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Lr. Apel No. 40 Komp. Para Indah, Cot Seumeureung, Aceh Barat I. IDENTITY Hall's name Beudoh Beusar (B3) Focus Studies Women's Empowerment and Education Assistance Working area of West Aceh district Lr address. No apples. 40 Comp. The Beautiful, Cot Seumeureung, West Aceh II. BACKGROUND Women today, nationally, has been branded as a marginalized group, both the role and position in society. Very rare for women to be leaders or drive an activity that involves many members of the community. Women are always to be the most responsible for any societal problem for allegedly influencing any wrong decisions taken by leaders of men. However, the above phenomenon is not absolutely true in the community in the District Samatiga, especially in complex The Beautiful, the Village (Village) Cot Seumeureung. Lives of people in this area has been going on for a long time dynamically to the level of involvement / activity between women and men versus balanced. This fact has continued until now and a member of the community of men do not seem're trying to limit the movement of women who have ideas and creativity to flourish. With such conditions, the existence of women in Complex The Beautiful, the Village (Village) Cot Seumeureung, and generally in the District Samatiga need attention and support from all parties in order to compete and develop themselves to become better over time. One attempt that can be taken is to provide facilities and infrastructure as a place for women to gather and creativity. In connection with the facilities and infrastructure to gather and creativity, the Central Institute Beudoh Beusare (B3) is founded on the principle of mutuality and creativity to accommodate and develop ideas and skills of women to then packaged in an attractive form. Institutions also facilitate any effort to obtain reinforcement member capacity, both social education, science, life skills and skills. In the end, these institutions can be a center for women in the gathering, deliberation, and skilled. That is, (1) the institution serves as a means of gathering for women to exchange information and issues to jointly found a solution, (2) the institution is where deliberation of the members to decide a case encountered by members, and (3) organization also facilitates every creativity of the members, if the ability of either activity or capacity building activities. III. VISION AND MISSION Creating a vision of women who are educated and skilled to be able to balance the demands of life that increasingly requires women to be active without leaving the duty / nature. Mission 1) improve the quality of formal and informal education of women as part of an effort to create a reliable source of female power, 2) informal education for women who have no chance of formal education, 3) provide assistance to women in developing skills that are owned, 4) provide services to the complaints, criticisms, and suggestions from women,


Lr. Apel No. 40 Komp. Para Indah, Cot Seumeureung, Aceh Barat 5) carry out training programs for education and skills in order to always update their knowledge and skills of women, 6) a partner of each activity organizers of women's empowerment, and 7) each agency's mission carried out with the aim of maximizing local resources and focus its efforts on preserving the natural surroundings. IV. PROGRAM, GOALS, AND METHOD OF PROGRAM 1) Institutions Program a) Joint Center Program This program serves to provide a gathering place for women and gampong Cot Seumeureung complex and its surroundings. Form of activity - Forum antarperempuan sharing and consultation, - Forum discussion antarperempuan, - Forum antarperempuan planning, and - Library of women. Target Program This program is reserved for women in the Village and surrounding Seumeureung Cot and women throughout the West Aceh district who require assistance and a place to gather and creativity. Method of Implementation Program The program is implemented in a way; - Discussion - Consultation - Deliberation b) Skilled Center Program The program is intended for training and strengthening women's skills. Each member is allowed to provide skills training to members or any member who wants to be skilled in a skills training that was conducted by the agency through this program by inviting competent facilitators or tutors. Form of activity - Training skills / life skills. - Guidance and counseling. Target Program - Participants of this program are women who do not have a steady job or are unemployed. - Participants of this program are women who have the interest and motivation to acquire skills in preparation to get a job or starting a business that aims to improve the welfare level. - Participants of this program are women in Cot Seumeureung Village and surrounding areas in the District Samatiga and women in West Aceh regency others who share your interests and motivation and the same purpose as institution Beusar Beudoh Hall (B3). Method of Implementation Program - Road Show


Lr. Apel No. 40 Komp. Para Indah, Cot Seumeureung, Aceh Barat Expedition (comparative study) Presentation Training


No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Nama Camat Samatiga Geuchik Cot Seumeureung Ketua PKK Cot Seumeureung Nasriati, A.Md. Romi Setiawan, S.Pd., M.Pd. Khori Suci Maifianti Effi Darsih Cicit Rika Feriati Roziatul Cut Lita Oktavira Mita Lasmi

Jabatan Pembina/ Erector Pembina/ Erector

Penasehat/Adviser Penasehat/Adviser Penasehat/Adviser Ketua/ Chairman Sekretaris/ Secretary Bendahara/ chamberlain

Kabid Tata Administrasi Kabid Pengembangan Organisasi Kabid Pengembangan Masyarakat

VI. LEGALITY AND PARTNERS WORKING Legality of the Institute 1) Deed No. 01-02-2011 In Deed Tueswandi Officer Second Putra, SH 2) Certificate of Registered (SKT) from West Aceh Kesbangpol No. 198/02/2011

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