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Practicum: Counseling Personal Reflections & Peer Supervisor Feedback

10/05/11 My reflection: Tonight was my first time to see clients and I was nervous! I didn't feel as anxious as some of my peers, I think, but I was still shaking through most of the two sessions. I think I had good rapport with both clients I saw, and I hope they come back next week. Heather [my supervisor] had a lot of feedback to give, and I can already tell that I am going to learn a lot from her. Most of all, I just need to stop asking "why" questions so often and have more open body language! 10/12/11 Heather's feedback: Nice reframing client's belief... More open body language this week! Great job digging deeper and letting her talk. Good job maintaining calm when discussing suicidal ideation. Be careful around advice giving. Help client find answers for self. Less directive... try asking more questions. Great job with affirmations! Helping him/her identify feelings is valuable! Very engaged the whole session.

10/25/11 My reflection: Last week, one of my clients called to say that he would not be coming and wanted a new counselor. I was hurt, but I responded that I understood and could refer him/her to another counselor. Then, the client turned around and said s/he was just joking, and s/he really did want to work with me. So this week, when s/he came in, I talked with him/her directly about it. It went really well I think, and actually got him/her to open up more than in previous weeks! I feel good about this. With my other client, I am less sure about progress. S/he is always eager and talks a lot, but I am not certain where we are headed. Heather suggested that we try to clarify goals, but it didn't happen again tonight. Something to keep working on...

11/16/11 Heather's feedback (including new family as clients): What were your thoughts on having the girl play in the sand from the beginning of the session? Susan [the supervising professor] said it was a good call with the child's activity level. Good job getting on the child's level! Good job getting background info.

What themes do you see in the child's sand play? (quick sand, drowning, rescue, burying) Open, engaged body language

11/23/11 Substitute peer supervisor, Glenn's feedback: Great job making sure that his/her hurt toward partner was not physical Great job summarizing, rephrasing Good to go back to the balance of emotions, re-directing You go it- s/he wants to work on his anger & frustration Use IFS (manager. firefighter, exile, authentic self)! Don't promise that we can get rid of it- we can only help with skills.

12/07/11 My reflection: Tonight, only one client showed up due to the weather. I was so glad that s/he did! We did an art activity and s/he seemed to get really into it. Later, Heather said that the activity seemed to bring him/ her to some new awareness. She also suggested I try some motivational interviewing techniques next term. Overall, it was a good session- we were just on the same page. I feel like this is what they are talking about when they say building a therapeutic alliance. And I'm glad we had the chance to talk about the break and how s/he will handle everything until s/he is back in town.

1/04/12 Tammy's feedback: Oh! You validated his/ her sadness well. You are very present in the room. "Talk to her like she's here." This is a great idea experientially. It might have been more helpful to get him to participate if you took a more direct approach. You seemed hesitant. S/he seems very open with you. You track details well. Might want to check in to make sure what you think is accurate. How did you feel when s/he talked about seeing you at the show? You seemed uncomfortable.

1/11/12 Tammy's feedback: Art activity for all family members- good to focus on parent's art, too. I feel you did a great job explaining what play therapy is and how it works. You spoke in a professional and calming manner. You seem to have developed great rapport with the child!

While looking at the picture, it was non-evaluative. Good! Excellent summary! You left the door open for client to disclose in the future. You seem very relaxed in session- good posture, leaning in, eye contact Sounds like IMAGO could be really good with this client... I like that you gave the client something to think about over the next week.

1/18/12 My reflection: I thought it went well with both sessions tonight (one client didn't show up because of transportation issues). With the first client, I was feeling anxious at first, but the session went so well that I gained confidence again! Tammy seemed to think that it went well, too- she said I was using good language, validating and reflecting back to the client, and even challenged him/her well! The second session was my favorite one with the child, because we had the entire time for non-directive play therapy! The client was very open, trusting, and responsive, and I felt good about my use of non-judgmental language. At some point, the child even said, "I like paying with you!" But my favorite part was that s/he checked in with me about strangers, and I had the chance to respond about her concerns. What a good night of counseling.

2/01/12 Tammy's feedback: S/he really wants to share his/her life with you! Interesting that she wants your opinion. Good job redirecting to what s/he thinks... When a client cries, avoid saying "it's okay" Try inviting them to stay with feeling Good to have clients focus on their body, where they feel emotions You're holding the silence well. Client tearing up when you validated him/her- wow. You have such a strong relationship with her. You do a good job of using observational language- not evaluative. You are empowering your client! Could you do a directive sand tray with the family?

2/22/11 My reflection: Another very productive night of counseling! We played a therapeutic game with the family clients, which went well. Everyone really loosened up, laughed, and shared more than usual. In fact, Tammy said the parent's demeanor changed dramatically. I learned a lot about how the family interacts with each other, too, which will help with future sessions. In the other session, we tried a mindfulness technique where the client notices clouds drifting by as an analogy, then did an IMAGO guided imagery technique of walking through a house and greeting people in your life. It went so well! The client was clearly deeply moved and came to several realizations. It makes me want to try it myself, as a client. This is a technique I'd like to use in the future with secondary students, especially.

3/08/11 Tammy's feedback: Client is letting you choose [non-directive play]- she's being very accommodating Common themes: hiding, burying, searching You talked with client about this being second to last session together Good that you give time warning (ie-5 more minutes left) Your language is a little evaluative tonight, more than usual You seem to be having fun with her tonight, sharing a positive energy Sad that you just found out today is your last day together Mindfulness- Your tone is very gentle and you allow for silence Client seems very involved, very focused Your questions & statements are so powerful tonight! This exercise [guided imagery] seems very cathartic for your client Nice validation of her progress Your client said some kind things at the end. You made an impact on her!

3/15/11 My reflection: It was my final night with my last clients: the family. I can't believe my clinical counseling time is over! I started with a long talk with the parent, and feel good about how well it went; it seems that we've built a relationship over time. Then I had a long session of sand play with the child. Tammy said she thought there was a symbolic goodbye to our play- I could feel that. We has a family talk at the end, and I think I was very open and honest about where I hoped the next few months would take them (if they continued to visit the clinic with a new counselor). It feels good to see that there was progress made in all of my clients, and to know that I have grown, as well, as a counselor.

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