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Conscious Nutrition

and the
Essentials of Hemp
By Charles Holmes

EZEKIEL (meaning ‘strong in God’) prophesied

“let the fruit be thy meat and the leaf be thy medicine”

Disclaimer Statement

This book is intended to offer educational information to help

you cooperate with your health practitioner in your mutual search
for health, and should not be considered as a replacement for
consultation, diagnosis or treatment by a doctor or licensed health

Copyright © 2007 Charles- Norman: Holmes

Vancouver, British Columbia
LOC 975

All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in

part, where there is commercial benefit sought, without permission
of the publisher is prohibited except for brief quotations used in
connection with reviews for magazines or newspapers. All other
reproduction that is used in the service of our fellow man under the
Supremacy of God is fully granted.


In Deepest Gratitude to:

my Life Partner, my family: blood and spirit, my business partners,
my mentors and my support group, the Masters who have come and
gone before and supplied the information herein,
you know who you are...
and special thanks to the human body… the greatest teacher.
This book is dedicated to Great Spirit, Creator of All,
and the One desire for the highest in all things.
May all beings experience complete Mastery in this life.


Foreword 5
Introduction 6
My Personal Story and Intent10
Medical Model vs. Spiritual Model23
The Cause of Disease26
Terrain is Everything30
Health is as Simple as 1-2-335
Illuminate 41
Essentials 45
Enzymes 45
Essential Amino Acids 47
Hemp Protein and Our DNA 52
Essential Fatty Acids 54
Amazing Hemp Seed 59
History Of Hemp 68
Conclusion 71
Product Discernment 71
Proprietary Processing and Quality 75
Super Size Me Experiment 78
Cleanup and Rejuvenative Process 82
Vision Quest Program 84
Simple Facts About Life & Alkaline pH  89
Detoxification 90
Recommended Reading and Resources 95

The Kalama Sutra
“Rely not on the teacher, but on the teaching. Rely not on
the words of the teaching, but on the spirit of the words.
Rely not on theory, but on experience. Do not believe in
anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
in traditions because they have been handed down for
many generations. Do not believe anything because it is
spoken and rumoured by many. Do not believe in anything
because it is written in your religious books. Do not believe
in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and
elders. But after observation and analysis, when you find
that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the
good and the benefit of one and all, then accept it and live
up to it.”

(the Buddha)

Through Conscious Nutrition, the reader is privileged to learn
from a man who fought for and achieved the complete health we
were all meant to enjoy. Charles’ instincts pointed the direction,
and his tenacious pursuit of the truth for justice and health of the
human body laid out the steps for all of us to follow. The knowledge
contained in this booklet was born out of personal struggle, search,
and finally, triumph. In it he shares his own discoveries as well those
he has learned from some of the most enlightened natural health
teachers of our present day.

Charles Holmes is enthusiastic about health and sharing his

knowledge with others. His passion for vibrant living and the
wonder of hemp foods is so evident in this mini-manual for
health. He speaks from his own experience and relates his stories
of discovery with honesty, conviction, and thoroughness. He has
become an inspiration to his family, to his working associates, and
to his many friends. His gentle nature and focused pursuit of the
truth are hallmarks of his character which are reflected in Conscious
Nutrition. Not only does he address the key factors required for
physical health, but he also brings understanding about the spiritual
life force of foods and their effect on our own development as
spiritual beings.

As a keen student, Charles has learned from others and then gone
on to become a teacher. His original thinking has resulted in the
establishment of his new company, Conscious Planet. This booklet
reflects the vision he has for the health of all individuals and for our
planet as a whole. In Conscious Nutrition, we are presented with
facts that are critical to becoming aware. Once we are consciously
aware, we can activate our intent toward achievement of our goal of
becoming truly healthy. With complete health, anything is possible.

Ron Garner
Author: Conscious Health

We will define Conscious as: aware of being aware, and Nutrition
as: food in harmony with life. Conscious Nutrition is being aware
that we are infinite beings of mind, body and spirit and that what we
eat is affecting every aspect of ourselves in ALL ways. True health
and well being is accomplished through knowledge, experience
and a gradual awakening to who we really are and why we are here
on this planet. We must ask ourselves: “Am I choosing wellness or
am I choosing disease and sickness.” With every thought, word and
action, we are manifesting our reality in one of these two directions.
Our journey entails the integration of balance and wellness in the
physical, mental and spiritual aspects of our life experience, and in
our relationship with Mother Earth and our own bodies. A body in
balance (Homeostasis) experiences clarity, vitality and joy... not pain,
confusion or cravings.

We are either feeding our infinite selves and regenerating life, or we

are starving ourselves, degenerating, and prolonging the realization
that we are aspects of the “One”.

Everything is energy in process towards its highest expression.

Humans are endowed with Free-Will to choose how they interpret
this experience, be it positively, neutrally or negatively - Homeostasis
is the neutral position. Everything we come in contact with affects
us either positively or negatively, especially what we call ‘Food.’ If
we take a moment and ask the question: “Why do I eat”, we all come
to the same conclusion: I eat in order to maintain a healthy vehicle
so that I can master the life experience and fulfill the One desire to
be fully realized with Ultimate Knowing and Joy in each and every

The body is the vehicle for this life experience with an infinite
capacity to balance, cleanse and heal itself. We are an aspect of the
One, God, Infinite Intelligence, Source (whatever you chose to
call It), and we are awakening to this Source just like a drop of rain

returning to the ocean. Like water, we can have many different
individual experiences, from still ponds to rushing rivers, but in fact,
we are never separate from our source, the ocean. In the unfolding
of that awareness, the human body becomes the object of much
attention; both negative and positive.

Just as the automobile has certain requirements for optimum

performance, so does the human body. What would happen if we
stopped adding gasoline, changing the oil, and cleaning our engine?
Obviously, the automobile would soon become unusable. We would
never try to operate our vehicle with unsuitable fuel, improper
maintenance or missing parts that were critical for its operations. Yet
this is what we do with the human body everyday.

It is a well known fact that everything is made up of energy, and

in fact, what we experience as physical matter is nothing more
than energy in constant flux. Some energy is moving slower than
other energy; we call these solids. The human body requires certain
energies, in balance, to maintain optimum performance. In fact, the
human body has many sources of energy: sun, air, water, earth, and
food; food being the most misunderstood factor.

So let us start by defining food. Food is any substance consumed that

supports the physical, mental and energetic bodies, and spiritually
supports everything connected to its creation (air, soil, water, farmer,
etc). Unfortunately, most of what we are putting in our mouth, while
appealing to the senses, is not feeding the body what it requires for
optimum health. In other words, most of what we eat is not, by our
definition, Food.

According to the Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition, 8 out of

the 10 leading causes of death in the USA are diet related. Many
other scientific sources confirm that diet is directly related to disease.
Many of us who follow the path of health and nutrition now know
that diet contributes 100% to the issues of malnutrition, addiction,

and negative thoughts and emotions resulting in our nation
becoming the most obese and disease ridden culture in the history of
the planet.

. More than 3 in 5 people in America suffer from allergies,

diabetes, obesity and impotency.
. From 1962-1988, there was a 300% increase in drug addiction
as a direct result of the use of medical prescriptions, while in
the same period, only a 30% increase in the use of illegal drugs.
Only roughly 15% of allopathic medical treatment has been
scientifically substantiated.
. Between 1981-1987, 3 million people died as a direct result of
medical treatment.  In the same period, only 39,000 people
died of AIDS. According to Gary Null the largest killer of the
American population is medical treatment, followed closely by
cardiovascular disease and cancer.
4. The average American lives to age 76, 20 years longer than the
average doctor!
5. In 1900 the risk of cancer was 1 person in 30.
In 1980 the risk of cancer was 1 person in 5.
In 2000 the risk of cancer was 1 person in 2.
6. Statistics show that some of the nation’s largest selling products
include antacids, laxatives, cigarettes, deep fried fast foods, coffee
and alcohol.

According to the Deepak Chopra Institute, each year, the average

American adult consumes:

 100 pounds of refined sugar

 55 pounds of fats & oils
 300 cans of soda pop
 200 sticks of chewing gum

 5 pounds of potato chips
 7 pounds of pretzels, corn chips, and popcorn
 18 pounds of candy
 20 gallons of ice cream
 50 pounds of cakes and cookies
 63 dozen donuts

In 1992, tests were conducted on the nutrient content of farm soil

around the world. The following results were revealed in the Earth
Summit report:

Australia: 55% Asia: 76% Europe: 72%

S. America: 76% Africa: 74% N. America: 8%

This is the reason why nutrient supplementation has become so

important; we see health food stores and vitamin bottles everywhere.
But is this food? We in North America need to eat 10 times the
amount of food to get the same nutrient value we did in 1900. The
obvious solution lies in getting back to basics: rebuilding soil (as
food is only as good as the soil it is grown in), identifying the highest
utilizable and most nutritient-rich foods available, and combining
them based on the needs of the body, with the goal of once again
reaching homeostasis. There may be (litreally) tons of vitamins
out there vying for our consumer dollar, but the question remains:
Which ones are providing the benefit we so desperately need, which
ones are simply a waste of money, and which ones are actually doing
more harm than good? Fortunately there is a solution: The body has
the final say, not a Nutrition Facts Label or a scientific report about
the reaction of lab rats.

The perfection of life may be witnessed through nature, and the

human body is the product of nature. Our body is the greatest
teacher, and only true authority, on the state of our health. Using the
body as the instrument to measure the affects of our environment

upon it, we quickly discover that eating food contributes only a
portion of the energy required by the human body to operate in full
capacity, yet we place so much importance upon eating. This is the
addictive nature. We soon realize that everything is an evolutionary
step towards Homeostasis, even disease and health, because in
Spiritual Terms or Universal Principles, there is no death; we are
much more than just a body.

As we evolve through this life experience, we become aware that

the answers lie within us and are easily accessible. Just like a car,
the body has simple operating principles that we need to focus
upon and learn to increase our level of performance and our joy of
the experience. I invite you to walk with me on a journey of self
discovery about how nutrition affects our lives, and allow me to
introduce you to a program and a food-source that is playing a major
role in helping to create the balance, sustainability, performance, and
vitality that we all seek.

My Personal Story and Intent

As a youth I was very healthy by most people’s standards. I was
an honour role student and an accomplished athlete. My parents
were supportive, loving, and amazingly hardworking providers,
and I enjoyed a truly blessed childhood. However, my parent’s
understanding of how food affected our health was minimal at best.
As a result, I was less than 10% aware or conscious of the fact that
what I ate affected my state of health. As I grew older, most of my
health focus was on exercise and supplementation.

Like most of us, I was moved to make changes in my life using

negative motivation. It is said: necessity is the mother of invention.
In my early 20s, my real health journey began following 3 years
of discomfort and aggravation due to allergies, severe acne, bowel
issues and constipation. I approached my doctor, who has since
died of debilitating arthritis, diabetes and cancer, (hint: get guidance
from those with the results you want) and I asked him “what is the
cause of allergies?” All he could respond with was: “We don’t know,
but what would you like?” as he opened his prescription pad, pen
poised in anticipation of my response. There have been very few
times in my life that I was required to see a doctor, so his lack of
knowledge totally shocked me. I admit, there are obvious benefits
to the treatment of trauma through allopathic medicine, however
this person could not help me understand nor remove the root
cause of the diseases that were afflicting me, all he could do was
treat my symptoms. I realized in that moment that the medical
profession could not help me heal; that was not their mandate.
With trepidation, I made the decision that I would take personal
responsibility for my own health.

I began studying herbology, the work of Bernard Jensen, multiple

healing modalities, energetic medicine, Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic
medicine, massage, reflexology, meditation and mystery-school
spiritual teachings from around the globe. I had been severely
constipated (including some rectal bleeding) for many years and
I soon discovered that this was not normal. I discovered a pre-
cancerous blockage in my colon that would likely have required
surgery and removal of part of my large intestine if it had gone
untreated. After 3 or 4 colonics (colon flushing with water), I
watched in horror as black, chunky, rope-like, putrefying, fowl
smelling, nuclear waste matter was ejected from my body. For those
of you who have not seen the pictures in Bernard Jensen’s book,
Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, I highly recommend
it. Your life will never be the same. When I saw those pictures, I felt
sympathetic toward the people in the pictures because, that could
never happen to me, could it?

By my late twenties, I had cleared up the allergies and chronic

constipation through fasting, cleansing and colon therapy. I became
a vegetarian to reduce the amount of toxins I was taking into my
body. Being the son of a hunter, raised on wild meat, this was itself,
no easy task. Even though my parents had the greatest intent for my

life, their level of understanding on health and what contributed to
it, was very low. It became clear to me that I felt much better when
eating a diet consisting of mostly plant food.

I am a quick study; astrologically I am an Aries with Aries rising,

which means attracting to me potentially intense life experiences
and a deep desire for the greater good. No kidding! I quickly
discovered that there is only ONE disease, ignorance,
manifesting as Intestinal Toxemia, or toxic build-up beginning
in the bowel from undigested protein and inorganic dead food. I
learned so much about health through fixing myself that I started my
own healing practice in order to share what I learned to others.

By my mid 30s, after many years as a vegetarian eating mostly cooked

food, I found myself constantly craving meat or protein. I was
hyper, hypoglycaemic, listless, and I still had poor digestion. I took
endless expensive vitamin and protein supplements and followed
complex carbohydrate and other eating programs but I always felt
like there was a ceiling on my health that I just could not get past.
The only time I really felt well was during a fast. This became a very
important platform from which to begin my observations. Food, as
I knew it, discouraged me. Becoming a breatharian and never eating
again looked promising. I came to realize that vegetarians who eat
mostly cooked food, like I was, are some of the unhealthiest
people around. The more supplements I took, the worse I felt.
Everything I tried would work for a short while but inevitably
the lethargy and depression returned. I was at the wall. I quit my
healing practice and stopped everything I was doing as I realized that
I was still not the example I needed to be. I was very discouraged
bordering on depression.

During the winter of 1999, a friend began pestering me to try some

new product line from yet another MLM company but I kept
brushing him off. I was cynical and arrogant, saying that after more
than 13 years of intense study and real experience, there was no
way he could show me anything new. I believed I had been down
every path; tried everything. Sound familiar? Thank God we all have
people like this in our life who are able to see something of value for
us when we are lost in the forest, and are persistent in their effort to
help. This friend was a personal trainer and one day, as I went for a
workout with him, I met two of his elderly clients. I watched as this
elderly gentleman, twice my age, pushed as much weight as I did. I
immediately walked over and asked how they did it. I said “you must
be doing some special yogic, chi exercise and suck prana from the
Universe in some special way as taught by some mysterious guru.’
What they told me took me totally by surprise: They said it was
totally a result of their raw food diet, and the amazing products
my friend had been trying to introduce me to for months. I kept
hearing that little voice inside me that said: “YOU NEED TO GO!”, so
I did. We drove all the way to Red Deer Alberta, more than 12 hours
away, the following week! It was there that I met Michael O’Brien,
the formulator of many of these products. This was to be a major
turning point in my life.

I agreed to Michael’s recommendation that I try eating a rice protein

formula he designed containing large doses of his proprietary
digestive enzymes and probiotic bacteria. I immediately felt as if my
body was coming back to life. This is when I realized that the only
true authority on health is the FEELING in our body; your body
will never lie to you. Your mind will. In fact, it is the only tool that
will ultimately direct us to heal and return to a life of homeostasis
and harmony.

Have you ever had the experience of hearing something several

times and found that each time you heard it, it made a little more
sense? Well this is exactly what happened to me; after years of
receiving the same information from numerous sources (including
Ron Garner’s fantastic book, After the Doctors…What Can You Do, now
rewritten and updated to Conscious Health) and then finally hearing
Michael O’Brien speak, I finally REALLY got it! Even though I was
supplementing, the simple mistake I was making as a vegetarian,
was eating too much cooked food and using soy as my primary
protein source. I was nutritionally and energetically imbalanced
and extremely protein deficient due to a lack of digestive enzymes.
Michael explained to me something that made amazing sense: if
one lacks the essential amino acids, fatty acids and other nutrients
(essential because the body cannot make them itself), one
also lacks a nutrient delivery system. This was exactly what was
happening to me. In TRUTH I was eating dead food, especially sugar
and other foods that quickly turned to sugar in my body, spiking my
insulin production (this, especially high fructose corn syrup, is in
fact the major cause of arterial plaque in the body). I believed I was
eating all the right things, but I might just as well have been eating
nails to get iron. I was not assimilating the nutrients from my food
and especially not from the supplements. These inorganic foods and
supplements had been so damaged by cooking and processing that
my body simply didn’t recognize them as food - it recognized them
as toxins. When I asked Michael what I was doing wrong, he simply
said: “I was starving myself.” He plainly saw disease as a deficiency
of nutrients in the body. After all these years of working on my
health, thinking I really knew my stuff, and supporting others to
do the same, I quickly realized that I had really not even begun. My
interpretation was that my level of health and feeling good was 9 out
of 10... I realized very soon that I was a 1 out of 10! I didn’t know what
feeling good was as I had never really experienced it.

Michael O’Brien told us a story about Dr. Bernard Jensen, who, with
over 60 books on health, was especially well known as ‘the king of
bowel management.’ Bernard Jensen recovered from his deathbed,
weighing little more than 70 lbs and with a PSA cancer count of
1,600 in only 63 days. He accomplished this amazing feat on a living
foods diet that included juicing and a 2-week mega-dose enzyme
(500 caps per day!) and probiotic (200 caps per day) therapy. Michael
also shared the story of how Dr. Jensen healed the damage done to
his spinal column from a car accident that had left him paralyzed.
He was walking again within 19 weeks! This too was accomplished
by nothing more than cleaning and feeding the body; giving it
proper nutrition and thereby letting it do the work it was born to do.
Bernard Jensen’s last book, Come Alive, tells us his amazing story.

Finally, Michael shared with us the shocking story of Dr. Turkel. In
1952, Dr. Turkel proved that even the genetic structure could
change and with proper nutrition DNA could becomes activated
once more. He was working with a 3’4”, 22 year old girl who had
typical mongoloid Downs Syndrome symptoms. After approximately
9 years of cleaning and feeding her body with real foods concentrated
in vitamins and minerals, she grew to be a normal 5’9” adult woman
with no signs of Downs. He shared with us copies of the X-rays and
other documentation showing how her skeletal structure changed
year by year. Dr. Turkel was unfortunately imprisoned for his work,
but nevertheless, it was a humbling and extremely empowering
experience for me. Michael O’Brien explained that there are litreally
thousands of people who have been treated with similar methods in
Japan, and last year alone, over one million people in Germany
received enzyme therapy; all with similar and seemingly amazing
results. Have you ever been referred to enzyme or nutritional
therapies such as this by a regular doctor? You will discover that few
people, if any, have received such treatment such as this in North

I now understood the challenge my spiritual friends and I were

experiencing as we self-righteously convinced ourselves we had great
food habits. In reality we were quick to judge, focused on what was
wrong, we were suspicious of people and simply acted like victims.
It is also worth noting that we were all financially broke. Met or
know anyone like this? I had to take a hard look in the mirror. The
challenge we faced was that we could never stay grounded in our
body and hold enough life force energy, nor focus long enough,
to make the changes we so desperately desired. We were new age
energy junkies! Even though we thought we were pure (because we
were vegetarian), we were eating cooked dead foods with absolutely
no life force. We probably would have been healthier eating meat
instead of so much processed soy products. We were getting almost
no usable, essential tools for the body to support its basic functions.
Raw organic foods have the most perfect matrix of energy that
the body can use to regain the balance that we have disturbed with
our limited thought patterns, beliefs and habits. Eating from God’s
table is a stage in the process of the mastery of energy. It is amazing
how science thinks it can improve upon and control the perfection
of nature – the Creator’s Great Work. I realized that if I continued to
shop at grocery stores, it would kill me.

One of the key things I learned through this process was that when
people deplete the enzyme reserves in their body, they become
especially intolerant to foods like grains, nuts and legumes. These
foods are very acidic and unless these foods are sprouted first to
dissolve the enzyme inhibitors, they cannot be digested. Legumes
in particular must be fermented into a product like miso or tempeh
before they are digestible. The problem is, if food is cooked past
120F for a certain length of time, as is the case during most
cooking and processing, enzymes are completely destroyed
and the food cannot be digested and assimilated. I also learned
that without a good source of usable protein that would transport
vitamins and minerals through the cell wall, all the thousands of
dollars I was spending on supplements was a waste of time, energy
and money! The stuff I was putting in my mouth was being treated
as toxic by my body and I was litreally using my digestive tract to
pour money down the toilet! I had an amazing confirmation of this
when I once spoke with a man who worked at a sewage treatment
facility and he mentioned the serious problem they have with
undigested vitamins clogging up their filtering systems.

At about the same time that I met Michael O’Brien, my father Ken
was being introduced to the exceptional nutritional profile of wild
rice (Michael had used rice as his protein base). This interest led to
a government grant and the development of several value-added,
wild rice food products. Unfortunately, we soon realized that the
processing necessary to produce these products rendered the live
ingredients inactive, making the products not only expensive, but
also indigestible.

This was when I was introduced to hemp seed. I was informed that
hemp was being grown again in Canada and showed great promise
as a new crop. I was asked what I knew about hemp seed by the
Saskatchewan Agricultural Department. I replied that between
making paper, clothes, rope and smoking it, not a lot. They showed
me a nutritional profile that gave me goose flesh all over, and in that
moment, I suddenly recalled a prophetic reading into my future that
I had received when I was 22: “I would bring a food - an oil seed - to
the people that would change the world and food as we knew it.”

As I look back at my life, the struggles and successes, I realized that

all these experiences were perfectly orchestrated to get me to where
I was in order to realize this destiny and profound opportunity to
bring hemp seed nutrition back into the world. Almost every choice
I made along my path was not based on what I wanted, but rather on
what I didn’t want. Given that God has such a marvellous sense of
humour, it was highly appropriate that at that stage of my life, I was
3 months behind in rent, I had just come out of a flopped business
venture that had discredited me in many ways, and had absolutely
no money to begin yet another venture. This is where the real
work began as each and every moment, my father Ken and I could
do nothing but TRUST that it would all work out; TRUST that the
vision I had been given of Hemp Seeds replacing Soy Beans as a
food source, would be realized. As usual, everything we needed was
provided and we eventually found our sweet-spot on this journey of
life. But I digress.

I began spending every waking minute studying the humble

hemp seed, and in doing so, I discovered that its nutritional profile
was unusually well balanced and contained an extremely high
concentration of essential amino acids and essential fatty acids
(EFAs). Initial research had shown hemp seed to be difficult to
process because of these highly sensitive EFAs. Ken and I discovered
that there are two things you can do to make convenient consumer
products with hemp seed: 1) Remove the shell and eat the raw nut
inside; or 2) Press the rich oil from the seed, leaving behind a thick
oily cake that amounted to almost 70% of the seed’s original volume.
This hemp-cake by-product was typically made into flour or given
away as animal feed. I heard a story about a farmer whose pigs, after
eating hemp-cake, became too lean and healthy to sell for a profit
- he just couldn’t get them to fatten up on hemp. The wheels began
turning fast. It wasn’t a huge leap to realize that while lean, healthy
pigs might not be desirable, lean, healthy people were. It would
appear that nobody had recognized the true value of this product
thus Ken and I quickly focused our efforts on this by-product. Our
efforts paid off when we finally developed the world’s first
Hemp Protein Powder; a protein substitute greatly needed by the
North American Diet. The hemp industry began to take off.

I became the test subject for our new hemp protein and oil products
and in doing so, finally broke through the ceiling I had reached
in my health years before. I was more energized and focused, and
my digestion was much better. The truth is, no one had really
documented hemp seed as a major food source and I was highly
motivated to give it a REAL test drive. I recalled reading in Udo
Erasmus’s book, Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, you could live on hemp
protein alone. I took him at his word and began eating hemp protein
and hemp oil every time I got hungry; I averaged 3 or 4 protein
shakes per day. For the first few days I was ravenous and all my old
cravings came surging back. I felt like I was in rehab! Every time I
got hungry, I had another protein shake. This continued for a few
days until finally, on the 5th day, I had a breakthrough. I have always
had to eat immediately upon waking, but this day, I woke up and
wasn’t even hungry. My cravings for meat and stimulants (processed
sugars, pasta, breads, caffeine, alcohol and drugs), and the related
negative emotions like anxiety and depression, had subsided. I had
less stress, worry, fear and pain in my body. I felt truly content and
joyful! This was a whole new concept for an intense Aries like me.
Even my awareness, clarity of mind, memory and multi-tasking
abilities had increased dramatically. It was as if the hemp seed
was litreally talking to me, speaking the secret language that could
unlock the mysteries of my DNA. I was determined to prove it and
soon began attracting confirmation after confirmation as more and
more people shared with me their experience and what seemed to
be amazing results of healing. I see now what Michael O’Brien tried
to show me; disease is simply the body experiencing a state of
deficiency - it’s that simple.
I became aware of the work of Dr. William Hit, who administers
amino acid drips directly into the blood stream for hard narcotic
users. He typically finds that after 3 days of this treatment, even the
most intense addictions to heroin, cocaine and crack, would begin
to subside. My own experience confirmed this. This is why I always
recommend to people who are trying hemp protein for the first time,
that they give it a good test drive and eat a protein shake every time
they feel hunger or cravings. The results are typically similar to the
results that I experienced; sometimes even more dramatic. Prozac
is a drug that mimics the amino acid tryptophan, a key component
in the body’s manufacture of the neurotransmitters serotonin,
melatonin and indolamine. These neurotransmitters are responsible
for mood, sleep and hunger. Eat quality and easily assimilated
protein – meaning get adequate tryptophan in your diet - and low
energy, depression and addictions will begin to fall away without the
need for drugs like Prozac.

I thought I would gain 10 lbs with all the protein I was eating but
exactly the opposite occurred. In one month my body fat went
down to 9% and I lost 9 lbs. I returned to the size and weight
I was when I was 19 years old. I was gaining lean muscle
mass without specifically exercising and I had much more
endurance than ever before. I was truly starting to experience what
it meant to FEEL GOOD. I realized I had never really felt anything
but numb.

I continued for 2 years eating roughly 70% raw live food. I felt that
my health was now at about 6 ½ out of 10. My body went into an
extreme healing mode and I had little if any desire or ability to
exercise since all of my energy was going into repairing the damage
I had previously done. Then, in the fall of 2003, I was graced with
the experience of meeting Dr. James Reese and his Reeset Program.
By testing my body using electro-dermal screening, he confirmed
that micro-organisms were still running the show in my body,
creating cravings and mood swings. Through his help, I entered the
next phase of my health journey. He and his assistant, Joan Miller,
taught me and my wife, Wind, about the importance of building a
healthy terrain through primitive restoration, and recommended a
diet that would reshape the terrain of undigested, toxic material that
parasitic microorganisms were feasting on in my body, into a terrain
that encouraged and supported the growth of healthy, cooperative
micro-organisms. My life experience went to a whole other level
of joy and freedom. At the very same time, the Universe provided
me with the most inspiring book I have ever had the pleasure of
reading: Rainbow Green - Live Food Cuisine by Dr. Gabriel Cousens.
This book not only confirmed my experience, but acknowledged the
anti-composting diet I had begun. Gabriel raised the proverbial bar
for me as he explained that, at 62 years old, he simply didn’t get
tired! Among many things, he could do over 600 consecutive
push-ups, stopping only because he got bored. How does he do
it? Dr. Gabriel Cousens has eaten a vegan, live-food diet for over
25 years. After meeting with him at his wonderful Tree of Life
Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia Arizona, I immediately embarked
upon the Path that he walks. Now, roughly 95% of my diet is live,
raw food and has been for the past 3 years. I feel that my health is
steadily between 9 and 10 out of 10, with my body operating at close
to its highest capacity always. This has taken nearly 4 years. Michael
O’Brien estimates that it takes about 1 year to clean the damage done
from every 7 years of eating cooked and processed food.

I realized that the rejuvenation of our genetic structure and the

return to homeostasis is immediate when the body is given the
tools it needs and our consciousness increases. This is especially
true when our liver, the main cleaning organ of our body, receives
the quality protein, fats and enzymes that it requires to perform its
hundreds of functions. Immediately the liver starts removing toxins
and manufacturing glycogen to satisfy the brain (which uses most
of the sugar in the body) and turns off the appestat at the back of the
head that is screaming “give me sugar NOW!” The most important
aspect, however, is that the liver begins to make hormones that the
body uses to start up the endocrine system, whose function it is to
manufacture and balance the body’s hormones. In other words, the
body begins to do what it was made to do – live. We are told that
as we get old our endocrine system just naturally shrinks and stops
functioning. Not so; we are just protein deficient. A good protein
source is critical for every function in the body.

My joy-work now is teaching people by example to clearly define

food and understand how to develop homeostasis and remove the
cause of disease. Most importantly, I support individuals in having
their own physical confirmation of how eating cooked food does
damage just as if poisoned. As an example: Every day I use 4 to 6
scoops of hemp protein averaging about 30 to 40gms of protein, and
at least 3 tablespoons of hemp oil. Some days, if I am more active,
I require more protein. As my body detoxifies and rebuilds, I find
I require less. I supplement my diet with dried vegetable and fruit
powder concentrates, especially wheat grass, plant source enzymes
and probiotic bacteria.

My experience of eating live foods, including hemp seed, has

confirmed for me the philosophy that all the great masters have
lived by. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to spend many
months in silent meditation and to have had several enlightened
masters as personal mentors. In this meditative state I noticed how
the consumption of certain foods affected my thoughts. When I
ate animal products, I felt angry and fearful; when I ate high sugar
content foods, I became anxious and worried; when I ate whole
plant foods, I became relaxed and peaceful. The blissful experience
I had while in silent retreat is now flowing into all areas of my
normal daily life from the place within me I call the Observer and
my consciousness continues to increase. As my body has more
energy, it has the ability to release more toxins, and as I stick to my
predominantly raw, alkaline food diet, my requirement for nutrients
is decreasing due to an increased ability to absorb nutrients. My
grocery bill is half of what it used to be. I have learned the critical
importance of increasing my daily intake of minerals by adding more
raw sea salt, ionic mineral drops and green vegetables to my diet so
that when I drink water, my body’s ability to hydrate and balance pH
increases. As you go down this path, you begin to notice just how
much these dietary toxins promote negative thoughts; this ‘stinkin’
thinkin’ is from putrefying food in the bowel and negative programs
stuck in our electrical field. I have experienced this absolute truth
countless times... and so will you.

I am feeling more grateful for every situation in my life. My ability

to deal with even the most challenging experiences is growing
stronger and I really feel that I have a grounded connection with
Mother Earth. My ability to manifest positive experiences is growing
daily and much of it is the result of simply switching to a diet of
essential, balanced, raw food that includes the amazing hemp seed. I
am more honest with myself and thus able to practice more authentic
dialogue in the most sacred relationship I have with my life partner
and wife - Wind.

I would like to honour Dorothy Morley - Master Herbalist and

medical dowser, Michael O’Brien - formulator and health educator,
Dr. James Reese - Orthomolecular nutritionist and inventor, Ron
Garner - educator and author, Gabriel Cousens MD - author and
Essene priest, Clayten Stedmann - Master kinesiologist and coach,
Sam Adams – business and prosperity coach, and especially my wife
Wind and her amazing ability to hold a space for me to unfold my
awareness and full realization of life. These beings have supported
me as my personal mentors and coaches and are, in my opinion,
extraordinary examples of men and women that walk the path of
service and healing.

And so it is I present to you, from information gathered, personal

experience, and positive documented results, Conscious Nutrition.
This is my perception of what constitutes real food and the healing
journey. It is my greatest desire that this work will result in a
happier, healthier and more abundant life for all who read it. It is an
honour to be on the Path of Mastery with you.

The intent of this book is to:

 Present a basic understanding of human body functions;

 Explain, in simple terms, what causes of disease;
 Offer specific solutions to empower you to take responsibility
for your health;
 Provide updated information and documented results on the
effects and importance of hemp seed - the most nutritionally
complete and highest frequency food source on the planet.

Medical Model vs. Spiritual Model

The mission of modern science is to obtain knowledge that can be
used to dominate and control nature. This is based on the Newtonian
theory that physical matter is the only fundamental reality. The
standard allopathic medical system is based on this belief, as is the
Darwinian theory that suggests that we are nothing more than
victims of the genetic coding passed down to us from our parents.
Basically, we are dealt a certain hand of cards and that is all we will
ever get to play with. Western medicine, biology and psychiatry
have all been extremely reluctant to change their world views even
in the face of new discoveries in quantum physics that reveal that
everything is, as the mystics have been telling us all along, energy.

Several years ago, there occurred the Human Genome Project,

which set out to map human DNA with the belief that if all the
genetic coding was identified, one could alter their predetermined
path - which could be a life that included cancer, diabetes and other
diseases – by replacing their genetic coding. The results proved that
there were only a few thousand genetic codes in use in a human,
similar to that of a worm or a weed, not the hundreds of thousands
believed to be required for a conscious being with free will. This was

very disturbing and proved that the scientific model theories of its
foundation... were incorrect. But what was the truth? See Dr. Bruce
Liton’s book Biology of Belief.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a researcher in human cell cloning, discovered that

when the nucleus of the cell containing the genetic programming
was removed from the cell, it continued to function normally for
many weeks. How could this be? How could a cell operate without
its nucleus? It was discovered, through further investigation, that
the genetic coding is indeed an operating program but just like in a
computer, does nothing until it receives a signal and is activated. This
was exactly the opposite of what the scientific and medical model
professed. The controlling mechanism, or brain of the cell, is actually
the membrane. The DNA is the blueprint and the nucleus is the
reproductive organ of the cell. This discovery altered everything we
knew about health and how to heal.

The simple truth is that our genetic coding is activated and altered
by the thoughts and feelings we experience as a result of our outer
environment, not the least of which is the food we eat. This process
happens whether we will it or not; we can either be passive, letting
our environment shape us, or we can be active and choose how we
respond to that environment. In essence, we have the ability to
choose which genetic programs are activated. Consider this:
Only 5% of the population was thought to have genetic coding
that predetermined disease, however, a much larger percentage is
in fact suffering from disease. This suggests that our perception
and participation of our environment creates our quality of life

Protein is the foundation of the cell. DNA is sheathed in protective

protein. All proteins organize themselves into complex structures,
each designed to perform a different function. The amino acid chain
is the backbone of any protein structure. When an amino acid chain
is introduced to different energetic stimuli, it moves and changes
its shape. Each one of us is constantly experiencing such stimuli
through our senses, the cycle of seasons and planets, the air we
breathe, the food we eat, and even the thoughts we think, and these
stimuli determine the shape, performance, and function of our cells
and exposure of the DNA contained therein. With this knowledge
comes the most wondrous gift of all; the realization that we are not
victims of our environment, but rather the grand conductor of our
life experience.

As we experience more joy and love and make choices that are in
line with our core, spiritual values, our level of joy and abundance
increases and likewise so does our consciousness. Now with the work
of Dr. David Hawkins this can be easily confirmed and all aspects of
life can be measured according to their level of consciousness. So the
ultimate program is to simply remember our connection to Source,
identify highest frequency Source signals from the food we eat, to
thoughts we think to actions we make, and choose to integrate them
into our everyday lives in a greater capacity, and by doing so we will
raise our own consciousness and that of the earth.

It is said that we are what we eat and even though we cannot eat our
way to enlightenment, we do require a healthy body and mind to
experience it. In an effort to overcome depletion and the myriad
health challenges that we have created, we tend to eat expensive
supplements, or worse, foods that simply taste good but have little
if any life-force. Due to soil depletion, processing, and excessive
storage and transportation, today’s fresh fruits and vegetables contain
considerably less nutrients and life-force than they did even 20 years
ago. Therefore, supplementation is necessary at some level, but if the
food’s original energy matrix is not present, the body is forced to give
up its own energy in order to balance, utilize and metabolize it. The
body does not recognize it as food. In fact, it treats it as a toxin. In
order to get the most benefit from supplements, real live food, with
its natural energetic matrix, must be present in order for the body
to recognize and fully utilize the supplements. The key is to once
again live in balance with nature without trying to control it. Eating
cooked, processed and dead food distorts our perception of reality.

Protein depletion is rampant in North America and stems from an
even greater challenge: soil depletion. Many foods are forced to grow
in areas and in soils unsuitable to them. There exist organizations
whose mandate it is to control our food chain. Given this context,
hemp seed is ideally suited to provide a solution to our food and
many other needs. Furthermore, hemp seed tests out as the
most complete, balanced, and conscious food source for humans.
According to the work of Dr. David Hawkins who, in his book Power
vs Force, explains how using kinesiolgy or muscle testing, we are able
to measure the level of Consciousness of anything. Based on his
arbitrary scale or Map of Consciousness where 1000 represents the
highest level attainable in a body or Christ Consciousness, the hemp
seed has a Level of Consciousness of 999.8 out of 1000! This makes
hemp seed the highest of any food source in the world and “the
closest thing to God in food form!” See the Product Discernment
section for more details

The Cause of Disease

The world’s oldest self-healing systems see illness as deficiencies of
essential nutrients. When these nutrients are supplied, the body
resumes balance. Disease simply cannot exist in a body in balance.
Eventually the body, mind, and spirit become one with nature and
the life experience.

Even though science may provide analysis for specific nutritional

information, it does not mean that the nutrients are in a state that the
body can assimilate. Eating metal nails, for example, will not provide
the iron that one obtains from leafy green vegetables. One is in an
inorganic state while the other is in its natural organic state. Let
me give you another example: A roasted almond, when planted, will
not grow whereas a raw almond will. Science, however, would find
a similar level of nutrients in each. The miracle of the body is that
it will do what it can to survive, even when it does not receive the
whole raw materials that are essential for life.

Dr. Alexis Carrell, a Nobel Prize winner, researched experimental
surgery, did ground-breaking work with human blood vessels, and
was a pioneer of organ transplants. You may not have heard of him,
but every doctor in the world knows about him because he shocked
the medical profession and science with one simple experiment. Dr.
Carrell took cells from the heart of a dead chicken. He put them in
a solution of minerals and nutrients. He kept these cells alive for 28
years. They remained amazingly healthy. And they never aged, never
got sick, and didn’t die!

“The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats which

degenerates. Renew this fluid at intervals, give the cells what they
require for nutrition and, as far as we know, the pulsation of life may
go on forever.”

-- Dr. Alexis Carrell, Nobel Prize in Medicine

Pottenger’s Cat Experiment

Dr. Pottenger wanted to determine the effects that raw, cooked and
processed foods have on the body. He conducted experiments with
more than 900 cats between 1932 and 1942 in an attempt to find an
explanation for disease and structural abnormalities. What he found
was that, for cats, only a diet of raw milk and raw meat was adequate
to maintain optimal health, generation after generation. The cats
reproduced with ease, had strong bones, shiny fur, were gentle, free
of parasites, and easy to handle. Death resulted only from old age and

Cooking the meat or heat-processing the milk caused physical

degeneration in the cats that increased in severity with each
successive generation. The degeneration persisted even when
only 1/3 of the diet was raw and the types of disease suffered by the
cats mirrored those most often suffered by humans. These results

especially paralleled the defects noticed in native peoples that had
abandoned their traditional diets for diets high in sugar and white
flour. The main observations included:

 Abortion rate of 25% in the 1st generation, increasing to 70% in

the 4th generation
 Females had difficulty getting pregnant, giving birth, lactating,
and many died in labour
 Sexual personality traits reversed; females became more
aggressive, males became more passive
 Physical traits became more neutral and abnormal sexual
interest and perversion increased among cats of the same sex
 At birth, kittens weighed, on average, 16% less than normal
 Intestinal parasites were common
 Allergies increased from one generation to the next
 Skin disease, normally around 5% , increased to 90% by the 3rd
 Infection became rampant
 Arthritis and nervous system complications increased
 Bones became soft and pliable
 3rd generation cats became sterile; there was no 4th generation
cats as all perished
 If the diet was corrected soon enough, these degenerative
conditions could be reversed!

If food is radiated, genetically or chemically altered, or processed

above 120 degrees Fahrenheit, then enzymes, fatty acids, amino
acids and other nutrients are destroyed, and indigestible substances
are created that then putrefy in our bowel. This composting waste

matter becomes home to colonies of harmful bacteria and viruses
which rob us of vital nutrients, overwork our immune system, and
excrete further toxins, compounding an already degenerative state.

If the body is not replenished with balanced energy in the form of

whole, live food containing the essential nutrients for life, it will
steal these nutrients from other parts of the body parts. This causes:

 Wrinkles and lax bowels due to protein deficiency

 Memory and nervous disorders due to fat deficiency
 Osteoporosis and lack of energy due to mineral deficiency

This physiological theft process is the simple cause of aging and all
disease, from obesity, to diabetes, to cancer. Dr. Batmanghelidj says
that 50% of all disease would be removed if we were just hydrated
with good water and proper minerals and salts.

Health is our birthright and a gift; disease and death is an abuse of

that gift. Health or disease is the result of every choice we make:
every thought we have, every word we speak, and every action we
take, especially what we chose to put in our bodies. These choices
create the world we live in and every one of us contributes to this
reality - negatively or positively; creatively or destructively.

Abundance is the natural state of affairs in the universe; good health,

vitality and joy is the standard. The body is a perfection of nature
endowed with innate intelligence. It is created with purpose and
does not make mistakes. The body surrenders its health slowly
and reluctantly and will self-correct when given the tools. We can
have all the money and possessions we could ever want, but without
health they lose their importance.

My name is Dennis Garthwaite, my wife’s name is Elizabeth, and

we are respectively 70 and 66 years of age. Four years ago we started
eating only raw food on the basis and belief of information similar to
that which is outlined in this book concerning the detrimental effects
of cooking food. This has resulted in a slow yet undeniable process of
physical regeneration - de-aging. However, six months ago, in January
2002, we began adding Hemp Protein Powder to our daily diet as
our main source of protein and have experienced an unmistakable
acceleration in our progress. Elizabeth, who contracted polio at the
age of 18 months resulting in atrophy of her arms and shoulders,
has doubled their muscle mass. I started weight lifting again at the
local fitness center. My personal trainer became so intrigued by my
performance that he now also uses the products and recommends them
to all his clients.

In simple terms, we are poisoning ourselves by what we believe to

be food and consume on a daily basis. We must ask ourselves: “What
is food and what is the best environment to support our health and

Terrain is Everything
The biological terrain of the body, by the last words of Lois Pasteur, is
the most important factor upon which our health depends. He said:
“The germ is nothing, terrain is everything”, meaning: the method
by which we religiously sterilize food using heat – pasteurization - is
a mistake. The most important factor is building and maintaining
an environment that supports health instead of disease. This, of
course, is most dependant on eating live food and drinking good
water. Cooked food creates an acidic environment in the body that
promotes a biological terrain well suited for pathogenic micro-
organisms. The healthy balance that is supposed to exist among the
myriad of intestinal flora begins to favour the bad bugs. This starts a
chain reaction of putrefaction and creates fungi, moulds, and viruses
that overrun the body causing debilitating disease and can eventually
lead to cancer if the pH in parts of the body drops below 5.8. The
first sign of this process is the creation of feletes or tiny wormlike

bacteria in the blood which shows up as warts and moles on the skin
– basically fungus. See my “Super Size Me” experiment for proof of

My name is Carol. I am 55 years old, go to a fitness club almost every

day and am fortunate to report that I am in very good health. The
only problem I have had for well over 15 years is that I have had
many warts (sometimes as many as 10 to 12) on my hands. Being a
professional woman, this has been a source of great embarrassment.
On a friend’s encouragement, I started to use hemp protein several
months ago and all of a sudden I noticed that almost all of the warts
had disappeared. Introducing one to two scoops of hemp in my daily
diet was the only dietary change I made in the last few months.

The Buddha taught four Noble Truths:

. Life is suffering
. The cause of suffering is ignorance, greed and cravings
. The way to stop suffering is to remove the cause
4. The way to remove the cause is the Eightfold Path of:
i. Right Understanding
ii. Right Intention
iii. Right Speech
iv. Right Action
v. Right Effort
vi. Right Livelihood
vii. Right Mindfulness
viii. Right Concentration

It has become very apparent that, not only are humans largely
focused on the accumulation of material items as a source of security
and happiness but we have become oblivious to the perfection
of nature, thus our body, mind and spirit are in a state of constant

Hello, I am Autumn and I am so happy with your product. It’s

unbelievable how much my body has changed. My hair is silkier, my
skin is smoother, my eyes are clearer, and my teeth are whiter. I have
less sugar cravings and no meat cravings. I need less sleep and have
instant energy. My friends can’t believe the changes. God bless you
Charles and your wonderful wisdom.

Cravings are caused by the life cycle of pathogenic micro-organisms

born from the acid terrain in our bodies, which in turn is a result
of our dead food diets and negative attitudes. Our mind and body
become infested as these micro-organisms struggle for survival;
breeding and dying. We experience life as victims of this constant
imbalance, struggling with all manner of addictive tendencies,
negative thoughts and unpredictable emotions. A body in balance
has no cravings. To achieve this balance, the 80/20 rule prevails:
80% alkaline food to 20% acidic food with the eventual goal of eating
only raw, uncooked, living food - just as nature, in its perfection,
provides. This of course includes plenty of clean drinking water.
This is the evolution of the human diet; a journey back to God’s table.

I’ve been using your product for about two weeks now.  Within 4 days
of eating hemp seed nut in oatmeal porridge and my grain meals, I’ve
lost the desire for alcohol and threw away my home-brew yeast culture.
My hunger pangs have subsided and I feel full. Thank you.

Sincerely, Stephen

We are conditioned to use therapeutic means to treat and remove the

symptoms of disease; “attack the enemy” is the common mantra. This
may hide the symptoms in the short term but eventually we realize
that these methods create further imbalance in the body and are just
different addictions. We practice these methods at the expense of
a life of true freedom and health. One day we will realize that the
painful experiences in our life are there for a reason; they illuminate
that which we are unaware of and point out that it is time to affect
change in order to get a different, more pleasant result. These can
be wondrous moments of clarity. Releasing our addictions and
restoring balance by returning to life’s simplicity is the only long-
term solution. We must always keep in mind that we are mind, body
and spirit. Balance in all areas is important for a healthy life. Life is a
process of letting go of our attachments.

The 6 Essentials for Life:

. What you eat

. What you drink
. How you exercise
4. How you rest
5. What you breathe
6. What you think

My name is Bernie Steininger, I am 56 years old and have been a

runner for 25 years. Fourteen years ago, I became 95% vegetarian.
During that time, I never felt as good as I wanted or expected to from
living, what I thought, was a healthy a healthy lifestyle. At times
I would feel listless; other times I would recover slowly after a hard
workout or race. I just didn’t feel that my body was firing on all

For 14 years, I have tried supplements in a variety of forms and never

felt much difference. Recently, I decided to try your products: the
hemp seed nut and the protein powder. Now I am flying through
my workouts and leave with an energized feeling when finished.
Furthermore, I just feel great! I am not qualified to tell you how the
protein operates or what it does but I can tell I love how I feel! I have
so much energy and it translate into an increased sense of well being. I
feel like I am running on high-octane jet fuel. Thank you!

Life is an experience of feelings. The body, always wise and honest, is

constantly sending us signals. The trick is to learn how to interpret
these signals. As we evolve through this life experience, we become
aware that the answers lay within us and are easily accessible. If we
are mindful of the feelings in our body, we will naturally experience
more abundance and joy. How do you feel after your meal; energized
or tired? Food should give you energy; if it does not, was it really
food? Use kinesiology (the art of muscle testing) before eating
to help you identify foods that the body can utilize at the highest
possible level. I feel this is the single most important technology
available to us. See product discernment section for more details.

I have been using your hemp products for a year and notice many
subtle changes occurring as a result. My skin tone is younger looking
and my blood sugar more stable. When I drink a morning concoction
of fruits, juices and hemp powder, I have more energy all day. Also, I
notice that my mood is more peaceful when I take hemp regularly.

Janet Hobbs: Healer and Author

Ayurveda and Chinese medicine say that cooking makes nutrients

more available. This may be true at a certain level, however, in the
long-term these nutrients have been altered from their original and
perfect state and even though they seem to be more accessible, they
are less usable. If we compare all healing systems by their level of
consciousness, it is clear that Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine, which
measure at approximately 650 out of 1000, does not compare to a
raw, organic, live-food diet measuring approximately 950 to 1000 out
of 1000. This is not to say that medicine has no use, however, what
if these were tools for our use along our evolutionary path back to

balance and back to a symbiotic relationship with Mother Nature,
providing everything we need, in total perfection, to support our
health and well being?

Once we understand how the body works and what food really is,
with a little time and effort, the journey back to health can be as
simple as 1-2-3.

Health is as Simple as 1-2-3
I will use the analogy of building a house. Let’s say you have the
design drawings for your perfect dream home, the perfect building
lot, and all the finest construction materials, but no workers show
up. What will happen? Obviously without workers, the construction
materials would begin to rot and nothing would get built. When
we cook and process food, we destroy the workers: enzymes
and probiotics (beneficial bowel bacteria). The food we eat must
not only contain quality construction materials, but also workers
to assemble the materials and clean up the waste. If enzymes and
probiotics are in short supply at any stage of the digestion and
eliminative process, the body cannot do its job of building and
maintaining a good house for you. Enzymes and probiotic bacteria
make up about 80% of our entire immune system.

Because of a family history of cholesterol problems, I decided to become

entirely vegan. Generally, I felt better and lighter, however, I was
disappointed to find out that my blood tests revealed anaemia and
low albumin. For over two years, I tried all kinds of protein isolates.
Most were very hard to digest and none got my blood protein levels to
normal. I had meeting after meeting with a nutritionist and based on
her advice, I tried combining legumes and cereal grains for six months.
I ended up with painfully slow digestion and excess stomach acid.

Then, after hearing about hemp protein on the Internet, I decided to

try it. I belong to various online discussion forums, on which hemp
protein was continuously getting rave reviews by people who consume
it. Athletes reported unusually good performances: “my best run ever”;
“stronger and faster”. People reported astounding increases in energy.
It all seemed too good to be true. I had never seen so much enthusiasm
for a single product. Unfortunately I live in a rural area and the
closest outlet is at least 2 hours away. Determined to try this wonder
food, I drove for well over four hours. But it was worth it; the results
were nothing short of amazing!
The first thing I noticed was how easy it was to digest. I began feeling
better, day after day and my energy level was amazing. After 2
months of consuming hemp protein, I had my blood tested; no protein
deficiency, no anemia, and my mineral levels were all normal! I have
found my main protein source! As far as I am concerned, it is without
equal. My health and energy continue to improve and I have every
intention of continuing to consume this wonderful food for the rest of
my life. No supplement or food has ever given me these kinds of results.
My thanks to the people who posted their testimonials on the internet
and I hope this testimonial will help others to discover this outstanding

Richard Long, Quebec

Digestion is the process of breaking down food into its nutrients that
can be utilized by the body. Digestion begins in the mouth when
food is chewed and mixed with saliva containing essential enzymes
for digesting sugars. This is why it is very important to thoroughly
chew your food. All the building materials the body requires to
create cells and tissues are transformed into simple molecular
structures by digestive enzymes so that the body can utilize them.
These enzymes are present in live food and combine with the body’s
enzymes to begin the digestion process.

Ron Garner’s research provided a fantastic revelation for me about

digestion and absorption of nutrients. As food enters the stomach,
hydrochloric acid is secreted, not to digest food, but to create an
acid environment in which digestion can take place. Protein is
broken down in the stomach by pepsin and amino acids are passed
into the small intestine for use by the liver. At the same time, the
body automatically creates an alkaline environment in the bowel to
balance the acid levels. A great habit is to drink a full glass of water
with a pinch of raw sea salt half an hour before meals in order to flush
the acid in the stomach and encourage it to make more digestive
juices. Most people are so acidic that their digestive process has
become lazy. This will help get it working again and flush toxins out.

Ron Garner goes on to explain so perfectly in his book Conscious

Health (in my opinion it is the Bible on Health) how absorption
takes place mostly in the small intestine where the nutrients are
absorbed through the intestinal wall and sent to the liver to be
processed. The liver metabolizes these nutrients with enzymes,
converting them into energy and other nutrient components. It
then sends these out to the cells of the body via the blood stream.
This coincided with Michael O’Brienn’s explanation to me of how
my nutritional program was deficient of a delivery system as I was so
very protein deficient.

These substances are required by the liver to make hormones and

enzymes that initiate the entire endocrine system. They produce
thousands of different metabolic enzymes for other functions in the
body including nutrient absorption. Lysine is an essential amino
acid and if it or any other essential amino acid is not present (not a
complete protein) the other amino acids cannot be broken down
enough to pass through the walls of the small intestine. If the body
does not receive the complete amino acids, enzyme workers and
building materials, it cannot make new enzymes. The majority of
enzymes the body makes are for cellular maintenance… NOT for
digestion of food. The food we eat must contain the enzymes to
digest and assimilate the nutrients.

I and 4 other senior citizens just completed the 975 mile Sask Walk for
Health April 8th. We arrived at the USA border after leaving March
13/2005 from the N.W.T border, from which the first 80 miles was
trekked in and out by foot as there are no roads. This especially made it
difficult to take much food with us, so we took powdered food, including
your hemp protein. I used it during the whole trek.

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis about 15 years ago. I’ve tried to
keep it under control with diet, but every once in awhile it comes back
to haunt me. This last Dec. to Feb. I had a bad spell and lost 15 lbs. I
was afraid I would be too weak to go on this trek that I was helping
to plan. About 3 weeks before we left to go on the trek and the 22 days
that it took to complete the trek, my health steadily improved. I took
hemp protein powder twice every day and I gained back about 12 lbs
even though I was walking a lot of miles each day. My digestive system
is working better than it has for about 2 years. I don’t know how much
your product had to do with me getting better, but I do honestly believe
it had something to do with it and I will continue to use your product.

Cliff Shockey, SK.

Assimilation occurs when nutrients that are then carried in the blood
are actually incorporated into our cells at the atomic level as energy
and then transformed and organized back into accumulated energy
as tissue. Without enzymes and especially water, vitamins, minerals,
amino acids and fatty acids will not properly digest and/or assimilate
and without these nutrients for the cells, every organ, tissue and
cell of the body degenerates, leading to immune deficiency. All
degenerative disease, in part can be attributed to a lack of digestive
enzymes. Digestive enzymes are activated by water and co-enzyme
minerals. That is why when we eat fresh fruits and vegetables
that still have structured water intact with activated enzymes and
minerals… we feel so great and energized. Lithium is a synthetic
substitute for salt to treat mood/brain disorders. Why not just take
salt? The body requires at least a half a teaspoon per day of salt just for
maintenance. The finest in my opinion is clean unprocessed sea salt.
Salt is so important for life that in many cultures it is used as money.
The reasons are obvious: more than 80 balanced minerals!

I just started adding Hemp Protein Powder to my morning shakes

this week, and within hours of taking it for the first time, I very subtly
began noticing how calm my digestion felt. I have had IBS for two
decades, trying many different kinds of products, supplements, foods,
and protein powders to settle my digestion. This is the first product
I have tried that I have had these kinds of immediate results.  I
am truly amazed how calm my digestion feels after experiencing
recent months of continuous loose bowel movements, as well as how
calm I am feeling in general. The problem seemingly went
away overnight! It feels like a miracle to me. I am still in
the ‘wondering if this is too good to be true’ phase, but it really gives
me hope that there is a real solution to this problem that I have spent
so much time, energy and money on through the years trying to heal
myself. I feel very excited and very grateful...and just wanted to share
with you my new discovery. My 23 year old son has Crohn’s Disease,
and I am hopeful for him for similar results. Thank you.

Sincerely, Denise Kennedy

The daily life functions of eating, breathing and our protective skin
layer coming in contact with our environment exposes us to many
harmful toxins. Elimination is the removal of waste products
and these toxins. The greater our vitality and energy levels in our
body, the more energy the cells will have to eliminate these wastes
naturally and vicariously from the mucous membranes and other
tissues to the surface of the skin from the body. Acne, skin ulcers,
eczema, ear infections and sinusitis are examples of this process.
If the vitality of the body lowers due to slower waste removal,
continued toxic input, dehydration, stress and suppressing cleansing
reactions, the body cannot afford the energy to perform vicarious
elimination and then begins to store the toxins in its tissues. If
this continues, cells begin to degenerate and toxins are stored in
deeper layers of the body. This is when the body will begin to create
cancerous tumours which are a defence mechanism by the body and
are a result of this process. Ask your doctor for a biopsy of a tumour
that was removed from your body... it will be mostly stored toxins!

If wrinkling appears on your skin, you know wrinkles are already
progressing on the inside. Connective tissue/protein is robbed when
our liver is not getting the usable protein it requires to manufacture
the enzymes and hormones needed to run the rest of your body. If
the liver doesn’t get protein from the food you eat, then it must rob
it from existing connective tissue already within the body structure.
Generally, the body will give up protein from the least exercised
areas beginning with the colon; this is one of the reasons why
bowel problems are very common and the largest selling product
in pharmacies is laxatives. If and when a person starts eating usable
nutrition including protein again, the body will work to restore those
weakened areas in order of priority. Restoring connective tissue
to internal organs is more important to your health and survival
than making a smooth face again. However in time, on a consistent
program of detoxification, nutrition and exercise, regeneration
occurs and one will experience health, vitality and happiness once
more… naturally.

Temperatures above approximately 104 degrees Fahrenheit destroy

digestive enzymes and bind the essential amino acid lysine. These
incompletely digested proteins and inefficiently eliminated wastes
putrefy in the colon (large intestine) producing poisons, which are
reabsorbed back into the blood stream and transported throughout
the body. Furthermore, when the ‘sewer system’ of the body is
sluggish and inefficient, it blocks the removal of toxins from other
parts of the body, such as the liver, glands and lymphatic system,
in turn storing them in the tissues. Over time this results in auto
intoxication, which is defined as: ‘poisoning by toxic substances
generated within the body’.

Ron, a well known customer of Community Naturals in Calgary

used 1 capsule of Colonyze probiotics that he purchased at the store,
returned the bottle the next day complaining of heart palpitations.
He went to see his doctor who said it was not heart challenges. The
next day, Ron had the best bowel movement in 2 years, and in the
stool discovered he had passed a worm. He asked his doctor what
it was. His doctor told him it was a ‘heart worm’ and told Ron to
keep taking whatever he was taking as the product was “attacking”
and destroying parasites in his body. Ron went back to the store and
purchased back the bottle and one more.

When we cook our food we also destroy the friendly probiotic

bacteria. Here is an example to demonstrate this. When the nerves
in a rat connecting the brain to the digestive system were cut and
isolated to view the digestive tract functions… the results were
astonishing. When probiotic bacteria or friendly flora was introduced
to the digestive system, it started up again and ran normally! It seems
these micro-organisms have a consciousness of their own and the
digestive tract, which is much like a donut hole from our mouth to
our anus, is a separate system that is ‘outside of the body’ and run by
this team of workers. This symbiotic relationship is critical for bowel
wall protection and helps with nutrient breakdown, formation and
absorption. So when the peaceful war going on in our bowels is off
balance, it easily becomes one sided and creates an environment for
other micro-organisms like candida albicons to flourish. The main
byproducts of these friendly flora workers are: B vitamins, amino
acids and oxygen... very important to the nutritional balance of a
healthy body.

This is to tell you how great the probiotic is. Within the first day of
taking it, I started to expel worms and my bowels began to clear. I will
continue to use this product for a very long time. Sincerely,

Judith Attfield, Hearthstone Holistic Health, Victoria

As the body receives the tools needed from our improved diet, it
immediately responds like a high performance engine with high-
octane fuel, returning to its natural state of vitality, clarity of mind,
high performance and the feeling experience of joy. We not only
rejuvenate physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. We are
then released from slavery to addictions, the composting button
turns off, our immortality genes turn on and we are ready to begin
the experience of life as an Illuminated Master walking the human
path. Diet is a Latin word meaning: leads to God.

There were many discoveries in the 20th century, among these was
the Dead Sea Scrolls, found in forgotten caves in an area known
as Qumran between Israel and Jordan near the Dead Sea. These
scrolls contained Books of the Bible that were not included in the
format we generally receive. As well, an Aramaic scholar deciphered
original Aramaic texts found in the Catacombs of the Vatican that
were near duplicates of the documents found near the Dead Sea. The
translation revealed teachings called the Essene Gospel of Peace. The
Essenes are well known to be the community of beings that Jeshua
was born into. This is a quote from part of that translated text:

“Kill neither men, nor beasts, nor yet the food which goes into your
mouth. For if you eat living food, the same will quicken you, but if
you kill your food, the dead food will kill you also. For life comes only
from life, and from death comes always death. For everything, which
kills your foods, kills your bodies also. And everything, which kills
your bodies, kills your souls also. And your bodies become what your
foods are, even as your spirits, likewise, become what your thoughts
are. Therefore, eat not anything which fire, or frost, or water has
destroyed. For burned, frozen and rotted foods will burn, freeze and rot
your body also. Be not like the foolish husbandman who sowed in his
ground cooked, and frozen, and rotten seeds. And the autumn came,
and his fields bore nothing. And great was his distress. But be like
that husbandman who sowed in his field living seed, and whose field
bore living ears of wheat, paying a hundredfold for the seeds which he
planted. For I tell you truly, live only by the fire of life, and prepare not
your foods with the fire of death, which kills your foods, your bodies and
your souls also.”

Source of food/nutrients (energy) in order of importance and usage:

 Sunlight - the body should receive direct sunlight everyday.

Green foods are secondary energy from the sun.
 Air - breathe deeply and increase oxygen supply.
 Water - clean, structured with salt and often. Critical for the
‘River of Life’ in the body for nutrient assimilation and waste
 Enzymes - source is live food; the catalyst of all body processes.
 Probiotics - friendly flora keeps our GI tract in balance.
 Fatty Acids - the brain and membrane of every cell and coatings
on our nervous system.
 Amino Acids - body structure, deliver nutrients, activate DNA.
 Vitamins - clean waste, build immunity and structure.
 Minerals - build structure, hold energy, required for hydration.

Try to envision this order in an interactive circle, not in a linear

fashion. They are all just as important as the other and work
symbiotically. In fact they cannot work apart from each other as they
represent aspects of a complete energetic matrix. Imagine driving
a car with parts missing. Depending on the severity of the missing
matrix of energy or parts, is the resultant level of the performance of
the car.

I thought to up date you about experience Jane and I have had with

the protein since our meeting at Maureen’s. As a dowser, I have never
measured any product that has ever recorded as much life force in
it than this nutritional product. Our wellness level is continuing to
improve and our regularity is much better. May the force be with you.

Aaron Keyes

The oldest man on record was from China at 256 years old. When
people who have lived more than a century were asked the secret of
longevity, the common denominator was: good water, less than half
the calorie intake of the western diet, mostly raw food containing
high antioxidant and alkaline quality foods and of course a simple
stress free life. There are many writings of masters who have lived
many hundreds if not thousands of years. The common Bible speaks
of many averaging more than 900 years.

This great wisdom seems so simple, yet our science and education
system does not understand it or have kept it hidden from the
masses. Wouldn’t it make sense to study how the Masters that walked
this planet lived and what they consumed for food, instead of reading
about someone else’s interpretation of their life that didn’t live by the
same example? Truth always lives on and is for those who have ears
to hear and eyes to see. I see food as an evolutionary process leading
from killing animals and each other to live food vegans to finally total
mastery of the life experience and synergizing Life Force from all of
our surroundings.

Note: When the body is dehydrated it causes the brain to secrete

stress hormones and the liver to sacrifice essential amino acids
for anti-oxidants to remove toxic waste. Cravings for coffee, soda
and alcohol are our increasing addiction to our own endorphin
production. That is why a rat fed a typical American diet will choose
alcohol over water when it is thirsty.

The hemp protein is brilliant! I’ve been taking it regularly for the last
seven days. It gives me great energy and a sense of well-being that I
haven’t had in a while. After taking it for just three days, I played a
game of rugby and had tons of energy.

Kirk Finken

In order to attain Optimum Health we must eat foods that
contain live enzymes, active phyto-nutrients, vitamins, minerals
and especially Essential Amino Acids, Essential Fatty Acids
and Enzymes such as Cellulase (beneficial for gut wall transfer
of nutrients). These are essential because the human body does not
produce them on its own and they must therefore come from the
food we eat in order for life to continue. These Essentials initialize
nutrient absorption and hundreds of liver functions. This includes
the manufacture of the hormones that activate the endocrine and
exocrine systems, balance blood sugar levels, remove waste and clean
the blood. Omega 3 & Omega 6 Essential Fatty Acids initialize
the electrical current that keeps the heart beating. They are the raw
materials used to build the brain, eyes, testes, ovaries, adrenals, and
the membranes of every cell in your body. They activate dormant
DNA genetic coding. As an example Omega 3 fatty acids turn on our
fat burning gene and initiates thermogenesis. Without the essentials
in our diet, we could not think, see, hear, reproduce or even move our

I was in a serious car accident. A car hit me when I was walking.

After 3-4 weeks of being on a hemp program (oil, protein and bars) my
massage therapist couldn’t believe the positive change in my muscle

Connie Trombley

There are 9 basic plant enzymes and when the body receives them
from the food we eat, the body is able to make over 3,000 other
metabolic enzymes for all the bodily functions. Do you want to
change your life? Enzymes are the living nutrients that bring
about immediate change as every action and reaction in your body
is dependent upon enzymes. As an analogy, they are to the body
what a spark is to an engine. Michael O’Brien clearly understands
the importance of enzymes and for many days when he crushed 3
vertebrae in his back at nearly 80 years old, he consumed mega doses
of approximately 1000 capsules per day of enzymes in order to give
his body the critical tools it needed to reverse his imminent pain,
nerve damage and paralysis. Here is what happens with a deficiency
of these main enzymes:

Enzyme / Function Deficiency Symptoms

Amylase Allergies, depression, fatigue, headaches,
breaks down PMS, low blood pressure, neck/shoulder
carbohydrates aches, stomach/ulcer problems,
hemorrhoids, cold extremities acne/skin
Lipase Arthritis, tumours/lumps/cysts, cataracts,
breaks down fats eczema, psoriasis, hay fever, gallbladder/
urinary/bladder/prostate problems, jaundice,
cirrhosis, hepatitis, hives
Protease Arteriosclerosis/heart disease, high blood
breaks down proteins pressure, alcohol addiction, constipation, ear
problems, insomnia, candidiasis, sciatica/
herniated disc/ back problems, osteoporosis
All 3 of the above Chronic allergies/colds, colitis, Crohn’s
disease, irritable bowel, diarrhea to
constipation, diverticulosis, aching knees
Maltase Environmental sensitivities and allergies
breaks down malt and
grain sugars
Sucrase Gastrointestinal problems and discomfort
breaks down sugar
Lactase Inability to digest dairy products, irritable
breaks down milk sugar bowel (IBS)
Cellulase- breaks down Mal absorption of nutrients

Phytase- Bowel disorders, difficulty to digest grains
breaks down and legumes, decreased mineral absorption
Papain- breaks down Chronic diarrhea, celiac disease,
protein gastrointestinal discomfort due to intestinal

Essential Amino Acids

The common denominator or building material throughout your
whole body is protein (making up about 75%) – but more particularly
amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Dr. Ron
Kennedy, on his website states: “An important aspect of the amino
acids to consider is their medicinal value as supplements. Taken
in concentrated form, these substances can produce remarkably
beneficial effects countering many of the effects of aging.” Amino
acids are one of the three major sources of energy in the human
body, the other two being fatty acids, and monosaccharides such as
glucose. Most amino acids are incorporated into proteins, which are
either structural or regulatory in nature. Structural proteins such as
collagen and elastin, make up the muscles, tendons, ligaments and
bones. Regulatory proteins, called enzymes, control the function
of all of the metabolic pathways within the cells of the body. Some
enzymes are general in their activity and help break down food.
Class-specific enzymes regulate larger-scale processes. Each of these
is directly dependent upon and regulated by water.

We are told that the egg is the most complete protein food in nature,
with an assimilation ratio of 94-96 percent. This makes sense that all
the food that a newly born creature needs would be available to it
immediately. That means up to 96 percent of the protein in eggs will
be used as protein. In contrast, about 60-70 percent of the protein in
raw: milk, meat or fish can be used as protein. Hemp seed was not
compared in this study. With all of the unequivocal evidence from
the people who have been consuming hemp seed food products as a
main food source, I believe hemp seed is equal to or greater to eggs
in assimilatability. But because it is a plant source and less complex
it holds far greater benefits than animal products especially with the
huge concentrations of EFA’s present.

Ideally, we believe we should consume amino acids similar to those

in our human tissues. The challenge is to find a healthy human
to base the ratio! We typically choose meat because of its obvious
similarity, but once meat is cooked, we begin the auto intoxication
process, and even greater reduce the usable level of protein (typically
to about 12%). Have you ever seen a bloated bodybuilder? This
bloating is due to water retention, a survival mechanism by the body
to the toxic acidic environment created by undigested and under
utilized protein. The most important factor is ‘quality’ of protein
not ‘quantity.’ Eating raw meat is not only inconvenient but also
dangerous due to micro-organisms and animal feeding and farming
methods (i.e., antibiotics, hormones, mad cow disease from feeding
animals other rendered down dead animals). As our diets evolve,
we instinctively choose a more agrarian diet, eventually leading to
consuming only vegan live food. Live foodists who consume little or
no animal products, and those who eat fewer calories in general…
consistently live a longer and higher quality of life. The human bowel
is also 30 ft. long, compared to that of a carnivore which is less than
a third as long. The human bowel is not designed for materials that
take a long time to flow from one end to the other… putrefying at
98.6 degrees F.

It is with great thankfulness that we learned of the tremendous

health promoting properties of the hemp protein and hemp oil
products. Together with the radical life style changes, we believe these
products have been the major factor in our return to health. Cancer
is a frightening word, even terrifying. Out of sheer fear for my life, I
have endured and survived the ‘burn and slash’ conventional medical
methods involving drugs, seven surgeries and radiation over the last
several years. I believe that I have been spared for a purpose.

In a short 5 months I have enjoyed significant weight loss, return of

energy, skin tone, hair gloss, a heightened emotional and physical
vitality. Most importantly of all – following the guidelines found
in Ron Garner’s book “The 4 Keys to a Long Life,” the use of hemp
products, enzymes and probiotics have brought about a 90% reduction
in the symptoms of cancer. To be totally honest, I believe that I have
followed the directions with about 90% dedication.  Thanks. Live, love
& laugh everyday.


That’s where hemp seed protein shines, because it is unique. It

contains all the known (except taurine that the body makes) amino
acids, including the ten essential amino acids, and as well the two of
which children have difficulty manufacturing.

Hemp Oil and the Protein rescued me in a stage of extreme water

retention, within a week my system was flushed and detoxifying!
Bob Van Ostenbrugge

Note: The essential amino acid Tryptophan was placed in the ‘drug’
category by the FDA in 1988, an action which rendered virtually all
commercially available essential amino acid mixtures worthless.

Note: Soybean oil and soy protein products are not recommended
for consumption due to their high content of synthetic hormones
and MSG formed during processing and being genetically altered.
One litre of soy-milk and one serving of soy baby formula has an
equivalent of approximately 5 birth control pills of estrogen.

Amino Acid, Function
Enzymatically is converted to nitric oxide and
serves to keep pathogens out of the digestive
tract, dilate blood vessels, also is a potent source
of energy and sexual stimulant, aids upper back
tension, muscle building, fat burning, accelerated
wound healing, tissue repair and strengthen
** L-arginine tendons and ligaments.
L-alanine Is an energy producer and regulator of blood sugar.
Is an important factor in the metabolic processes of
L-asparagine the nervous system.
Helps expel ammonia, the major waste product
of cell metabolism, increases stamina, decreases
fatigue, converts carbohydrates to muscle energy
and is a building block of immune system
L-aspartic acid immunoglobulins and antibodies.
Detoxifies ammonia; byproduct of protein
L-citrulline metabolism.
Is a sulfur-containing amino acid, acts as a
detoxifier/antioxidant, can chelate and protect
the body from excess harmful metals, binds
free radicals, prevents damage from alcohol and
L-cysteine cigarette smoke, and stimulates hair growth.
Is a major partner in tissue anti-oxidant
mechanisms, contributes to improved healing,
diminished pain from inflammation and strong
L-cystine connective tissue.
Neutralizes excess ammonia creating a clearer
space for brain activity, improves IQ , speeds
healing, decreases cravings for alcohol, alleviates;
fatigue, depression and impotence, releases HGH
(human growth hormones) and lymphocytes and
immune system building white blood cells, helps
memory, concentration and aids in neutralizing
the catabolic effects of cortisol, released upon
L-glutamine strenuous exercise.
Is an important metabolic factor in energy
production, brain function and the immune
L-glutamic acid system.
Synthesizes glucose and creatine phosphate,
increases pituitary gland function, helps in the
treatment of muscular dystrophy, hyperglycemia,
hyperacidity, offensive body and breath
odour. HGH-releasing properties, vital for the
manufacture of amino acids and in the structure of
L-glycine red blood cells.
Is vital to tissue growth and the production of red
**L-histidine and white blood cells.
Is one of the three branched chain aminos and
with leucine and valine is indispensable for muscle
*L-isoleucine growth and recovery.
*L-leucine See L-isoleucine.
Enhances concentration and protein synthesis,
aids in fat metabolism, inhibits the replication of
the herpes virus and alleviates some infertility
*L-lysine problems.
L-ornithine See L-arginine.
Is another sulfur-containing amino and protects
against certain tumours, it also helps in the
treatment of some schizophrenics, removes
poisonous wastes from your liver and assists in the
*L-methionine regeneration of liver and kidney tissue.
Produces the neurotransmitters norepinephrine
and dopamine which promote alertness, reduces
hunger and pain, increases sexual interest,
*L- improves memory and mental alertness, alleviates
phenylalanine depression, helps produce collagen.
L-proline Helps form connective tissue.
Helps produce cellular energy and acetylcholine,
a paramount brain chemical that aids memory and
L-serine nervous system function.

Is a component of collagen, helps detoxify and
*L-threonine prevents fatty buildup in the liver.
Stimulates secretion of serotonin, a brain chemical
that has a calming effect on the body, acts as an
antidepressant, induces natural sleep, reduces
anxiety and pain including migraines and aids in
*L-tryptophan the control of alcoholism.
Elevates mood, has HGH-releasing properties and
is important to the function of adrenal, pituitary
L-tyrosine and thyroid glands.
Is useful in the treatment and prevention of
macular degeneration which is the slow wearing
out of the retina of the eye, including the focal
point on the retina, which is called the “macula,”
L-taurine eventually leading to blindness.
*L-valine See L-isoleucine.

* Essential ** Children’s Essential

Hemp Protein and Our DNA

Lynn Osburn, in an article in the Hemp Line Journal, July-Aug 1992,

“The body needs the necessary kinds of amino acids in sufficient

quantity in order to make proteins such as the globulins. … The
best way to insure the body has enough amino acid material to make
the globulins is to eat foods high in globulin proteins. Since hemp
seed protein is 65% globulin edestin, also includes quantities of
albumin, its protein is readily available in a form quite similar and
the closest resemblance to that found in human blood plasma. Eating
hemp seeds gives the body all the essential amino acids required
to maintain health and provides the necessary kinds and amounts
of amino acids the body needs to make human serum albumin and
serum globulins like the immune enhancing gamma globulins.”

Just a quick note - my post test results were really good! Cholesterol
level went from around 7.4 to 4.15! “How to reduce your cholesterol
naturally in 21 days on Hemp”.

Hal Michael Rosenblat

The percentage of globulin edestin found in hemp seed protein is

the highest in the plant kingdom. It aids digestion and is considered
the foundation of our cell’s DNA. This is why, out of all the vegetable
kingdom, hemp protein has the closest resemblance to our human
protein profile. Globulin protein is required by the body in large
amounts in order to produce antibodies, which are the body’s
weapons to resist and recover from illness. When globulin protein
is in short supply the symptoms of illness begin to manifest. Hemp
seeds are the best single source of these essential amino acids.

“[Hemp Protein] is a God-send! I can feel myself getting bigger and

stronger each day since taking it.” - Stephen Arlin

The Genome project took 10 years and billions of dollars proving

one thing: science knows little of how a cell operates. Dr. Bruce
Lipton, human cell cloner and geneticist discovered that the nucleus
and DNA of a cell is NOT the brain. When the nucleus including
the DNA was removed from a cell, the cell continued its normal
functions. He discovered that the brain of each cell is the membrane
made up of Essential Fatty Acids! Dr. Lipton confirmed that our
DNA is activated by protein/enzymes, which is influenced by the
live and easily utilizable foods in our diet and our perception of the
environment! If we interpret a life of fear, anger and depression, our
DNA strands compress and whither, where as when we experience
joy and harmony the DNA strands elongate and expose them for

Crag Hemp Seed Total
Amino Acid Profile May 2004 21.85% mg / 30g serving
Alanine 0.979% 293.7
**Arginine 2.344% 703.2
Asparctic Acid & Asparagine 2.316% 694.8
Cysteine 0.608% 182.4
Glutamic Acid & Glutamine 3.869% 1160.7
Glycine 0.998% 299.4
**Histidine 0.598% 179.4
*Isoleucine 0.798% 239.4
*Leucine 1.556% 466.8
*Lysine 0.947% 284.1
*Methionine 0.727% 218.1
*Phenylalanine 0.936% 280.8
Proline 0.978% 293.4
Serine 1.218% 365.4
*Threonine 0.804% 241.2
*Tryptophan 0.352% 105.6
Tyrosine 0.787% 236.1
*Valine 1.032% 309.6
*essential **children’s essential

Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids or EFA’s, are utilized by the body to build
cell structure, to help generate electrical energy, and to produce
hormones. They are required for energy production, nerve impulses,
brain development and function, healthy skin, digestion, inner organ
function, the cardiovascular system and the immune system. Due
to low fat- no fat diets and food processing, most people are EFA oil
deficient. Linoleic acid (LA) (Omega 6) and Linolenic acid (LNA)
(Omega 3) are the most important fatty acids in human nutrition and
health and they are essential as the human body cannot make them.
DHA and EPA are common body producing derivatives that come
from these essentials. They are involved in producing life energy
from food and the movement of that energy throughout the body.
EFA’s govern growth, vitality and state of mind. They are our greatest
safeguards against disease. LA, LNA and the highly unsaturated fatty
acids the body makes from them … carry the high energy required
by the most active tissues and ensure very high oxygen availability to
them. Life force travels through the body via the essential fatty acids
and their derivatives.

Essential fatty acids and unsaturated oils are the good ones. Saturated
(except small chain fatty acids like coconut oil), Trans-fatty acids and
hydrogenated oils are the bad ones. Unsaturated fats don’t make you
fat; Saturated and hydrogenated fats do.

Unsaturated oils or fats are in liquid form at room temperature and

have natural openings in their chemical structure to allow other
nutrients to be taken into their molecular configuration and be
transported to the cells. The best source of these naturally occurring
unsaturated fats are raw vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and seeds.

Saturated fats are fats that typically have no openings in their

chemical structure to bond with and carry nutrients to the cell and
are not easily used by the body. An exception to this is coconut
which, even though is totally saturated fat, is small chain fatty acids
that are beneficial in supporting the immune system and even
protecting against pathogenic bacteria. Saturated fats are not essential
to the human diet. They are solid at room temperature and are sticky
in the body. Naturally occurring saturated fats are found mostly in
animal fats, meats, dairy products and eggs. Because these fats are

mostly unable to be used by the body, they are usually stored as fat, a
portion of which is deposited on the linings of arteries, which leads
to arterioscleroses and eventually can cause heart attacks and strokes.

Hydrogenated fats are fats such as margarine (which is one molecule

away from plastic!), cooking oils, processed cheese, lard and
processed peanut butter. These are products that were unsaturated
but have been subjected to a hydrogenation process to ‘fill the
openings’ in their chemical structure to make them solid at room
temperature. They then become saturated fats. They have no room
in their chemical structure to take on nutrients for transport to the
cells. The hydrogenation process requires heating the oils to a high
temperature, which also destroys any vitamins, and nutrients that
are present. The life-giving or life-supporting qualities of the oil are
destroyed which means that the oil will not spoil and therefore has
a longer shelf life. Oils, whose product labels indicate that they have
been subjected to hydrogenation, should not be consumed. Trans-
fatty acids are the largest contributing risk factor to cardiovascular
disease. Udo Erasmus discovered that 1 tablespoon of refined
vegetable cooking oil (approximately 1% trans fats) has 1 million
toxic molecules for every cell in the human body.

Colostrums in breast milk… like Hemp Seed contains gamma

linolenic acid (GLA) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) the
precursor to DHA and EPA derivatives, and is the precursor to
beneficial local hormones called prostaglandins. These have
many health enhancing functions, amongst which are the
integrity of the cell membranes, raising the immune system and
controlling inflammation. Cows’ milk does not contain high levels
of antibodies or gamma linolenic acid, but it does contain vast
amounts of fat, 60% of which is saturated. This fat is associated with
cholesterol build up leading to plaque formation and obesity. It is
also the precursor to arachidonic acid producing prostaglandins
associated with inflammation and sticky blood, which in excess are
harmful. Saturated fats also inhibit the functions of the beneficial
prostaglandins. African mothers are known to wean babies with
crushed hemp seeds and water.
I have 8 month old twins. Until one month ago, I was exclusively
breast-feeding them. In the last month we have introduced squash and
Hemp Protein Powder mixed together at their mealtime. Their main
meals now consist of mashed squash, carrots and avocados with hemp.
We also mix Hemp Protein Powder with mashed banana. The babies
love it and are thriving. I need to wean the babies. We do not want the
babies to have any formula or cow’s milk. (My husband and I, as well
as my parents all drink Green Drink with Hemp Protein every day.
The babies really enjoy this drink too. Thank you.


Dr. Johanna Budwig, who was nominated for the Nobel Prize seven
times, is a pioneer researcher of EFA’s. She found that saturated
fats ‘befuddle the electronic charge’ of the natural unsaturated oils
that are present in human cell membranes whereas, when the diet
includes adequate amounts of EFAs, cell membranes continue to
work properly and are electron rich. This is also important for us to
be able to absorb and utilize energy from the sun’s rays. Quantum
biologists have discovered that in order for this solar enrichment
to take place, cells must contain ‘like energy’, the kind contained
in foods that are rich in the sun’s stored energy from solar rays
– photons. These electrons are found in abundance in unprocessed
seed oils. Saturated fats are electron poor and according to Budwig,
“promote the emergence of cancer…. They behave like tar, as
insulators relative to the transport of electrons in living tissue.” She
found that when patients who could not tolerate the sun, such as
those with cancer, were given an EFA-protein rich diet for just a few
days they were able to tolerate the sun very well.

Dr. David Oomah has done extensive research with EFA’s and Hemp
Oil, finding that out of all naturally occurring oils, because it has
such a profound balance of EFA’s… it also has the greatest ability
for the retention of photons or light energy. This is passed on into

many functions such as the manufacture of somatids and increasing
the light quotient in our body and the raising of consciousness or

Officials with the World Health Organization, Health Canada, Japan

and Sweden recommend a four-to-one ratio of omega-6 to omega-3.
Hemp oil is the closest to this range of any naturally occurring oil
with a ratio of approximately three-to-one.

According to Udo Erasmus, a well-known and respected expert in

the field of ‘fats’, advocates hemp seed oil is an ‘excellent oil’. It has an
‘unusually well-balanced profile’. Hemp oil contains approximately
4% gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) as well, which is also nutritionally
valuable in human metabolism. “No other common seed oil contains
GLA. Gamma-Linolenic Acid is an important step in the body’s
production of prostaglandin, which helps maintain hormonal

Udo Erasmus also says in his book: Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill “
while flax oil is useful for treating degenerative disease, it is too
Omega 3-rich (about 4 times as much Omega 3 as Omega 6) to
be used exclusively in the long term. One can develop Omega 6
deficiency by using only flax for too long. While it took me about
2 years to end up with thin, papery-feeling skin that dried out and
cracked easily, Omega 6 deficiency could develop in as short a time
as 10 to 16 months of exclusive use of flax oil. Hemp seed oil can be
used over the long term to maintain a healthy EFA balance without
leading to either EFA deficiency or imbalance. This is because it
contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 EFA’s in a better long-term balance:
3 to 1. In addition, it contains almost 4% GLA, the Omega 6 derivative
that is a key active ingredient.” He goes on to say the body requires
1 tablespoon of EFAS for every 50 lbs of body weight per day… just
for maintenance. Michael O’Brien has also expressed to me that the
Doctor journals are now circulating and confirming the amazing
balance of hemp seed oil EFAs.

Dr. Yehuda has done extensive research with EFA’s and says the ratio
of 3 to 4 parts omega 6 with GLA to 1 part omega 3 is ideal and gives
the body the tools to do its own conversion into DHA and EPA. He
also discovered that even though our consumption of Omega 6 EFAs
is higher than Omega 3 EFAs in the typical North American diet,
it was believed that we have a deficiency of Omega 3. The truth is;
testing proves we are deficient in both EFAs due to lack of digestive
enzymes. A contributing factor is due to the processing of oils
and altering them to other substances and the body never actually
recognizing them and using them. Supplementing enzymes is the
key to overcoming this imbalance. Green vegetables have DHA
in good supply. Did you get your greens today? It is also believed
that Pharmaceutical interests promote Omega 3 and less Omega
6 because the Omega 6 is so important with building the immune

I can feel my system and muscles recovering at a quicker rate! Hemp

Oil lubricates the system totally! After a good run I bead up like a show
shine Mercedes!

Belinda Brosinsky (marathon runner)

Hemp Seed % Essential Fatty Acids

Component Name Carbon Chain % of Total Fatty Acid

Palmitic Acid C16:0 6.1
Palmitoleic Acid C16:1 0.3
Heptadecanoic Acid C17:0 0.2
Stearic Acid C18:0 2.1
Oleic Acid C18:1 12.0
Linoleic Acid C18:2 56.9* (LA)
Gamma Linolenic Acid C18:3 1.7 (GLA)
Linolenic Acid C18:3 18.9* (LNA)>
Arachidic Acid C20:0 0.5
Eicosenoic Acid C20.1 0.3
Behenic Acid C22:0 0.3
Erucic Acid C22:1 0.2
Lignoceric Acid C24.0 0.3
Nervonic Acid C24:1 0.2

Note: Soybean protein and oil products are not recommended for human
consumption due to frequent GMO, indigestible sugar structures, protein
enzyme inhibitors, and the high content of synthetic estrogens, MSG and
damaged amino acids formed during hyper processing. Soybean products
should only be used sparingly if proper bacterial fermentation processing is
used, such as in the manufacture of tempeh, miso, and tamari.

Note: Oils of any kind (except coconut) should not be used for cooking,
especially at high heat because even unsaturated, good quality oils become
saturated by high heat. Their chemical structures are changed. One
tablespoon of fried fats has 1% trans fats. That may not seem like a lot, but
Udo Erasmus explains that it is equal to 1,000,000 toxic molecules for EVERY
cell of your body!

Note: Monounsaturates are Omega 9, Linolenic and Gamma Linolenic Acids

are Omega 6 and Linoleic Acid is Omega 3.

Amazing Hemp Seed

Hemp seed is from the ‘achene’ family of fruits. It is an indehiscent
(remaining closed at maturity) one-seed fruit that is small and dry
and usually contains an oily germ. Sunflower seeds are familiar
examples of ‘achenes’.

This is a very important aspect of hemp seed. Soybean and other

legumes suffer from the anti-nutritional factors trypsin inhibitor,
which prevents protein absorption and causes gas and bloating and
eventually food ‘allergies’ or intolerances. Hemp seed does NOT
contain nutrition/protein inhibitors such as those found in Wheat
(grains) and Soybean (legumes) when in their dry, dormant state.
Unless stored grains, legumes and nuts are sprouted, they cannot be
totally digested by humans. Hemp seed can be processed into many
foods very much like soybeans, but is GMO free, far more nutritious,
easily digestible, and tasty as well.

Allergies and asthma are largely a result of the histamine release in

the body to regulate water… or lack there of which also inhibits
protein absorption.

The products have proven themselves here. For instance, at the

Diabetic clinic, they asked me “what are you doing?’ ‘because the
lab work came back so ‘okay’. This is huge. I so hope many who are
diabetic learn about amazing hemp food products.
Katannya B. Kiernan

Benefits of Consuming Hemp Seed Products

(Especially in concert with eliminating harmful foods from the diet.)

 Excellent source of essential amino acids and globulin edestin

 Excellent source of essential fatty acids, including Omega 3, 6
 Lowered blood LDL cholesterol levels
 Lowered blood pressure and risk of heart attack “Heart Healthy”
 Improved cardiovascular circulation & function
 Improved organ function
 Improved immunity levels
 Improved recovery of muscles after exercise
 Improved dry skin and hair conditions
 Increased energy levels and metabolic rate
 Reduced symptoms of PMS & menstrual cramps
 Reduction of degenerative diseases through preventative
 The oil penetrates all layers of the skin; has the ability to absorb
more photon energy than any other oil; has a natural anti-
inflammatory effect; and resists ultra violet (UV-B) light - the
kind of sunlight blocked by the ozone layer. Natural SPF.
 Hemp seed is the Earth’s richest and most balanced source of
EFAs and pure digestible protein.

I started using Hemp Protein Powder and Bars two weeks ago. I
was very skeptical because I have tried everything out there short of
liposuction and nothing worked. I was 324 lbs. and now I am down
to 307 lbs! I lost 17 lbs in two weeks on Hemp products, how amazing!
I didn’t even have to suffer through any hunger pains. The first 3-4
days were hard because I was still eating bread and dairy products at
night with dinner. I lost my craving for carbohydrates slowly and am
now moving totally off of starch and dairy products! I feel much better
now that I have more energy. I mix a shake in the morning, which
lasts me until early afternoon and then I have my Bar and it keeps me
going until dinner time. I can actually eat a small meal for dinner,
completely carbohydrate free! And what is the most amazing thing is
that I don’t have any craving for sugar either! Because of being a pastry
chef over the past 32 years, I became a type two diabetic seven years
ago. I was really struggling with it and eventually started injecting
insulin. Only after 2 weeks on hemp products my sugar levels have
dropped dramatically and I am off insulin. I am looking forward to
more success and finally living my dream of becoming healthy and
active again. This product is amazing. Take it from someone who has
experienced the results!! Andreas Kieselbach

Characteristics of the perfect foundation food for humans:

 a good source of enzymes, especially lipase and protease for the

digesting of fats and proteins; and having no enzyme inhibitors
to block this function.
 a balanced and concentrated source of at least 20% protein
(highest quality is edestin). About 50% of the total protein in the
form of the essential amino acids (EAAs that the body doesn’t
make), especially Lysine, the foremost amino acid to penetrate
the cells.
 Contains the ideal 1:3 ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 essential
fatty acids (EFAs that the body doesn’t make) with GLA and
Steriodonic Acid, balanced Vitamin E and low in saturated fats.
Total fat should be about 30%.
 carbohydrates totaling about 40% and are especially high in
soluble fibre. Low in sucrose type sugars that are high glycemic
and stress the body’s sugar levels.
 Food must not be a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO).
This corrupts the body’s ability to recognize and utilize
the food and turns it into “Franken-Food.” 1,000 or Christ
Consciousness is the highest level, by the arbitrary scale of
measuring ‘Consciousness’ used by David Hawkins, author of
the book ‘Power vs Force.’ The closest thing to God in food form
would muscle test (kinesiology) at 999 for its ability to energize,
rejuvenate and return the body to perfect homeostasis or
balance. The testing done on all these foods was based on whole
raw organic sources. Any food that is GMO tests at less than 150
on the scale of ‘Consciousness’ for its ability to nourish the body.

When compared to any other food, industrial hemp seed clearly

stands alone as the most significant nutritional food source
for humans. We were guided to name the industrial hemp seed as
a separate food category so that it could be clearly identified from its
thousands of other uses. Three distinct cultures have embraced the
hemp plant as sacred. The Fakirs in India called it “BAAA;” the Hunas
in Hawaii called it “HOOO;” the Lamas in Tibet called it “JAAA.”
BAHUJA™ was created in reverence to be the highest calibrated
sound to express the significance of hemp seed as “the closest
thing to God in food form.”

Note: calibrations of all foods dramatically increases to over 900 if we bless

them first with exception of GMO foods that stay around 200 or less. More
than 60% of the foods consumed in the USA are Genetically Modified.


Animal Products: Even though some raw animal products seem

to have a good source of protein including a high ratio of essential
amino acids compared to total protein, the % of saturated fats present
out weigh the potential benefits especially when the products value
is extremely diminished by typically cooking and there is an obvious
shortage of essential fatty acids and fibre. This comparison does not
take into consideration what these animals were fed and how they
were treated. Dairy products are the major source of Irritable Bowel
Syndrome. Therefore consumption of animal products is low in
regards to balanced nutrition for humans.

Legumes: Typically, a superior carbohydrate and protein source

especially with regards to ratio of essential amino acids to total
protein, are a good source of minerals and B vitamins. Similar to
animal products, their protein is complex and they are a poor source
of EFAs and typical cooking damages their nutrients and renders
their utilization low, however if sprouted to dissolve the enzyme
inhibitors, can be an excellent source of nutrients. Soy, however, has
further complications with extensive genetic modifications and a
huge presence of synthetic estrogen as well as naturally occurring
MSG when processed, making them a potential serious toxin with
extended use. Therefore consumption of legumes especially soy
without being sprouted or fermented first is not recommended.

Grains: This is the largest food group consumed by humans. These
are a good source of protein and essential amino acids and a fair
source of fats but other than the unique alkaline grains like Quinoa
and Amaranth, they too have enzyme inhibitors that reduce nutrient
absorption. Also rice, corn and wheat, the major food supply, tend to
be more of a sugar source, conducive to acidosis and act like glue in
the bowel. Cooked grains are major contributors to allergies, bowel
issues, arthritis and diabetes. Sprouted, they can be an excellent
compliment to all meals and an excellent source of many nutrients,
however not a great balance. Grains are for birds.

Nuts: Are an excellent source of protein, fats and minerals, even

though they tend to be acidic and need soaking to remove enzyme
inhibitors. They are a definite aspect of a balanced diet. The fat
content is not the best balanced and typically favours the Omega 3
EFA, but they are typically rich in minerals and antioxidants and a
good source of fibre and are obviously a high conscious food group.
Eat them… always, especially after soaking and drying.

Oil Seeds: Are the most balanced and complete source of nutrients
for the human body. The conscious level is very high and should be a
large part of every diet. They tend to be acidic with the high content
of fats and protein, but do not have enzyme inhibitors and are much
easier to digest. Chia is the most balanced of all the seeds next to
hemp, and is especially high in EAAs compared to total protein
with an ideally rare ratio of EFAs. They are high in minerals and
phytonutrients; clearly an important part of the human diet. Then
there is:

BAHUJA or Hemp Seed

When compared to any other food but grasses (high in chlorophyll

which is short of iron to be chemically identical to human blood),
Bahuja is clearly a stand alone food source, highest in consciousness
and the most sustainable crop on earth with over 40,000 recorded
uses. If you combined Chia seeds, wheat grass and flax into one plant,
the result would be Bahuja… the name given to industrial hemp seed
to separate it from the negative connotations of the psychoactive
ingredient found in its cousin. Eating Bahuja simplifies and enhances
the human life experience.

Special Note: AFA Algae is a very unique source of food for the human
body and a conscious life. Although my studies have shown body response
is slightly inflammatory when eaten alone due to the high super nutrient
concentrations in this food, when combined with other green foods and
hemp protein powder it creates the perfect foundation for homeostasis and
maximum rejuvenation of the physical body.

History Of Hemp
Cannabis Sativa ‘L’ Plant (Hemp). Sativa: Latin for ‘anciently grown or
easily grown.’ Records of hemp being used in Egypt and Europe date
back to 4000BC. Clothing fibres in Taiwan have been carbon dated
as being over 10,000 years old. Prior to 1880, hemp was the largest
domesticated crop in the world.

Hemp is the world’s strongest and most durable, soft natural fibre. As
an example, a typical large sailing ship of those earlier times required
over 60 tons of rope for rigging and anchor cable plus sails, all made
from hemp. The ships would have thousands of pounds of hemp
seed as ballast and for survival measures if the ship went off course or
ran aground. Now there are over 40,000 products being made from
it including clothing, textiles, paper, building materials, rope and
personal-care items. Hemp is an easily and quickly grown annual
crop that is a renewable resource.

Hemp plants grow 6 to 16 ft tall in 70 to 110 days. They shade out

weeds and thus eliminate the use of costly herbicides. Hemp yields
3 to 8 tons of dry stalks per acre, depending on climate and variety.
Once harvested, the field is left virtually weed-free for the next crop.
Hemp in the growing process pulls carbon out of the air (carbon
sequestering), which enhances the quality of the air we breathe.
Protein & Total Fat &
% EAA’s of Ω3 to Ω6EFA’s &
Food Total Saturated fats Carbs Fibre GMO LOC Special Considerations
2/3 edestin protein, balanced EFAs, GLA
BAHUJA, and Steriodonic, Vit E, fibre, minerals,
hemp seed 23% /46% 31% /6%-20% /3% 34% 30% No 999.8 chlorophyll, homeostasis
5 x the chlorophyll of wheatgrass, well
AFA Algae 60% /49% 11% /4%-5% /2% 25% 10% No 998.7 balanced food, high in oxygen
Oil Seeds
Chia 15% /57% 31% /6%-18% /3% 44% 38% No 990 Balanced essentials, fibre, minerals.
Flax 20% /50% 42% /18%-4% /3% 34% 28% No 970 High in Ω3, lignin dietary fibre.
Pumpkin 25% /41% 45% /21%-.2% /9% 18% 4% No 970 High in manganese, phosphors, zinc
Sesame 20% /58% 55% /23%-.4% /8% 15% 13% No 970 High in copper, calcium, tryptophan.
Sunflower 23% /48% 50% /33%-0% /5% 19% 11% No 970 High in Vit E, B1, magnesium
Lentils 28% /44% 1% /0%-0% /0% 57% 31% No 970 High in molybdenum, folate, fibre.
Peanuts 26% /43% 50% /16%-0% /7% 16% 9% No 970 High in B3 and oleic acid.
Peas 25% /45% 1% /0%-0% /0% 60% 26% No 970 High B6 and Vit K.
Garbanzo 19% /46% 6% /3%-0% /1% 61% 17% No 970 High in molybdenum, folate, manga
Soy 36% /47% 20% /10%-1% /3% 30% 9% Yes 155 High in minerals and protein.
Amaranth 14% /40% 7% /3%-0% /2% 66% 15% No 980 High in protein, lysine, alkaline
Corn 9% /43% 5% /2%-0% /1% 74% 7% Yes 150 High sugar, B1 and folate
Quinoa 13% /39% 6% /2%-0% /1% 69% 6% No 980 High in protein, B2, magnes, alkalin
Rice 8% /45% 3% /1%-0% /1% 77% 4% No 950 High in manga, selenium, magnesium
Wheat 14% /34% 2% /1%-0% /0% 71% 2% Yes 150 High in protein, carbs and minerals
Almonds 21% /43% 51% /12%-0% /4% 20% 12% No 970 High in Vit E, selenium, fats
Hazelnuts 15% /66% 61% /8%-0% /4% 17% 10% No 970 High in fats, selenium, Vit E
Pecans 9% /44% 72% /21%-1% /6% 14% 10% No 970 High in fats, minerals
Pine 14% /44% 68% /33%-0% /5% 13% 4% No 970 High in fats, minerals
Walnuts 15% /49% 65% /38%-9% /6% 14% 7% No 970 High in Ω3, manganese, copper
Beef 17% /47% 23% /1%-0% /9% 0% 0% Yes 150 High in protein, Bvits, minerls, cholesterol
Eggs 13% / 6% /2%-0% /1% 8% 0% Yes 150 High Vit K, selenium, protein
Fish 20% /48% 6% /0%-0% /1% 0% 0% Yes 970 High in protein, fats, Bvits, minerals
Cheese 22% /42% 22% /0%-0% /13% 2% 0% Yes 150 High in calcium, protein, trace minerals
Cows Milk 3% /42% 3% /0%-0% /2% 3% 0% Yes 150 High in calcium, B2, trace minerals.

Food Comparative chart (source

Hemp grows deep roots like alfalfa and when harvested, the roots
and leaves replenish the soil making it able to be grown on the same
land year after year. Hemp is resistant to pests making it unnecessary
to use pesticides or fungicides and has never been genetically altered.
Every part of the plant is used; fibre, leaf and seed. One acre of hemp
is equal to 4 acres of pulpwood trees for fibre.


In the first part of the 1900’s, hemp was a fast developing and many-
faceted industry. However, it threatened powerful business interests
in the oil and wood industries. It is reported that petrochemical
producer, Dupont along with Randolf Hearst, the newspaper
magnate, whose company was the main user of chemically treated
wood pulp and a major holder of forest logging licenses, joined
forces. Together they mounted ‘a hysterical fear campaign of racism
and misinformation’ (REEFER MADNESS) linking industrial hemp
with its cousin, the Cannabis plant, that can contain significant
amounts of THC. This campaign was so fierce and effective that the
word ‘hemp’ became synonymous with the Mexican slang word
‘marijuana’ and resulted in the US Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. This
Act imposed such stiff regulations and taxes on hemp cultivation that
it became impractical to grow and produce it. The confusion over
hemp vs. marijuana remains to this day, especially in North America.
However, that is beginning to change. Today the USA is the world’s
largest producer of hemp products and as of February 2004 the DEA
was defeated in court and this made Hemp Food Products legal for
the first time in over 50 years.

While the development of a hemp industry is growing, it is still in

the infant stages, especially in the United States, which is the only
industrialized nation that is not farming hemp. Today industrial
hemp is cultivated in Canada, China, Russia, Hungary, Germany,
Netherlands, France, Spain, England, Poland and many other

Hemp seed food plant strains used and governed by Health Canada
have been hybridized since the 1930’s to adapt to the Canadian
climate and to produce low amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol),
which is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Even
though it has never proved harmful to humans, it was determined
that THC is potentially harmful to humans when the lab rat tested
died that was injected with 3,000 times the amount of THC a human
could intake by smoking in 1 day. The hemp seed has minute
amounts of THC, but sometimes when it is harvested, the THC resin
from the flower and leaves comes into contact briefly with the seed
and these residues may be minimally measurable. As a comparison,
marijuana plant THC levels are between 5 and 15%. THC levels in
industrial hemp are less than 3 parts per million or 0.00003%. This
is lower than the amount of mercury in most drinking water and
lower than the amount of arsenic in wine. However, THC is inactive
unless it is heated over 170 F. degrees. Further, even if the seed was
processed at high heat the possible tiny amount of THC could not
produce any recognizable effect in the body. Therefore, hemp seed
foods from Canada are safe from THC that is associated with the
marijuana smoking experience.

If a person consumed more than 100 ml of hemp seed oil or more

than 300gm of hemp seed in one day for an extended period of time,
even though very highly unlikely, it is possible to have accumulated
enough THC to have a positive urine test. I am not aware of anyone
that has ever tested positive to urine analysis for THC fro m Hemp
Seed Foods usage. It is presumed that the DEA and FDA will
incorporate the same standards as with regards to this similar issue
arising with the use of poppy seeds in foods. Even though there are
trace amounts of opiates in poppy seeds, and it is possible to test
positive after consuming large amounts, one would not experience a
psychoactive effect.


Product Discernment
When you go to visit a naturopathic doctor, you typically will be
tested using electro-dermal screening for sensitivities to help
determine what is the best food, supplements or remedies for you
to take to balance your system and experience wellness once more.
These Vega, bio-feedback and other types of machines use a scale
very similar to the one reflected in the following Homeostasis
Chart. However, where the finest practitioners, companies, products
and highest intent available stopped here with the help of master
kinesiologist Clayten Stedmann, together we developed several other
inquiries to better determine what was the most appropriate products
for our highest good in mind, body and spirit. This had never been
done before.

In the 3-D physical world, it has been discovered through advanced

kinesiology that it is most appropriate to have 3 or more determining
factors to make decisions that are in our highest good. We use 3
charts (see for more information) and 4
specific measurements to identify what foods and products are most
appropriate for me:

LOC = Level of consciousness.

Inspired by the work of David Hawkins, the Conscious Planet Map
of Consciousness is an arbitrary scale created to measure and identify
the level of conscious of anything by using advanced kinesiology.

LOA = Level of appropriateness.

If you create a list of the most appropriate factors of the perfect food
or product for your body, you can easily use the same arbitrary scale
above to determine the level of appropriateness of anything for
yourself by kinesiology.

Conscious Planet Products Vitality Homeostasis LOC LOA Dosage / Day
First Life-AFA Algae PEA Plus 100 51 1000 1000
Genesis 100 51 1000 1000
Revitalyze 98 55 996 997
Catalyze 100 52 1000 1000
Colonyze 100 62 960 998
Shapeshift 81 55 1000 1000
Transform 98 53 1000 1000
Essentially Oil 100 52 1000 1000
Bahuja Hearts 99 52 999 1000

Homeostasis Chart
Kinesiology methods may also use a similar scale from 1 to 100 used
by naturopaths in electro-dermal screening processes where 1 is the
extreme degenerative state, 50 is balance or homeostasis and 100 is
the extreme inflammatory state.

Vital Life Force Chart

Kinesiology methods may also discover with this chart a
measurement for the level of life force in food where -100 is the
extreme degenerative state, meaning taking energy away from the
body (ie. drugs), and 0 is a generative state meaning balance (ie. foods
picked when ripe), and +100 is the regenerative state meaning energy
is being added to the body and rejuvenating/healing areas that are
out of balance (ie sprouts and nutrient concentrates like digestive

We believe with these 4 measurements, we are able to identify the

most appropriate foods resulting in the highest well being and
conscious life experience.

We added to the Homeostasis measurement, the Vital Life Force

Measurement which has helped determine the level of Vitality of
the foods and products offered. This chart was most helpful in the
realization that due to soil depletion, farming techniques, chemical
and energy treatments and the distance traveled to us, the food we
eat, even if it is raw and organic, does not mean that it is feeding our
bodies the extra energy it needs to balance the ensuing challenges we
are experiencing by the toxic environment we have created here on
earth. This helped determine which foods, programs and products
alleviated this imbalance and are regenerative to the body. Organic
foods grown in nutrient rich soil, harvested at the peak of ripening
are generative to the body, that is, maintaining the bodies needs
to stay in balance. In order to offset disease symptoms born from
deficiencies, we must consume REGENERATIVE foods.

It is possible to create products that have high vitality and are fairly
balancing to the body, however these products when tested using
the CP Map Of Consciousness helps us to clarify the frequency it
resonates to our highest good and increasing our awareness. Some
high quality whey protein supplements fall in this category as they
typically test high inflammatory on the Homeostasis Chart. Here is
another example that helps explain our product discernment process:

If you look at the nutritional profile of a soy based protein isolate

product, you will notice large levels of protein that are known to be
very beneficial for the body and may test high in Vitality depending
on how they are manufactured and processed. However, these types
of products test high inflammatory on the Homeostasis Chart and
typically below 200 Level of Consciousness (LOC) on the CP Map of
Consciousness Scale. This is because the nutrients are very hard to be
absorbed and utilized by the body and most soybeans are genetically
altered changing their frequency to a level that is very low in support
of life and our spiritual awareness.

Here is another view point: When natives hunt and kill animals
and pray with thanksgiving for their gift from Mother Nature, the
LOC of that food according to the Map of Consciousness is over
900. However again, this meat, especially after it is cooked to be
eaten, the Vital Life Force and Homeostasis levels go into extreme
imbalance due to the fact that these nutrients are damaged and now
very difficult to be utilized by the human body. Disease symptoms on
the physical and mental level will ensue, and eventually, even though
spiritually we are advanced, will negatively affect us spiritually. The
goal is balance and mastery of the life experience in mind, body and
spirit. These results speak for themselves.

The key to advanced kinesiology is the LOC of the inquiries used. I

also add the overall level of appropriateness based on the factors of
the most appropriate products as another inquiry to determine what
is in my highest good. Using these tools, I have discovered that you
will realize maximum discernment ability of products for you and

your loved ones for the most profound results. Everyone can easily
develop muscle testing skills. Here is an example of testing done for
the Conscious Planet products and their dosages or serving sizes:

Here is the simplest form of kinesiology that can be used anywhere,

anytime, to identify if a food is beneficial for you.

Stand straight with your feet close together and hold the food or
product close to your chest. Close your eyes and put your awareness
into your feet. If you feel as though you are being pulled forward
onto your toes, your body is telling you that it wants this product
closer to you and is beneficial. If you feel as though you are being
pushed back onto your heels, your body is telling you that it wants
this product farther away from you and is not beneficial. These
results can always change and practice should be repeated until
you see consistent results and are confident that you are receiving
unbiased information. Using kinesiology, we can quickly discover
that eating food contributes to a major portion of the energy required
to operate our body at full capacity.

Proprietary Processing and Quality

My father Ken and I after recognizing that hemp seed is one of
natures most complete and balanced food sources, we also realized
the critical issue was how to create value added hemp foods without
compromising its essential nutrients. Ken and I spent 13 months
studying the nutritional benefits of hemp seed and the optimal
technologies for processing hemp-based foods. Ken and his angel
investor partner Mary Brown embarked upon creating an exclusive
facility that processed only organic hemp seed foods using methods
that would create the finest quality hemp seed food possible.

Proprietary processing and knowledge was incorporated. We term

these Life Force Pro food processing and body response testing.
These processes include: TRUE cold (below 100F) oil pressing,
unique milling, unique food drying and (Homeostasis Verified)
kinesiology and electro-dermal screening to measure if the body’s
physical reaction to the product is one of regeneration and not
degeneration. LifeForce Pro minimizes food-processing stress
keeping the vital enzymes, phyto-nutrients and energetic matrix as
close to the perfection of nature as possible thereby maximizing the
utilization of the food by the body. This creates a balanced internal
environment that supports the body’s innate intelligence and self-
healing. This was inspired by the many great mentors in my life like
Gabriel Cousens, James Reese and Michael O’Brien and my deep
desire to share what I had learned so that others could come to realize
the same benefits and quality of life I had come to know.

As an adventurer, author and teacher who travels globally, I am

always in need of healthy, conscious fuel for my body and mind.
When I resonate with a product and feel the intention behind it, I
am passionate to share it with others. I was excited to have found
bars I can eat. I have searched for years to find a meal bar that is not
genetically modified or candy disguised as health food. I wanted a
bar that was low in sugar, made from whole organically grown foods,
crafted by people who value health and care about the planet. I am
delighted to report I have discovered your Bars, and my search has
finally ended! Your bars are exactly what I have been looking for and
they taste great too! Thank you for bringing real food to real people.

Cain Carroll, author of the internationally acclaimed book, Partner

Yoga: Making Contact for Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Growth
(Rodale 2000)

By testing products and the body’s reaction to them electrically

(electrodermal screening) or by advanced muscle testing, one can
witness that the food either brings one closer to Homeostasis or
into a degenerative or inflammatory state. That is what we call
“Homeostasis Verified” meaning the product is giving the body the
maximum amount of energy and nutritional compatibility to create
balance or optimum health in the body. The problem with most
products is that they are created from limited scientific knowledge.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to ask your body what it wanted from
its infinite capacity as an aspect of all of CREATION, rather than
assume you could know more in that moment? My father and I
guarantee that the hemp seed foods we create are balanced and test
higher for utilization by the human body than any other hemp seed
food manufacturers.

Thanks for the kind gift of the hemp protein product.  I’ve begun using
it, and am grateful for your efforts to provide this to the public.  All the
very best to you and your work

John Robbins

We also work closely with farmers and the land to ensure soil
rejuvenation and sustainability practices are employed. We dedicate
ourselves to working on the leading edge in all of these areas and
with the most capable and caring people on Earth.

We use Heritage Seeds, Authentic (higher than organic), wild crafted,

non-GMO and organic foods for all of products. Chemical pesticides
and fertilized food are not used. Wild crafted and authentic grown
foods have 2x the life force or biophoton energy of organic; organic
has 5x the biophoton energy of commercial foods, cooked and
chemically treated foods have 0% biophoton energy.

Dr. Emoto has clearly shown through his work with electron
microscopes and frozen water how important our intent and
thoughts are and how they affect our existence. Our thoughts create
our bodies. Dr. Emoto shows pictures of how water frozen in time
with the thought of love and kindness reveal incredible sacred
geometric sculptures and harmony. Likewise, projecting thoughts
such as hate and judgment reveal non-structured and chaotic forms
of death. With this understanding we also use proprietary radionics
technologies to project thought forms that support the upward flow
of creation and the balance and uptake of nutrients for the human
body into all our products and lands that we grow food upon. This
creates synergy and the highest biophoton or life-force hemp seed
food products on the market today.
The Holmes Family believes helping maintain the highest quality of
life is more important than profits and will not sacrifice the quality or
integrity of the products and information for sales and lower prices.
Our team is honoured to serve its fellow man by Universal Principles
of “do unto others as they would do unto you” as examples into this
new millennium. I especially would like to thank my father Ken and
sister’s Angela and Samantha for the unending support and desire to
enact this vision and work together in common goal. I am honoured
and blessed to be on the journey with them.

Super Size Me Experiment

If you have not seen the movie “Super Size Me” about a man who
ate only at McDonald’s for 1 month and documented the traumatic
effects on his health after the experience... it is very important that
you do so. I was so inspired that I chose to document the effects of
cooked food on a VERY healthy body. The results were SHOCKING.
Here is the documented story.

I went to a highly recommended local naturopathic doctor that

does live blood cell analysis. He took my blood and replied: ‘this
is the healthiest blood I have ever seen... what are you doing here?
I explained to him that I wished to do a ‘before and after’ look at
what would happen to me after eating only cooked food for 4 days.
He laughed and looked at me like I was weird, and told me to come
back in 2 to 3 months. I said that I was curious and would see him
on Monday... this was Thursday morning. By the way, after some 15
minutes of talking he was surprised to see that my red blood cells on
the slide still looked perfectly healthy and the blood was still ALIVE.
So here is what I did:

Journal Tracking: Thought patterns, Feelings/Emotions, Physical


Day 1 morning

Live Blood Cell Analysis and Body Scan Pre-Experiment (from 90%
raw food diet) June 24/2004.

5’10” tall, 144 lbs, 41 years old, body fat 9.6%, bone density is ideal
oxygen saturation 100%, blood pressure 118 over 70, pulse 68
Good cell formation, few white blood cells, several symprotits
1 fungal form and no feletes at all. Dr. said excellent clear blood, with
an amazing capacity to hold life as it still wasn’t clumping after 15
minutes of being drawn.

Feeling vibrant and clear headed. Even though I have been fasting
for nearly 1 day, wasn’t even hungry. Had 2 bowel movements this
morning that had no smell at all.

Day 1 late afternoon first cooked meal

At first I felt excited about the idea of the food fair at the mall and all
the choices. Then as I lined up to order I had a foreboding of what
I would feel like after. I felt pretty good after a vegetable stir fry but
then I noticed french fries around the corner… they used to be my
favourite with ketchup... my major vegetable source! I walked up to
the till and saw the JUMBO size special with drink included. I was
already more than half full so I picked regular size fries and wildberry
lemonade. After the first half of the fries I noticed a coating in my
mouth that I hadn’t had for awhile, head was a little foggy, hard
to focus. I was bloating and as soon as I drank the lemonade the
indigestion started. I barely finished the fries and had to leave the
drink as my throat felt constricted and the desire to vomit increased.
It was already 4:30pm by the time I got home and even though I was
still hungry, I felt very tired and was very full. By 8:30pm I decided
to have a muffin and a bowl of cereal… big mistake. I stayed up for
3 more hours hoping the feeling in my stomach would eventually
subside but no way… it was coming out, so I vomited out my lunch
and dinner which looked pretty much the way it went in. I finally
fell asleep well after midnight and noticed my dreaming was intense,
chaotic and I tossed and turned waking up at least 6 or 8 times. At
4am I woke up and couldn’t fall asleep feeling very hung over when I
went to the office.

Day 2 morning and afternoon / evening

Couldn’t dream of trying that cereal again so I decided to have a

hemp protein shake with some pasteurized veggie juice (it was sort
of cheating as the juice was cooked). Noticing an achy feeling and
symptoms of dehydration with dry eyes. Just the thought of putting
something in my stomach makes me gag. Getting a little hungry by
2 o’clock so I went out for pizza. Very sleepy after that, couldn’t get
anything done at the office, went home. Went out for Indian Food
for dinner but was still full, but getting very hungry. Missing the
satisfied feeling from the hemp protein. Feeling VERY full now so we
rented some movies and lay on the couch. By 10 pm feeling snackish
and had some natural Ice cream, tasted great except for the mucous
forming and coating in my mouth. Very bloated, tried to stay up as
long as possible until my belly subsided.

Day 3 morning

Very restless sleep and noticed very fowl smelling gas wafting up
from the bed sheets all night and especially in the morning. I had
planned to go down the street and get a cup of coffee but I just
couldn’t bare the thought, so I had a glass of water and stretched for
awhile. My bowels finally decided they wanted to dump and the
stool was very loose, because of the acid environment created by the
sluggish putrefying material in my intestines. The amount was only a
portion of what I ate the day before and I still felt full. I had become
very used to the feeling of having my bowels totally empty every
morning. Then I had a bowl of cereal and it seems my body is starting
to get used to this and didn’t chuck it up like last time. Feeling hung
over and pasty.

Day 3 afternoon evening

Went out for lunch and had curry chicken and rice dish. First I had a
beer though… very interesting sensation. I noticed my hearing got
worse about half way through the beer and the glands in my neck
started swelling. Got a little foggy and GORGED myself when my
lunch showed up. The rest of the day was a VERY full and exhausted
feeling. Went to my fathers for dinner and had another stir fry. Same
results again. Neck stiffness and achiness getting stronger each hour
and very difficult to fall and stay asleep... restless.

Day 4 morning

The addictive tendency is rising with every meal, and I am feeling

worse and worse. Cravings getting deeper and deeper and the
great Feeling I had Thursday morning is a blur. Had a loose bowel
movement, again only a portion of what I had eaten the day before.
Foul smelling and my breath tasted exactly the same as my bowel
movement smelled... NASTY! Even my perspiration is starting to
smell now. My kidneys are sore and the tendons in my neck have
stiffened to the point where I am feeling headachy. Extremely
dehydrated, even my eyes are sore and puffy and dry… just like
a hang over. Feeling very exhausted went out with some friends
to see “Super Size Me” by Morgan Spurlock, where he ate only
McDonald’s food, 3x per day for 1 month. By the 21st day his doctors
that were monitoring him said he should stop now for fear of serious
implications. It was amazing. He added up what he ate and it totaled
more than 30 lbs of sugar and 12 lbs of fat in 30 days! His liver and
other organs were nearly shut down. I had another bowl of ice cream
when I got home. Even the thought of exercising is difficult to
muster. Lazy, unmotivated and miserable feeling is getting deeper,
and the only time I feel better is when I am eating (getting hooked
on my adrenaline rush from the trauma I am causing it with this
food), but as soon as I finish, I feel even worse than before. Again
difficult to sleep and very tired and stiff in the morning.

Live Blood Cell Analysis and Body Scan Post 4 days of cooked food

5’10” tall, 148 lbs, 41 years old, body fat 9.1%, bone density slightly
changed oxygen saturation 100%, blood pressure 110 over 73, pulse
65. Poor cell formation, blood clumping, many white blood cells,
several digesting foreign matter, many symprotits actively fighting,
and an abundance of fungal forms. The blood infested with feletes,
Dr. was very surprised that all I had done was eat cooked food for 3 ½
days as my blood was completely different. He actually asked me if I
had done heroin or something. He expressed that I must be feeling
very tired. Taking up almost all of my energy, I said “YES.”

Cleanup and Rejuvenative Process

Day 1 of Vision Quest

Had 1 very smelly bowel movement this morning and was still
bloated. Started drinking water and taking sea salt immediately
to hydrate. Had 3 Hemp Protein/Shapeshift shakes that day and a
salad for dinner. Drank at least 3 litres of water and took about 30
enzymes in total that day. Also took 6 probiotics at bedtime. Feeling
much clearer but very tired. Had a nap and looking forward to a good
nights sleep. Noticed some cravings in the evening while watching a
movie, but passed quickly. Had a couple of raw crackers.

Day 2 of Vision Quest

Feeling more hydrated, still a little lazy and foggy but much better.
Still stiff and Kidneys are still sore. 3 shakes and 2 litres of water that
day and a salad for dinner. Bowels are still smelly but breath is getting
better, and the film in my mouth is almost gone. Went for a walk.

Day 3 to 6 of Vision Quest

Were very much the same, 30 enzymes per day, 6 probiotics,

vegetable juice with ShapeShift twice per day, evening shake with
just water added, then a salad with nuts and raw Manna bread.
Drinking at least 2 litres of water per day. Feeling back on track pretty
much, a little tired.

Day 7 of Vision Quest

30 enzymes per day, 6 probiotics, vegetable juice with ShapeShift

twice that day, and was doing a product demo and I had a shake with
rice milk and fruit juice. Dinner was a salad. Drinking at least 2 litres
of water per day. Ready for my next blood analysis.

Day 1 of Fast

Blood Analysis was equally bad as the last. I was a little concerned
and obviously was still clearing from the cooked food. Had my
awareness of the concept of “Breakdown and Break Through.” The
body almost goes into complete death and moves all of its resources
into healing when it finally gets the extra energy it requires to
detoxify. Also took a complete physical test and had excellent results.
Began enzymes (50 first day) and probiotics 20. 3 litres of water.
Clear head. I spoke with Michael O’Brien and he explained that
unless I did a liver cleanse, the blood analysis would not clear up for
around 6 weeks! I expressed that I didn’t want to do that as I wanted
the average person to be able to follow this and get the same results.

Day 2-4 of Fast

100 enzymes per day, 30 probiotics per day, as much as 4 litres of

water per day. Feeling extremely energized mentally and clear
headed, but the body is a little stiff and achy. Neck and shoulder pain
is far less. Bowels have flushed right out and feeling very clean. Little
body odour at all. Sleeping only 4 or 5 hours, but having a short nap
late afternoon.
Day 5 of Fast

Final Blood analysis was looking much better and all in all showed
how fast the body will clean up and especially how fast it gets dirty
with cooked food.


The test was successful and in my opinion proof that raw food
including the Vision Quest Program works, and that others may find
the same results while following the same program at some level
depending upon their state of health when they begin. Eating only
cooked food quickly creates a degenerative state in the body and the
onset of addictions and disease symptoms.

Vision Quest Program

According to Dr. Pavlov and his ‘dog’s’ experiment, his research
found that it takes approximately 21 days to change a habit.
See for more details.

I challenge anyone to take the ‘Vision Quest’ for a minimum

of 7 days and ideally for at least 3 months. Satisfaction is
guaranteed. Please note your results and forward them to me
so they can be shared with others as examples of potential
experiences along their journey of health.

Large glass of pure spring alkaline water with lemon, lime and/or raw
unprocessed sea salt and 1 or 2 capsules probiotics. Hemp protein or
whole meal replacements shake with water, fresh organic juices, or
non-dairy beverages and 2 to 3 capsules enzymes.

Mid Morning
2 to 3 capsules enzymes on empty stomach with large glass of
alkaline water.
Hemp protein or body type meal replacements, shake with water,
fresh organic juices, or non-dairy beverages and 2 to 3 capsules

Afternoon Snack
Raw Bar, fruit or vegetables and 2 to 3 capsules enzymes with large
glass of alkaline water.

Whole meal replacements with water, fresh organic juices, or non-
dairy beverages and 2 to 3 capsules enzymes with large glass of
alkaline water before fresh salad of green vegetables, dressing with
Hemp Oil and/or topped with Hemp nut.

Large glass of alkaline water with 1 or 2 capsules probiotics, opened,
stirred and left sitting in water for 1 hour. This will increase the
bacteria count by 10 fold.

Note: Drink a minimum of 2 litres of water per day or half your body
weight in ounces. 20 minutes before eating is best. Minimum ½
teaspoon of raw sea salt per day. Never wait for the feeling of thirst to
occur before hydrating… by then it is too late and degeneration has

Note: Bloating, gas and mucus discharge is often due to the releasing
of toxins and microbial die off. When the body receives higher
quality/energy food, it begins to adapt or return to Homeostasis by
what is called a healing crisis. This can be uncomfortable for awhile,
depending on where you are beginning upon this path, but is very
good news and is a step in the process of healing that EVERYONE
goes through. See Detoxification.

Note: Take at least 1 day every once and a while to just ‘TURN OFF’
and fast with lots of water and become aware of your thoughts,
programs and addictions to food that repeat over and over again like a
broken record.

Issues to revue and journalize before, during and after embarking

upon the Vision Quest:

 Level of energy
 Level of endurance
 Sleep patterns
 Level of pain
 Level of cravings
 Level of digestion; gas, bloating
 Level of emotions; sadness, anger, anxiety, fear, happiness, joy, all
 Clarity of mind
 Before and after live blood cell analysis
 Level of organ function
 Overall feeling and state of mind, before and after

Pro-Terrain- PH Balancing and Longevity Diet
(Follow the food groups and length of time in each for maximum benefits)
#1 (3 months) #2 (3 months) #3 (ongoing) #4 Minimal Use #5 Foods to avoid
nuts and seeds All of Phase 1 plus: All of Phase 1 & 2 Cooked foods & Processed foods
legumes coconut water plus: high glycemic fruits: animal products:
coconut pulp carrots yams apricots Flesh/Dairy/Eggs
green vegetables hard squash sweet potatoes figs all grains (except
red potatoes grapefruit pumpkin grapes listed)
summer squash raspberries parsnips raisins corn
zucchini blueberries beets melons white potatoes
sea vegetables strawberries rutabaga mangos white rice
tomatoes avocados cherries oranges bananas honey, sugar
cucumber cranberries apples papaya maple syrup
red bell pepper goji berries pears pineapple alcohol
flax oil wild rice peaches kiwi caffeine
hemp oil, & nut quinoa plums sapote tobacco
olive oil buckwheat, millet pomegranates cherimoya heated oil (except
sesame oil amaranth blackberries rambutian coconut)
almond oil spelt grapefruit and durian soy products
sunflower oil raw apple cider orange juice dates yeast
coconut oil vinegar raw carob dried fruits mushrooms
lemons limes miso bee pollen fruit juices not peanuts
super greens sauerkraut diluted cashews
algae kefir seed cheese bottled juices
stevia kim chee cooked food more
than 24 hrs old
Ideal Diet: 80% whole raw organic alkaline foods to 20% cooked or acidic foods.
Ayurvedic Dosha Body Types
(we are dominantly one, but a little of all)
Vata (goat/air/ether) Kapha(elephant/water/earth) Pitta (tiger/fire/metabolism)
Generally thin, flat-chested Gain weight easy, heavy bones, sleep Medium frame, strong, well
with protruding vein/muscles long, slow digestion, regular bowel balanced muscular warm bodies,
and difficulty gaining weight. and menstrual cycle, oily skin and hot blooded with strong fast
Tremendous amounts of energy excess of bodily fluids/mucus. Tend digestive systems least affected by
and movement in mind, intestines, to have difficulty with respiratory, food combining. Irritable when
muscles and nerve impulses. Tend colds and flu. Least thirsty. hungry, regular bowel and typically
to have difficulty with aches and Light, warm dry foods are best. heavier menstrual cycle. Vigorous
pains, large intestines and nervous Astringent greens and fruit, garlic, exercise and a bland raw diet is best.
system. Dry cracked skin. Irregular ginger and pungent herbs. Oily, Sensitive to environmental toxins.
bowel and menstrual cycles. Cold sweet and salty imbalance. Raw Sweet, bitter, astringent, cool, heavy
salads aggravate. Add heavy oilier food and 2 meals per day is best. foods are best.
foods: avocadoes, and soaked nuts/ Sweet, sour and root vegetables can Spicy, oily, sour, salty foods
seeds better. Soups and heating be neutral. Starting with salads or imbalance. High protein foods
herbs like ginger and cayenne give ginger and warm water to activate should be limited. Balancing herbs
their raw food needed warmth, digestion is very good. Raw diet are coriander, cinnamon, fennel,
and warm only to 110F not killing helps with sluggish bowel. cumin, turmeric, cardamom. Fruits
enzymes. Sea vegetables, cinnamon, and vegetables 3 times per day is
fennel, cumin, cardamom, coriander, best.
parsley. Eat slowly.

Simple Facts About Life & Alkaline pH
The internal pH of the body is directly influenced by the foods that
we consume which most importantly includes water. As our physical
body is made of about 75% water, 90% when we are born, the quality
and pH of the water that we consume is of utmost importance. When
ingesting an A-LIVE water, meaning water with a high vibratory
level of Life-Force and General Vitality, this water transfers its
properties to the water-volume of the body thus interacting at the
atomic and sub-atomic levels of the cellular structure. A higher
vibration always influences a lower vibration. More and more
the scientific community is becoming aware of the vibratory and
memory potential that water carries acting just like a crystal or
micro-chip. Where there is water … there is life. City treated water
which is pressurized into pipes yields an unstructured or dead
water. Distilled water, de-ionized water, reverse osmosis water,
and UV treated water are free of contaminates. These are valuable
and in many cases necessary treatments, however, these processes
cause the water to become acidic and Life-Less as they are depleted
of minerals. Water is the next most important element for life to
air, third is food. In this era of processed and “Fast Foods”, original
Life-Force is depleted and the foods are now highly acid-forming or
oxidative (state of decay) within the body, leaving the body subject to
all forms of dis-ease. Accordingly, viruses, bacteria and fungus thrive
within an acid body condition.   

The white of the egg of a free range chicken is a pH of 9. The yoke

of the egg has a pH of 6.5. The white of the egg acts as a protective
cloak shielding the yolk from bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Like the
egg white, when the fluids of the human body are maintained at an
Alkaline Level, it protects the body from bacterial, viruses and fungi.

Monitoring Your Body pH

The objective of using the structured water, the pro terrain meals, the
ionic mineral and digestive aids and is to bring the pH of the physical
body fluids to a balanced alkaline level for optimum functioning. The
scale that is used for measuring the pH, or the Potential of Hydrogen
concentration … is from 0 to 14, with 7 being the neutral point. Thus,
an Alkaline Body pH means that the pH of the saliva and urine is an
ideal pH between 7 and 7.3. Our blood has pH balance of 7.365, and if
we go off that by 2/10 of a point... we die. When the body pH begins
to drop below 6.8, disease symptoms begin, by 5.8pH cancer cells
begin and by 3.5 pH we are dead as our body struggles to steal all the
alkaline minerals from our tissues in order to balance this traumatic
state. So just consider for a moment the effects on our body of
drinking a can of soda pop at around 2.5 pH, a glass of fruit juice from
concentrate at around 3.5 pH, or a cup of coffee at around 4.5 pH... it
is that simple.

I suggest that you monitor your Body pH Level on at least a weekly

basis. Monitor daily if you so desire. It is a good practice to be aware
of the Alkaline/Acid condition of your body. The best time to test the
urine is first thing in the morning. The best way to monitor the Body
pH Level is by using a Digital pH Meter which will give you an exact
reading. The other option is to use Hydrion pH Testing Strips which
are available through most drug stores or health food stores. These
are color coded into a general pH range … and you should look for
test strips that will register half-point increments (6, 6.5, 7, 7.5 etc.).  

If the test reads above 7.5 consume acid forming foods or beverages
until it stabilizes between 7 and 7.5. Do Not Exceed this range for
excessive alkalinity can also cause some health related challenges
such as: cramps, drowsiness, itching, sore muscles, creaking joints,
weak bladder.

“If I am doing something that is supposed to be so good for me… then
why do I feel so bad?”

Symptoms of detoxification can create a lot of discomfort and fear

if we do not understand them. Headache, stomach ache, pimples,
rashes, cough, fatigue, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, clogged
sinus, fever, water retention and nausea are symptoms we usually
interpret as related to an illness.

Have you ever experienced being stiff and sore after exercising and
not having done it for awhile? Have you ever read information that
seemed complex and you didn’t understand it and suddenly felt very
tired? Have you ever felt moody, angry or depressed and read your
horoscope to find it confirmed what you were experiencing or the
moon was full that day or the weather had just changed?

The life experience is one of Rhythmic Balanced Interchange, cycles

just like seasons that come and go and come and go. Next to Infinite
Universal Intelligence, change is the only constant…, and yet we
seemed surprised when these cycles occur. Whenever we experience
change we will experience emotional and physical ups and downs...
especially when we change our diet. What we put in our mouths is a
major driving force in our human experience. It is the prime reason
why you get up in the morning, work and interact with others. The
interesting thing is we typically take far more consideration for our
home and automobile than we do for our body. We would never
think of putting non fuel in our gas tank, yet we continually are in
contact with and eating things that are in fact NOT food, NOT life
sustaining, NOT fuel for this human body; vehicle of our soul.

We now live in a world with the highest rate of disease and obesity in
the history of this planet. We are constantly bombarded with toxins
that are ever accumulating in our bodies... especially heavy metals.
Unfortunately, we typically do not change unless something painful
or scary has occurred in our life to give us a wake up call. Have you
ever met someone who can eat, drink, smoke whatever they want and
they never get sick? These people have a couple of things going on;
first a strong constitution or gene pool from which to pull resources,
they have other positive sources of love energy in their life, or their
body has not got enough energy to detoxify and it suddenly just
falls over dead one day. Cancer is the body’s reaction to an extreme
situation and is actually in self preservation. If a cancerous tumour
starts in the body, it is because the cancer cells are now clumping
and storing toxins in one area until the body has enough energy to
clean them out. If you know of someone with a tumour... ask to have
it analyzed. First thing, doctors are not allowed to do this because
second, what they find out is the tumours are full of the toxins the
body has collected to try and survive. Cancer eats the dying cells...
not the strong cells that are alive. It is the bodies clean up process.

The body will not detoxify unless it has extra energy to do so.
This usually occurs during times of rest, eating good food, specific
supplements or cleansing herbs or the body is in extreme survival
mode. The symptoms of detoxification are very similar to illness.
We will heal from the inside out, head to toe and in reverse order
of everything that happened in your life. All the traumas of our life
that are locked up in our cellular memory will be re-experienced as
they pass back out of the body as we cleanse away… layer by layer,
sometimes for years depending on how much damage we have done
to our vehicle. The only real way to tell the difference is that these
symptoms will be followed by higher states of joy and happiness than
previously experienced. At first it may seem like we are on a roller
coaster and very extreme as we become more and more sensitive to
what we eat and come in contact with. This too shall pass as we get
stronger and learn how to deal with our new heightened senses and
intuition. It is said that it takes 1 year of good habits to make up for 7
years of bad. The most important factor to learn when dealing with
the detoxification process is… accept it and rest. It is a natural and
common part of the life experience. We have been taught to stay
numb… don’t be afraid to feel, one day we will be very grateful for it.

We will also experience emotional depression just like a drug user
going through detoxification as the body is affected the same way by
cooked foods... addiction to our body’s response of fight or flight and
producing adrenaline. This high is an artificial expanded state... the
best we can get to in that moment and we keep trying to get it back.
However a truly heightened state of awareness is not dependent on
external stimuli. Our mind, body and spirit go through a breakdown
and breakthrough process. It is like we have to die to our old ways
and in reality this is exactly what is happening, the old patterns and
habits the ego has been relying on for survival start to fall away and
we experience fear that is similar to death. The only difference is, we
regain another level of our health, and integrate another aspect or our
magnificent and infinite selves as we “Let Go and Let God.”

You will find the body naturally turning away from caffeine, drugs,
alcohol, animal and processed/cooked food products. As we begin
to drink more water, eat fresh organic raw foods especially with
easily digestible protein, balanced good fats, an abundance of
phytonutrients and antioxidants to help rebuild dieing cells and
structure, we are left with more energy and optimism.

As the body returns to homeostasis one will experience

detoxification. This is normal and will subside over time. Most
importantly one will begin to notice that what we thought was a
healthy feeling was really a numbness and a rating of 1 out of 10
and there is much room for improvement. It is then that we realize
why we eat. To return the body to perfect balance so that we are
able to interpret guidance from Spirit at the highest level possible
and return to Source and know our maker… our highest and
ultimate desire. As the body releases toxins and starts to perform at
higher levels we notice new genetic coding turning on and we start
becoming more aware of a more enjoyable life of infinite potentials.

We start to see that the body truly is only a vehicle and has certain
personality traits and options just like different automobiles. We
begin to relax more and observe ourselves and one another as if we

were playing roles in a huge movie. There is a great saying: What if
everyone around you was only acting out a certain part in order for
you to become aware and learn life’s lessons?

May your life be filled with infinite well being, abundant joy and
abounding laughter.

Recommended Reading and Resources
“Conscious Health “ by Ron Garner, BEd, MSc.
“Rainbow Green - Live Food Cuisine” by Gabriel Cousens, MD
“Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill” by Udo Erasmus
“Water for Health, for Healing, for Life!” by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj
“The Field” by Lynne McTaggart
“Biology of Belief ” by Bruce Lipton

CP 1000 Map of Consciousness
1000 Unity 13-100%
900 Ascension 11-12%
800 Illumination 10%
700 Enlightenment 9%
600 Equanimity 8%
500 Reverence 7%
400 Intelligence 6-7%
300 Optimism 5-7%
DNA Activation Level

Level of Consciousness

200 4-6%
100 Fear 0-4%
The 9 Chakras and Their Colors
25 75

1 Degenerative Inflamatory 100

-50 +50

-100 Degenerative Regenerative +100


Charles lives with his wife in Vancouver BC. Charles has an extensive
background and deep understanding of the healing arts and nutrition
that bridges all modalities. He spends his time as educator and board
member of Living Harvest Conscious Nutrition, North America’s
premier hemp seed food company. He is president of Conscious
Planet, a complete rejuvenative product line, marketing opportunity
and educational program for mastery of the life experience and
raising consciousness. Inspired by Gabriel Cousens and the Tree
of Life Rejuvenation Center, Charles is now in the planning stages
of an intentional community and retreat center in southern BC.
Charles makes himself available for lectures that can be adapted
to an organizations specific needs such as raw food and spiritual
communities, athletes and teams, corporations and even detox
centers. Charles donates his time freely in this respect and requires
that his expenses be covered and each person participating in the
lecture purchase a copy of this book.

Retail price $15.


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