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Identifying Sentence Types

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Place the correct punctuation in the boxes to end each sentence. Identify each sentence as either declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. How beautiful your rose garden is We record all of our purchases in this accounting system

I am sick and tired of these annoying television commercials


How many minutes do we have left


Pay for your food at the cashier in the front The truck was driving dangerously fast on the dirt road Was that the alarm that I heard just now The price of copper has risen over twenty per cent this month alone


I am so shocked that Ryan failed the math exam Michael is one of the best soccer players on the team You can find more paper towels in the cabinet under the sink







We guarantee that you will love this car Who was calling on the phone


Which doctor did you go to for your back pain Aaron is drawing a picture of a cat



(17) (9)

Get up out of that bed immediately

Pick up some more bread when you pass by the supermarket

Copyright 2012

(1) (2)

Identifying Sentence Types


Place the correct punctuation in the boxes to end each sentence. Identify each sentence as either declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. How beautiful your rose garden is ! exclamatory We record all of our purchases in this accounting system . declarative Pay for your food at the cashier in the front . imperative The truck was driving dangerously fast on the dirt road . declarative Was that the alarm that I heard just now ? interrogative The price of copper has risen over twenty per cent this month alone . declarative Which doctor did you go to for your back pain ? interrogative Aaron is drawing a picture of a cat . declarative
(17) (9)

I am sick and tired of these annoying television commercials ! exclamatory How many minutes do we have left ? interrogative




I am so shocked that Ryan failed the math exam ! exclamatory Michael is one of the best soccer players on the team . declarative You can find more paper towels in the cabinet under the sink . declarative We guarantee that you will love this car . declarative Who was calling on the phone ? interrogative Pick up some more bread when you pass by the supermarket . imperative










Get up out of that bed immediately . imperative

Copyright 2012

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