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European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality

Vigo, 1 December, 2011 REFERENCE OF THE PAPER: 680-silveira TITLE and AUTHORS: The Strategic Importance of the Electric Transmission in a System Based on Primary Renewable Source T. Silveira(1), D. A. Andrade(2), A. Wohlgemuth(2), A. F. V. Silveira(2,3)


I would like to thank to the authors for proposing a paper for the International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ12). The number of papers that can be presented in the Conference is limited. For this reason, the International Program Committee found it necessary to decline some of the papers. This was a difficult task in view of the quality of the submitted proposals. Each digest/provisional full paper was evaluated by two referees, peer review, and the papers submitted were selected on the following bases: originality, interest, quality, elaboration, references and objectives/conclusions. Take into account these bases the members of the International Program Committee have expressed a global conclusion about each paper like: excellent, good, average, poor, bad or very bad, and sometimes they send us remarks for the authors. Then I am very delighted to inform you that the ICREPQ International Program Committee has reviewed your paper and it HAS BEEN ACCEPTED for the presentation at ICREPQ12. Congratulations on your fine contribution and its my pleasure to invite you to attend at th ICREPQ12 that will be held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), from 28th to 30 of March, 2012, for to present your paper.

Best regards.

Manuel Prez-Donsin Chairman of the Steering Committee

Fiscal Address: C/ Ramn Aller, 83 ; Entreplanta C, 36500 Laln, Pontevedra (Spain) RNA N. 169208 C.I.F.: G36415636

European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality

Vigo, 1 December, 2011


REFERENCE OF THE PAPER: 680-silveira TITLE and AUTHORS: The Strategic Importance of the Electric Transmission in a System Based on Primary Renewable Source T. Silveira(1), D. A. Andrade(2), A. Wohlgemuth(2), A. F. V. Silveira(2,3)


Reviewer 1. -It is essential to discuss the procedure of the optimal hydro energy exchange between the different subsystems. -Could the author technically describe the interconnected network of figure (7). Reviewer 2. References have to be numbered in the same order in which they are cited
You must send us, using the electronic address:, the full paper following the ICREPQ-Template, in .doc (word) or .pdf format. It is not necessary an th additional abstract. All full paper and authors registration must be received before January 20 , 2012. Best regards.

Manuel Prez-Donsin Chairman of the Steering Committee

Fiscal Address: C/ Ramn Aller, 83 ; Entreplanta C, 36500 Laln, Pontevedra (Spain) RNA N. 169208 C.I.F.: G36415636

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