxed tablet out of a set of 4) (For the verso, cf. TM 100213 = Vienna Nationalbibliothek, inv. GWT 1 [46-48] + GWT 2Vo) (325) TM 38381 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, inv. GHT 2 = SB 1:5139: Lease Contract. (= Cauderlier ## 228 = 324) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41) (NB-website: 6th cent. C.E.; 7.2 x 31 cm; wood) (326) TM 64608 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, inv. GHT 3 = MPER 5 (1892) 19-20 # 8 = Pap.Graec. Mag.2 vol. 2 T 1: Magical Formula. (= Cauderlier # 299: 6th cent. C.E.; 13 x 7.3 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41)


(327) TM 69076 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, inv. GWT 4 = Anal.Pap. 14 - 15 (2002-2003) 133-46: Tachygraphical Commmentary. (NB-website: 6th cent. C.E.; 22 x 15.5 cm; set of 8 tablets). (328) TM 65289 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, inv. GHT 5 = P.Rainer Unterricht (MPER N.S. 15) 41: School text: Writing exercise, including OT, Psalm 78.1 (?). (= Cauderlier # 214: 5th cent. C.E.; 15.8 x 1.7 cm; wood ) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (= Cribiore # 153) (329) TM 59430 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, inv. GHT 6 = HSCIPh 72 (1968) 125-145: School text: Callimachus, Hecale [Fr. 260 Pfeiffer] + Euripides, Phoenissae, 32ff.). (= Cauderlier # 267: 4th cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 sub Pack 227 = 425 + n. 83) (= Cribiore # 303: 52 x 10 cm) (330) TM 67619 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, inv. GHT 7 = P.Harrauer 3: School text: Arithmetical tables (side A.iv- ix: multiplications by 1 - 10 - 100- 1000 10000 x 2; side A.cols. i-iv, side B.cols. i-ii: division by 2; side A.cols.x-xiv, side B.cols.iiivii: various fractions of round numbers between 6000 - 100). (Ed.princ.: 7th cent. C.E.; 56 x 14.4 cm; wood). (331) TM 23850 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek (on loan, number unknown) = earlier Trier, Universitt, Papyrologie 1988.25 = SB 26:16507 = Arch.f.Pap. 45 (1999) 39-46): Three model contracts. (Ed.princ.: 475 C.E.; 36 x 9.3 cm; wood) (332) TM 38657 = Vienna, Private collection Barbara Harrauer, inv. WT 1 + 2 = P.Rainer Unterricht (MPER N.S. 15) 171 + SB 16:12403 = CdE 57 (1982) 305: School text: Writing exercise, alphabetic name list, various amounts multiplied by fractions 5/6, 2/3, 1/2, 1/4. (= Cauderlier ## 155-157: 7th cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; set of 3 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43 + n. 127) (= Cribiore # 411: 27 x 16.5 cm) Windsor, UK 333) TM 135676 = Windsor (Berks.), Et on College, Myers collection, inv. ECM 1615, unpublished: Wooden tablet (originally used as a wax tablet), presenting an account with many personal names. For a photo, see the website: http://mimsy.bham.ac.uk/detail.php?type=related&kv=115539&t=objects.


Wrzburg (334) TM 35149 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1011 = SB 18:13576 = Enchoria 13 (1985) 13: Account. (= Cauderlier ## 92-96: 5th cent. C.E.; 15.7 x 12 cm; set of 5 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (335) TM 32998 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1012 = SB 18:13577 = Enchoria 13 (1985) 15: Account. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (Ed.princ.: 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; 15.2 x 11.2 cm; set of 3 partially waxed tablets) (336)TM 32999 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1013 = SB 18:13578: School text: Mathematical exercises (additions), syllabifications, alphabet. (= Cauderlier ## 97-101: 4th-6th cent. C.E.; 20 x 15 [some boards: 7.5] cm; set of 5 waxed tablets, some broken) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (= Cribiore # 402) (337) TM 97824 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1014 = Enchoria 13 (1985) 18-23: School text: Multiplications (by 60-600, 20-50) and division ables (by 6, 2/3, 5 and 3). (= Cauderlier ## 140-143: date not indicated [ed.princ.: 6th / 7th cent. C.E.]; 18 x 16 cm; set of 4 waxed tablets) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (338) TM 65291 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1015 = Enchoria 14 (1986) 1-2: School text: Mathematical exercises (side A: division table, by 7, side B: division table by 8; multiplications of 4000 x 1 = 40000 .... 5000 x 6 = 30000). (= Cauderlier ## 178-179: 6th / 7th cent. C.E.; 19 x 19 cm; 1 wooden diptychon) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (339) TM 99310 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1016 = Enchoria 14 (1986) 3: List of Names. (= Cauderlier # 242: 6th / 7th cent. C.E.; 12.3 x 8 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (340) TM 65292 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1017 = P.Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (MPER N.S. 18) 69: School text: Alphabet + a triliteral syllabaries + date on both sides. (= Cauderlier # 289bis: 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; 27 x 16.5 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) 50

(= Cribiore # 90: coated wood) (341) TM 65496 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1018 = Enchoria 14 (1986) 5-8: Bilingual Greek / Coptic liturgical text, NT Ev. Matth. 16:18. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43 + n. 130) (Ed.princ.: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; 24.7 x 9 cm; coated wood). (342) TM 64709 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1019 = Enchoria 17 (1990) 1-6: Bilingual Greek / Coptic Liturgical or School Text (hymns on Christ & Mary). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (= Cribiore # 324: 8th / 9th cent. C.E.; 53 x 12.5 cm; coated wood) (343) TM 64635 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1020 = Enchoria 14 (1986) 8-9: School text: Menander, Sententia # 269 (Pernigotti) (= Cauderlier # 290: 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; 29.2 x 7 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (= Cribiore # 150: coated wood) (344) TM 99311 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1021 = Enchoria 14 (1986) 9-11: Contract of Sale, ca. 474 C.E. (cf. SB 16:12946). (= Cauderlier # 253: 5th cent. C.E.; 36 x 8 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43 + n. 130) (345) TM 16323 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1022 + Malibu, Getty Museum Acc. 82.AI.76 = SB 16:12946 = John Paul Gettty Museum Journal 11 (1983) 161-168: Purchase of Land from 474 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (Ed.princ.; original dimensions: 12 x 27 cm; coated wood). (346 ) TM 64636 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1023 = Enchoria 14 (1986) 11-12: School text: Menander, Sententia # 889 (Pernigotti). (= Cauderlier # 282: 6th cent. C.E.; 29 x 12 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (= Cribiore # 148: 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; wood covered by coating ) (347) TM 69464 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1024 = Enchoria 12 (1984) 1-6: Fraction Tables, by 2/3 and by 11. (= Cauderlier # 207: 7th cent. C.E.; 40 x 18.7 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43)


(348) TM 64774 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1025 = Enchoria 14 (1986) 12-13: School text: Words, incl. Nomina Sacra. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (= Cribiore # 309; ca. 5th cent. C.E.; 36.5 x 10.7 cm; 1 wooden board) (349) TM 65390 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1027 = Enchoria 14 (1986) 14-16: School text: Writing exercises, alphabets. (= Cauderlier # 283: 7th cent. C.E.; 28 x 22.5 cm; wood). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (= Cribiore # 70: coated wood) Zrich (350) TM 5803 = Zrich, Universitt, inv. # Hess Suppl. 2 = SB 10:10298 + Mitt.Inst.Orientf. 13 (1967) 181-2 # 2: Bilingual receipt of the royal bank for prepayment of rent. (= Cauderlier # 231: 103 or 100 B.C.E.; dimensions not indicated; wood [recycled mummy label?]) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 42) (Information Zrich: 9.3 x 12.1 cm) (351) TM 4232 = Zrich, Universitt, inv. # 1834 = SB 14:11338 = Cd 48 (1973) 328 = SB 1:3975: Receipt of payment of price. (= Cauderlier # 250: 3rd cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; wood [recycled mummy label?]) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41: 3rd / 2nd cent. B.C.E.) (Information Zrich: 15.4 x 6.6 cm) Present Location Unknown (352) TM 65020 = Present location unknown, = formerly Cairo, Private collection Michaelidis, without number = P.Michael. 62: Division tables and calculation problems. 6th cent. C.E.; 51.5 x 15.5 cm; wood covered with a whitish coating. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, pp. 38, 40 sub Pack 2308 + n. 92) (353) TM 93932 = Present location unknown = SB 1:1987 a = Egypt Exploration Fund. Archaeological Report 1905/6 p. 15: Dedication. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41) (354) TM 93933 = Present location unknown = SB 1:1987 b = Egypt Exploration Fund. Archaeological Report 1905/6 p. 15: Receipt. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41 + n. 111) 52

(355) TM 93934 = Present locat ion unknown = SB 1:1988 = Egypt Exploration Fund. Archaeological Report 1906/7 p. 11: Inventory of clothing. (= Cauderlier # 251: 3rd / 4th cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 41) (356) TM 8732 = Present location unknown = SB 18:13654 = W.M. Flinders Petrie, Roman Portraits and Memphis IV (London 1911), p.22 and Pl. 24.16 (from Petries excavations at Hawara): Text of unclear nature, further details unknown. (357) TM 32192 = Present location unknown = SB 20:14826 = I. Oasis p. 47: Fragment of a List of Personal Names. (Ed.princ.: 3rd cent. C.E.; 27 x 7 cm; wood): (358) TM 79359 = Present location unknown = SB 24:16182 = SEG 47: 2153 = Studia Varia Bruxellensia IV in honorem A. Gerlo (Leuven 1997) 202 : Magical Amulet, declension of . ^ (Ed.princ.: Byzantine period; 3.8 x 2.8 cm; wood) (359) TM 65333 = present location unknown = formerly Baarn, Private collection Moen, inv. HT 4 = P. Rainer Unterricht (= MPER N.S. 15) 154: School text: Multiplications (of 7, 8, 9) and division table (by 2). (= Cauderlier # 202; 7th cent. C.E.; 37 x 19.5 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39) (360) TM 65334 = Present location unknown = formerly Baarn, Private collection Moen, inv. HT 5 = P. Rainer Unterricht (= MPER N.S. 15) 60: School text: Trisyllabic words in delta and gamma list with syllabification. (= Cauderlier # 293: 7th cent. C.E.; 38 x 13.5 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 43) (= Cribiore # 125) (361) TM 64833 = Present location unknown = formerly Baarn, Private collection Moen, inv. 595 = ZPE 42 (1981) 112 # 2 = SEG 31 1569a-b: Magical Amulet with angel names (Souriel, Rafael, Michael, Gabriel). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39) (Ed.princ.: 5th / 6th cent. C.E.; 4 x 3.3 cm; wood) (362) TM 65165 = Present location unknown = Baarn, Private collection Moen, inv. 602 = SB 16:12386: Division table (by 7). (= Cauderlier # 204: 6th / 7th cent. C.E.; 30 x 18 cm; wood) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 77)


(363) TM 38671 = Present location unknown = formerly Baarn, Private collection Moen, inv. 615 = SB 16:12998: Account. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39 + n. 78) (Ed.princ.: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; 26.5 x 17 cm) (364) TM 105021 = Present location unknown = formerly Baarn, Private collection Moen, inv. 629 = ZPE 55 (1984) 114 = SEG 34:1625: Magical Amulet, declension of . ^ (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 39) (Ed. princ.: 5th / 6th cent. C.E.; 3.2 x 1.5 cm; wood) (365) TM 23523 = Present location unknown = formerly Norfolk, Private collection Amherst, inv. number unknown = C.Pap.Lat. 172 = M.Chrest. 362 (Hermop., 221 C.E.): Manumission of a slave from 221 C.E. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 34 sub T.Amherst + n. 1; 2 wooden tablets)

Greek tabulae from outside Egypt

(366) TM 59336 = Leiden UB, BPG 109 = JHS 13 (1892-93) 293-314: Hesiod, Babrius (Tabulae Assendelftianae from Palmyra) (= Cauderlier ## 52-58: 3rd cent. C.E.; dimensions not indicated; 7 waxed tablets) (= Cribiore # 386: 14.5 x 12 cm) (367) TM 27079 = P.Dura 53: Accounts (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 36) (Ed.princ.: 2nd / 3rd cent. C.E.; 2.7 x 13.2 cm; waxed tablet [inner leaf of a triptych) (368) TM 39308 = P.Nessana 3:94: Account. (Ed.princ.: 7th cent. C.E.; 25 x 13 cm; waxed diptychon) (369) TM 21003 = P.Massada 743 (bef. 73/74 C.E.; 3 x 1 cm): Nature of text uncertain.


Coptic tabulae
Ann Arbor (370) TM 108761 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 765 = Class.Philol. 16 (1921) 193 # 3 = Aegyptus 4 (1923) 296/7 = P.Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (MPER N.S. 18) 78: School text: Exercise on vowels and syllabification. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44 + n. 141) (Michigan website for Michigan.APIS.3120: 4th / 5th cent. C.E.; 39 x 11 cm; wood). Berlin (371) TM 108858 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 14189 = BKU I 29 = P. Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (MPER N.S. 18) 292 : School text: Writing exercise with story. (Ed.princ.: 9th cent. C.E.; 9 x 16 cm; wood) (372) TM 108302 = Berlin, gyptisches Museum, P. 22188 = BKU 3:375: OT, Psalm 3.6-9. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44) (Ed.princ.: no dating indicated [J.v.d.Vliet: 500 - 900 C.E.]; 8 x 30 cm; coated wood) Cairo (373) TM 108056 = Cairo, Coptic Museum, inv. 2524 descr. = BSAC 17 (1963-1964), p. 193 no. 53: New Testament, Johannes evang., letter 1 Joh. 3,16 (in Coptic) (Ed.princ.: 8th cent. C.E.; no details about dimensions and material) (374) TM 108148 = Cairo, IFAO Copte 26 = BIFAO 84 (1984) 55-60: NT, Ev. Lc. 8.41-56. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44) (Ed.princ.: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; ca. 33 x 12.5 cm; wood) Heidelberg (375) TM 131610 = Heidelberg, inv. 759 = Gtt.Misz. 38 (1980) 29: OT, Psalm 117.1-2, 5-7. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44 + n. 135) (Ed.princ.: 6th - 8th cent. C.E.; 44 x 11 cm; wood) (376) TM 131611 = Heidelberg, inv. 1897 = Gtt.Misz. 39 (1980) 9: Sermon (?). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44 + n. 136) (Ed.princ.: 9th cent. C.E.; 40 x 5 cm; wood) Kellis (377) TM 108330 = Kellis, Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/5/346 = T.Kell.Copt. 1: Manichaean doctrinal text. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 7.4 x 5.4 cm; wood)


(378) TM 108331 = Kellis, Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/5/53B = T.Kell.Copt. 2: 6 (?) Manichaean psalms + eschatological prayer. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 19.4 > 19.7 x 6.8 > 7.1 cm; set of 5 wooden boards) (379) TM 108332 = Kellis, Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/5/53A = T.Kell.Copt. 3 descr.: Content uncertain. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 16.7 x 8.7 cm; set of 7 wooden boards) (380) TM 108333 = Kellis, Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/5/6 = T.Kell.Copt. 4: 2 Manichaean Psalms. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 16.2 x 2.5 cm; wood) (381) TM 108334 = Kellis, Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/5/107 = T.Kell.Copt. 5: Manichaean Psalm (?). (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 2 x 7.7 cm; wood) (382) TM 108335= Kellis, Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/5/195 = T.Kell.Copt. 6: Manichaean Psalm. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 23.4 x 2.7 > 3.3 cm; coated wood) (383) TM 108336 = Kellis, Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/6/14 = T.Kell.Copt. 7: Manichaean Psalm(s). (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 20.5 x 6 cm; coated wood) (384) TM 85861 = Kellis, Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/1/73 = P.Kell.Copt. 10: School text: Syllabary with a trace of Syriac. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 24 x 6.7 cm; wood) (385) TM 85896 = Kellis, Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/5/109 = P.Kell.Copt. 5:45: Business Account. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent.C.E.; 3.1 > 4.2 x 7 cm; wood) (386) TM 85897 = Kellis, Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/5/218 = P.Kell.Copt. 5:46: Business Account. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 4.6 x 15.4 cm; wood) (387) TM 85898 = Kellis, Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/5/197 = P.Kell.Copt. 5:47: Business Account. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 16 x 10.7 cm; wood) (388) TM 85899 = Kellis, Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/5/198 + 263Vo = P.Kell.Copt. 5:48: Business Account. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; for further description of the board, see the Greek text on the Recto = TM 97894 = P.Kellis 1:84, a horoscope from 373 C.E.) 56

(389) TM 108346 = Kellis Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/5/239 = T.Kell.Syr.Copt. 1: Bilingual Syriac / Coptic glossary. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 5.6 > 6.2 x 8.7 cm; wood) (390) TM 108347 = Kellis Dakhleh Project excavations, ORN # A/5/196 = T.Kell.Syr.Copt. 2: Bilingual Syriac / Coptic glossary. (Ed.princ.: 4th cent. C.E.; 21.3 x 9.2 cm; wood) Leiden (391) TM 131612 = RMO Leiden inv. AH 156 = W. Pleyte - P.A.A. Boeser, Catalogue du Muse dantiquites de Leyde, Sous-division F. Egypte: antiquits coptes, Leiden 1900, no. 30 = A. Delattre, CdE forthcoming: NT, 1 Tim. 15-17 (in Coptic). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44 + n. 137) (13.5 x 40.1 cm; wood) (392) TM 131613 = RMO Leiden inv. AH 157a = W. Pleyte - P.A.A. Boeser, Catalogue du Muse dantiquites de Leyde, Sous-division F. Egypte: antiquits coptes, Leiden 1900, no. 31 = A. Delattre, CdE forthcoming: Various layers of text: side 1, first text: Amulet containing Psalm 90 and declension of ; 2nd text: various phrases in Greek and Coptic; side 2, first text: a letter; 2nd text: various phrases in Greek and Coptic (partly identical with the 2nd text on side 1) (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44 + n. 137) (13 x 36.5 cm; wood) (393) TM 131614 = RMO Leiden inv. AH 157b = W. Pleyte - P.A.A. Boeser, Catalogue du Muse dantiquites de Leyde, Sous-division F. Egypte: antiquits coptes, Leiden 1900, no. 32 = A. Delattre, CdE forthcoming: Apparently a letter. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44 + n. 137) (10.5 x 31.5 cm; wood) London (394) TM 82855 = London, British Museum EA 5895 = P.Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (= MPER N.S. 18) 197 = Hall, O. Brit. Mus. Copt. 1, p. 138, pl. 100, 7: School exercise, Eucharistic prayers. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44) (Ed.princ.: no date indicated; 8.5 x 3.5 inches = 21.6 x 8.9 cm; coated wood) (395) TM 82866 = London, British Museum, EA 5896 = Hall, O.Brit.Mus.Copt. 1, p. 149 # 29: Account. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44 + n. 139) (Ed.princ.: no date indicated, 4.25 x 2.75 inches = 10.8 x 7 cm; wood)


(396) TM 131615 = London, British Museum EA 21614 = Gtt.Misz. 40 (1980) 10: Homiletic text; Divisions by 6. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44) (Ed.princ. : 8th cent.C.E.; 33.25 x 13.25 cm; wood) (397) TM 131616 = London, British Museum EA 21618 descr. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44 + n. 138; no further details) (398) TM 131617 = London, British Museum EA 26669 descr. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44; no further details) (399) TM 82864 = London, British Museum EA 29528 = P.Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (= MPER N.S. 18) 198 = Hall, O.Brit.Mus.Copt. 1, Appendix p. 148 # 27: School exercise and magical text: Jesus heals a weeping vine with a spell against eye disease. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44 + n. 140) (Ed.princ.: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; 10 x 3.5 inches = 25.4 x 8.9 cm; tablet intended to be waxed, but inscribed directly upon the wood) ((400) TM 107903 = London, British Library inv. Or. 54036 = Orientalia Christiana Periodica 37 (1971) 40-54: Liturgy of St Marcus (in Coptic). (Ed.princ.: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; 21 x 44.7 cm; coated wood) (401) TM 108390 = London, British Museum, inv. EA 54036 = Orientalia Christiana Periodica 37 (1971), p. 40-57: Anaphora and Pater Noster (in Coptic) (Ed.princ.: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; 21 x 44.7 cm; coated wood) 402) TM 131618 = London, British Museum, inv. EA 54037 = Quecke, Stundengebet 513: Credo. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44) Montserrat (near Barcelona): (403) TM 131752 = Montserrat, Abada de Montserrat, T.Monts.Roca. inv. 1487 = M.-J. Albarrn Martnez - S. Torallas Tovar, Unas cuentas Coptas en una Tabla proveniente del fondo Roca-Puig, in Palabras bien diechas: Estudios filolgicos dedicados al P.Pius-Ramon Tragan (Barcelona 2011), pp. 101-109: List of Names/ Account. (Ed.princ.: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; 17.4 x 35.5 cm; coated [?] wood) New York City, NY (404) TM 131648 = New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Accession no. 14.1.125 (cf. http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/search-the-collections/170015966): Text of uncertain nature MMA website: ca. 600 C.E.; 23.2 x 10 cm; coated wood) 58

(405) TM 131647 = New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Accession no. 14.1.217 (cf. http://www.metmuseum.org/Collections/search-the-collections/170016054): OT, Song of Songs. (MMA website: ca. 600 C.E.; 32.8 x 24 cm; wood) (406) TM 131646 = New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Accession no. 14.1.218 (cf. http://www.metmuseum.org/Collections/search-the-collections/170016055): OT, Song of Songs. (MMA website: ca. 600 C.E.; 39.5 x 21.5 cm; wood) (407) TM 83725 = New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Accession no. 14.1.220 = O.Crum ST 438: Account of agricultural products. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk p. 44) (Museum Website: 580-640 C.E.; 24.5 x 10 cm; wood) Oslo/London (408) TM 108555 = Oslo/London, Private collection Schyen, inv. MS 1760 / 1 = K. Schssler, Biblia Coptica 1.3 p. 85: OT, Psalm 49.6-23 (in Coptic) (Ed.princ.: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; 11 x 17 cm; originally ca 15 x 68 cm; coated wood) Paris (409) TM 129677 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 552 <C (ter)> (tiroir 10) = Bibliologia 12 (1992) 85 # 213 descr. (5th / 6th cent.C.E.; 25.5 x 4.2 cm; wood): 19 lignes (trait sur les anges?) texte en Copte, ined. NB: The precise inventory number is given by Cauderlier in Mlanges tienne Bernand, p. 149. Rome / Vatican (410) TM 37254 = Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Copt. 5 = 112Ro = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 11 = SBKopt. 3:1415: Loan contract / sale of wine (in Coptic). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44) (Ed.princ.: 6th / 7th cent. C.E.; 47.5 x 22 cm; coated wood; for the verso, cf. the section on Greek texts, sub TM 39258) (411) TM 99590 = Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Copt. 6 = 113 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 12: OT, Psalms 49, 69 (in Coptic). (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44) (Ed.princ.: 7th cent. C.E.; 46.5 x 19 cm; coated wood) (412) TM 99591 = Rome, Biblioteca del Vaticano, inv. Copt. 7 = 114 = T.Varie (= Pap.Flor. 18) 13: Amulet, prayer for rescue with Magical words (in Coptic). 59

(= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44) (Ed.princ.: 7th cent. C.E.; 48.5 x 19.7 > 20.7 cm; coated wood) Vienna (413) TM 107754 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, inv. KHT 1 = MPER N.S. 25 pp. 74-76 # 94 descr.: N.T., Acta Apostolorum 1.1-5; Letter to Jacob. 5.16-20; Pauls 2nd Letter Timoth. 4.5-6 (in Coptic). (Ed.princ.: 7th cent. C.E.; 56 x 23 cm; wood) Warsaw (414) TM 85327 = Warsaw, National Museum, inv. 141421 = P.Edfou 1 p. 193-199 no. T. 1: Account of wine. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44 + n.132; no further details) (415) TM 85328 = Warsaw, National Museum, inv. 138970 = P.Edfou 1 p. 200-201 no. T. 2: Account of wine? (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44; ; no further details) (416) TM 85342 = Warsaw, National Museum, inv. 131810 = Andrzejewski e.a., Catalogue des manuscrits gyptiens, coptes et thiopiens, pp. 25-42 [131810] descr. (417) TM 85343 = Warsaw, National Museum, inv. 47707 = Andrzejewski e.a., Catalogue des manuscrits gyptiens, coptes et thiopiens, pp. 25-42 [47707] descr. Wrzburg (418) TM 99312 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1026 = Enchoria 14 (1986) 13: Coptic List of Names. (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 44) (Ed.princ.: 7th / 8th cent. C.E.; 32 x 10.5 cm; wood) NB: For Coptic texts on wooden boards, cf. also in the preceding section of Greek and bilingual tablets: TM 65410 = Durham (NC), Duke University, inv. P. 232 = ZPE 106 (1995) 175-178: Greek / Coptic School text: Syllabary. TM 62060 = Freiburg, Universittsbibliothek, inv. Pap.80 descr. = Kosack, Alltag im alten gypten, p. 47 H.4: Bilingual Greek / Coptic Drafts for letters, OT, Psalm 28. TM 111687 = Manchester, John Rylands Library, inv. Suppl. 50 = Acta Orientalia 24 (1959) 71-82: Bilingual Greek/Coptic Amulet (?): Letter of Jesus Christ to Abgar. TM 131645 = New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Accession # 14.2.4a-d ined. Set of 4 waxed tablets; 500-700 C.E.; 23.7 x 14.9 cm. Greek or Coptic texts? The website: http://www.metmuseum.org/Collections/search-the-collections/170014196 assigns the text to Coptic culture but there is no reason for excluding texts partly in Greek.


TM 61276 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3019 = ZPE 6 (1970) 133149 + Mlanges Maspero, 2: Orient grec, romain et byzantin, pp. 73-76: School text: List of pronouns, conjugation paradigms poieo; paraphrase of Homer, Iliad 1.1-16; fraction tables; OT, Psalm 46.3-10 (in Coptic). TM 65345 = Paris, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Y 19920 (Tablette Perdrizet) = Mlanges tienne Bernand, pp. 143-148: School text: Bilingual Greek / Coptic Syllabary + a Greek reversed alphabet + the Coptic letters. TM 85114 = Paris, Louvre, inv. E 24454 = tudes Coptes V (Limoges 1993 & Neuchtel 1995) 3-6: Bilingual fiscal text: tax receipts, mostly written in Greek. TM 65496 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1018 = Enchoria 14 (1986) 5-8: Bilingual Greek / Coptic liturgical text, NT Ev. Matth. 16:18. TM 64709 = Wrzburg, Martin-von-Wagner Museum, inv. K 1019 = Enchoria 17 (1990) 1-6: Bilingual Greek / Coptic Liturgical or School Text (hymns on Christ & Mary).

A first attempt to analyze the contents of the Greek and Coptic tabulae from Egypt produces the picure that in various school texts one finds (A) lines from Menanders Sententiae (I used C. Pernigottis [Firenze 2008] edition), i.e.: # 9: ^ ' ' in TM 60945 , # 16: ` ^ ` ` ` ` ' in TM 61597 # 269: , ' ' ^ ,^ in TM 64635 # 487: , ` ' ^ ` ` ' ' , in TM 61508 # 567: ^ ' ` ` ` ' ,^ ' in TM 62369 # 705: in TM 61495 # *889: / ' ' ^ ^ ` ' in TM 64557, 64636, 64824, 64891, # *895: ' ' ^ ^ ` ' # *897: ^ ` ^ ' in TM 61405, and in TM 62369

The four attestations of Menanders Sententia # *889 are found on tablets from Berlin (TM 64557), Wrzburg ( 64636). Paris ( 64824) and Ann Arbor, MI ( 64891). For further unidentified gnomic sententiae, cf. TM 64281 = P.Brooklyn Gr. 27 and TM 128761 = P. Narm. 2006 14. A curious item is the punishment exercise for a schoolboy: , found in TM ' ` ' , 63987 (Berlijn). In other texts (school texts and amulets) one finds passages (B.1) from the Old Testament, in particular from: Proverbs 7.3-13: TM 62047 = P.Mich. 3:134 Psalm 3.2-3: TM 129678 = Bibliologia 12 (1992) 86 # 223 descr. Psalm 3.6-9 (in Coptic): TM 108302 = BGU 3:375 Psalms 8, 12, 120 (fragments): TM 62127 = BASP 25 (1988) 149-152 61

Psalm 12.3-5: TM 62013 = T. Mil. Vogl. 5, descr., in Pap.Congr. XXI (Berlin 1995) 136; see also sub Psalm 8 Psalms 17.36-38; 49.3-7: TM 62163 = T. Mil. Vogl. 2 + 3, descr. in Pap.Congr. XXI (Berlin 1995) 136 Psalms 28-29: TM 62245 = T.Varie 9; TM 62205 = SB 18:13323; TM 62060 = Kosack, Alltag im alten gypten, p. 47 H.4 (descr.; in Coptic) Psalm 46.3-10 (in Coptic): TM 61276 = Ml. Maspero, 2: Orient grec, romain et byzantin, 73-76 Psalms 49, 69 (in Coptic): TM 99590 = T.Varie 12 Psalm 49.3-7, see also Psalm 17 Psalm 49.6-23 (in Coptic): TM 108555 = K.Schssler, Biblia Coptica 1.3 p. 85 Psalm 50.14-20: TM 62149 = BKT 8:10 Psalm 53.3-5: JJP forthcoming (A. ajtar & J. v.d. Vliet) Psalm 69, see Psalms 49, 69 (in Coptic) Psalm 78.1 (?): TM 65289 = P.Rainer Unterricht 41 Psalm 90.1: TM 62302 = Pap.Graec.Mag.2 2 T.2b = SB 1:970 TM 62288 = Pap.Graec.Mag.2 2 T.2a = SB 1:2021 TM 62282 = SB 1:3573: Psalm 90.1-7,10-13: TM 62158 = P.Genve hors srie (1909) # 6 Psalm 92 (end): TM 61598 = ZPE 17 (1975) 145-150 Psalm 117.1-2, 5-7 (in Coptic): TM 131610 = Gtt.Misz. 38 (1980) 29 Psalm 118.169-176 and 133: TM 65066 = Quecke, Untersuchungen zum Koptischen Stundengebet, 454 - 457 + Le Muson 76 (1963) 27 - 45. Psalm 120: see sub Psalm 8 Psalm 129.1b-2a: JJP forthcoming (A. ajtar & J. v.d. Vliet) Psalm 135.1-18, 21-26: TM 62265 = P.Baden 4:65 + 5:127 Psalm 146.1-11: TM 61597 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1983) 266-268 # 4 (B.2) Two Amulets contain (parts of) the Lords Prayer in the New Testament (Ev.Matth.6.9-13): TM 65348 = Paris, Louvre, inv. MND 552 B = Aegyptus 60 (1980) 107-109, and TM 65415 = P.Baden 4:60 (B.3) Other NT passages are found in Enchoria 14 (1986) 5-8 = TM 65496 (Ev. Matth. 16:18; bilingual Greek / Coptic)l BIFAO 84 (1984) 55-60 = TM 108148 (Ev. Lc. 8.41-56; in Coptic); MPER N.S. 25 pp. 74-76 # 94 descr. = TM 107754:A(cta Apostolorum 1.1-5; Letter to Jacob. 5.16-20; Pauls 2nd Letter Timoth. 4.5-6 [in Coptic]). ( B.4 ) Other Christian and Manichaean Prayers on wooden boards appear in H. Quecke, Untersuchungen zum Koptischen Stundengebet, 454 - 457 + Le Muson 76 (1963) 27 - 45 = TM 65066: a Christian liturgic prayer (mesonyktion);in P.Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (= MPER N.S. 18) 197 = Hall, O. Brit. Mus. Copt. 1, p. 138, pl. 100, 7 = TM 82855: eucharistic prayers;P.Kellis Lit. 2:98 = TM 64303: Manichaean prayer of the Emanations. (B.5) Other Amulets on wooden boards are found in TM ## 62282, 62288, 62302, 79359, 105021, 130016, 131685 135654 (all items presenting a declension of , cf. G. Menci in ZPE 159 [2007] 249-252 and Th.J. Kraus, ", ^ und Septuaginta-Psalm 90?: berlegungen zu den sogenannten BousAmuletten und dem beliebtesten Bibeltext fr apotropische Zwecke". ZAC 11 [2007] 479-491), respectively in 64435 = P.Kellis 1:88 (+ ZPE 119 [1997] 128-131): Amulet with Prayer against Illness, 62

64437 = P.Kellis 2:94 (pp. 143-144): Christian Amulet with Eulogy, 64833 = ZPE 42 (1981) 112 # 2 = SEG 31 1569a-b: Magical 707 with Angel Names (Souriel, Rafael, Michael, Gabriel) 65418 = Bonner Jahrb. 168 (1968), p. 107 # 10: Protection of a House, 99591 = T. Varie 13: Prayer for Rescue, with magical words 111687 = Acta Orientalia 24 (1959) 71-82 (letter of Jesus to Abgar) C. Another frequently occurring type of text consists of various multiplication and division tables (on the subject, cf. D. Fowler in ZPE 75 [1988] 273-280), viz. C.1: Multiplication tables (listed in numerical order of the Trismegistos-number): TM 40608 = SB 3:6219 (general multiplications) TM 61386 = Pap.Lugd.Bat. 25:15 (one tablet presents a multiplication of numbers [1 - 10] x 40) TM 61495 = P.Lond.Lit. 253 (multiplications of the type 1x1, 2 x [1 > 10], 3 x [1 > 10])) TM 64825 = SB 20:14647-14648 (numbers [1 - 10] x numbers [1 - 10]) TM 64825 = SB 20:14649 (various numbers between 1000 - 10000 multiplied by 2 and 3) TM 64891 = SB 20:15190 (multiplication by 2) TM 65071 = T.Varie 22 (multiplication of the numbers 1 > 10, by 4 and 5) TM 65098 = T.Varie 50 (multiplication by 2) TM 65210 = Stud.Pap. 21 (1982) 13-14 (multiplication of the numbers 1 > 10, by 6, 7, 8 & 9) TM 65245 = M. Capasso e.a. (ed.), Miscellanea papyrologica (= Pap. Flor. 19.1) 129-32 ## 6-7 (multiplications by 80 and 90, and multiplications of the units 6 > 10, by numbers [1-10]) TM 65291 = Enchoria 14 (1986) 1-2: side B: multiplication 4000x 1 = 4000 ... 5000x6 =30000 TM 65333 = P.Rainer Unterricht 154 (tables of 7, 8, 9) TM 65416 = P.Baden 4:64 + BL 2.2:177-181 (multiplications of 1 - 10, 10 -100, 100 - 1000 x [1 - 10, 20, 30] TM 67619 = P.Harrauer 3.A.iv- ix (1 - 10 - 100- 1000 - 10000 x 2); TM 68648 = SB 26:16603 (various multiplications) TM 97824 = Enchoria 13 (1985) 18-23: Multiplications (by 60 - 600, 20-50) TM 129675 = Paris, Louvre Froehner VIII 138 = P. Tannery, Notice sur deux lettres arithm. de Nicolas Rhabdas (multiplications by 300) TM 129676 = Paris, Louvre Froehner VIII 139 descr. = Bibliologia 12 (1992) 85 # 203 descr. (multiplications by 400) TM 131657 = JJP forthcoming (=Leiden RMO inv. F 2010.8.1) (multiplication of 1 - 10 x 70) C.2: Division tables: TM 38657 = P.Rainer Unterricht 171 (various amounts multiplied by fractions 5/6, 2/3, 1/2, 1/4) TM 40608 = SB 3:6219 (division tables for 1/2 and 2/3) TM 61276 = ZPE 6 (1970) 133-149 (division tables for 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/9, 1/10, 1/12) TM 61597 = Rev.Arch. (6e srie) (1983) 266-268 # 4 (division by 24 and 25) TM 64825 = SB 20:14650 - 14651 (division by 9, respectively. 11) TM 64826 = SB 20:14652 - 14653 (division by 14, respectively 17) TM 64365 = T.Varie 34-35 (division by 2, from 20-40) TM 64510 = T.Varie 26 (division by 8) TM 64648 = Ancient Egypt 1 (1914) 52-54 (divisions by 15 and 16). TM 64825 = SB 20:14649 (division by 2/3) TM 65020 = P.Michael. 62 (division tables for 1/2, 2/3, 1/3, [?] 1/4) 63

TM 65067 = T.Varie 78 (division by 17) TM 65098 = T.Varie 46 (division by 17) TM 65099 = T.Varie 52-54 (by ?), 57 (division by 2 and by 3), 59 (division by 1/2), 60 (division by 1/4), 68 (division by 3) & 69 (division by 1/2) TM 65098 = T.Varie 45 (divisions of numbers 91-100 by various other numbers) TM 65105 = T.Varie 16 (table for 1/15, 1/16, 1/17 and 1/18) - 19 (table for 1/19) TM 65165 = SB 16:12386 (table for 1/7) TM 65291 = Enchoria 14 (1986) 1-2 (Side A: divisions by 7; side B: divisions by 8) TM 65333 = P.Rainer Unterricht 154 (division by 2) TM 65351 = T.Varie 4-5 (division by 1/2 and 1/4) TM 65353 = T.Varie 7 (division by 17 and by 19) TM 67619 = P.Harrauer 3.A.cols. i-iv, B.cols. i-ii (division by 2); A.cols.x-xiv, B.cols.iii-vii (various fractions of round numbers between 6000 - 100) TM 69464 = Enchoria 12 (1984) 1-6 (tables of 2/3 and 1/11) TM 69466 = SB 20:15007 (division by 1/2) TM 69467 = CRIPEL 2 (1974) 270 (table for 2/3) TM 91948 = Mnemosyne 59 (2006) 247-254 (various numbers multiplied by various fractions between 1/2 - 1/20) TM 97824 = Enchoria 13 (1985) 18-23 (divisions by 6, 2/3, 5, 3). TM 131615 = Gtt.Misz. 40 (1980) 10 (divisions by 6?). Other school exercises like alphabets, syllabaries, syllabifications, writing exercises, etc. have been analyzed by R. Cribiore in her study Writing Teachers and Students (1996), passim. Finally, one finds a number of Receipts written on wood, i.e. (in chronological order): (1 ) TM 3555 = UPZ 2:154 + REG 58 (1945) 191: Bank Receipt (254 B.C.E.) (2 ) TM 3556 = UPZ 2:155 + REG 58 (1945) 193: Bank Receipt (254 B.C.E.) (3 ) TM 50357 = SB 20:14373: Bilingual Receipt for the Harvest (157 B.C.E.) (4 ) TM 79050 = SB 22:15474: Receipt for Beer Tax (144 B.C.E.) (5 ) TM 4726 = BGU 6:1435: Greek Granary Receipt + Demotic text (119 B.C.E.) (6) TM 78905 = SB 20:14371: Receipt for prostimon (108 B.C.E.) (7) TM 97144 = SB 26:16712: Tax Receipt for epigraph (103 B.C.E.) (8) TM 5803 = SB 10:10298 + MIO 13 (1967) 181-2 # 2: Bilingual Bank Receipt for Prepayment of Rent (103 or 100 B.C.E.) (9) TM 50356 = SB 20:14372: Bilingual Receipt for pchismos peristeronn (= pigeon house tax) (101 B.C.E.) (10) TM 73884 = O.Deiss. 70: List of Names (2nd cent. B.C.E.). (11) TM 97329 = SB 26:16713: Tax Receipt for pchismos peristereonn (2nd/1st cent. B.C.E.) (12) TM 97330 = SB 26:16714: Tax Receipt for pchismos peristereonn (2nd/1st cent. B.C.E.) (13) TM 131538 = Enchoria 17 (1990) 35: Receipt (94 B.C.E.) (14) TM 18760 = P.Stras. 2:125: Receipt for Rent (5 / 4 B.C.E.) (15) TM 97879 = BIFAO 85 (1985) 64-65 no. 2: Thesauros Receipt (77 C.E.) (16) TM 101266 = Boreas (Mnster) 26 (2003) 163-169: Tax Receipt (81 C.E.) (17) TM 109512 = Ariadne 12 (2006) 127: Receipt for Paying for epikrisis for Entering Priesthood (138 C.E.) (18) TM 15735 = P.Coll.Youtie 2:96 = P. Hombert 1:32: Pawnbrokers Receipt (192 C.E.) 64

(19) TM 131574 = BASP 46 (2009) 15-22: Receipt for Payment of Manumission Tax (late-2nd or 3rd cent. C.E.) (20) TM 74557 = O.Kellis 33:Tax Receipt from a Regnal Year 19 (2nd / early 3rd cent. C.E.) (21) TM 79242 = SB 24:15919: Two Private Receipts (269 and 273 C.E.) (22) TM 4232 = SB 14:11338 = 1:3975: Bank Receipt of Payment of a Price (3rd cent. C.E.) (23) TM 80107/80108 = P.Baden 4:61: List of Names / Receipt? (7th / 8th cent C.E.) (24) TM 93933 = SB 1:1987b:Receipt (date unknown) The chronological distribution of these receipts is interesting: fourteen items turn out to date from the three centuries B.C.E. against nine items from the same ranges of centuries at the start of our era, while the date of one item is unknown. It remains to be seen in how far this distribution is purely accidental or whether it really reflects a decisively less frequent use of wood for carrying such kinds of texts.

It was noticed already earlier that the bulk of the tablets inscribed with texts in Demotic may be found among mummy label shaped tabulae (sometimes recycled and mostly from Pathyris), see Cl. Gallazzi, "Ricevute scrite su etichette di legno", in: M. Capasso - S. Pernigotti (edd.), Studium atque urbanitas. Miscellanea in onore di Sergio Daris (Galatina, 2001; = Papyrologica Lupiensia, 9/2000) pp. 179-194, respectively K. Vandorpe - S. Waebens, Why Tax Receipts on Wood? On Wooden Tablet Archives from Ptolemaic Egypt (Pathyris), in: P. van Nuffelen (Ed.), Faces of Hellenism. Studies in the History of the Eastern Mediterranean (4th Century B.C. - 5th Century A.D.) , Leuven - Paris - Walpole, Mass., 2009 (= Studia Hellenistica, 48) 179-197 (below = Vandorpe+ page number. the classification introduced by her is: ML 1 = stela-shaped, two corners at the same end rounded; ML 2 = stela-shaped, two corners at the same end cut at an angle; ML 3 = tabula ansata; ML 4 = rectangular, ML 5 = arbitrary shape). Next to the mummy label shaped tabulae there exist Demotic texts that are more or less rectangular, cf. TM 48781 = OrSu 31 - 32 (1982-3) 37-8 # 5; TM 48782 = RdE 14 (1962) 4142; TM 51236 = Enchoria 22 (1995) 113-4 # 84 + pl. 42; TM 51861 = OrSu 31 - 32 (1982-3) 35 # 3; TM 51862 = OrSu 31 - 32 (1982-3) 36 # 4; TM 69352 = P.Brooklyn Dem. 5; TM 88563 = Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia Toscana 'La Colombaria' 19 (1954) 6 # 4 = Omaggio G. Botti, 52; TM 98077 = P.Zauzich 83 and TM 113883 = Pap.Lugd.Bat. 33:12. Berlin (419)TM 2646 = Berlin, gyptisches Mus., M 14306 = Fs. 150 Berlin p. 295 # e [14306] descr.: Receipt for Measurement (Harvest Tax), 102 B.C.E. Shape not indicated; text from Pathyris.


(420) TM 92835 = Berlin, gyptisches Mus., M 14307 = FuB 8 (1967) 71 [14307] descr.: Receipt, 2nd -1st cent. B.C.E. Shape not indicated; text from Pathyris. (421) TM 50138 = Berlin, gyptisches Mus., P. 23701 = Szpakowska (ed.), Through a glass darkly, 183-4 descr.: Notices concerning a lot oracle, or Astronomics? Strips of outer bark of papyrus, shape not indicated.
NB: TM 50139 = Berlin, gyptisches Mus., P. 23702 = P. g. Handschr. # 329 presents a Demotic letter concerning a delivery of wine (332-150 B.C.E.) Actually, this text has been written on the rib of a palm leaf, rather than on a tablet.

Cairo (422) TM 52768 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., CG # 30640 = St. Cairo 1 p. 77 # 30640 descr.: Account, 3rd -1st cent. B.C.E. Rectangular writing tablet. (423) TM 51236 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., CG # 30641 = Enchoria 22 (1995) 113-4 # 84 + pl. 42: List of Payments, 130 - 30 B.C.E. Rectangular writing tablet. = Vandorpe p. 195: ML 4, 3 holes (424) TM 92735 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 50226 = Lingua restituta orientalis, 180 descr.: Receipt for Measurement (Harvest Tax), 93 B.C.E. Shape not indicated. (425) TM 51211 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51320V = Enchoria 22 (1995) 82 # 60: Content uncertain, after 144 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 196: ML 5, no hole. (426) TM 51171 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51325 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 77 # 27: Receipt for Measurement (harvest tax), 2nd / 1st cent. B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 197: ML 2, no hole. (427) TM 51170 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51326 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 75-6 # 26: Receipt for Measurement (Harvest Tax), 109/108 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 197: ML 2, no hole. (428) TM 51212 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51360 = Enchoria 22 (1995) 83-84 # 61: Account, 2nd / 1st cent. B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 195: ML 3, two holes. (429) TM 51163 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51361 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 66-7 # 19: Tax Receipt, 154/3 or 143/2 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 196: ML 2, no hole. (430) TM 51162 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51362 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 65 # 18: Receipt Sale of Property, 155 or 144 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 196: ML 4, no hole. 66

(431) TM 51165 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51363 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 68 # 21: Account, Measurement tax, 103 B.C.E., recycled (?) mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 196:ML 2, no hole, reuse? (432) TM 51186 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51364 = Enchoria 21 (1994) 42 # 42: Temple Oath, 114 B.C.E., = Vandorpe p. 196: ML 2, no hole. (433) TM 51150 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51365 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 57 # 6: Tax Receipt {pigeon house), 107/6 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 192: ML 2, no hole. (434) TM 51168 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51367 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 72 # 24: Receipt for Measurement (Harvest Tax), 112 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 192: ML 2, hole. (435) TM 51213 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51368 = Enchoria 22 (1995) 85-86 # 62: Account, 2nd / 1st cent. B.C.E., = Vandorpe p. 192: ML 2, hole. (436) TM 51167 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51369 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 69-70 # 23: Receipt for Measurement (Harvest Tax), 112 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 194: ML 2, hole, reuse. (437) TM 51164 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51370 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 67 # 20: Receipt for Sale of a Property, 132 B.C.E., recycled mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 196: ML 2, no hole, reuse. (438) TM 51214 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51371 = Enchoria 22 (1995) 88 # 63: Account, 144/3 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 195: ML 2, no hole. (439) TM 51153 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51372R = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 58-9 # 9: Tax Receipt (for Syntaxis), 153 or 142 B.C.E., recycled (?) mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 193 ML 4, no hole, reuse?. (440) TM 69617 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51372V = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 59 # 9: List of Priests, ca. 150 B.C.E., recycled (?) mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 194: ML 4, no hole, reuse?. (441) TM 51197 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51373 = Enchoria 21 (1994) 55 # 54: Letter mentioning wine, 2nd / 1st cent. B.C.E., recycled (?) mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 192: ML 2, no hole, reuse?. (442) TM 51215 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51374 = Enchoria 22 (1995) 90 # 64: Account, 136 B.C.E. 67

= Vandorpe p. 194: ML 2, no hole. (443) TM 51216 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51375 = Enchoria 22 (1995) 91-2 # 65: Account, 2nd / 1st cent. B.C.E., = Vandorpe p. 195: ML 2, no hole. (444) TM 51180 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51376 = Enchoria 21 (1994) 34 # 36: Contract, 150 or 139 B.C.E., = Vandorpe p. 194: ML 5, no hole. (445) TM 51217 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51377 = Enchoria 22 (1995) 94 # 66: Account (for burial), 2nd / 1st cent. B.C.E., recycled mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 195: ML 2, no hole, reuse. (446) TM 51155 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51378 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 61 # 11: Receipt for Wheat, 2nd / 1st cent. B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 191: ML 2, damaged. (447) TM 51218 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51379 = Enchoria 22 (1995) 95 # 67: Account, 2nd / 1st cent. B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 195: ML 2, no hole. (448) TM 51160 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51437 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3), p. 64 # 16 Receipt for Payment for a Lease, 104 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 191: ML 5, no hole. (449) TM 51154 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., JdE # 51438 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3), p. 60 # 10: Tax Receipt (for Syntaxis), 121 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 192: ML 1, no hole. (450) TM 108989 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., inv. number unknown = Egypt, Memphis, excavations W. M. Flinders Petrie = Petrie, Meydum and Memphis (III) 41-42 & pl. 34 # C: Bilingual Aramaic/Demotic Label (name + date). Parcel tag, NOT a mummy label. (451) TM 56273 = Cairo, Egyptian Mus., without inv. number = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES H6-174, EAS registration 1970 = Green, Temple furniture Saqqara, 16 # 23 descr. Nature of text (written on a furniture bolt) unclear. (452) TM 92088 = Cairo, Private collection Michaelidis, inv. 301 = JEA 86 (2000) 99 note 3 [Gmi 301] descr.: Account / Day book entries (Shape not indicated further thaneine sehr grosse Holztafel). Cambridge UK (453) TM 56271 = Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Mus., inv. E 5 / 1969 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES H5-329, EAS registration 1001 = Green, Temple furniture Saqqara, 13 # 13 descr.: Account (written on a shrine door), ca. 350 B.C.E. 68

(454) TM 48782 = Cambridge, University Library, inv. Michaelides x4 = RdE 14 (1962) 41-42: Letter to a God (divinized Amenhotep son of Hapu), 219 B.C.E.? Rectangular tablet of unspecified dimensions. Chicago IL (455) TM 92674 = Chicago, Field Mus., inv. 31639 = Studies Kkosy p. 333 [FMNH inv. 31639] descr.: Receipt for Payment, 122 B.C.E. Shape and dimensions not indicated. Cordoba (456) TM 90898 = Cordoba, Archaeological Mus., inv. 1981 / 1 / 308 [2] = Pons Mellado, La coleccin egipcia p. 146 # 308 [second use]: Receipt? (Written on the back of mummy label), Roman period. Florence (457) TM 52753 = Florence, Museo Egizio, inv. 7128 = Miscellanea Gregoriana p. 32: Religious Formula with School Text, 2nd cent. C.E. Recycled Mummy label? (the shape itself resembles that of a mummy label, but the objects length pleads against this). Heidelberg (458) TM 302 = Heidelberg, Institut fr Papyrologie, inv. T. dem. 12 = Acta Orientalia 25 (1960) 296-7: Purchase Contract, 120 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 193: ML 2, no hole. (459) TM 52766 = Heidelberg, Institut fr Papyrologie, inv. T. dem. 13 = Acta Orientalia 25 (1960) 302-3: Tax Receipt (Harvest), 93 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 193: ML 2, no hole. Leipzig (460) TM 52246 = Leipzig, Universitt, number unknown = ZS 72 (1936) 78: Magical Curse Text, 3rd - 1st cent. B.C.E. Mummy tag-shaped tablet, without a visible hole. Liverpool (461) TM 92644 = Neugebauer / Parker, Egyptian Astronomical Texts, 3 p. 232-35 # 2.c & pl. 75-78: Planetary Tables, after A.D. 140. Set of 4 rectangular tabulae. London (462) TM 51438 = London, British Mus., EA 29423 = Orientalia 50 (1981) 246-247: Account of Bricks, 125 B.C.E. Rectangular tablet provided with a single ansa. (463) TM 51090 = London, British Mus., EA 29425 = Enchoria 11 (1982) 11: Two Receipts for a Lease, 100 and 100/99 B.C.E. 69

= Vandorpe p. 196: ML 4, no hole. (464) TM 51859 = London, British Mus., EA 29518 = OrSu 31 - 32 (1982-3) 33 # 1: Account (for diagraphomena) from Elephantine, 1st cent. B.C.E. - 1st cent. C.E. (465) TM 51860 = London, British Mus., EA 29532 = OrSu 31 - 32 (1982-3) 34 # 2: Tax Receipt (Yoke, nHb), 270 B.C.E. Stela-shaped wooden tablet. (466) TM 51861 = London, British Mus., EA 29546 = OrSu 31 - 32 (1982-3) 35 # 3: Literary text ? (hardly legible). Rectangular tablet. (467) TM 51862 = London, British Mus., EA 30248 = OrSu 31 - 32 (1982-3) 36 # 4: Receipt concerning Telestikon, 259 B.C.E. Rectangular tablet. (468) TM 48781 = London, British Mus., EA 50145 = OrSu 31 - 32 (1982-3) 37-8 # 5: Letter to a God (divinized Amenhotep son of Hapu). Rectangular tablet. (469) TM 44924 = London, British Mus., EA 56918 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 79 # 29: Receipt for Measurement (Harvest Tax), 103 B.C.E., recycled mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 191: ML 2, no hole. (470) TM 44925 = London, British Mus., EA 56919 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 78 # 28: Receipt for Measurement (Harvest Tax), 108 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 191: ML 2, no hole. (471) TM 56272 = London, British Mus., EA 68156 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES H5-542, EAS registration # 1235 = Green, Temple furniture Saqqara, 16 # 21 descr.: Inventory of Objects, 4th cent. B.C.E. New York (472) TM 69352 = New York, Brooklyn Mus., Accession no. 16.649 = P.Brooklyn Dem. 5: List of Names and Dates, 3rd - 1st cent. B.C.E.Rectangular tablet with 5 holes, hardly a regular mummy label. (473) TM 69437 = New York, Brooklyn Mus., Accession no. 16.650 = P.Brooklyn Dem. 7: List of Names. Shape not indicated (hardly a mummy label, cf. its dimensions: 18.3 x 5.8 cm) (474) TM 69351 = New York, Brooklyn Mus., Accession no. 16.651 = P.Brooklyn Dem. 4: Poll Tax Receipt, 21 B.C.E. (From Edfu?; mummy label shaped tablet, but w/o a hole) Nijmegen (475) TM 113883 = Nijmegen, Katholieke / Radboud Universiteit, Legacy Jozef Janssen, without inv. number = P.Worp (= Pap.Lugd.Bat. 33) 12: Accounts, 99 B.C.E., written on a piece of furniture? = Vandorpe p. 193: reuse of furniture. 70

Norfolk (476) TM 113381 = Norfolk, Norwich Castle Mus., inv. number unknown = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 86 # 20 descr.: Receipt for Measurement (Harvest Tax), 109/108 B.C.E. recycled mummy label (?) = Vandorpe p. 189: no description. Oxford (477) TM 44890 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. Bodl.Eg. Inscr. 1457 = MDAIK 21 (1966) 152 # 17: Tax Receipt (qdm / qtm, pasture), 101 B.C.E., recycled mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 190: ML 2, no hole. (478) TM 43491 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. Bodl. Eg. Inscr. 1363 = O. Mattha 113 Tax Receipt (Garden Apomoira, 1/10, and diagraphomena ), 107 B.C.E., recycled mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 189: no description. (479) TM 43492 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. Bodl. Eg. Inscr. 1364R = O. Mattha 228: Tax Receipt (qdm / qtm, pasture), 106 B.C.E., recycled mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 190: no description. (480) TM 43493 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. Bodl. Eg. Inscr. 1364V = O. Mattha 229: Tax Receipt (qdm / qtm, pasture), 105 B.C.E., recycled mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 190: no description. (481) TM 43494 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. Bodl. Eg. Inscr. 1365 = O. Mattha 230: Tax Receipt (qdm / qtm, pasture), 102 B.C.E., recycled mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 190: no description. (482) TM 43506 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. Bodl. Eg. Inscr. 1366 = O. Mattha 231: Tax Receipt (qdm / qtm, pasture), 100 B.C.E., recycled mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 190: no description. (483) TM 44907 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. Bodl. Eg. Inscr. 1460 = MDAIK 21 (1966) 155 # 23: Rent paid to temple ++, 90 B.C.E., recycled mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 191: ML 2, no hole. (484) TM 109031 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. 1910-725 = Egypt, Memphis, excavations W. M. Flinders Petrie = Petrie, Meydum and Memphis (III) 41-2 & pl. 34 # O: Text uncertain: not a mummy label, 5th cent B.C.E. Parcel tag, not a mummy label. (485) TM 109028 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. 1910-727 = Egypt, Memphis, excavations W. M. Flinders Petrie = Petrie, Meydum and Memphis (III) 41-2 & pl. 34 # L:


Bilingual Aramaic / Demotic text of uncertain nature, 5th cent B.C.E. Parcel tag, not a mummy label. (486) TM 109020 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. 1910-728 = Egypt, Memphis, excavations W. M. Flinders Petrie = Petrie, Meydum and Memphis (III) 41-2 & pl. 34 # G: Bilingual Aramaic / Demotic text of uncertain nature, 5th cent B.C.E. Parcel tag, not a mummy label. (487) TM 108990 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. 1910-729 = Egypt, Memphis, excavations W. M. Flinders Petrie = Petrie, Meydum and Memphis (III) 41-2 & pl. 34 # D: Bilingual Aramaic / Demotic text of uncertain nature, 5th cent B.C.E. Parcel tag, not a mummy label. (488) TM 108987 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. 1910-730 = Egypt, Memphis, excavations W. M. Flinders Petrie = Petrie, Meydum and Memphis (III) 41-2 & pl. 34 # A: Bilingual Aramaic / Demotic text of uncertain nature, 5th cent B.C.E. Parcel tag, not a mummy label. (489) TM 109030 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. 1910-733 = Egypt, Memphis, excavations W. M. Flinders Petrie = Petrie, Meydum and Memphis (III) 41-2 & pl. 34 # N: Bilingual Aramaic / Demotic text of uncertain nature, 5th cent B.C.E. Parcel tag, not a mummy label. (490) TM 109026 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. 1910-734 + 735 = Egypt, Memphis, excavations W. M. Flinders Petrie = Petrie, Meydum and Memphis (III) 41-2 & pl. 34 # J: Bilingual Aramaic / Demotic text of uncertain nature, 5th cent B.C.E. Parcel tag, not a mummy label. (491) TM 108991 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus., inv. 1910-736 = Egypt, Memphis, excavations W. M. Flinders Petrie = Petrie, Meydum and Memphis (III) 41-2 & pl. 34 # E: Bilingual Aramaic / Demotic text of uncertain nature, 5th cent B.C.E. Parcel tag, not a mummy label. (492) TM 109027 = Oxford, Ashmolean Mus.(?), inv. number unknown = Egypt, Memphis, excavations W. M. Flinders Petrie = Petrie, Meydum and Memphis (III) 41-2 & pl. 34 # K: Nature of text uncertain, 5th cent B.C.E. Parcel tag, not a mummy label. Paris (493) TM 112526 = Paris, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. 1892 = P. Brux. Dem. 2 p. 65 & n. 199 descr.: Transfer of Tax on a Tomb, 314 B.C.E. Shape not indicated. (494) TM 130148 = Paris, Louvre, inv. E 8087V [old text] = O. Taxes 2 1: Tax Receipt (yoke), 282 B.C.E. Stela-shaped wooden tablet.


(495) TM 51879 = Paris, Louvre, inv. E 8087R [new text] = O. Taxes 2 157: Account of Wine, 243 B.C.E. Stela-shaped wooden tablet. (496) TM 48874 = Paris, Louvre, inv. E 9846 = P.Notice 118 (p. 441): Text of unclear nature, 5th/4th cent. B.C.E. Shape unknown. (497) TM 98077 = Paris, Louvre, inv. E 10382 = P.Zauzich 83: Invocation to a Goddess, Uraeus (Hathor?). Rectangular tablet (21.2 x 11.1 cm) Saqqara (498) TM 55379 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES number unknown, EAS registration 8850 = MDAIK 53 (1997), p. 55 # 36 descr.: Text of unclear nature. Shape not indicated (499) TM 55380 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES number unknown, EAS registration 8851 = MDAIK 53 (1997), p. 55 # 37 descr.: Text of unclear nature. Shape not indicated (500) TM 55381 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES number unknown, EAS registration 8852 = MDAIK 53 (1997), p. 55 # 38 descr.: Text of unclear nature. Shape not indicated (501) TM 55382 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES number unknown, EAS registration 8853 = MDAIK 53 (1997), p. 55 # 39 descr.: Text of unclear nature (written on Basis of Statue). Sevilla (502) TM 111305 = Sevilla, Universidad Hispalense, Cat. 72 = M. Seco Alvarez, Coleccin Egipcia de la Universidad Hispalense p. 120 # 6.6: Text of unclear nature. Stela-shaped tablet without a visible hole. Stockholm (503) TM 48550 = Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, inv. MME 1973:60 R = OrSu 16 (1967) 44 # 18: Tax Receipt (for Burial tax), 253 B.C.E. Stela-shaped wooden tablet. (504) TM 97857 = Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, inv. MME 1973:60V = OrSu 16 (1967) 44 # 18: Tax Receipt (for Fruit), 276 B.C.E. Stela-shaped wooden tablet. Strasbourg (505) TM 44903 = Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 11 = MDAIK 21 (1966), p. 152 # 18 + 19: Receipt for Measurement (Harvest Tax) + Tax Receipt (Harvest), 94/3 and 93 B.C.E., = Vandorpe p. 191: ML 2, no hole.


(506) TM 44904= Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 12 = MDAIK 21 (1966) 154 # 21: Receipt for Measurement (Harvest Tax), 94/3 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 190: ML 2, no hole. (507) TM 44203 = Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 13 = EVO 7 (1984) 41: Receipt for Payment, 110 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 189: ML 2, no hole. (508) TM 44893 = Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 14 = MDAIK 21 (1966) 148 # 10: Tax Receipt (Vineyard Apomoira, 1/10), 107 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 189: ML 1, hole. (509) TM 92819 = Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 15 = Fs. 150 Berlin p. 294 # O descr.: Receipt, 93 B.C.E. Shape of tablet not indicated. (510) TM 44898 = Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 227 = MDAIK 21 (1966) 151 # 15 + 16: Two identical Tax Receipts, 103 B.C.E., = Vandorpe p. 190: ML2 , hole. (511) TM 44909 = Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 228 = MDAIK 21 (1966) 145 # 6: Note, 110/9 B.C.E., = Vandorpe p. 189: ML 2, hole. (512) TM 44899 = Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 231 = MDAIK 21 (1966) 150 # 13: Tax Receipt (for qtm), 103 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 190: ML 1, ?hole. (513) TM 44905 = Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 232 = Enchoria 19 - 20 (1992-3) 74 # 25: side 1 :Receipt for Measurement (Harvest Tax), 108 B.C.E. side 2: List. = Vandorpe p. 189: ML 1, no hole. (514) TM 44900 = Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 235 = MDAIK 21 (1966) 149 # 12: Tax Receipt (Vineyard Apomoira, 1/10), 106 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 190: ML 2, hole. (515) TM 51418 = Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 245 = MDAIK 21 (1966) 150 # 14: 74

Tax Receipt, 103 B.C.E., recycled mummy label. = Vandorpe p. 190: ML 4, no hole. (516) TM 81413 = Strasbourg, Bibliothque Nationale, inv. Ho / PH / T. 255 = Studies Quaegebeur 1 (= OLA 84) p. 366 # 3: Receipt (for Syntaxis), 121 B.C.E. Stela-shaped tablet. = Vandorpe p. 192: ML 2, no hole. Turin (517) TM 88563 = Turin, Museo Egizio, inv. Suppl. 17139 = Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia Toscana 'La Colombaria' 19 (1954) 6 # 4 = Omaggio G. Botti, 52: Text of uncertain nature, 4th-3rd cent. B.C.E. Small rectangular text, perforated in the middle, NOT a mummy label. Zrich (518) TM 90899 = Zrich, Universitt, inv. # Hess Suppl. 1 = MIO 13 (1967) 179 # 1: Receipt for a building plot, 148 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 195: ML 2, no hole. (Information Zrich: 6.6 x 10.1 cm) (519) TM 50823 = Zrich, Universitt, inv. # 1858 = O. Zrich 19: Tax Receipt for Oil, 92 B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 193: ML 1, no hole. (Information Zrich: 12.5 x 6.5 cm) (520) TM 51507 = Zrich, Universitt, inv. # 1894 = OrSu 14 - 15 (1965-6) 45: Hypomnema concerning theft, 2nd half 2nd cent. B.C.E. = Vandorpe p. 192: large ML 2, no hole. (Information Zrich: 14.7 x 9.2 cm) Present Location Unknown (521) TM 90872 = Sale Bonhams, 10 Jun 1997 p. 30-31 # 148 = seen in the antiquities trade in 1997: Nature of text unclear. (522) TM 48751 = Germany, Former Private collection Spiegelberg, without inv. number = Demotica 1 17: List of Payments, 2nd / 1st cent. B.C.E. Rectangular writing tablet. = Vandorpe, p. 194 (where ref. to Demotica I 14 is a typo) Next to the Demotic tabulae above, cf. also the Greek and Greek/Demotic texts mentioned by Vandorpe, loc.cit., in particular her p. 189: SB 20:14371 (Oxford) p. 193: SB 26:16712, 16713, 16714 (all Cairo) p. 191: SB 10:10298 (Zrich) p. 194: BGU 6:1435 (Berlin); SB 18:13910 (Cairo) p. 192: SB 20:14372 (Oxford) p. 195: SB 20:14373 (Oxford). These appear already in the section on Greek tabulae and do not need to be repeated here. 75

When it comes to matters of dating, most Demotic texts belong to the Ptolemaic period (330 - 30 B.C.E.) or even earlier. Only a few texts apparently date from the first two or three centuries of our era, in particular TM 90898 (from Cordoba), and TM 52753 (from Florence), both dated to t he Roman period. See also TM 92644 = Neugebauer & Parker, Egyptian Astronomical Texts, 3 p. 232-235 # 2.c & pl. 75-78, offering planetary tables that can be dated after 140 C.E. The content of most texts in Demotic is mostly documentary, dealing with matters of taxation (including land measurement), sale / purchase, contracts notes, lists and accounts. Among them appear also a few letters, both dealing with wine, cf. TM 50139 (Berlin) and TM 51197 (Cairo). Furthermore, see TM 48782 (Cambridge) and TM 48781 (London) for two texts belonging to a special kind of letters, i.e. they are addressed to the divinized Amenhotep son of Hapu. Hardly any Demotic texts appear to originate from an ancient school; the only exception may be (again) TM 52753 (from Florence). (Semi-)Literary features are found in TM 50138 (Berlin): notices concerning a lot oracle (or astronomics?); TM 52246 (Leipzig): a magical curse text; TM 51861 (London): (hardly legible); TM 98077 (Paris): an invocation to a Goddess, Uraeus (Hathor?) and TM 92644 (Liverpool): planetary tables.

Latin tabulae from Egypt

A search in Trismegistos for provenance = Egypt, language = Latin, Material = wood produces almost 40 items. Most of these, however, have already been listed above in the section on Greek texts; of course, such cases are not numbered consecutively below as that would produce double counting. New are only the following three items: (523) TM 106238 = Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, inv. F 1944/9.3 = Anne pigraphique 1985:840 = OMRO 65 (1984/85) 19 - 21: Name tag? (= Brashear - Hoogendijk, p. 37) (Ed.princ.: early 2nd cent. [i.e. before 106] C.E.; 7.7 x 10.5 cm; wood) (524) TM 131574 = Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art M 80-202-488 = BASP 46 (2009) 15 - 22: Receipt for the Payment of Manumission Tax. (Ed.princ.: late 2nd / 3rd cent C.E.; 4.3 x 14.5 cm; fragment of a wax tablet without wax) (525) TM 80130 = W.Chrest. 463 = Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum, inv. 19045 = I. Mus. Alex. 61a = C.Pap.Lat. 104 Edict of the emperor Domitian on the immunities of soldiers. (Ed.princ.: 94 C.E.; 17 x 20 cm; waxed diptychon) NB: For other Latin tabulae already noticed above, see the section on Greek tabulae for: TM 78519 = P.Mich. 7:432 = C.Pap.Lat. 105 TM 80129 = W.Chrest. 457 = C.Pap.Lat. 113 TM 78512 = P.Mich. 3, p. 154-5 = C.Pap.Lat. 148 TM 78516 = P.Mich. 3:167 + P.Mich. 7, p. 1 # 167 = C.Pap.Lat. 149 76

TM 69746 = BGU 7:1691 TM 78515 = P.Mich. 3:166 TM 69747 = BGU 7:1692 TM 21332 = P.Mich. 3:168 TM 69748 = BGU 7:1693 TM 70156 TM 78511 = P.Mich. 3, pp. 152-154 TM 69749 = BGU 7:1694 TM 15712 = P.Diog. 1 TM 69745 = BGU 7:1690 TM 78521 = P.Mich. 7:436 TM 11979 = P.Mich. 3:169 TM 17869 = SB 6:9200 TM 28826 = P.Michael.Gr. 61 TM 78531 = P.Mich. 7:462 TM 23523 = M.Chrest. 362 TM 70157 TM 18822 = SB 3:6304 TM 78529 = P.Mich. 7:451 TM 70158 TM 70159 = ASAE 32 pp.177-9 TM 18820 = SB 3:6223 TM 78526 = P.Mich. 7:444 TM 13757 = PSI 9:1027 TM 9922 TM 106174 TM 70160 TM 69750 = BGU 7:1695 TM 69751 = BGU 7:1696 TM 78522 TM 78527 = P.Mich. 7:446

= C.Pap.Lat. 150 = C.Pap.Lat. 151 = C.Pap.Lat. 152 = C.Pap.Lat. 153 = C.Pap.Lat. 154 = C.Pap.Lat. 155 = C.Pap.Lat. 156 = C.Pap.Lat. 157 = C.Pap.Lat. 159 = C.Pap.Lat. 160 = C.Pap.Lat. 161 = C.Pap.Lat. 162 = C.Pap.Lat. 163 = C.Pap.Lat. 164 = C.Pap.Lat. 171 = C.Pap.Lat. 172 = C.Pap.Lat. 173 = C.Pap.Lat. 193 = C.Pap.Lat. 197 = C.Pap.Lat. 200 = C.Pap.Lat. 201 = C.Pap.Lat. 202 = C.Pap.Lat. 211 = C.Pap.Lat. 213 = C.Pap.Lat. 214 = C.Pap.Lat. 215 = C.Pap.Lat. 221 = C.Pap.Lat. 223 = C.Pap.Lat. 224 = C.Pap.Lat. 225 = C.Pap.Lat. 226

Latin tabulae in the West

Such tabulae are known from various provinces (cf. E.A. Meyer, Legitimacy & the Law: Tabulae in Roman Belief and Practice [Cambridge 2004], 176-78), i.e. they were found in England: at Vindolanda (see the Vindolanda-website "http://vindolanda.csad.ox.ac.uk/" and Trismegistos; for esp. literary texts, see Mertens-Pack ##: 2935.11 = Vergilius, Georg. I 125, Aeneis VII 373, X 860-861, and perhaps IV 206 (or XII 275?); 2939.01 = Vergilius, Aeneis I 1; 2951.001 = Vergilius, Aeneis VII 373; 2951.01 = Vergilius, Aeneis VII 473; 3011.01 = List of Medical Substances; 77

3018.01 = Literary Verse?; 3026.81 = Literary Fragment ?; 3026.82 = Drawing + Latin Letters? 3026.83 = Drawing of Soldiers), Carlisle (Anne Epigr. 1992:1140b; RIB 2:2443.3 - 6, 10, 12); London (RIB 2:2443.7 - 9, 11, 15 - 19) and Chew Stoke (RIB 2:2443.13); Holland: at Tolsum near Leeuwarden (see JRS 99 [2009] 156-70; NB: the two objects referred to by R. Marichal in Bibliologia 12, p.171 nn. 28 & 29, are in fact only this single tablet!), Valkenburg Z.-H. (= Cingulum; see CEL 14-15), Velsen (= Castrum Flevum?; unpublished) and Houten (Fectio; unpublished); France: in Saintes (N. of Bordeaux; cf. G. Vienne in Bibliologia 12, 211-219 ), in Rez (near Nantes; cf. E.A. Meyer, op.cit., p. 177 n. 41); Germany: Kln (AnneEpigr. 1969-70: 446), Mainz (CIL 13:10033.7) Rottweil (Anne Epigr. 1956:90 = Anne Epigr. 1981:691) Hanau ( ) Wiesbaden ( ) [cf. E.A. Meyer, op.cit., p. 177 nn. 40 - 42]; Switzerland: Vindonissa = modern Brugg, between Basel & Zrich (T.Vindonissa 1-90) [cf. E.A. Meyer, op.cit., p. 177 nn. 39, 40, 44]; Italy: Pompeji/Murecine and Herculaneum (T.P.Sulp.; T.Hercul.); Romania: Rosia Montana (Alburnus Maior, cf. Inscr.Daciae Romanae/TabCerDac. 1 - 24); Algeria (see T. Albertini 1 - 34).


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